Different methods like Self appraisal, Peer appraisal, Team appraisal, Assessment centre, 360-degree or full circle appraisal, Management-by-objectives, Combination of methods are used to regularly enhance and manage the performance of organizations.
Self Appraisal System
Self appraisal system gives the employee a chance to make judgment about him. Mostly employees have grudges about their managers doing their appraisals but this system gives them a chance to voice their own opinions and judgments about their own work. Biggest positive point is that employee cannot complain or grudge about the process when he is doing it himself. The negative point is that the person himself is mostly unable to highlight negative points about him and can be biased giving a more positive appraisal when in fact it could be negative.
360-degree or Full Circle Appraisal
360 degree incorporates feedback from multiple sources that is superiors, subordinates, peers, and/or customers into the performance appraisal process. The strength…...
Lawler III, E. & Mohrman, S.(2003),'HR as a Strategic Partner: What Does it Take to Make it Happen?', Human Resource Planning, Vol.26, No.3, p.15+.
Pollack, D. & Pollack, L. (1996). Using 360 Degree Feedback in Performance Appraisal. Public Personnel Management. Vol: 25. Issue: 4. P. 507+.
Inderrieden, E., Allen, R. & Keaveny, T. (2004). Managerial Discretion in the Use of Self-Ratings in an Appraisal System: The Antecedents and Consequences. Journal of Managerial Issues. Vol: 16. Issue: 4. 2004. P. 460+.
As suggested by the study into the effects of divorce and other emotional losses in the home, negative experiences outside of the educational environment have a profound influence on the risk of dropout as well (Gerein, 2009).
Counselling Strategies:
Appropriate counselling strategies would be those that directly address the factors identified in increasing the risk of dropping out of high school. In that regard, different factors are addressable by different strategies appropriate to those specific factors. Unfortunately, some of the larger prevailing social issues implicated in increasing dropout risks are not readily capable of resolution by individual schools. Those factors would include the general effect of racial and ethnic minority status and economic status of the community or of individual students' families.
However, some of the factors most readily and directly amenable to improvement on a small scale include the effects of absenteeism, emotional loss outside of school, and the perceptions of…...
"High school dropout rate much higher than government says" (2003). Journal of Employee Assistance. Retrieved May 16, 2009, from:
Gerein, K. (2009). "High school dropout rate rises for children whose parents divorce, study finds" The Edmonton Journal. Retrieved May 16, 2009, from:
policy development for the investigated issue.
The chosen studies are "conviction offense and Prison Violence" by Sorrensen and Cunningham (2008), "Violence against women" by Baker, Niolon and Oliphan (2009), "Determine what works for girls in the Juvenile Justice system" by Zhan, ichavsky and Mihalic (2009) and "Violent girls and relabeled status offenders" by Feld (2009).
Description and Credibility of Methodologies Used
The four studies have been carefully selected to present the variation in the evaluation methods of these papers. In the study conducted by Baker, Niolon and Oliphan (2009), the authors aimed to formulate a 'descriptive analysis of transitional housing programs for survivors of intimate partner violence in the U.S.'. In this study it was imperative to analyze the current situation of domestic violence against women, in order to make recommendations. For this purpose, the methodology used in this paper is to access the transitional housing programs (THPs). The researchers of this…...
Baker, C, Niolon, P and Oliphant, H (2009) A Descriptive Analysis of Transitional Housing Programs for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in the United States, Violence against Women (15) 460
Sorenson, J and Cunningham, M (2008) Conviction Offense and Prison Violence: A comparative study of Murders and Other Offenders. Crime and Delinquency (56) 103
Zhan, M, Day, J, Mihalic, S and Tichavsky, L (2009) Determining what works for Girls in the Juvenile Justice System: A summary of Evaluation Evidence. Crime and Delinquency (55) 266
Fled, B (2009) Violent Girls or Relabeled Status Offenders?: An alternative Interpretation of the Data. Crime and Delinquency. (55) 241
European Security and Defense Policy: Development and Prospects
United States Attitudes toward European Defense
The Background to the Dilemma:
In December of 1991, the Soviet Union - Ronald Reagan's "Evil Empire" - ceased to exist. Communism was dead. The Cold ar over. Long live freedom and democracy! The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was replaced by a weak and impoverished federation of fifteen republics. America stood alone. She had become - in some of the favorite words of the current Bush Administration- the world's sole superpower. Not even Imperial Rome had enjoyed such eminence. America was Atlas, embracing the Globe. Her corporations dominated the international economy. Her artists, writers, filmmakers, scientists, and entrepreneurs set the standards that others must follow. On every continent, in every country, American products, fashions, and ideas proliferated, captivating the imaginations of the young and the upwardly-mobile. Millions dreamed of coming to the "home of freedom and democracy."…...
mlaWorks Cited
Baun, Michael J. An Imperfect Union: The Maastricht Treaty and the New Politics of European Integration. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996. http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5000643531
Chavez, Jonathan. "Pleading the Fifth: Adapting NATO's Article V." Harvard International Review 24.4 (2003): 8+.. http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=85701015
Cleveland, Harlan. Creating a Global Agenda: Assessments, Solutions and Action Plans. Ed. Didsbury, Howard F. Bethesda, MD: Westview Press, 1984. 151-158. http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=55274465
Policymakers are elected officials who play a crucial role in the establishment of policies that address various societal concerns. Policymakers initiate different policies depending on the specific issues to be addressed by the legislation. In most cases, these officials propose policies, which undergo the different stages in the policymaking process before being enacted into law. An example of a policymaker who has played a crucial role in the development of a policy to address a healthcare issue is Representative Michael Burgess. Rep. Burgess is a Republican representative from Texas’ 26th congressional district where he has served since January 2003 (Burgess, n.d.). Prior to joining the U.S. House of Representatives, Burgess practiced medicine for approximately three decades. I selected this policymaker because of his wealth of experience in the medical field as well as his service as a Congressman. Additionally, he has sponsored several bills to address different issues in the…...
Burgess, M.C. (2017). Biography. Retrieved from U.S. House of Representatives website: GovTrack. (2017, March 15). H.R. 315: Improving Access to Maternity Care Act. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr315/summary Midwife. (2014, June 1). Maternity Care in the US: Statement of the Problem. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from http://www.midwife.org/acnm/files/ccLibraryFiles/Filename/000000003784/MACPACAttachmentFinal1-6-14.pdf https://burgess.house.gov/about/
Policy Problem & Proposal
Policy Problem
The United States faces a $1.4 trillion national deficit, and partisan debate about how to address it is threatening economic stability on top of the shaky "recovery" from the 2009 financial crisis. Yet American corporations continue to enjoy tax loopholes that reduce their taxes to unprecedented low levels. epublicans argue that corporations must retain their preferred tax status in order to maintain and create jobs. This tax policy has been known by a number of names: supply-side economics, trickle-down theory, and horse and sparrow theory. It has not been without its critics, yet, irrationally, the practice of permitting tax loopholes continues to prevail from time-to-time.
"As for the growth enhancing effects of lower tax rates, just look to the 2000s for the latest persuasive evidence to the contrary. After the Bush tax cuts on the progressive rates paid by the wealthy, GDP between 2001 and 2007 grew…...
Advance Pricing Agreement Quarterly Reports, Internal Revenue Service. Retrieved http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-apa/
Announcement and report concerning advance pricing agreements. (2011, March 29). § 521(b) of Pub. L. 106-170, Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999. Retrieved http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-utl/2010statutoryreport.pdf
Brehm, J., and Gates, S. (1997). Working, Shirking, and Sabotage: Bureaucratic
Response to a Democratic Public. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan
Policy and Politics
Policy and decision-making are complex issues. Even for what might appear to be a simple decision, there many underlying factors that influence the final outcome. Some of these factors are obvious, but some can be elusive and hidden from all of the parties. Policies are not instituted in a flash and the process of policymaking should not be taken lightly. This makes the process of policy making a slow one at best. The many facets of the issue must be discussed and debated for often long periods of time. Policymaking is wrought with many problems for which there is no obvious right or wrong answer. Deborah Stone addresses these paradoxes in The Art of Political Decision-making.
Stone's work stands apart from many authors that focus on the application of their model in only a few specific applications. One example is einhart and einhart (2011) who recently discussed the limits…...
Reinhart, C. & Reinhart, V. (2011). Limits of Monetary Policy in Theory and Practice. Cato Journal. 31 (3): 427-441.
Stone, D. (2001). Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making, W.W. Norton, third edition.
Thorson, K.(Producer) (2002-2008). The highlights of 100 [Television series episode]. HBO.
Retrieved from http://www.hbo.com/the-wire
Policy of choice: Patient Safety
The provision of healthcare services is a complex responsibility that the professionals in healthcare risk management must never take lightly. Hospital regulations and accreditation standards make the safety requires complex and inevitable (PSQH, 2014). With formal procedures and policies, it is possible to promote and encourage compliance with regulation and high safety standards in the workplace. These policies also make quality healthcare and patient safety easier to deliver. Well articulate policies will alleviate variability in nursing practice that is likely to lead to compromises in care and eventual harm to the patient. The financial situations that require more attention for patient care may make it difficult to continuously review procedures and policies. Failure to update and develop policy can cause negative consequences for the patients (PSQH, 2014).
Patient safety policy is significant for the fulfillment of several professional requirements including:
· Adherence with the set professional practice standards
Policy, Planning and Development for Tourism
Policy Planning Paper
An emerging outstanding social and economic booster of the present age is tourism. But, major obstacles and chances facing the sector still demand a universal sense of commitment and proper strategic awareness. To completely utilize the existing chances and the mutual gains brought by tourism in Australia, it will be necessary for the sector and its various partners to show a sense of strategic planning.
Currently, tourism is a vital driving force of the economy of South Australia.Up to December 2013, 5.6 million visitors who stayed overnight in 18,000 businesses involved in the tourist sector spent $5.1b. This accounted for 31,000 direct employment opportunities for South Australians. That makes tourism important to the states regional economies asit accounts for 44% of spending on tourism even though only a small percentage of South Australians, 23%, live in this state's regions. With the state changing from…...
mlaReference list
"South Australia's Strategic Plan" [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 October 2010].
"South Australian Tourism Commission PLAN 2012-14" [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 October 2010].
"South Australian Tourism Plan 2009 -- 2014" [Online] Available at: < [Accessed 21 October 2010].http://legacy.tourism.sa.gov.au/WebFiles/IndustryDevelopment/South-Australian-Tourism-Plan-Performance-Summary-2010-2015.pdf>
"South Australian Tourism Plan 2015-2020" [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 October 2010].http://www.tourism.sa.gov.au/assets/documents/SA%20Tourism/Draft_South_Australian_Tourism_Plan_2015-2020.pdf>
Policy Analysis Critique
ationale for the chosen policy
Avian influenza is a virus causing lethal infection in human beings (Sims et al., 2003). It can be transmitted from patients to other human beings. It is a deadly virus with track record of 6 deaths in Hong Kong in 1997. That incident was just the start of this health issue. The virus spread enormously and caused H5N1 infection numerous times in Hong Kong. The dawn of 21st century witnessed multiple instances of H5N1 virus (Ellis et al., 2004).
It was expected that the virus could be found in the poultry animals and was infectious. In order to prove it, there were certain laboratory tests conducted on chickens. These tests helped prove the presence and effects of H5N1 virus (Shortridge et al. 1998). Subsequently, it was proved that the chickens were highly pathogenic (Shortridge et al., 1998). It was also proved that the virus was…...
Ellis TM, Bousfield RB, Bissett LA, Dyrting KC, Luk GS, Tsim ST, Sturm-Ramirez K, Webster RG, Guan Y, Malik Peiris JS. Investigation of outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in waterfowl and wild birds in Hong Kong in late 2002. Avian Pathol, 2004 Oct; 33(5): 492 -- 505.
Ferguson NM, Fraser C, Donnelly CA, Ghani AC, Anderson RM. Public health risk from the avian H5N1 influenza epidemic. Science 2004; 304:968-9.
Ferguson NM, Galvani AP, Bush RM. Ecological and immunological determinants of influenza evolution. Nature 2003; 422:428-33.
Fielding R, Leung GM, Lam TH, Lam WWT. The use of live animal markets and perception of risk among the Hong Kong population. Department of Community Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, 2004.
Policy tudy
eattle has been a leader in the United tates in trying to eradicate the homeless problems that arise in every city. ince the 1970's, the citizens of the city have agreed to tax increases (more than four times (Farestart, 2009) to address this issue. The following case analysis looks at the city's policy regarding finding shelter for all homeless families and single women.
Major Policy Concepts
Most analysts agree that the primary reason that there is a great degree of homelessness in eattle is the lack of affordable housing in the city (Kerns, 2011). The policy in the case suggests that the homeless be given greater access to affordable housing and shelters. However, there is a problem stated with this part of the policy also. Housing in eattle is not just expensive for the citizens of the city, it is expensive to build for the city government (Tong, 2011). This issue…...
mlaShay, S. (2011). Homeless 'One Night Count' numbers decrease. West Seattle Herald. numbers-decreasehttp://www.westseattleherald.com/2011/01/30/news/homeless-one-night-count -
SKCCH. (2012). Everyone counts. Retrieved from http://homelessinfo.org/one_night_count/
Tong, C. (2011). Seattle homelessness a long-standing problem with no easy solution in sight. The International Examiner. homelessness-a-long-standing-problem-with-no-easy-solution-in-sight/http://seattlepostglobe.org/2011/02/03/seattle -
Policies and Emergency Management
ABSTACT/INTODUCTION: As a representative democracy, the United States tries to include as many people and interests into its decision-making processes as possible. Seldom has this practice been more challenged than since the country's intensive focus on emergency planning and preparations because of the rash of high-profile incidents that have brought about death, destruction, fear and critical assessments of our national capabilities, including the 9/11 terror attacks (Perry and Lindell, 2003). For the most part, the main sources of action in this regard have come from the federal government, which has been adopting various mandates and incentives to invite more effective systems of readiness. But state and local agencies and private and public organizations have also found their places in these steadily improving processes even though they continue to struggle with the many complexities they face of being ready for all types of conditions. Large and small institutions…...
CAN HealthPro (2007). Emergency Management Planning, Health Care. Viewable at http://www.cna.com/vcm_content/CNA/internet/Static%20File%20for%20Download/Risk%20Control/Medical%20Services/EmergencyMgmtPlanning-PrepMakesforSmootherRecovery.pdf .
ERCMExpress (2006). Creating Emergency Management Plans. U.S. Department of Education. Vol. 2, No. 8. Viewable at http://rems.ed.gov/docs/CreatingPlans.pdf .
ESRI (2005). Improving Emergency Planning and Response with Geographic Information Systems. White Paper. Viewable at http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/emergency-planning-response.pdf .
FEMA (2012). Communications and Information Management. Viewable at http://www.fema.gov/emergency/nims/CommunicationsInfoManagement.shtm .
Policy Statement for Early Childhood Program
Superior Early Childhood Center for Excellence
Motto: Young Children Are Excellent and Superior-Especially When They Attend this Center!
Drop Off, Pick Up and Late Pick Up Policies for Parents, Caregivers and Students
Dear Caregivers:
Thank you for rewarding our facility and teachers with the opportunity to serve you and the children you entrust with us. We know that it is a difficult decision to choose a center for early childhood education. We assure you that you have made the best possible choice. Our students often go on to become Nobel Prize Winners, Leaders of the Free World and even the occasional A-list celebrity. Because we have many brilliant young minds attending and the quality of our education and facility is important to you and to us we must work with caregivers to insure a clear understanding and agreement of our policies for Drop off, Pick Up and Late Pick-Up…...
Policy and Practice
acial disparity in arrests and convictions in Georgia are is a significant and growing social problem. Yet, legislation and policy seems to be lacking in an attempt to solve or even begin to reverse the increasing trend. Georgia has been a special focus of several human rights organizations for some time with regard to the disparity associated with arrests, convictions and sentencing but especially with those having to do with drug laws. In 1996 Human ights Watch (HW)a nonprofit organization that seeks to bring awareness to legal and policy issues that are applied unfairly to minorities determined that Georgia has one of the worst race records in the nation with regard to new drug enforcement laws as well as extremely disproportionately applied mandatory sentencing laws with regard to those laws.
HW determined through careful examination that between 1990 and 1995 3% of whites who qualified for mandatory life sentences…...
Georgia's Supreme Court Chief Justice's Commission on Indigent Defense, 2002, www.georgiacourts.org/aoc/press/idc/idchearings/idcreport.doc
Human Rights Watch, 1996 Human Rights Violations in Drug Law Enforcement in Georgia. http://ndsn.org/sept96/hrw.html
Human Rights Watch, 2008, Targeting Blacks: Drug Law Enforcement and Race in the United States. http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/us0508_1.pdf
Tonry, Michael. Malign Neglect New York: Oxford University Press. 1996.
Policy Networks a Prevalent Feature Democratic Governanc
The issue I have selected related to policy networks pertains to utilizing marijuana for medicinal purposes in the state of Florida. At present, the usage of marijuana within this state is illegal -- regardless of the purpose. There are staunch advocates against legalizing marijuana or any other illegal substance which may be used as a recreational drug within this state. The most eminent form of opposition more than likely comes from current Florida governor ick Scott, which not surprising considering that networks frequently involve "local and national governments" (Thatcher, 1998, p. 389). However, the issue of medical marijuana has recently come to the attention of state legislators and government officials due to a form of marijuana known as "Charlotte's web," which is exceedingly low in THC (the active ingredient in the substance that produces euphoric "highs") yet high in cannibidiol, which is known to…...
Jordan, G. (1990). Sub-governments, policy communities, and networks: refilling the old bottles? Journal of Theoretical Politics. 2(3), 319-338.
Klas, M.E. (2014). Florida house to propose bill to legalize strain of marijuana for seizures. www.miamiherald.com. Retrieved from http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/01/09/3861541/state-house-to-propose-bill-to.html
Thatcher, M. (1998). The development of policy network analyses. Journal of Theoretical Politics. 10(4), 389-416.
Essay Topics on Deinstitutionalization
Deinstitutionalization, the process of transitioning individuals with mental illness, developmental disabilities, or other needs from institutional settings to community-based care, has been a topic of ongoing debate and research. Understanding the multifaceted aspects of deinstitutionalization is crucial for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and advocates. Below are several essay topics that explore the key issues and challenges related to this complex process:
1. Historical Evolution of Deinstitutionalization: Origins, Trends, and Impacts
Discuss the historical roots of deinstitutionalization, tracing its evolution from the asylum system to community-based care. Examine the factors contributing to the shift in societal attitudes towards institutionalization and explore....
Policy Analysis and Evaluation
The effectiveness of different policy interventions in addressing social issues (e.g., poverty, healthcare, education)
The impact of policy changes on specific populations or industries
The role of evidence-based policymaking in improving policy outcomes
The challenges and opportunities of implementing and enforcing policy
The ethical implications of policy decisions
Policy Design and Development
Innovative approaches to policy design (e.g., behavioral economics, collaborative governance)
The factors that influence policy adoption and implementation
The role of stakeholders in policy development and evaluation
The impact of technology on policy design and implementation
The challenges of balancing competing interests in policymaking
Policy Implementation....
The role of the advanced practice nurse in creating an informed citizenry that is empowered to advance wellbeing within individuals, families, and communities involves:
1. Education and Advocacy: Advanced practice nurses play a crucial role in educating individuals, families, and communities about health promotion, disease prevention, and self-care practices. They provide evidence-based information and resources to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health.
2. Collaboration and Support: Advanced practice nurses work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, community organizations, and policymakers to address social determinants of health and promote health equity. They advocate for policies and programs that improve access to....
I. Introduction
A. Brief explanation of physician-assisted suicide (PAS)
B. Importance of the topic
II. Background
A. Historical context of PAS
B. Legal status of PAS in different countries
III. Arguments in Favor of Physician-Assisted Suicide
A. Autonomous decision-making
1. Patient's right to choose
2. Respect for individual autonomy
B. Alleviating suffering
1. Relief from unbearable pain
2. Improving quality of life
IV. Ethical Considerations
A. Medical ethics
1. Beneficence and non-maleficence
2. Respect for patient's autonomy
B. Religious and cultural beliefs
1. Views on the sanctity of life
2. Impact of diverse beliefs on PAS acceptance
V. Arguments against Physician-Assisted Suicide
A. Slippery....
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