Political Economy Essays (Examples)

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Political Economy
Pages: 2 Words: 883

Political Economy
Albert Hirschman has described two means of expressing dissatisfaction with a company in the political economy: exit and voice. Exit is when people stop buying or using a company's product or service en masse, while voice is when people express such dissatisfaction in writing or with the spoken word. This paper describes two real life situations where exit and voice were used to influence the political economy

One example of the use of "exit" in the real world as Hirschman describes it is the mass migration of customers from GoDaddy to other domain name registrars when it was discovered that the CEO of GoDaddy had been on safari and killed an elephant, and again when it was discovered that GoDaddy was supporting SOPA, the wildly unpopular internet privacy bill that was recently up before a vote in Congress (and was subsequently defeated). When the first incident came to light, thousands…...

Political Economy
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Political Economy
Subsidize the rebuilding of homes post-Katrina

Because the majority of the victims of Hurricane Katrina were very poor, many did not have homeowner's insurance or other methods of restoring their houses to livable condition. The government should provide grants to residents to enable them to rebuild their homes, provided they lived in structurally sound enough areas that were deemed not to be at extreme risk should the levees break once again. For families whose homes could not be saved, they should be given financial restitution to enable them to find residences elsewhere, enabling them to rebuild their lives. This policy would bring the New Orleans community together as residents strive to improve their lives. This policy will also give residents some autonomy to choose how their houses could be rebuilt. Specific contractors offering low-cost, subsidized services would be recommended, but residents could choose who would engage in the rebuilding effort…...

Political Economy of Kazakhstan When
Pages: 5 Words: 1436

At the same time, foreign direct investment capital increased exponentially in different areas. These factors allowed the banking sector become well capitalized with over $1 billion in reserves. (Lewis) (Dosmukhamedov)
According to Baumol (2007) the basic models that were used to help create these transformations were a combination of big firm and enterprise centric capitalism. This is when private businesses were allowed to develop, produce and deliver various products to the market place with little to no outside government interference. This resulted in a series of economic partnerships with countries such as Russia and China for the development of oil / gas natural pipelines. The impact this is having on the economy, is to transform the nation and the industries which are operating throughout the region. These changes have created tremendous amounts of economic growth with this accounting for GDP increases of 10.3% to 4.5% between 2010 and 2012. However,…...


Works Cited

Baumol, William. Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. Print.

Dosmukhamedov, Yerzhan. Kazakhstan's Assassinated Democracy. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2012. Print

Lewis, David. "Resources and Rivalries in the Stan's." World Policy Journal (2008):125 -- 135.

Olcott, Martha. Kazakhstan Unfulfilled Promise. Washington DC: Carnegie Endowment for Peace, 2010. Print.

Political Economy of Climate Change International Conflict
Pages: 10 Words: 2845

Political Economy of Climate Change
International Conflict for Post-Kyoto: Which countries will benefit and lose national interests from the regulation of CO2?

Over the last several years, the issue of CO2 emissions has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because a number of studies are continuing to show how the release of these gases from cars, factories, refineries, power plants and homes are contributing to global warming. To prevent this different conventions and agreements have been signed (such as: the Kyoto Protocol). This was the first concentrated effort in directly controlling CO2 emissions through a cap and trade system. The way it worked is different nations could trade pollution credits with each other in order to remain in compliance with the treaty. The basic idea was to create a marketplace where these caps can be exchanged (in a transparent format). (United Nations Environmental Program, 2008) (Anzar, 2005)

This created contention between…...



Breaking the Climate Deadlock. (2011). The Climate Group. Retrieved from:  http://www.theclimategroup.org/_assets/files/Cutting-the-Cost-Exec-Summ.pdf 

Anzar, C. (2005). Post Kyoto Climate Policy. Climate Policy, 5, 309 -- 328.

Beach, W. (2009). The Economic Impact. Heritage Foundation. Retrieved from:  http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2009/05/the-economic-impact-of-waxman-markey 

Chen, G. (2009). Politics of China's Environmental Protection. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Political Economy Globalization
Pages: 5 Words: 1568

globalization and the effects that it is having on our world. This paper will look at four different thinkers -- obert Gilpin, Pankaj Ghemawat, Jeffrey Frankel and Moises Naim -- and discuss their thoughts on this subject, adding the author's own analysis and interpretation to build on their work.
In his The Nature of Political Economy, Gilpin delves into the perceived conflict between corporations and nation-states. He perceives these two actors as engaged in a cold conflict over the world's resources. He uses this discussion to frame his explanation of the nature of political economy. He notes that there is a reciprocal relationship between economics and politics (p.282) and that both wealth and power derive from this relationship. Absent in his analysis are people, since neither have much real power, certainly not as much as might be found in collections of people working in the apparent interests of other people…...



Robert Gilpin, "The Nature of Political Economy," A&J, 265-81.

Jeffrey Frankel, "Globalization of the Economy," A&J, 305-21.

Pankaj Ghemawat, "Why the World Isn't Flat," A&J 321-26.

Moises Naim, "What Globalization Is and Is Not?" A&J, 327.

Political Economy of China
Pages: 6 Words: 1830

political economy of China explores the following issues and questions:
hen did Deng Xiaoping start China's economic reform? hat were some of the motivations for his open-door policy?

hat achievements has China made since then?

hat are the major problems in today's Chinese political economy?

hy is China not a democracy yet?

The roles of Deng, Jiang and Hu's three generations of Chinese leadership in China's political economy.

Deng Xiaoping's Economic Reforms

Deng Xiaoping emerged as China's de-facto leader in the years following Mao Zedong's death in 1976. Under his tutelage, China entered an era of sustained economic process that continues to date.

Deng started China's economic reforms in 1978 with the announcement of the "Open Door Policy."

Prior to the introduction of the new Policy, China had followed the radical, centrally directed economic policies of Mao that emphasized self-reliance and closed its door to trade with foreign countries on the premise that the rich capitalist countries exploit…...


Works Cited

'China": The CIA World Factbook. April 21, 2005. April 30, 2005.

"Deng Xiaoping" Article from Wikipedia. 2005. April 30, 2005.

"Economic Overview: China." Countrywatch. 2005. April 30, 2005.

"Hu Jintao" Article from Wikipedia. 2005. April 30, 2005.

Political Economy of Television it
Pages: 9 Words: 2975

Among the various prime-time offerings there is a hospital drama, ER, which happens to be one of that network's longest-running dramas and focuses on an emergency room in an urban area. Furthermore, not only does ER feature many non-white cast members, but it portrays minorities in positions of power. It features African-American, Indian, Croatian, and lesbian doctors. In fact, one of the more recent storylines centered on an interracial romantic relationship. Obviously, this program is not geared to appeal towards only white upper-class Americans. On another night, the main prime-time drama centers on a medium that helps solve crimes. Although the medium is portrayed by a white woman, and comes from an upper-middle class background, her boss is Hispanic.
The comedies offered by the network also fail to show a white upper-middle class heterosexual dominance. The days of dominance by comedies like Friends or Seinfeld, which portrayed New York as…...


Works Cited

Brunsdon, Charlotte. "Television Studies." Museum.tv. 2005. The Museum of Broadcast

Communications. 1 Mar. 2005  http://www.museum.tv/archives/etv/T/htmlT/televisionst/televisionst.htm .

Encyclopedia: Political Economy." Encyclopedia. 2005. Nationmaster. 1 Mar. 2005 http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/political-economy.

Johnson, Paul M. "Political Economy." Glossary of Political Economy Terms. 2000. Auburn

Japan and Korea's Political Economy Background
Pages: 3 Words: 924

Political Economy Background: Japan and Korea
In the period after the World War II, a large part of the world was restructured, especially the Pacific Asia (Borthwick, 1992). One of the most dramatic changes that took place in Asia was that several countries that had been colonized or semi-colonized emerged in the years following the War as independent, self-governing states, freed from colonial rule. In Southeast Asia, for example, between 1949 and 1959, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Malaysia attained independence. Singapore gained the right to self-governance in 1949. However in this region, two countries managed not only self-governance but also diplomatic international relations. These two countries were Korea and Japan.

Though Japan had not only been physically destroyed by its enemies, but mentally and spiritually defeated by its surrender in the wake of the War, it managed to overcome this sense of defeat and started to build its way up. In…...



Borthwick, Mark. Pacific Century. The emergence of Modern Pacific Asia (Boulder, Westview Press, 1992).

Murphey, Rhoads. A History of Asia, 3rd edn.(New York, Longman, 2000).

Tarling, Nicholas. Nations and States in Southeast Asia (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998).

Political Economy
Pages: 2 Words: 724

theoretical insights in the Anderson & Hill and Anderson & Huggins books to developing two policy proposals designed to maximize the number of elephants while also protecting the interests of farmers. In these policy proposals, we will assume that traditional, fenced in national parks will exist in African countries along with traditional fence agriculture. Additionally, there will be game ranching/sustainable tourism and private reserves where harvesting of economically valuable natural plants.
Sustainable Tourism in Fenced National Parks and Conventional Agriculture

One should always keep resources that have worked in the past. Sustainable tourism presents possibilities for the conservation of elephant populations. Fenced in game preserves and national parks that promote tourism have been around for years and represent excellent venues to connect with wealthy vacationers who will spend money in the host countries and will hopefully donate to organizations that promote elephant and other wildlife conservation. By increasing tourism, the national…...

Global Political Economy Why Yet
Pages: 4 Words: 1343

It could additionally restrict the possibility of importing ideas and strategies from various other industries.
The primary goal of this book, as a result, is to offer a well balanced and upgraded evaluation of the relationship in between IPE and economics for upper undergraduate and masters pupils in IPE, preventing the opposing risks of economics anxiety and economics envy. It is definitely not meant as "economics for dummies," nor as a paean to economic science. The author offers an intro to international political economy which catches the essence of advancing arguments in this topic. He additionally persuades those pupils of IPE who continue to be careful of engaging with economics that a cautious and vital engagement with economic concept and ideas is important both to an understanding of modern IPE and to making best use of the potentialities of research in this industry.

It will likewise be clear that the empirical…...



Andrew Walter and Gautam Sen. (2009). Analyzing the Global Political Economy. Princeton University Press

Political Economy
Pages: 15 Words: 4136

Reagan era economics and uses the economic era as a foundational support for the economic boom of the 1990's. The writer explores various published works regarding the Reagan Economic era including discussions about the trickle down theory and voodoo economics to lay the building blocks to explain the boom of the 1990's.
The economic boom of the 1990's brought America to heights it had not seen in many years. People were able to purchase what they wanted, when they wanted and in the quantity they wanted. The housing market soared and the quality standard of life seemed to improve more many Americans. It was a decade of self-discovery, and a decade of exciting stock, housing, auto and other economic avenues to explode. It lasted long enough for residents of this nation to become comfortable spending and that comfort drove the spending up. This in turn drove the economy forward and…...


Works Cited

ASK SOMEONE ABOUT THE REAGAN YEARS AND YOU'RE LIABLE TO HEAR A VARIETY OF ANSWERS... (Accessed 10-10-2002).  http://members.tripod.com/~BluEyedMan/ 

Author not available, Reagan economics didn't work in U.S. - or here., The Toronto Star, (1999): May.

Author not available, REAGAN TAX CUTS WERE FAIR TO EVERYONE., The Record (Bergen County, NJ),(1994): February. pp b04.

Author not available, The rising tide. The Washington Times (1999): July. pp B2.

Political Economy
Pages: 7 Words: 2050

Foreign Direct Investment
Why has foreign direct investment (FDI) increased in recent decades?

According to the OECD, (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), one of the major trends in the global economy during the recent decades is the increase in the foreign direct Investment (2001, p.101). Foreign direct Investment is the process of establishing, owing and controlling the production of goods and services in the foreign country or in simple words, it can be defined as the real assets which are abroad. It is associated with the transitional corporations which expand their global activities.

If we go back 50 decades, we find out that foreign direct Investment was considered as an unhelpful, unconstructive, negative and a method of introducing improper technology for the developing countries. However, a completely different view of FDI has emerged in the last two-three decades and today it is considered as very beneficial for the economic growth. This shows…...



Aghion, P & Howitt, P., 1998, Endogenous growth theory, MIT press, Cambridge Massachusetts.

OECD, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. 2001, New horizons for foreign direct investment, Global Forum on International Investment.

Urata, Shuijro & Kawai, H., 2000, "The Determinants of the Location of Foreign Direct Investment by Japanese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises," Small Business Economics 15.

UNCTAD., 1999. World Investment Report, UNCTAD, Geneva.

Japanese Political Economy Has Been
Pages: 9 Words: 2891

The new rebuilt and equipped factories were net superior to those of America or other victorious states.
Demographic factor more recent internal factor that tends to influence Japan's economy is of demographic nature. However still increasing, the population of Japan is increasing at a lower rate than that of a decade ago. Not only the reduced birth rate contributes to the demographic decrease, but also the more and more obvious market liberalization and individuals' migration towards better paid jobs in other countries.

This means that the country is left with less young workers and more retired people with no other income that their pension. In the times to come, the larger number of pensioners than that of the working population will turn out to be a bourdon upon the shoulders of Japan.

Also, another demographic factor of great importance is the recent migration from the country side to the city. Rural areas…...



Wikipedia, The Free Online Encyclopedia, November 9, 2006, Economic History of Japan,   accessed on November 26,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_history_of_Japan,last 

Valignano, Alessandro, 1584, Historia del Principo y Progresso de la Compania de Jesus en las Indias Orientales

Answers.com, Economic History of Japan, Answers Corporation, 2006,   last accessed on November 26, 2006http://www.answers.com/topic/economic-history-of-japan ,

Wikipedia, The Free Online Encyclopedia, November 21, 2006, Economy of Japan,   accessed on November 26, 2006http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_japan,last 

Global Political Economy the Global
Pages: 2 Words: 633

However, this is hardly enough to address further issues across the world economy, including poverty.
Despite the fact that trade has become significantly facilitated by the regulating authorities, it is also true that most member countries are developed countries, while developing countries receive very little in terms of policies to facilitate their international relationships within the trading regime. This has been the paradigm since the inception of the global trade regime. Powerful member countries as it were tended to control the regime.

Currently, the United States is at the most powerful relational position within the trade regime. As such, the country's voting power within the MF and World Bank remains significant, as does the fact of its privilege in the financial regime. The regime is structured in such a way that developed countries enjoy privileges that poorer countries do not. Because it can take advantage of the international strength of the…...


In conclusion, the IMF and WTO do valuable work in the global trade regime. However, they tend to favor the most powerful and richest member countries rather than those who are in need of help to enter the trading arena. Poorer countries are all but ignored, and the poverty problem remains significant. A truly equal global trade regime would involve an equal platform upon which all countries can trade equally and for the benefit of all involved.


Ravenhill, John. Global Political Economy. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Global Political Economy There Are
Pages: 4 Words: 1152

One can understand how this occurs from an economic perspective. With globalization, the individual economic entity, be it company, small firm or individual member of society, will no longer interact with the state in the economic field, but rather with one another, and this will occur not in a limited, stately environment, but on a large, unlimited, global scale. At the same time, globalization goes hand in hand with liberalization, which means that in the global economic environment, the nation state loses its role as a centralized and regulatory authority in the economic events, as the economic entities will be able regulate the market freely, through their own interaction.

The hyper globalization thesis also argues that the globalization phenomenon is likely to significantly impact the nation state's regulatory ability in all areas ranging from labor to environmental regulations and to taxation. The logical reasoning for this is simple: globalization proposes an…...

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about economic growth?
Words: 246

1. Exploring the Determinants and Consequences of Economic Growth: A Multidimensional Analysis

2. The Role of Innovation and Productivity in Driving Sustained Economic Growth

3. Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities

4. The Paradox of Economic Growth and Income Inequality: A Critical Examination

5. The Environmental Implications of Economic Growth: A Delicate Balance

6. The Impact of Government Policy on Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis

7. The Relationship between Economic Growth and Human Development: A Cross-Country Study

8. Economic Growth and the Future of Work: Automation and the Reskilling Imperative

9. The Role of Technology in Accelerating Economic Growth: A Digital Transformation

10. Economic Growth in the....

What are the key findings in literature review of India\'s foreign exchange market?
Words: 688

The foreign exchange market in India has been a subject of extensive research due to its pivotal role in the global economy. The literature review on this topic reveals several key findings that highlight the dynamics, challenges, and developments within this market. One of the primary focuses has been on the liberalization of the Indian foreign exchange market, which began in the early 1990s. Studies like those by Joshi and Little (1994) discuss how the deregulation led to an increase in foreign exchange reserves, a more flexible exchange rate regime, and the introduction of various financial instruments to manage currency....

What impact does \'Oiligarchy\' have on global economy and political power dynamics?
Words: 350

1. The Rise of Oiligarchy: Economic Dominance and Political Influence

    Exploring how oil-rich nations leverage their resources to influence global economic policies and political decisions.

2. Oiligarchy and Global Energy Markets: A Power Play

    Analyzing the control exerted by oiligarchies over energy markets and its implications for global economic stability.

3. From Black Gold to Political Power: The Dynamics of Oiligarchy

    Discussing how oil wealth translates into political power, affecting international relations and domestic policies.

4. Oiligarchy's Shadow: Economic Disparities and Political Corruption

    Investigating the negative economic and political consequences of oiligarchy, including corruption and inequality.

5. The Geopolitical....

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