Policy Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Policy Analysis Compassion Fatigue and Quality of
Pages: 7 Words: 2162

Policy Analysis
Compassion Fatigue and Quality of Care: A Policy Analysis

Nurses enter their profession in hopes of a rewarding and fulfilling career caring for those in need. However, many of them do not realize the stress that can accumulate by caring for those who need them the most. Long-term stress as a caregiver can lead to a condition known as compassion fatigue. This form of burnout affects caregivers in every area of the nursing profession. Caregiver fatigue is a result of experiencing trauma that has occurred to others, but to which the nursing professional is exposed vicariously through their role as caregiver of the person.

Caregivers can experience stress symptoms such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, irritability, anger outburst, startle responses, anxiety, and other common stress symptoms (Abendroth, 2011). If the condition continues the nurse may experience a decreased capacity to be empathetic to the needs of others. Caregiver fatigue differs…...



Abendroth, M., (Jan 31, 2011) "Overview and Summary: Compassion Fatigue: Caregivers at Risk" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. 16 (1). Retrieved from   ableofContents/Vol-16-2011/No1-Jan-2011/Overview-and-Summary-Compassion- Fatigue.aspxhttp://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/T 

Boyle, D., (Jan 31, 2011) "Countering Compassion Fatigue: A Requisite Nursing Agenda" OJIN:

The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. 16 (1). Manuscript 2. Retrieved from

Policy Analysis Critique - Hong Kong Health
Pages: 11 Words: 3476

Policy Analysis Critique - Hong Kong Health Care System
Policy Analysis Critique: Hong Kong Health Care System

The health care system in Hong Kong is believed to be one of the best in the world. The majority of people there live longer than people in many other developed nations, and the infant mortality rate is also very low. Those things show that people in Hong Kong are committed to their health and that they have a government that enacts policies to protect them and allow them to have full access to health care. Many countries do not offer that to their citizens, so Hong Kong is actually something of a rarity - and allows its people to enjoy a life expectancy of upwards of 80 years for both men and women. That is the second-longest life expectancy of any country in the world. Of course, there are imperfections in the health care…...



Adab, P., & Macfarlane, DJ. (1998) Exercise and health - new imperatives for public health policy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 4(4): 389-393.

American College of Sports Medicine. (1975). Guidelines for graded exercise testing and exercise prescription. Philadelphia, PA: Lea and Febiger.

Berlin, J.A. & Colditz, G.A. (1998) A meta-analysis of physical activity in the prevention of coronary heart disease. American Journal of Epidemiology, 132: 612-28.

DeBusk, R.F., Stenestrand, U., Sheehan, M. & Haskell, W.L. (1990). Training effects of long vs. short bouts of exercise in health subjects. American Journal of Cardiology, 65: 1010-3.

Policy Analysis Governments and Organizations
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Patton (1990) identifies six steps for policy analysis. Firstly, we must verify and define the details of the problem. This initial step ensures that objectives are clarified and any ambiguity resolved. Secondly, the evaluation criteria are created. These criteria are necessary to enable the comparison and measurement of measures. The cost of the program or policy is examined in its multifaceted components. Once the first two steps are adequately and effectively, completed options to the existing policy can be examined and considered. This step demonstrates the incremental nature of policy analysis. Each step is often dependent on successfully completing the first step.

The fourth step of policy analysis is the evaluation of the alternative policies. Policy analysis is inadequate if the competing policies are not examined for their feasibility and value. This evaluative action would usually involve different qualitative and quantitative analyses. Subsequently it becomes important to distinguish between alternative policies.…...



Patton C. (1999). Steps for a successful policy analysis. Retrieved from  http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/tutorial/Barrien/barrien.htm 

Marston, G. (2004). Social Policy and Discourse Analysis: Policy Change in Public Housing.

London: Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Policy Analysis an In-Depth Investigation
Pages: 9 Words: 2367

The students from K-12 will receive daily choices about their food which will include fresh fruits, whole grains and dairy products.

The new policy will provide for students in K-12 to receive educational lessons about the importance of healthy eating as well as how to make the right food choices to be sure to get the proper nutrients in their diet.

The Kindergarten through third grade students will have a weekly class that will be part of their physical education training. It will consist of guest speakers and discussions about what healthy food is and how food helps the body grow.

The third through sixth grade students will meet once a week as well but they will also be taught how to plan a menu for one meal and instructed on what they can choose for that meal to help make it a healthy choice.

By middle school the students will have much more…...

Policy Analysis Child Protective Service Include Abuse Foster Care and Adoption
Pages: 6 Words: 2761

Policy Analysis Child Protective Service Include Abuse, Foster Care and Adoption
Child physical abuse did not receive widespread attention in this country until a 1962 medical journal article discussed patterns of suspicious injuries in children. ithin four years, all 50 states had passed laws requiring certain professionals to report cases of suspected child maltreatment. These laws were intended to protect children because they are a particularly vulnerable portion of the population. As reporting increased, states developed systems to support their child protection responsibilities, and a number of federal laws were enacted that have guided the development of states' child protection systems. The primary responsibility for responding to cases of child maltreatment rests with state agencies. States must comply with federal child abuse and neglect guidelines to receive federal funds and have some independence of how the services are provided.

The policies of Child Protective Services (CPS) and the Department of Family Services…...


Works Cited

Besharov, D.J. And with Dembosky, J.W. Child Abuse: Threat or Menace - How Common is it Really? Op-Ed in Slate: Oct. 3, 1996).

Bess, R., Urbel, J.L., and Geen, R. The Cost of Protecting Vulnerable Children II What has Changed since 1996? (February 01, 2001). Retrieved November 2, 2005 from  http://www.urban.org/url.cfm?ID=310071 

Christian, S.M. New directions for child protective services: Supporting children, families, and communities through legislative reform. Denver, CO: National Conference of State Legislatures, July 1997.

Costin, L.B., Karger, H.J., and Stoesz, D. The politics of child abuse in America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Policy Analysis of Oregon's Death
Pages: 25 Words: 8143

In March of 2005, she was finally removed from life support and died thirteen days later. The case had 14 appeals, numerous motions, petitions and hearings in Florida courts, five suits in the Federal District Court; Florida legislation struck down by the Supreme Court of Florida; a subpoena by a congressional committee in an attempt to qualify Terri for witness protection; federal legislation and four denials of certiorari from the Supreme Court of Florida (Jacoby 2005). The courts continued to hold that Terri was in a permanent vegetative state (PVS), and an autopsy showed that most of Terri's brain had atrophied.
Leeb outlines the responsibility of social workers to be knowledgeable in policy and law concerning end of life decisions. Sensitivity to ethical and moral considerations is also urged. Cultural differences may be encountered in such situations, as well.

A final discussion of the Oregon Death With Dignity Act reminded the…...



Annas, GJ (2005). "Culture of life" politics at the bedside: the case of Terri Schiavo. New England Journal Med, 1710, (352-355)

Betzold, M. (1993). Appointment with Dr. Death. New York: Momentum Books.

Coueman, Diane. (2000). Assisted Suicide and Disability. Human Rights: Journal of the Section of Individual Rights & Responsibilities, 27 (1), 5-7.

Caplan, a. (2005). Interview with Arthur Caplan, Ph.D. PBS Frontline/WGBH Educational Foundation. Retrieved October 19, 2006 at  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/kevorkian/medicine/caplan1.html

Policy Analysis Family Impact Analysis
Pages: 7 Words: 2451

Principle 1: Family support and responsibilities

Support and supplement parents? And other family members? ability to carry out their responsibilities?

The Act (2006) provides for parents who are attempting to take good care of their families, even if they are sometimes unsure about how they should go about doing that. Because it is vital that parents are able to work with their children and care for them safely and properly if children are to stay in the home, it is clear that parenting classes and other methods are needed to ensure that family members treat children appropriately (Edwards, 2010). Not all children come from "good" homes, and some of those homes include parents who also did not come from "good" homes, meaning that the cycle is continuing and should be broken (Goodman, 2006). If the cycle of abuse or other family difficulties cannot be broken, children and their parents and other family…...



Avery, R.J., Butler, J.S., Schmidt, E.B., & Holtan, B.A. (2009). AdoptUsKids national photolisting service: Characteristics of listed children and length of time to placement. Children and Youth Services Review, 31(1): 140-154.

Bruskas, D. (2008). Children in Foster Care: A Vulnerable Population at Risk. 21 Journal of Children & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 70, 71.

Davidson, H. (2008-2009). Federal law and state intervention when parents fail: Has national guidance of our child welfare system been successful? 42 Family Law Quarterly 481.

Edwards, J.L. (2010). Relative Placement in Child Protection Cases: A Judicial Perspective. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 61: 1 -- 44.

Policy Analysis -- Gang Activity in New
Pages: 6 Words: 1978

Policy Analysis -- Gang activity in New York City
Identification of a problem

Nowadays the American society is facing a pool of problems and this pool includes the well-known issue of gang activity, i.e. A group of people targeting innocent people for money and spreading violence. National Gang Centre (NGC) was amongst the first ones to take an initiative to address this problem within the United States. A National Youth Gang Survey (NYGS) was conducted in 1996 which provided an overall picture of gang problem in United States, including the distribution and level of gang problems within the state of New York. The NYGS is acknowledged as the first international survey that targets the responsible citizens of each dominion on an annual basis and inquires about the frequency of gang activity in their area and their idiosyncrasies. The survey was conducted each year from 1996 to 2009 using the same methodology, and…...



Adamson, C. (1998). Tribute, turf, honor and the American street gang: Patterns of continuity and change since 1820. Theoretical Criminology, 2, 57 -- 84.

Adamson, C. (2000). Defensive localism in white and black: A comparative history of European-American and African-American youth gangs. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 23, 272 -- 298.

Decker, S.H. (2007). Youth gangs and violent behavior. In D.J. Flannery, A.T. Vazsonyi, and I.D. Waldman (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression (pp. 388 -- 402). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Egley, A. Jr., Howell, J.C., and Major, A.K. (2006). National Youth Gang Survey: 1999 -- 2001. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Policy Analysis IT Policy Thailand
Pages: 13 Words: 4154

Furthermore it was a challenge for the government to provide computers and other equipments at large level (Thaichayapong, 1997)
Similarly ussell Pipe who was the Deputy Director of Global Informaiton Infrastructure Commission also criticized the policy saying that there were many risks involved in spreading IT facility and also that the expectations are high. He also stated that IT policy 2000 aims to provide TI facilities all through the country but practically it will need ten years to offer these services to every part of the country particularly to the rural areas. This problem was due to the inability of two government institutions CAT and TOT which were not capable of providing information infrastructure to fulfil the requirements of NIL. Pipe also commented that the dream of Thailand to be an information society in the next decades is not realistic because of the strong influence of buddism on Thai society…...



AlAwadhi, S., & Morris A. 2008. The Use of the UTAUT Model in the Adoption of e-Government Services in Kuwait. Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, USA, 1-11.

F. Statistics. Press Room viewed on 7 December 2011.   2010.http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics ,

Guntasopatr, P.1999, 'IT and development policies in Thailand, and the evaluation of their interaction' Doctoral Thesis, the University of Manchester, 1999

J. Lynn. Internet Users to Exceed 2 Billion This Year viewed 6 December, 2010   2010http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE69I24720101019 ,

Policy Analysis Barack Obama on
Pages: 2 Words: 880


Obama's failure to mandate that every adult American must participate in some form of health insurance plan has drawn criticism from Hillary Clinton and her supporters. Also, even nonpartisan industry analysts note that his plan may not solve the systemic problems generated by uninsured Americans of all ages: "Millions of children qualify for coverage through S-CHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program), but parents don't always buy coverage for their children. Some can't afford it, while others have no idea it exists. Voluntary programs always leave people behind, even when they include subsidies like those in Obama's plan. In fact, the Urban Institute notes that no study has ever shown better than a two-thirds rate of participation in a voluntary program. This means Obama's plan would leave about 15 million people without coverage, at least. This is an improvement over the 47 million without insurance now, but public health care costs…...


Works Cited

Holahan, John & Allison Cook. (2005). "Supplemental data." Health Affairs. Published by the Urban Institute. Excerpt at the Health Care Blog. Retrieved 27 May 2088 at  http://www.thehealthcareblog.com/the_health_care_blog/2005/11/policy_the_unis_1.html 

Krugman, Paul. (4 Feb 2008). "Clinton, Obama, insurance." The New York Times. Retrieved 27 May 2008 at  http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/04/opinion/04krugman.html?_r=1&oref=slogin 

Obama, Barack. (2008). "Change we can believe in: Health care coverage for all."

Retrieved 27 May 2088 at  http://www.barackobama.com/issues/healthcare/#coverage-for-all

Policy Analysis Issues in Healthcare
Pages: 12 Words: 3285

what dives/motivates povides. In a nutshell, these authos asset that any healthcae system built on maket pinciples is doomed to eventual cisis as payes (meaning patients by and lage, whethe diectly o though govenment taxation) attempt to eceive adequate cae while educing the flow of dollas to povides while povides attempt to incease the flow of dollas fo the same o lowe levels of cae (Haington & Estes, 2008). Issues of pesonal and medical ethics aside, it must be acknowledged that in any othe maket setting this would pefectly descibe behavio, and though this view is commonly bandied about in public discussion and political hetoic it is not a fequent featue of empiical eseach. Though this might be due to the causal assetion this pespective makes it could potentially point to the capitalist bias that exist in healthcae policy examination in the United States, and is wothy of futhe…...


references when it comes to care provision, and developing healthcare policies that address these variances while maintaining consistency in direct medical practice could potentially lead to vast improvements in the level and the perception of care provided (Ryan, 2000).

Social impacts not directly related to healthcare must also be taken into account when examining healthcare policy in relation to patient outcomes, as policy must effectively manage all large-scale social trends that can influence healthcare demands (Stuckler et al., 2009). Unemployment, poverty, and crime all have separate and intertwined impacts on healthcare issues and outcomes, for example, and must be properly accounted for in healthcare policy theory and practice yet are complexities often left out of healthcare policy analysis (Stuckler et al., 2009).

Policy Analysis Policies Are Sometimes
Pages: 7 Words: 2178

In the public sector employees continue to be largely covered by generous pension plans and, unlike in the private sector, there has been decrease in the number of plans or the amount available for funding. This differential between the public and private sector has raised the high brows of many and has brought into question the imbalance now present between private and public employment.
The present situation that exists between the availability of pension plan coverage between the private and public sector has caused government officials and voters to look at the equities of the situation (rown, 2011). In essence, the private sector is being asked to fund the pension plans of the public sector and being asked to provide the public sector with benefits that are virtually non-existent for private employees. Many question the fairness of such a situation and are, therefore, clamoring for change.

Public sector pension plans are…...



Associated Press. (2010, October 28). Gays in the Military Study: Most U.S. Troops, Families Say Gays OK. Retrieved May 4, 2011, from Huffington Post:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/28/gay-military-acceptance-m_n_775753.html 

Beland, D. (2007). Social Security: History and Politics from the New Deal to the Privatization Debate. Manhattan, KS: University Press of Kansas.

Belkin, A. (2010, September 19). Five myths about don't ask, don't tell. Washington Post .

Brandon, E. (2006, June 29). Ten ways to pay for retirement. U.S. News .

How to Conduct a Policy Analysis
Pages: 7 Words: 2176

Policy Analysis Abstract
This paper focuses on a bill currently going through Congress that would restrict the right of Americans to voice their support for the oppressed and marginalized Palestinian people by joining in the BDS Movement. This paper discusses why this issue is important to social welfare policy and shows that the bill would deny people the right to advocate by using social, political and economic means. The opposition towards the Israeli settlement practices in Palestine has already been condemned by the UN, but the U.S. Congress is now seeking not only to condemn the UN for its 2016 resolution against Israel, but it is also seeking to condemn any American person engaged in interstate commerce who chooses to support the UN resolution by boycotting Israeli products. This bill therefore would marginalize and socially, politically and economically exclude Americans in a dangerous way. This policy analysis paper also shows how already…...

Mental Health and Veterans
Pages: 8 Words: 2486

Policy Analysis for Veterans
The objective this paper is to discuss the stigmatization and mental disorders of Veterans after the service. After the Iraqi war, the numbers veterans suffering from mental illness continues to increase, and one of the factors that aggravate the problems is a stigmatization from the society. The paper identifies that the costs of providing treatment for veterans continue to increase in the last 10 years coupled with an increase in the waiting times to receive their benefits and healthcare delivery. The study also explores the political, economic, legal and social factors affecting Veterans administration. The study recommends that the government should provide both intensive and quality care for servicemen during and after the operations. Moreover, the government should pass a bill to reduce the waiting times to receive their benefits and care. The options will assist in reducing veterans mental problems and stigmatization they face in the…...



Acosta, J., Becker, A., Cerully, J. et al. (2014). U.S. Military Making Progress on Reducing Stigma Associated with Seeking Help For Mental Illness. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from  http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR426.html 

Congress (2016). H.R.203 - Clay Hunt SAV Act 114th Congress (2015-2016). Veterans' Affairs.

Department of Veterans (2015). VA Mental Health Services Public Report. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from  https://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/docs/Mental_Health_Transparency_Report_11-24-14.pdf 

IAVA (2016). IAVA Program Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from  https://iava.org/programs/

Policy Analysis Critique Rationale for the Chosen
Pages: 11 Words: 3283

Policy Analysis Critique
ationale for the chosen policy

Avian influenza is a virus causing lethal infection in human beings (Sims et al., 2003). It can be transmitted from patients to other human beings. It is a deadly virus with track record of 6 deaths in Hong Kong in 1997. That incident was just the start of this health issue. The virus spread enormously and caused H5N1 infection numerous times in Hong Kong. The dawn of 21st century witnessed multiple instances of H5N1 virus (Ellis et al., 2004).

It was expected that the virus could be found in the poultry animals and was infectious. In order to prove it, there were certain laboratory tests conducted on chickens. These tests helped prove the presence and effects of H5N1 virus (Shortridge et al. 1998). Subsequently, it was proved that the chickens were highly pathogenic (Shortridge et al., 1998). It was also proved that the virus was…...



Ellis TM, Bousfield RB, Bissett LA, Dyrting KC, Luk GS, Tsim ST, Sturm-Ramirez K, Webster RG, Guan Y, Malik Peiris JS. Investigation of outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in waterfowl and wild birds in Hong Kong in late 2002. Avian Pathol, 2004 Oct; 33(5): 492 -- 505.

Ferguson NM, Fraser C, Donnelly CA, Ghani AC, Anderson RM. Public health risk from the avian H5N1 influenza epidemic. Science 2004; 304:968-9.

Ferguson NM, Galvani AP, Bush RM. Ecological and immunological determinants of influenza evolution. Nature 2003; 422:428-33.

Fielding R, Leung GM, Lam TH, Lam WWT. The use of live animal markets and perception of risk among the Hong Kong population. Department of Community Medicine, the University of Hong Kong, 2004.

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on policy?
Words: 329

Policy Analysis and Evaluation

The effectiveness of different policy interventions in addressing social issues (e.g., poverty, healthcare, education)
The impact of policy changes on specific populations or industries
The role of evidence-based policymaking in improving policy outcomes
The challenges and opportunities of implementing and enforcing policy
The ethical implications of policy decisions

Policy Design and Development

Innovative approaches to policy design (e.g., behavioral economics, collaborative governance)
The factors that influence policy adoption and implementation
The role of stakeholders in policy development and evaluation
The impact of technology on policy design and implementation
The challenges of balancing competing interests in policymaking

Policy Implementation....

I\'m looking for an essay gender equality in your community or culture that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 472

Here are some options for essays on gender equality in your community or culture:

1. Research-based essay: Explore the current state of gender equality in your community or culture by examining statistical data, trends, and research findings. Discuss the barriers to gender equality that exist and propose potential solutions to address these challenges.

2. Persuasive essay: Make a case for why gender equality is important in your community or culture by presenting arguments and evidence to support your position. Use persuasive language and rhetoric techniques to convince readers of the need for greater gender equality.

3. Historical essay: Trace the history of gender....

I\'m looking for an essay probation outlook that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 259

Here are some options for probation outlook essays:

1. Research-based: An essay that examines current research and studies on probation effectiveness, recidivism rates, and best practices in probation programming.

2. Persuasive: An essay arguing for reform and improvement in the probation system, advocating for increased funding, better training for probation officers, and more resources for rehabilitation programs.

3. Historical: An essay that traces the history of probation in the United States, discussing its origins, evolution, and key milestones in the development of probation as a method of criminal justice.

4. Comparative: An essay that compares and contrasts different probation systems from around the world,....

How can Nigerian public servants be equipped to tackle global challenges effectively?
Words: 517

Equipping Nigerian Public Servants to Tackle Global Challenges Effectively
Nigeria, like many nations, faces a myriad of global challenges that require effective public servants to navigate and mitigate. Equipping these individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge is paramount to ensuring their success in addressing these challenges.
1. Enhanced Education and Training:
Public servants should be provided with access to comprehensive educational programs and specialized training that focus on global affairs, international relations, and cross-cultural communication. These programs should equip them with a deep understanding of global issues, diplomatic protocols, and the ability to navigate diverse cultural contexts.
2. Capacity Building in Core Competencies:

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