eligious Life of Planet Earth
This report seeks to establish if planet Earth is a religious planet. In so doing, the report will primarily outline the criteria used to determine if the inhabitants of the planet are religious and the various beliefs and behaviors they exhibit in line with the criteria. Further, the report will also highlight the function of religion (as it appears to be) on the planet under consideration.
To establish whether or not Earth is indeed a religious planet, the very nature of religion on the planet must first be understood. This can be accomplished using a number of approaches. On of the most effective approaches in this case has got to do with evaluating the primary characteristics of religion. This is the criteria the report utilizes in an attempt to determine if the inhabitants of planet Earth are indeed religious.
Characteristics of eligion: What eligion Looks Like on…...
Gogerty, D.E. (2001). On Earth: As It Is in Heaven. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse.
Gwynne, P. (2011). World Religions in Practice: A Comparative Introduction. Maiden, MA: John Wiley and Sons.
Hinde, R.A. (2009). Why Gods Persist: A Scientific Approach to Religion (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
Hinnells, J.R. (Ed.). (2009). The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.
eligious Life of Planet Earth
Criteria Employed to Identify eligious Behavior
Based on what we already know about religion in other parts of the cosmos, we will consider the following criteria to be indicative of religiosity on Earth: (1) itualistic prayer; (2) Symbolic rules that have no apparent utility or function beyond symbolism; (3) Ceremonial sacrifices (Sagan, 2002). Previous experience suggests that most religions are theistic and that the hallmarks of theistic religiosity are rituals used to demonstrate, reinforce, and transmit traditions to successive generations; symbolic rules that have no functional purpose beyond their symbolic value; and sacrifices meant to appease or thank imaginary supreme beings (Armstrong, 2003). While there are other forms of religiosity that involve more complex spirituality than presumed direct relationships between "gods" and living beings or causal relationships between the pleadings of living beings and natural events, for the purpose of a preliminary investigation, the foregoing criteria…...
Armstrong, K. (2003). A History of God. London: Heinemann.
Sagan, C. (2002). Billions & Billions: Thoughts of Life and Death at the Brink of the Millennium. New York: Random House.
eligion on Planet Earth
Based on careful observation of the beliefs and practices of people on earth, I can state that human beings are mostly religious people. There are five characteristics that define their religiosity. First, religious people function in groups. They share the same beliefs and perform the same activities as part of their religious activities. Within each group, there is a hierarchy of ranks and people but all people generally identify with the group as a whole.
The second religious characteristic of humans is faith. I have encountered people with different religions. But all of them have faith. Faith involves beliefs in a deity or deities and the existence of supernatural beings called angels and demons. Each religious group believes in it and the group generally agrees upon the fundamentals of faith. The fundamentals are believed to be sacred and are very important for the adherents. The fundamentals also base…...
Johnstone, R.L. (2007) Religion in Society: A Sociology of Religion, 8th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Religious Life on Planet Earth
hat does religion look like? To my alien culture, religion will take different forms. It will be seen through kindness, through humility, through love and altruism. In this paper, religion is not a dogma, it is not something that necessarily takes place in a building. Religion to my culture is a spirit, an act that inspires hope, a conflict that has been resolved. It is people helping each other in time of need.
Three examples of behaviors that meet the criteria are: a) affection shown between two people such as holding hands, hugging, looking deeply into each other's eyes, or kissing; b) a smile on the face of a person being served food by another; c) a person picking fresh vegetables from a garden and sharing it with others.
My Report on Religion in North America
On arriving in Hillsboro, a small town near Portland, Oregon, I converted myself…...
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The Church of Saint Michael the Archangel. (2011). Welcome / Father James Mayo, Pastor.
The last major x-ray flare occurred in 2003 ("O'Dell). Most of the energy from an x-ray flare is absorbed by the earth's ionosphere ("O'Dell). Thus, a CME can be far more dangerous for human societies than an x-ray flare.
The first and most subtle observable phenomenon signaling an upcoming solar storm are known as coronal loops, which are "kinks in the magnetic flux form" forced to the surface of the sun due to a buildup of magnetic energy (O'Dell). Dark spots on the sun's surface then appear, usually in the "footprint" of the coronal loops ("O'Dell). The dark spots visibly signal the buildup of magnetism. NASA describes the phenomenon of solar flares as occurring in three stages: a precursor stage, an impulsive stage, and a decay stage. During the precursor stage, the release of magnetic energy is only triggered and leads to "soft x-ray emissions," ("What is a Solar Flare?").…...
Hadhazy, Adam. "A Scary 13th: 20 Years Ago, Earth Was Blasted with a Massive Plume of Solar Plasma." Scientific American. Mar 13, 2009. Retrieved Mar 20, 2009 at http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=geomagnetic-storm-march-13-1989-extreme-space-weather
O'Neill, Ian. "2012: No Killer Solar Flare." Universe Today. June 21, 2008. Retrieved Mar 20, 2009 at http://www.universetoday.com/2008/06/21/2012-no-killer-solar-flare/
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" The answer is not yet known, as the matter is divisive, with some people disregarding the effects that their actions have on the environment while a few others struggle to have the whole world understand and fight for the planet's well-being.
All things considered, humans depend on the global ecosystem and its balance, and, as long as we want to provide the future generations with a healthy life in a healthy world, we have to help nature regain its former glory.
Ecosystems are yet another proof that nature is clever and that it can use a multitude of factors to create perfect environments. It is almost a miracle how ecosystems have worked together to create the present day world, where countless organisms live together and depend on each other.
orks cited:
1. Barnthouse, Lawrence . Suter, Glenn . (1993). "Ecological risk assessment." CRC Press.
2. Hugett, Richard John. (1998). "Fundamentals of Biogeography." Routledge.
3. Corvalan…...
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1. Barnthouse, Lawrence W. Suter, Glenn W. (1993). "Ecological risk assessment." CRC Press.
2. Hugett, Richard John. (1998). "Fundamentals of Biogeography." Routledge.
3. Corvalan Carlos, Hales Simon, McMichael Anthony J., Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (Program), World Health Organization. (2005). "Ecosystems and human well-being: health synthesis." World Health Organization.
4. "Aquatic Ecosystems." Retrieved September 28, 2009, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Web site: http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/ecosystems.html&edu=elem
hile hard facts, such as Venus' circumference, diameter, and distance from the sun are relatively easy to determine, historical and future implications of the planet and its study are not as simple to calculate. Two of the most important facts that we don't yet know about the planet Venus are the significance of its historical positioning and its implications for earth's atmospheric problems.
According to Ev Cochrane's study into the ancient solar system, the regularity with which the system now moves around the sun is a "recent development." In the ancient world, instead, Cochrane suggests that observers noted a different type of solar system. The discrepancies between the two solar systems has largely to do with the planet Venus. According to Cochrane, Venus' movement into its current orbit was recent, and this movement created solar side effects that may be important to the current development of the solar system. hile…...
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Cochrane, Ev. "The Many Faces of Venus: The Planet Venus in Ancient Myth and Religion." n.d. Aeon Journal. 12 August 2008. Aeon Journal. http://www.aeonjournal.com/venus.htm .
Japan Plans 2007 Mission to Venus." 2 May 2001. NASA. 12 August 2008. NASA. http://astrobiology.arc.nasa.gov/news/expandnews.cfm?id=805.
Missions to Venus." 2008. The Planetary Society. 12 August 2008. The Planetary
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Planet of the Apes is a very moving rendition of theme of brutality of slavery and the damaging consequences of the man's self-destruction. Particularly the last scene where the statue of liberty is shown is very heart rending and neatly depicts the height of mans madness who is the only creature on the planet to destroy himself. Unlike other science fiction movies this film is rich in social implications. Overall the movie is about the voyage of astronauts who travel in space exploring the cosmos. They end up on a strange planet inhabited by apes. The three astronauts think that they are some 300 light years away from earth but only later on in the last scene it is revealed that they are back on mother earth but to our utter shock and disbelief the planet is not the same anymore. Uncontrolled selfish warfare has led to the total destruction…...
The intent or purpose of this book was originally intended to be a science fiction written to meet a bet, but it ended up being the first book in a trilogy with the theme of describing how pitiful human beings are and how far from our original purpose on the earth - that is to tend it and make it plentiful, and to care for one another. C.S. Lewis was a Christian and this Christian theme permeates all of his novels. The theme of the book is that earth is seen by inhabitants of another planet as being valuable, but the humans are a problem when they think of inhabiting our planet. Oyarsa may be an angel and seems to care for the earth and sends Ransom back with a mission to make the earth better. This theme of bettering the planet Earth is the main one, plus Lewis has…...
mlaWorks Cited
Lewis, C.S. Out of the Silent Planet. New York: Scribner. 1 Jun 1996.
From the point-of-view of the variation and flexibility of the species such cultivated woody crops rank as no more than cornfields. While the tree farms are conveniently be stretched on the private lands, national forests those are considered priceless reservoirs of most of the biological diversity of the nation cannot expand so easily. The commercial logging is considered as the greatest danger for survival of the national forest system. The timber sales are growingly concealed beneath the post fire recovery and fire prevention missions, forest health initiatives and restoration programs. (Endangered Forests: Endangered Freedoms)
Wetlands disappearing
Declining wetlands and reservoir construction are having spectacular influences on a global scale. (the Importance of Wetlands and the Impacts of eservoir Development) the data of USF & WS reveals that the United States added 2.3 million acres in ponds and inland mudflats during the period of mid 1950s and mid1970s. The country added about…...
Acid Rain -- a Contemporary World Problem. Retrieved at Accessed on 3 February, 2005http://www.geocities.com/narilily/acidrain.html.
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Bryant, Peter J. Biodiversity and Conservation: A Hypertext Book. Retrieved at Accessed on 3 February, 2005http://darwin.bio.uci.edu/~sustain/bio65/lec05/b65lec05.htm.
Young Earth Creationist
These are summaries of interviews on views and thoughts of origin
Three people were interviewed. They included a professor of biology, an aunt of oman Catholic religious persuasion and a family friend. In the interview with the professor, she states that she is not sure of the length of the days in Genesis 1 because they have been a controversial subject. She stated that life on this earth is approximately four and a half billion years old. Further she believes that humans and apes share common ancestry. She says she does so because she took part in a research that found many similarities. She does not believe in religion and so she does not believe in the existence of first humans; Adam and Eve (Writer Thoughts). The family friend on his part states that the days stated in Genesis 1 are normal days that are just as long as…...
Booth, W. (2003). Days of Genesis 1: Literal or Nonliteral? Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 14(1). Retrieved, from http://www.atsjats.org/publication/view/40
Ghose, T. (2013). Live Science: Scientific News, Articles and Current Events. Genetic 'Adam' and 'Eve' Uncovered. Retrieved September 28, 2016, from http://www.livescience.com/38613-genetic-adam-and-eve-uncovered.html
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Wall. (2013). Great Ape Genomics. Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Journal, 54(2). Retrieved, from http://ilarjournal.oxfordjournals.org/content/54/2/82.full#ref-19
98). Tickner understands that men and women have been socialized to view "nurturing" as strictly a "feminine trait" and the "dominance of nature as masculine" -- and that the scientific tradition views nature as "something to be conquered and subjugated" (McNamara, p. 552).
Moreover, Tickner believes that care for the global environment must be seen as a "common human value" that men and women can and should respect; also, she asserts that environmental security goals cannot possibly be reached "as long as scholars and policy makers continue to divide the world according to gender stereotypes…" (McNamara, p. 552). In Mary Mellor's book, Feminism & Ecology, the author believes that it is essential for ecofeminists to critique "patriarchy" because women have "disproportionally born the brunt of environmental destruction" (Urbanik, 2001, p. 116). Still, "…getting the relations between humans right will not resolve the ecological imbalance because the source of much of…...
mlaWorks Cited
McNamara, Kathleen R., 1993, 'Gender in International Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security', Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 46, No. 2, 547-553.
Mellor, Mary, 1997, Feminism & Ecology. New York University Press, New York.
Rocheleau, Dianne E., Thomas-Slayter, Barbara P., and Wangari, Esther. 1996, Feminist Political Ecology: Global Issues and Local Experience, Routledge, New York.
Tickner, J. Ann, 1992, Gender in International Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security, Columbia University Press, New York.
Planet of the apes series is one of the most successful series in American cinematic history. Product of the anti-Vietnam War sentiment, open racial tension, the War on Poverty, fear of nuclear war and lingering Cold War anti-USSR passions, the first 5 films in the series were also based on knowledge of and research about apes up to and including the 1960's and 1970's. Rise of the planet of the apes was released 38 years later and placed its emphasis squarely on apes as a valuable subject rather than a symbol.
Development of the Planet of the Apes Series up to and Including Rise of the Planet of the Apes in Historical Context
Planet of the Apes
Planet of the apes (Schaffner, 1968), is the first in the film series. In the film, 4 astronauts travel to and crash on a strange planet. Prior to the crash, Stewart, the white female crew…...
mlaBeneath the Planet of the Apes
Beneath the planet of the apes (Post, 1970), the first sequel to Planet of the apes, shares the historical context of the first film and was propelled by the added impetus of the first film's financial success (Greene, 1999, p. 48b). Based on the story by Mort Abrahams and Paul Dehn, Paul Dehn wrote the screenplay for Beneath the planet of the apes (Greene, 1999, p. 22). In this film, a white astronaut named John Brent has been sent to find Taylor. Brent's ship crashes onto the same planet and Brent finds Nova alone in the desert. Brent and Nova are both captured by the apes but escape, travel to the Forbidden Zone and find Taylor in Manhattan, which is now a bombed-out underground city. Taylor is being held hostage by radiation-induced mutants who communicate by mental telepathy and worship an atomic bomb as God's instrument. A gorilla army led by General Ursus invades the city and shoots Taylor. Taylor's final act is detonation of the atomic bomb, which destroys the entire planet.
Still following the controversial topics of the 1960's - distinct anti-Vietnam War sentiment, open racial
It undergoes a transition from the olivine structure to the spinel structure. These transitions account for the discontinuous increase of the Earth's mantle as observed by seismic instruments.
6. How do mountains in the ocean basin differ from those on land?
Mountains in the ocean basins are perpetually being "recycled" through subduction zones. Therefore, the rock that they are made of differs in composition to mountains on land because of their younger age and mineral composition. Many of the mountains on land were created through uplifts in the crust, where rock from the crust was pushed upward and folded over time and time again. These types of rock have more metamorphic qualities while the ocean-bottom mountains tend to be more volcanic in nature and are more igneous. Also, the oceanic crust is made of basalt vs. The continental crust made of granite.
7. Why are continents so much higher than ocean basins?
A Symbolic Analysis of Another Earth
Movies, for better or for worse, are a reflection of popular culture in one way or another; mainstream films tend to show exactly what a culture likes to consume, while more "independent" or at times "experimental" films reflect culture from other perspectives that are perhaps not the dominant voices in society. Either way, however, films cannot help but provide some insight into who we are, what we desire, and what our world looks like. Examining films in with this understanding and in this context provides some very interesting insights into our culture and ourselves, and how we are likely to respond to changing circumstances and possible realities. The film Another Earth does this quite explicitly, as the following analysis of the film in light of other social commentary shows.
The central conceit of this science fiction film from writer/director Mike Cahill (co-authored by lead actress…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cahill, Mike. Another Earth. Fox Searchlight (DVD): 2011.
Chen, Anna. Route 42 to Dystopia. New Internationalist 418 (December, 2008).
Accessed 19 April 2012. http://www.newint.org/features/special/2008/12/09/route -
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