Photography Essays (Examples)

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Photography and Images
Pages: 6 Words: 2325

Photography and Images
Our Memory, Our Identity, Our eality: The Affects of Photography

"In teaching us a new visual code, photography alters and enlarges our notions of what is worth looking at and what we have a right to observe. They are a grammar and, even more importantly, an ethics of seeing."

~Susan Sontag, On Photography

"Hence it is essential that any theoretical discussion of the relationship of black life to the visual, to art making, make photography central. Access and mass appeal have historically made photography a powerful location for the construction of an oppositional black aesthetic. "

~bell hooks, In Our Glory

Based on the short story of his younger brother, Jonathan Nolan, Film Director and Screenwriter Christopher Nolan created the film Memento, released in 2000. Guy Pierce stars as the lead character, Leonard Shelby. The film is a highly non-linear, thriller film-noir mystery. Leonard Shelby was once a man who lived a humble,…...



hooks, bell. "In Our Glory: Photography and Black Life." Art on My Mind: Visual Politic. New York Press, New York, Pages 54 -- 64, 1995.

Nolan, Christopher (Director/Writer). Memento. Summit Entertainment, Universal City, CA, 2000.

Sontag, Susan. On Photography. Picador, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, New York, 1973.

Photography in Iran Early Photography in Iran
Pages: 7 Words: 2220

Photography in Iran
Early Photography in Iran

Paintings and photography started in Persia just like any other country i.e. slowly but there was a huge difference in the timeline. When paintings and art were highly appreciated and exhibitions were held in Europe, the Persian painting and photography had just started its journey. There are only few portraits and photos available from Iranian history because the world did not know of great painters and photographers of the country. Also, the early Persian painters faced the problem of theft of paintings. Thus their master pieces are saved in the history by the name of some other European artists. The Persian artists slowly and gradually grew in expertise from painting sceneries and flowers initially and then the human portraits. The initial portraits are of royal or soldier men and the European women. The local women were, in beginning, illustrated only doing household tasks.

Paintings and Photography




Bindad, Ali, "Sevruguin: Orientalist or orienteur?," Sevruguin and The Persian Image,

Washington D.C, (1999), 78-95

Bohrer, Frederick, "Looking through photographs: Sevruguin and the Persian image," Sevruguin

and The Persian Image, Washington D.C, (1999), 33-53

Photography It's a Way of
Pages: 7 Words: 2285

Nevertheless, Cartier-Bresson chose to stay true to his format and take the picture in black and white which helps in the translation of what is seen and not seen, in this writer's opinion. The rag pickers are standing in a sea of fabric, most likely discarded by manufacturer's shipping from an impoverished to an industrialized country. The very people who make the fabrics from the natural resources of their native lands, cannot afford to own them outright. As such, it is necessary for the men to clothes themselves and most likely their families with the remnants that are left over.
The last photograph that I chose as a part of my review of the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson was unnamed, and therefore I refer to it as "Children at Play." There were a plethora of photographs to select from as the photographer worked extensively for more than 7 decades. However,…...



Assouline, P. Henri Cartier-Bresson: A Biography. London: Thames & Hudson, 2005.

Bernstein, Adam. The acknowledged master of the moent. The Washington Post.Retrieved 25 October 2011. Web.

Galassi, Peter. Henri Cartier-Bresson: the Modern century. London: Thames & Hudson, 2010.

Hall, J., & Ulanov, B. Modern culture and the arts. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972.

Photography Case Study Needs Assessment
Pages: 7 Words: 2014

Figure 9 - Fujitsu Tablet

Computer Reviews and Discussion

The two finalists in the Laptop category were the Dell Studio series and the Fujitsu Lifebook Tablet PC. The Dell Studio was chosen for its processing power, its customer support ratings, and its display's size and resolution (CNET). The tablet pc was chosen for its versatility in input methods, its processing power, and also because you can easily carry this in one hand and use it comfortably when standing (CNET). This makes this computer very flexible and a better fit for its intended use and therefore it is our recommendation that this tablet pc be purchased for the photography business's use.

Figure 10 - Fujitsu Review

Short List Losers

Primary Reason(s)

Apple Laptop

Expense, Lack of Features

Dell Vostros

Entry-Level, Quality, Poor Resolution

Canon EOS 1DS

Extremely Expensive, Difficult to Use

Canon EOS 1D

Extremely Expensive, Difficult to Use


Our recommendations to the photography business are to purchase the Canon ES 550 D. camera and…...



Camera Labs. (n.d.). Canon EOS 550D / Rebel T2i . Retrieved October 16, 2010, from 

CNET. (n.d.). Dell Studio. Retrieved October 16, 2010, from CNET Reviews: 

CNET. (n.d.). Fujitsu Lifebook. Retrieved October 16, 2010, from CNET Reviews:;contentBody;1r 

Photography Review. (n.d.). Canon 1DS. Retrieved October 16, 2010, from

Photography My Love of Photography
Pages: 2 Words: 660

Above all that lays the fact that photography possesses the unique power of leaving an impression in the minds of every viewer. Moreover, it may seem that every viewer gets the same meaning out of the picture, but that is not really the case. The most beautiful thing about photography is that every viewer perceives the image differently and recreates it in his or her mind, thinking of it to exist in different situations, every time telling a different story. This idea of framing thoughts inside peoples' mind, just by choosing a certain composition and angle to take a picture, stuns me!

Let us take an example of a theme that I had to shoot on the other day: "Love." Most people would take pictures of a man and woman holding hands, or hugging, or any other romantic moment, probably at a sunset, but I realized that love could be seen…...

Photography Today the World Is
Pages: 3 Words: 991

Hine was able to leverage the extraordinary power of the camera's image, which "went beyond logic and language" to the heart instead of the mind. Photography was now being used as a tool for social change. The photographs spurred people to work toward state and federal legislation to enact child labor standards. These changes did not happen overnight, by any means, but the photographs were the impetus of other advocacy to come. The widespread publicity of Hine's photographs continued to encourage attempts at child labor reform and states began to pass stricter laws that banned the employment of underage children. Eventually, in 1938, Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, or the Federal age and Hour Law, which was declared constitutional in 1941.
ith all the magazines presently on the newsstands, it is difficult to understand why Life Magazine made such an impact for so many years. Yet, its introduction…...


With all the magazines presently on the newsstands, it is difficult to understand why Life Magazine made such an impact for so many years. Yet, its introduction in 1936 was the first time that Americans across the country saw visuals of people, places and events outside of their own small community. As this photography document states, this was as big as the Gutenberg press. The magazine, which was received by a mass market, covered everything possible -- politics, home life, advertising, happy events, tragedies, employment, animals, world cultures. The world was opened up to the readers. They could actually envision themselves outside of their daily lives at another place and time. They could "see and take pleasure in seeing," as the video states.

Nothing like this existed at the time. There were photographs in newspapers, but they were black and white and often muddy and difficult to see. Life Magazine's photographs, first in black and white and later in color were actually larger than life. In one photo spread of several pictures, an entire story could be told from the beginning to the middle to the end. It was only when the computer arrived that the magazine lost its luster. Yet, it had a long run, and greatly impacted millions of readers.

The still photographs during the Viet Nam War also impacted millions and proved that it did not take an entire photo spread, four color or dark room maneuvers to impact the viewers. Whereas Hine normally captured posed photographs, many of the photographers during the Viet Nam War captured the action. They stopped time and forced people to see the agony that existed during that one hundredth of a second, be it at Kent State University when the guards shot the students, in Viet Nam as the nude girl ran down the street after being napalmed or in Cambodia when the monk burned in his own fire. These horrifying photos were a strong emotional force that moved people to action. As early as Eadweard Muybridge, photography had the power to make the previously invisible highly visible and tangible and, with prints such as these during Viet Nam, come alive off the page.

Photography in This Photograph the Prominent Motif
Pages: 2 Words: 675

In this photograph, the prominent motif is a flag of the United States. The lines on the metallic roof converge in linear perspective, drawing the viewer's eye to that flag. Based on the number of stars in the flag, the photograph was taken prior to the admission of Alaska or Hawaii to the Union, possibly dating the picture to before Hawaii's statehood of 1959. Three white men are walking in front of the flag, which is painted on a brick wall in what appears to be a traffic tunnel. Two cars occupy the middle ground of the composition. Neither of the two cars is fully within the frame. The car in the front is painted white, whereas the car in the back is painted black. Moreover, the drivers of the car in the back are African-American. The photograph thus makes commentary on race relations in the United States of America…...

Photography 1910-2010 We Know What
Pages: 5 Words: 1376

Dye transfer was developed during the 1920s and 1930s by printing the negatives with a variation of the carbon process (dye transfer), which is now called "assembly printing;" however, this was both tedious and time-consuming -- even though the pictures were beautiful. It wasn't until 1935 that Eastman Kodak came to market with a film that was made up of three-color emulsion coated on a single piece of plastic film (Davenport 1999). This film needed to be sent to away to be developed until 1942 when Kodak and a Germany company, Ansco, came up with films that a photographer could process himself. At the same time, Kodak announced a new negative-to-positive film, called "Kodacolor." By 1947, a photographer could take, expose, develop, and print his own color photos (1999).
Another revolution took place in 1947 when Edwin H. Land developed Polaroid instant photography (Davenport 1999). Chemistry was no longer necessary…...



Davenport, Alma. (1999). The history of photography: An overview. University of New

Mexico Press.

Marien, Mary Warner. (2010). Photography: A cultural history. Prentice-Hall; 3rd edition.

Photography Photographs Are Perceived to
Pages: 2 Words: 610

Also referring, however, to the way photography can either reflect reality or create illusion, the author does understand the importance of the evolution of digital media. "Straightforward photographs can be used legitimately and effectively to show that things exist. But mislabeled or manipulated photographs can be used to create illusions of existence," ("How to Do Things with Pictures," p. 195). There is also a middle ground between these two extremes. A good photographer with deep familiarity and confidence in using multiple types of photographic equipment can represent reality while also transcending the problems that besiege the amateur. Any student of photography understands the frustration of not being able to capture an image that a more skilled artist can, due to the most basic elements of the science such as exposure, aperture, and shutter speed. Digital photography covers up for ignorance in many ways, allowing the crudest photographer to take…...

Photography Rising Dragon Photography Exhibit
Pages: 5 Words: 1255

In a short time, China has firmly grown into a superpower. Therefore, the title of the exhibit in relation to the content is possibly ironic. On the one hand, China is growing in power and influence globally, but on the other hand, the people of the country are still suffering and living harsh or brutal realities, as illustrated in many of the photographs that compose the exhibit "Rising Dragon."

There are several photos in the exhibit of young people -- adolescents and children. The children are often poor looking and dirty. There is a consistent presence of humility and necessity in the photographs. There are children that are unkempt and yet still beautiful. The photographs are moving and very harsh.

There are also photos of places where homeless or impoverished looking children might live. There domiciles are flimsy and there is a sense of protection, but also vulnerability to the shabby homes.…...

Photography and the Aspects That
Pages: 1 Words: 365

The new question is now how to create this business and make it a prosperous one. The initial step as in all business planning is to create a business plan. What do you want to do? The name of the new photography business, what are your initial goals, will it just be a sole proprietorship, corporation etc. what type of staffing is necessary, why do you want to do this business, and what are you bringing to the industry that no one else is bringing. What resources are available right now, how will you fund the business etc. Do you need investors, is there any initial capital, is this business necessary in today's market, and is there a niche for the prospective business. How long will it take before the business is making a positive cash flow, do you have a building etc. These are all necessary aspects of…...



Anonymous, (2005, October). Behind the Spin. Management Today, p.22.

Photography for Evidence
Pages: 3 Words: 1019

Forensic photography is also known as crime scene imaging and it refers to an art of producing accurate reproduction of a crime scene or a scene of an accident using photography for the purpose of being used in court to help in an investigation . Forensic photography has evolved into a steadfast part of the process of investigation. Together with the statements from witnesses, reports made by officers and other physical evidence which is provided by the crime forensic photography is used in providing an accurate account which can not be changed. This is part of an evidence collection process. It provides those investigating a case with photos of the victim, items and places involved in that crime. Pictures taken on an accident scene show broken machinery or the car crash and so on. This type of photography involves the choice of correct lighting, accuracy in the angling of the…...



Claridge, J. (2012). Forensic photography. Retrieved July 24, 20914 from 

Dowdey, S. (2009). How crime scene photography works. Retrieved July 24, 20914 from

Photography in Art the First
Pages: 7 Words: 2675

It was an overall experience that modern life was more and more broken along the lines of the public and private as also the rising speed of industrial society. Photomontage and photo collage along with their blending of typography and photographic pictures generates expression to these conditions while extending photography beyond what had come to be fine art photography's confines and convention. Although believed as radical, these ingenuities were premised on the trade secrets of the latter part of 19th century work of commercial photographers that included double-exposure, timed exposures and dark-room procedures like masking, burning and dodging. The major differences between the initial manipulation of images and those of the 20th century professional photographers and artists remained that the latter stressed its fracture rendering it obvious that the photographic images are all the time a construct. (Peres, 184)
Scholars understand that the earliest photograph of a work of art…...



Benjamin, Walter. The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility.

Eisinger, Joel. Trace and Transformation: American Criticism of Photography in the Modernist Period. University of New Mexico Press. 1995.

Freeman, Nikki. A brief evolution or art and the influence of technology on photography.

June, 2006.

Photography in the Form of War Publicity
Pages: 2 Words: 785

Introduction Photos are just as crucial as journals and diaries when it comes to educating on, and comprehending, history. The bibliography that follows covers books outlining key elements of photography in the form of war publicity, memoire and a representation of war-time cruelties and realities.
Zarzycka, Marta. Gendered Tropes in War Photography: Mothers, Mourners, Soldiers. 2017.
· Zarzycka questions the framework as well as propagation of modern experiences of war, dissent and brutality. It is of interest to experts and advanced pupils in the fields of visual studies, gender studies, cultural studies, memory and trauma studies, cultural anthropology, media studies, and photography theory. Most especially for this book, the author has cut out class-based, ethnic, racial, national, gender-based, religious, and citizenship status-based groups and replaced them with photographic tropes that accord a combined status to heroism and victimhood at war despite war regimes primarily operating based on the above groupings. Females in the…...

Photography Reframing The Archive
Pages: 6 Words: 1786

Reframing The ArchiveWe dont need the new sentence; the old sentence re-framed is good enough, said Kenneth Goldsmith.IntroductionThe last two years have radically altered the way most of us live, work, and create, forcing us to reconsider our connection with our previous photography work. How do we frame our previous work when the world doesnt appear the same? Images of rush-hour pedestrians or pals lazily flinging their arms around each other have taken on new meaning[footnoteRef:1]. The COVID-19 period and the measures put in place to curb the spread of the disease have had a major impact on art, particularly in the conceptualization of space. This change in how we do things has caused many to reimagine how we can get the common and ordinary things done differently. The archive, which has a pronounced role in our daily life, has been compressed, not just because of COVID-19, but generally…...



Abbas, Basel, and Ruanne Abou-Rahme. “The archival multitude.” Journal of Visual Culture 12, no. 3 (2013): 345-363.

Baron, Jaimie. “The archive effect: archival footage as an experience of reception.” (2012): 102-120.

Catarina Pinho, Ana. (Ed.) Reframing the Archive. Archivo Press, Porto, 2021.

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on photography essay?
Words: 192

1. The evolution of photography as an art form
2. The impact of social media on photography
3. The role of photojournalism in shaping public opinion
4. The ethics of photo manipulation and editing
5. The importance of composition and framing in photography
6. The representation of cultural diversity in photography
7. The use of photography in documenting historical events
8. The psychology of photography and its influence on perception
9. The future of photography in the digital age
10. The power of visual storytelling through photography.
11. The influence of famous photographers on modern photography trends
12. The intersection of technology and photography in the 21st century
13. The significance of....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on photography essay?
Words: 478

Technical and Aesthetic Considerations

The Mechanics of Photography: Exploring the principles of aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and their impact on image quality.
Composition and Framing: Analyzing the techniques used to create balanced and visually pleasing compositions.
Light and Shadow in Photography: Examining the role of lighting in shaping the mood, atmosphere, and drama of an image.
Color Theory in Photography: Investigating the use of color harmonies, contrasts, and symbolism to evoke specific emotions and convey messages.
Digital vs. Analog Photography: Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of digital and analog photography in terms of image quality, workflow, and creative possibilities.

Social and....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on digital camera journey future developments a case study?
Words: 285

1. The evolution of digital cameras: From bulky devices to sleek, compact models
2. The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing the functionality of digital cameras
3. The impact of social media on the way we capture and share photos
4. The future of virtual and augmented reality in photography
5. A case study on the development of smartphone cameras and their influence on the digital camera market
6. The environmental impact of digital cameras and efforts to make them more sustainable
7. How advancements in sensor technology have revolutionized image quality in digital cameras
8. The rise of mirrorless cameras and their potential to overtake traditional....

Let\'s brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on digital camera journey future developments a case study?
Words: 509

Essay Topic 1: The Evolution of Computational Photography and Its Impact on Digital Camera Development

Advancements in computational photography and image processing algorithms
Integration of AI and machine learning for enhanced image quality
The blurring line between smartphones and dedicated digital cameras

Essay Topic 2: The Rise of Mirrorless Cameras and Their Disruption of the DSLR Market

Advantages of mirrorless cameras over DSLRs in terms of size, weight, and versatility
Impact of mirrorless cameras on the professional photography industry
The future of DSLRs in the face of mirrorless camera innovation

Essay Topic 3: The Emergence of Computational Photography as a Separate Art....

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