Portuguese Essays (Examples)

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Portuguese Is a Language That
Pages: 13 Words: 4154

It is suggested that some of the linguistic facts are also better explained by a creole or creole-like history. The case is not conclusive, but the weight of evidence tends to support a creole-like origin for popular BP (Guy, 1981).
Studies have also been done regarding the nature of language, memory, and reading skills of bilingual students and to determine the relationship between reading problems in English and reading problems in Portuguese. The study assessed the reading, language, and memory skills of 37 bilingual Portuguese-Canadian children, aged 9 -- 12 years. English was their main instructional language and Portuguese was the language spoken at home. All children attended a Heritage Language Program at school where they were taught to read and write Portuguese. The children were administered word and pseudo word reading, language, and working memory tasks in English and Portuguese. The majority of the children (67%) showed at least…...



Azevedo, M. (1974). On the Semantics of Estar + Participle Sentences in Portuguese. Linguistics, 12(135), 25-34.

Brucki, S., & Rocha, M. (2004). Category fluency test: effect of age, gender, and education on total scores, clustering and switching in Brazilian Portuguese-speaking subjects. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological research, 37, 1771-1777.

Da Fontoura, H.A., & Siegel, L.S. (1995). Reading, Syntactic, and working memory skills of bilingual Portuguese-English Canadian Children. Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, 7(1), 139-153.

Guy, G.(1981). Linguistics Variation in Brazilian Portuguese: Aspects of the Phonology, Syntax, and Language History. Dissertations available from ProQuest. Paper AAI8117786.

Portuguese Presence in Africa in
Pages: 2 Words: 589

This region had long been the source of slaves for the route through the Sahara to the Mediterranean. The arrival of the Portuguese opened up another channel which they expanded during the 16th century.
On the east coast the Portuguese were drawn to Mozambique and the Zambezi River by news of a local people, the Munhumutapa, who allegedly possessed fabulous wealth in gold. In 1531, in an effort to reach Munhumutapa and their gold, the Portuguese established two settlements far up the Zambezi River. One of these settlements, Tete, was 260 miles from the ocean; however the treasure remained beyond their grasp.

The colonization of Africa by the Portuguese had a devastating impact on some of the exiting civilizations. The Afro-Muslim Zendj civilization of East Africa, who competed for the African trade, was completely destroyed by 1583. The Kingdoms of the Congo and the Monomotapa were also destroyed by Portuguese conquerors.…...


Works Cited

"History of Africa. "History of the World (2011) 5 April 2011

"History of the Portuguese Empire." History of the World (2011) 5 April 2011

Pope Nicholas V. "Dum Diversas." Unam Santam Catholicam. June 18, 1452. Trans. Bishop Nicholas. February 5, 2011. 5 April 2011

Portuguese Art of the 1970s
Pages: 3 Words: 868

The paintings of Pedro Calapez during this period are emblematic of artists' concern with the nature of art history itself. Calapez's paintings from the 1980s attempt to analyze memory in its relation to historical analysis. Calapez's paintings also link Portuguese art to the wider Neo-expressionist art movement of the 1980s.

Another artist who dealt with these themes - this time in the sculptural realm - was Rui Chafes. The art critic and historian Joana Cunha Leal has suggested that Chafes's earliest work from the 1980s already asserted some of the structural postulates of his subsequent artistic production: the creation of delimited objects, the predomination of organic-like forms, the suggestion of lightness and dematerialisation enhanced by fragile materials. Furthermore, the work gave priority to the question of the relationship of the objects to space, in the sense that his pieces refuse the literal logic of the monument, and often have the effect…...


Works Cited

Lapa, Pedro. "A Brief History of Portuguese Contemporary Art." In Contemporary Art from Portugal. Retrieved 11 March 2008 from www.ecb.int/events/pdf/art/Portugal.pdf.

Leal, Joana Cunha. "Rui Chafes." Retrieved 11 March 2008 at http://www.camjap.gulbenkian.pt/Gallery/%7Be45beeae-8cbf-4918-bfdf-4bb1d025bb2f%7D/2f0e1189-923e-44b3-b0f6-c7178217ca51.pdf.

Portuguese Beverage Industry
Pages: 5 Words: 1501

Sumol & Compal
Sumol and Compal is a Portuguese beverage company, created through the merger of soft drink company Sumol and juice company Compal. The company also produces beer, canned vegetables, and it has distribution rights to a handful of other products. They have a relatively strong presence in the domestic Portuguese market but a limited presence in other European markets, despite having barrier-free market access through the European Union. This paper will analyze Sumol + Compal, and provide an overview of the soft beverages industry in Europe.

Beverage Industry Overview

The soft beverage industry is a general category for all non-alcoholic, prepared and packaged beverages, including juice, soft drinks, water and energy drinks. Because Sumol + Compal competes in the industry's two largest segments, it can best be understood in the context of this industry. The industry's size is projected out to be $78.646 billion by 2017, with a growth rate of…...



Dijkhof, L. (2013). Carbonated soft drinks in Europe. MarketLine Industry Profile. Retrieved March 19, 2015 from  http://www.academia.edu/5105514/Europe_-Carbonated_Soft_Drinks_MarketLine_Industry_Profile_Carbonated_Soft_Drinks_in_Europe 

Roales, J. (2013). Soft drinks in Portugal. MarketLine Industry Profile. Retrieved March 19, 2015 from  http://www.academia.edu/5094058/Portugal_-Soft_Drinks_MarketLine_Industry_Profile_Soft_Drinks_in_Portugal 

Digital Look (2015). Sumol Compal (SUCO). Digital Look. Retrieved March 19, 2015 from  http://www.digitallook.com/equity/Sumol_Compal/share-prices

Public Administration in the Portuguese Framework Reforms
Pages: 3 Words: 976

Public Administration
In the Portuguese framework, reforms in public management were shaped by two major events. The first event was the 1974 evolution characterized by forty years of corporatist and dictatorial regime. The second event was the 1986 European Union member integration. The two regimes entailed a critical transformation from state oriented, closed, oligarchical, and highly controlled society to a citizen oriented, democratic and open society that placed great value on individual initiatives and freedom. As a result, reforms in public management became a realistic movement in Portugal. This was mostly because the modernization procedure continued regardless of party lines and political changes. This suggests that dynamic continuity entails the strength of the modernized Portuguese public administration. Such dynamic continuity refers to the process of reforms based on previous mistakes and experience. This was achieved through balancing actions and using new tools and strategies to adapt to new situations and…...



Cook, B.J. (2006). Bureaucracy and self-government: Reconsidering the role of public administration in American politics. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press.

Menzel, D.C., & White, H.L. (2011). The state of public administration: Issues, challenges, and opportunities. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

Nagel, S.S. (2010). Critical issues in cross-national public administration: Privatization, democratization, decentralization. Westport, CT: Quorum Books

Raadschelders, J.C.N. (2008). Government: A public administration perspective. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe.

Egas Moniz Was a Portuguese
Pages: 2 Words: 432

According to Moniz, all of his case studies proved to be beneficial in treating various mental disorders. He further states that these case studies and the data gathered from them speak for themselves and that "the results are not a mere coincidence."
However, this report does lack general persuasiveness in that it is authored by the procedures inventor. For one, there is no peer review of the study and results, thus one has to read the article with bias from the author. If there was a peer review of the study, the article would have more credibility. Further, the report lacks any actual interview with the clients. Thus, the data is from an observational, strictly objective point-of-view. The persuasiveness of the article would be greater if the clients were given an opportunity to express their independent views of the procedures effect and benefit.

Thus, the result is an article that is…...



Moniz, Egas. Prefrontal Leucotomy in the Treatment of Mental Disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry. 1937 93: 1379-1385.

Argument Against Portuguese New World involvement
Pages: 3 Words: 1065

Men Folly
The work of Restall covers a lot of ground when it comes to classic literature. One of the approaches and treatments that is common in such literature is the concept of "great men." Of course, the topic is a bit silly and under-informed nowadays. This brief essay will cover why precisely this is the case and it will use Restall's work in Seven Myths as the main sources of analysis to make that case. While the use of "great men" in classic literature is to be expected and customary, an obvious modern case can and should be made against the general concept and how what supposedly made men like Cortes and Columbus "great" was actually regular and normal behavior for the time and the positions of power that those "great men" held.

Restall makes prescient and honest points about men like Columbus and Cortes. Beyond the fact that many people…...

Conversion of Natives to Christianity
Pages: 7 Words: 2433

"I do not think they will submit," Miranda writes (149). One of the Seri leaders told Miranda that "he loved neither God nor priest nor political authorities and preferred to die killing."
Miranda is clearly caught in a vicious conundrum: the more "industriously" and "diligently" he protects the welfare of the Indians, "the less relief and rest he will have from the Spaniards, whom he also serves." It is a "very ticklish" subject and he resents the fact that the Spanish political leaders in Mexico "watch over a priest's action in order to bring censure upon him. Many times the life I have described is simply not worth it, not worth it at all." He misses Spain, he writes: "There one lives, here one only dies." His worst fear is that once the presidio is finished, the plan will be to "extinguish and annihilate the Seri nation once and for…...


Works Cited

Deeds, Susan M. Defiance and Deference in Mexico's Colonial North: Indians

Under Spanish Rule in Nueva Vizcaya. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003

Interknowledge Corporation. "Brazil: History." (2005). Retrieved 23 Nov. 2006 at  http://www.geographia.com/brazil/brazihistory.htm .

Meyer, Michael C., & Beezley, William H.. The Oxford History of Mexico. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Bloodlines and Race
Pages: 2 Words: 548

Portuguese Thoughts on Seized Africans

The Portuguese chronicler perceived the seized Africans of the mid 15th century with great detail and consideration. The chronicler observed many aspects of the seized Africans that show their culture and their feelings. He saw the various reactions of the people as they stood in chains awaiting the next step in their unthinkable experience(s). He saw people weep; he saw them detach from reality and seem numb. The chronicler noticed the intense emotional responses from the Africans when they were separated from family and friends while led away in chains. He definitely saw many seized Africans lose their grip on reality and their sanity demonstrating hysteria and mania as reactions to their capture. These variations in their reactions show that the African people seized have the full range of human emotions, just as humans from any other part on Earth, such as Portugal.

Other variations that the…...

Country of Portugal
Pages: 6 Words: 1811

Portugal 16th Century to Present

Portugal: 16th Century to Present

Portugal: 16th Century to Present

Portugal is a country a part of the continent of Europe. It is on the western coast of Europe sharing a boundary with Spain and the Atlantic Ocean. Portugal's independence and king (now there is a president and a prime minister) received formal recognition since the 12th century AD. The language is Portuguese and the people identify as Portuguese or of the Portuguese epublic (epublica Portuguesa). It is a mostly Catholic country and with mostly female citizens. There are nearly 11 million people living in Portugal according to the Central Intelligence Agency (2012). The capital city is Lisbon and most of the population lives in urban areas rather than rural areas. There are archipelagos, Azores, and Madeira, which are additionally a part of Portugal. The paper will provide insight into the country of Portugal, regaling parts of the…...



Central Intelligence Agency. (2012). Portugal. Available from:   2012 August 01.https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/po.html .

Facts About. (2012) Portugal History and Timeline & Facts. Available from:   2012 August 07.http://www.facts-about.org.uk/history-and-events-timeline-portugal.htm .

HistoryWorld. (2012). History of Portugal. Available from:   2012 August 04.http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ab46 .

Migration Policy Institute. (2002). Portugal Seeks Balance of Emigration, Immigration. Available from:   2012 August 05.http://www.migrationinformation.org/feature/display.cfm?ID=77 .

1415 Europeans Began a Long Process of
Pages: 3 Words: 1046

1415 Euopeans began a long pocess of expansion though impeial conquest and colonization. This ealy moden fom of impeialism continued up to the late eighteenth o ealy nineteenth centuy. Explain how and why the vaious Euopean powes expanded beyond thei oiginal bodes and in many instances beyond the continent. Be sue to distinguish between at least thee of the pincipal Euopean impeial powes, among which wee the Potuguese, Spanish, Bitish, Fench, Dutch, and Russians.
Thee wee many factos that caused Euopean powes to expand beyond thei oiginal bodes and, in many instances, beyond the continent.

One of these was simply colonization whee one county battled anothe and claimed its teitoy as its own. Anothe facto was tade whee the tade dealings of specific counties bought them into contact with anothe and, theeby impoted thei influence into foeign soil. The slave tade too was a contibutoy facto whee people fom one poweful…...



Jiu-Hwa Upshur (2012) World History Wadsworth; comprehensive, compact 5th edition)

John M. Cohen (1969) The Four Voyages, Penguin: UK

Story of Maual Rodriguez
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Manuel Rodriguez Case
Manuel Rodriguez is a 7th Grade student with a very limited command of English. Originally from Brazil, his first language (L1) is Portuguese, and coming from an upper-middle class family that provided him with a private school education, he is very proficient in it. His father Cesar is a university professor who will be working for four years in the U.S. As part of a United Nations exchange program, while his mother Nona and seven-year-old sister Anna are also living here. In interviewing his parents, it is clear that they are concerned that he is having great difficulty adjusting to the new education system and to life as an immigrant in general, not least because of his language difficulties. During the eight months they have been in this country, Manuel has become sullen, withdrawn and depressed, which is not his normal personality at all, and part of the…...

History of Africa
Pages: 8 Words: 2584

Harmony to Holocaust
The Portuguese reached the Gold Coast of Africa in 1439. At first, they were impressed with the culture they found. As they worked their way down the coast "[t]hey found people of varying cultures. Some lived in towns ruled by kings with nobility and courtiers very much like the medieval societies they left behind them." (Obadina). Many years later, a visitor from Holland was equally impressed and records his impressions of Benin City in 1600: "As you enter it, the town appears very great. You go into a great broad street, not paved, which seems to be seven or eight times broader than the Warmoes Street in Amsterdam... The houses in this town stand in good order, one close and even with the other, as the houses in Holland stand..." (qtd. In Obadina). Clearly, at this early stage, the Europeans had a fairly positive view of the…...



Beard, Oscar L. "Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery." Hartford-Hwp.com Web Site.

24 May 1999. 5 May 2003. http://www.hargord-hwp.com/archives/30/145.html.

Hooker, Richard. "The Forest Kingdoms." Washington State University Web Site. 6

June 1999 5 May 2003. http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/CIVAFRCA/FOREST.htm

Faculty Profile She May Not
Pages: 3 Words: 827

The one-time immigration lawyer moonlighted as an editor at the Latin American Review Press and was impressed with her boss, a 90-year-old woman. This experience has inspired Mahler, who eventually wants to have her own journal or press.
This independent streak dates to her upbringing. "I was a very latchkey kid," she explains, and was raised by her siblings. As a result, she was a bit of a neighborhood terror as well. "I even had my own army of 1st graders that I made do push-ups and if they didn't, I sent them to jail, which was the jungle gym."

For now, however, her focus is on Emory and her family. She married her high school sweetheart, Andrew Mahler, and the couple now reside in Stockbridge. Anna wants to focus on building bonds with her students as well. "I hope to make lasting personal and professional relationships and contribute to colleague's…...

Rest Case Study There Is No Such
Pages: 3 Words: 882

Case study There is no such thing

Q1.The origin of slavery can be traced back to late 1600's in Jamestown in Virginia. In early 1600's the Virginia Company came to America and established the colony of Virginia. In the process of establishing the colony the English settlers also brought with them Portuguese and Dutch traders to help in the establishment of the colony. The English settlers had previously failed in their several attempts to establish a colony but were persistent enough to sees their dream come true. The successful establishment of the colony was later followed by successful trading between the settlers and the locals. In one such incidence that may have most importance was when one trader traded his cargo of African slaves for food.The slaves were first taken in as indentured servants to work in return for freedom, food or land.

The African were given same considerations as poor…...



Alexander, R. (2005). Racism, African-Americans, and social justice. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Buell, T. (2004).Slavery in America: A primary source history of the intolerable practice of slavery. New York: Rosen Central Primary Source.

Oskamp, S. (2000).Reducing prejudice and discrimination. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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