Political Action Essays (Examples)

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Violent Political Action and Selective Incentives Violent
Pages: 7 Words: 2205

Violent Political Action and Selective Incentives
Violent Political Action

Everybody who has the family wants to worry only about personal and family life and to have a peaceful society. These people will never like to indulge in war with others and to sacrifice their peace. Unless there is a big threat to their survival, people tend to be peaceful. The question arises why would someone sacri-ce self-interest to take part in violent group actions. In business also, people might involve in violent behavior when they feel threat to their job or career. Often some employees are deprived of facilities, opportunities and fair performance appraisals thus they can become more violent.

Standard models of decision making

The decision making models in business may be rational, adaptive, planned, collective participation, intuitive, and/or emergent. All these models use facts and some procedures to come to a conclusion. No decision making model offers complete solution to emotional decision…...



Decision-making & Managing Conflict, (n.d.), Retrieved from:


Ginges, J, and Atran, S., (2009), "What motivates participation in violent political action:

selective incentives or parochial altruism?" Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, 115-123

Niebuhr and Arendt Political Action
Pages: 8 Words: 2296

The objective of this work is to answer the question of what is political action and how do Arendt and Nibuhr recommend going about political action.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines political action as "action designed to attain a purpose by the use of political power or by activity in political channels; specifically: such action by organized labor through recognized political means (as participation in party organization, in elections, and by lobbying) -- contrasted with direct action." (2015, p. 1) There are varying view of what constitutes political action such as those held by Arendt and Niebuhr.

Niebuhr and Political Action

The view of Niebuhr on political action is that the "only adequate account of the limits and possibilities of just and humane politics depended on a religious conception of history and life. The Christian faith was not an impediment to political…...



Political Action (2015) Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Online. Retrieved from:  http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/political%20action 

Patterson, E. (2008) Christianity and Power Politics Today: Christian Realism and Contemporary Political Dilemmas. Palgrave MacMillan. Retrieved from:  https://books.google.com/books?id=AY_FAAAAQBAJ&dq=political+action:+Niebuhr&source=gbs_navlinks_s 

Thiele, LP (2009) The Ontology of Action: Arendt and the Role of Narrative. Project Muse. Vol 12, Issue 4. Retrieved from:  http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/theory_and_event/summary/v012/12.4.thiele.html 

Hannah Arendt (nd) Philoso-hy Talk. Retrieved from:  http://www.philosophytalk.org/shows/hannah-arendt

Political Action Groups
Pages: 8 Words: 2248

Communicating in Small Groups
Christian fellowship ministry is the replication and continuation of ministry of Jesus Christ and of His Holy Spirit through His disciples on earth today. Each ministry is formed as a small group or team and in fulfillment of the teachings of the Holy Bible, which read: "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin (1 John 1:17). " A Christian who has a true and strong fellowship with God is drawn to a fellowship with other Christians who, like himself or herself, walk in the same light, have received forgiveness and have a personal relationship with God.

The Scriptures say that, before Jesus Christ began His public ministry, John the Baptist was already preaching and had a small group of followers, whom John later turned…...



1. Doyle, CR. (2002). Small Groups. Free Christian Leadership Training.

A accessed 28-02-03). http://www.freechristianleadertraining.org/small-groups.htm

2. Beebe, Steven A. And John Masterson. (1999). Communicating in Small Groups. 7th edition. Allyn and Bacon Companion Website.  http://wps.ablongman.com/ab_beebe_commgrps_7

Political Systems and Congress
Pages: 3 Words: 964

United States Congress, and the lens used in this case study analysis includes political theories. Viewed through this lens, the organization will be analyzed in terms of who has what power in the organization, who has access to agendas and control over information, what power coalitions or alliances exist, and how the unit attempts to influence other units and create upward influence in the organization. As Morgan (2006) points out, all organizations can be perceived as political systems concerned with and dependent on political activity. The United States Congress happens to take that concept of political systems a step further because the precise and overt purpose of the organization is political activity. To achieve its goals, Congress does exhibit the universal political traits of organizations that hinge on the relations among "interests, conflict, and power," (Morgan, 2006, p. 152). It is how the stakeholders in the organization pursue their…...



Donges, P.& Jarren, O. (2014). Mediatization of political organizations. Chapter 10 in Mediatization of Politics. Esser & Stromback (Eds.): 181-199.

Hirsch, A.V. (2016). Experimentation and persuasion in political organizations. American Political Science Review 110(01): 68-84.

Merchant, P. (n.d.). 5 sources of power in organizations. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved online:  http://smallbusiness.chron.com/5-sources-power-organizations-14467.html 

Morgan, G. (2006). Images of Organization. Sage.

political and religious action in the world
Pages: 2 Words: 668

The personal is the political. Spiritual values undergird secular norms. It is impossible to totally segregate religion from social engagement. At the same time, fusing religion and politics can be dangerous business. As Massaro (2012) points out, the two most obvious perils associated with the improper blending of Church and State include sectarianism and theocracy. Sectarianism, denounced by the Vatican, refers to deliberate isolation from the world, in self-sustaining and cohesive communities. As attractive as it may be to form religiously minded societies apart from the world, the real work—the hard work of creating the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth—cannot be done in those types of settings. Sectarianism is akin to apathy for the remainder of the planet, and is an isolationist policy that abnegates personal responsibility. Another one of the dangers of fusing Church and State is theocracy. The dangers of theocracy are well known to those all around the…...

Political Economic and Civil Spheres in Exxonmobil Chemical
Pages: 2 Words: 1133

ExxonMobil Chemical: Analyzing Three Spheres / Political, Economic and Civil Spheres in ExxonMobil Chemical
Economic Sphere

Political Sphere

Civil Sphere

What company says about itself

Personal Take

What Stakeholders said

ExxonMobil Chemical, XOM, leads the world in the petrochemical sector, applying cutting-edge, patented technology for developing products that enrich the lives of people across the globe (ExxonMobil, 2015).

Economic Sphere

The company concentrates on developing its supplier capabilities and human resource, alongside their strategic local community investments. Emphasis is primarily placed on the training and education of local personnel; skills and capacity enhancement of local suppliers who can deliver the company requisite services and material; and, improvement in community members' livelihoods by means of strategic community-centered investments. ExxonMobil customizes local content to every location's specific requirements. The company formulates plans at the local level on the basis of factors, like development priorities of the government, regulatory environment, infrastructure present (and its quality), stakeholder expectations, social capacity, and the business…...



ExxonMobil. (2014a). Local economic growth and development. Exxon Mobil Corporation. Retrieved on 7th October, 2015 from  http://corporate.ExxonMobil.com/en/community/local-economic-development/local-economic-growth-and-development/local-economic-growth-and-development 

ExxonMobil. (2014b). Political contributions and lobbying. Exxon Mobil Corporation. Retrieved on 7th October, 2015 from  http://corporate.ExxonMobil.com/en/current-issues/accountability/political-involvement/political-contributions-and-lobbying?parentId=c1fc85cd-d7a3-489d-9fc3-e42223e8cafc 

ExxonMobil. (2014c). Contributing to progress. Exxon Mobil Corporation. Retrieved on 7th October, 2015 from  http://corporate.ExxonMobil.com/en/community/corporate-citizenship-report/stakeholders/contributing-to-progress?parentId=899e10b1-f995-42f6-b88a-cbe22cf98353 

ExxoMobil. (2015). Company Profile. Exxon Mobil Corporation. Retrieved on 7th October, 2015 from http://www.ExxonMobilchemical.com/Chem-English/about/company-profile.aspx

Political Scandals in Canada a Political Scandal
Pages: 6 Words: 1937

Political Scandals in Canada
A Political Scandal Involving Fraud

During the federal election in Canada in 2011 there was an electoral fraud issue that became known as the "Robocalls Scandal." This fraudulent activity took place in Ontario, in a town called Guelph.

Robocalls are previously recorded and automated phone calls to people from a computer that is programmed to call all phone numbers in a given area; usually robocalls carry a political message asking voters to behave a certain way.

In this case in Canada, the fraud took place because the robocalls were not from the organization they claimed to be from. People receiving the phone calls believed the calls were from the official group, "Elections Canada" but they were not from Elections Canada. The robocalls told voters their polling location had changed, and urged them to go to another place to vote that turned out to be a fraud.

Liberals are accusing conservatives for…...


Works Cited

Daly, Brian. (2012). Bribery scandal rocks Canada Revenue. News Canada. Retrieve August

12, 2012, from  http://www.saultstar.com .

MPR News. (2009). Why should the public care about a politician's private life? Retrieved

August 12, 2012, from  http://minnesota.publicradio.org .

Political Advisor to the President
Pages: 3 Words: 909

Where, the inability of intelligence agencies to understand the ambitions of the Islamic Republic, are making diplomacy more difficult. This is because no one can be able to confirm the intentions of the Iranians. If more specific information could be provided, it would help to establish a foundation, as to the overall scope and nature of their nuclear program. (Podherdtz)

The most logical options should be to exercise all avenues of diplomacy. This means having direct negations with Iran, about their nuclear issue and working with them to establish some kind of relationship (outside of the international community). During these meetings, negotiators should be focused on building trust and bridging any kind of differences that may exist. For example, if Iran's nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, then the country should allow inspectors to verify these facts. At the same time, the intelligence community needs to have more concrete information…...



"2007 Iran National Intelligence Estimate." N.d. Print.

Podherdtz, Norman. "Stopping Iran." Commentary. (2008): 84 -- 109. Print.

Sick, Gray. "A Selective Partnership." Foreign Affairs. (2006). Print.

Political Education What Role if
Pages: 1 Words: 346

Online social networks can indeed make an impact on political education by bringing a balance of power and by encouraging vigorous debate. rookfield (2005) disagrees with this idea stating, "efore students can engage critically with ideas and actions they may need a period of assimilation and grounding in a subject area or skill set. Lecturing may be a very effective way of ensuring this." Certainly, as rookfield suggests, students need a foundation to argue their positions effectively and to understand the validity of others' arguments. However, rookfield fails to understand that distance learning is capable of facilitating this groundwork plus adding a transformative social network layer for more meaningful exploratory dialogue than may be available in some traditional classrooms.


rookfield, S. (2005, May 1). The getting of wisdom: What critically reflective teaching is and why it's important. Retrieved from National St. Louis University: http://www.nl.edu/academics/cas/ace/facultypapers/Stephenrookfield_Wisdom.cfm

Economist debate series. (2008). Retrieved from Economist.com: http://www.economist.com/debate/index.cfm?action=email&eid=1&debate_id=3...



Brookfield, S. (2005, May 1). The getting of wisdom: What critically reflective teaching is and why it's important. Retrieved from National St. Louis University:  http://www.nl.edu/academics/cas/ace/facultypapers/StephenBrookfield_Wisdom.cfm 

Economist debate series. (2008). Retrieved from Economist.com:  http://www.economist.com/debate/index.cfm?action=email&eid=1&debate_id=3

Political Machines
Pages: 3 Words: 1064

Political Machines: Politics as a Tammany Vocation
hen Max eber made a speech on politics as a vocation he defined the political machine as a creation of the modern, pluralistic democratic state. A political machine, unlike a purely charismatic individual leader, was a functional bureaucracy attempted, however imperfectly to serve the popular interest through the use of an institutional framework. A quick-voiced opponent of political corruption might protest the use of the political machine as a contemporary model for American democracy, as it has often been associated with corruption, specifically pork barrel politics in America's urban past. Yet, before the creation of political machines, the national apparatus of the state used physical force to ensure compliance with its actions, rather than bestowing any kind of favors to ensure popular compliance.

For example in eber's Europe, the result of this use of aristocratic force was a form of political tyranny over the lower…...


Works Cited

Judd. Dennis & Todd Swanstrom, City Politics: Private Power and Public Policy. New York: Pearson Longman, 2002.

Judd. Dennis & Todd Swanstrom, The Politics of Urban America: A Reader. New York: Pearson Longman, 2002.

Riordan, William L. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall / Edited with an Introduction by Terrence J. McDonald. New York: Bedsford St. Martins. Originally Published in 1905.

Weber, Max. "Politics as a Vocation." From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Translated and edited by H.H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills. Pp. 77-128, New York: Oxford University Press, 1946.

Political Boundaries and Conflicts Boundaries
Pages: 6 Words: 1908

Conflicts are not regarded as the right way of solving disputes between nations or communities. As such, boundary conflicts have not been governing any chance to exist within the society. These conflicts reiterate the need for the United Nations to explore on the natural boundary existence between various nations (Tucker and Priscilla 152). Though boundary politics results in wars and conflicts, they are potent towards the existence and preservation of sovereignty between nations. Because of the recurrence of political boundary conflicts, many nations have resorted to signing treaties indicating a separation and boundaries relating to political movements.
Recommendations/possible solutions

There are a number of steps, which can be used to end political boundary wars in the world. Politics, being the higher agent of political boundary wars, should be subjected to scrutiny and study. This will help recover rightful ways of separating between politics and boundaries between nations and communities. Nations should…...


Works cited

Fleishman, Rachel, Catherine Gerard, and Rosemary O'Leary. Pushing the Boundaries: New

Frontiers in Conflict Resolution and Collaboration. Bingley: JAI Press, 2008. Print.

Harvey, Brian P. An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values and Issues.

Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000. Print.

Political Backgrounder Nova Scotia
Pages: 2 Words: 607

Political Backgrounder: Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia, Canada -- Political Background in the context of environmentalism

Darrell Dexter is Nova Scotia's incumbent premier and the 27th Premier of the province since the Confederation. Dexter was elected leader of the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party in 2001 and was sworn in as Prime Minster on June 18, 2009. Both he and the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party have strict views with regard to environmentalism, as the province is actively involved in becoming a global leader in green energy before 2020. As Dexter puts it, "This is about making the right decisions for our economy and our environment. e are putting our energy future where it belongs, back in Nova Scotians' hands." (New Plan To Create Jobs, Stable Electricity Prices, Cleaner Environment)

Darrel thinks about green energy as being more than a means to guarantee a safer future for people when concerning matters from an environmental…...


Works cited:

"New Plan To Create Jobs, Stable Electricity Prices, Cleaner Environment," Retrieved July 23, 2013, from the Nova Scotia Website:  http://novascotia.ca/news/smr/2010-04-23-wind.asp 

"Renewable Electricity Plan," retrieved July 23, 2013, from the Nova Scotia Website:  http://www.gov.ns.ca/energy/resources/EM/renewable/renewable-electricity-plan.pdf 

"Sable Island National Park Reserve," Retrieved July 23, 2013, from the Megan Leslie New Democratic Party Website:  http://meganleslie.ndp.ca/

Political Ideologies if We Look
Pages: 2 Words: 524

This includes previously mentioned measures such as increased governmental spending, directing funds towards education and health sectors etc.
Referring to Liberalism, we should first of all point out that liberalism does not necessarily limit its perceptions only to economic equality, as is the case with Socialism, but it extends its beliefs to the sector of civil and individual equality. This means that liberalism has always found itself as a promoter of human rights, as a sustainer of political freedom and the right to self - determination.

Going forth from these social and political perceptions, the social equality that liberalism promotes naturally leads to a policy of tolerance at a societal level. Liberal governances are generally know to be tolerant in terms of rights for social or religious minorities.

On the other hand, in terms of economic policies, liberalism promotes equality rather through the laissez-faire philosophy, through the capacity of the individuals to…...

Political Activity of Women Hilary Clinton
Pages: 4 Words: 1271

Political Activity of Women
Hillary Clinton

The impact of women on our society has been more and more strongly felt since the women's revolution in the 1960's in the United States. However, there are some women that history cannot pass by, that must be remembered for their intelligence and political or economic prowess. Such a woman is found in our current secretary of state: Hillary Clinton. Mrs. Clinton has been at the forefront of American politics for decades now, and this paper will discuss the beginnings of her career, as well as the hurdles and accomplishments of this remarkable woman, in the context of the political activity of women in the United States.

The history of women in American society is very complex, and this gender's history in the political arena is even more so. It is a widely known fact that for most of history, women have had fewer rights and opportunities…...

Political and Economic Differences
Pages: 4 Words: 1220

Political & Economic Differences
The author of this paper is asked to answer to five major questions. The first is why there is a difference in terms of political systems from country to country. The second question is how the legal systems of different countries differ. The third question asks the author to explain the economic differences of different countries. The fourth question asks the author to discuss and explain different macro-political and economic changes that occur around the world. Finally, the author is asked to explain how transitioning economies are moving towards market-based systems.

Questions Answered

As for why there are different political systems in different countries, the reasons depend on the actual situation at hand. The system in place in the United States fairly closely matches the way things were set up at its inception and a lot of that was based on escape from brutal government rule where the British…...



Hill, C.W. (2013). International business: competing in the global marketplace (9 ed.).

New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Tran, M. (2013, April 3). Pakistan needs to recoup more in taxes before any aid boost, say MP's | Global development | theguardian.com . Latest news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | theguardian.com | The Guardian .

Retrieved October 4, 2013, from  http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/apr/04/pakistan-recoup-taxes-aid-mps

how do you think gomburza deaths continually contributes to our understanding of filipino nationalism?
Words: 494

The Enduring Legacy of the Gomburza: Filipino Nationalism in the Shadow of Three Martyrs

The martyrdom of Fathers Mariano Gomez, José Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, collectively known as the Gomburza, stands as a pivotal event in Philippine history, profoundly shaping the nation's understanding of its nascent nationalism. Their unjust execution in 1872 ignited a fire of resistance against Spanish colonial rule, leaving an enduring legacy that continues to inspire Filipinos today.

The Genesis of Filipino Nationalism

Before the Gomburza's deaths, Filipino nationalism was primarily a sentiment among a select few intellectuals and ilustrados. However, the execution of these three esteemed priests, falsely accused....

How do ideologies shape the dynamics of power in political systems?
Words: 573

Ideologies play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of power in political systems by providing a framework for understanding, justifying, and organizing political authority and control. Here are a few ways in which ideologies impact power dynamics in a political system:

1. Legitimization of Power: Ideologies often serve to legitimize the authority and power of a particular group or individual. For example, a totalitarian ideology such as fascism may justify the concentration of power in the hands of a single leader by emphasizing the need for strong and decisive leadership.

2. Allocation of Resources: Ideologies can also influence how power is....

How do ideologies shape the dynamics of power in political systems?
Words: 606

Ideologies and Power Dynamics in Political Systems

Ideologies are sets of beliefs that guide individuals and groups in their political actions. They encompass fundamental assumptions about the nature of society, the role of government, and the distribution of power. Ideologies play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of power in political systems by:

1. Defining the Goals and Objectives of Power:

Ideologies provide the underlying principles that determine the goals and objectives of those seeking power. For example, a socialist ideology emphasizes the equitable distribution of wealth and resources, while a conservative ideology prioritizes the preservation of traditional values and economic freedom.....

How does the intersection of identity politics and indigeneity shape social movements and activism within indigenous communities?
Words: 649

Intersectionality is a key concept in understanding how identity politics and indigeneity shape social movements and activism within indigenous communities. Indigeneity refers to the belonging or origin of a certain group of people, often connected to land, culture, and history. These factors play a significant role in shaping the lived experiences of indigenous individuals and communities, as well as informing their social and political activism.

Identity politics, on the other hand, is the idea that people's identities – such as race, gender, sexuality, etc. – shape their experiences and perspectives, and can be used as a basis for political action and....

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