Photographic Essays (Examples)

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Gohlke the Sublime Photographic Art
Pages: 1 Words: 432

108). Photographic truth for Gohlke is realized by showing 'the thing itself' but through a subjective perspective, accepting the contextual relativism of postmodernism without attempting to alter the piece with overt artistic tampering. Gohlke has long loved wilderness photography for its apparent purity, although he also obviously finds inspiration in the remote qualities of areas in cities. Gohlke focuses the viewer's intention on content and subject, not his technical virtuosity as a photographer or an imagined past history or connection to a larger history of art (Minichiello 1992, p.108). The viewer's involvement and experience with the landscape on a personal level is what is required to appreciate a Gohlke photograph, not sophistication or past knowledge -- this is why his works are called pure experiences, both in the taking of the work by Gohlke's camera and also the apprehending of the work from the point-of-view of the gazer (Minichiello 1992,…...


Works Cited

Minichiello, Kent. "Photographing the Common Wilderness." American Art. 6. 1. (Winter, 1992): 108-110. 10 Oct 2008.


Watkinson, Patricia Grieve. "Mount St. Helens: An Artistic Aftermath." Art Journal.

Film Products & Photographic Techniques Outline or
Pages: 2 Words: 452

Outline or Map

Early Film Products & Photographic Techniques -- Outline

The advent of photography, like the advent of painting, is a critical point in the evolution of media with influences that continue to ripple and shape the media landscape of today and tomorrow.

Most of the world experiences the results of a technological/digital/information revolution in the 21st century

Many more experiences are mediated via technology at this point in human history

Many of the modern forms of media can easily be traced back to photography

Understanding the significance of photography as a form of media, as a tool of expression, and a strategy by which human perception is engaged and altered assists modern media producers and media consumers to navigate the more diverse media landscape of the present

Cameras, Photographs, & Color for Everyone

. What is photography and what do we need in order to perform it?

1. The advent of the…...


A. Photography as a throwback to the past (i.e. palimpsest and painting) (Schaaf, L.J. (n.d.). WHF Talbot: Biography. Retrieved from The Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot: )

B. Tracing the trajectory of photography through the 20th century and into the 21st (History of Photography. (n.d.). Retrieved from A World History of Art: )

IV. Conclusion: The advent of photography is along the same lineage as other forms of media such as painting and palimpsest. The history of photography includes scientific methodologies, mass marketing, and artistic techniques.

Martha Rosler
Pages: 2 Words: 593

photographic work of Martha osler. The writer focuses on how the various photographs depict the 20th century. The writer discusses the use of color, light, image and idea to illustrate the picture painted of the 20th century by osler.
United States artist Martha osler has worked to provide a cataloged version of the spaces and moods of 20th century hearts and minds. She worked through her travels with a camera and shot things that she believed were representative of heart of America. The pictures tell stories that branch off into ideas of their own with the light and the images that are portrayed in them. The combination of people and objects blend a sense of surreal images so that the viewer can either focus on the literal image or the more abstract idea that is born from the idea. There were many photographs over several decades that the artist used…...

George Eastman -- History of
Pages: 6 Words: 1879

However, Eastman needed him for the roller project, and together, they persisted.
In 1885, the Eastman-Walker Roll Holder received a patent. It revolutionized photography, allowing amateur photographers to take up to 50 photographs in an hour, and did away with the huge camera boxes and heavy glass plates of the era.

In 1885, to get rid of Walker's temper tantrums, but because he was a major stockholder, Eastman assigned him to manage the London office of Kodak. Walker introduced Eastman to the Dickmans of London in 1889. Several years later, as Walker's business sense drove the London office into the ground, and as Eastman finally tired of Walker's continual grumbling, Eastman fired him and replaced him with George Dickman.

How important was Walker to Eastman and the success of the Kodak company? He co-invented, with Eastman, one of the most successful creations that drove the profitability of the Kodak Company for many…...



Ackerman, C. George Eastman. Frederick, MD: Beard Books, 1930.

Brayer, E. George Eastman: A Biography. Baltimore, MD.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

Goldman, P.B. "George Eastman 1854-1932." Various. MonkeyShines on Great Inventors. Toledo, OH: Great Neck Publishing, 1997. 69-70.

Johnston, P. "Exposing History: George Eastman." History Today (peer-reviewed) (1989): 3-4, Volume 39, Issue 12.

Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
Pages: 8 Words: 2522

Dignity of orkers
Dignity of ork and the Rights of orkers

There is a set of photographs taken by Sebastiao Salgado that explains the viewer both who Salgado is and why he covers the worker's plight throughout the world. The images are set in a gold mine in Brazil called Serra Pelada which is a vast pit where people toil daily to dig gold from the mud. The people dig the mud from the pit using the meanest of tools (pick, shovels) which they then put into wicker baskets. The baskets, weighing between "30 and 60 kilograms" (Stallabrass), or 65 to 130 pounds, are then carried up wooden ladders. The ladders are approximately 50 feet tall (and can be more), and the workers make as many as 60 trips per day with their baskets (Stallabrass). For each trip, the worker is paid the equivalent of 20 United States cents on average. The…...


Works Cited

Arceyut-Frixione, Helen Adilia. "Picturing and consuming Images of Misery and Injustice." Concordia University, 2008. Web.

Bakre, Shilpa. "AMOA Presents: "Workers: Photographs of by Sebastiao Salgado." AMOA News, 2009. Web.

Crow, Thomas. "The Practice of Art History in America." Daedalus 135.2 (2006): 70-84. Print.

Salgado, Sebastiao. Workers: An Archeology of the Industrial Age. London: Phaidon, 2002. Print.

Physical Evidence List and Explain Five 5
Pages: 3 Words: 1424

Physical Evidence
List and explain five (5) ways that show how authentication or identification of physical evidence can be accomplished (also called "laying the foundation").

Authentication of physical evidence can be accomplished by:

Testimony of a witness who has first-hand knowledge. This is enough for authentication if the person involved has personal diligence that a matter is what is claimed to be.

A non-expert person who must have been well-acquainted with the specimen and did not acquire the knowledge for the purpose of betrayal, such as a spouse or roommate.

Allowing the jury or an expert to put in comparison the evidence purported with the specimens which have been authenticated is enough for authentication.

Distinctive qualities and associated circumstances such as sending a bill to a particular address and getting payment from the bill or other appearance, contents, substance, as well as other internal design qualities when admitted together with associated circumstances, is authentication of evidence.




Dressler, J. (2002). Understanding Criminal Procedure. Newark, New Jersey: LexisNexis.

Gaines, L., & Miller, L. (2006). Criminal Justice In Action: The Core. Belmont, California:


S.Bransdorfer, M. (1987). Miranda Right-to-Counsel Violations and the Fruit of the Poisonous

National Beauty Contests Emerge in
Pages: 6 Words: 2422

Even during the golden years of the beauty contest between the wars there were unresolved problems with the nature and purpose of such competitions:
There remained elements of discomfort and tension, only superficially palliated by the scientific discourse, patriotic rhetoric and philanthropic gestures of the contest's organisers. These tensions would be released again in the 1970s when a new generation of feminists added discrimination on the grounds of race and disability, together with a more unequivocal rejection of standardised and homogenised ideals of the body and beauty, to the critique of their forebears.

Yet this phenomenon can be seen as consistent with the change in the status of the beauty contest, from a celebration of values that were of universal appeal (even reflecting ideals of national identity) to a tawdry matter of selling sex. y the 1980s and 1990s such contests were experiencing a decline in entrants, with young women no…...



Sarah Banet-Weiser, the Most Beautiful Girl in the World: Beauty Pageants and National Identity, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1999

Colleen Ballerino Cohen, Richard Wilk and Beverly Stoeltje (eds), Beauty Queens on the Global Stage: Gender, Contests and Power, New York and London, Routledge, 1997. Useful collection of essays with a global perspective.

Lois W. Banner, American Beauty (New York: Knopf, 1983). A detailed study of the history of the Miss America contest.

Liz Conor, 'Beauty contestant in the photographic scene', Journal of Australian Studies, no 71, (2001). Interesting points on the importance of modern communication/reproduction technologies in 1920s beauty contests.

Movements in the History of Photography
Pages: 8 Words: 2868

Pictorialism is a photographic movement that developed in the last 1800's and continues to the present. The main feature of the movement is the focus on photography as art where the value of the photograph is not based on the subject of the photograph, but the composition and how the subject is presented. This broad definition being given, it must be noted that pictorialism is far from a simple approach that can be easily defined. It has changed and developed over time, it has created new techniques, it has impacted on other forms of photography and aspects of it can be seen in modern approached to photography.
To consider pictorialism further, it is necessary to begin at the beginning. This will involve providing on overview of pictorialism and a history of its development. Two pictorialists will then be described as a means of giving example of the approach. Finally, it will…...


Works Cited

Leggat, R. ROBINSON, Henry Peach. 1999. Retrieved December 3, 2002, URL:

Leggat, R. REJLANDER, OSCAR GUSTAVE. 1999. Retrieved December 3, 2002, URL:

Lemagny, J., & Rouille, A. A History of Photography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Lezano, D. The Digital Camera Handbook. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1999.

Jetties Philosophy
Pages: 2 Words: 563

jetties, places meanings associations. As a photographic project aim visually explore jetties context, create images reflect personal involvement jetties. Seen point view clear photographs autoethnographic.
While most people think of jetties as having a purely functional purpose, it is especially intriguing to consider them in a context of a person's view on life in general. The fact that a jetty interacts with a body of water that can be considered to be 'alive' also makes it possible for the structure itself to take on a personality -- it constantly comes into contact with water and provides viewers with a really impressive show if analyzed thoroughly. To a certain degree it appears that a jetty is man's tendency to get involved in the natural world while having a limited impact on the environment.

In comparison to a large port, a jetty has minimal impact on the body of water where it is…...

Branding a Potrait Studio Online
Pages: 2 Words: 563

Premier Portraits: Online Branding Proposal
Premier Portraits is a luxury brand. Its customers are not interested in bargain prices but in quality and the prestige of having a custom photographic portrait of themselves or a loved one ("Different Types of Goods," 2016). Given that the target audience comprises corporate executives, sports figures, politicians, actors, and other people in the media or with significant income, price not a concern versus crafting an image of exclusivity. In the case of some media figures, the portraits may be used in marketing their own personal brand.

Product Offering

The core product should be a personalized digital photograph altered and retouched to customer specifications. For example, some of the portraits may be altered to look as if they were painted by famous artists like Rembrandt in his traditional chiaroscuro style. Other portraits may have handcrafted touches, like actual oil painting superimposed upon them. Each product should be custom,…...

The Boundary of Art Andy
Pages: 4 Words: 1513

Coplans, John. Andy Warhol. England: The Curwen press, 1989

Kinsman, Jane, "Soup can mania." Artonview, no. 49 (2007): 38-9.;hwwil

Ratcliff, Carter. Andy Warhol. New York: Abbeville Press, 1983.

Revy, Louisiana. Andy Warhol and his world: Nykredit, 2000

Image Source

Image 1 :

Image 2 :

Image 3 :

Image 4 :



Bauer, Claudia. Andy Warhol. Nw York: Prestel, 2004.

Coplans, John. Andy Warhol. England: The Curwen press, 1989

Kinsman, Jane, "Soup can mania." Artonview, no. 49 (2007): 38-9.



Paxil History of Paxil in the 1960s
Pages: 5 Words: 1858

History of Paxil

In the 1960s a Danish company named Ferrosan began performing research on aspects of the central nervous system. Ferrosan was most interested in the relationship between the neurotransmitter serotonin and depressed mood in people. The original idea was that if a drug could be developed to increase serotonin levels in the brain it might lead to improvements in treating people with depression (DeGrandpre, 2006). The research resulted in the development of a formula for a compound then known as the "Buus-Lassen Compound" which allegedly had the capability to relieve the depression in people. The compound was patented in the United States in 1977 and the company later sold all rights and research surrounding this patent to SmithKline (now GlaxoSmithKline) in 1980 (DeGrandpre, 2006).

SmithKline put significant effort into developing the compound and much of this development occurred in the SmithKline plant in Harlow, England (DeGrandpre, 2006). Eventually SmithKline patented…...



Anderson, I.M. (2000). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors vs. tricyclic antidepressants: A

meta-analysis of efficacy and tolerability. Journal of Affective Disorders, 58(1), 19-36.

DeGrandpre, R. (2006). The cult of pharmacology. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Kim, S.W., Grant, J.E., Adson, D.E., Shin, Y.C., & Zaninelli, R. (2002). A double-blind placebo-

Environmental History of Sandia Mountains New Mexico in Albuquerque New Mexico
Pages: 6 Words: 1936

Sandia Mountains
Environmental History of Sandia Mountains

The view from the top of Sandia Peak is breathtaking. Showing off some of Nature's finest work, the Tramway glides along the cable climbing the rugged Sandia Mountains presenting spectacular views of the io Grande Valley and nearby Sandia Crest. Even though you're just a few miles from Albuquerque, the 15 minute tram ride has taken you far away from the everyday world. As your eyes sweep across the mountain range, appreciating one geological feature after another, you're taken by the spirituality of the scene. You have discovered what every Pueblo Indian knows, that this is indeed a sacred space. At the same time, you understand too why obert Nordhaus was inspired to build the Sandia Peak Tramway to share this picturesque bounty with millions of tourists. For Sandia Mountains, past and present, is a place where residents and tourists, Native Americans and nature lovers,…...


Reference List

Benedict, Cynthia. 2009. Contemporary American Indian uses and tribal consultation, U.S. Forest Service,   (accessed March 22, 2012). 

Hawkinson, Bruce. 2011. History A brief, unresearched history of the Sandia Park Scenic Byway neighborhood. Sandia Park Scenic Byway Neighborhood Association, (accessed March 22, 2012).

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. 2007. Sandia Pueblo,   (accessed March 22, 2012). 

New Mexico State Record Center and Archives. 2012. Sandia Pueblo,   (accessed March 22, 2012). 

Chinese' Food and the Model Minority Study
Pages: 8 Words: 3511

Chinese' Food and the Model Minority study in ethnic cuisine and culture, marginalization and commercialization, and the paradox of exoticism.
The anthropological theme studied for this work was that of the ethnic compromises and paradoxes inherent in creating a "Chinese" restaurant in America, for Americans. In every English speaking country from England to Canada, Chinese food is a huge business. For many immigrants it is one of the only businesses ready and willing to take them in. Most Chinese restaurants strive to present themselves as cultural representations where the American connoisseur can have a legitimate cross-cultural experience. The more I researched the actual traditions of Chinese and Asian cuisine and the way in which Western prejudices and expectations shape the presentation of this experience, the more it became apparent that --like so many other cultural phenomena-- the cultural relevance of the Chinese-food experience is far from untainted. Repeated immersion at several…...



About, Inc. "Eating Patterns: You call this Progress?" What You Need To Know About.

2003. Accessed at

Hung-Youn, Cho. "Traditional Way of Life in East Asia." Korea Focus Vol.9 No.1. 2000.

Acessed at

Candidate for Congress General Walter Faulkner and a Tennessee Farmer Crossville Tennessee
Pages: 6 Words: 1902

Photographic Analysis of Dorothea Lange's Political And Artistic Vision:
Candidate for Congress (General alter Faulkner) and a Tennessee farmer. Crossville, Tennessee

"Although many do not know her name, her photographs live in the subconscious of virtually anyone in the United States who has any concept of that economic disaster" (Gordon 698). Yet, as noted by professor of history Linda Gordon, Lange was not someone who idly wandered in amongst the farm workers whose images she captured on film. She had a highly specific political agenda and had been hired by the Farm Security Administration (FSA) to capture her images. There has been a dual, contrasting interpretation of Lange through the ages, one perspective which views her work as essentially political, like Gordon, while others like James Curtis who see her work as more personal than political: "Lange sought to create a transcendent image that would communicate her sense of the migrants'…...


Works Cited

Curtis, James C. "Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother, and the Culture of the Great

Depression." Winterthur Portfolio, 21, No. 1 (Spring, 1986): 1-20

Gordon, Linda. "Dorothea Lange: The Photographer as Agricultural Sociologist." The Journal of American History, 93. 3 (Dec., 2006): 698-727

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on photography essay?
Words: 192

1. The evolution of photography as an art form
2. The impact of social media on photography
3. The role of photojournalism in shaping public opinion
4. The ethics of photo manipulation and editing
5. The importance of composition and framing in photography
6. The representation of cultural diversity in photography
7. The use of photography in documenting historical events
8. The psychology of photography and its influence on perception
9. The future of photography in the digital age
10. The power of visual storytelling through photography.
11. The influence of famous photographers on modern photography trends
12. The intersection of technology and photography in the 21st century
13. The significance of....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on photography essay?
Words: 478

Technical and Aesthetic Considerations

The Mechanics of Photography: Exploring the principles of aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and their impact on image quality.
Composition and Framing: Analyzing the techniques used to create balanced and visually pleasing compositions.
Light and Shadow in Photography: Examining the role of lighting in shaping the mood, atmosphere, and drama of an image.
Color Theory in Photography: Investigating the use of color harmonies, contrasts, and symbolism to evoke specific emotions and convey messages.
Digital vs. Analog Photography: Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of digital and analog photography in terms of image quality, workflow, and creative possibilities.

Social and....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on caribbean sea?
Words: 250

1. The Blue Jewel: Exploring the Wonders of the Caribbean Sea

2. An Untold Story: The History and Significance of the Caribbean Sea

3. Beyond the Surface: A Deep Dive into the Marine Life of the Caribbean Sea

4. Sailing into Paradise: The Beauty and Charm of the Caribbean Sea

5. Climate Change and Its Impact on the Caribbean Sea

6. A Sailor's Guide to Navigating the Waters of the Caribbean Sea

7. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Intriguing Maritime History of the Caribbean Sea

8. The Caribbean Sea: A Gateway to Cultural Diversity and Rich Heritage

9. Protecting Paradise: Conservation Efforts in the Caribbean Sea

10. The Caribbean....

I\'m not very familiar with photography essay. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 505

Introductory Essay Topics on Photography

The Language of Photography: Explore the unique visual language of photography, discussing elements such as composition, lighting, and perspective. Consider how these elements convey meaning and evoke emotions.
The History of Photography: Trace the evolution of photography from its origins to the present day. Examine the key technological advancements and artistic movements that have shaped the medium.
The Documentary Tradition in Photography: Discuss the documentary tradition in photography, exploring its purpose, techniques, and ethical considerations. Analyze how documentary photographers capture and convey social, political, and historical events.

Thematic Essay Topics on Photography

The Power of Empathy:....

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