Pharmacy Essays (Examples)

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Pharmacy Information Security Information Security in Pharmacies
Pages: 10 Words: 2962

Pharmacy Information Security
Information Security in Pharmacies

Information security is vital in many firms especially pharmacies and other sensitive fields. Security officers are, therefore, necessary to ensure both physical and logical safety. The Information Security Officer/Manager (ISO) will have different duties such as managing the information security functions in according to the firm's established guidelines and provisions/policies, providing reports to the firm's management at reasonable intervals, establishing and ensuring implementation of information security procedures and standards, according to the state's provisions regarding risk management policies, consulting and recommending to the pharmacy on issues of security enhancement, conducting information security analysis and assessment programs and many others.

Protecting medication, funds and health information

According to statistics, many health firms such as pharmacies and hospitals have adopted the electronic health records (EH) model to store their information. However, these firms still use physical records such as filing to store their information. In adopting the EH, pharmacies…...



Fennelly, L. (2012). Effective Physical Security. New York: Butterworth -- Heinemann Publishers.

Finefrock, J. (2008, November 8). Integrated Security Programs: Protect Data, Pharmaceuticals, Merchandise and Employees. Retrieved December 18, 2012, from

Flammini, F. (2012). Critical Infrastructure Security: Assessment, Prevention, Detection, Response. New York: WIT Press.

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, (1998). Storing and Securing Medications. New York: Joint Commission Resources.

Pharmacy - Interview Interview Analyses
Pages: 5 Words: 1252

By monitoring patients in that process, the pharmacist has the opportunity to identify mistakes and other difficulties that could result in errors in drug administration. In a more general sense, pharmacists represent a valuable source of medical information for patients that could help prevent or identify problems before they manifest themselves in presentations that, in the most serious cases, result in unnecessary emergencies and hospitalizations. Technology and Communications:
The evolution of modern technology has had a profound effect on the pharmacy profession, just as it has on medicine in general. Computerization of internal systems, mobile communication, instantaneous access to published research, advisories, and warnings enables the professional pharmacist to provide comprehensive care that far exceeds mere drug dispensation and distribution.

The age of Internet connectivity means that all communications devices and data storage systems are now interconnected. Beyond the logistical and patient safety considerations with which interconnectivity in pharmacy facilitates direct…...

Pharmacy Hospital Clinic Pharmacies and Operations Management the
Pages: 2 Words: 529

Hospital/Clinic Pharmacies and Operations Management

The ongoing healthcare debate in this country is not just about the ethicality of medicinal practice, profits, and limitations on access to care, but is also fundamentally and directly about cost. As medical facilities are expected to provide more and more services by upgrading technologies, maintaining current knowledge bases, and often increasing staff, they are also being accused (in part) of contributing to the rising costs of healthcare. Finding a way to balance the provision of comprehensive and quality care with cost efficiency is thus a major concern for hospitals and clinics in the modern era, and there are many steps that can be taken to enhance cost efficiency. The operation of pharmacies is one area that many hospitals and clinics could examine to determine if it is truly a cost effective and worthwhile endeavor given their overall effects on operations at the medical facility.

The operation…...



Desselle, S. & Zgarrick, D. (2005). Pharmacy management. McGraw Hill.

Langabeer, J. (2005). Health care operations management. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Stephens, M. (2006). Hospital pharmacy. London: Pharmaceutical Press.

Pharmacy Application Was Only Nine Years Old
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Pharmacy application was only nine years old when my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. We were still living in Iran at the time, where my mother worked fulltime as a nurse. My grandmother had practically raised me herself. With the diagnosis, it was now my turn to take care of grandmother.
A became very involved with grandmother's medication, learning about the different drugs she had to take and reminding her to take the pills on time. Over time, as the Alzheimer's progressed, the medication my grandmother was taking increased. While it became more challenging to keep up with the various pills and tablets, the early experience also piqued my interest in medicines and the various treatments used to ease the symptoms of diseases and to provide comfort to those who are ill.

Much has changed in my life since my grandmother's diagnosis with Alzheimer's Disease. I had since graduated from high…...

Pharmacy Experiences
Pages: 2 Words: 634

Pharmacy Experiences
When describing their various maladies, the clients at my local pharmacy ranged from being completely open and frank to being noticeably ashamed. One woman, for instance, spoke of her skin disorder loudly, so that practically everyone in the room could hear, while another woman's voice was a barely audible whisper so she could hide her obvious embarrassment. When the pharmacist had to lean over the counter to hear her properly, I realized how important it would be for me to develop sensitivity while on the job. Rather than simply possessing knowledge about all available pharmaceutical products on the market and being aware of contraindications and other complications that arise, pharmacists must possess good people skills.

Unfortunately, not all the pharmacists I witnessed were skillful in this area. Some were brusque and unsupportive of their client's needs, only concerned with an efficient filling of orders. While I understand that speed and…...

Pharmacy My Personal Statement of
Pages: 1 Words: 351

This ability to learn from adversity will stand me well in the graduate study of pharmacy. My work in the restaurant taught me how serving others can fulfill my sense of self as well as learning about the research aspects of science. Service remains an important aspect of the pharmacy profession. Serving the public, I have learned over this past year, is equally as crucial to my sense of esteem as to learn about the scientific aspects of health. The fact I am bilingual and also have a rudimentary grasp of sign language are an additional asset to my ability to excel as a pharmacist. I have volunteered as a pharmacy assistant as well as worked in service capacities as a technical assistant, a waitress, and taught Sunday school. I believe that my personal experiences, academic pursuits and passions, and personal characteristics will all combine to make me an ideal…...

Pharmacy Career Info As if the Pharmaceutical
Pages: 5 Words: 1361

Pharmacy Career Info.
As if the pharmaceutical companies and the pharmacists at drug stores need something more to worry about, the latest issue is drug counterfeiting. While this issue in the United States is still rare, the number of investigations are on the rise. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the number of counterfeit drug investigations has risen from an average of five per year in the 1990s to more than 20 per year since 2000 (Genuario, 2004, p. 54). Anyone entering the pharmaceutical industry today will hear a great deal of information about this topic over the next several years to come.

This problem becomes even more complicated when introducing online sales of prescription products. How is it possible to make sure that the authentic product is being purchased, plus at the right quantity and correct price? Another problem is buying from other countries. In July 2004, according to…...


References Cited

Drug Store News (2004) "Operations excellence is obsession that delivers reliability and service." 26 (9), 32-34

FDA Consumer ( 2004) "Protecting consumers from counterfeit drugs." 38 (3), 12-14.

Kirsche, M.L. (2004) "Counterfeit drugs from Mexico dupe cross-border bargain hunters." Store News 26(10), 6-7.

Genuario, L. (2004) "Pharmaceutical labeling: driven mainly by brand protection concerns and regulations, pharmaceutical labels are becoming ever more sophisticated." Label & Narrow Web. 9(6), 54-59.

Pharmacy What Are the Most
Pages: 1 Words: 372

The solution to this is that a pharmacist must be patient, listen to the patient, and talk with the patient before sending the patient out into the world, clutching his or her bottle of medication. For example, if an elderly person comes in to fill a prescription, the pharmacist must be aware if the medication might have potential interactions with aspirin, an over the counter medication many older people take as protection against heart disease. The pharmacist must use compassion and common sense in dealing with different types of patients, young and old.

I wish to go to California, for a two-year's program in pharmacy because I believe my undergraduate education has given me a sound grounding in science, and I seek further training in the methodology of pharmaceutical practice and patient relations in a state that I love, and whose patients I seek to help, both with the dispensing of…...

Pharmacy Application the Pharmacy Program
Pages: 2 Words: 741

Each individual can then begin his or her own study process with a summary understanding of the topic, which can save time and promote greater effectiveness in studying. I also find that teaching others is one of the most effective ways in which I can master a topic, and this is an important element of group work.
Question 3

Effective use of a team-based learning environment requires excellent communication skills, leadership skills and openness to the viewpoints of others. I believe that I possess all three of these skills. I communicate my needs and desires effectively in a manner that is neither intrusive nor offensive to others. Good communication involves active listening, synthesizing of information, and being able to present information concisely and clearly. Leadership skills can also be very useful in a group learning environment. Although not every individual in a group can be the leader, possessing leadership skills can…...

Pharmacy Statement Personal Statement My
Pages: 2 Words: 586

My goal is to eventually become a part of a research team that develops and tests new pharmaceuticals, possibly for something as large as an effective antiviral and vaccine for eliminating HIV, or even helping to eradicate cancer. I have also seen the power of pharmaceuticals -- and the detriment of their lack -- in less publicized situations that are even more common, and can have just as profound an effect. Becoming a pharmaceutical researcher means having an opportunity to truly improve people's lives, and this is what I would like to dedicate my life to.
I have been working at a medical imaging company for the past seven years, and my dealings with patients have both firm my resolved in this course and helped to prepare me for some of what I will encounter in the wider world. Even more helpful on this last point are the annual trips…...

Pharmacy Patients in Life or
Pages: 5 Words: 1497

The muscle-related side effects common to these medications are called Extra-Pyramidal Side effects, or EPS. Thus, atypical neuroleptics can be considered the newer drugs and these drugs target specific dopamine receptors and/or may block or inhibit re-uptake of serotonin.
b. "The mechanism of action of Abilify, as with other drugs having efficacy in schizophrenia, is unknown. However, it has been proposed that the efficacy of Abilify is mediated through a combination of partial agonist activity at dopamine D2 receptors and serotonin 5HT1A receptors, and antagonist activity at serotonin 5HT2A receptors. Partial agonism refers to the ability to both block a receptor if it is over stimulated and stimulate a receptor when activity is needed." (Abilify)

9. The entire nervous system is made up of individual units of nerve cells which serve as our body's communication network. To communicate with each other, nerve cells use a variety of chemical messengers or neurotransmitters…...


Works Cited

Abilify (2004) Unique Pharmacology. Abilify. Retrieved on 12 Jan. 2005 from .

American Cancer Society, Inc. (2005) A Caution Against Self-Prescribing Vitamins American Cancer Society, Inc. Retrieved on 12 Jan. 2005 from American Cancer Society, Inc. At .

American Lung Association (2004 November). Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Fact Sheet. Retrieved on. 12 January 2005 from American Lung Association at .

Avastin (Bevacizumab) - Angiogenesis Inhibitor And Cancer Therapy Genentech. Retrieved on 12 Jan. 2005 from at .

Pharmacy Career in Canada My Main Goal
Pages: 6 Words: 1793

Pharmacy Application
Thank you in advance for your consideration of my application to enroll in pharmacy school in Canada. Currently I am in the third year of university as an honours biochemistry major. I am twenty years old and I speak three languages -- English is my first language, and I am also fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. I have had a vision for myself for several years as a pharmacist in Canada, and this presentation reflects my sincere desire to attend pharmacy school, graduate, and begin work as a highly trained, fully competent and compassionate pharmacist.

My research into the available literature points out that in Canada, besides collaborating with patients and families -- and other healthcare providers -- the role of the pharmacist is broadening to include several other services. Those include immunization programs, wellness programs, reviews of medication procedures and chronic disease management. It is exciting to know…...

Pharmacy as a Career and
Pages: 1 Words: 320

If you had been there to see me, you would have me smiling, heard cool and competent advice come from my lips, and perhaps had an inkling of my aspirations because of my enthusiasm.
My immediate professional goal is to get the needed foundational education to obtain doctor of pharmacy, the only degree that will allow me to become a licensed pharmacist. WHATEVER University provides prospective pharmacists with a full range of knowledge of their chosen vocation, and all of the many challenges of the profession I aspire to enter. The school's structured program will allow me to gain more experience in the pharmacist's field. My long-term professional goal is to start my own pharmacy.

A still wish to be that face behind the pharmacist's counter, but hope that someday I shall own the counter, the store, and have the great and awesome responsibility for having the final say over all…...

Pharmacy a Career Doctor Pharmacy Degree Relates
Pages: 2 Words: 672

pharmacy a career Doctor pharmacy degree relates long-term professional goals. Describe the warmth of her handshake, the look of gratitude in her eyes, and her words of appreciation are with me still. The elderly lady with the round spectacles and the graying hair had long been one of my favorite clients; the sincere expression on her face and the light of her smile have now made her my favorite client. Her beaming demeanor was nothing like the that of the disappointed, frustrated, and concerned woman who had come to me two days prior, perhaps now because she had one less health issue to worry about.
This reaction from Mrs. Marbury was just one of the many positive interactions I have had with my clients since working as a pharmacist. I had called her physician and expressed her concern that the cosmetic medicine prescribed for her was not the one that…...

Pharmacy School There Are Several Reasons That
Pages: 2 Words: 600

Pharmacy School
There are several reasons that motivate me to become a pharmacist. One of them centers around my keen interest in the field of Chemistry and the other revolves around my interest in understanding the chemical composition of drugs. Throughout my education, I have become aware of the key roles that chemical molecules and components play in the formation of pharmaceutical drugs.

From the very beginning during my studies, I had shown keen curiosity in the area of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Since I moved from Tanzania, East Africa to Florida, USA, I showed my interests in the field of Chemistry. Later, when I was a student at Palm Beach Community High School, I was admitted in the pre-medicine magnet program. In subsequent years, I attended County Home and did internship with Palm Beach Medical Center. All of these activities were closely related to the disciplines of chemistry and pharmacy, which,…...

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on pharmacy. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 396

1. The role of pharmacists in personalized medicine: exploring how pharmacists can play a crucial role in tailoring medication regimens to individual patients based on genetic factors and health history.

2. The intersection of technology and pharmacy: examining the impact of digital tools, artificial intelligence, and telepharmacy on the future of pharmacy practice and patient care.

3. The ethics of pharmaceutical marketing: analyzing the ethical implications of pharmaceutical companies' marketing tactics, including direct-to-consumer advertising and sponsorship of medical education events.

4. The global impact of counterfeit medications: investigating the prevalence and consequences of counterfeit drugs in developing countries and exploring potential solutions to....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on pharmacy. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 526

The Nexus of Pharmacy and Personalized Medicine: Unlocking Precision Healthcare for Patients

In the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, personalized medicine has emerged as a transformative paradigm that tailors treatments to the unique characteristics of each patient. Pharmacy, as the cornerstone of medication management, plays a pivotal role in harnessing the power of personalized medicine to improve patient outcomes. This essay explores the profound intersection between pharmacy and personalized medicine, highlighting their synergistic potential to unlock precision healthcare for patients.

1. The Precision Revolution in Pharmacy:
Personalized medicine has revolutionized pharmacy by enabling pharmacists to leverage genetic, genomic, and other patient-specific data to optimize....

What evidence exists for pharmacy interventions in critical care at Ayder CSH?
Words: 769

As a critical care setting, Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital (CSH) faces unique challenges when it comes to optimizing medication therapy for patients. Pharmacists play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and effective use of medications in this high-stakes environment. There is growing evidence to support the value of pharmacy interventions in critical care settings, including at Ayder CSH. This literature review will explore the existing evidence for pharmacy interventions in critical care at Ayder CSH, highlighting the impact of these interventions on patient outcomes and healthcare delivery. One key area where pharmacy interventions can have a significant impact in....

What evidence exists for pharmacy interventions in critical care at Ayder CSH?
Words: 486

Literature Review on the Clinical and Economic Impact of Pharmacy Interventions Among Critical Patients in Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital (CSH)

Critical care units (CCUs) provide life-saving interventions for critically ill patients. Pharmacy interventions in CCUs have been shown to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. This literature review examines the evidence for the clinical and economic impact of pharmacy interventions among critical patients in Ayder CSH.

A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library databases. Search terms included "pharmacy intervention," "critical care," and "AYDER CSH." Studies published in English between 2014 and 2023 were considered.

Ten studies....

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