Language and Phonetics Teaching Methods to Determine Which Is the Most Effective for Teaching eading to Elementary Students
Method that will be used
Across the nation Americans are demanding new and better methods for the education of their children. One of the most important skills that is taught is the skill of reading. This paper will presents a study proposal to determine what the best method to teach reading is. The paper will open with an introduction to the importance of the skill of reading and the importance of teaching it well in the elementary years. It will then move into a statement of the problem which will address what the core problem is regarding the subject of the study.
In this case it is the fact that the nation's school system has used two different methods for the instruction of reading to elementary school students over the past few decades, often…...
Nathlie A. Badian, Reading Disability Defined as a Discrepancy Between Listening and Reading Comprehension: A Longitudinal Study of Stability, Gender Differences, and Prevalence. Vol. 32 no, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 03-01-1999
Lockavitch, and Bob Algozzine, Effects of the failure free Reading Program on Students with Severe Reading Disabilities. Vol. 31 no, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 05-01-1998.
Nathlie A. Badian, A Validation of the Role of Preschool Phonological and Orthographic Skills in the Prediction of Reading. Vol. 31 no, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 09-01-1998.
Wagner, R.K., & Torgesen, J.K. (1987). The nature of phonological processing and its causal role in the acquisition of reading skills. Psychological Bulletin, 101, 192-212.
Te pligt of te very maternal woman and te pysique of te lifeguard represent extremes of traditional femininity and masculinity tat ultimately ridicule te stereotypes tat are teir source.
ttp:// te single panel cartoon depicting a business woman giving dictation to a alf-naked ideal of muscular male beauty is presented as a reversal of traditional gender roles, but in actuality te man depicted is still exceedingly "masculine" in te traditional sense, and te woman appears blonde, very tin, and attractive, reinforcing bot traditional views.
ttp:// te figure in tis cartoon is most likely a boy, given te style of underwear depicted, but te point of tis and te surrounding clotes is tat gender is someting tat is put on -- definitely a progressive view of gender. Te figure as its eyes cast downward as toug peering at its genitalia, owever, suggesting anoter more subtle interpretation of tis cartoon as reinforcing biologically…...
mlathe figure in this cartoon is most likely a boy, given the style of underwear depicted, but the point of this and the surrounding clothes is that gender is something that is put on -- definitely a progressive view of gender. The figure has its eyes cast downward as though peering at its genitalia, however, suggesting another more subtle interpretation of this cartoon as reinforcing biologically determined gender identity. :
the pictures of costumes here definitely reinforce traditional gender stereotypes, making princesses and waitresses out of the women and sports stars (and astronauts) out of the boys/men.
another clear image of the perpetuation of gender stereotypes, this time solely and specifically of a girl around the turn of the century occupied at typically feminine tasks even though she appears to be at play :
It includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics (Grammar, n.d.).
Pragmatics is the study of the ability of natural language speakers to communicate more than that which is explicitly stated; it is the ability to understand another speaker's intended meaning is called pragmatic competence; and an utterance describing pragmatic function is described as metapragmatic (Pragmatics, n.d.).
The ole of Language Processing in Cognitive Psychology
Jean Piaget, the founder of cognitive development, was involved in a debate about the relationships between innate and acquired features of language, at the Centre oyaumont pour une Science de l'Homme, where he had a discussion about his opinion with the linguist Noam Chomsky as well as Hilary Putnam and Stephen Toulmin (McKinney, & Parker, 1999). Piaget discussed that his cognitive constructivism has two main parts: an "ages and stages" component which foretells what children can and cannot understand at different ages, and…...
Language. (n.d). Retrieved March 13, 2009, from Wikipedia: .
Lexicon (2001). Retrieved March 13, 2009, from Online Etymology Dictionary:
Lexicon. (n.d). Retrieved March 13, 2009, from Wikipedia:
Balanced Spelling Program
Unique spellings are created by the children as they are developing their skills of spelling development referred to as invented spellings. Based on the knowledge of phonology that the children have, spelling creation is a unique phenomenon in the children. In most of the cases, it is seen that the children use letters for spelling words and consonants rather consistent usage of sounds. Some of the main examples include night (NIT), girl (GL) and TIG (tiger). There are five main stages of spelling development in children. 1st stage, emergent spelling, is known for the scribbling of letters, letter like forms, and scribbles and children do no associate marks with phonemes (Tompkins, Campbell, and Green, 2011), p. 168). This stage represents a more natural expression of alphabets along with many language related concepts. Second stage, letter name alphabetical setting is represented by the representation of phonemes along with…...
Cowen, J.E. (2003). A Balanced Approach to Beginning Reading Instruction: A Synthesis of Six Major U.S. Research Studies. International Reading Assoc.
Lacina, I., and Silva, C. (2010). Cases of Successful Literacy Teachers. SAGE.
McLaughlin, M., and Allen, B.M. (2002). Guided Comprehension: A Teaching Model for Grades 3-8. International Reading Assoc.
Moss, B., and Lapp, D. (2009). Teaching New Literacies in Grades 4-6: Resources for 21st-Century Classrooms, Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy. Guilford Press.
Of these, twenty were of different first languages learning Hungarian and thirteen were of Hungarian as first language learning English." (P 8).
Based on this argument, age is not only the intrinsic factor that influences language acquisition. Typically, educational and maturational factors contribute to the language acquisition. With this claim, there could be a new hypothesis that reveal young= better and adult =better. Singleton (2005) conclusion on CPH is that
"Critical Period Hypothesis is misleading, since there is a vast amount of variation in the way in which the critical period for language acquisition is understood -- affecting all the parameters deemed to be theoretically significant and indeed also relating to the ways in which the purported critical period is interpreted in terms of its implications for L2 instruction."(P 269).
The study summarizes a research paper titled "The Critical Period Hypothesis: A coat of many colors" (Singleton, 2005). The author reviews several…...
Hyltenstam, K & Abrahamsson, N. (2003). Maturational constraints in SLA. In the
Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Catherine Doughty and Michael H. Long (eds.),
539 -- 588. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Johnston, R. (2002). Addressing the age factor: Some Implication for Language policy: University of Stirling, Scotland
Pygmalion -- George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw -- one of the most well regarded playwrights -- wrote this comedy and first presented it to the public in 1912. He took some of the substance of the original Greek myth of Pygmalion and turned it into a popular play. In Greek mythology Pygmalion actually came to fall in love with one of his sculptures, and the sculpture suddenly became a living human. But in this play two older gentlemen, Professor Higgins (who is a scientist studying the art of phonetics) and Colonel Pickering (a linguist who specializes in Indian dialects) meet in the rain at the start of this play.
Higgins makes a bet with Pickering that because of his great understanding of phonetics, he will be able to take the Covent Garden flower girl -- who speaks "cockney" which is not considered very high brow in England -- and make her…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bennett, A. (2008). The History Boys. London, UK: Farber & Farber.
Glaspell, S. (1921). Inheritors: A Play in Three Acts. Berkeley, CA: University of California.
Glaspell, S. (2008). Trifles. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
Hellman, L. (2013). The Children's Hour. Whitefish, MT: Literary Licensing, LLC.
By attaching visual elements to specific words and even to specific sounds within those words, many learners that might struggle with simple auditory approaches attached only to visuals of the letter might be better able to commit letter/phoneme associations to memory (Fox, 2011). The use of pictures also seems more interactive and engaging with the learners than simply showing visuals of letters associated with sounds, as it speaks to the imagination of the learners and gives them something to respond to in addition to the simple reading facts being presented. In this way, both the educator and the learners can be drawn into the lesson more fully, it would seem, and there is definite evidence that pictures make both the lessons and the material more memorable when they are properly used (Fox, 2003).
Other issues raised on these two DVDs such as synthetic phonics are also fairly controversial, and seem…...
Elam, S. (2010). Phonics primer. Accessed 19 March 2012.
Fox, B. (2011). Word identification strategies. Toronto: Lavoisier.
2009). Othe studies had peviously concluded that English infants developed a pefeence fo tochaic wods, the dominant stess constuct of English wods, ove iambic stess pattens within the fist yea of life (Hohle et al. 2009). A compaison of Geman and Fecnh infants in fou distinct expeiments confims and even naows down the timefame in which this diffeentiation of pefeence occus, and also shows (though the Fench language expeiments) that the ability to distinguish the two opposing stess pattens does not necessaily esult in the development of pefeence, if the taget language itself lacks a dominant stess stuctue (Hohle et al. 2009). Even at six months, a specific language begins to mediate peception.
An ealie study suggests that the timing of stess and intonation pefeence development is even soone than six months. While citing evidence suggesting that language-independent phonetic contasts and melodic vaiations ae ecognized within the fist fou months…...
mlareferences during the first half year of life: Evidence from German and French infants." Infant behavior and development 32(3), pp. 262-74.
Laroche, M.; Pons, F. & Richard, M. (2009). "The role of language in ethnic identity measurement: A multitrait-multimethod approach to construct validation." Journal of social psychology 149(4), pp. 513-40.
Nguyen, T.; Ingrahm, C. & Pensalfini, J. (2008). "Prosodic transfer in Vietnamese acquisition of English contrastive stress patterns." Journal of phonetics 36(1), pp. 158.
Turk, a. & Shattuck-Hufnagel, S. (2007). "Multiple targets of phrase-final lengthening in American English words." Journal of phonetics 35(4), pp. 445-72.
Wyatt, J. (2007). "Skinner 1, Chomsky 0." Behavior analysis digest 19(4), pp. 13-4.
However, for ELL students there are obvious challenges to meeting these standards. This is why they are judged upon performance, and how well they meet content standards. Although they are not graded on a performance basis on all grade-level standards they are graded on a sliding scale upon some of the standards, which indicate the desire of the state to align most of the ELL performance-based standards with the content-based standards of other learners.
Using assessment data from your school, determine language proficiency goals and objectives for individual students in each domain
hen ELL students are graded on their proficiency in speaking, writing, and reading, and other subjects that require a mastery of grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, and spoken English, an individualized assessment plan is helpful because different ELL students may have different needs depending upon their background. Language proficiency goals take into consideration performance ability to meet content standards, and an individual's…...
mlaWorks Cited
Accountability: Office of English Language Acquisition Services." (2008).
Arizona Department of Education. Retrieved 4 Apr 2008
Curricular and Instructional Alignment Declaration (CIA)." (2008).
Arizona Department of Education. Retrieved 4 Apr 2008.
When these children see that they can use the computer in the classroom to learn their phonetics and other reading issues during their free time, they begin to realize that they can do something on their own, which helps their self-esteem levels and also makes them more interested in the joys of learning, which can open up a whole new world for these children. This is especially true if these children are disadvantaged in many ways and do not have books in the home that they can use to continue their learning, as this is often the reason that these children are behind in reading ability when they get into school. If a simple computer program that teaches the alphabet, phonetics, pronunciation, and other reading issues can help with remedial reading education, it seems that it should be used in more schools and classrooms across the country.
Torgesen, J.K. &…...
Torgesen, J.K. & Barker, T.A. (1995). Computers as aids in the prevention and remediation of reading disabilities. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 18(2), 76-87.
" I still do that, " and for the question of what happens when you get stuck on a word he replied, "Just mainly that or just ask somebody"
Subject 2: Was a much more confident reader and this is most likely because of the ability to use phonics' based reading and thinking process. The subject had advanced phonics' in a previous grade and those principles have carried forward into the self-esteem and confidence in regard to reading. He has a viable solution for answering his own questions regarding words or sounds he does not know.
According to the analysis of the spelling features, both boys are in similar spelling stages, however, the phonics background in subject 2 will help him develop faster as both a readier and a speller. The children were both using phonetic spelling techniques to pass the spelling portion of the assessment, however, subject one is using it…...
Thus, lessons can utilize elements learned from understand how the brain naturally learns a language to augment the student's ability to progress more efficiently in learning a second language later on in life. Lessons would produce the environment which calls on the same type of brain functions that were so crucial in language acquisition in early childhood. Thus, teaching can become an extension of pre-existing strategies the students have already used earlier on in their lives without even knowing it. This means lesson plans built on a structure that highlights the importance of language at the phonic level, as this is what the author asserts as the primary vehicle for language acquisition in young children.
Lightbrown & Spada (2006) also provide evidence which would back up Kuhl's claims in the text How Languages Are Learned. In their discussion of early language acquisition, Lightbrown & Spada (2006) explain how the child's…...
Kuhl, Patricia K. (2010). Brain mechanisms in early language acquisition. Neuron, 67(5), 713-727. Doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.08.038
Lightbrown, Patsy M. & Spada, Nina. (2006). How Languages are Learned. Oxford University Press.
Evaluation Plan for a Cardiovascular Disease Prevention ProgramIntroductionThe escalating burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among people of color in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, presents a critical public health challenge. In response to this, a targeted intervention program has been developed with the aim of reducing CVD risk factors in this vulnerable population. This paper outlines the Evaluation Plan designed to assess the effectiveness of this program, beginning with a rationale for selecting a specific impact evaluation question that focuses on comparing the health outcomes of the program participants with a similar population not receiving the intervention. This is followed by a description of the evaluation design, specifically the Non-equivalent Groups Design (NEGD). It then discusses the various threats to internal validity, and outlines strategies to mitigate these threats. Data collection methods and measurement tools used in the evaluation are also described. Finally, the paper discusses how the results of the evaluation…...
mlaReferencesGrabeel, K. L., Burton, S. E., Heidel, R. E., Chamberlin, S. M., & Wilson, A. Q. (2023). Utilizing the Newest Vital Sign (NVS) to Assess Health Literacy at a Regional Academic Medical Center\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Family Medicine Clinic. Journal of Patient Experience, 10, 23743735231219361.McKenzie, J. F., Neiger, B. L., & Thackeray, R. (2022). Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs (8th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Mildner, V. (2013). Experimental and quasi-experimental research in clinical linguistics and phonetics. Research Methods in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics: A practical guide, 28-47.
Because of the existence of so many common homophones in the English language, Bullokar wanted to retain some way of distinguishing between these words in print, and if two different symbols signified the production of the same sound, this could be accomplished (olfe 41). His reform efforts were essentially centered around the visual word, no doubt due to the novelty of the printing press, and he attempted to develop a simple visual system for pronouncing the English language.
Pitman's shorthand accomplishes the same thing, to some degree, but that was not at all its purpose nor is his system limited in such a fashion. Pitman wanted to develop a true science behind the development and codification of linguistic elements, and his phonetic shorthand system -- one of the first serious and comprehensive efforts at the development of a phonetic alphabet for English -- does largely this, having one symbol for…...
mlaWorks Cited
Baker, Alfred. The Life of Sir Isaac Pitman. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1919.
Bullokar, William. Three Pamphlets on Grammar. Accessed 26 March 2010.
Dons, Ute. Descriptive Adequacy of Early Modern English Grammars. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2004.
Pitman, Sir Isaac. A History of Shorthand. London: Ben Pitman, 1890.
Congruence of Mother and Teacher Educational Expectations and Low-Income Youth's Academic Competence
By: Aprile D. Benner and Rashmita S. Mistry
The authors of this article want to examine the independent effects of teacher and mother expectations on the youth achievement outcomes, the relationship between adult expectation and child performance, and whether identical or different adult expectations impacts on youth performance. Specifically, the study, which examined over 745 families, showed that mother and teacher expectations had a direct effect on a student's educational expectations, competency beliefs and academic outcomes. Particularly noticeable was the impact that mother expectations had on a youth's educational expectations. The study also concluded that a congruence between adult expectations, with the mother and teacher, had an even more pronounced effect on student expectations and achievement. Finally, the study found that teacher expectations were consistently lowered when mother/parent expectations were also low.
This study used a comparatively higher number of subjects…...
Research on speech recognition for low-resource languages has seen significant advancements in recent years, driven by the need to provide technology solutions for underserved communities. One key area of focus has been in developing phonetic models that can accurately represent the sounds of these languages, which often have complex phonetic inventories and lack standard orthographies. Traditional models trained on large corpora of high-resource languages have struggled to adapt to the unique characteristics of these low-resource languages, resulting in poor performance and limited applicability.
In response to this challenge, researchers have explored novel approaches to phonetic modeling that leverage the limited....
Recent advancements in phonetic and acoustic models for low resource languages have significantly bridged the gap in speech technology applications, which were previously dominated by high-resource languages like English, Mandarin, and Spanish. These advancements are crucial for enhancing communication, education, and digital inclusion in regions where these languages are spoken. The focus has been on developing models that can operate effectively with limited data, leveraging techniques from transfer learning, data augmentation, and unsupervised learning.
One of the key areas of development is transfer learning. This approach involves training models on high-resource languages and then fine-tuning them on low-resource languages. For instance,....
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