Pharmacist Essays (Examples)

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Pharmacists Are at the Hub
Pages: 2 Words: 641

Throughout my graduate studies, I will introduce myself to a plethora of research techniques and technologies. The opportunity to work in state-of -- the art laboratories with the leading minds in the field is thrilling and I will take full advantage of my time at Oregon State by collaborating with teammates on complex, ambitious research projects. Keeping focused on my core career goals, I will also be networking with professionals in the field and becoming a part of one of the most exciting professional communities. Our field is growing, and I am looking forward to being a part of it.

Another reason why I am sure I will make a good fit at Oregon State is that the student body is diverse. Moreover, the motto of the school, "Open Minds, Open Doors," underscores the core philosophy of my education. One of my best friends is a graduate from the Oregon State…...



"Academic Programs." Oregon State University. Retrieved online: 

"Future Students." Oregon State University. Retrieved online: 

"Faculty Directory." Oregon State University. Retrieved online: 

Oregon State University: College of Pharmacy: Contact. Retrieved online:

Pharmacists and Illegal Activity
Pages: 4 Words: 1298

Criminal Behavior and Healthcare Professionals: An Examination of Pharmacists
When it comes to health care professionals like doctors, nurses, pharmacists or nurse practitioners, it's hard to picture them engaged in actions that are not helping-focused, as these professional have ultimately devoted their lives towards helping other people. However, the reality is that these health care professionals are people too and still subject to weaknesses, temptation and even criminal activity. This paper will examine the reality of pharmacists becoming addicted to the controlled substances they are responsible for along with the phenomenon of rogue pharmacists who help facilitate the illegal drug trade.

When it comes to pharmacists and prescription drug abuse, many people are unaware of just how common this actually is. As one pharmacists explains, "According to statistics, many of us do take part in self-medicating. A study by McAuliffe et al. reported that 46% of pharmacists use prescription drugs without a…...



Combs, J. (2009, June). Pharmacists get addicted, too. Retrieved from

Glover, S. (2012, December 20). Part 3: Rogue Pharmacists. Retrieved from 

Schalit, N. (2013, September). Behind the pharmacy counter: the unseen drug theft problem. Retrieved from

Neck Pain in Pharmacists the Work of
Pages: 4 Words: 1217

Neck Pain in Pharmacists
The work of Plagakis (2010) reports that his time spent working as a pharmacist had ultimately resulted in his neck being bent downward. He reports that he experienced extreme pain in 2009 beginning with discomfort across his shoulders and neck. Plagakis reports that he had to enter physical therapy to combat the pain and bent posture. The study reported by Markotic-Bogavcic (2012) reports the study objective of establishing the effect of working at personal computers on vision and neck pain in pharmacists. The cross-sectional study examined vision and subjective disturbances at work in 50 pharmacists with the average age being 41.8 years of age that used PCs at work for 40 hours per week. The report states "Pharmacists work mostly in the standing position…Excessive lacrimation and neck-pain during work" was found to be pronounced in pharmacists.

The study results are stated to support "the recommendations set by the…...



Aminian, O, Alemohammad, ZB, and Sadeghnilat-Haghighi (2012) Musculoskeletal Disorders in Female Dentists and Pharmacists: A Cross-Sectional Study. Acta Medica Iranica. Retrieved from: 

English, T. (2001) One Pharmacist's Battle With Work-Related Injuries. Pharmacy Today. Retrieved from: 

Markotic-Bogavcic, G. (2012) A New Task for Pharmacists: Working at a Computer. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volume 63, Issue 2, Retrieved from: 

Plagakis, J. (2010) 40 years behind the pharmacist's bench can be a real pain in the neck. Retrieved from:

Pharm Resp Pharmacists' Legal Obligations The Mclaughlin
Pages: 2 Words: 614

Pharm esp
Pharmacists' Legal Obligations: The McLaughlin v Hooks Case

Pharmacists have ethical and legal obligations to ensure that the prescriptions they fill are valid, both in that the physician must be prescribing the medication for a valid reason and that the person filling the prescription must be doing so for valid therapeutic reasons (ASHP, 2008; Brushwood, n.d.). The court needs to take these obligations into account, and then must determine whether the frequency with which the prescription was refilled would have required a pharmacist to check with the patient's physician or at least another pharmacist in order to determine if the pattern represented abuse (Brushwood, n.d.). The basic considerations before the court, then, are the pattern of behavior (i.e. prescription refilling) represented in the facts and the relationship of this pattern to the legal and ethical standards of pharmacists. The addition was certainly a foreseeable consequence, and this means that standard…...



ASHP. (2008). ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist's Role in Substance Abuse Prevention, Education, and Assistance. Accessed 21 June 2012. 

Brushwood, D. (n.d.). The Pharmacist's Duty to Dispense Legally Prescribed and Therapeutically Appropriate Opioid Analgesics. Accessed 21 June 2012.

Working as a Pharmacist Has Always Been
Pages: 1 Words: 361

Working as a pharmacist has always been my dream, more than any other avenue of health care work. I decided to pursue a career in pharmacy in earnest shortly after I began attending community college. Especially after I found work at a local pharmacy, my desire to work in this industry increased. I had only worked at the store for a few weeks and I had already taken note of a number of procedures related to the pharmaceutical business that aren't taught in the classroom. For example, I picked up on the level of care and personal interaction required between pharmacist and customer, as well as the distinct relationships between the pharmacy, the customer, the physicians, and the insurance agencies. Pharmaceuticals are a booming business, one in which I know I will thrive professionally. Yet it is also a health care industry, one that combines clinical work with patient interaction.…...

The Prescription Filling Process
Pages: 3 Words: 874

Results of an Interview with a Pharmacist Health care practitioners are frequently required to engage in interprofessional collaboration in order to provide optimal patient care (Poling, Wilson & Finke, 2016). Because the vast majority of inpatients will receive some type of pharmaceutical as part of their health care regimen, collaboration between tertiary care pharmacists and nurses as well as other health care providers is an ongoing need (Angel & Friedman, 2016; NLN releases a vision for interprofessional collaboration, 2016). This paper presents the results of a face-to-face interview with a pharmacist employed in a major medical center operated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), including a description of the process of filing a prescription, some of the more common reasons that pharmacists call providers to clarify orders, the information contained on a proper prescription, and some of the more common omissions that pharmacists experience when they receive prescriptions. Finally,…...



Angel, V. M. & Friedman, M. H. (2016, July 1). Integrating bar-code medication administration competencies in the curriculum: Implications for nursing education and interprofessional collaboration. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(4), 239-243.

NLN releases a vision for interprofessional collaboration in education and practice. (2106, January-February). Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(1), 58.

Poling, D. B., Wilson, M. & Finke, L. K. (2016, November 1). Interprofessional research guidelines for health care students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(6), 345-349.

Prior authorization. (2016, April). Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. Retrieved from  

VHA Directive 1108.08. (2016). U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/hp/Downloads/1108_08_D_2016-11-02%20(1).pdf. .

Insurance Company and Prescription
Pages: 3 Words: 987

Interviewing a Pharmacist
A prescription is written for you by your doctor by directly handing it to you in handwritten form or sends it electronically to your pharmacy. Such a pharmacy could be a mail order pharmacy, a retail one, or even a pharmacy at the doctor's office.

The pharmacy benefits manager inspects your insurance plan to ensure that the prescribed medicine is part of your insurance plan.

Your insurer will decide one of the following to facilitate your access to the prescribed medicine.

Once you make the co-payment indicated in the insurance policy for your medicine, you access the medication.

You access the prescribed medicine after executing a higher co pay or you can make part of the total payments; also referred to as co-insurance.

You could be given medicine that is less expensive but provides similar benefits as the medicine prescribed but isn't a generic of the prescribed medication.

d. Your insurance may ask you…...



Hansen, L. B., Fernald, D., Araya-Guerra, R., Westfall, J. M., West, D., & Pace, W. (2006). Pharmacy Clarification of Prescriptions Ordered in Primary Care: A Report from the Applied Strategies for Improving Patient Safety (ASIPS) Collaborative. Jabfm, 24-30.

Prescription Process. (2016, December). How Prescriptions Are Processed and Filled. Retrieved from 

Velo, G. P., & Minuz, P. (2009). Medication errors: prescribing faults and prescription errors. Br J. Clin Pharmacol, 67(6), 624-628.

Health Care and Pharmacy
Pages: 12 Words: 3549

Pharmacy Practice in the United States
From its very beginnings, pharmacy was considered the art of making medicines. Like most arts that originated in earlier times, it came eventually to be regarded as a science in the modern age (utoh 2). Throughout history, various cultures have practiced pharmacy by creating drugs "to treat illness, relieve pain, create euphoria and promote health" (utoh 3). All of the medicinal creations around the globe over the past millennium show that the making of medicines has been a universal process that is natural to humankind. Yet, in the United States, the science of pharmacy has taken a new trajectory -- with the pharmaceutical industry representing a significant portion of gross domestic product. Pharmacy practice in the United States is not just an art or science -- it is also a big business. Nonetheless, while the usage and significance of medicines has differed from culture to…...


Works Cited

Busse, Greg; Chavanu, Katie; D'Onofrio, Kristin. "Pharmaceutical Industry and Pharmacy Profession: A Focus on Medical Affairs." Powerpoint Presentation.

Crandon-Enyi, Merlyn. "Opportunities and Challenges of the Independent Pharmacist."

PowerPoint Presentation.

Gebo, Leana. "Nuclear Pharmacy." Powerpoint Presentation.

Pharmacist In This Case the Pharmacist
Pages: 5 Words: 1583


A reflection on the case shows me that ethical and moral guidelines must be instilled in pharmacy as a profession. It is therefore necessary for the pharmacies to collaborate with other key stakeholders in ensuring that proper guidelines are put in place together with polices aimed at ensuring an ethical and moral pharmaceutical practice. Case esolution Model (CM) (Brincat & Wike,1999) is therefore an important model since it has taken me through all the necessary steps that can allow me to effective conclude this case amicably.


World Health Organization (2001). The ole of the Pharmacist in Self-Care and Self-Medication.Available online at

Brincat, C.,Wike, vs (1999). Morality and the Professional Life: Values at Work. Pearson; 1st ed.

Passmore P, Kailis SG (1994).In pursuit of rational drug use and effective drug management: clinical and public health pharmacy viewpoint. Asia Pac J. Public Health. 1994;7(4):236-41.

outledge, PA., O'Mahony, MS., WoodhouseKW (2003).Adverse drug reactions in elderly patients.…...



World Health Organization (2001). The Role of the Pharmacist in Self-Care and Self-Medication.Available online at 

Brincat, C.,Wike, vs (1999). Morality and the Professional Life: Values at Work. Pearson; 1st ed.

Passmore PR, Kailis SG (1994).In pursuit of rational drug use and effective drug management: clinical and public health pharmacy viewpoint. Asia Pac J. Public Health. 1994;7(4):236-41.

Routledge, PA., O'Mahony, MS., WoodhouseKW (2003).Adverse drug reactions in elderly patients. Br J. Clin Pharmacol. 2004 February; 57(2): 121 -- 126. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2125.2003.01875.x PMCID: PMC1884428

Pharmacists Get Involved in Medical
Pages: 1 Words: 310

ithin the profession itself, there are many ethical debates, pertaining to medications, such as prescribing psychotropic drugs like antidepressants to adolescents, the correct times to use palliative care at the end of a patient's life, the ethics of emergency contraception and giving 'the morning after pill' and contraception to adolescents without parental consent. For pharmacists engaged in research, the appropriate use of animals in research and whom to include or exclude in clinical trials may be another issue of personal concern (Applelbe 2008). In all cases, to dispense medication means one must dispense good judgment, not simply pills and potions.

orks Cited

Pharmacy Ethics and Decision Making. (2008). Foreword by Gordon E. Appelbe. First edition.…...


Works Cited

Pharmacy Ethics and Decision Making. (2008). Foreword by Gordon E. Appelbe. First edition.

London: Pharma Press.

Personal Statement This Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 903

The feeling that I was cut out for this role of a pharmacist came when I was fascinated in the chemistry classes about the medications, and the origin of bio-medicals. My fascination and the interaction with the patients where I work have made me known and liked in the current place of work. That would take this argument to the work experience and qualifications.
3. I am now a student for the masters in biomedical science at Midwestern University. Earlier qualifications include a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Iraq in 2004. I also have completed the pre-pharmacy courses. Thus I have had a strong academic background. Further along with my academic background, I have had working experience as a pharmacy technician. I have found pleasure in working for the Walgreen's Pharmacy for three years as a pharmacy technician. Working with the employer namely Walgreen's allowed me to develop skills…...

After Finishing Pharmacy School
Pages: 2 Words: 639

Pharmacy School
What kind of work do I envision myself doing ten years from now?

I have a substantial plan that I intend to follow once I complete my education as a major in pharmaceutical chemistry. That is, I plan to complete the additional education necessary to obtain my license as a pharmacist, and ten years from now I plan to be serving a vital role as a highly qualified, competent and compassionate pharmacist in a hospital in California.

Frankly this is not a new idea for me at all because since I was a young person I have given serious thought to the important role that a pharmacist plays in the healthcare field. My own family has illnesses that require prescriptions of specific medicines to keep them alive.

My parents struggle with cardiovascular disease and with diabetes, and for many years I have seen how they are being kept reasonably healthy and…...

Applying to Doctor of Pharmacy
Pages: 2 Words: 598

I was also inspired by the communication skills and dedication pharmacists showed in making my aunt's course of treatment comprehensible, so my aunt understood why she was taking certain medications, the possible side effects that she should be aware of, and also of possible drug interactions. The pharmacists involved my aunt's nurses and family in their interactions with my aunt, and I began to envision myself in a similar role, combining chemistry with communication, compassion, and caring.
The future of pharmacy, in a world where medication's side effects and interactions are often dangerous, and treatment schedules because of drug interactions can be quite complex, requires pharmacists who are caregivers and teachers, not mere dispensers of prescriptions. A pharmacist is part of a patient's plan of care, right along with the patient's doctors and nurses. The sick, confused, and elderly, depend upon their pharmacist to ensure that their prescriptions are correct,…...

Drugs and Health
Pages: 3 Words: 931

Personal Statement: Regarding My Future Pharmacy Career
Even a casual reader of today's newspapers will know that the modern drug industry has been subjected to increasingly rigorous scrutiny and litigation. In the current climate, it is easy to forget what it is like to live in a land where antibiotics are not a phone call to the doctor away, and research dollars for drug research are scarce, not the subject of a highly theoretical media debate about ethics. In the country I grew up, the rare sight of the face of a pharmacist was always a welcome one. I remain infused with my childhood faith, now grounded in study and experience, of the power of drugs to heal the human body, not to harm them.

As a young girl in Southeast Asia I suffered from acute bronchitis. I was profoundly grateful for the relief that pharmaceuticals could bring to my suffering. As…...

Pharmacy Thank You in Advance
Pages: 2 Words: 545

My Education

I have an Associate Degree in Science from Community College of Philadelphia (2004), accumulating a GPA of 2.75 out of 4.00, and I am currently enrolled in courses in Biology, Statistics, and Physics at that same Community College. My college-level experience includes classes in Chemistry, Math and Physics at LaSalle University in Philadelphia -- in the autumn of 2010 through Summer 2011 -- and I proudly accumulated a 3.16 GPA out of 4.00.

My Personal Professional Motivation

I am proud to reflect that when I am asked to be trained in a new area, one I am not the least bit familiar with, I eagerly accept that new assignment. On our hospital staff, I was among the first few that was asked to be trained in a new IV automation technology. My passion is to always be prepared, to learn everything I can learn, and to work cooperatively with pharmacists, doctors,…...

Writing an essay on quality initiatives in healthcare in 2020 / 2021 and need help?
Words: 378

For several years, healthcare has been an important topic, not just in the world at large, but also in academia.  Healthcare has been one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy, has offered a boom in terms of employment, and is a hot button political issue since access to healthcare remains very class-based in the modern United States.  The COVID-19 pandemic and what it has meant about access to health care and the quality of healthcare that is being provided has only made it that much more important to focus on

Could you suggest some essay topics related to Opioid Epidemic?
Words: 382

Topic 1: The Root Causes of the Opioid Epidemic

Examine the complex interplay of factors contributing to the opioid epidemic, including the role of prescription practices, socioeconomic inequality, and the influence of pharmaceutical companies.

Topic 2: The Socioeconomic Impact of the Opioid Epidemic

Analyze the devastating consequences of the opioid epidemic on communities, including increased crime rates, poverty, and the strain on social services.

Topic 3: The Role of Prescription Practices in Fueling the Epidemic

Investigate the role of doctors, pharmacists, and the healthcare system in the overprescription of opioids and its impact on the epidemic.

Topic 4: The Failure of Law Enforcement....

How do paradigm case studies serve as a valuable tool for introducing and facilitating discussion in the nursing field?
Words: 330

Paradigm case studies are valuable tools for introducing and facilitating discussions in the nursing field because they offer real-life examples that nurses can relate to and learn from. These case studies provide a concrete context for discussing and analyzing complex nursing concepts and practices. They can help nurses develop critical thinking skills as they work through the nuances and ethical dilemmas presented in the case.

Additionally, paradigm case studies can help nurses apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations and improve their problem-solving abilities. By reflecting on and discussing the decisions made in the case study, nurses can learn from the experiences....

what is the difference between health policy and helayh system?
Words: 514

Understanding Health Policy and Health System

Health Policy

Health policy refers to the decisions, laws, regulations, and plans that guide the organization, financing, and delivery of health care in a society. It encompasses a wide range of issues, including:

Access to care: Ensuring that all individuals have the ability to receive necessary medical services.
Quality of care: Establishing and maintaining standards for the delivery of safe and effective health care.
Financing: Determining how health care is funded, whether through public or private mechanisms.
Health equity: Promoting fair and just distribution of health resources and outcomes across different populations.
Public health interventions: Addressing....

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