Physician Assistant Essays (Examples)

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Physician Assistant My Original Motivation
Pages: 2 Words: 566

From my perspective as someone who hopes to enter the medical field to contribute directly to the health and welfare of patients and communities, the most important advantage of the physician assistant position is that it allows a much quicker transition into the field in ways that will allow me to begin making the contribution that motivated my vocational interest in the first place.
Finally, I am also hoping to contribute my energies and my professional medical training to some of the poorest communities in the world. In particular, there is a tremendous unmet need for quality medical services on the African continent. Everyday, thousands of Africans (most of them infants and children) succumb to diseases and deprivations that do not require especially sophisticated medical interventions to treat and prevent. The nature of many of the most serious health and medical issues in Africa means that the people of African…...

Physician Assistant Ethics the Health
Pages: 3 Words: 1097

In this, the assistant can play a very important role. The physician and assistant together can for example work to resolve ethical dilemmas and find solutions with the help of the patient. It is important to remember the principle of meeting the patient's needs in such a case.
As a leader in this field, I believe my first moral responsibility would be towards patients. They are to be treated according to the main principles mentioned above; with dignity and respect for their needs. My responsibility would also be to provide the professionals working under me with very clear guidelines regarding ethical issues. As such, my job would entail researching all ethical codes related to the medical profession. I would then combine these into a set of core principles. In practical terms, I would organize all the principles that are important in treating patients into a comprehensive document, in front of…...



American Medical Association (2001, June 17). Principles of Medical Ethics. 

2006, Sept. 14). AMA activities to eliminate health disparities. 

Forester-Miller, Holly & Davis, Thomas. (1996). A Practitioner's Guide to Ethical Decision Making. American Counseling Association.

Rutecki, Gregory W. (2006, Aug 4). The Future of Medicine: When Will Quality and Safety Become Job Number One?

Physician Assistant Acceptance
Pages: 1 Words: 458

physician assistants at the Emory University Physicians Assistant Program. A letter of introduction and why this program

The choice of being a physician's assistant has been one of my desires since the time that I was little and met my first physician's assistant. PA's are able to provide healthcare services under the supervision of a physician. Selecting this field will give me opportunity to diagnose illnesses and offer preventative healthcare services under the care of a physician. I will be part of a healthcare team that will take medical histories, examine and treat patients. This is part of the program that I am looking forward to. I love people and have always wanted to take care of different people ranging from children to adults. As a physician assistant I will able to assist in treating minor injuries, such as sprained wrists to setting a cast.…...

Physician Assistant PA Students Like Many Students
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Physician assistant (PA) students, like many students preparing for careers in the medical field, are required to learn a great deal of material. Given the potential costs involved in the future if a student does not retain information it is important for these students to develop a method to allow them to effectively memorize large amounts of material quickly and efficiently.
To determine whether the use of a pneumonic device will result in better initial learning and retention for new to be learned material in a group of PA students compared to a group of students who do not use a pneumonic device.

A between groups design will be utilized. Two groups of participants will be exposed to a version of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-original version). The participants will be randomly assigned to one of two learning conditions. Before the test is administered, one group will be given instructions…...

My Response Physician Assistant
Pages: 2 Words: 481

Physician Assistant: My Response
My dedication to patients and resolve to ensure that they receive the appropriate personal attention they deserve remain steadfast. I understand and cherish my duty to make a positive impact with regard to the delivery of health care, particularly to underserved patients in New York City and Hudson Valley. I do not intend to disappoint. To begin with, my greatest desire remains the promotion of healthy living. I have seen, first hand, the effects and consequences of not complying with basic health principles. My own dad was a smoker for years -- a factor that contributed to his heart condition. This is a mistake I would not like to see someone else repeat. For this reason, I intend to play my part towards the further enhancement of well-being in New York City and Hudson Valley by correctly and enthusiastically counseling and instructing patients so as to promote…...

Motivation to Become a Physician
Pages: 1 Words: 307

Currently, I am working as a surgical technologist in two hospitals in Arkansas - Arkansas Children Hospital and the VA Hospital. I do surgical scrub on various cases of all surgical services, general, orthopedics, vascular, ENT, neurology, urology, and burns. To update and enhance my skills, I attended different medical training courses.
Since my youth, I had been in the scene of medicine. At the age of seventeen I was diagnosed with diabetes. Hence, in y sophomore years in college, I did a presentation on diabetes where I provided information on the symptoms, complications, and how to cope with diabetes. During my Junior year, I had family members that were diagnosed with breast cancer, glaucoma, heart attacks and thyroid problems.

Such experiences are my motivations in becoming a Physician Assistant. The feeling that I get from providing medical services is unfathomable and cannot be measured by anything....

Jerry Mccall Dr Williams Office Assistant Licensed
Pages: 3 Words: 1180

Jerry McCall Dr. Williams Office Assistant
Licensed Practical Nurses and Medical Assistants: Legal and Ethical Implications

According to recent reports from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assistants and licensed practical nurses (LPN) are two of the fastest growing jobs in the country (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010). In an effort to save costs, the demand for these professionals is increasing in both in-hospital and outpatient settings. The licenses and registrations, however, remain unstandardized; while LPNs are required to receive a license, some medical assistants receive a one or two-year degree and still others are only trained on the job. The responsibilities and restrictions of the profession are likewise only loosely regulated and vary between states. This has both ethical and legal implications for patient care. The following case scenario illustrates these ramifications and discusses the appropriate course of action for medical assistants working in a clinical setting.

The Case:

Jerry McCall is…...



Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Medical Assistants, on the Internet at   (visited October 17, 2011). 

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses, on the Internet at   (visited October 17, 2011). 

Couch, C., Minchella, K., Walker, R., Watson N. Occupational Analysis of the CMA (AAMA). (2008). American Association of Medical Assistants, 2007-2008. Available from .

Ferrell, C.W., Aspy, C.B., Mold, J.W. (2006). Management of Prescription Refills in Primary Care: An Oklahoma Physicians Resource/Research Network (OKPRN) Study. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 19, 1, 31-38.

My Motivation Towards Becoming a PA Personal Statement
Pages: 2 Words: 680

Physician Assistant Program Narrative
Personal Statement: My Motivation towards Becoming a PA

We all have dreams and aspirations. As a young child, my dream was to become a chef. When asked why I wanted to become a chef, my answer was always consistent; "I wanted to delight people by preparing them delicious dishes." As I grew up, I became more informed and my view of the world became clearer -- and it was then that I realized that deep inside, I wanted to end up in a profession that impacted positively on the lives of others. A profession that brought delight to those I interacted with. Then, something happened that completely convinced me that I would most comfortably serve in any of the helping professions. A couple of months after my 10th birthday, my younger brother got bitten by a dog in his face -- right below his left eye. I vividly…...

Certified Nursing Assistants Are an Important Part
Pages: 1 Words: 413

Certified nursing assistants are an important part of health care settings today. Certified nursing assistants and professional health care settings experience challenges and barriers in their day-to-day experiences. They are challenges that certified nursing assistants must go through during their training or during their career, so that they may learn and experience different situations and how to deal with those situations.
I experienced a barrier at one point when I saw blood and could not handle the situation. One day, I was placed responsible for a certain patient, along with another certified nursing assistant. We would take care of her at certain times of the day. During an evening shift, the patient was going to have some blood work done and the registered nurse on duty came in to take her blood. The other certified nursing assistant and I were asked to observe the situation that was about to occur. As…...

Role of Family Physician in Improving Healthcare Equality
Pages: 12 Words: 3859

ole of Family Physician
It is important for us to understand the role of a family physician before we begin our discussion on the importance of family physicians in any health care system of the community. Many reforms have been made in the health care systems of various communities all over the world. Almost all of these reforms lay their focus on the prevention as well as the treatment of any disease along with the promotion of health and management of conditions that have become a chronic problem for the patients. All of these areas are the center of the family physicians and therefore family medicine has a huge role to play in here.

In this paper, we shall look at the current health care system in Libya and see how the government and other organizations like WHO are playing their role to improve the health care system in the country as…...



(2005). Libya country profile. Library of Congress Federal Research Division (April 2005).

(2004). Pfizer Clear Health Communication Initiative. What it Health Literacy? [Online].

(2004). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition; 2000. [Online].

Kates N. (1997). Psychiatry and family medicine: sharing care. Can J. Psychiatry. Vol. 42:913-14.

Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare
Pages: 12 Words: 3529

Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare
Current Applications and Future Trends in the Use of Personal Digital Assistants in Healthcare

Today, healthcare practitioners enjoy a wide range of digital equipment that can help them provide more efficient healthcare services, including laptop computers, cellular telephones and personal digital assistants, or PDAs. These devices have been used in various ways by clinicians to improve their ability to deliver more timely and accurate diagnoses and treatments, and it is clear that the use of these devices will continue to increase in the future. The purpose of this study is to provide a current snapshot of how personal digital assistants are being used in various healthcare settings, including military and government tertiary facilities and the use of PDAs on the battlefield in times of war, but with a specific focus on how PDAs are being used in nongovernmental healthcare facilities today. To this end, a critical review…...



Blow, F.C., Barry, K.L., Walton, M.A. et al. (2006). The efficacy of two brief intervention strategies among injured, at-risk drinkers in the emergency department: Impact of tailored messaging and brief advice. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 67(4), 568.

Cieslak, D.M., & Van Winkle, M. (2004). Carry your office in the palm of your hand; a pocket-size device is your computer when you're on the road. Journal of Accountancy, 198(2), 52.

Corbett, M.L. (1996, January). Choosing the perfect PDA: Personal digital assistants help busy professionals. Black Enterprise, 26(6), 34.

Greisler, D.S., & Jackson, J.R. (2000). The changing nature of physician power: Understanding physician power and its future. Journal of Power and Ethics, 1(4), 260.

The Role of Medical Assistants in Claiming Reimbursement
Pages: 2 Words: 2555

All Medical Assistants
The importance of customer service in a tertiary healthcare setting

As you all know, the healthcare industry has been transformed in substantive ways as a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the growing need for timely recordation of services rendered in order to attain appropriate reimbursement of physician services and overall expense reimbursement for the medical facility. This memorandum explains how and why customer service is the one thing that sets their organization apart from their competitors.

Importance of Customer Service from Medical Assistants' Perspective

Please know that our organization appreciates your unwavering efforts to provide the best possible medical care to our valued patients. Medical assistants are on the forefront of the provision of this care, and we need your support to ensure that your services are compensated appropriately. This is in everyone's best interests because unplanned turnover can cost this organization far more than anyone…...

Surpass Website Development Creation Maintenance and More
Pages: 6 Words: 1556

AAPA, NJPAS, and NJSSPA are professional bodies representing the Physician Assistants. AAPA is a nation wide body which claims to be the sole national level organization, which is representing the Physician Assistants in the United States and is working for the benefit of PAs in all specialty areas. This organization mainly provides support to the Physician Assistants in employment matters and other professional issues. AAPA stands for "American Academy of Physicians Assistants. On the other hand, NJPAS and NJSSPA are New Jersey-based organizations representing the PAs in the New Jersey region. NJPAS is basically a student organization, which provides educational and professional support to PA students while NJSSPA is a professional body of Physician Assistant practitioners operating at the state level.
The development of the website "" will be beneficial for both the Physician Assistant students and the working students. This website will serve as a platform for sharing the…...



The American Academy of Physician Assistants: from the World Wide Web:

New Jersey Physician Assistant Students: from the World Wide Web:

Concerns on Healthcare Delivery
Pages: 5 Words: 1485

Medical Care Services
The current delivery of health care services represents one of the most important subjects for discussion both in the Obama Administration as well as the epublican one and the Administrations that preceded the Bush one. egardless of political color, it must be pointed out that the health care system in the United States does not only depend on the ideological orientation, but also on the people and their own beliefs in terms of human action and interaction. It is a clear fact that "Ten years ago, the U.S. healthcare system was declared "broken," and it has not improved. Fixes promised by managed care have not materialized. Premiums are rising. Hassles for patients and physicians abound. Nearly 45 million Americans are uninsured." (Garson, 2000)

One of the most severe problems facing the health care system in the United States is the discussion that is being held between those that…...



Garson, Arthur. "Current Perspective. The U.S. Healthcare System 2010. Problems, Principles, and Potential Solutions" 2000. Available at 

ImpediMed. "Pre-emptive vs. Reactive Models of Care: Pre-emptive Care Model Prospectively Managing Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Patients" 2012. Available at 

Yale School of Medicine. "The PA Profession." 2013. Available at

Independent Role of Nurse Practitioners
Pages: 3 Words: 1140

Nurse Practitioners Should Work Independently of Physicians
One of the problems facing health care is the inadequate number of primary-care physicians, more so among the rural population. There are fears that shortages will only get worse as a rising number of patients look for care Under Affordable Care Act. esides the provision of advanced nursing care, nurses have licenses to offer clinical care, including the ordering of X-rays and lab work, and are particularly helpful in helping patients having chronic conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes cope (Holmes, 2013).

Nearly one third of states now permit nurse practitioners to practice in the absence of physician supervision. Nursing groups as well as health-care interests are however lobbying that nurses be granted the same level of autonomy in all states as in the other states that do not require physician supervision. Some interest group, while still appreciating the efforts put forth by nurses,…...



Dueker, M.J., A.K. Jacox, D.E. Kalist, and S.J. Spurr. The Practice Boundaries and Advanced Practice Nurses: An Economic and Legal Analysis. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 27, 2005, 309-29.

Holmes, L. (2013, June 13). Should Nurse Practitioners be able to treat patients without Physician Oversight. Retrieved from The Wall Street Journal: 

John, P. (2009, January 10). The rise and impact of nurse practitioners and physician assistants on their own and cross-occupation incomes. Retrieved from FPO:

Page, L. (2014, October 29). Physicians, NPs and PAs: Where's all this going? Retrieved from Medscape Multispeciality:

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