Policy Making Essays (Examples)

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Policy Making I Explore Policy Making Process
Pages: 2 Words: 656

Policy Making
I explore policy making process issues reach public agenda-based Kingdon's model

The policy making process and how issues reach the public agenda: Kingdon's model

According to John W. Kingdon's book Agendas, alternatives, and public policy, simply because an idea is beneficial to the public interest does not necessarily mean that the idea will come to fruition and be enacted into law. An idea whose 'time has come' in the American system of government must be created by a series of different types of pressures which Kingdon calls problem streams, policy streams, and political streams. Kingdon uses metaphors such as a 'garbage can' and a 'policy primeval soup' to describe how decision-making in Washington takes place: there is nothing logical or linear about it. Kingdon views the creation of policies as the result of these various intersecting 'streams.' First, 'the problem stream' "can push some items higher on the agenda, but it…...



Kingdon, John W. (1997). Agendas, alternatives, and public policy. New York: HarperCollins.

Policy Making at Csu Monterey
Pages: 7 Words: 1864

Other departments dealing with issues relating to sexual harassment are Foundation Personnel, Judicial Affairs Officer, or even the University Police Dispatch (in case of sexual assault).3

Violence is defined as "to use force so as to injure or damage." It is recognized as part of CUMB policy that violence is as a result of emotional distress. Also that it is a rare occurrence which results from such extreme frustration so as to make the student break all the barriers of emotional control. Another reason cited as the instigator of violence is the undue use of liquor or other drugs. The recommended course of action in such a situation is to stay calm, and to seek help (through the Public afety Department), to stay safe (to have some form of defense like furniture between the student and yourself), and in no circumstance to coerce or threaten the…...


Student Disability Hand-book for Faculty, CSUMB, 2006

Handout for Academic Personnel, CSUMB, 2006

Working with Emotionally Troubled Student, CSUMB POLICY WEBSITE, http://policy.csumb.edu/site/x10066.xml

Policy-Making Process Stages Diagram for the Legalization
Pages: 2 Words: 664

Policy-Making Process Stages diagram for the legalization of marijuana is to identify a problem with this issue, mainly that this is a medicinal plant that helps people and could help more were it legalized. In the agenda setting step, it is necessary to form an agenda that legalization could aid this problem. In the policy development step, it is vital to detail how legalizing marijuana could help with the original problem. Implementation would require getting this policy changed by getting people to vote for it. Evaluation would involve analyzing the effects of the changed law.
Question 2 The major elements of supply side economics were lower taxes and deregulation so that those that are providing jobs -- essentially those that are at the top of a country's economic hierarchy -- will have necessary incentives and breaks to begin spending more and hiring more people (Ferrara). Therefore, this policy is aimed…...


Works Cited

Ferrara, Peter. Reagonomics vs. Obamanomics: Facts and Figures. www.forbes.com 2011. Web.  http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara/2011/05/05/reaganomics-vs.-obamanomics-facts-and-figures/ 

Madhani, Aamer. Houston Panel Clears Cop in Shooting Unarmed Man. www.usatoday.com 2014. Web.  http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/12/23/houston-grand-jury-clears-police-officer-jordan-baker/20818025/

Analyzing the Policy Making Process
Pages: 5 Words: 1299

Policy Making Process
Welfare eform Policy Analysis

Success of welfare reform is ambiguous. Media and well-known public officials claim to have had achieved welfare reforms. However, after 4 years of new policy regime, majority also accepts that welfare reforms have been successfully achieved. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) also validates this by stating that welfare rolls have dropped by 53% to 6.28 million recipients in June 2000 from 12.24 million recipients in August 1996 (Administration for Children and Families 2001). Moreover, researches have also stated that people are becoming well (Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation [ASPE] 2000). Observers suggest that welfare reform is indisputably successful and is self-evident.

TANF progress is successful as reform is evaluated by putting leavers and caseloads in a shared frame of reference. Undoubtedly, mass media has played an important role in framing this reference. Similar stories by different journalists are often given hype as these…...



Administration for Children and Families. (2001). Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 1936-2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Available at: http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/news/stats/3697.htm

Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. 2000. Leavers and Diversion Studies: Summary of Research on Welfare Outcomes Funded by ASPE. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

LAC. (2000). Policy Toolkit for Strengthening Health Sector Reform. LAC Health Sector Reform Initiative.

Rossetti, A.G. And Bossert, T.J. (1999). Comparative Analysis of Policy Processes: Enhancing the Political Feasibility of Health Reform. LAC, Health Sector Reform Initiative.

U S Policy Making Over the
Pages: 2 Words: 636

This is where the nation's foreign policy objectives would remain the same, regardless of changes in the Presidency. The idea is by having Congress review various foreign policy matters; they can accurately determine where the nation's resources are being used, in certain areas and where they should be most effectively applied. As a result, the combination of having the nation's foreign policy facing constant scrutiny; means that the runaway abuses, that could occur from a select group of people are prevented. At which point, the most appropriate foreign policy objectives can be determined that are in line with nations fundamental principles and values.
Once this takes place, various government agencies around the world, will work in helping to achieve the different foreign policy objectives. Where, they would follow the directives from the President and Congress, in determining the way this will be accomplished. Over the course of time, this approach…...



Foreign Policy Roles of the President and Congress. (1999). State Department. Retrieved from  http://fpc.state.gov/6172.htm

Propositions That Pertain to the Policy-Making Process
Pages: 5 Words: 1476

propositions that pertain to the policy-making process. After that, these propositions are to be tested. The author of this response will offer these three propositions, and the rationale behind them, one by one. The first proposition is that policy-making should be based less on simply facets of compassions and "fairness" and more on the results that would be garnered. A lot of people, for example, say that welfare was an absolutely needed lifeline for people while others say that allowing welfare-usage in perpetuity is a bad thing. Second, it should be questioned whether extensions of government health programs (e.g. ObamaCare) actually contribute to their usage (or, more importantly, over-usage and abuse) or if the aggregate results is good overall. Third, the question should be asked whether legislative mechanisms like the filibuster hurt or harm the overall process.
As for concerns about compassion and fairness, the author of this author posits…...


Works Cited

Hacker, Jacob. "The Road to Somewhere: Why Health Reform Happened." Perspectives on Politics 8.3 (2010): 861-876. Print.

Kahlenberg, Richard D.. Improving on No Child Left Behind: getting education reform back on track. New York: Century Foundation Press, 2008. Print.

Kingdon, John W.. Agendas, alternatives, and public policies. Updated 2nd ed. Boston: Longman, 2011. Print.

NYSHealth. "Analysis of Five Health Insurance Options for New York State." NYS Health Foundation 1.1 (2009): 1-45. Print.

Policy Making and Stakeholders
Pages: 5 Words: 1549

Root Cause Analysis PolicyPOLICYIn the furtherance of achieving the goal of improvement in patient safety and its quality, it is the policy of Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) to make use of the Patient Safety Evaluation System (PSES) to collect, analyze, and submitting information about patient safety events to a Patient Safety Organization (PSO). The specific patient safety event for addressing the sentinel event of discharge of an infant to the wrong family should be scrutinized with quality surveillance for deeply probing into the actual or perceived issues within PMC facilities. The reporting of patient safety events, particularly the sentinel event of switching of newborns, is obligatory and encouraged.The policy for reporting the patient safety event, particularly the selected sentinel event of discharge of the infant to the wrong family, should be reported to the hospital staff and facilities so that surveillance methods could be launched for prompt detection of the…...



Hall, L.H., Johnson, J., Watt, I., Tsipa, A. & O\\\\\\'Connor, D.B. (2016). Healthcare staff wellbeing, burnout, and patient safety: A systematic review. PloS One, 11(7).  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0159015 

Josephson, S.A. (2016). Focusing on transitions of care. Clinical Practice, 6(2), 183-189.  https://doi.org/10.1212/CPJ.0000000000000207 

\\\\\\"Patient Safety Event Reporting\\\\\\". (n.a.). Provided by the customer

Patient Safety Solutions. (2009, November 17). Switched babies.  https://www.patientsafetysolutions.com/docs/November_17_2009_Switched_Babies.htm

Important Aspects in Policy Making of Healthcare
Pages: 2 Words: 776

Policy Decision-Making Process
The American health bill's financial costs reside with people ultimately sponsoring the payments; these are federal, state, and local governments, private businesses, and families. They disburse out-of-pocket costs and insurance premiums, or fund healthcare via general incomes or dedicated tax. Additionally, they determine the kinds of health schemes to be provided, persons entitled to plan participation, cost-sharing plans to enforce (deductibles, premiums, and co-payments), and the amount of coverage made available. The above sponsors also hold the responsibility of amassing finances and bankrolling programs or payers, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance (National Health Expenditures 2010, n.d.).

Healthcare expenditure burdens on care sponsors can be assessed by means of the ratio of individual sponsors' spending towards health in relation to the resources they possess. In the case of private businesses, the health spending burden is examined in relation to aggregate compensation (salaries and wages). Private businesses' healthcare expenditure…...



Ingraham, P.W. (1987). Toward more systematic consideration of policy design. Policy Studies Journal, 15 (4), 611 -- 628.

Milstead, J. A. (2013). Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse's Guide. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

National Health Expenditures 2010 Highlights, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (n.d.). Retrieved from  https://www.cms.gov/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/highlights.pdf .

Stein, R. (2010, November 08). Review of prostate cancer drug Provenge renews medical cost-benefit debate. Retrieved from Washington Post:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/07/AR2010110705205.html

Health Policy Making in Politics
Pages: 10 Words: 2672

Universal Health Care
At least once a week news shows do segments about the rising cost of health care in America. There was a time when those who did not have insurance were those who did not work and they were provided with health care through the welfare system in many states. In recent years that has changed, and there are currently millions of Americans who are uninsured or underinsured for their health care needs. For those who do have insurance the cost of premiums or the co-pay percentages are cost prohibitive. Each week the Americans are showcased on the news shows who have terminal illnesses and cannot get coverage to pay for their care. The shows include those who work and have insurance, those who work and don't have insurance and those who don't work.

egardless of personal circumstance today, Americans who are not among the elite and wealthy are facing…...



Author not available, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE NO PANACEA; ASK EUROPE., The Palm Beach Post, 06-08-2000, pp 13A.

Deirdre Shesgreen; Post-Dispatch Washington Bureau, UNINSURED ARE LEFT OUT OF THIS YEAR'S HEALTH CARE DEBATE IN CONGRESS., St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 07-08-2001, pp B6.

Robert B. Reich, It's Time for Universal Health Care., Newsday, 04-08-2001, pp A25.

JEAN RIMBACH, Staff Writer, COALITION CALLS FOR UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE., The Record (Bergen County, NJ), 05-07-2000, pp a05

Policy Rules
Pages: 2 Words: 716

Policy and Science
Fiddler on the oof

Science has traditionally been presented as the a priori fact-finding, theory-establishing stage one of policy making. Stage two of this conventional approach has policy makers utilizing the "empirical truths" that science offers in support of policies to be enacted to solve a policy problem. Yet both policymaking and empirical research are -- by their very nature -- ongoing human endeavors. Policymakers want the best that science has to offer -- when they need it -- for decision-making, policymaking, and policy implementation. Science marches to its own tune, with agendas set by dynamics such as funding for research or public and private priorities and pressures (Kingdon, 1984). And, increasingly, in a funding environment that is cooling off, the ability to do research is often determined by its application -- public service adding a positive valence -- and the ability to enact policy is dependent on scientific…...



Haller, S.F. And Gerrie, J. (2007). The role of science in pubic policy: Higher reason, or reason for hire. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 20,(2).

Kingdon, J.W. (1984). Agendas, alternatives, and public policies. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers.

Pressman, J.L. And Wildavsky, A. (1984). Implementation. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Wildavsky, A. (1979). Speaking truth to power: The art and craft of policy analysis. Boston, MA: Little, Brown Publishers.

Policy Problem & Proposal Policy Problem the
Pages: 10 Words: 3462

Policy Problem & Proposal
Policy Problem

The United States faces a $1.4 trillion national deficit, and partisan debate about how to address it is threatening economic stability on top of the shaky "recovery" from the 2009 financial crisis. Yet American corporations continue to enjoy tax loopholes that reduce their taxes to unprecedented low levels. epublicans argue that corporations must retain their preferred tax status in order to maintain and create jobs. This tax policy has been known by a number of names: supply-side economics, trickle-down theory, and horse and sparrow theory. It has not been without its critics, yet, irrationally, the practice of permitting tax loopholes continues to prevail from time-to-time.

"As for the growth enhancing effects of lower tax rates, just look to the 2000s for the latest persuasive evidence to the contrary. After the Bush tax cuts on the progressive rates paid by the wealthy, GDP between 2001 and 2007 grew…...



Advance Pricing Agreement Quarterly Reports, Internal Revenue Service. Retrieved  http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-apa/ 

Announcement and report concerning advance pricing agreements. (2011, March 29). § 521(b) of Pub. L. 106-170, Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999. Retrieved  http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-utl/2010statutoryreport.pdf 

Brehm, J., and Gates, S. (1997). Working, Shirking, and Sabotage: Bureaucratic

Response to a Democratic Public. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan

Policy Process -- Agenda Setting
Pages: 5 Words: 1762

etrieved September 28, 2009, doi:10.1080/014428700114008
McClain, P. (1990, Winter 1990). Agenda Setting, Public Policy and Minority Group Influences: An Introduction. Policy Studies eview, 9(2), 263-272. etrieved September 28, 2009, from Academic Source Complete database.

Nakamura, . (1987, August). The Textbook Policy Process and Implementation esearch. Policy Studies eview, 7(1), 142-154. etrieved September 28, 2009, from Academic Source Complete database.

Weimer, D. (2008, November). Theories of and in the Policy Process. Policy Studies Journal, 36(4), 489-495. etrieved September 28, 2009, doi:10.1111/j.1541-0072.2008.00280.x

David Dery. (2000, March). Agenda Setting and Problem Definition. Policy Studies, 21(1), 46. etrieved September 28, 2009, doi:10.1080/014428700114008

obert Nakamura. (1987, August). The Textbook Policy Process and Implementation esearch. Policy Studies eview, 7(1), 146. etrieved September 28, 2009, from Academic Source Complete database.

As cited in Nakamura, the Textbook Policy Process and Implementation esearch, 146.

As cited in David L. Weimer (2008, November). Theories of and in the Policy Process. Policy Studies Journal, 36(4), 489. etrieved…...



Birkland, T. (2004, March). "The World Changed Today": Agenda-Setting and Policy Change in the Wake of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks. Review of Policy Research, 21(2), 179-200. Retrieved September 28, 2009, doi:10.1111/j.1541-1338.2004.00068.x

Carroll, B., & Carroll, T. (1999, January). Civic Networks, Legitimacy and the Policy

Process. Governance, 12(1), 1. Retrieved September 28, 2009, from Academic Source Complete database.

Dery, D. (2000, March). Agenda Setting and Problem Definition. Policy Studies, 21(1), 37-47. Retrieved September 28, 2009, doi:10.1080/014428700114008

Policy and Politics
Pages: 2 Words: 676

Policy and Politics
Policy and decision-making are complex issues. Even for what might appear to be a simple decision, there many underlying factors that influence the final outcome. Some of these factors are obvious, but some can be elusive and hidden from all of the parties. Policies are not instituted in a flash and the process of policymaking should not be taken lightly. This makes the process of policy making a slow one at best. The many facets of the issue must be discussed and debated for often long periods of time. Policymaking is wrought with many problems for which there is no obvious right or wrong answer. Deborah Stone addresses these paradoxes in The Art of Political Decision-making.

Stone's work stands apart from many authors that focus on the application of their model in only a few specific applications. One example is einhart and einhart (2011) who recently discussed the limits…...



Reinhart, C. & Reinhart, V. (2011). Limits of Monetary Policy in Theory and Practice. Cato Journal. 31 (3): 427-441.

Stone, D. (2001). Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making, W.W. Norton, third edition.

Thorson, K.(Producer) (2002-2008). The highlights of 100 [Television series episode]. HBO.

Retrieved from  http://www.hbo.com/the-wire

Policy Studies the Study of Public Policy
Pages: 10 Words: 2628

Policy Studies
The study of public policy gained significant importance in the late fifties and sixties. However, policy science did not come into existence all of a sudden. It started to emerge when social scientists started researches on a wide range of sociopolitical problems. After the World War II, significant developments were made in the areas of operations research, economics and social psychology. These developments proved to be helpful in formulating new ways for more systematic and empirical investigations of policy making. Although, a considerable level of research was done in the areas of sociopolitical studies but the clear concept of a policy science was first introduced in 1951 by Harold Lasswell. "Lasswell's seminal work identified six basic characteristics of an emerging field of study, concerned with explaining policy making and policy executing process. (McCool)

The study of public policy gained momentum in the late 1960s. With the introduction of the Great…...



Daniel Mc Cool: The Theoretical Foundation of Policy Studies: Prentice Hall Press

Macrae Duncan: Policy Analysis for public decisions: Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group Inc., 1985

Clarke E. Cochran: American Public Policy: An Introduction: Wadsworth Pub Co: August 1998

Van Horne, Carle E: Politics and Public Policy: CQ Press.

Policy Direction and Politics
Pages: 2 Words: 679

Policy Direction & Politics
Stone captures for me the crux of policy paradox with this statement: "…each type of policy instrument [e.g., inducements, rules rights, for example] is a kind of sports arena, each with its peculiar ground rules, within which political conflicts are continued" (2001, p. 13). Extending the metaphor, arena sports are based on a rational rule-bound game structure that -- as soon as the whistle blows -- is overwhelmed by messy, conflicting and reciprocal interplay. And so it is with policymaking. The calculated, rational market approach to policymaking that was developed to counter the "profound disgust for the ambiguities and paradoxes of politics" does not match what happens in the real world, where political tensions force the hand of those who would create better governance (Stone, 2001, p. xi). We have only to look at the context surrounding the Obama administration to know that this is so --…...



Frederickson, H.G. (2010). Social equity and public administration: Origins, developments, and applications. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

Kingdon, J.W. (1995). Agendas, alternatives, and public policies (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Longman.

Lipsky, M. (1980). Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services. Russell Sage Foundation.

Stone, D. (2001). Policy paradox: The art of political decision-making.(rev.ed). New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Co.

For my essay I have to discuss the President’s role in the budgetary process and policy making?
Words: 362

The President plays an important role in both the budgetary process and policymaking, even if the roles are less formal and direct than many people realize.  The President and his Administration help establish the priorities for the nation, which is how a President impacts policymaking.  Likewise, the President submits budget recommendations to Congress, but is not actually responsible for the budget.   The two process are similar, but different, so they will be addressed sequentially. 

The President’s role in developing the nation’s budget is dictated by statute and by precedent.  The Budget and Accounting....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on debates in political theory module. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 561

1. The Role of Emotions in Political Decision Making: Exploring how emotions influence political beliefs and actions, and whether they should be considered in political theory.

2. The Impact of Technology on Political Communication: Analyzing how social media and other digital platforms have changed political discourse and debate in the modern age.

3. Intersectionality in Political Theory: Examining how issues of race, gender, and class intersect in political theory and shape debates on social justice and equality.

4. The Ethics of Political Violence: Discussing the moral implications of using violence as a political tool and when it may be justified.

5. Post-Colonial Perspectives in....

How have political titles evolved in shaping contemporary history?
Words: 299

1. The Influence of Political Events on Contemporary History: An Analytical Perspective

2. Political Movements and their Impact on Modern Global History

3. The Role of Political Leaders in Shaping the Contemporary World

4. The Significance of Political Ideologies in Contemporary Historical Transformations

5. Political Institutions and their Role in Shaping Modern Societies

6. The Relationship Between Politics and Socioeconomic Development: A Contemporary Historical Analysis

7. Political Activism and its Contribution to Global Political Change in Recent History

8. The Impact of Political Conflicts on Contemporary Historical Narratives

9. The Role of Diplomacy in Shaping Contemporary Global Relations: A Historical Perspective

10. Media and Politics: Exploring the Influence of....

What title does the Mangudadatu family hold in the political landscape of the Philippines?
Words: 264

1. The Rise of the Mangudadatu Clan: A Political Powerhouse in the Philippines

2. Exploring the Influence of the Mangudadatu Family in Provincial Politics

3. The Mangudadatu Dynasty: Examining the Family's Politically Dominant Role in the Provinces

4. Unraveling the Political Dynasty: The Case of the Mangudadatu Family in the Philippines

5. The Impact of the Mangudadatu Clan on the Socio-Political Landscape of the Philippines

6. From Local Politics to National Influence: The Journey of the Mangudadatu Family

7. Assessing the Legacy of the Mangudadatu Political Clan across Provinces in the Philippines

8. The Mangudadatu Family: A Case Study of Nepotism and Power Consolidation in the Philippines


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