Theory is a set of ideas that once implemented become practice. When looking at theory, it is important to see how it can be developed into practice and what some of the drawbacks are how they may occur. Experience often disproves or proves a theory and provides validation or termination of theory-based practices. If a theory is riddled with negative experiences when implemented, the theory is then proven to be in effective and rejected. Many theories go into proper development of effective practices as theories are the beginning stage of successful and properly formed practices. Without theories, most practices have no foundation or basis to begin.
In an article by Mahadevan, the writer states the need for theoretical approaches to the problems experienced in China. They also explain how OFBs originate based on the need for development. "Prior research on OFBs in general, and on Chinese OFBs in particular, has underlined…...
Bowers, E.P., Li, Y., Kiely, M.K., Brittian, A., Lerner, J.V., & Lerner, R.M. (2010). The Five Cs Model of Positive Youth Development: A Longitudinal Analysis of Confirmatory Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(7), 720-735.
Duerden, M.D., & Witt, P.A. (2010). The Impact of Socialization on Youth Program Outcomes: A Social Development Model Perspective. Leisure Sciences, 32(4), 299-317.
Shek, D.T., Sun, R.C., Chui, Y.H., Lit, S.W., Yuen, W.W., Chung, Y.Y., et al. (2012). Development and Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Course for University Students in Hong Kong. The Scientific World Journal, 2012, 1-8.
Shek, D.T., & Yu, L. (2011). A review of validated youth prevention and positive youth development programs in Asia. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 23(4), 317.
game theory has actually been applied?
The application of game theory involves analyzing situations wherein players respond differently according to the actions of other players in an effort to maximize their payouts. For instance, according to Wei, Vasilakos, Zheng and Xiong (2010), "Game theory studies the problems in which players maximize their returns which depend also on actions of other players" (p. 254). Because countless human experiences involve this type of analysis, it is not surprising that game theory has been applied to a wide range of scenarios that involve identifying optimal decision-making processes. In this regard, Wei et al. (2010) advise, "Numerous studies have proposed game-theoretic method to solve the optimization problem of resource allocation in network systems from the viewpoint of resource owners" (p. 254). One such study, "A Game-Theoretical Approach to the Benefits of Cloud Computing," Kunsemoller and Holger (2012) actually applies a game-theoretical model which closely…...
Briggs, K., Workman, J.P. & York, A.S. (2012). Collaborating to cheat. Academy of Management Learning, 12(1), 4-17.
Gill, R.D. (2011). The Monty Hall problem is not a probability puzzle (It's a challenge in mathematical modelling). Statistica Neerlandica, 65(1), 58 -- 71.
Kunsemoller, J. & Holger, K. (2012). A game-theoretical approach to the benefits of cloud computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7150, 148-160.
Wei, G., Vasilakos, A.V., Zheng, Y. & Xiong, N. (2010). A game-theoretic method of fair resource allocation for cloud computing services. Journal of Supercomputing, 54, 252
The benefits of high-quality relationships come from relational resources (Wright, et al. 2005) they create. Such resources include durable obligations (e.g., arising from feelings of gratitude, respect, and friendship), network contacts and connections (including privileged access to information and opportunities, social status, and reputation of influential others), and the ability to have open information exchanges with those around them (Valle & Halling, 1989).
elationships that do not develop so well are considered lower quality. These relationships are not as beneficial for the individuals involved or for the organization as a whole (Gerstner & Day, 1997; Liden et al., 1997). Lower quality relationships are described as contractually defined, formal exchanges based on limited trust and in-role interactions (Luthans, 1998). These types of relationships generate management rather than leadership. They are characterized by lack of mutual respect, formal downward communications, little mutual understanding, limited support and commitment for one another, and no mutual…...
Bass, B.M. 2005. Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: The Free Press.
Bauer, T.N., & Green, S.G. 2007. Development of leader-member exchange: A longitudinal test. Academy of Management Journal, 39: 1538-1567.
Burns, J.M. 1978. Leadership. New York: Harper & Row.
Cox, T., & Beale, R.L. 2008. Developing competency to manage diversity. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
Fingerprint Classifications
Practical Applications of Fingerprint Classifications in Forensic Science
Fingerprint identification has numerous practical applications. Particular fingerprints may be matched to individuals because they are distinct and unchanging. The individuality of fingerprints is based on the ridge structure and minutiae. The recognition of these landmarks, including shape, number, and location is an automated process by which computer algorithms filter data and match a subset of individuals with a particular print. More complex analyses are then performed to identify the individual who matches the print from the subset of prospects. Overall, the accuracy of these technologies is extremely high and is considered the gold-standard for individual recognition. Future technologies such as DNA fingerprinting and iris scan algorithms appear promising and may replace fingerprinting in the future.
Practical Applications of Fingerprint Classifications in Forensic Science
Large volumes of fingerprints are collected and stored everyday for use in a wide range of applications including forensics, access…...
Azoury, M., Cohen, D., Himberg, K., Qvintus-Leino, P., Saari, T., & Almog, J. (2004). Fingerprint detection on counterfeit U.S. dollar banknotes: the importance of preliminary paper examination. J Forensic Sci, 49(5), 1015-1017.
Blotta, E., & Moler, E. (2004). Fingerprint image enhancement by differential hysteresis processing. Forensic Sci Int, 141(2-3), 109-113.
Maudling, N., & Attwood, T.K. (2004). FAN: fingerprint analysis of nucleotide sequences. Nucleic Acids Res, 32(Web Server issue), W620-623.
Saatci, E., & Tavsanoglu, V. (2003). Fingerprint image enhancement using CNN filtering techniques. Int J. Neural Syst, 13(6), 453-460.
Decision Tree This project designed practical application. The Decision Tree real-Life situations designed service interventions.
First responders are the professional people who arrive first at the scene of any incident Cobb, 2007.
They include trained volunteers and public safety professionals. They are persons who have undergone a course and are certified to provide pre-hospital care in medical emergencies. First responders provide services during emergencies where additional resources and skills are required in order to bring the emergency to a safe conclusion. The individuals who are charged with initially responding to emergencies are also referred to as first responders. These individuals include law enforcement officers, firefighters, ambulance attendants, lifeguards, and forestry personnel. First responders are more skilled than basic first aiders, but they cannot provide the same level of care as emergency nurses, paramedics, or physicians. First responders arrive at the scene of an incident with standard issue tactical and protective equipment.…...
Cobb, A.B. (2007). First Responders. New York, NY: Rosen Publishing Group.
Congress. House committees, L.D.K.W.O.J.J.K.A.R.W.O.J.J., Koontz, L.D., Rhodes, K.A., & Jenkins, W.O. (2007). First Responders: Much Work Remains to Improve Communications Interoperability. Darby, PA: DIANE Publishing Company.
Schottke, D., & Surgeons, A.A. o. O. (2006). First Responder: Your First Response in Emergency Care. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Guillermo Finance
A Practical Application of Basic Concepts in Finance: The Guillermo Furniture Case Study
In any situation that a business might face, there are many different perspectives that can be brought to bear on the issue in order to help develop an effective and well-reasoned decisions. Analysis of internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats -- a standard SWOT analysis -- is one largely qualitative way of developing an understanding of a business's current position and its potentials for success in any number of alternative choices. Other methods include industry analyses such as Porter's Five Forces, focusing on the overall changes occurring in the market and the industry rather than specifically scrutinizing the organization at hand, and direct and actionable examinations of strategy based on competitors current reactions to changing situations.
At times, however, an examination of financial data is the most effective way to develop a successful…...
Banks, E. (2010).Finance: The Basics. New York: Routledge.
Besley, S. & Brigham, E. (2007). Essentials of Managerial Finance. Mason, OH: Thomson.
Helfert, E. (2001). Financial Analysis. New York: McGraw Hill.
The Path Goal model is based on pointing out the style of a leader, the behavior trait that fits the employee the best, and the environment of work, so as to achieve a given goal. The aim is to increase the motivation of your employees, satisfaction and empowerment. The outcome would then be higher productivity in the organization. The model is a reminder to the leaders that in order to influence those who follow them, they need to modify their behavior, based on the needs of their followers. They should also support subordinates to clarify the path towards the goals specified and back them up in removing the obstacles that block their achievement of the set goals (Northouse, 2018). Once a leader understands the environment and the employees, they can adjust their behavior and leadership style. Such a change requires a significant level of self awareness and being flexible. Using the…...
pervasiveness of human trafficking is essential to further the work of members of human service agencies, so they can be vigilant about its signs. Quite often, victims are not forthcoming about their situation and it is the social worker, not the victim, that must initiate the necessary proceedings to ensure that justice is done. Also, studying human trafficking can enable policy makers to create laws that are more sensitive to the needs of victims, and to enact in more proactive policy responses to deal with the crime. Much like victims of domestic violence, there is often profound ambivalence and fear when victims of human trafficking come forward. But the problem is widespread: "Human trafficking is the third largest source of income for organized crime, and there are twice as many people enslaved today as during the African slave trade. Human trafficking involves forced labor, bonded labor, debt bondage among…...
Dovydaitis, Tiffany. (2011). Human trafficking: The role of the health care provider. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, 55 (5): 462-467. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmwh.2009.12.017
Lagon, Mark P. (2008). Human trafficking in China. DISAM Journal. Retrieved
Loring, Jones, David W. Engstrom, Tricia Hilliard, Mariel Diaz. (2007). Globalization and human trafficking. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. Retrieved from
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Role of Information Management in Healthcare Efficiency:
This essay could explore how effective management of patient records, treatment data, and research information can streamline operations in healthcare facilities, improve patient outcomes, and facilitate medical advances.
2. Information Management Strategies in Disaster Response:
Discuss the importance of information management during natural disasters or crises, including the coordination between agencies, the rapid dissemination of information, and the use of data to make critical decisions that save lives and resources.
3. Enhancing Business Intelligence through Information Management:
This topic would delve into how organizations can utilize information management to improve business intelligence, make informed decisions, identify market trends, and maintain competitive advantages.
4. The Impact of Information Management on E-Government Services:
Investigate how the application of information management has transformed government services by increasing transparency, improving accessibility, and fostering citizen engagement through digital platforms.
5. Information Management and Cybersecurity: A Symbiotic Relationship:
mlaPrimary Sources
International Organization for Standardization. ISO 30301:2019 - Information and documentation — Management systems for records — Fundamentals and vocabulary. ISO, 2019.
Marchand, Donald A., and William J. Kettinger. Information Orientation: The Link to Business Performance. Oxford University Press, 2001.Detlor, Brian. Information Management. International Journal of Information Management, vol. 20, no. 2, 2000, pp. 91-101.Davenport, Thomas H., and Laurence Prusak. Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know. Harvard Business School Press, 2000.O’Reilly III, Charles A., and Jennifer Chatman. Information, Technology and Information Worker Productivity: Task Level Evidence. National Bureau of Economic Research, 1994.
Essay Topic Examples
1. Information Management in Healthcare:
Explore how information management systems can improve patient care, reduce errors, and enhance operational efficiency in healthcare settings.
2. Data Security and rivacy in Information Management:
Discuss the importance of securing sensitive data, the challenges organizations face, and the strategies implemented to ensure data privacy.
3. The Role of Information Management in Business Strategy:
Analyze how effective information management can drive business decisions, support strategic planning, and provide competitive advantages.
4. Information Management in Disaster Recovery:
Examine the role of information management in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or man-made disasters.
5. Cloud Computing and Information Management:
Investigate the impact of cloud computing on information management practices, including scalability, cost-effectiveness, and data accessibility.
Essay Title Examples
1. Navigating the Data Deluge: Strategies for Effective Information Management
2. From Data to Decisions: The ower of Information Management in Modern Enterprises
3. Securing the Future: Information Management in the Age of Cyber Threats
4. The Backbone…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primary SourcesChaffey, Dave, and Fiona Ellis-Chadwick. Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice.Laudon, Kenneth C., and Jane P. Laudon. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm.O\'Brien, James A., and George M. Marakas. Introduction to Information Systems.Turban, Efraim, et al. Electronic Commerce: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective.Davenport, Thomas H. Information Ecology: Mastering the Information and Knowledge Environment.
Emerson, he believed resistance to conformity and exploration of self, led to a kind of self-reliance that permeated the inner workings and imaginings of the human soul. What began as a simple analysis of self-explored concepts, took on the form of universal philosophy. This essay will examine Emerson's work, "Self-eliance" in a way that will not only analyze themes, but also provide a closer look into the context surrounding Emerson at the time as well as possible meanings behind the text.
alph Waldo Emerson wrote an 1841 essay titled "Self-eliance". An American essayist and transcendentalist philosopher, Emerson provides his most thorough statement of one of his ongoing themes: the avoidance of false consistency and conformity. Meaning, Emerson preached for people to follow their own ideas and instincts instead of relying on society's imposed rules and standards. His famous quote, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by…...
Andrew C. Hansen. (2008). Reading Sonic Culture in Emerson's "Self-Reliance". Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 11(3), 417-437. doi:10.1353/rap.0.0053
Bloom, H. (2009). Ralph Ellison's Invisible man. New York, NY: Infobase Publishing.
Brown, L. R. (1997). The Emerson museum: Practical romanticism and the pursuit of the whole. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Emerson, R. W. (2012). Self-Reliance and Other Essays. Dover Publications.
Pedagogic Model for Teaching of Technology to Special Education Students
Almost thirty years ago, the American federal government passed an act mandating the availability of a free and appropriate public education for all handicapped children. In 1990, this act was updated and reformed as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which itself was reformed in 1997. At each step, the goal was to make education more equitable and more accessible to those with special educational needs. During the last presidential term, the "No Child Left Behind" Act attempted to assure that individuals with disabilities were increasingly mainstreamed and assured of high educational results. All of these legislative mandates were aimed at insuring that children with disabilities were not defrauded of the public education which has become the birthright of all American children. The latest reforms to IDEA, for example, provided sweeping reforms which not only expanded the classification of special needs…...
Power in the Pulpit ReviewOverviewPower in the Pulpit by Jerry Vines and Jim Shaddix is structured so as to give the reader a sense of the fundamentals of sermon creation and delivery. As such, it contains a strong emphasis on the theology and philosophy of preaching. The book begins by laying a theological and philosophical foundation for preaching. It discusses the call, will, and worship of God, setting a spiritual and philosophical framework that is needed to better realize the art of preaching. This framework shapes the preacher\\\'s approach to sermon development and delivery.Some emphasis is also placed on the personal preparation of the preacher in the first part of the book. Vines and Shaddix discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy heart, mind, body, and routine, examining the belief that effective preaching begins with the preacher\\\'s own spiritual and physical well-being.[footnoteRef:1] This focus on the preacher\\\'s personal health is…...
There is still a great degree of relevance found in Uustal's "Values clarification in nursing: Application to practice," despite the fact that it was written some time ago. This relevance pertains to the nursing profession and to some theoretical and practical components of performing this job. Specifically, the article's approach to the correlation of a nurse's values and his or her actions is of extreme importance today, just as much if not more so than it was when the article was first published. In this respect, the author is able to truly get to the essence of what impacts how nurses administer treatment and interact with their patient's overall, and explain it to the reader in a way that is both lucid and informative.
The crux of the article is the notion of values clarification, which is a seven step process the author advocates that helps to clarify some of…...
Leadership effectiveness is a measure of the success with which leaders guide organizations toward the achievement of their goals. The application of leadership effectiveness can vary significantly depending on the context, ranging from corporate settings to non-profit organizations, and from small teams to large multinational enterprises. Key factors that influence leadership effectiveness include the leader's traits and behaviors, the characteristics of followers, the nature of the tasks being performed, and the organizational and environmental context (Northouse, 2018).
One of the primary models used to understand leadership effectiveness is the trait approach, which suggests that certain individuals have inborn characteristics that predispose them to be effective leaders. esearchers have identified traits such as intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability as being positively correlated with successful leadership (Kirkpatrick and Locke, 1991). However, while the trait approach offers insight into potential leadership qualities, it does not account for situational variables that can significantly impact…...
Albrecht, K. (2006). Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships. John Wiley & Sons.
Bass, B. M. (1999). Two Decades of Research and Development in Transformational Leadership.
Bennis, W., & Nanus, B. (1985). Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge. HarperCollins.
Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. Harper & Row.
CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is a prominent theory of group development that emphasizes the interplay between individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as they influence the dynamics and outcomes of the group. When formulating a strong thesis statement on CBT as a Theory of Group Development, it is essential to focus on the specific aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy that have a significant impact on group processes. One approach could be to explore how CBT techniques such as cognitive restructuring and behavioral activation can be applied within group settings to improve communication, collaboration, and overall group cohesion. Additionally, delving into how....
I. Introduction
A. Definition of mindfulness therapy
B. Prevalence of anxiety disorders
C. Thesis statement: Mindfulness therapy is an effective method for reducing anxiety symptoms.
II. Causes of Anxiety
A. Genetic and biological factors
B. Environmental and psychological factors
C. Mindfulness as a means to address both causes of anxiety
III. Benefits of Mindfulness Therapy in Reducing Anxiety
A. Reduces stress and promotes relaxation
B. Enhances emotional regulation
C. Improves cognitive flexibility and reduces negative thinking
D. Increases self-awareness and acceptance
IV. Evidence Supporting the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety
A. Research studies demonstrating the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions
B. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews confirming the benefits of mindfulness therapy
C. Personal anecdotes and testimonials
1. The Role of the Pastor in Fostering Spiritual Growth and Discipleship
Discuss the pastor's responsibilities in nurturing the spiritual development of church members.
Explore how pastors can create and implement discipleship programs that promote spiritual maturity.
Examine the pastor's role in counseling and guiding individuals through challenges and growth opportunities.
2. The Importance of Servant Leadership in Church Governance
Define servant leadership and explain its significance in church leadership.
Analyze the Biblical foundations and practical applications of servant leadership.
Discuss the benefits of servant leadership for both church leaders and congregations.
3. The Impact of Culture on Church Leadership Styles
The Role of Cultural Competency in Behavior Analysis: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
Behavior analysis, as a science dedicated to understanding and modifying behavior, has the potential to make significant contributions to improving the lives of individuals and communities. However, the effective application of behavior analysis requires consideration of cultural factors that can influence the behavior of individuals and the efficacy of interventions. This essay explores the importance of cultural competency in behavior analysis and the need to bridge the gap between theory and practice in this regard.
Cultural Competency in Behavior Analysis
Cultural competency refers to the ability to understand,....
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