Pest Essays (Examples)

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Pest and Five Forces Analysis for Comcast
Pages: 4 Words: 1544

large organizations like Comcast to use both PEST and Porter's 5 Forces analysis in helping its leaders to understand their particular external environment?
Globalization has created an interesting dynamic in regards to Comcast's external environment. What once was a handful of competitors has now grown to include both international and online competition. To better grasp the current competition with an eye towards future innovations, a PEST and Porter's 5 forces analysis is necessary. This is particularly true as the business dynamics in Comcast's external markets has fundamentally changed over the years. Competition is now outside of the fundamental cable providers. Innovation and strategic mergers have created new product offerings for consumers. Globalization has created a rising middle class in many of Comcast's international markets. Finally, substitutes via the internet have placed pricing pressure on Comcast's core product offers. All of these factors thus contribute to management's view of the future…...



1) Geraldine Fabrikant (January 21, 1999). "The Media Business; SBC Communications to Buy Comcast Cellular Operations." New York Times.

2) Peter Key (July 5, 1999). "Comcast: Not just cable anymore." Philadelphia Business Journal.

3) Romm, Tony (March 9, 2014). Comcast spreads cash wide on Capitol Hill. Politico.

King Pest One of Edgar
Pages: 4 Words: 1251

Pest pays respect to his council-members and honors their unique individual talents, in accordance with the American spirit of individualism, as each of the members of Pest's cabinet demonstrates a unique specialty. Poe attributes a grotesquely enlarged facial feature to each member of the "extraordinary assembly," suggesting that American culture may exaggerate the importance of individualism or, perhaps, that American politics may overemphasize the unique features of individual states.
During a time when the American government was still working out its kinks, Poe wrote "King Pest" to illustrate the shortcomings of both Federalism and Jeffersonian democracy. Poe depicts King Pest himself was a strong "elite" political leader who Hamilton and the Federalists would have supported. Yet the grossly exaggerated facial features of the individual council members indicate that Jefferson's concept of states' rights was also deeply flawed.

Moreover, the description of the group of six hoarding the town's liquor during a…...

Bite Back Acclimatizing Pests Vegetable
Pages: 5 Words: 1706

One example is the Titanic incident, which led to far greater safety standards on cruise ships. He talks about how cars changed the face of the American landscape, and created everything from superhighways to motor courts and carhops. Cars made it easier to get from here to there, but they create pollution, traffic jams, and numerous causalities, too. He maintains that as we develop even more reliance on computers and programming, it can lead to catastrophe if health, wellness, or safety systems backfire. He talks about modifying intensity in agriculture to improve yields and stop rampant growth, and talks about other gains in technology that have improved our lives, such as stronger steel and more fuel-efficient automobiles. He believes that in the future, we need to be less reliant on resources from the Earth, and more economical in how we live and view out lives. He also maintains that…...



Tenner, E. (1996). Why things bite back: Technology and the revenge of unintennded consequences. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Hospitality Industry and Hotels
Pages: 6 Words: 1833

PEST/ Competitor Analysis of HHM
PEST Analysis

PEST analysis is a regularly used and immeasurably valuable method for analyzing the external environment of an organization. In particular, this technique splits the general environment into four distinct areas and encompasses pretty much everything that can influence an organization. These four particular areas are political, economic, social and technical (Thompson and Martin, 2010). In regard to political factors, the company accomplishes the proficiency to ascertain the kind of role that the government plays within the industry and marketplace. For example, does the government carry out interventions in the customary forces of demand and supply? It also deliberates whether there are any government rules and regulations. Secondly, the economic factors take into consideration the particulars of the conditions in which the national and the international economy are in. Third, with regard to social factors, the technique accounts for the considerable aspects that point out the…...



Enz, C. A. (2010). Hospitality Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons.

Henry, A. (2011). Understanding Strategic Management. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hoovers. (2016). Top Competitors for Hersha Hospitality Management, LP. Retrieved from:

Thompson, J. L., Martin, F. (2010). Strategic Management: Awareness and Change. United Kingdom: Cengage Learning.

Oriental Fruit Fly Pesticide Resistance Overuse of
Pages: 2 Words: 678

Oriental Fruit Fly Pesticide esistance
Overuse of pesticides to control pest populations in fruit and vegetable commodities has led to the development of pesticide resistance among Bactrocera dorsalis, more commonly known as the oriental fruit fly. Pesticide resistance occurs when resistant individuals reproduce and the resistance to their offspring. If the pesticide is repeatedly used against a given population, the resistance will strengthen and a greater population will survive. It has been estimated that more than 500 species of insects, mites, and spiders have developed some level of pesticide resistance, a phenomenon that was predicted by achel Carson in her book Silent Spring (Gut, 2007). Despite developing resistance to pesticides meant to control oriental fruit fly populations, eradication has been achieved through the use of quarantine and fumigation programs.

Various insecticides have been used to combat oriental fruit flies including fenthion, fenitrothion, formothion, malathion, naled, trichlorfon, methomyl, fenvalerate, and cyfuthrin. It has…...


Reference List:

"Exotic Fruit Fly Risks." 2006. USDA-APHIS. Retrieved from:

Gut, L., Shilder, A., Isaacs, R., & McManus, P. (2007). Managing the Community of Pests and Beneficials. Fruit Crop Ecology and Management. Retrieved from:

Hsu, J., Wu, W., & Feng, H. (2004). Biochemical mechanisms of malathion resistance in oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis). Retrieved from:

Impacts of Pesticide Use on the Environment in the United States
Pages: 4 Words: 1069

Pesticide Use on the Environment in the United States
Managing pests, such as weeds, insects, plant diseases, and nematodes, has been on of the greatest challenges in both agricultural and nonagricultural environments throughout history.

Mainstream use of synthetic pesticides in the United States began shortly after the World War II, during a time of significantly increasing crop production. Since the 1950's, American agriculture has relied heavily on pesticides, dumping 30 billion pounds of pesticide into the environment.

Pesticides are chemical substances that are used to control pests. Pesticides are basically economic poisons that are used for controlling, preventing, destroying, or mitigating pests (Kobal, 1999). Synthetic organic compounds, as well as inorganic products like sulfur, natural botanical products like pyrethrum, and biological products, are commonly found in pesticides, which are produced commercially for pest control.

There are many benefits to using pesticides, as they protect animal health and enhance plant production (Kobal). Pesticides play…...



Hamm, James G.: The Handbook of Pest Control. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, 1982.

Kobal, Harold. Feasibility of Pesticide Use in the U.S. CAST Issue Paper No. 9, August 1999.

Larson, S.J.; Capel, P.D.; Majewski, M.S. Pesticides in Surface Waters: Distribution, Trends, and Governing Factors. Chelsea, Michigan: Ann Arbor Press, 2000, 373

Norris, L., and Dost, F. Proposed surface water quality criteria for selected pesticides used for forest management and management of forest tree seedling and christmas tree plantations in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University, 1991.

Pesticides Exposure and Infants' Health and Safety
Pages: 4 Words: 1539

Threat of Pesticides to Infants' Health and Safety:
Pesticides are chemicals that have successfully been used in agricultural production to restrain pests on different crops such as vegetables, cereal grains, fruits, and nuts. As a result, they have become a standard part of most farming operations to an extent that they have contributed to an increase of farm productivity to 82% in the past three decades. However, did you know that pesticides pose a serious threat to the health and safety of infants? How? Because infants can routinely come into contact with these chemicals with inherent toxicity since most of their common surroundings are usually touched by these chemicals.

The purpose of this pamphlet is to examine the threats posed by this environmental factor i.e. pesticides on the health and safety of infants. This evaluation is based on the increased or widespread use of these chemicals even in areas where infants can…...

How Pesticide Exposure Poses Health Risks to Infants
Pages: 3 Words: 1052

Pamphlet on Pesticide Exposure and the Health and Safety of Infants
Pesticide is a term that is used to refer to products that are developed to destroy, prevent, ward off, and mitigate any pest. The main aim of the use of these products in the home environment is to destroy bacteria, weed, and fungi as well as kill insects through destroying their neurological and reproductive systems. While these products are used to help promote the health and safety of every individual in the home setting, exposure to them can sometimes generate significant health risks. Pesticide exposure can act as a source of injury or a factor that exacerbates illness, especially in vulnerable populations such as infants. This pamphlet provides information on how pesticide exposure affects the health and safety of infants and offers recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion in relation to pesticide exposure.

The Threat of Pesticide Exposure on Infants'…...



"Children Are at Greater Risks from Pesticide Exposure." (2002, January). Pesticides: Topical & Chemical Fact Sheets. Retrieved from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency website: 

Davis, A.D.B. (2007, May). Home Environmental Health Risks. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(2). Retrieved from 

"Pesticides and Children." (2013, May 23). National Pesticide Information Center. Retrieved from Oregon State University website:

Pesticides it Has Been Fifty
Pages: 6 Words: 1842

Gilles mentions, for example, "faulty sprayers, lack of protective equipment adapted to tropical conditions, and nonexistent first-aid provisions" in developing nations (11).
In a Sand County Almanac, Leopold argues that it is time to extend the concept of ethics to the environment. Human attitudes and consciousness related to the environment can and should change. Leopold uses a moral and philosophical argument, whereas Carson uses a more emotional and evidence-based argument. Both these approaches continue to inform sensible domestic and foreign policy related to synthetic pesticide use. Interestingly, many scientists decry programs that minimize pesticide use because of the collusion between science and chemical industries. Chemical industries offer lucrative positions to the world's top scientists. Ames and Gold, for example, make illogical arguments about pesticides. "If reducing synthetic pesticides makes fruits and vegetables more expensive, thereby decreasing consumption, then the cancer rate will increase, especially for the poor," (1041). Ames and…...


Works Cited

Ames, B.N. And Gold, L.S. "Environmental pollution, pesticides, and the prevention of cancer: misconceptions." The FASEB Journal. Volume 11, No. 3, p. 1041-1052.

Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin, 1962

Forget, Gilles. "Pesticides and the Third World." Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Vol. 32, Issue 1, 1991.

Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac. Oxford University Press.

PESTLE Analysis of Apple Inc Apple Inc
Pages: 11 Words: 3357

PESTLE analysis of Apple Inc.
Apple Inc. is a technology company, which designs, produces and sells goods of the Computer, Music and Mobile-Phone Industries. It is differentiated by its brand-perception and identification. Over the last couple of years, Apple has become a cult-brand, thanking its life to iTunes, QuickTime and iMaclines. Apple Inc.'s short-term goals are currently increasing the sales of the just launched iPad (the most innovative web-browser in market). In the long-run, Apple aims are to be on the top of the market, becoming the number one leader.

Products of the Apple are profitable. Be it the best of time, just a single or double Windows OEMs earns a profit. We now see even Microsoft had no obligation but to layoff workers so that it to keeps its head above water. Dell as well is seen taking a major hit. Low-end computers tend to be cheaper that customers are capable…...



Adam (2009). Apple SWOT Analysis. MBA Tutorials. Retrieved November 23, 2011 from 

Business Insider, 2011). 8 Management Lessons I Learned Working At Apple. Retrieved November 25, 2011 from 

Hill, T. & R. Westbrook (1997), "SWOT Analysis: It's Time for a Product Recall," Long-Range Planning, 30, No. 1, 46-52.

Management Paradise (2011). Pest Analysis on Apple.Inc. Retrieved November 22, 2011 from

Internalization of Fast Food Business
Pages: 11 Words: 3657

Internalization of Fast Food Business
Internationalisation of Fast-food Business

PEST Analysis for India





PEST Analysis for United States





Comparison between the two Countries

Changes in the Global Environment due to Financial Crisis

Impact of Financial Crisis on Internationalisation

Fast food has transformed the eating habits of the entire population, whether they are resided in UK, U.S., Asia or any other country. The changing trend of the eating habits evidently exhibits that fast food industry is one of the industries that have developed over the time. Even though fast food consumption has shown an increasing pattern of factors that has affected the health in many ways such as increased overall calorie intake, contribution to weight gain, and elevation in the risk for various diseases, yet, the consumption trend at the same time has represented an escalation in the recent years (Parsa & Kwansa, 2002).

The popularity of the fast food restaurants has escalated the level of competition within the…...



Brauch, H.G. 2009. Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts. Springer. Wurzburg.

Griffin, D. 2010. Business with a Purpose: Starting, Building, Managing and Protecting Your New Business. Easy Brain Labs Inc. USA.

Haberberg, A. & Rieple, A. 2007. Strategic Management: Theory and Application. Oxford University Press. New York, USA.

IMF. 2008. IMF Survey. International Monetary Fund. USA.

Kraft Over the Last Few Years Kraft
Pages: 5 Words: 1483

Over the last few years, Kraft has been dealing with unique challenges. This is from the wide range of products and markets the firm is competing. In this study, there was a focus on the current opportunities and challenges. What was determined is that Kraft is facing considerable risks from a number of industry and external factors. To address these issues, the firm must maintain constant amounts of watchfulness of new changes and quickly adjust to them. This will help the company adapt with critical challenges and address the needs of stakeholders.

For many firms, globalization has increased the competitive pressures they are facing inside the marketplace. This has transformed the kinds of strategies they are utilizing. In the cases of Kraft Foods, they are facing similar issues from these and other factors such as: high raw material and energy costs. This has the potential to hurt their ability to effectively…...



Kraft Foods. (2012). Yahoo Finance. Retrieved from: 

Our Progress in 2011. (2011). Kraft. Retrieved from:

PEST Analysis. (2009). Value-Based Management. Retrieved from: 

Porter's Five Forces: A model for industry analysis. (2007). Quick MBA. Retrieved from:

Social Ecology of Health Promotion
Pages: 11 Words: 3470

Social Ecology of Health Promotion
Modern day examples of human modification of an ecosystem

Module 01 Question 01: Preservation of the existing ecosystems

Various measures have been put in order to modify and contain the natural state of the ecosystem. Preservation is one of the approaches that have been used to foster equitable management of the ecosystem. Through preservation, it has become evident that the ecosystem has taken a different understanding from the avenue of human perception. For instance, rules and regulations that help to protect the ecosystem have changed the entire perception of the ecosystem globally. Initially before the establishment of preservation approaches, the ecosystem was getting devastated gradually. Nonetheless, modification has come with the introduction of laws and regulations that work towards protection and preservation of the available avenues in the market.

Through the rules and regulations created, the ecosystem has achieved a new state of protection in the society. For instance,…...



Callan, S., & Thomas, J.M. (2010). Environmental economics & management: Theory, policy, and applications. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Corwin, J. (2009). 100 heartbeats: The race to save earth's most endangered species. New York, NY: Rodale.

FAO/IRRI Workshop on Judicious and Efficient Use of Insecticides on Rice, International

Rice Research Institute. & Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Bamboo Industry in India Bamboo
Pages: 22 Words: 6798

S. production value. Exports account for approximately half this amount (Binnquist, Lopez, and Shanley). Figure 2 portrays three views of bamboo. One: A bamboo forrest; Two: A bamboos shoot; Three: A bamboo grove walkway.
Figure 2: Three Views of Bamboo (adapted from Stickman).

As bamboo production levels have risen, the amounts of raw materials needed to facilitate the production have simultaneously increased. The bamboo industry in Anji predominantly harvests bamboo from plantations, as it primarily grows a fast growing and easily cultivated, bamboo species, locally known as "maozhu" or "moso bamboo" (phyllostachys heterocycla) (Binnquist, Lopez, and Shanley). .

Currently in Anji, the cultivation of moso bamboo encompasses 60% of the forest area, with the percentage rising as plantations expand. Along with the hefty production of bamboo, the intense cultivation bamboo industry uses mammoth amounts of fertilizers and pesticides; which contributes to negative environmental effects. In reference to the bamboo production in Anji being…...



Applegate, Ed and Johnsen, Art. Cases in advertising and marketing management: real =

situations for tomorrow's managers Plymouth, United Kingdom: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007. Print.

Adhikary, Nripal. "Treatment Process." Abari Adobe and Bamboo Research Institute. 2009.

Web. Available at: . 09 October 2009.

In Favor of Genetically Modified Crops
Pages: 7 Words: 1822

Genetically Modified Crops
Genetically modified (GM) food has generated considerable interest and controversy in the United States and around the world (University of Richmond, 2004). Proponents applaud the vast benefits of technology while opponents argue that environmental and food safety issues outweigh the benefits. This paper provides background information regarding the genetically modified crops in an attempt to show that they are a benefit to society.

The appearance of GM food products in the marketplace has resulted in a great deal of public debate, scientific discussion, and media coverage (SCOPE, 2004). A variety of concerns go hand in hand with the new advances enabled by genetic modification. However, the possibilities presented by GM crops cannot be overshadowed by these concerns.

Crop varieties developed by genetic engineering were first introduced for commercial use in 1996 (University of Richmond, 2004). Today, these crops are grown on more than 167 million acres worldwide. American farmers are…...



Dibb, Susan. Mayer, Sue. (April, 2000). Biotech - The next generation: Good for whose health? The Food Commission (UK) Ltd. And GeneWatch UK. Retrieved from the Internet at:

Reuters News Service. (July 6, 2000). GM Crops Safe, Offer Consumer Benefits. Retrieved from the Internet at: .

Sakko, Kerryn. (May, 2002). The Debate Over Genetically Modified Foods. American Institute of Biological Sciences.

Sample, Ian. (June 3, 2003). GM crops. The Guardian.

Can you help me with my thesis on something I find calm and soothing?
Words: 294

Congratulations on your entry into grad school. Because of its astounding geography, the Grand Canyon would make a fascinating topic for your master’s thesis.  Hopefully, you will have plenty of opportunities to visit it while you are in Arizona, though it looks like access is currently limited because of a combination of COVID-19 restrictions and normal winter access restrictions. 

Geography is a fairly broad area of study and focusing on the Grand Canyon as an example of arid-land erosion is probably not the kind of through-provoking material that you want for a master’s thesis.  Fortunately, its immense size....

What is intersection theory? How can we use it to help understand the experiences of those around us
Words: 480

Intersection theory, in abstract terms, is a complex mathematical framework used in algebraic geometry to understand the intricate "meetings" between shapes within a mathematical space. While its roots and applications stem from the world of shapes and equations, it can be viewed through a more metaphorical lens to gain insights into human experiences. Here's how:

Understanding Intersection:

  • Imagine two overlapping circles: Their intersection represents shared experiences, common ground, or areas of mutual understanding between two individuals. Intersection theory, in this metaphor, provides tools to quantify and analyze these overlaps, their complexities, and how they influence the overall experience.

How it helps:

  • Empathy and Perspective: By studying the "intersections" of lived....

what methods of analysis should a behavioral health entrepreneur use to determine which strategies are the best for his her business why?
Words: 318

As a behavioral health entrepreneur, it is crucial to utilize various methods of analysis to determine which strategies are the best for your business. These analysis methods can help you make informed decisions, understand your target audience, and drive effective outcomes. Here are some key methods to consider:

1. SWOT Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis will provide insights into your competitive advantage, internal challenges, market potential, and potential risks.

2. Market Research: Gather data and insights about your target audience, competitors, market trends, and customer preferences. This analysis will enable you to....

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