Plastic Surgery Essays (Examples)

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Plastic Surgery Is Often Described by Proponents
Pages: 5 Words: 1722

Plastic surgery is often described by proponents of its use as "medical enhancement" but it should be viewed more properly as whether or not it is medically necessary (Miller). The question should be asked whether or not such surgery is needed for the maintenance or restoration of health. The medical enhancement approach would point out that there is a segment of society that seek plastic surgery as a method of ending feelings of alienation and embarrassment caused by some physical feature but such argument still fails to rise to the level of medical necessity. The potential risks associated with plastic surgery simply do not justify the results and it is time that the medical profession re-examine its role and refashion its position on the use of plastic surgery for purposes beyond medical necessity (Darisi). The medical profession must determine for itself whether it is appropriate for it to provide services…...


Works Cited

Berer, Marge. "Cosmetic Surgery, body image and sexuality." Reproductive Health Matters (2010): 4-10.

Darisi, Tanya. "Influences on Decision-Making for Undergoing Plastic Surgery: Mental Models and Quantitative Assessment." Plastic & Reconstructuve Surgery (2005): 907-916.

Haiken, Elizabeth. Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1999.

Harris, David L. "Cosmetic Surgery- where does it begin?" British Journal of Plastic Surgery (1982): 281-286.

Plastic Surgery Is Among the Most Common
Pages: 10 Words: 2607

Plastic surgery is among the most common issues where arguments and debates between the pros and cons in society exist. There are those who oppose the practice of plastic surgery while there are those who find its benefits to outweigh the risks and negative effects.
For those who reject the idea of plastic surgery, the risks and negative effects of the practice are the reasons that they hold on to. Similarly, they also hold on the philosophical argument, tied with religious beliefs, regarding the naturalness of the human body and how God has given us the natural characteristics and features of the human body that each of us have. On the other hand, for those who are in favor of plastic surgery finds either vanity or vital medical reasons due to health problems as the main reasons why they support plastic surgery.

Taking on a side, I am in favor of plastic…...



Agarwal, Pawan. Perception of Plastic Surgery in the Society.

Plastic Surgery Unit, Department of Surgery, Government Medical College, India.

Harcourt, Diana, Rumsey, Nichola. 2001. Psychological Aspects of Breast Reconstruction: A Review of the Literature.

Integrative Literature Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Blackwell Science Ltd.

Plastic Surgery the Term 'Plastic' Is Derived
Pages: 4 Words: 1158

Plastic Surgery
The term 'plastic' is derived from the Greek syllable 'plastikos' meaning 'mold' or 'give shape to'. Plastic surgery is a special branch of medicine that deals with curing or rectifying facial disfigurement, scarring or other anomalies in the physical features that are either congenital or accidental. Advancements in technology have broadened the scope of plastic surgery and today it is performed for a variety of cosmetic purposes like, face-lift, breast implantation, reduction, penile enlargement etc. The historic origin of plastic surgery is traced back to India (hundreds of years C), where a text has references to what can be called as modern day rhinoplasty. Then in Italy during the sixteenth century Gasparo Tagliocozzi specialized techniques to treat facial disfigurement. He is also credited with the publication (1597) of the first comprehensive account of skin transplantation method in his work "De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem," [Alysa R. herman]. ut plastic…...



Designed by Health Superstore, "Plastic Surgery History," Accessed on April 26th 2004,

Elizabeth Haiken, "The Making of the Modern Face: Cosmetic Surgery," Social Research, Spring 2000, Available online at, 

University of Iowa, " Plastic Surgery," Accessed on April 26th 2004,

AORN Journal, "Plastic surgery rates on the rise in older adult population," May 2002, Available online at,

Plastic Surgery -- Reasons to
Pages: 2 Words: 676

A person with a deviated septum may benefit from a nose reshaping. omen whose breasts have become enlarged after pregnancy or nursing, patients who have been in car accidents and through other traumatic physical incidents can benefit psychologically and physically, if the memory of that trauma is erased from their body. If surgery can improve a patient's health as well as a patient's appearance, health insurance may cover all or part of the expense. Feeling healthier and feeling better also often means that a patient will eat better, exercise more, and treat their new physical body with greater care.
Also, whether you like it or not, your appearance can even affect your income. "Good-looking, slim, tall people tend to make more money than their plain-Jane counterparts, according to a study released this month by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, with researchers finding that beautiful people tend to earn…...


Works Cited

Cosmetic Surgery: The Facts." The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

2007. [6 Apr 2007] 

Korman, Jack. "Breast Reduction Surgery Questions & Answers." 2007. [6 Apr 2007]

Plastic Surgery With the Increase
Pages: 4 Words: 1342

All the above factors of social acceptability and media influence also play a role at this stage.
The increasing popularity of cosmetic procedures are also related to the general wealth of society today. Many more people are able to afford cosmetic surgery because of greater wealth, wiser investment and greater ease of obtaining loans (Williamson). Cosmetic surgery is therefore available to a much larger sector of society than just the rich and famous. Furthermore, because of the increased level of social acceptability, the decision to have a procedure is much easier. The almost instant gratification projected by those who undergo procedures such as liposuction furthermore drive this decision in favor of a strict diet and exercise regimen. Cosmetic surgery and non-surgical procedures are therefore much more accessible to a larger sector of society.

Medical advances have also resulted in more than a tendency to live longer. Many cosmetic procedures have become…...



BBC News Online. "Cosmetic surgery popularity surge." 24 January, 2005. 

Brown, Maeghan. "Plastic surgery popularity grows among Americans."

The Current Online, 24 January 2005.

Dittmann, Melissa. "Plastic Surgery: beauty or beast?" Monitor on Psychology, Vol. 36, No. 8, 8 September 2005.

Plastic Surgery in Korea Plastic
Pages: 4 Words: 1382

Within this framework, it is also imperative to call attention to that appearance is an significant form of divination, and according to research about fifty percent of South Koreans admit to trusting that one can interpret an individual's personality by merely observing their faces, and this is no small concern in a nation where the right look, both in terms of attire and facial qualities, can have an extremely substantial effect on one's achievement in life (Blum, 2005, p. 115). Choices to endure plastic surgery are thus motivated by the requirement to not only follow aesthetic standards, but also to restructure unfavourable facial features to something more favourable to behold. (Partridge, 1996, p. 31).
Whether or not one puts their trusts in appearance or not, what is obvious and irrefutable in the setting of modern South Korean society is that having the proper look has developed into a requirement for…...



Author Unknown. (1987). Facial discrimination: Extending handicap law to employment discrimination on the basis of physical appearance. The Harvard Law Review Association, 100(8), 2035-2052.

Blum, V. (2005). Becoming the other woman: The psychic drama of cosmetic surgery. A

Journal of Women Studies, 26(2), 104-131.

Cullen, L.T. (2002), "Changing Faces," Time, Aug 5, pp.16-19.

Plastic Surgery Introduction in the
Pages: 3 Words: 894

Sufficient amounts of plastic surgery can result in irreversible damage to the normal body
structure, which has occurred in those addicted to surgery for cosmetic
purposes. Important risks cited by researchers in this area include the
fact that in the United States it is legal for any doctor, regardless of
specialty, to perform cosmetic surgery, but not plastic surgery. Plastic
surgery is recognized by certifiable associations as the surgery to repair
defects of form or function, which includes cosmetic surgery and
reconstructive surgery; whereas, cosmetic surgery refers to surgery that is
designed to improve appearance.
The problem with this is that in other countries, many doctors that
are not qualified as surgeons also perform cosmetic procedures. This
increases the risk of plastic surgery, when a non-board surgeon is
performing the surgery. Critics of plastic surgery also not that the
danger lies not in the actual surgery, but in the administration of the
anesthetic. An incorrect does of anesthetic can be fatal for those that



American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2006). The History of Plastic

Surgery, ASPS and

PSEF. Retrieved November 20, 2006 from


Ciaschini, M. (2005). The History of Plastic Surgery. Retrieved November

20, 2006


Johnson, D. & Whitworth, I. (2002). Recent Developments in Plastic Surgery. ?

Plastic Surgery Bundled With Travel
Pages: 3 Words: 1111

For some consumers, a price that seems "too good to be true" may warn them away from the product or service. It cheapens the product, and makes consumers worry that they are not getting the same quality article they might if they paid a higher price. Many professionals have the same problem with bundling professional services such as plastic surgery with things like vacations. The article states, "Some plastic surgeons are skeptical of consulting with patients for such important surgery from a distance. 'Sometimes clients come here and having paid for traveling and holiday, a doctor might feel obliged to go through with the operation even if the person is not suited,' says Tom Ford of the Association for Plastic and econstructive Surgeons in Southern Africa" (Article). This could be dangerous or even deadly, and so, the practice could end up being far more costly than just dollars and…...



Article on Plastic Surgery and South African Travel.

Anderson, K. (1997, February). Getting the message straight: Changes in telecommunications laws have opened up the telephone service marketplace. Black enterprise, 27, 205+.

Glanz, W. (2000, January 13). Merger boosts case legend. The Washington times, p. 9.

Sherwood, M.K. (1994). Difficulties in the measurement of service outputs. Monthly labor review, 117(3), 11+.

Importance of Plastic Surgery in Our Society
Pages: 10 Words: 3514

Plastic Surgery in America
hen people hear the term "plastic surgery," they almost immediately think of the negative connotations of that phrase. hile it is certainly true that many Americans have had elective plastic surgery, there are far more types of medical procedures that fall under this category than the stereotypical nose jobs or breast enhancements. There are pros and cons to the debate about plastic surgery and its importance in this society. Most of the arguments against plastic surgery focus on the cosmetic aspects of this field and thus overlook some of the real world positive applications. Plastic surgery is overused in this country in terms of people who have unnecessary operations in order to alter their physical appearance to create some perceived ideal or to better match what the media portrays as beautiful. It is definitely true that this branch of plastic surgeries has had negative side effects in…...


Works Cited:

Bordo, Susan. "The Empire of Images in our World of Bodies." 2010. Web. Dec. 2011. 

"Cleft Lip and Palate Repair." ADAM. 2011. Web. Dec. 2011.

Importance of Plastic Surgery in Our Society
Pages: 8 Words: 2527

Plastic Surgery in Our Society
Plastic beauty -- curse or bliss?

There is much controversy regarding physical appearance in the contemporary society, as while the masses promote the belief that it one's thinking is more important than the way that he or she looks like, most people invest large amounts of money in their looks. The world has practically been bombarded by the effects of a cosmetic surgery culture during the recent years. Plastic surgery is in most cases a direct attack on society's honor, as it encourages discrimination based on appearance. Even though it only seems natural to employ a criticizing attitude when faced with the concept, it is actually difficult to determine whether or not plastic surgery is good -- the present day the social order functions in accordance with different values and people have come to achieve positive results as a consequence of artificially improving their outer shell.




Bayer, Kathryn, "Cosmetic Surgery and Cosmetics: Redefining the Appearance of Age,"Generations 29.3 (2005)

Blum, Virginia, "Becoming the Other Woman: The Psychic Drama of Cosmetic Surgery," Frontiers - A Journal of Women's Studies 26.2 (2005)

Blum, Virginia L., Flesh Wounds: The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003)

Chapkis, Wendy, Beauty Secrets: Women and the Politics of Appearance (Boston: South End Press, 1986)

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Is Wrong
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Cosmetic surgeries still focused on reconstructive procedures, such as repairing cleft palates, skin grafts mastectomies and reconstructed noses and ears .
Psychological Aspect of Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a risky business, and there are many psychological unsatisfactories that come with cosmetic surgery .Psychosocial issues permeate the field of cosmetic surgery ( Grossbart, & Sarwer, 138 ). Factors identified are being young, suffering from depression or anxiety, and having a personality disorder. According to Pruzinsky, & Edgerton, ( 223) has stated the nature and degree of surgical change is an important predictor outcome more extensive procedures are more likely to result in serious body image disturbance than " restorative" procedures. The extent of changes in sensation following the procedure (face lift, loss of nipple sensation after breast augmentation) may also influence psychological outcomes, with greater degrees of sensory disturbance making adjustment to the procedure more difficult ( Grossbart & Sarwer, 172).


Ethics Plastic the Ethics of Plastic Surgery
Pages: 6 Words: 1728

Ethics Plastic
The Ethics of Plastic Surgery Funding Based on the eason for Surgery and Other Factors: A Literature-Based Briefing

Since the beginnings of recorded history at least, and indeed even earlier from what archaeologists have been able to ascertain, human beings have been obsessed with their own bodies. This is evident in the earliest works of art and in some of the earliest texts, and can also be seen in certain early practices of ancient civilizations that had identified specific features and/or proportions as more aesthetically pleasing than others and worked to achieve greater compliance with these standards of beauty through artificial means. These means were not limited to make-up, haircuts, and clothing, either, though all of these were employed by many ancient civilizations as a means of enhancing aesthetic beauty for both males and females, but in fact more permanent modifications were also made to the body.

In the modern era,…...



Achauer, B., Eriksson, E., Coleman, J., Russell, R. & Guyuron, B. (2000> Plastic Surgery: Indications, Operations, and Outcomes. Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby.

Castle, D., Molton, M., Hoffman, K., Preston, N. & Phillips, K. (2004). Correlates of dysmorphic concern in people seeking cosmetic enhancement. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 38(6), pp. 439-44.

Davis, K. (20030. Dubious Equalities and Embodied Differences: Cultural Studies on Cosmetic Surgery. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Krizek, T. (2002). Ethics and philosophy lecture: surgery...Is it an impairing profession? Journal of the American College of Surgeons 194(3):352-66.

Plastic Surgery and Its Effect
Pages: 1 Words: 311

While it used to be primarily the face, the breasts and more visible parts of the body that people chose to have cosmetic surgery on, today they are taking things a step further. According to Davis (2002) one of the most popular "new sex surgeries" is the "designer vagina." These surgeries are supposed to improve the aesthetics of the vagina as well as make them 'tighter'.
Clearly, people are becoming bolder and surgeries are becoming more invasive. For many people, the effect these surgeries have on their relationships with their bodies is improved self-esteem and confidence. But for many others, it becomes just one part of an endless and futile attempt to attain perfection.


Davis, S.W. (2002, March 22) Loose lips sink ships, Feminist Studies

oyster, F. (2005, July 28) Hee hee: Michael Jackson and the transgendered erotics of…...



Davis, S.W. (2002, March 22) Loose lips sink ships, Feminist Studies

Royster, F. (2005, July 28) Hee hee: Michael Jackson and the transgendered erotics of voice, National Sexuality Resource Center

Plastic Surgery
Pages: 8 Words: 2332

Essay Topic Examples
1. The sychological Impacts of lastic Surgery: A Deep Dive into Self-Esteem and Body Image:
    This essay would explore the various psychological effects that plastic surgery can have on individuals, specifically focusing on changes in self-esteem and body image. This topic invites examination of the emotional outcomes, both positive and negative, associated with cosmetic alterations and the broader social implications tied to these personal transformations.

2. The Evolution of lastic Surgery: From Reconstructive to Cosmetic:
    The essay centered around this topic would trace the historical development of plastic surgery, distinguishing between its origins in reconstructive procedures and its expansion to elective cosmetic surgeries. It could analyze how technological advances, cultural shifts, and medical improvements have influenced the field's growth and public perception.

3. Ethical Considerations in lastic Surgery: Medical Necessity vs. Vanity:
    In this topic, the focus would be on the ethical dilemmas faced by plastic surgeons and patients in distinguishing between surgeries…...


Primary Sources

Rohrich, Rod J., and Jeffrey E. Janis. Essentials of Plastic Surgery. Quality Medical Publishing, 2014.

Plastic Surgery Statistics Report. American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2022.

Matarasso, Alan, et al. \"Ethics in Plastic Surgery: A Mini Review.\" Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, vol. 6, no. 9, 2018, e1908.

Gilman, Sander L. Making the Body Beautiful: A Cultural History of Aesthetic Surgery. Princeton University Press, 1999.

Atiyeh, Bishara S., et al. \"Aesthetic/Cosmetic Surgery and Ethical Challenges.\" Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, vol. 32, no. 6, 2008, pp. 829–839.

Plastic Surgery
Pages: 8 Words: 2226

Essay Topic Examples
1. The sychological Impact of lastic Surgery:
    This essay could explore the various psychological outcomes associated with plastic surgery, including improved self-confidence and body image, as well as potential negative effects such as body dysmorphic disorder and post-surgery depression. The essay could also discuss how patient expectations measure up to real outcomes and the role of mental health support before and after surgery.

2. Ethical Considerations in Cosmetic Surgery:
    An essay on this topic would delve into the ethical debates within the field of plastic surgery, including the implications of performing surgery on patients who may not "need" it for medical reasons, the commercialization of the human body, and the moral obligations of surgeons to refuse procedures that may do more harm than good.…...


Primary Sources

Rohrich, Rod J., and Jeffrey E. Janis. The Evolution of the Plastic Surgery Residency Program in the United States. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. 138, no. 2, 2016, pp. 413e-422e.

Santoni-Rugiu, Paolo, and Philip J. Sykes. A History of Plastic Surgery. Springer-Verlag, 2007.

American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Plastic Surgery Statistics Report 2020. American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2020.

Atiyeh, Bishara S., et al. \"Aesthetic/Cosmetic Surgery and Ethical Challenges.\" Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, vol. 32, no. 6, 2008, pp. 829-839.

Gilman, Sander L. Making the Body Beautiful: A Cultural History of Aesthetic Surgery. Princeton University Press, 1999.

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