Authorizing Premarital Counseling
Mandating Premarital Counseling
In this nation, the American government has long placed an extremely high quality on the establishment of marriage in acknowledgment of its unique involvement as a distinct power also its constitutional role in forming the basis of family and community. Marital firmness is necessary to a healthy, moral, and permanent marriage, and as a consequence, the state has a vigorous and inescapable influence in endorsing the purity and integration of matrimonial. In spite of this respect toward marriage, divorce in the United States has become a regular occurrence. Even though there are illustrations where divorce heralds cordially, oftentimes divorce outcomes in disruptive and disastrous consequences directly touching the children, family, and the public at large. Some of the psychological and sociological displays of separation that may arise from parental battles are increased emotional and social issues found in children, a reduced level of academic performance in…...
mlaWorks Cited
Acs, G. a. (2003, June). "TANF and the Status of Teen Mothers under Age 18.." The Urban Institute. Research of Record.
Dombeck, M.P. (2006, June 16). "Attending Pre-marital Counseling Classes Really Does Pay off. Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety, Wellness, Family & Relationship Issues, Sexual Disorders & ADHD Medications. Retrieved November 2011, from
Fagan, P.F. (2000, June 5). "The Effects of Divorce on America." Conservative Policy Research and Analysis. Retrieved November 17, 2011, from The Heritage Foundation:
Fergusson, D.M. (2006). Child Sexual Abuse. Journal of Psychology, 21-34.
Chistian counseling has become an impotant teatment modality fo a gowing numbe of health cae pactitiones and patients acoss the county in ecent yeas. Intoduced duing the ealy 1980s, Chistian counseling advocates integating eligious pactices and beliefs founded on eligious taditions with psychotheapeutic techniques to povide an optimal appoach to helping people cope with a wide ange of pesonal poblems and family issues. The pupose of this study is to povide a citical and systematic eview of the elevant liteatue in geneal and Gay R. Collins's book, Chistian Counseling: A Compehensive Guide (2007) in paticula, concening the oigins and tends in Chistian counseling and how this appoach can be used to povide the timely and essential inteventions that can help people bette cope with pesonal and family poblems. A summay of the eseach and impotant findings concening these issues ae pesented in the study's conclusion.
Table of Contents
1.0 Chapte 1: Intoduction
mlareferences regarding prayer as a counseling intervention. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 35(4), 328-340.
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ethics codes of the three following counseling associations share certain ethical responsibilities in common, while containing certain responsibilities unique to their organization. The three associations' ethics codes that will be studied about here are the American Counseling Association (ACA) 2005 Draft Code of Ethics, the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) Code of Ethics-Y2004 Final Code, and the American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) Code of Ethics.
The first level of comparison between the three ethics codes begins with finding the similarities and differences they display in their duties to clients. There exist several similarities in this regard between them. In terms of obtaining informed consent, the ACA codes of ethics states (A2. a) that clients can choose to either continue or terminate treatment at any time. This would be after the counselor discharges his/her duty in informing the client exactly how the counseling would occur, what the counselor's credentials…...
AACC code of ethics-Y2004 final code (n.d.) Retrieved February 6, 2005 from WWW:
American association of pastoral counselors code of ethics (n.d.) Retrieved February 6, 2005 from WWW:
2005 ACA code of ethics draft (n.d) Retrieved February 6, 2005 from WWW:
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Duvall, E.M. (1971). Family development, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co.
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Fournier, D.G., Springer, J. & Olson, DH (2010). Conflict and commitment in seven stages of premarital and marital relations. Unpublished manuscript, Dept. Of Family Social Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
Fowers, .J., Montel, K.H., & Olson, DH (1996). Predictive validity of types of premarital coupes based on PREPARE. Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy, 22, 1, 103-119.
Fowers, .J. & Olson, DH (1992). Four types of premarital couples: An empirical typology based on PREPARE.…...
Allen, W. (1997). Replication of five types of married couples based on ENRICH. Unpublished dissertation. University of Minnesota. St. Paul, Minnesota.
Browning, DS (2003) Marriage and Modernization: How Globalization Threatens Marriage and What to do About it. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2003
Duvall, E.M. (1971). Family development, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Co.
Fournier, D.G., & Olson, DH (1986). Programs for premarital and newlywed couples. In R.F.Levant (Ed.), Psychoeducational approaches to family therapy and counseling (pp. 194-231).New York: Springer.
Predicting Marital Success or Failure
Climbing divorce rates and the redefining of traditional relationships in the latter half of the twentieth century have put a spotlight on the ideal of marriage. Adjusting gender roles, greater disposable income, globalization, and the acceleration of technology and social change have contributed to the way individuals engage in relationships, and consequently marriage. The increase in divorce rates has provoked researchers and marriage counselors to investigate and consider factors predicting marital success or failure. As the context and roles within relationships continue to evolve, the determination of contributing factors to the success or failure of marriage will continue to become more complex.
In the present, one key predictive factor for a successful marriage is based on premarital relationship quality. One study, conducted by Fowers and Olson, observed 393 couples over a 3-year period and found vitalized couples had the highest level of satisfaction and success (Fowers…...
Bramlett, M, & Mosher, W. National Survey of Family Growth, Division of Vital Statistics.
(1995). Cohabitation, marriage, divorce, and remarriage in the United States Retrieved from
Charny, I. (2006). Staying together or separating and divorcing: helping couples process their choices. In C. Everett (Ed.), When marriages fail: systemic family therapy intervention and issues: (pp. 21-36). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, Inc.
Ferguson, A. (2004). Theoretical frameworks for relationship transitions and the predictors of successful transitions. Proceedings of the Australian Psychological Society's Psychology of Relationships Interest Group 4th Annual Conference,
Couples might do everything that they are required to do and follow all the rules. They will never work if one's personal standpoint with regards to marriage is defective. They need to work on solving their marital issue because they believe in and want to cherish its value. It will never produce the same effect if a couple is seeking out ways to make it seem valuable. A majority of therapists who work on the problems of others might have been divorced themselves and are in the business just for the money. They are just professionals who are certified as a therapist based on their education. They are far from being perfect and can even induce couples to actually go through with divorce when they find themselves hopelessly ineffective in a particular situation. A lot of couples still go for marital therapy even though they are aware of such…...
Ambert, A.M (2009). Divorce: Facts, Causes & Consequences Contemporary Family Trends, 17 -- 25.
Gardner, J. & Oswald, A.J.(2005) Do Divorcing Couples become happier by breaking up ? Journal of the Royal Statistical Soceity
Waters, T.(2003) Premarital Counseling in the Church. Retrieved from
Erlangsen, A. & Andersson, G.(2001) The impact of children on divorce risks in the first and later marriages.
Rising Divorce Rates
The Need for and Purpose of the Project
The Sub-problems
Couples Therapy
Prevention Therapy
Impact of Divorce on Children
Chapter 5-Conclusions, Summary and Recommendations,
The Need for and the Purpose of the Project
Divorce has become popular throughout the many years it has existed and divorce rates continue to increase. More than a million people a year get a divorce (Tucker-Ladd 35). Young couples are more commonly known to get a divorce, than those who have been married for two or three years (35). Forty percent of men and fifty percent of women are divorced before that age of thirty (35). About fifteen to twenty percent of people ages 35 to 55 are now currently divorced (35). About twenty percent of marriages last less than fifteen years (35). Recent statistics say that sixty-five to seventy percent of new marriages will fail (35).
There is one thing in this world which you must never forget to do.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Berry, Dawn Bradley. "The divorce recovery sourcebook." Los Angeles: Lowell
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Bienenfeld, Florence Ph. D, M.F.C.C. "Do It Yourslef Conflict Resolution for Couples." Franklin Lakes, NJ: The Career Press, 2000.
Cavin, Shelly Smith. "Personality Types and Interpersonal Communication."
hen it is an issue of culture or race, the more understanding between the couple, the higher the marital success rate. "Different cultures endure vastly diverse moral, ethical and value foundations that influence their perceptions of individual, family and societal lifestyle. hen these foundations are operating alongside the foundation of different cultural roots, as in intercultural marriages, problems and disagreement oftentimes occur." (McFadden).
Religion is extremely important to some people and completely insignificant to others. However, it is a huge factor that can greatly determine the success or failure of a marriage. Studies show that people who are from different religious backgrounds have a higher divorce rate. This may be due to the difference in beliefs. hen faced with two different religious backgrounds, many couples will choose one religion over the other; however, this generally tends to be short lived because after practicing one religion and building beliefs over many…...
Sobande, Linda. A Tool to work You Marriage to Success. Ezine Articles.
McFadden, J., Moore, J.L. (2001). Intercultural marriage and intimacy: Beyond the continental divide. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 23, 261 -- 268
Marriage, a History." Psychology Today, May 01, 2005
Wood, Crissy. Predictors of Marriage Success. The Skyliner Campus News. 5/2/01.
100). Much of the focus of personnel selection using psychological testing was on new troops enlisting in the military during two world wars and the explosive growth of the private sector thereafter (Scroggins et al., 2008). Psychological testing for personnel selection purposes, though, faded into disfavor during the 1960s, but it continues to be used by human resource practitioners today. In this regard, Scroggins and his colleagues advise, "Many H practitioners, however, have continued to use personality testing with an optimistic and enduring faith in its ability to discriminate between good and poor job candidates" (p. 101).
In cases where cheating is suspected (such as in the case of an teen applicant possibly using a smartphone or consulting crib notes during testing by visiting the restroom), psychologists have a professional responsibility to conform to relevant privacy laws with respect to the results of such tests, including following the decision-making model…...
Barnes, F.P. & Murdin, L. (2001). Values and ethics in the practice of psychotherapy and counseling. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Bersoff, D.N. (2008). Ethical conflicts in psychology. American Psychological Association.
Bonventre, V.M. (2005, Spring). Editor's foreword. Albany Law Review, 68(2), vii-ix.
Charman, D. (2004). Core processes in brief psychodynamic psychotherapy: Advancing effective practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
The modern discourse on marriage holds that roles are shifting in many ways within the context of a romantic relationship. In the case of this study, speaking particularly on the subject of heterosexual romantic partnerships, the roles which are assumed by partners are often based on certain preconceptions regarding gender and the social and/or biological distinctions which are a function of gender. Likewise, partners may have certain expectations of a spouse which proceed from these proscribed gender roles or from their own familial experiences.
That said, it is increasingly an emphasis on discourses about marital satisfaction that these roles should be more fully explored rather than presumed. More egalitarian or complementary roles are emerging based on the premise that such dynamics promote more healthy and equal context through which both partners feel valued, respected and satisfied. The research brings us into confrontation also with refutations of this correlation such as…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Amato, P.R. & Booth, a. (2001). The legacy of parents' marital discord: consequences for children's marital quality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81(4), 627-638.
Eggerichs, E. (2004). Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; the Respect He Desperately Needs. Integrity Publishers.
Gunter, J.S. (2004). An Examination of the Dimensions of Commitment and Satisfaction Across Years Married. University of Oklahoma Graduate Facility.
Parker, S. (2009). Marital satisfaction and religiosity: A comparison of two measures of religiosity. Dissertation Abstracts. Temple University.
Divorce / Counseling
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2009 in the United States there were approximately 1,077,000 marriages. That is 6.8 people per 1,000 citizens got married. On the other hand, 3.4 persons per 1,000 were divorced. That includes data from the U.S. Census, and 44 of the 50 states were included in the data. Using data from an earlier Census, the CDC reports that in 2002, the "probability of a first marriage ending in separation or divorce" within 5 years after the couple was married is 20% (CDC). The probability of a "premarital cohabitation" (that is, people living together but not joining in matrimony) ending in separation within 5 years is 49%. And after ten years, the probability "…of a first marriage ending is 33%, compared with 62% for cohabitations" (CDC). These statistics, especially relating to the high percentage of people who get divorced,…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bernard, Janine M. (1981). The Divorce Myth. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 60(2), 67-72.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002). New Report Sheds Light on Trends and Patterns in Marriage, Divorce, and Cohabitation. Retrieved November 22, 2011, from .
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Marriage and Divorce. Retrieved November
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Over the past 50 -- 60 years, the divorce rate in the United States has risen dramatically. Marriage was viewed differently in previous generations, and was generally considered an institution between one man and one woman. In today's modern culture, the lines between what is acceptable in a union between two entities is much more blurred than it was in earlier years. There is a movement to accept marriage as it was previously defined as too old-fashioned. Accordingly, there is a larger percentage of individuals who divorce after marriage, or who oftentimes do not marry at all, preferring instead to cohabitate one with another. Such a scenario seems to be based on a lack of overall commitment to the relationship, and this same lack of commitment affects married couples as well.
One recent study determined that in the 1950's happy marriages were the result of marrying someone with similar beliefs, commitment…...
Amato, P.R., & DeBoer, D. (2001). The transmission of marital instability across generations:Relationship skills or commitment to marriage? Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 63, pp. 1038 -- 1051
Bennett, J. & Ellison, J.; (2010) I don't, Newsweek, Vol. 155, Issue 25, pp. 42 -- 45
Bowen, M, Dr.; (2011) Bowen theory, accessed on December 21, 2011 at
Burgoyne, C.B.; Reibstein, J.; Edmunds, A.M.; Routh, D.A.; (2010) Marital commitment, money and marriage preparation: What changes after the wedding?, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 20, Issue 5, pp. 390 -- 403
In the opinion of Strong, DeVault and Cohen (2010), when it comes to issues marriage, opposites do not often attract. Instead, partners tend to seek each other out on the basis of shared characteristics. It is these shared characteristics that allow couples to foster greater understanding as well as empathy while facilitating or enhancing communication. Hence in that regard, a disconnect of sorts between the personality of couples may be taken to be an indicator of marital failure. Further, still on personality factors, Strong, DeVault and Cohen (2010) note that a clear example of a disconnect between the personality of marriage partners may be evident where one partner has a highly rigid personality. Such a personality may in addition to frustrating conflict resolution also end up clouding negotiations. Similarly, a partner who has a dominating personality may not be willing to cede some level of control so as to…...
A study published in 2007 suggested that "The ASCA National Model can help school counselors think proactively about how they can best serve the students in their schools, and it contains ideas and tools for developing comprehensive school counseling programs that use the current best practices in the field" (Dimmit, Carey, 2007, p. 227).This study will attempt to discern whether those standards have been met. If they have not, then perhaps modifications can be made. If they have then the study will have at least verified that the program was successful.
The perception in the 1980's as compared to the 1960's could be said that there were plenty of individuals during that particular time that felt that counselors had little, if anything to do with solving school education problems. Comparing this laisse faire attitude towards counselors then, with the far more intense attitude currently shown towards education in general, and counselors…...
mlaWorks Cited
ACES-ASCA Committee on the Elementary School Guidance Counselor (1966), Preliminary statement. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 44, 659-661.
American School Counselor Association (2003) the ASCA National Model: A framework for school counseling programs, Professional School Counseling, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 165-169
American School Counselor Association. (2005). The ASCA national model: A framework for school counseling programs (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA
ASCA. (2006). School Shooting Resources, American School Counselor Association, Retrieved November 14, 2007:
Problems and issues are inevitable in every society. These can be societal problems or issues that are profession-related. Sometimes people are so accustomed with their situation that effecting change would result to a social problem. A child who had been a victim of long-term domestic abuse may not welcome change if that change would mean being departed from his own family. A government employee would not welcome change if it would mean a loss in his
"corruption-takings." Or a victim of racism may be reluctant to change if his employment would be endangered.
Change is the only thing permanent in this world but it can be controlled. Change may cause problems but these problems may also cause further changes if not solved. 'Social change is the shifts in the attitudes and behavior that characterize a society' (Greenwood & Guner 2008).
Some of the societal and profession-related problems that need change are underemployment…...
Greenwood, J. & Guner, N. (2008 May).Social Change. Bonn, Germany.
More. (2011). Social Justice Launch Pad. Retrieved 22 Jun 2011,
NASW. (2011). Code of Ethics of the Natl. Association of Social Workers. Retrieved 22 Jun
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