Planned Parenthood Essays (Examples)

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Planned Parenthood Analysis
Pages: 8 Words: 2219

However, it can be augmented by public donations in order to help avoid relying on government funds. According to the research, "an outpouring of public donations helps Planned Parenthood significantly expand our breast health training, outreach, and medical programs -- and helps several thousand more low-income patients get biopsies and other advanced diagnostic screening" (Planned Parenthood, 2013, p 7). Currently, public donations only accounted for about 26% of the organization's revenue. This would not be enough for the organization to sustain itself without government funding. Campaigns to increase awareness and reach out to community members would ultimately help increase this percentage so that the organization could still operate in the event that government funding is cut.

(Planned Parenthood, 2013)

(Planned Parenthood, 2013)

Current and Future Direction

Promoting national sex education programs remains one of the organization's biggest current programs. Here, the research suggests that "Planned parenthood is an extensive grassroots direct service provider that…...



Burns, Alexander. (2014). Planned Parenthood reveals big 2014 game plan. Politico. Web. 

Halloran, Liz. (2011). Abortion foes target family planning program. NPR. Web. 

Marcotte, Amanda. (2011). Why fiscal conservatives should embrace planned parenthood. Slate. Web. 

Planned Parenthood. (2013). Annual Report 2012-2013. Web.

Planned Parenthood v Casey 1992
Pages: 6 Words: 2088

The pro-life sections were deeply disappointed as they had considered Casey as an ideal opportunity for the Court to overturn oe.
Legal eaction to the Case

The legal fraternity realized that the U.S. Supreme Court was loathe to re-visit its previous decisions or to endanger stability. Some of the justices had decided that even if the oe holding had been wrong, they would rather amend parts of it instead of overturning it. ("Ken Starr Looks...," n.d.) They recognized that the force of stare decisis was the deciding factor in the decision. As a result of this realization, the pro-life lawyers geared up to fight abortion law at the state level by making it as restrictive as possible.

Historical Impact

The Casey holding cooled down the heightened expectations of the pro-life and anti-oe activists. It removed the uncertainty (at least for the time being) about an important issue that has divided the American public…...



Background on Roe v. Wade." (2004). The Chicago Tribune. December 6, 2004. Retrieved on December 6, 2004.,0,388927.story?coll=chi-news-he 'd

Goldman, Jerry. (1996). "Harris v. McRae." 448 U.S. 297 (1980). Abstract. Retrieved on December 6, 2004. 

1996). "Webster v. Reproductive Health Services." 492 U.S. 490 (1989). Abstract. Retrieved on December 6, 2004. 

Ken Starr Looks at Our Judiciary: Past, Present, and Future." (n.d.) Interview: Retrieved on December 6, 2004.

Planned Parenthood and Defunding
Pages: 2 Words: 651

Teenage Pregnancy in the United States
Teenage pregnancy has long been on the public health agenda in the United States. There are a plethora of different perspectives in which this public health issue has been addressed from any many forms of interventions have been designed and implemented. Despite making significant progress on teen sexual activity and teenage pregnancy, there still exists many disparities in access to care across many demographic categories (Brindis, 2006). Therefore, there are many opportunities for policy makers to support more effective regulations and policies to continue to combat the public health issues related to teenage pregnancy.

School-based health clinics can have many advantages over traditional health care delivery methods for many demographic categories. The main advantage is that school-based health clinics can specialize in the individual needs of the adolescents and teenagers while a primary care physician. Other healthcare channels may not have an intimate knowledge of this…...



Brindis, C. (2006). A public health success: understanding policy changes related to teen sexual activity and pregnancy. Annual Reviews in Public Health, 277-295.

Brindis, C., & Sanghvi, R. (1997). SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CLINICS: Remaining Viable in a Changing Heatlh System. Annual Review of Public Health, 567-587.

HRSA Press Office. (2011, December 8). Affordable Care Act support for school-based health centers will create jobs, increase access to care for thousands of children.

Szabo, L., & Ungar, L. (2015, July 31). Family planning budgets in crisis before Planned Parenthood controversy. Retrieved from USA Today:

Cuts to Planned Parenthood Funding
Pages: 5 Words: 1404

, 2010). This would also adversely impact younger, sexually active women more because they have a greater likelihood of having multiple partners and not being in a long-term relationship such as marriage or cohabitation (Sassler, Miller, and Favinger, 2009).
C. Unwanted Pregnancies

Linked to the issue of reduction in contraceptive use, there will be an increase in unwanted pregnancies, particularly for teen women (Harper et al., 2010). Cuts in funding that cause increases in the cost of birth control will lead to a decrease in use of birth control, leading to more unintended pregnancies. Planned Parenthood also offers services to terminate unintended or unwanted pregnancies through oral and surgical methods (Fjerstad et al., 2009).

A reduction in funding would likely make these services more expensive, which would add to the difficulties faced by poor women. Increased costs of contraception led to discontinuing birth control and engaging in unprotected sex that, in turn, led…...


Works Cited

Berry, J. (2011, March 17). Planned Parenthood official: Politics behind measure to gut funding. Nashua Telegraph. Retrieved from 

Claeys, V. (2010). Brave and angry -- the creation and development of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 15(S2), S67-S76.

Damewood, a. (2008, June 9). Planned Parenthood funding cut. The Register-Guard, p. C19.

Devins, N.E. (2009). How Planned Parenthood v. Casey (Pretty Much) Settled the Abortion Wars. Yale Law Journal 118, 1318-1354.

Parenthood Styles in Parenthood The
Pages: 2 Words: 549

Neurotically concerned about his child's intellectual future, Nathan has their daughter in every activity from karate to early math and reading. His daughter and her accomplishments have become the center of his universe, to the detriment of his relationship with his wife. it's difficult to tell if Nathan sees his daughter as a person, or an object to be shown off and compared to others' children.
Gil's sister Helen is the single parent of a 16-year-old daughter and a 13-year-old son. Her husband has left her for another woman and she has her hands full as her daughter has eloped and her son never speaks. Helen goes on with the family acting as though nothing has happened, while her anger over her husband's departure is a wall that has gone up between her and her children - it is literally the elephant in the room.

Ultimately, all the stories in this…...

Marketing Plan for a Digital Books Publishing House
Pages: 8 Words: 2708

Digital Book Production
Practical advice on publishing eBooks.

Which digital formats and platforms to convert to... pdf, ePub, Kindle, etc..

Lipton (2014) in his study assessed the current norms of the digital printing industry with focus on publishing and copyrights in America and European Union. He reveals that popular eBook formats are few rounding up in single digit figures. In case of United States, the industry frontlines such as Amazon, Apple and Barnes & Noble are quite open to their users in order to pave way for easier reading. Due to this simplistic idea, the nuisance of multiple file formats to be used is cut down as most book readers don't like to shift from one file format to another. It's just too much nuisance and hassle for a reader.

In case of European Union, he adds that the digital eBook market is slowly growing as publishers are indulged in different file formats; working…...



Electric Book Works. (2014). Backlist conversions vs. frontlist plans. Retrieved from: 

Friedman, J. (2012). 10 Questions to Ask Before Committing to Any E-Publishing Service. Retrieved from: 

Kenner, A. (2014). Designing Digital Infrastructure: Four Considerations for Scholarly Publishing Projects. Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 29(2), pp. 264 -- 287.

Khaledi, H. And Reisi-Nafchi, M. (2013). Dynamic production planning model: a dynamic programming approach. Int J. Adv Manuf Technol, 67:1675 -- 1681

Battle for Abortion & Contraceptives
Pages: 10 Words: 3207

Planned Parenthood
The history of Planned Parenthood is voluminous and extensive. It has been filled with controversy, legal spats and struggles for acceptance and funding from the United States government. Even nowadays, the organization is threatened with budget changes or cuts from the federal government and many people have turned to violence against Planned Parenthood and similar groups over the years due to opposition to abortion or other birth control options that Planned Parenthood is known for providing or at least advocating for. What follows in this report is a history of Planned Parenthood as well as some of the pivotal events and outcomes that have occurred over the years. While Planned Parenthood is an organization with a lot of detractors, they also have a huge amount of support from some very loyal and entrenched groups around the country.


While the major decision that exists regarding abortion occurred with oe v. Wade…...

Marketing Plan for Service Providing
Pages: 3 Words: 1004

Peace of Mind Mobile Service: Marketing Plan / Marketing Plan for Service Providing Organization Name
Describe the target market.

Identify the size of your potential target market

4 Is of Marketing

The cellphone service, Peace of Mind Mobile, is specifically designed for children. It includes features such as Internet safety measures and tracking capabilities, for parents to be worry-free when their kids use mobile phones.

Describe the target market.

The key target market for this service is parents, because of current emphasis placed by advertisers and sellers on customer brand loyalty. The advertising strategy of 'Peace of Mind Mobile' service inculcates in parents a feeling of security, appropriately influencing the niche market of the firm. Competent personnel skills and technology utilized by the firm also form a great means for targeting parents (Article Institutes, 2015).

Identify the size of your potential target market

Peace of Mind Mobile service has an immense potential market, comprising all parents. Individuals of…...



Article Institutes. (2015). The Parent Trap: Marketing To Parents. Retrieved from   on 4th November, 2015 

Rivers, C. (2010). Marketing Services - The Four I's of Service. Ezine articles. Retrieved from   -- The-Four-Is-of-Service%26id%3D4494283&ei=aw4ud-kx&lc=en-IN&s=1&m=101&ts=1446684103&sig=APONPFkTFlh7NOgqbm8KHfkm3eEgpqk1jQ on 4th November, 2015. -

Compare and Contrast Rules of Law
Pages: 3 Words: 1053

ules of Law
It was January 23, 1973 and before the world knew, oe v. Wade would change the laws surrounding the issue of abortion eternally. The decision and choice to terminate a pregnancy was illegal in Texas at the time, which was then challenged by the pregnant Jane oe. She wanted to end her gestation in a safe and licit manner, and coincidentally the Supreme Court agreed in her favor. The ruling was the first time the court recognized the right to privacy incorporated a female's right, should she choose, an option to end her pregnancy or not. This landmark case not only validated and legalized the right to an abortion, but it interdicted prior laws regarding the act. Previously, abortion was only permissible when a woman's life was in danger and was necessary to save her life. Furthermore, the act of termination was acceptable if the female was…...



Planned Parenthood v. Casey . (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved March 18, 2011, from  

Gray Area of Rape Used
Pages: 8 Words: 2375

A third of those who responded said they believed she was to blame if she had been flirtatious. One fourth believed that wearing provocative clothing made women at least partially responsible if she was sexually assaulted. and, one fifth of respondents felt that having numerous sexual partners also led to the woman being partly to blame if she was raped. In all of these survey questions, men were more critical of women's behavior than women, except where alcohol was involved.
A rape case in Illinois demonstrates how so-called victims may not be just that. The girl in question was intoxicated, and the encounter, with multiple young men, was captured on video tape. However, jurors, having reviewed the evidence and watching the tape, said they saw hints that the girl may have been agreeing to sex (Yednak). It demonstrates that although when recovering from a drunken a person may regret their…...



Do women sometimes rape men? 2007. Planned Parenthood. December 12, 2007 .

Knight, I. "Women who really do ask for it." Sunday Times. 19 Nov 2006: p. 15. ProQuest Newsstand. ProQuest. University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. December 12, 2007 .

Newsom, M. "The dark side of 'hooking up'." Sun Journal. 8 Apr 2007: p. B8. ProQuest Newstand. ProQuest. University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. December 12, 2007

Values for Your Work as Human Services
Pages: 2 Words: 834

Values for Your Work as Human ervices Professional
As human service professional, I interact in various ways. These include caregiver, case manager, teacher, counselor, behavior changer, consultant, mobilizer, advocate, community planner, community change organizer and implementer, administrator, and evaluator (*). In order to most effectively and successfully carry out these responsible and diverse roles, I am recommended to adhere to a set of values and ethics particularly prescribed for human service professionals.

The values not only make me do the work that I love in the most effective way but it also helps me better help people and avoid conflict. I may, for instance, have my own ideas about how to best help people and in my fervor and ardor commit indiscretions. The values advise me to respect confidentiality of client at all times. They also tell me to place client foremost and to treat him or her with respect and…...



Alder, Ken (2007). The Lie Detectors. New York: Free Press.

National Organization for Human Services. Ethical Standards for HS Professionals

Policy Analysis and Evaluation Report on Abortion
Pages: 7 Words: 2322

Over the years, given the awareness and exposure that came with the advent of media and the internet, human societies and cultural norms across the globe have evolved from being very conservative to moderate to liberal. With apparent increases in literacy rates, standards of living and awareness in general, people around the world have reconsidered many of their notions and have adopted more liberal approaches towards social norms and myths. That said, despite of moving towards liberal broad minded cultural notions, the practice of Abortion still attracts intensive debates in both developed and less developed societies. This paper particularly focuses on the degree to which poverty is related to the practice of Abortion and how this relationship does implicates on the lives of poor women. The paper also aims at proposing a policy that would help in tackling the said problem.


As medical sciences evolved and progressed for the betterment of…...



Bachiochi, E. (2011). Embodied Equality: Debunking Equal Protection Arguments for Abortion Rights. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 34(3), 889+.

Bridges, K.M. (2009). Quasi-Colonial Bodies: An Analysis of the Reproductive Lives of Poor Black and Racially Subjugated Women. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, 18(2), 609+.

Kopaczynski, G. (2011). No Higher Court: Contemporary Feminism and the Right to Abortion. Scranton, PA: University of Scranton Press.

Kumar, A. (2012, February 2). House votes to ban subsidies for poor women who abort fetuses with birth defects. The Washington Post. Retrieved from The Washington Post Database.

Abortion and the Right to Privacy it
Pages: 7 Words: 2582

Abortion and the Right to Privacy
It is a summary of the most important elements of your paper. All numbers in the abstract, except those beginning a sentence, should be typed as digits rather than words. To count the number of words in this paragraph, select the paragraph, and on the Tools menu click ord Count.

United States' law is descended from English common law. As it stands, the historical idea of a life beginning at "quickening" has been replaced by the idea of fetal "viability." Despite a brief historical hiatus, women maintain the right to an abortion, before life begins. Despite Georgia's best efforts, fetuses are not people, legally or otherwise. Naturally, states regulate abortions and even proscribe them, under specified circumstances. However, the historical right to privacy in the home includes the right to choose whether to procreate. The right to privacy is protected in the substantive due process doctrine…...


Works Cited

Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616, 116 U.S. 630 (The Supreme Court December 11, 1886).

Bullough, V. (Ed.). (2001). Encyclopedia of Birth Control. Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.: ABC-CLIO.

Coke, E. (2001). The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Concerning High Treason, and Other Pleas of the Crown and Criminal Causes. Clark, N.J.: The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.

Garrow, D. (1998). Liberty and Sexuality: The Right to Privacy and the Making of Roe v. Wade (2nd Edition ed.). Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.

U S Government Interfere With Existing
Pages: 5 Words: 1806

In 1976, three years after Roe v. ade, the Court ruled that a married woman did not have to have her husband's permission to get an abortion, if she wanted one (Planned Parenthood of Central Missouri v. Danforth).
Do the policies of the executive branch of government - the hite House - go past just merely being "pro-life" - and into the realm of sexism? That is a good question because military women serving overseas, under the Bush administration, cannot receive safe hospital abortions, even if they pay with their own personal funds, according to NO. hy? To make the point that this administration opposes abortions, Bush restored a Reagan-era policy, and now military wives and women in the service must "travel long distances" to have abortions. They must also get the permission of their commanding officer, which is almost always a man.

orks Cited

Abortion Law Homepage. (2006). Overview. Retrieved 19…...


Works Cited

Abortion Law Homepage. (2006). Overview. Retrieved 19 Feb. 2008 at 

Medical News Today. (2006). Antiabortion Activists Refocusing Strategies After Election

Results; Washington Post Says Democratic-Controlled Congress Might Force Bush to Reconsider. (Nov. 14, 2006). Retrieved 20 Nov. 2008 at .

National Organization for Women. (2007). Reproductive Rights Historical Highlights. Retrieved 19 Feb. 2008 at .

How Nurse Practitioners Can Advocate for Change in Veteran Healthcare
Pages: 3 Words: 1044

How Nurse Practitioners Can Advocate for Patients in the Planned Parenthood and Medicare/Medicaid SystemsNurse practitioners (NPs) play a crucial role in advocating for patients within the Planned Parenthood and Medicare/Medicaid systems. These two systems serve diverse populations, and NPs can leverage their expertise and patient-centered approach to ensure that individuals receive comprehensive and accessible healthcare services. For instance, NPs play a crucial role in advocating for patients within the Planned Parenthood system, which provides vital reproductive health services to millions of individuals across the United States. As front-line healthcare providers, NPs are well-positioned to ensure that patients receive comprehensive, compassionate, and equitable care in these community-based facilities (Song et al., 2022).One of the primary ways NPs can advocate for patients in the Planned Parenthood system is by promoting reproductive health education and awareness. For example, NPs can provide accurate information about contraceptive options, sexually transmitted infection prevention, and overall sexual…...


ReferencesAbout VHA. (2024). U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from gov/health/aboutvha.asp.Jamieson, N., Carey, L. B., Jamieson, A., & Maple, M. (2023). Examining the Association Between Moral Injury and Suicidal Behavior in Military Populations: A Systematic Review. Journal of Religion & Health, 62(6), 3904–3925.Hallas, D., Haber, J., Biesecker, B., Hartnett, E., Toft Klar, R., Djukic, M., Apold, S., Vetter, M. J., McMillan, A., Brilliant, M., Baldyga, J. A., Waingortin, R., & Fletcher, J. (2021). Design and outcomes of a nurse practitioner preceptor development program. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 33(11), 1007–1016.Keller, M. J., Conard, P. L., & Armstrong, M. L. (2023). Incorporating Military Veteran Information into Transgender Care. MEDSURG Nursing, 32(5), 298–304.Morrow, L., & Greenwald, B. (2021). How nurse practitioners can advocate for local, state, and federal policy to promote colorectal cancer prevention and screening. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 33(11), 852–856.Oyesanya, T. O. (2019). Veterans Health Administration nurses’ training and beliefs related to care of patients with traumatic brain injury. PLoS ONE, 14(9), 1–14.Shankle, S., Hibler, D., Caven, G., Krause, P. C. A., & Duffy, S. A. (2023). Transitioning from military to civilian life: The Ohio story. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 33(5), 1137–1150.Ward Sr., B. K. (2020). Major Barriers Facing Veteran Transition from Military to Civilian Workforce: Suggested Strategies. International Journal of Business & Public Administration, 17(2), 60–85.

What are the fundamental components of women\'s reproductive rights?
Words: 465

Fundamental Components of Women's Reproductive Rights
Women's reproductive rights encompass a broad spectrum of legal, ethical, and social principles that guarantee women the autonomy and equity in making decisions about their own bodies and reproductive health. These rights are essential for women's empowerment, self-determination, and ability to lead fulfilling lives.
1. Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care
Family planning: The right to choose and access a range of contraceptive methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Safe abortion: The right to terminate a pregnancy for any reason within a reasonable timeframe, with access to safe and legal abortion services.
Maternal health care: The right....

Should teenagers have the right to access birth control without parental consent?
Words: 840

Teenagers access to birth control without parental consent has been a controversial topic for many years. Some argue that it is essential for teenagers to have the right to make their own decisions about their sexual health, while others believe that parental guidance and involvement are necessary. This issue raises important questions about autonomy, responsibility, and the role of parents in their childrens lives.

Throughout history, access to birth control has been a contentious issue. In the early 20th century, birth control was illegal in many parts of the world, and access to contraceptives was highly restricted. It wasnt until....

Should teenagers have the right to access birth control without parental consent?
Words: 491

1. In the United States, the debate over whether teenagers should have the right to access birth control without parental consent has been ongoing for decades. Advocates of this right argue that teenagers are capable of making responsible decisions about their sexual health and that parental consent can be a barrier to accessing necessary care. Opponents, on the other hand, maintain that parents have a right to be involved in their children's healthcare decisions and that minors are not mature enough to make decisions about contraception without parental guidance.

2. There are a number of reasons why teenagers may need access....

Can you provide a brief summary of the arguments supporting pro-choice abortion?
Words: 573

I. Introduction

  1. Ethical considerations

    1. Women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies
    2. Ensuring womens autonomy and agency
  2. Health concerns

    1. Protecting womens physical and mental health
    2. Preventing unsafe and illegal abortions

II. Body

  1. Reproductive rights

    1. Access to safe and legal abortion services
    2. Choice to plan and space pregnancies for socioeconomic reasons
  2. Social implications

    1. Reducing unwanted children in the foster care system
    2. Allowing women to pursue education and career goals
  3. Public health benefits

    1. Decreasing maternal mortality....

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