Physics Essays (Examples)

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Physics of Swimming Streamlining Drag Effects a
Pages: 3 Words: 1097

Physics of Swimming
Streamlining "drag" effects a swimmer performance speed. Key words Friction a solid a fluid. Viscosity - density liquid. Drag forces Impulse related momentum. I trials a swimmer starting a suit, suit cap (hair creates drag), added a piece clothing swimmer trial show weight, drag slows swimmer .

Physics of Swimming

The physics of swimming

The density of water is 1000 times higher than density of air. Therefore, water is more resistant than air. Buoyancy is the force which acts on the swimmer upwardly, this is because pressure increases with water depth Toussaint, Hollander, van der Berg, & Vorontsov, 2000()

The weight of the water needs to be less or equal to the buoyant force in order for an object to float and therefore, the more buoyant a swimmer is the more advantageous he is.

For a swimmer to float, the pressure under him should be greater than the pressure above him, because air…...



Toussaint, H.M., Hollander, A.P., van der Berg, C., & Vorontsov, A. (2000). Biomechanics of swimming. Philadelphia, USA:: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Toussaint, H.M., Roos, P.E., & Kolmogorov, S. (2004). The Determination of drag in front crawl swimming J. Biomech, 37, 1655-1663.

Physics of Magnetism an Overview of the
Pages: 7 Words: 2313

Physics of Magnetism
An Overview of the Exciting orld of the Modern Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Fields

The Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Fields

Today, magnets and magnetism literally help the world go 'round and these fundamental forces have provided the source for countless innovations that have improved the standard of living for many people. As can be seen in the graphic on the cover, magnetic field lines are a way to visualize the magnetic field a magnet produces. Magnets produce vector fields at all points in the space around it.

This field can be defined by measuring the force the field exerts on a moving charged particle, such as an electron.

The physics of magnetism require an understanding of the concept of an electric field,. There is a fundamental relation between the force on a charge q in an electric field: = q. A magnetic field is the result of a cross product…...


Works Cited

Denker, J.S. (2004). Electric Potential and Charge. (2004). Spreadsheets for Solving

Laplace's Equation. Available: .

Fuller, Mike, Emilio Herrero-Bervera and Carlo Laj. (November-December 1996). The

Reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field. American Scientist, 84(6):552.

Physics Concepts in Physics Matter
Pages: 6 Words: 1808

A phase change is what occurs when matter moves from one of these states to the other. The melting of ice into liquid water, for instance, constitutes a phase change, just as the boiling of water into invisible water vapor, or the condensing of gaseous water vapor in the air into liquid water on a cool windowpane or glass of water, are also phase changes.
Phase changes generally require a great deal of energy, especially when considered to the relative to the specific heat of the matter at hand (Nave 2005). The specific heat is the amount of energy that is required to increase the temperature of a given unit of mass by one degree Celsius, but during a phase change most substances (which tend to have constant specific heats within a given phase of matter) require far more energy to be applied, stopping all change in temperature until the…...



Nave, C. (2005). "Hyperphysics." Georgia State University Department of Physics and Astronomy. Accessed 29 September 2009. (2009). The Institute of Physics. Accessed 29 September 2009. 

Physics Classroom. (2009). Accessed 29 September 2009. 

Weisstein, E. (2009). "Eric Weisstein's World of Physics." Wolfram Research. Accessed 29 September 2009.

Physics of Swimming Is a Sport as
Pages: 3 Words: 941

Physics of Swimming
Swimming is a sport as well as exercise done in a water body which involves the movement of every body part and dragging the movement against the water body. Individuals practicing swimming wear swimming suits, which are specially designed form of clothes used while in water based activity (Haphaestus, B., 126). Swim suits help in reducing drag in water which in turn improves the propel lance in water.

The knowledge of physics is applied in making swim suits, to have a highly measurable impact on swimming. Several modifications have been done to swimsuits to minimize the three drags while swimming, that is, pressure, friction and wave drug. All this have been improved with the modern technology and hence minimized drag force. How a swimmer overcomes drag forces while swimming applies the basic knowledge of fluids and pressure in physics.

Materials that are highly drag resistant such as polyurethane are used…...


Works Cited

Haphaestus, B. Swimsuits. Balton. Haphaestus books publisher, 2011.

Koff, T.,Kovich, E.D. And McPhillips, K. The Physics of Swimming. London: UNC chapea hill publisher, 2004.

Lucer, B. And Bleulgohlke, C. Masters Swim Suit. Meyer and Meyer Verlag publisher, 2006.

Physics of Missile According to
Pages: 7 Words: 2401

The impotant technical facto that makes cuise missiles soa ove ocket-poweed missiles is that, as it beathes ai, it does not have to cay an oxidize and thus its ange is consideably longe compaed to a ocket poweed missile of equal weight. The ocket poweed missile is the fontunne on all othe aspects. Fo example it tavels much faste, it can fly low, it can have lowe ada coss sections, and it can have equal pecision. Besides, it is not only simple, but possibly moe dependable. Howeve the advantage of a cuise missile is much moe. In ode to bun its fuel, a ocket-poweed missile must cay oxygen. If case it uses a hydocabon as its fuel, the poducts of combustion ae cabon dioxide and wate vapo. Theefoe, the ocket-poweed missile should be caying sufficient oxidize to povide 2 oxygen atoms fo evey atom of cabon and 1 oxygen atom…...



N.A. Missiles. The Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, the University of Texas at Austin. 2008.


Betts, Richard K. Cruise Missiles.

Brookings Inst Pr. 1982.

Physics of Pushing a Pencil
Pages: 3 Words: 1012

According to Newton, "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts," (Zimmerman, 2008). In the act of pushing a pencil, the energy placed into pushing the pencil does not simply disappear with the writing. Most people write on flat, hard surfaces, such as wooden or acrylic desks. hen these desks are met with the energy of the pencil, it creates friction which is essentially the next transfer move of the energy originating from the writer. This friction occurs dues to the hard surface being unable to continue moving the energy from the pushed pencil, and forces it to find new facets, (Benson, 2008). This frictions forces energy back onto the pencil and creates heat as well as sound vibrations and waves, which further transfer the energy. Although these noticeable…...


Works Cited

Benson, Tom. "JumpStart: Newton's Three Laws of Mtion. NASA Glen Research

Center. 2008.

Egler, Robert a. "Definition of Angles." The Physics Teacher. American Association of Physics Teachers. 1995. 33(5): p. 262.

Zimmerman, Andrew Jones. "Introduction to Newton's Laws of Motion."

Physics and Cosmology Mankind's Relationship
Pages: 4 Words: 1653

Cosmological interpretations of the universe continue to predominate in many Eastern cultures, and a majority of Americans, knowing their zodiacal sign intimately, read their horoscope every morning with their coffee and Pop Tarts. Many people still celebrate Easter, although its connection with Ishtar might cause some of them pause, and Christmas and New Year's are modern ceremonial rituals connected with these early creation myths on a level that must be considered important to people today.

The research showed that ancient peoples were simply doing the best they could with what they knew about the universe with their creation myths. As the body of knowledge grew, these early myths were replaced with others that smacked of science but were still dominated by religious dogma that disallowed a comprehensive explanation of the facts. Clearly, early researchers such as Isaac Newton and Galileo were right on the money, but it took awhile for…...


Works Cited

Bergmann, Peter G. General Theory of Relativity. In Encyclopedia Britannica [premium service].

Brandon, S.G.F. Creation Myths. In Man, Myth & Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural, Vol. 4. New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 1970.

Dauber, Philip M. And Richard a. Muller. The Three Big Bangs: Comet Crashes, Exploding Stars, and the Creation of the Universe. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books, 1996.

Physics by Aristotle Book 2
Pages: 3 Words: 1067

Likewise, a bronze statute is created by the 'being' in the world as a piece of metal, or the matter of the raw material. It is also dependent upon the sculptor's art, which is itself a product of the artist's ability: his human intelligence, craft, and ability to use his hands.
However, although a dog may be bred to look a certain way, and to be a certain size, it still retains its integrity as part of natural matter. Aristotle uses the example of a wooden bed that is buried: because of its matter it will put forth shoots and grow as a tree, reflecting its matter and telos or purpose -- it will not grow into a bed, as this shape is artificially imposed upon the wood. A parallel in a dog might be putting a dog in a baby carriage and dressing it like a doll: altering the…...


Works Cited

Mattey, G.J. "Instructor's notes: Aristotle's Poetics Book II." Introduction to Philosophy 1.

UC Davis. Spring 1994. March 25, 2010.

Physics Simulation Displacement Velocity and Acceleration in
Pages: 2 Words: 451

Physics Simulation
Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration

In the session long projects for this class, you will be asked to conduct experiments in a "virtual" laboratory.

We will use the falling-ball simulation (Background: University of Oregon, n.d.) to calculate the acceleration of gravity on the Earth, Moon, and Mars.

The most general equation for displacement is a = s0 + V0t + (1/2)at2

where's = displacement after time t s0 = initial displacement (location at t = 0)

V0 = initial velocity (velocity at t = 0)

t = elapsed time in seconds

a = acceleration in m/s2

If the object starts at point s0 = 0 with initial velocity V0 = 0, then the equation becomes

s = (1/2)at2

Solving for a in terms of s and t, we get a = 2s/t2

For a freely falling object in a vacuum, a is the acceleration of gravity, g. If we record the time required for an object to fall a distance s…...



University of Oregon (n.d.) Average velocity simulation. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from

Physics Atmosphere Research Handwritten Observational Data
Pages: 4 Words: 1079

Temperatures ranged from 32 degrees to 50 degrees with either cloudless skies or skies with few cirrus clouds. Wind speeds and directions varied. Seven days were classified as overcast. Daytime heating is lessened because cloud cover blocks radiation penetration. This was evidenced in cooler temperatures following successive overcast days. Eleven days were classified as partly or mostly cloudy. Three days in November were characterized by morning fog. Approximately 1.75 inches of rain fell during the month, .5-inch during the period November 4-5, one inch during November 17-18, less than .5-inch during November 25-26, and less than .25 inches on the final day of the month.
Cirrus clouds are indicative of a warm front. Cirrus clouds were noted on the 1st, 12th, 13th, and 24th; warmer weather followed each day but on the 25th, when the clear sky turned partly cloudy and a small amount of precipitation fell. Cirrus clouds grade…...

Physics Beyond Ufos the Search
Pages: 1 Words: 349

The Sun is one a vast collection of stars that make up what is called the Milky Way Galaxy. This galaxy travels through the universe along with about 40 other galaxies that make up what astronomers call the local group of galaxies. Most galaxies also reside in groups, which are called clusters. Groups and clusters are also grouped together into superclusters of galaxies, which all together make up our universe.
3. How does the author describe what is meant by "astronomical"?

The author describes what is meant by astronomical as where we are in the universe in relation to everything else that is in it. The universe is big and being able to ever know completely what is in it is nearly impossible. There are just too many things in it that we know about and more than likely a whole bunch of other things that we don't know about. So…...

Physics Underlying the Aurora Lights
Pages: 2 Words: 809

Aurora orealis
The Physics of Aurora orealis

The solar wind consists of highly ionized electrons and protons emitted from our sun.[footnoteRef:2] When these charged subatomic particles interact with the Earth's magnetic field, it creates a spectacular light display called the Aurora orealis in the northern hemisphere and Aurora Australis in the southern hemisphere. These displays of light are best understood using particle physics. The force on a charged particle (F) is equal to the charge (q) times velocity (v) times magnetic field strength (), according to Lorentz force law, as long as the particle is moving parallel to the magnetic field. If the perpendicular and parallel components of the velocity vector are considered separately, the sine of the angle between the magnetic field strength and parallel component equal zero, therefore, the force acting on a charged particle is equal to q*vperp*. The path of the particle, if it were visible to the…...



Kragh, Helge. "The Spectrum of the Aurora Borealis: From Enigma to Laboratory Science." Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 39, no. 4 (2009): 377-417

Lewin, Walter. "Lecture 19: How do magicians levitate women?" Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Spring 2002. .

Nave, R. "Aurora" Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University, n.d., .

Physics Practical the Ratio of
Pages: 3 Words: 890


The line of best fit is very close to the actual data points in Graph 1, suggesting that these data points are very accurate and precise. At the same time, the lack of perfection suggests there are some possible sources of unmeasured and unwanted influence on the value of the charge-to-mass ratio. Careless error and systematic error are the two possible sources of influence in this experiment; observational errors due to a lack of brightness of the electron beam or other issues would fall under the category of careless error, while any lack of consistency or proper calibration in the apparatus would result in a systematic error.

Creating the proper environment for accurate observation, including darkening the room and using a high enough voltage in the magnetic coils (1500V) can create a situation where the electron beam is most visible, reducing the potential for careless error. Proper maintenance of the equipment…...

Physics Can Help the Economy
Pages: 6 Words: 2170

Under favorable market conditions of extensive shallow water tables and high population densities, the treadle pump has been adopted by over a million small farmers who produce mostly irrigated cereal crops; likewise, farmers in Bangladesh have increased annual gross incomes by approximately $100 according to a recent IDE publication (Perry & Dotson, 2005).

A study by the Horticultural Export Development Club indicates that several horticultural products being grown in Malawi are in high demand in European markets, particularly Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands. These commodities include okra, beans, managementout, chilies, babycorn, sweet corn, asparagus, garlic, courgettes, aubergines (eggplant), sweet pepper, ginger, cherry tomato and mixed herbs; however, the production level of fruits and vegetables remains insufficient to meet domestic needs. The use of treadle irrigation pumps by Malawi farmers, though, has shown enormous promise by increasing the crop yields and profitability (Mataya & Tsonga, 1999).

According to a study…...



Bielenberg, C., & Allen, H. (1995). How to make and use the treadle irrigation pump. Sterling,

VA: Stylus Publishing.

Enhancing support of African development. (1996). UN Chronicle, 33(2), 6.

Grew, R. (1999). Food in global history. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Concepts of Physics
Pages: 2 Words: 602

The heat engine or heat pump moves heat from one location to another. It usually takes heat out of the air or from the ground and transfers it to a building, such as a house or office. The word "heat" means thermal energy not temperature. Rather than warming the house or office with a furnace that burns fuel, the heat is transferred from the air or ground by using this pump. The heat pump uses a chemical substance or machine to work. Heat pumps can be used for making spaces warmer or cooler. For example, air-to-air pumps use electricity to move heat. By doing so, a cool area becomes cooler and a warm area becomes warmer. In the cooler seasons of fall and winter, these heat pumps warm the inside of the homes. In the summer months, they transfer air that cools the buildings.

A vibration in an item creates sound…...


Energy is transported through waves, such as sound waves. Electromagnetic is another form of these waves. Light is an example of an electromagnetic wave. Other electromagnetic waves include the microwaves in a microwave oven and radio waves and TV waves transmitted from broadcast stations. Waves look like the waves in an ocean, going up and down. The top is called the crest. These electromagnetic waves are different in wavelength, or the distance between one wave crest to the next.

Many chemical elements are found in solids, liquids and gases of the earth. These are all listed on the periodic chart or table. As scientists increase their knowledge, they are also finding new elements. For example, in 2009, Sigurd Hofmann at the Center for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt, Germany, added element 112. This was not a natural element, but a manmade one. To produce it, Hofmann fired a beam of charged zinc atoms at lead atoms with a machine called a particle accelerator. The nucleus from the zinc and the nucleus from the lead joined together or fused and they made this new element called ununbium. After that, similar manmade elements were added for 113-118: Ununtrium, Ununquadium, Ununpentium, Ununhexium, Ununseptium, Ununoxium. There is still some controversy about these, since they are so new.

Nuclear energy is produced either by splitting large nuclei and releasing the energy or combining the smaller nuclei. Nuclear energy supplies countries with electricity. Nuclear energy has advantages and disadvantages. It does not pollute the air, such as oil. However, the water used in the process becomes radioactive, which is very harmful to life. Nuclear waste has to be safely stored, and it lasts for a very long time.

can you suggest me a topic for ibdp extended essay in physics?
Words: 766

Sure! Here is a suggested topic for an IBDP Extended Essay in Physics:

Title: Investigating the Efficiency of Renewable Energy Sources: Comparing Solar Panels and Wind Turbines

Abstract: This extended essay aims to investigate the efficiency of two prominent renewable energy sources, namely solar panels and wind turbines. The project will involve a comprehensive analysis of the factors influencing the efficiency of each energy source, including geographical location, weather conditions, and technological advancements. Data will be collected through simulations, experiments, and case studies of existing installations. The findings will contribute to understanding the potential of solar panels and wind turbines as reliable....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to plato?
Words: 513

Plato's Theory of Forms

Plato's theory of forms is one of the most influential and widely-studied philosophical theories in Western history. It is a complex and multifaceted theory, but at its core, it is the idea that there is a realm of perfect, eternal, and unchanging Forms that exist independently of the physical world. These Forms are the true essence of things, and the physical world is merely a shadow or copy of the Forms.

Essay Topics:

Plato's theory of Forms: An overview and analysis.
The relationship between the Forms and the physical world.
The role of the Forms in Plato's epistemology....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on tarot. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 359

1. The Role of Tarot in Mental Health and Therapy: Investigate how tarot cards can be used as a tool for self-reflection, introspection, and personal growth in therapy and mental health practices.

2. Tarot and Cultural Appropriation: Explore the ethical issues surrounding the use of tarot cards from various cultural backgrounds, and the impact of appropriation on the practice of tarot reading.

3. Tarot and Gender Identity: Examine how tarot cards can be used to explore and redefine traditional gender roles and stereotypes, and how they can be a tool for individuals to express and affirm their gender identity.

4. Tarot and Quantum....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Thomas Aquinas?
Words: 654

1. The Essence of Thomas Aquinas's Natural Law Theory: An Exploration of Its Foundations and Implications

Discuss the metaphysical and ethical principles that underpin Aquinas's natural law theory.
Analyze the concept of the eternal law and its relationship to the natural law.
Examine the role of human reason in discerning the precepts of natural law and their binding force.

2. The Harmony of Faith and Reason in Aquinas's Summa Theologica: A Critical Examination

Trace the development of Aquinas's understanding of the relationship between faith and reason.
Explore the arguments Aquinas presents for the compatibility of faith and reason.
Evaluate the strengths....

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