Picot Essays (Examples)

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PICOT Question Development and Literature Review the
Pages: 5 Words: 1758

PICOT Question Development and Literature Review
The Modeling and Role Modeling Theory of nursing developed by Erickson provides a useful means of analyzing and presenting options for solutions of my research area. The theory is based on the concept that nurses must appropriately use models to guide patients to better health decisions. In the theory, modeling is the process by which the nurse seeks to know and understand the patient's personal model of his or her own world, as well as learns to appreciate its value and significance. Modeling recognizes that each patient has a unique perspective of his or her own world. These perspectives are called models. The nurse uses the process to develop an image and understanding of the patient's world from that patient's unique perspective. Role modeling is the process by which the nurse facilitates and nurtures the individual in attaining, maintaining, and promoting health. It accepts the…...


Wong et al. (2013) examined the critical interpersonal relationships between nursing leaders and patient outcomes. The research was an analysis of articles and literature pertaining to the subject to gain new insights on the ideals of leadership and how they may be successfully applied in a nursing situation. Patient outcomes and leadership are highly correlated according to this research and placed a special emphasis on the 20 studies used to determine this factor. The authors recommended transformational and rational leadership styles as the most effective in improving patient outcomes.

Carr Richardson et al. (2014) examined the management of type 2 diabetes from a nurse practitioner standpoint. Their article was premised upon the idea that the patient's depression and low self-efficacy can complicate diabetes management by impairing tasks needed for effective disease self-management. Interventions applying this model were demonstrated and recorded in this study to determine key measures of type 2 diabetes. The research's conclusions are helpful in the overall subject of this paper due to the fact that interventions based on teams that include nurse practitioners can help lead patients to new levels of health and welfare.

Holt (2012) provided key insights on type 2 diabetes within south Asian people in his research article. The article is descriptive in nature and provides useful arguments and premises for investigating the Asian-American population and their relationship to type 2 diabetes. The research ultimately concluded that social and cultural factors such as religion play into the role of diet and eventually impact the treatment of type 2 diabetes at many different levels.

PICOT Statement for Healthcare Association Infections
Pages: 2 Words: 483

Healthcare Associated Infections for the Nursing Profession
Despite the most rigorous and comprehensive universal precautions, healthcare facilities are still germ-ridden environments that can introduce potentially deadly infections in patients. Hospitals and clinics in particular are notoriously infectious environments, and nosocomial infections due to methicillin-resistant staphylococci (MSA) are increasingly commonplace across the country (Boa & ahube, 2013). For instance, Boa and ahube emphasize that, "Numerous nosocomial MSA outbreaks occur annually due to the widespread prevalence of MSA within hospitals" (p. 50).

Besides the entire array of environmental reservoirs, one potential source of MSA contamination in particular that many healthcare providers encounter on a routine basis are the public access computer keyboards that are used to input patient data and coordinate care (Boa & ahube, 2013). For instance, a study by the University of Toledo examined 24 public access computer keyboards and identified two that were MSA-contaminated (Boa & ahube, 2013). Based on…...



Boa, T.T. & Rahube, T.O. (2013, January-February). Prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococci species isolated from computer keyboards located in secondary and postsecondary schools. Journal of Environmental Health, 75(6), 50-55.

Saxena, S. & Goyal, R. (2009, September). Prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus colonization among healthcare workers and healthy community residents. Journal of Health Population and Nutrition, 20(3), 279-283.

Heart Failure and Nurses
Pages: 3 Words: 952

PICOT Analysis on Chronic Heart Failure
One may describe heart failure (HF) as a complicated medical condition which may arise due to functional or structural cardiac disorders capable of hindering ventricular capability of ejecting or filling blood. Chronic HF (CHF) represents a serious health issue. Its prevalence in America stands at over 5.8 million, while over 23 million individuals across the globe are affected by this problem. The mortality rate linked to HF is 40% in the initial diagnostic year, which reduces to 10% subsequently. Individuals most impacted by the condition lie in the age group of over 65 years. This age group is associated with rather high healthcare costs and high mortality and morbidity rates. HF patients get admitted to hospitals often and their re-hospitalization rates continually increase. In this paper, peer-reviewed articles will be employed for shedding light on the clinical issue, its diagnosis, patient care and the potential…...



Nicklas JM, Bleske BE, Van Harrison R, Hogikyan RV, Kwok Y, Chavey WE. (2013) Heart Failure: Clinical Problem and Management Issues. PubMed retrieved from  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23402460

critiquing a nursing article with picot
Pages: 4 Words: 1171

Right," Gaffney et al. (2012) examine how nurses respond to workplace bullying. The authors point out that although the consequences of workplace bullying include diminished performance and rises in problems like absenteeism and turnover, there is limited research and limited information about workplace bullying in the healthcare sector. In fact, the purpose of this study is to help administrators improve patient outcomes by reducing workplace bullying or aggression, which reflects a hostile work environment. This is a qualitative study with research questions related to the prevalence and specific manifestations or types of workplace bullying, and also the strategies nurses use to minimize or mitigate workplace bullying. Gaffney et al. (2012) set out to examine what workplace bullying looks like in different scenarios, how workplace bullying is perceived and responded to by both nurses and patients, and how nurses respond to bullying that targets either themselves or colleagues. The research questions…...

Research Question and Telehealth
Pages: 5 Words: 2017

PICOT Format
In the United States, The COP (Chronic obstructive pulmonary) disease is one of top serious diseases that places a great burden on patients and healthcare system because it is associated with high rate of outpatients visit, hospitalization and readmission. In the last few decades, the COP has become the top public health issues with over 65 million cases of COP In the U.S., the direct costs of the COP disease is enormous reaching $32.1 billon because of the associated prevalence of the COP disease. The UK is facing similar problem where 1.6% of the population is suffering from the COP disease, and costs burden reaching £800 million yearly with direct costs of hospitalization reaching £800 million per annum, and direct medical costs reaching £625 million. However, the prevalence of the COP disease is likely to rise because of an increase in the ageing population.

The telehealth is an effective…...



Brewster, L. Mountain, G. Wessels, B. et al. (2013). Factors affecting frontline staff acceptance of telehealth technologies: a mixed-method systematic review. J Adv Nurs. 70(1):21-33. doi: 10.1111/jan.12196.

Greenhalgh, T., Wherton, J., Sugarhood, P., Hinder, S., et al. (2013). What matters to older people with assisted living needs? A phenomenological analysis of the use and non-use of telehealth and telecare. Social Science & Medicine, 93: 86-94.

Gorst, S., Coates, E., & Armitage, C. (2016). "It's sort of a lifeline": Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients' experiences of home telehealth. Health Pyschology, 35(1): 60-68. Retrieved from  http://www.medscape.com/medline/abstract/26148189 

Jakobsen A. S., Laursen L. C., Ostergaard B., Rydahl-Hansen S., & Phanareth K. V. (2013). Open Access Hospital-admitted COPD patients treated at home using telemedicine technology in The Virtual Hospital Trial: methods of a randomized effectiveness trial. Trials 14:280.  http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/280

Family History and Hypertension
Pages: 2 Words: 1052

Yu et al., 2014
Non-targeted research, quantitative

996 males

Kruskal-Wallis H Test

Obstructive sleep apnea correlated with males (but not females) with hypertension

None stated

Scheers-Anderson et al., 2015

Secondary esearch/Literature eview

eview of governmental data

9,816 males (4,908 sets of brothers)

Generalized estimation equations and adjusted regression models

No discernible link between gestational weight gain and blood pressure issues, including hypertension

Military draft only applies to men, exams of men decreased in rate over 2000's

Lakshman, Manikath, ahim & Anilakumari, 2014

Quantitative and Cross-Sectional

Data collected from bus drivers (exercise, tobacco use, etc.)

179 bus drivers aged 21 to 60 years old

Statistical analysis (binary logistic regression

Blood pressure tends to increase with age

They did not measure abdominal circumference

Chang et al., 2013

Age-matched case-control study design

ecruited healthy males without hypertension present from local clinic

80 males -- 40 with hypertension and 40 without

Measure of cytokines in body (to compare those with and w/o hypertension)

People with hypertension had higher BMI, higher cholesterol, etc.

Study was not prospective and small scale…...



Chang, C., Su, S., Chang, C., Lee, K., Kuo, C., Huang, C., &. .. Liu, C. (2013). Cyclophilin-A: a novel biomarker for untreated male essential hypertension. Biomarkers, 18(8), 716-720. doi:10.3109/1354750X.2013.847122

Lakshman, A., Manikath, N., Rahim, A., & Anilakumari, V. P. (2014). Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hypertension among Male

Occupational Bus Drivers in North Kerala, South India: A Cross-Sectional Study. ISRN Otolaryngology, 1-9.


PICOT Questions An Evidence Based Approach
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

NUSING Nursing: PICO(T) Questions and An Evidence-Based ApproachThe importance of the PICOT question cannot be underestimated since it is a standard mechanism to determine the specific terms that form a question, for which answers are obtained through evidence-based research. The search strategy has to be systematic to gain effective results, and the results would be transformed into positive patient outcomes afterward. This paper examines a certain PICOT question and the pertinent evidence for applying an evidence-based model to improve the outcomes.PICOT Elements and QuestionPatient/population/problem (P): Adult hospitalized patientsIntervention (I): Low nurse-patient ratioComparison (C): High nurse-patient ratiosOutcomes (O): Patient outcomes and satisfaction scoresTime frame (T): Not relevantHence the PICO(T) question becomes:Among adult hospitalized patients, what is the impact of a low nurse-patient ratio compared to a high nurse-patient ratio for impacting patient outcomes and satisfaction scores?Evidence to Support the PICOT QuestionNurse-patient ratio leads to improved or deteriorated patient conditions, which could…...


ReferencesFagerstrom, L., Kinnunen, M. & Saarela, J. (2018). Nursing workload, patient safety incidents, and mortality: An observational study from Finland. BMJ Open, 8.   I.A., Nassar, N., Nizam, M., Badr, L.K. (2018). Evidence on nurse staffing ratios and patient outcomes in a low-income country: Implications for future research and practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 15(5), 353-360. Twigg, D.E., Whitehead, L., Doleman, G. & El-Zaemey, S. (2021). The impact of nurse staffing methodologies on nurse and patient outcomes: A systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77, 4599-4611. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14909.Zhu, X., Zheng, J., Liu, K. & You, L. (2019). Rationing of nursing care and its relationship with nurse staffing and patient outcomes: The mediation effect tested by structural equation modeling. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, 16.  https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16101672 .https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016367 .Kuoatly,

Health Literacy and Health
Pages: 3 Words: 309

As Karnik and Kanekar (2012) show, there are many interventions available to health care providers for childhood obesity, which has fast become a "global public health crisis" in the world (p. 1). These interventions include the promotion of family bonding, education, and pharmacology.

The specific aim of this project is to improve outcomes with regard to children's health. By measuring the impact of one intervention against another, primary care providers can better understand which intervention may be more effective in helping to reduce the rate of childhood obesity for their patients.

This study will measure the weight, dietary and physical exercise habits of children and adolescent patients at a primary care facility over the duration of 6 months time. During that time, the patients will be exposed to two separate interventions -- a pharmacological intervention and a health literacy intervention.

The PICOT is as follows:…...



Karnik, S., Kanekar, A. (2012). Childhood obesity: A global public health crisis.

International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 3(1): 1-7.

Design for Change Proposal
Pages: 3 Words: 870

PICOT & Literature Review Worksheet
NEC remains a challenge in the nursing world despite the major medical progress made in the medical sector. Given the varying clinical presentation of NEC among infants, clinicians have a challenge in diagnosing the disease at both the earliest and least severe stage of pathogenesis (Mulhall, 1998). To curb this problem, assigning disease severity based on staging criteria for NEC is vital for both the diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, properly educating nurses on Bell Staging; the standard in assigning severity of disease to NEC cases is likely to result in accurate and effective diagnosis.

Educating NICU Nurses

Nurses working in the nation's NICUs lack the basic knowledge in handling infants showing possible signs of NEC infection. Thus, to ensure efficient diagnosis and treatment of NEC, proper education of nurses on the diagnosis methods is necessary (Barnsteiner, 1996). The nurses are educated on Bell's three stages for easy…...

The History of East Asia
Pages: 2 Words: 793

Sykes -- Picot Agreement
As Iraq lurches deeper into turmoil, Kurdish leaders threaten to break away and declare outright independence, and the militants of the self-styled Islamic State (IS) are reshaping the border between Iraq and Syria, one must look to the history of the region to be able to put these conflicts in full perspective (Muir, 2016). The Sykes -- Picot Agreement was officially signed on May 16, 1916, however the agreement was in the workings for quite some time before it was officially signed. The deal was also known as the Asia Minor Agreement because of the geography that the agreement sought to affect. The Middle East has been a major strategic goal for policy planners and strategist for centuries. An author who published in the Smithsonian summarized the agreement as:

"Even before the final outcome of the Great ar has been determined, Great Britain, France, and Russia secretly discussed…...


Works Cited

AFP. (2016, May 14). 100 years since Sykes-Picot: The deal that changed the Mideast forever. Retrieved from The Times of Israel:  http://www.timesofisrael.com/100-years-since-sykes-picot-the-deal-that-changed-the-mideast-forever/ 

Christianson, S. (2015, November 16). The Origins of the World War I Agreement That Carved Up the Middle East. Retrieved from Smithsonian:  http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/sykes-picot-agreement-180957217/?no-ist 

Muir, J. (2016, May 16). Sykes-Picot: The map that spawned a century of resentment. Retrieved from BBC News:  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-36300224

suicide among psychiatric patients
Pages: 3 Words: 880

Suicide rates are remarkably high worldwide and nationally, making suicide one of the leading causes of death (Schwartz-Lifshitz, Zalsman, Giner et al, 2012; Tillman, 2014). Although most suicides do not occur in the hospital setting, psychiatric disorders—especially mood disorders and psychotic disorders—are risk factors that increase the likelihood of a suicidal event (Appleby, 1992; Sarzetto, Delmonte, Seghi, et al, 2017). Suicide not only affects the patient, but reverberates throughout the patient’s family and social circle, also causing distress and potential performance issues among clinical staff (Tillman, 2014).
Therefore, it is important that psychiatric nurses understand how to recognize risk factors, and establish a clinical practice environment that prevents suicide. Minimizing suicidal tendencies requires different types of treatment interventions individually tailored for at-risk patients, as well as implementing best practices for creating a clinical environment that reduces risk. Best practices may also include preparing, teaching, and training nursing staff, especially when working…...

Using Systematic Search Strategies
Pages: 4 Words: 1698

Weightloss Counseling and Physical Exercise
PHASE II Search Paper

Scholarly Project

Dana Delatush RN BSN ONC

"I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received inappropriate aid on this assignment."

Abstract Comment by Patricia: Place the abstract on a separate page for your final search paper

This paper is focused on the literature search related to the PICOT question: Does weight loss counseling and physical exercise improve pain and mobility in obese patients with a BMI >25 suffering from osteoarthritis? To answer this clinical question, six databases were searched including the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied health Literature (CINAHL), The Cochrane Library, PubMed/Medline, Google Scholar, PsycInfo®, and ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source™. The paper describes the search methodology. Keywords: osteoarthritis, obesity, weight loss counseling, pain, mobility

Introduction to Search Strategy

I will be creating a search strategy to help me clarify what information I need, and what keywords can be used to yield relevant…...

Communication Technologies Rapid Advancements in
Pages: 8 Words: 2449

News Reporting on Crimes, Corruption, and worsening Economic Conditions:

News channels also telecast detailed reports on crimes, corruption, political instability, and worsening conditions of economies. General public, which is already in a miserable condition due to a stressful life further gets into tensions and worries due to such type of information. These reports present a very weird picture of what is happening around the world. All this creates an atmosphere of restlessness, anxiety, and depression among the general public (Kraut & Attewell).

Impacts of Information overload on Investors:

Investing in a particular asset, organization, or industry is such a decision which requires a comprehensive and careful analysis of the relevant facts and figures. Generally, investors look at the industry trends over the last few years in a view to anticipate the attractiveness and potential of their investment. Now-a-days, there are various sources through which they can obtain this information. But the problem arises…...


Works Cited

Bondarouk, Tanya. Handbook of research on e-transformation and human resources management technologies: organizational outcomes and challenges. Hershey: Information Science Reference, 2009. Print. (412)

Costigan, Sean & Perry, Jake. Cyberspaces and global affairs. Burlington: Ashgate Publishers, 2012. Print. (p. 319)

Eppler, Martin. Managing information quality: increasing the value of information in knowledge-intensive products and processes. New York: Springer, 2006. (p. 2)

Kraut, Robert & Attewell, Paul. Media Use in a Global Corporation: Electronic Mail and Organizational Knowledge. 6 July 1996. Web. 16 March 2012.

Nursing Mindfulness and its impact
Pages: 5 Words: 1585

PICOT Question and its Significance
The PICOT question is: Does mindfulness meditation (I) reduce long-term risk factors and suicidal behaviors (O) among psychiatric patients (P) versus those who do not participate in the meditation programs (C)? This is of great significance to the nursing practice because psychiatric disorders are risk factors that cause an increase in the probability of a suicidal occurrence. As a result, it is imperative for psychiatric nurses to comprehend how to pinpoint such risk factors and institute a clinical practice setting that dissuades suicide. More importantly, nursing practice encompasses the execution of best practices for generating a clinical setting that diminishes risk such as mindfulness meditation.

Summary of Literature Review

The mindfulness meditation theory is deemed to the most prospective one in treating addictive disorder patients. The safety of these models is guaranteed if carried out in the framework of clinical studies. In recent periods, associated interventions together with…...

Traditional Forms of Learning Do
Pages: 5 Words: 1543

It does not happen overnight; 3) eflective practice occurs best when learners work with role models; 4) as noted by Fink, instruction needs to be learner-centered, of interest to the learners and long-lasting; 5) the institution in which the nurses learn must be supportive of reflective learning.
The PICOT is a useful format for developing a clinical research question. It helps to answer questions and decrease uncertainty and determine the appropriate choice of action. In this case, the PICOT is the following:

Nursing student population

Provide long-term knowledge to make reflective decisions

Traditional learning situations

eflective practice offers several benefits over traditional learning

Time frame (optional)

eferences cited:

Fink, L.D. (2003). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Loughran, J. John (2002) "Effective reflective practice: in search of meaning in learning about teaching." Journal of Teacher Education 53(1): 33+.

Osterman, K. (1998) Using Constructivism and eflective Practice to Bridge the Theory/Practice Gap.…...


References cited:

Fink, L.D. (2003). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Loughran, J. John (2002) "Effective reflective practice: in search of meaning in learning about teaching." Journal of Teacher Education 53(1): 33+.

Osterman, K. (1998) Using Constructivism and Reflective Practice to Bridge the Theory/Practice Gap. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (San Diego, CA, April 13-17, 1998) ED425518 ERIC

Peters, M. (2000). Does constructivist epistemology have a place in nurse education? Journal of Nursing Education, 39, 166-172

How does picot heart failure telemonitoring improve patient outcomes compared to traditional care methods?
Words: 317

Heart failure telemonitoring through the PICOT model has been shown to improve patient outcomes in a number of ways compared to traditional care methods.

Firstly, telemonitoring allows for continuous monitoring of a patient's vital signs and symptoms in real-time. This means that healthcare providers can detect any changes or worsening of the patient's condition early on, allowing for prompt intervention and preventing hospital readmissions.

Secondly, telemonitoring provides patients with a sense of security and reassurance knowing that they are being monitored remotely by healthcare professionals. This can help to improve patient compliance with their treatment plan and medication regimen.

Additionally, telemonitoring can....

How does picot heart failure telemonitoring improve patient outcomes compared to traditional care methods?
Words: 557

Telemonitoring for Heart Failure Management: Enriching Patient Outcomes

Heart failure (HF) is a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, presenting a significant healthcare burden. Traditional care methods for HF involve regular office visits, but these can be inconvenient and time-consuming for patients. Telemonitoring has emerged as a promising alternative, offering a proactive and patient-centric approach to HF management.

PICOT Heart Failure Telemonitoring

PICOT (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time) is a structured framework used in healthcare research. For telemonitoring in HF management, the PICOT question is:

Population: Patients with heart failure
Intervention: Telemonitoring (remote monitoring of vital signs and symptoms)
Comparison: Traditional care methods (office....

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