Physiotherapy Essays (Examples)

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Physiotherapy and Obesity the Latest Medical Literature
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Physiotherapy and Obesity
The latest medical literature on the issue of obesity has factored in the role that physiotherapy plays in preventing or mitigating escalation of overweight and obesity among children and adults. One of the most significant findings from these studies is that "…exercise combined with diet is effective as a weight loss and weight management strategy. Further, regular exercise has health benefits even if no weight is lost" (Canadian Physiotherapy Association, 2008). Exercise with diet may be common knowledge to people, but it is critical that the assumption that exercise with diet can improve an individual's health be proven with empirical data as supporting evidence. As supporting evidence to the finding that exercise indeed provides health benefits to the individual, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (2008) presented clinical data showing the positive effects of exercise to hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Specifically, exercise, even without weight loss, helped improve patients' diastolic…...



Barron, C., K. Moffett and M. Potter. (2007). "Patient expectations of physiotherapy: Definitions, concepts, and theories." Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Vol. 23, No. 1.

Dean, E. (2009). "Physical therapy in the 21st century (Part I): Toward practice informed by epidemiology and the crisis of lifestyle conditions." Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Vol. 25.

Morris, D., E. Kitchin and D. Clark. (2009). "Strategies for optimizing nutrition and weight reduction in physical therapy practice: The evidence." Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Vol. 25.

"Physiotherapy briefings for physicians." 2008. Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

Physiotherapy Management of Whiplash Associated
Pages: 40 Words: 11600

, 1992, Bogduk 2002), cevical taction (Olson 1997), acupunctue (Fattoi et al., 1996), tanscutaneous nevous stimulation (Foley-Nolan et al., 1990) and myofascial tigge point's teatment (Hong and Simmons 1993) have been poven to impove movement and function following whiplash injuies.
The tuto suggested that I should put this entie section on the whiplash guidelines in the peliminay liteatue eview chapte. It should also include discussion about my thoughts on the guidelines. she suggested that as this entie poject is about studies done afte the publication of the guidelines a lage pat of the pelimnay liteatue eview should have a discussion and citique of the guidelines. The Clinical Guidelines fo the Management of WAD: In 2002 physiotheapists identified whiplash injuy as a pioity aea fo clinical guidelines. The Chateed Society of Physiotheapists (CSP) esponded to this by foming a Guidelines Development Goup (GDG) to develop the document. A systematic eview of the…...


references for treatment moderate the effect of treatment. Immediately prior to randomization, treatment preference ratings were collected from each patient and

Authors Communicate There Are a Number of
Pages: 3 Words: 950

Authors Communicate
There are a number of points of interest regarding "Massage therapy in post-operative rehabilitation of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy - a pilot study." On the whole this is an extremely well-organized article, which is one of its primary strengths. The different sections and phases of the research are well documented. There are a variety of tables that elucidate several components related to the literature review, the results, and the particulars of the subjects considered in the research. However, there is more than one area of the study in which the researchers could have benefited from the use of more substantial effort and a more thorough methodology, which is certainly reflected in the results and the conclusion.

The central weakness of this study is the fact that all of the results were based on research performed on just six subjects. To the credit of the researchers they initially…...



O'Conner, P. (2003). Woe is I: The grammarphobe's guide to better English in plain English. New York: Riverhead Books

Mr Khan-Sprained Ankle This Case
Pages: 10 Words: 2538

Emotional reactions to the onset of injuries as well as a patient's attitude toward the injury itself and the proposed treatment have great impacts on the length of time it will take for the patient to recover (VAN RIJN 2007). Therefore, it is in the medical staff's best interest to maintain the patient in a positive, reinforcing paradigm in order to create an atmosphere of positive goal-orientation so the patient may experience significantly reduced levels of anxiety during post-operative procedures as well as reduced rehabilitation time.
Annotated Bibliography

N.A.. (2010). Ligament Injury Recovery. Available: Last accessed 17th Nov 2010.

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin, the University of Houston and NASA severed the medically collateral ligaments in the knees of lab rates. Three to seven weeks after the incision mechanical and morphological properties were measured in ligaments, bones and muscles. Ligament testing revealed that there were significant reductions in maximal force,…...

Feasibility Study
Pages: 2 Words: 523

Constructing an Outpatient Therapy Center that Includes Aquatic Therapy Facilities in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Hydrotherapy, also called aquatic therapy, is the method or a form of physiotherapy that utilizes water to refresh, sustain, and refurbish the health condition. Hydrotherapy therapeutics can consist of many forms and is delivered by use of different size pools, spas, saunas, and a wide variety of specialty equipment to treat different conditions. The primary advantage of using water in rehabilitation is that the body is buoyant and this relieves the patient's body weight from This feasibility analysis found that it is not only economically viable to locate a new aquatic therapy center in Jeddah, but it is also an incredibly profitable opportunity for all stakeholders as well as the community at large.

Mission and Vision

The mission of the organization will be to provide the local community state of the art aquatic therapy solutions for their rehabilitation…...

Characteristics of a Nurse
Pages: 6 Words: 1907

Nurses are considered the backbone of the medical care-giver community. Good quality patient care centers on having a competent educated nursing labor force. There is a wealth of empirical evidence that has demonstrated Baccalaureate (BSN) nurses are associated with fewer medication errors, lower mortality rates, and greater overall positive patient outcomes than nurses at lower levels of educational achievement. For example, Brady, Malone, and Fleming (2009) performed an extensive literature review and found that BSN nurses made fewer medication errors than their less educated counterparts. Aiken and associates (2003) found a strong link between N education level and patient outcomes. Their findings indicated that for every ten percent increase in the proportion of BSN nurses in a surgical unit there was a four percent decrease in the risk of death to patients. In a large study of nearly 47,000 patients conducted at the University Toronto it was found that hospital…...



Aiken, L.H., Clarke, S.P., Cheung, R.B., Sloane, D.M., & Silber, J.H. (2003). Educational levels of hospital nurses and surgical patient mortality. Journal of the American Medical Association, 290, 1617-1623.

Brady, A.M., Malone, A.M., & Fleming, S. (2009). A literature review of the individual and systems factors that contribute to medication errors in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Management, 17(6), 679-697.

Friese, C.R, Lake, E.T., Aiken, L.H., Silber, J.H. & Sochalski, J. (2008). Hospital nurse practice environments and outcomes for surgical oncology patients. Health Services Research, 43(4), 1145-1163.

Profetto-McGrath, J. (2003). The relationship of critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions of baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 43(6), 569- 577.

Manipulative Thrust Techniques in Lower
Pages: 7 Words: 3037

The practice of manipulative thrust therapy can be dangerous and cases of injuries and tragic events have been recorded. Cases of vertebral artery dissection (VAD) have been recorded in people that had the cervical spine manipulation technique done and research on the cases from 1966 to 1993 concluded 30% could be attributed to the procedure (Cleland 2007). VADs are spontaneous and can be normally present at the initial onset of headaches or neck pain. This represents the conclusion that the VAD was present before the technique is performed on a patient complaining of neck pain. The debate over the truth is still being waged. Even authors have joined the debate but they are touted as biased and do not support the evidenced based in research (User's Guide 2008).

Other debates rage as well. The risks of the manipulative thrusts therapies are actually no worse the risks from NSAIDs and cervical spine…...



Anonymous. "Activator turns 35." Dynamic Chiropractic. Dynamic Chiropractic CA. 2001. HighBeam Research. 24 Apr. 2010 .

Anonymous. "Study Finds "Manual Therapy" Effective for Shoulder Dysfunction/Pain." Dynamic Chiropractic. Dynamic Chiropractic CA. 2004. HighBeam Research. 24 Apr. 2010 .

Anonymous. "Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics." Dynamic Chiropractic. Dynamic Chiropractic CA. 2006. HighBeam Research. 24 Apr. 2010 .

Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 2001 Vol. 47-163-24 April 2010

Master in Quality & Safety
Pages: 14 Words: 6426

This particular aspect is what most medical trainers miss when dealing with interns or newly appointed nurses. They found that oxygen use, if below the necessary requirement can be damaging, so can its overuse. In another study, it has been found that using oxygen below the prescribed level can instigate damage in the organs, respiratory structures and can be especially damaging for patients who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Danchin et al., 2009). Hence, the training and instructions that are given must follow be thorough enough to let the health caretakers realize that the monitoring is not merely a game of reading and recording, but it can have serious repercussions if handled carelessly.
Some of the common mistakes, which can be avoided through proper and accurate transference of instructions and training, occur in different medical circumstances. Sometimes nurses tend to miss the monitoring deadline. For instance, if a patient is…...

Clinical Education the Objective of This Study
Pages: 10 Words: 2827

Clinical Education
The objective of this study is to conduct a critical analysis of issues in clinical education. Toward this end, this study will conduct a review of literature in this area of inquiry.

The work of Strohschein, Hagler and May (2002) entitled 'Assessing the Need for Changes in Clinical Education Practice' reports a study that identifies areas of need within clinical education and well as describing "…various models and tools that are proposed and utilized in clinical education, as well as the exploration of the extent to which these models and tools might meet the identified needs of the clinical education process in physical therapy." (p.1) Physical therapists are reported as working in a health care climate "of increasing complexity and rapid change, of fiscal restraint and demands for accountability, of scrutiny from both internal and external sources. In such a climate, the ability to respond appropriately to these pressures…...



Cross V. (1997) The professional development diary: a case study of one cohort of physiotherapy students. Physiotherapy.1997; 83:375 -- 383.

Hagler P, McFarlane L. (1991) Achieving maximum student potential: the supervisor as coach. Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation.1991; 5:5 -- 16.

Hayes KW, Huber G, Rogers J, Sanders B. (1999) Behaviors that cause clinical instructors to question the clinical competence of physical therapist students. Phys Ther.1999; 79:653 -- 667.

Higgs J, Glendinning M, Dunsford F, Panter J. Goals and components of clinical education in the allied health professions. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, London.1991: 305 -- 307.

Pages: 8 Words: 2259

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Evolution of Hospital Design and Architecture:
     This essay will explore how hospital design and architecture have evolved over time to meet the changing needs of patients, medical staff, and technology. It will discuss the shift from institutional designs to patient-centered facilities that promote healing and well-being.

2. The Economics of Hospital Care: Analyzing Cost and Accessibility:
     This essay will examine the complex economic dynamics that underpin hospital operations, including how hospitals are funded, the cost of healthcare, and the impact of these factors on patient access to quality medical care.

3. Ethical Dilemmas in Hospital Settings:
     This essay will delve into the various ethical dilemmas that arise in hospital settings, such as end-of-life decisions, allocation of scarce resources, and informed consent. It will also discuss the role of ethics committees in resolving these complex issues.

4. The Role of Technology and Innovation in Modern Hospitals:


Primary Sources

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). \"CSP Hospital Statistics.\" CSP, 2023.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). \"National Hospital Care Survey Data Documentation.\" CDC, 2023.

American Hospital Association (AHA). \"AHA Hospital Statistics.\" AHA, 2023.

World Health Organization (WHO). \"Global Reference List of 100 Core Health Indicators (plus health-related SDGs).\" WHO, 2023.

United States Congress. \"Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.\" U.S. Government Printing Office, 2010.

Business Plan for a Sleep
Pages: 30 Words: 8375

Offered under the same roof are "consultative, diagnostic, and treatment services" which are stated to be provided "by board-certified practitioners in the fields of pulmonary medicine, otolarngology, family medicine and more." (2006)
Smith reports that the laboratories experiencing the most dramatic growth are two which are located the "farthest from the Hillsboro flagship" as they are located in two areas that were "formerly underserved." (2006) Smith additionally reports that the demand is stronger in the areas where the two fastest growing centers are located which supplies "plenty of fuel for expansion."

Smith states that the Sleep Health & Wellness NW is attempting to "fill a gap so that patients who previously were overlooked or not being reached or who fell through the cracks no longer are," she says. "We have no plans to open centers in areas where there are already quality sleep services programs. We only want to go into…...



Inspiration! Sleep Study Results & Analysis (2006) Q&a with Ron Richard, senior vice president of strategic marketing initiatives at ResMed HME Business April 2006. Online at 

Johnson, Duane, PhD (2008) Are you Really Managing Your Sleep Lab? The Business of Sleep. Focus Journal May/June 2008. Online at 

Kay DC, Pickworth WB, Neider GL. Morphine-like insomnia from heroin in nondependent human addicts. Br J. Clin Pharmacol. 1981;11(2):159-169

MacFarlene, James (2009) the Painful Pursuit of Sleep. Sleep Review Journal Jan/Feb 2009. Online available at

Leadership Programs Leadership Has Always
Pages: 3 Words: 829

Just this past April I was promoted to Head of the Standard and Criteria Development Office for the Department of Health and Medical Services (DOHMS) in xxx (location?
). In this capacity, I am expected to ably handle a variety of responsibilities including: Overseeing all aspects of standards development activities and quality activities in the Licensing and Specifications Department with all the private healthcare facilities in the area; leading and supporting the development of standards and criteria related to the healthcare practice; contributing to the development and on going review of DOHMS standards strategy and offering advice about current clinical practices, quality, safety, and service development; and keeping abreast of standard requirements and evidence and effectively communicating these to a variety of concerned individuals.

The reason for this promotion to the Head of the Standard and Criteria Development Office was because of my previous success as the Head of the Clinical…...

Al Sadeem Landscape Strategic analysis
Pages: 12 Words: 3455

Case Synopsis
Al Sadeem Garden Landscape is a company that provides landscaping, gardening and maintenance services to a variety of clients in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This case study provides a strategic analysis of the company, with specific attention to the operational history of the company, its internal and external environments, as well as successful strategies. The case study also identifies the challenges facing the company and provides recommendations for overcoming the challenges. The case study was compiled based on secondary data.

2. Introduction

Al Sadeem was established in 2014 with the aim of providing landscaping, gardening and maintenance services to small, medium-sized and large organizations in the UAE. Though the company has experienced fairly impressive growth in the two years it has been in existence, it faces significant challenges relating to marketing and financing. Based on a careful analysis of the company's internal and external environments, this case study provides recommendations…...

Symi Virtually Untouched by Modern
Pages: 4 Words: 1004

John in Chorio.
Symi is home to more than 465 chapels and churches. The town of Symi houses 13 churches and dozens of chapels, some of which date back to Symi's Byzantine eraf. One of the most frequented attractions on Symi is the monastery located at Panormitis. This monastery draws thousands of tourists to the island each year. Popular monasteries on Symi include Roukeuniotis, Megalos Sotiris, St. Michael, and the Church of the Virgin. Churches usually remain locked unless there is a name day celebration or other festivity in progress. One of the oldest churches on Symi is the paleo-Christian Church, Aghia Irini.


Nisyros, also part of the Docadanese Islands in Greece, is situated between the islands of Kos and Tilos, is comparatively smaller than Symi and has an approximate population of 1000 inhabitants. The two main villages located on Nisyros are Mandraki and Nikea; these two villages are located a…...

Health Care Systems Management as
Pages: 35 Words: 9550

The infant mortality rate is of 8.97 deaths per 1,000 live births. This rate places Kuwait on the 160th position on the chart of the CIA. The adult prevalence rate of HIV / AIDS is of 0.1 per cent.
In terms of economy, Kuwait is a relatively open, small and wealthy economy. It relies extensively on oil exports -- petroleum exports for instance account for 95 per cent of the total export revenues as well as for 95 per cent of the federal income. The Kuwaiti representatives have recently set the goal of increasing the oil production per day. Currently, Kuwait is facing the pressures of the internationalized economic crisis -- which however, due to recent economic surpluses in Kuwait, affects the economy to a lower extent.

Simultaneously with the increase in oil production, the Kuwaiti authorities are also focusing on diversifying the economic activities in the sense of supporting non-oil…...



Agency, Kuwait News. "Blair's "Kuwait Vision." 15 March 2010. .

Al-Ansari, H. And S. AL-Enezi. "Health Sciences Libraries in Kuwait." Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 89.3 (2001): 287-93.

Al-Awadhi, Olusi, Al-Saeid, Moussa, "Incidence of Musculoskeletal Pain in Adult Kuwaitis." Annals of Saudi Medicine 25.6 (2005): 459=62.

Al-Baho, A. "Resident's Guide to the Curriculum for Training in Family Medicine." December 2008. Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization. .

How can healthcare providers effectively manage pneumonia in older patients with underlying health conditions?
Words: 476

Managing Pneumonia in Older Patients with Underlying Health Conditions


Pneumonia, an infection of the lungs, is a significant health threat to older adults, especially those with underlying health conditions. Effective management requires a comprehensive approach that considers both the infection and the patient's overall health.

Assessment and Diagnosis

History and Physical Examination: Includes assessing symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath), risk factors (hospitalization, nursing home residence), and comorbidities (COPD, diabetes, heart failure).
Chest X-ray: Confirms the presence of pneumonia and its extent.
Blood Tests: Check for infection markers (white blood cell count, C-reactive protein) and organ function.
Sputum Culture: Identifies the causative....

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