The mayo clinic recommends that she limit her total fat to 20 0or 25% of her daily calories. Since fat has 9 calories a gram, this amounts to about 400 to 700 calories a day. She should replace the turkey and beef with unsaturated fats from healthier sources such as lean poultry, fish and healthy oils, such as olive, canola and nut oils. She should limit deserts, and fatty meats. Josephine should also be cautious of the meat served her by her mother, which is likely a source of saturated fat. She should replace that with either monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are found in unsalted nuts and seeds and in certain healthy oils such as canola, vegetable, and olive oils.
She is also recommended to watch her cholesterol intake. Cholesterol comes from animal products and excessive cholesterol can result in heart disease and stroke. Josephine is recommended to cut…...
Benton, D. & Parker, P. (1998) Breakfast, blood glucose, and cognition, Am J. Clin Nutr 1998;67(suppl):772S -- 8S.
Health Nutrition Advice by Registered Dietitians
Lovett, R. (Aug., 2007). The best way to start the day. New Scientist.
Mayo clinic. Healthy diet.
Preamble: The New Zealand Government established a Constitutional Advisory Panel. One roles Panel foster a "conversation? New Zealand's Constitutional Arrangements, report back Government views New Zealand community.
New Zealand, much like its comrade, The United Kingdom, is constitutionally flexible. This is to say that neither Britain, nor New Zealand is regarded as having a constitution in the form of a single document. The latter's 'unwritten' constitution consists of a set of fundamental laws adopted ever since the second half of the nineteenth century on. However, one particular document is nowadays regarded as officially representative for New Zealand and that is the Constitution Act, passed by the UK Parliament in 1852. It was succeeded decades later by the Constitution Act 1986 which, this time, was passed by the New Zealand Parliament. The Treaty of Waitangi is also considered a main source of the New Zealand Constitution. As such, this paper will…...
mlaReference List
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. (2008). Cabinet Manual 2008. Wellington, New Zealand: Cabinet Office. Retrieved from
Dicey, A.V. (1889). Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution (3rd ed.). London, New York: Macmillan and Co. Retrieved from
House of Representatives. (2005). Inquiry to review New Zealand's existing constitutional arrangements, Report of the Constitutional Arrangements Committee, presented to the House of Representatives by Hon Peter Dunne. Retrieved from
Kumarasingham, H. (2010). Onward with executive power: Lessons from New Zealand, 1947-57. Wellington: Milne Print.
To provide for the common defense, as opposed to merely a state-based defense, the Constitution contains what came to be known as the Compact Clause: "No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay" (Article I: 10:3) This established a fundamental difference between the defensive capabilities of state governments and the federal governments. Although state governments may have national guards today, all military activities are fundamentally under the direction of the federal government, and no state can enter into a treaty with a foreign power. According to the Commander in Chief Clause: "The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy…...
mlaWorks Cited
Garner, Devotion. "Popular names of Constitutional Provisions." University of Washington
Gallagher Law Library. [September 1, 2011]
In "The Interpretation of Dreams," Sigmund Freud also referred to anxiety dreams. My dream is clearly an anxiety dream that points to an underlying phobia: my fear of illness and death. Freud also argues that most anxiety has its roots in sexual tension and repressed sexual desires. In "The Interpretation of Dreams," Freud claims, "neurotic anxiety derives from sexual life, and is the expression of unsatisfied desire which has been diverted from its goal." Therefore, Freud would seek for sexual symbols in my dream. Being in a hospital and receiving surgery does not seem like sexual symbolism. However, Freud looked beyond the manifest content of the dream to discover underlying sexual imagery. In my dream, being cut open symbolizes the vagina. A crystal in my body is like a phallus. Surgical implements are also phallic symbols. The doctors are paternal figures, signifying the Oedipus or Electra complexes that explain repressed…...
Freud, S. (1911). The Interpretation of Dreams. Translated by A.A. Brill. Retrieved online Dec 15, 2008 at
" (O'Leary, 41) Later the words "the flag of the United States" was added to it during the world war. Later the period between the wars saw the persecution of the Jehovah's Witnesses occurred because they refused to salute the flag and follow the "100% Americanism." However far back in 1943, the court in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette made the loyalty oath unconstitutional. It was on Flag Day, 1954, that President Eisenhower added the word "under God." (O'Leary, 41)
II. B. The Pledge Case
Alain L. Sanders commenting on the Press and Pledge Case and the religious controversy has made the observation that the case succeeded in dividing the Church from the State, and that at least was the intention of the U.S. Supreme Court. However the decision in the Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow was pronounced on June 14, 2004, the controversy is still not…...
Bellamy, Rob. Baseball and the Media: How Fans Lose in Today's Coverage of the Game. Nine, vol. 16, no. 2, 2008, p. 127-131.
Bellomo, Michael. The Stem Cell Divide: The Facts, the Fiction, and the Fear Driving
the Greatest Scientific, Political, and Religious Debate of Our Time. AMACOM: New York. 2006.
Buckner, Ed. I May Pledge Allegiance, but Not to Any God. Free Inquiry, vol. 22, no. 4,
Preamble of the United States Constitution
The preamble of the Constitution of the United States is concerned with the unification of the individual states under a common endeavor. (U.S. Const. pmbl) This is evident in the reference to the creation of "a more perfect union." (U.S. Const. pmbl) This is hardly surprising in light of the conversations which took place during the Constitutional Convention in Pennsylvania. There, tensions were evident between the individual states and the central government that was to be. Tensions arose because the states were being asked to cede a significant amount of power to the central government. The preamble of the U.S. Constitution attempts to alleviate the concerns of the states. All of the language is framed in such a manner as to make the security of the individual states coextensive with the security of the central government.( U.S. Const. pmbl) As such, notions of justice,…...
American Constitution:
The Massachusetts Constitution is the basic and essential governing document of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that was developed during the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention by John Adams, James owdoin, and Samuel Adams. The Federal Constitution is the oldest constitution in existence that was drafted by a convention of delegates from the thirteen initial states in May 1787. One of the most important parts of both the Massachusetts and Federal constitutions is the preambles that serve as the introduction to both documents. There are similarities and differences between the Preamble of the Massachusetts Constitution and the Preamble of the Federal Constitution.
Similarities between the Two Preambles:
Some of the major similarities in the preambles of the two constitutions as the fundamental governing documents include:
Introduction of the Document:
One of the main similarities in the preambles of the two constitutions is that they introduce the documents while capturing and reflecting the sources and authority…...
Lutz, Donald S. "The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States." The American Political
Science Association, n.d. (accessed December 19, 2011).
Massachusetts Constitution. "Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.", n.d. (accessed December 19, 2011).
There are limitations on the destruction of wiretap records. The numbers of crimes for which wiretaps can be used, the types of judges who can authorize taps have both however, been expanded.
What Does the Constitution Say?
The United States Constitution states many principles of constitutional law that must be present in for Democracy to truly exist. Democracy is characterized by freedom and liberty to think and believe individually and the freedom to express those beliefs through speech that does not trod upon or offend others. The travesties against justice n committed in the name of Democracy is an affront to all that was intended, fought, and died in attaining in America.
Freedom, liberty and justice not only in America indeed, for the entire world. ut there are limitations within the realm of freedom and justice, for it is not freedom or justice in the forcing of what is termed Democracy upon…...
Preamble to the Constitution of the United States (nd) Legal Information Institute [Online] available at;
Dirck, Brian R. (2002) Posterity's blush: civil liberties, property rights, and property confiscation in the confederacy. Civil War History; 9/1/2002 [Online] available at;
It was during the same period that hostilities with the communist leadership culminated into the bombing of Libya, loggerheads with the Soviet Union and a stiff arms race with the U.S.S.R.
It is also significant to note that it was during the same time that he successfully engaged Mikhail Gorbachev who was then the Soviet General secretary and culminated into the signing of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty that signaled the end in arms race and both countries agreed to decrease in nuclear weapons in their custody.
Upon ascending to presidency, Reagan was bent on introducing new political as well as economic dispensations radically. He advocated more for supply-side economics which saw him push for reduction of tax rates to speed up economic growth, money supply control to check inflation, reduction of regulation on the economy particularly business to encourage competitive and free-market free for all which as a matter of…...
Founding Documents-Declaration & Constitution
The Declaration of Independence lays out the fundamental propositions which underlie the Constitution and American political culture, and as Abraham Lincoln once famously stated, the Constitution is the "frame of silver" which surrounds the Declaration's "apple of gold." That is, Lincoln believed the Constitution creates the institutions and processes through which American government realizes the principles natural rights found in the Declaration's preamble. The purpose of the Declaration was not only to create a document proclaiming the colonies' separation from Great Britain, but it was also both a list of grievances and a statement of colonial constitutional theory. Jefferson stated toward the end of his life that the political philosophy espoused in the Declaration was simply a statement of the "American mind."
The Constitution can properly be said to embody these principles in part due to the failure of the Articles of Confederation -- as the Declaration states,…...
water in your area? ("Your perspective on water differs whether you live near the Great Lakes, in the arid west, or by the coast."(McCarthy, 2009)
Outline a brief water conservation plan for your own daily use. How will these changes affect your personal life? What impact will it have on your local water supply?
There is plentiful water in my region (I live in the Great Lakes region). Nonetheless, a brief water conservation plan is the following:
To use water for just its needs and to ensure that tap water is not left running in between those needs.
To double used bathwater as water that can be used for washing the floor.
To, as much as possible, use rainwater for gardening
In order to supply water to humans certain technologies must be utilized.
Desalination is one of the methods that are used for promoting pure water supply. It literally means separating slat form water and thereby…...
FAO report reveals GM crops not needed to feed the world (11/03/2012) GMO Food Debate in the National Spotlight )
Greenopolis. Top 10 Environmental Success Stories and 10 Future Challenges.
Groves, J (19 December 2009 ) Climate change summit accepts 'toothless' U.S.-backed agreement - but deal is not legally binding -- officials-admit-enough.html#ixzz2Cg3714zQ
unning Head: American evolution eading American evolution eading 3American evolution eading1.) According to the preamble of the constitution, what is the purpose of the constitution? What connections to enlighten thinkers do you detect in the preamble?The preamble is the constitutions introductory part or statute, and it states the reasons or intentions of the constitution to the people. About the preamble, the purpose of the constitution is to protect the people against the abuse of powers. Power can be abused by the state, legislature, Congress, or any other body or individual in authority. Therefore, a good constitution should be one that protects her people against any form of abuse by the authorities. Besides, a constitution should be able to improve public confidence in the government. Democratic governments usually obtain their constitutional mandates from the citizens. In this case, a good constitution should provide checks and balances between the government and its…...
mlaReferencesDouma, M. J. (2017). How the First Ten Amendments Became the Bill of Rights. Geo. JL & Pub. Pol\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'y, 15, 593.
" Of course the Convention claims that children are a special interest, with the need for special rights, but in the world of public opinion, special interests are too often framed as only benefiting one interest at the expense of others. Acknowledging that the establishment and maintenance of special rights for children is merely the development of further tools for the successful maintenance of an equitable society precludes this pigeonholing, because it frames helping children as a means of helping everyone.
Nonetheless, a potential drawback of using an NGO to work for the rights of the child remains in the fact that focusing on this issue does mean that other specific issues will not be granted the same time and money, but even here one may note that focusing on the rights of the child can actually work towards improving the time and money available for other issues, because once again,…...
mlaWorks Cited
"Convention on the Rights of the Child." UNICEF. UNICEF, 3 June 2011. Web. 21 Nov 2011.
United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Convention on the Rights
of the Child. 1990. Print. .
Then present one argument that demonstrates a strength or a weakness.
The strength of Kant's critique of reason and its excesses can be seen in an examination of Plato's famous Theory of Ideas. For Plato, the only suitable instrument for knowledge of the real world is reason and understanding. He defines understanding as the highest activity of the soul and reason as the second-highest activity of the soul. (Republic, 511c) These activities are necessary to glimpse the things of the real word, the actual Forms contained in the world of Forms. (Republic, 509d). For Plato, true Knowledge was the Knowledge of these real things. (Republic, 509e). For him, all Knowledge was Knowledge of something that exists because what does not exist is nothing, of which it is impossible to have Knowledge. (Republic, 477e)
Through the proposition that knowledge and opinion are different capacities, Plato infers that knowledge and opinion must be directed…...
Kant, Immanuel. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. James Fieser. 1997. Internet resource
Plato, Benjamin Jowett, and Irwin Edman. The Works of Plato. New York: Modern Library, 1928. Print.
The U.S. Constitution as it was originally written by Thomas Jefferson and signed by the Founding Fathers, however, was flawed in this way.
Within the U.S. Constitution as it was originally written, for example, blacks are explicitly referred to as unequal. Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution states: "epresentatives...shall be apportioned among the several States... according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons...and....three-fifths of all other persons" [italics added] (Constitution of the United States, 2000, pp. 26-27). The 14th Amendment (1868), however, which states that: "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws"…...
Constitution of the United States. (2000). Microsoft encyclopedia encarta, 1-32.
Retrieved May 29, 2006, from Microsoft Works Suite 2000 (CD-ROM), Disc 3.
Fourteenth Amendment. (May 28, 2006). Wikipedia. Retrieved May 29, 2006, from: .
Preamble. (2006).The U.S. Constitution online. Retrieved May 29, 2006, at
Upholding Ethical Standards in the Treatment of AIDS Patients
Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in upholding ethical standards in the treatment of AIDS patients. By adhering to ethical guidelines, healthcare professionals can provide comprehensive and compassionate care, protect patient rights, and promote the well-being of both patients and the community.
Confidentiality and Privacy:
Maintaining patient confidentiality is paramount. Healthcare professionals must respect the privacy of patients by not disclosing any sensitive information without their consent, except as required by law. This includes protecting electronic health records, test results, and communications with patients.
Healthcare professionals must treat all patients with dignity and respect, regardless....
I. Introduction
II. Body
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