Pow Essays (Examples)

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Pajotas Guerillas POW Operation
Pages: 4 Words: 1120

Mission Statement Pajota’s Guerillas mission was to promote the success of the 6th Ranger Battalion operation through preventing counter-attack by the Japanese infantry from Cabu. This would entail sealing off a mile of the road and holding it for 24 hours for the Rangers to have adequate time to attack the Pajota POW Camp and safely rescue of the US prisoners of war before being engaged by Japanese reinforcements. The guerrillas will also work with Alamo Squadron to offer necessary reinforcements to the Battalion to enhance the efficiency of the operation.
Commander’s Intent
The purpose of the 6th Ranger Battalion operation is to seal off a mile of the road in order for U.S. prisoners of war to be safely rescued before being engaged by Japanese Dokuho 359 forces. In this regard, Pajota guerrillas comprising five infantry squadrons will be deployed to establish a roadblock near the wooden bridge across the Cabu river.…...



King, M. J. (2016). Rescue at Cabanatuan. Retrieved March 11, 2017, from  

Menter, J. M. (2009). The sustainment battle staff & military decision making process (MDMP) guide : for Brigade Support Battalions (BSB), Sustainment Brigades (Sus Bdes), and Combat Sustainment Support Battalions (CSSB). Bloomington: AuthorHouse.http://www.4point2.org/cabanatuan.htm 


War Without Mercy Race and Power in the Pacific War by John Dower
Pages: 2 Words: 580

War Without Mercy
John W. Dower, War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War. Pantheon, 1987.

John W. Dower is a professor of Japanese history who received his Ph.D. In History and Far Eastern Languages from Harvard University in 1972 and has written extensively about popular culture in his scholarly work on Japanese and U.S. foreign relations history, including books such as Empire and Aftermath, Japan in War and Peace, and Embracing Defeat.

John Dower uses a wide variety of sources from the U.S., Britain and Japan to prove his thesis that the Pacific War was a merciless racial struggle that had far more in common with Hitler's war on the Eastern Front than the war between Germany and the Western Allies. Among these are diaries, letters, memoirs, newspapers, magazines, films, scholarly books and articles, radio broadcasts, official military and government documents, and statements by political and military leaders. His research…...

American Air Power in World War II
Pages: 8 Words: 2640

Air Power in WWII
American Air Power in World War II

Strategic Air Power: "...designed or trained to strike an enemy at the sources of his military, economic, or political power." Tactical Air Power: "... using or being weapons or forces employed at the battlefront; of, relating to, or designed for air attack in close support of friendly ground forces..." Merriman-Webster Online

Introduction to American Air Power Leading up to WWII

eport of the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces to the Secretary of War

The United States Air Force Museum's section on WWII Combat Europe features a lengthy report from the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces, which was sent to the Secretary of War; in Section One the report stressed several points which led to both the development of strategic and tactical methods towards defeating the Nazis in Europe. The following points were addressed to the Secretary of War in a…...



Green, Daniel. World War II Guide to Air Power: Body Armor ("Flak Suits"),

Information online] (Accessed 3 September 2004); available at http://www.ww2guide.com.

McManus, John C. Deadly Sky: The American Combat Airman in World War II; Novato, California: Presidio, 2000.

Merriman-Webster Online. Strategic, Tactical. Available at  http://www.m-w.com .

Nurse Pows Leadership and the
Pages: 3 Words: 1174

Both were conscientious leaders and neither would allow herself to be stepped on. But the manner in which each accomplished this differed considerably. Miss edecker made her presence known in her quiet, defiant way, while Capain Crawford had an authoritative desk-pounding approach" (p. 104).
The natural leader has been defined by some as the person who is willing to take a stand on a moral issue and to stand alone, even when everyone else disagrees. In this regard, Mitch stands out as such a person. He has been chosen by the internees to be a judge of their disputes and to mete out punishments for wrong-doing. His willingness to stand on principle is revealed in a short conversation he has with Dottie. She feels uncomfortable about using their friend's shanty all the time and suggests that they sit at a picnic table which belongs to her friend Liz. Mitch refuses…...



Danner, Dorothy Still. What a Way to Spend a War: Navy Nurse POWs in the Philippines,

Annapolis: Navy Institute Press, 1995.

Gary Powers Spy Plane Issue and How US Status Was Compromised
Pages: 11 Words: 3820

Gary Powers Spy Plane Issue
The Cold ar has been called the twentieth century's 'longest-running international morality play.' It was a play that lasted decades and produced thousands of players, both major and small, as well as two critical scenes set in Cuba and Berlin. The full weight of the drama settled on one person, an American pilot named Francis Gary Powers. hen Powers 'fell from the sky' outside the Soviet city of Sverdlovsk, the cold war truce between the United States and the Soviet Union fractured. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev declared, "The honeymoon was over."

The term Cold ar refers to the years of struggle between the United States and its allies and the Soviet Union and its allies following orld ar II. The Cold ar lasted over forty years, from the mid-1940's to the late 1980's. During this period, international politics were molded heavily by the rivalry between these two…...


Works Cited

Cold War." Encarta. http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/refarticle.aspx?refid=761569374.

A accessed 04-08-2003).

Francis Gary Powers: Captain, United States Air Force, Pilot, Central Intelligence

Agency." Arlington National Cemetery.   04-08-2003).http://www.arlingtoncemetery.com/francisg.htm .(accessed

Power of China From the
Pages: 15 Words: 4604

We must not forget, however, that, like most countries, China's economic leaps are tied to her political security. China's new model shows the world that economic security is as important as military security. Presently, though, based on the economic and political model of the world, China is focused on domestic economic issues and a slow but steady rise to socio-political power and role as a strategic player in global issues (Zakaria 2008 86-94). China has even begun to realize, possibly after the unfortunate events in Tianamen Square, that human rights are often tied to global economic issues. They can perhaps not understand why the West would act so emotionally on issues that occurred, say, during the Olympic Events China hosted, but they are aware that the world's public opinion is worth dollars -- both imported and exported. China still remains authoritarian, however, cracking down on Internet access, access to…...



China Tops U.S. As Investment Target. (October 2012). Reuters. Retrieved from:  http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/24/us-china-us-investment-idUSBRE89N0EZ20121024 

Global Security Engagement: A New Model for Cooperative Threat Reduction (2009), National

Academies Press, Washington, DC. Retrieved from:   / openbook.php?record_id=12583&page=R1http://www.nap.edu 

How China Views America (2010). Globalresearch. Retrieved from:

War in Iraq
Pages: 8 Words: 2751

ar in Iraq: An Application of Conflict Theory
The recent war with Iraq has been on the minds of people all across the world since well before it started. Many are worried that the United States will be seen as being too controlling, and that it should let the Iraqi people work out their own problems. Others, who are concerned about the threat of terrorist activity in this country and others, stick with the belief that the United States was right in their attempt to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

Regardless of which opinion one holds, there are theorists, both classical and modern, who have strong views on war. This is largely due to conflict theory, which is that life is largely characterized more by conflict that it is by consensus. Those who uphold this theory have different ways of looking at it, and the purpose of this paper is to look…...


Works Cited

Collins, Randall. "Conflict Sociology." New York: Academic Press, 1974. 56-61.

Conflict. 2003. 10 April 2003 http://www.sunflower.com/~syber/sociology/html/conflict.html.

Dugger, William M., & Howard J. Sherman. "Institutional and Marxist theories of evolution." Journal of Economic Issues, 31 (1997): 991-210.

Introduction to sociological theory. 2003. 10 April 2003  http://www.dustbunny.fsnet.co.uk/Soci1.htm .

Prisoner of the Mountains Actually
Pages: 2 Words: 755

But their independence did not come easily.
n fact the Chechens are essentially a Muslim nation of about a million and a half, and since the early 19th century the Chechens have been fighting the Russians for their independence. Understanding a bit of history helps the viewer understand the political tensions in the film. The dictator Joseph Stalin ordered the entire population of Chechens deported to Central Asia in 1944, because the Chechens allegedly collaborated with the Nazis to bring down the Russians. This bitter memory is part of what drives the Chechens to insist on being independent of Russia.

Another subplot that has impact is the fact that the two captive Russian soldiers may be wearing the same uniform but they see the world in vastly different ways. They both dance to a Louis Armstrong song ("Let My People Go") and yet they bother each other too. But when the…...


In fact the Chechens are essentially a Muslim nation of about a million and a half, and since the early 19th century the Chechens have been fighting the Russians for their independence. Understanding a bit of history helps the viewer understand the political tensions in the film. The dictator Joseph Stalin ordered the entire population of Chechens deported to Central Asia in 1944, because the Chechens allegedly collaborated with the Nazis to bring down the Russians. This bitter memory is part of what drives the Chechens to insist on being independent of Russia.

Another subplot that has impact is the fact that the two captive Russian soldiers may be wearing the same uniform but they see the world in vastly different ways. They both dance to a Louis Armstrong song ("Let My People Go") and yet they bother each other too. But when the older soldier, Sasha, comes down to earth from his crustiness and becomes softly nostalgic, he reaches out and touches the hand of his younger colleague and the music in the soundtrack blares the song "The Slavyanka," which is a patriotic hymn in Russia.

In conclusion, that touching moment between Russian soldiers, and the relationship between Vanya and Dina, among other soft, human scenes, is apparently designed by the director Sergei Bodrov to reveal the irrationality of war. Again, as presented earlier in this paper, a perceptive person viewing this film could reach a conclusion that this is a pacifist film; at the very least the director and screenwriter have brought a short story from a giant of literature into a modern context and presented most of the characters as quite human and likable. The Muslim nation has been brutally mistreated over the centuries by the Soviets / Russians, so the story takes that overall theme and brings it down to earth with very human tensions that result in very human interactions. This film shows tired soldiers juxtaposed against fierce rebel fighters whose convictions are more powerful than the Russians. Interestingly, one of Dina's roles is to tell the soldiers they will have a proper burial, but the audience does not know at the end exactly what happened.

War and Terrorism
Pages: 3 Words: 843

War & Human Rights Abuse: Parallelisms between Japanese-Americans in WWII and the U.S.-Iraq War (Gulf War II)
Among nations of varying cultures and societies, maintaining satisfactory political relations is a challenge. This is primarily due to differences among leaders and societies that make up this nation; thus, as a result of this diversity, it is inevitable that international relations among countries of the world may experience conflicts and antagonism with each other.

Declarations of war are one manifestation of conflicts and disagreements between two or more nations. Examples of these political conflicts are the First and Second World Wars, where devastation of the physical geography of countries and millions of deaths had occurred. Human history has, over time, illustrated how individual differences can potentially lead to bigger conflicts, thereby resulting to devastating, even deadly, results.

However, a far more important issue that should be focused on during times of war and political conflict…...



Cheney questions release of more photos." 11 May 2004. The New York Times Online. Available at  http://www.nytimes.com .

Executive Order 9066." (1942). Available at National Archives and Records Administration.

War in Afghanistan Is Visibly
Pages: 11 Words: 2995

S. forces were made to operate on ground and targeted operations were planned against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters. There were significant individually planned battles and skirmishes between the U.S. army and Taliban often resulting in heavy losses to both sides. A tactic that Taliban often used in such conditions was the suicide attacks and planting improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that left the soldier carrying vehicles destroyed. The U.S. utilized an Iraqi style counter insurgency operations in the Afghan region that resulted in some strengthening of the conditions.
3.1.3 Power sharing agreements

In order to enhance the effectiveness of the U.S. presence in Afghanistan the U.S. forged agreements with many warring tribes and factions of the Northern Alliance to enhance the unity of these groups that were to be pitched against the Taliban. These agreements were aimed at removing the support base of Taliban and Al-Qaeda from the Afghan society at which…...



Coll, S. (2005). Ghost wars: The secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, 2001. Penguin.

Dreyfuss, R. (2005). Devil's game: how the United States helped unleash fundamentalist Islam. Metropolitan Books.

Giustozzi, a. (2008). Koran, Kalashnikov, and laptop: the neo-Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. Columbia University Press.

Jones, a. (2013, Jan). Only Three Choices for Afghan Endgame: Compromise, Conflict, or Collapse: Counting down to 2014. TomDispatch.com. Retrieved from: [ http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/28-3 ]

War in Iraq to the
Pages: 2 Words: 909

The time to go in and dismantle his war machine was now, Bush insisted.
But now, nearly four years after the invasion of Iraq, with nearly 3,000 American casualties and over $380 billion having been spent (Sidoti, 2006), less than 40% of Americans support the war. No weapons of mass destruction have been found. No evidence of any nuclear program Hussein was alleged to have launched has been found. And recently the U.S. intelligence agencies reported that the war in Iraq has created more terrorists, and that we are not any safer now than we were in 2001 after 9/11.

Moreover, the American people are clearly fed up with what they see on television from Iraq: a) there is now a civil war going on between rival ethnic factions, and dozens of innocent civilians are kidnapped and/or slaughtered every day; the U.S. involvement has exacerbated this bloodletting; b) images of American…...


Works Cited

Hess, Pamela. "Pentagon late to the information war." United Press International. Retrieved 1 Nov. 2006 at  http://www.upi.com .

Reuters. "Factbox - Military and Civilian Deaths in Iraq. Retrieved 2 Nov. 2006 at  http://www.alertnet.org .

Sidoti, Liz. "Analysis: Iraq war dominates campaign." Associated Press. Retrieved 1 Nov. 2006 from  http://www.mercurynews.com .

Barter System Prisoner of War
Pages: 3 Words: 1176

What is meant by the term "arbitrage"?
Arbitrage is a term used in economics that means taking advantage of differences in price of a single item. The author references a padre who would purchase items sold for lesser amounts within one group of POWs and then re-sell it for a greater profit within another group of POWs. For example, buying coffee from the ritish at a small number of cigarettes and then selling it to the Russian prisoners for a much larger number of cigarettes. Generally, arbitrage should involve zero risk, because the two transactions should occur simultaneously, but this was not an option in the POW camps. According to Aswath Damodoran in Corporate Finance Theory and Practice, this form of arbitrage is classified as near arbitrage. Pure arbitrage requires that you invest no money, take no risk and walk away with sure profits. Unless the transactions can be completed…...


Brown, P.J., (1982). "Constitution or Competition? Alternative Views on Monetary Reform." Literature of Liberty. Vol. v, no. 3, pp. 7-52. Arlington, VA: Institute for Humane Studies.

Damodoran a., (2001). Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice. NY: John Wiley & Sons. pp.12-30.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Entrepreneurs and the Economy. Retrieved from  http://www.dallasfed.org/educate/everyday/ev3.html .

World War II World War II Was
Pages: 2 Words: 760

World War II. World War II was a turning point in world history, and brought together many allies to fight strong opponents for world domination. The War was supposed to be the "last" world war fought, but other conflicts since that time show the world is still a volatile and unsettled place, and it seems there will always be wars fought in this world.
World War II was fought on two major fronts -- Europe and Asia. There was also fighting in North Africa, and many Pacific Islands. The initial war began in 1939 when German dictator Adolph Hitler invaded Poland. England and France had pledged to support Poland as Hitler continued to take over countries in Europe, such as Austria and Czechoslovakia in the late 1930s. When Hitler invaded Poland,

France and England issued ultimatums to Germany which were ignored, and the war had officially begun, even though actual fighting…...



Boatner, Mark M. Biographical Dictionary of World War II. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1996.

Divine, Robert A., ed. Causes and Consequences of World War II. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969.

Kitchen, Martin. A World in Flames: A Short History of the Second World War in Europe and Asia, 1939-1945. London: Longman, 1990.

War of Tripoli as a
Pages: 10 Words: 3129

Lear and Comodore Barron, the commander of the American fleet in the Mediterranean agreed in 1805 that Ahmad was no longer useful to the American cause. As a result, Lear met with Muhammad D'Ghies, Tripoli's Minister for foreign affairs, and eventually reached an agreement. War prisoners would be mutually exchanged, and America had to pay a sum of $60, 000 to Tripoli. However, this sum was considerably smaller than what the Pasha had asked for in 1804. Legendary Commodore Charles Morris wrote, "On the 3rd of June, a peace was concluded with Tripoli by Colonel Lear, who had been authorized by the President to negotiate."
One of the most important consequences of the war was its power to produce some of the earliest American war heroes. In the absence of news correspondents, and the far-reaching means the press has today, the accounts of the war were given by the people…...

War Studs Terkel's The Good War in
Pages: 7 Words: 2608

"Studs Terkel's: The Good ar

In The Good ar Terkel presents the compelling, the bad, and the ugly memories of orld ar II from a view of forty years of after the events. No matter how horrendous the recollections are, comparatively only a few of the interviewees said that if the adventure never happened that they would be better off. It was a lively and determinative involvement in their lives. Even though 400,000 Americans died, the United States itself was not assaulted again after Pearl Harbor, the economy did begin to develop and there was a fresh contemporary feeling of humanity power that revitalized the nation.

A lot of women and Black Americans faced new liberties in the post war nation, but happy life following orld ar II was stained by the danger of the could be nuclear. Studs Terkel interviewed over 120 people by inquiring them to tell him about…...


Works Cited

Terkel, S. (1997). The Good War: An Oral History of World War II. Boston: New Press.

"Executive order 9066" Franklin Delano Roosevelt. February 19, 1942. accessed from  http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=74# 

Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, Personal Justice

Denied. (Washington, D.C.: The Civil Liberties Public Education Fund, 1997),

How can I start my essay on Deviance?
Words: 340

Choosing how to start your essay on deviance depends on the type of essay you are writing and the type of coursework you are trying to complete.  Deviance is a broad topic that is covered in many of the soft sciences, including (but not limited to) sociology, psychology, and criminology.  It is also discussed in the humanities, particularly philosophy and history.  Therefore, we would probably begin the essay with two things: a definition of deviance and an explanation of how that definition fits into the context of the essay we are writing. 

Generally, deviance is a sociological concept....

What rhetorical choices does Frederick Douglass use to convince his reader of the psychological trauma that children who were slaves experienced?
Words: 356

One of the reasons that Frederick Douglass was an effective anti-slavery advocate was because he was a powerful speaker and writer who mastered rhetorical tools and was able to use them to convey the realities of slavery to people who had either never experienced or had experienced slavery from the perspective of the slaveholder, rather than the perspective of the slave. 

Douglass uses simile, comparing most slaves’ knowledge of their birthdays to what a horse would know of its birthday.  Given that slaves were often compared to beasts of burden; this may not seem like a rhetorical device....

Can you please provide several essay titles and introduction paragraphs for an essay on animal farm?
Words: 434

Dueling Protagonists: Exploring the Roles of Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm

Generally, the protagonist of a story is its main character and the center of the action.  Many people think of protagonists as the heroes of the story, but that is not always the case.  Villains can also be the protagonist of stories, and it is common for the protagonists of the story to view themselves very differently from how the story’s other characters would view them.  In Animal Farm, it is difficult to identify a single protagonist because both Snowball and Napoleon play a protagonist....

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