Pfizer Essays (Examples)

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Zoloft Is Pfizer's Trademark Name
Pages: 2 Words: 665

However, more serious side-effects may occur as a result of taking Zoloft. One of the greatest risks with Sertraline HCl is the tendency for some patients, especially those under the age of 18, to develop suicidal thoughts during the first few weeks of taking the drug. Other potentially serious side-effects include seizures, convulsions, hallucinations, tremors, balance or coordination problems, and allergic reactions.
Zoloft and other Sertraline hydrochloride compounds are contraindicated with MAO inhibitors (MAOIs) and patients taking MAOIs must cease their MAOI medication no less than 14 days before taking Zoloft. Similarly, patients who are prescribed MAOIs must wait at least two weeks after terminating their use of Zoloft. Other contraindicated medications include pimozide. Patients with a history of renal (kidney) or hepatic (liver) problems must use caution when taking Zoloft. Moreover, patients with a history of mania or bipolar disorder may not be candidates for Sartraline treatment. Pregnancy and…...



Long, P. (2005). Sertraline. Internet Mental Health. Retrieved online Sept 20, 2006 at 

Sertraline." Wikipedia. Retrieved online Sept 20, 2006 at 

Treatment for Depression and Anxiety." Retrieved Sept 20, 2006 at 

Zoloft." (2006). Micromedex Physician's Desk Reference. Retrieved online Sept 20, 2006 at

Pfizer Financial Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 1842

artleby, The Scrivener
In many ways, "artleby, the Scrivener" is a rather strange and enigmatic story. It does not follow a natural line, it is more of a character-based story, full of the strangest characters. However, if we will take a closer look at it, we may be able to discover the hidden meanings that Herman Melville has laid out for us. From the very beginning we must identify what a scrivener is, as this story revolves around their lives and habits. Thus, a scrivener is an old use for a clerk and is a person who used to write letters for illiterate people. In our context, we can identify a scrivener as being a person that copied and drafted documents in a law office.

The story starts with the short description, in the first person, of the main character, the I of the storytelling, a simple lawyer on Wall Street and…...



1. Mollinger, Robert N. "Bartleby the Scrivener- A Story of Wall Street."

2. Hornby, A.S., Gatenby, E.V., Wakefield, H. The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Second Edition. 1972.

general finance questions
Pages: 2 Words: 766

Module 2 Class Discussion 1. There are several issues with pegging a currency. Largely they relate to the economic distortion this creates – Chinese good are cheaper than they should be in America and American goods are more expensive than they should be in China. This results in higher employment in China, higher GDP, but also much higher inflation. In the US, inflation is held low but employment and GDP growth are suppressed (Lee, 2017).
2. Liability isn't the same thing as risk. Liability is a form of risk, so I'm not 100% what the question is asking. Yes, pharmaceutical companies are likely to face a substantial amount of liability. Liability risk arises when a company sells anything that is ingested into the body, and pharmaceuticals can be especially powerful. They are a product that, despite being tightly regulated, often has tremendous potential to harm its users, and that alone will create…...



Fame, E. & French, K. (1989) Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds. Journal of Financial Economics. Vol. 25 (1989) 23-49.

Lee, R. (2017) The pros and cons of a pegged exchange rate. Investopedia. Retrieved August 5, 2017 from 

MSN Moneycentral (2017) General Electric. MSN Moneycentral. Retrieved August 5, 2017 from 

MSN Moneycentral (2017) Target. MSN Moneycentral . Retrieved August 5, 2017 from

Pfizer Inc Current Situation Pfizer
Pages: 11 Words: 3059

Also cited as threats are those of:
(1) Product manufacturing and marketing risks;

(2) Cost and expense control or unusual events; and (3) Changes in laws and accounting standards. (Pfizer Inc. Report to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2008)

IV. Internal Environment -- Strength and Weaknesses

Stated as strengths of Pfizer Inc. are the following components of its organization:

(1) Written policies and procedures;

(2) a compliance officer and compliance committee;

(3) Effective training and education;

(4) Effective lines of communication;

(5) Internal monitoring and auditing;

(6) Enforcement through discipline pursuant to established guidelines; and (7) Prompt response and corrective action for detected problems.

(Pfizer, Inc., 2009)

Another component that provides strength to Pfizer Inc. is its effective training and education program. As well Pfizer boasts effective lines of communication including an 'open door' policy allowing and encouraging colleagues to "discuss any issues, concerns, problems and suggestions with their mediate supervisor or other manager without fear of retaliation and…...



Pfizer Inc. (2009) Center for Responsive Politics. Online available at: 

Pfizer Streamlines Operational Processes to Achieve Balanced Excellence (2004) Tradeline 29 Sept 2004. Online available at; 

Corporate Governance FactSheet (2009) Pfizer Inc. Online available at: /about/corporate_governance/corporate_governance_fact_sheet.jsp

Pfizer's Infectious Disease Commitment and Portfolio (2007) Pfizer, Inc. 18 Sept 2007. Online available at:

Pfizer Inc - Good Buy in Pharmaceutical
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Pfizer Inc. - Good Buy in Pharmaceutical Stock?
Pfizer Inc., is a giant in the Pharmaceutical Sector. It is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol PFE. Its principle activities include the research and manufacturing of prescription medicines for human and veterinary applications on a global scale. Their products carry such familiar names as Zoloft, Lipitor, Norvasc, Zithromax, Zyrtec, and the household name, Viagra. They also have a line of consumer products such as confectionery products, shaving products, and tetra fish products (,2003). Pharmaceuticals account for the largest portion of their revenues, averaging 84%, while consumer products make up the remainder of their income stream.

Pfizer stock has been on a downtrend since mid year 2001. This came after a boom in the biotechnology sector, a sector closely related to the pharmaceutical sector. The key question that an investor must answer is whether this means that Pfizer is a…...


References (2003) Profile.  Http:// . Accessed February 14, 2003.

Pfizer, Inc. (2003a) For Investors.   Accessed February 14, 2003. /are/mn_investors.cfm

Pfizer, Inc. (2003b) For Investors. SEC Filings.

Pfizer's Batch Process Design Model Pfizer Is
Pages: 2 Words: 543

Pfizer's Batch Process Design Model
Pfizer is a global pharmaceutical manufacturer heavily invested in drug discovery (Pfizer, 2013a). Accordingly, the supply chain needs of Pfizer are atypical of most manufacturers because a significant portion of its production activities must be tailored to meet the needs of researchers investigating the efficacy of drugs in clinical trials. The needs of the research and development arm of Pfizer therefore dominate the process development structure of the company.

Pfizer is in the business of supplying drugs for human and animal consumption; however, before a drug candidate can be brought to market it must win regulatory approval through clinical trials (Pfizer, 2013b). Drugs must therefore be manufactured initially in small batches and then scaled up as it progresses through the three phases of clinical trials. These drugs can represent small molecules manufactured from chemicals, biological derived from plants or animals, or vaccines. Many of these products have…...



Pfizer. (2013a). Worldwide Research and Development. Retrieved 16 Aug. 2013 from /partnering/areas_of_interest/research_and_development.

Pfizer. (2013b). Pfizer pipeline -- Our medicines in development. Retrieved 16 Aug. 2013 from

Pfizer the Cost Structure for
Pages: 2 Words: 702

The other considerations weight more heavily. There are likely some cost savings due to economies of scale, although that would be difficult to test for in a product such as Viagra, which has enjoyed strong sales its entire existence, and for which specific production cost data is unavailable.
ith respect to Viagra, Pfizer is operating in a constant returns to scale environment. The market for Viagra has been slow growing in recent years, and at a high level. The changes in demand for Viagra are of such small size that they are unlikely to have a significant impact on production costs. The primary impact of economies of scale is with respect to the manner in which drug companies exploit the high margins they can earn on blockbuster drugs to finance their operations. Even with this, the contribution that these drugs make is based less on the ability of the company…...


Works Cited:

Goldstein, J. (2010). Pfizer plans to cut billions in annual R&D spending. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved November 17, 2010 from 

Outsourcing Pharma. (2003). Drug development costs hit $1.7 billion. Outsourcing Pharma. Retrieved November 17, 2010 from 

Pfizer Financial Report 2009. Retrieved November 17, 2010 from

Pfizer Introduction and Shareholder Analysis
Pages: 8 Words: 2143

The return on assets was 7.3% last year, up slightly from 7.1% the year before. Again, the metric has fluctuated and 7.3% is in the middle.
These figures indicate that Pfizer's returns are about average. Aside from an unusually good year in 2007 with respect to their returns, the company is rangebound in terms of its managerial efficiency. Recapturing the 2007 successes would be more encouraging but at present there is little to indicate a long-term trend of improved returns on either equity or assets.


Pfizer's performance in the past five years has been uninspiring. The firm has been relatively stationery, especially with respect to revenues. Their business seems to be maturing as well, supported by the fact that the company has steadily increased its dividend. Indeed, without top line growth to attract investors, Pfizer has little choice but to increase the dividend in order to stem the sale of the…...


Works Cited:

Some financials from MSN Moneycentral. (2009). Retrieved November 20, 2009 from

Pfizer SWOT Pfizer -- a
Pages: 2 Words: 679


According to the Pfizer press release section of its website, discomfort associated with fibromyaglia, a common chronic pain condition, has been shown to be significantly reduced by a new drug developed by Pfizer called Lyrica, "according to study results presented today at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting" ("Lyrica Significantly Reduced Pain," 2007, Press Release). Pfizer has also developed a new AIDS drug called Maraviroc, which is likely to considerably improve and extend the life of AIDS patients who take the drug, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburg and Columbia University (Altman & Pollock, 2007).


Both Merck and Schering-Plough, two of Pfizer's greatest rivals, plan to combine forces and develop a medicine to rival Lipitor. "The planned drug, meant to reduce levels of the harmful type of cholesterol in two ways, could hit the market when Lipitor's patent expires in a few years" ("Merck and Schering-Plough Plan Another…...


Works Cited

Altman, Lawrence & Andrew Pollock. (28 Feb 2007). "2 New Drugs Offer Options in H.I.V. Fight." The New York Times. Retrieved 16 May 2007 at 

Berenson, Alex. (10 Apr 2007). "Pfizer Drug for Diabetes Is Lagging." The New York

Times. Retrieved 16 May 2007 at 

Lyrica Significantly Reduced Pain and Helped Patients Manage the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia, Data Show. (1 May 2007). Pfizer Press Release. Retrieved 16 May 2007 at

Pfizer a Worldwide Producer of
Pages: 5 Words: 1744

hile it will be important to reach out to ranchers and get them excited about premium, branded beef, it is equally important to reach out to the meatpackers. As was mentioned, four meatpackers have a monopoly control over the market. If they don't want premium beef, it won't matter what the ranchers do. The program could yield many benefits for Pfizer, and the beef market as a whole, but perhaps the first communications on the program should be with the meatpackers.

Recommended Solution

Cost pressures in the beef industry are threatening Pfizer's ability to sell premium medicinal products to the cattle market. Sales of these premium pharmaceuticals allow Pfizer to aggressively offer new and innovative products and to support the ranching industry through trade events and technical support. Pfizer needs to preserve its pricing and sales levels in order to maintain its market advantages.

The best way for Pfizer to maintain its pricing…...


Works Cited

Cravens, David W. And Piercy, Nigel F. (2003). Strategic Marketing. McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston.

Financial Management Analysis on the Pfizer Company
Pages: 7 Words: 2007

Pfizer can be included in the larger industrial sector of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, although a great part of its revenues come from the pharmaceutical products for which it is renowned. The pharmaceutical companies have specialized in a vast category of drugs, from simple, aspirin- type drugs, to more complex ones, including drugs that inhibit or activate individual molecules in different selected environments. They also produce vitamins and livestock food supplements.
The pharmaceutical industry in the United States (and worldwide for that matter) is considered to be one of the most profitable and continuously booming. It is estimated that globally, over $300 billion worth of drugs are sold. A simple explanation for this high degree of profitability is, of course, the high demand of the sector: no matter what happens, drugs and medicine continue to be one of the necessities of people. Additionally, this demand seems to be on a constant rise,…...


Merck's profit margin was 13.6%, while Pfizer scored 34.8%, almost three times as much! This means either that Pfizer is selling at higher prices than Merck (it may be the case that Pfizer provides more specialized drugs that sell at a higher price) or that Pfizer has lower costs (I doubt that this is the main cause here. In general, the main costs in the pharmaceutical industry come from research and developed. As is the case here, it is very probable that these two companies are spending more or less the same amount on R& D. In order to remain competitive).

The return on total assets ratio, obtained by dividing the net income after tax to the total asset value, showed a score of 1.9% in Pfizer's case and of 14.8% in Merck's case, while the ROE (return on equity) amounted for 40.37% in Merck's case and 3.57% on Pfizer's case. The differences, as we can see, are extremely high. I could explain the first indicator, the ROI, with the very high value of total assets for Pfizer in 2003 (this almost doubled from 2002), which made the company less profitable that year, but the difference in ROE is enormous. It does not necessarily reflect a low profit in Pfizer's case (this seems comparable), but a very high value of equity. However, the analysis is even more complicated when we look at the P/E ratio, where the differences are staggering: Pfizer has a reported P/E of 136.92, while Merck has one of only 16.75, with the industrial average somewhere at 28.72. The closest to Pfizer in this case is Bayer, with 96.01.

The conclusions that we can draw from this analysis are somewhat ambiguous. We have had a look at several financial indicators and in many of them, Pfizer has scored lower scores than its competitor Merck. This is mainly the case of the asset management ratio and the profitability ratio. However, one of the most important indicators, the P/E, that shows us the perspective of a company, showed extremely high values for Pfizer, compared to all other companies and to the industrial average. Seeing that many indicators were influenced by the unstable value of the total assets, due to current acquisitions and mergers, investing in Pfizer may be advisable given the fact that a long-term growth is expected in the industry, as well as for the company (see again the P/E).

GM Pfizer and Harley Davidson
Pages: 4 Words: 1363

In contrast, Pfizer uses a different process type from General Motors. ecause Pfizer is a drug maker it is more interested in getting approval for new drugs and keeping the drugs it already makes out on the market for the individuals that need them. It is limited in the process type that it uses because of the regulations that are placed on it and other drug makers by the FDA. The governance in the United States reflects in what a drug maker is able to do or not do with the way that it sells its product, and this directly affects Pfizer, which might have a somewhat different process type if it had the option.

Harley Davidson, on the other hand, uses a process type that is by far the most interesting of all of the companies. Harley-Davidson definitely has the competitive advantage when it comes to their products and services,…...



Barrett, a. (2005, February). Pfizer's Funk. BusinessWeek online. Retrieved from EBSCO HOST Academic Search Premier Database.

Levinson, W. (2006, January). On the Road Again Industrial Engineer: IE. (28), Retrieved from EBSCO HOST Business Source Premier Database.

Sui, C. (2006, April 11). Harleys face tough China road. motoring Retrieved at

Internal and External Assessment of Pfizer
Pages: 10 Words: 3142

business model canvas developed by Osterwalder and Pigneur in order to evaluate and diagnose Pfizer Inc. organizational model. This is done to provide recommendations for improvements as identified using the canvas model. Key areas of internal assessment include its products and services offerings, key resources, capabilities and competitive advantages. Key areas of external assessment include Porter's five forces, including but not limited to, key products, major competitors, new entry and market dynamics, suppliers and customers.
Company Overview

Pfizer Inc. has its headquarters in New York City. It has a staff of about 115,000 people. It is involved in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products for both animals and humans.

Principal Services and Product-line

The company manufactures 31 different products, which are categorized into ten different divisions. Each division has a major product that it promotes as follows:

Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases (Lipitor, Caduet, Norvasc)

Central Nervous System Disorders (Aricept, Geodon, Lyrica, Zoloft)

Diabetes (Exubera)

Arthritis and pain (Celebrex)




Grant, R. (2010). Contemporary Strategy Analysis. Blackwell Publishing: Malden, MA.

MarketLine. (2014). Company Profile: SWOT Analysis. Accessed from: 

Research and Markets. (2012). Pfizer Inc. - Company Analysis: a Strategic Insight into the Prospects for Pfizer over the Next Six Years. Business Wire, Regional Business News.

Research and Markets. (2013a). Research and Markets: Comprehensive Company and Financial Analysis of Pfizer 2013. Business Wire, Regional Business News.

How Governments Collaborated with Pfizer to Delivery the Vaccine
Pages: 2 Words: 603

Vaccine Supply ChainCritical challenges of the vaccine supply chain due to the COVID-19 pandemic had to do with cold storage, transportation, global distribution, and regulatory hurdles (Crommelin et al., 2021). Moderna and Pfizer both faced these challenges in scaling up and distributing their vaccines. This paper describes and discusses a few of them.First, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines required ultra-cold storage. Pfizer vaccine needed to be stored at about -70C (-94F), while Moderna\\\'s required -20C (-4F). These temperature conditions necessitated the use of specialized freezers and storage solutions. Since such infrastructure was not widely available, particularly in low-resource settings, it made distribution in some parts of the world very difficult (Crommelin et al., 2021).This cold chain, however, had to be maintained throughout transportation. This meant using specialized containers filled with dry ice and equipped with real-time temperature monitoring. The transportation process had to be resilient enough to account for potential…...


ReferencesCrommelin, D. J., Anchordoquy, T. J., Volkin, D. B., Jiskoot, W., & Mastrobattista, E. (2021). Addressing the cold reality of mRNA vaccine stability. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 110(3), 997-1001.Olutuase, V. O., Iwu-Jaja, C. J., Akuoko, C. P., Adewuyi, E. O., & Khanal, V. (2022). Medicines and vaccines supply chains challenges in Nigeria: a scoping review. BMC Public Health, 22, 1-15.

Company Strategy Merck versus Pfizer
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Q1.Why has the attractiveness of the pharmaceutical industry declined so much since the 1980’s? What are the implications of those changes in industry structure for firm strategy? Despite the tremendous profits garnered by large pharmaceutical companies for so-called blockbuster drugs, pharmaceutical companies must make huge investments in R&D to produce profitable medications. The vast majority of drugs which are developed and tested never go to market. Additionally, once companies produce valuable drugs, they have a limited window on which to capitalize upon a drug’s profitability before its compounds can be sold in the form of a much cheaper generic. The FDA shortened the patient life of drugs from 11-12 years from 17-20, thus vastly reducing the financial ability of companies to cash in on valuable non-generics (Collis & Smith, 2007, p.5).
The industry structure also changed significantly, as more and more companies began to enter into the fray of developing new drugs.…...

I’m doing a summary about the Pfizer vaccine, how it works, who should it get it first and how long it lasts, so if you can help me write the best essay title for it. Thank you in advance?
Words: 347

One of the difficulties about writing a summary of any of the vaccines for the novel Coronavirus that is known as COVID-19 is that much of the information remains unknown.  In addition, because the vaccines created by Pfizer and Moderna are both mRNA vaccines, which are not a familiar type of vaccine, they create some additional questions.  How long will the vaccines be effective?  Are they safe?  Will they work to prevent infection by the newer strands of COVID-19?  Do they change your DNA as some people on the internet are suggesting? ....

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