Piracy Essays (Examples)

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Piracy Theft In the Past
Pages: 3 Words: 1003

Nonetheless, based on the impact of pirating music, movies, and software, piracy can be considered as theft. The illegal copying and distribution of illegitimately copied material has huge financial impacts on the worldwide economy. As the rate of piracy continues to increase across the world, this practice continues to cost the global economy in billions of dollars. Piracy contributes to lost tax revenues that would be beneficial to local communities as hundreds of thousands of jobs in various industries are lost. The huge financial impact is also attributed to the fact that huge amounts are spent on dealing with this practice while it hinders innovation, research, and development. Therefore, piracy tends to hurt everyone i.e. manufacturers, consumers, employees, and many other business segments or people.

Piracy is theft because the main purpose of copyright is to incentivize the manufacture of creative works and materials (Kain, 2012). The increase in online piracy…...



Billy, M. (2011, March 5). Is 'Piracy' Theft? A Response to Mike LaBossiere. Retrieved June 28,

2012, from http://blog.mikebilly.com/2011/03/is-piracy-theft-a-response-to-mike-labossiere/

Kain, E. (2012, January 21). Does Online Piracy Hurt the Entertainment Industry? Retrieved

June 28, 2012, from  http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2012/01/21/does-online-piracy-hurt-the-economy-a-look-at-the-numbers/

Piracy Copyright Protection the Music Industry
Pages: 6 Words: 2058

This education aims at stopping music piracy.
Thirdly, there is the use of technology to stop piracy. This is quite difficult because the advancement in technology leads to advancement in the music piracy. However, knowledge in technology leads to the introduction and use of Digital ights Management (DM) systems. These systems limit the number of computer devices that can play a song. As a result, there is a reduction in the number of people sharing unauthorized music through file sharing networks. In addition, musicians are adopting the introduction and use of a digital fingerprint on all the downloadable files they sell. The digital fingerprint enables to trace pirated music back to the source. This reduces the level of music piracy occurring through the internet. Fourthly, many musicians are resulting in litigation as a way of protecting themselves from music piracy (Wallace, 2012). They press lawsuits against the music pirates who…...



Condry, I. (2004). Cultures of music piracy. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 7(3), 343-363. doi:10.1177/1367877904046412

Easley, R.F., Michel, J.G., & Devaraj, S. (2003). The mp3 open standard and the music industry's response to internet piracy. Communications of the ACM, 46(11), 90-96.

LaRose, R., & Kim, J. (2007). Share, Steal, or Buy? A Social Cognitive Perspective of Music Downloading. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(2), 267-277. doi:10.1089/cpb.2006.9959

Wallace, W. (2012). note: authorizing piracy on the cyber seas: an initiative to compensate right sholders of sound recordings by making music free. George Washington International Law Review, 44(1), 141-172.

Piracy Counterfeiting Patent Violation the Price You
Pages: 25 Words: 7573

Piracy, Counterfeiting, Patent Violation, The Price You Pay for Outsourcing China
Piracy, Counterfeiting and Patent violation

In this paper we will focus on piracy, counterfeiting and patent violation taking note of latest cases towards items such as in software, books, music and other related things. Here a huge emphasis will be given on China and how many different industries across the globe suffer losses due to the illegal practices carried out by Chinese manufacturers who tend to offer a copy of the original product at a relatively cheap price.

The meanings of terms piracy and counterfeit in today's age are relatively similar, i.e. To make an illegal copy of something. "Patent violation is a term which translates into any illegal practice which involves the usage or selling of any product without the permission of the patent holder who has the proper rights of that product." (Boyle 1997).

All of these above mentioned practices are…...



Mowery, David. (1996). International Computer Software Industry. New York: Oxford Press.

Boyle, James. (1997). Shams, Software and Spleens. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

Moody, Glyn. (2001). The Rebel Code. Massachusetts: Perseus Publishing.

Proctor, Robert. (2005). Handbook of human factors in web design. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Piracy in the Video Game Market
Pages: 4 Words: 982

Piracy in the Video Game Market
Sales of counterfeit video games are increasing worldwide. In 2003, video game executives joined a coalition of movie, software and music companies to appeal for help from the United States government, citing that they had lost a combined $20 billion due to piracy in 2002 (Kent, 2003).

Video game piracy "is more than a $1 billion industry," according to Douglas Lowenstein, president of the Interactive Digital Software Association, the trade organization that represents the games industry (Kent, 2003). "It is well over $2 billion worldwide if you include all piracy, which would include PC games."

For Microsoft Corp. And Sony Computer Entertainment, which respectively make the Xbox and PlayStation 2, piracy is a major problem. "Given the popularity of consoles on a worldwide basis, certainly a significant share of the losses is coming from the console side," Lowenstein said (Kent, 2003).

Worldwide, console piracy is a huge problem…...



Kent, S. (July 3, 2003). Console Piracy: Poking Holes in Good Systems. GameSpy.com.

Kent, S. (July 19, 2003). Video game giants battle a mutual enemy: pirates. Chicago Tribune.

Reuters. (February 10, 2005). WTO Action Sought in Piracy Battle. Retrieved from the Internet at:   ctrack=3& cset=true.http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-wto10feb10,1,2060263.story?coll=la-utilities-technology& ;

Piracy Copyright Infringement
Pages: 2 Words: 664

Piracy and Copyright Infringement
hen people download music and movies illegally they are breaking federal law and they should be prosecuted. This paper backs up that thesis statement with reliable resource information and appropriate updates on the law and the consequences of copyright violation.

Through it's student-centered "HelpDesk" Illinois State University (ISU) advises students enrolled in ISU classes that there are a number of companies offering streaming music for download legally (Shoutcast, Live365, and more), and there are companies that offer software for downloading music (Download.com, FilePlanet, among others), Helpdesk explains. There are also "Literally millions of songs" available for download using "P2P" software and "they are easy to get," the HelpDesk continues (HelpDesk, 2011).

For example any student can download a file-sharing program like uTorrent; once installed, this software can make a search for a student's favorite song or movie or artist, and download that favorite song, artist or film. However, "downloading…...


Works Cited

Illinois State University. (2011). Downloading and sharing copyrighted music, movies, and software. HelpDesk. Retrieved May 24, 2011, from  http://helpdesk.illinoisstate.edu/kb/index.phtml?kbid=1159 .

University of Washington. (2010). Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing and Copyright Infringement: Are

You Vulnerable? Retrieved May 24, 2011, from  http://www.washington.edu/students/gencat/policy/p2pshare.html .

U.S. Copyright Office. (2011). Copyright Laws. Retrieved May 25, 2011, from  http://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-definitions.html#infringement .

Piracy in the Mediterranean
Pages: 4 Words: 1151

Piracy in the Mediterranean

Piracy is often regarded as a something of an underground history, largely created by participants who operated outside the major thrust of geopolitical development. The criminal, disenfranchised or unaffiliated parties who have roved the sea taking advantage of vulnerable merchant ships or simply operating private trade, transport and smuggling activities are rarely thought of as prime movers of history. However, the 2010 text by Molly Greene, entitled Catholic pirates and Greek merchants. A maritime history of the Mediterranean, makes the case that the piracy that flourished throughout the Mediterranean in the 17th and 18th centuries would have a determinant effect on the distribution of sovereign, religious and economic power alike.


This assumption is underscored by the text's primary thesis. According to the review provided by Brummett (2011), "the book advances the thesis that the 'retreat of state', meaning the Hapsburg and Ottoman empires, from the Mediterranean at the…...


Works Cited:

Brummett, P. (2011). Review: "Catholic pirates and Greek merchants. A maritime history of the Mediterranean." By Molly Greene. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 62(3), 622.

Galeotti, M. (2012). Review: "Catholic Pirates and Greek Merchants: A Maritime History of the Early Modern Mediterranean." By Molly Greene. The Journal of Modern History, 84(1), 156-158.

Greene, M. (2010). Catholic pirates and Greek merchants: a maritime history of the Mediterranean. Princeton University Press.

Piracy There Are a Couple
Pages: 3 Words: 990

Taken in isolation, consequentialist ethics would dictate that Yahoo allow the parents access to Mr. Ellsworth's email.
However, in today's legal environment, such actions cannot reasonably be taken in isolation. If Yahoo sets a precedent, they will be asked to release this information time and again in this circumstance. They would also need to defend against abuse of this by demanding proof of death, and other such burdening verifications. hile duplicating a right action many times over only yields multiple right actions, surrendering the account access could create a precedent by which privacy rights could be violated in other instances. If in those instances harm is done to living persons, then the consequences would flow back to that original decision, rendering it immoral. Thus, the morality of this decision is guided in part by the likelihood that this decision would start the company down this particular slippery slope.

Yahoo decided to…...


Works Cited:

Alexander, Larry & Moore, Michael. (2007). Deontological Ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved September 16, 2009 from  http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-deontological/ 

Sinnot-Armstrong, William. (2006). Consequentialism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved September 16, 2009 from  http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/consequentialism/

Product Piracy Is a Huge
Pages: 3 Words: 1145

The fact that the country's huge social instability and unemployment rate is somewhat alleviated by counterfeiting also encourages the police to ignore the problem.
Pfizer adopted a 4-prod approach to their problem - and this is actually a recommendation for all companies to adopt as means of problem-resolution:

the problem was delineated

Investigation was conducted into the extent of the problem

Plans were brainstorming

A specific plan was adopted and implements.

Their first step was to the problem in specifications and depth. Thorough investigation was conducted into all aspects of the problem in order to arrive at causes and to brainstorm possible solutions as well as to see which solutions had been effective in the past and which would have to be modified.

Pfizer's next step was to brainstorm ideas and draft plans. Their plans included distributing a draft plan that would deal with counterfeiting of company products in China. The plan specified 7 goals with…...



Bernstein, R & Munro, RH ( 1998) the Coming Conflict With China New York: Vintage Books, 60

Carratu International


Clark DL (2003) Product Counterfeiting in China and One American Company's Response. Defense Corporate Fellowship Program U.S. Army War College

Stop Online Piracy Act SOPA
Pages: 6 Words: 1770

Stop Online Piracy Act
One of the biggest challenges for a variety of firms is dealing with online piracy. ecently, Congress has been debating the different provisions of the Stop Online Piracy Act. This is a proposed regulation that is increasing the enforcement of existing copyright laws over the Internet. However, debate about the ethics surrounding the legislation has created tremendous amounts of animosity. To fully understanding what is happening, means examining different viewpoints. Once this takes place, is when we will highlight how this is impacting the way business law cases are argued.

Over the last several years, the issue of online piracy has been increasingly brought to the forefront. The reason why, is because the total amounts of economic losses have risen dramatically (with this accounting for $12.5 billion in the United States alone). At the same time, the total number of counties that are actively involved in online piracy…...



Online Piracy in Numbers. (2012). Go Gulf.com. Retrieved from:  http://www.go-gulf.com/blog/online-piracy 

SOPA. (2011). House of Representatives. Retrieved from:  http://judiciary.house.gov/hearings/pdf/112%20HR%203261.pdf 

Boyden, B. (2010). The Most Important Supreme Court Case in Copyright Law. Marquette University Law School. Retrieved from:  http://law.marquette.edu/facultyblog/2010/11/01/the-most-important-supreme-court-case-in-copyright-law-sony-corp-v-universal-city-studios-1984/ 

Gaudiosi, J. (2012). Obama Says So Long SOPA. Forbes. Retrieved from:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/johngaudiosi/2012/01/16/obama-says-so-long-sopa-killing-controversial-internet-piracy-legislation/

Stop Online Piracy Act in
Pages: 9 Words: 2528

Thus the workings of the bill should it become law could also be frustrated by numerous demonstrations carried out by Americans unhappy with the utilization of their tax dollars. Also, given other more important priorities, I doubt whether the government would be willing to expend enormous resources to make such a law fully functional. Hence in my opinion, resource constraints may end up frustrating SOPA's resolve to address online piracy and intellectual property theft.
It can also be noted that SOPA could end up being an exercise in futility given the internet's numerous data sharing avenues. Today, unlike 10 years ago, advancements in technology have made it possible for individuals to share and exchange data over a wide range of platforms including but not in any way limited to E-mail, instant messaging etc. Using these channels, users from all over the world can easily exchange data (including copyrighted material) undetected.…...

Maritime Piracy and Terrorism in
Pages: 35 Words: 9854

This is to note that "Trinidad and Tobago alone account for 80% (1st quarter 2004) of all U.S. LNG imports, up from 68% in 2002. Therefore, any incident involving an LNG tanker along the Caribbean routes could harm not only U.S. energy security but also the economies of the Caribbean islands, affecting tourism and other industries." (Kelshell, 1) Such a trajectory has all the markings of an Al-Qaeda styled plot, which by its premise will take an interest in that which is likely to have such widely rippling destructive purpose.
The Caribbean trade routes are of particular interest to this discussion given their proximity to the United States continental mainland and their historical appeal to the activities and organization of pirates. According to Mitchell, "the Caribbean island chain stretches for 2500 miles in a convex arch from the Bahamas past the south east point of Florida and downward to the…...


Works Cited

9/11 Commission, the. (2004). The 9/11 Commission Report. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States. Online at  http://www.911commission.gov/report/911Report.pdf .

ACLU. (2003). Surveillance Under the U.S.A. Patriot Act. American Civil Liberties Union. Online at  http://www.aclu.org/safefree/general/17326res20030403.html 

Associated Press (AP). (2006). Bush backs transfer of U.S. ports to Dubai firm. MSNBC.com. Online at  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11474440/ 

Benjamin, Daniel. (July 2005). Why Iraq has made us less save. Time Magazine. Online at  http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1081392,00.html

High Seas Piracy Terrorists Organized
Pages: 10 Words: 2753

S. law dating back to 1819 in more than a century (Gettleman, 2008).
Right of Innocent Passage

The other significant complication for enforcement action against maritime piracy arises in connection with the economic realities of maritime insurance and the concept of the right of innocent passage through sovereign territorial waters (Langewiesche, 2004).

Under the United Nations LOS, unarmed commercial vessels are permitted into the sovereign waters of signatory nations as necessary for reasonable access to established commercial shipping lanes. Those rights are predicated on the assumption that

commercial ships are unarmed and therefore pose no risk to the national security interests of sovereign nations (Langewiesche, 2004). The prospect of arming commercial vessels to safeguard them against piracy is a fundamental violation of current international law and exposes such vessels to denial of entry and even to hostile boarding and seizure by the navies of sovereign nations (Schoenbaum, 2004).

Economic Factors Militating Against Arming Commercial Vessels



Works Cited:

Banker, S. (2003). Enemies of Mankind: The Developing Threat of Modern Maritime

Piracy and Terrorism. Springfield, MO: Southwest Missouri State University.

Burnett, J. (2002). Dangerous Waters: Modern Piracy and Terror on the High Seas.

New York: Dutton.

Chinese Piracy of US Products
Pages: 5 Words: 1754

Chinese Piracy of U.S. Products
China, with a population of more than 1.3 billion, represents the largest consumer market in the world. Business interests in this market and the opening of China in the 1970s have lead to China's membership in the World Trade Organization as well as increased cooperation and interaction between the Chinese government, Chinese businesses and the international political and business community. This engagement has focused attention on China's intellectual property rights and has spawned increasing pressure for China to conform its laws and regulations to global standards and to actively enforce them. The motivation has been the flagrant Chinese piracy of intellectual property that has produced vast losses in potential revenue to many firms throughout the world, particularly the United States.

In 1995, U.S. copyright industries estimated that losses stemming from China's production, distribution and export of pirated products amounted to $2.3 billion. At this time, this dollar…...


News Schmooze: China Gives Up Software Piracy. 07 Dec. 2001. ZDNet UK News. 09 Nov. 2003.  http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,39020381,2100572,00.htm .

Nintendo Unveils Piracy-Proof China Console." 30 Sept. 2003. ZDNet Australia.  http://www.zdnet.com.au/newstech/security/story/0,2000048600,20279126,00.htm .

Testimony of Eric H. Smith President International Intellectual Property Alliance Before the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission." 28 Jan. 2002. U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. 09 Nov. 2003.  http://www.uscc.gov/tessmi.htm .

SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act Dear Congressman
Pages: 6 Words: 1820

Stop Online Piracy Act

Dear Congressman Owens (NY),

The Internet was created by the United States of America's military in order to better communicate information between computers long distances apart without requiring physical connections; thereby creating a free and open space between the computers networked. This moment was the beginning of file sharing as it exists and is contested today. The Internet has clearly changed the way the entire world absorbs and disseminates information, and any attempt to close the faucet, so to speak is rendered impossibly even for the harshest of censorship regimes. As you are co-sponsor of the Stop Online Piracy Act, I urge you to reconsider your position on Internet privacy and the entire issue of SOPA in its entirety. I am a Chinese student studying in the United States who understands what government censorship means, and I would like to convey my opposition to the Stop Online Piracy…...

Music Piracy The Debate Pro
Pages: 2 Words: 733

Downloading music, according to this argument is a kind of 'public performance' of the original work and musicians are claiming rights well beyond the fourteen year limit.

Illegal online file-sharing is fundamentally different from taping films on television or making cassette recording. Because the technology of file sharing is vastly superior, the downloaded product is virtually identical to a CD-quality song, or a song downloaded for a fee. Additionally, unlike a cassette or VHS tape that degrades in quality every time it is copied, sharing music can be transmitted person to person without any variation in quality.

Piracy is not a victimless crime: artists exert a tremendous amount of effort to create a piece of music and depriving them of their ability to profit from their hard work is just as much a crime of theft and stealing as is shoplifting a DVD from a store (Moore 2010). Fans will also…...


Works Cited

Condry, Ian. (2004). Cultures of music piracy. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 7(3):

343 -- 363. Retrieved February 26, 2011 at  http://web.mit.edu/condry/www/pubs/Condry04-CMusPiracy.pdf 

MGM Studios v. Grokster. (2004). Retrieved February 26, 2011 at  http://www.oyez.org/cases/2000-2009/2004/2004_04_480 

Moore, Charles W. (2003). Is Music piracy stealing? Applelinks. Retrieved February 26, 2011 at  http://www.applelinks.com/mooresviews/pirate.shtml

Can you help with writing a persuasive essay on psychology?
Words: 361

Writing a persuasive essay is different from other types of academic writing.  Rather than simply presenting facts, you are trying to convince the reader to agree with your opinion or position on a topic.  The topic of psychology is extremely broad.  There are several different types of psychological theories, and each of these theories have several subtypes.  They also have different degrees of support among psychologists, so you could pick one of those theories or sub-theories and use it as the basis for a persuasive essay. 

To help you with writing your persuasive....

Could you help me write an essay about a conspiracy theory? It can be one I do or do not believe.
Words: 347

Right now, there are a number of prominent conspiracy theories. These range from relatively innocuous conspiracy theories that do not really have a significant impact on the world to major conspiracy theories, such as 911 conspiracy theories, that could impact how people vote, undermine confidence in the government, and have a significant impact on individuals and society at large.  To help you choose a conspiracy theory, Wikipedia has a good list of conspiracy theories along with a brief description of the conspiracy.

To write an objective essay, we would encourage you to write....

united states navy essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 484

Thesis Statement:

The United States Navy has played a crucial role in shaping the course of history, safeguarding national interests, and upholding global security. Its contributions encompass a wide spectrum of operations, from defending territorial waters to conducting humanitarian missions, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to protecting the nation and its allies.

Arguments/Points to Discuss:

1. Historical Significance:

- Highlight the Navy's origins during the American Revolutionary War, emphasizing its instrumental role in securing independence.
- Discuss the Navy's involvement in major conflicts, including the War of 1812, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, showcasing its adaptability....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to corona?
Words: 473

1. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health: exploring the rise in anxiety and depression during the pandemic
2. The role of technology in managing the spread of the coronavirus: analyzing contact tracing apps and virtual healthcare
3. The social and economic disparities exposed by the pandemic: how COVID-19 disproportionately affects marginalized communities
4. The future of work post-COVID: examining the shift to remote work and its long-term implications on the economy
5. The ethical dilemmas of vaccine distribution: discussing the global challenge of equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines
6. The psychological effects of isolation and loneliness during lockdown: understanding the mental health toll of....

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