Persuasive Essays (Examples)

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The definition of a persuasive essay is an essay that seeks to persuade the reader to adopt the writer’s perspective on a certain topic.  Persuasive essays may also be known as argumentative essays.  They differ from descriptive es......

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Persuasive vs Directive Communication Persuasive
Pages: 2 Words: 687

Get out of your comfort zone and don't miss this once-a-year event. Use this opportunity to establish your own place in the office.

Direct communication and persuasive communication both aim to make the reader/listener do certain things that the writer/speaker wants them to. Their difference from each other could be seen in their construction and the way they are constructed. Direct communication requires an authority figure directing a person to do what he/she wants done, with or without good reason. As such, the words used would tend to focus on the person giving the direction rather than the person actually doing the task. This type of communication would only work for a certain group of people, particularly those who hold a position of authority. Alternatively, persuasive communication can be used by anyone mainly using persuasive words to convince the one who would do the…...



Abbott, R.F. Persuasive Communication in Business. The Sideroad, 2007.

Rudin, M. The Science of Happiness. BBC News, 2006.

Persuasive Argument
Pages: 2 Words: 816

Hochswender piece persuasive? hy is it persuasive and in what passages do ethos, pathos, and logos come in to play in terms of assuring that it is persuasive (or not persuasive)? This paper critiques the Hochswender essay and finds it is not persuasive; and in fact it comes off as a conservative rant against two progressive personalities who advocate for reducing dependence on foreign oil and for cars that use less fuel than gas-guzzling SUVs.
hy Hochswender's argument is more hyperbole than substance

First of all Hochswender does not establish ethos in his piece -- he fails miserably at trying to be a credible source -- because while he negatively references progressives like Arianna Huffington and Lawrence Bender in his opening paragraph, he doesn't quote anything that either of them said vis-a-vis his assertion that they have "…linked SUVs with Mideast terrorism." He uses the film "Pulp Fiction" -- a movie…...


Works Cited

Hochswender, W. (2003). Did My Car Join Al Qaeda? The New York Times. Retrieved January 16, 2014, from 

Open Bible. (2010). Seek Truth / False Teachings. Retrieved January 16, 2014, from .

Persuasive Memo
Pages: 2 Words: 603

Business Division Faculty Members
FOM: The Dean, Business Division

New Trash-Emptying Program

As you may all know, the University is currently in the midst of a 25-percent budget cut initiative across all divisions. In that regard, there exists a need for individual divisions to come up with ways of saving money in the face of the said budget cuts. Our division has been singled out for the first phase of a proposed cost-cutting strategy dubbed 'the new trash-emptying program,' whose feasibility may eventually see it extended to other divisions. In an attempt to save money, members of the aforementioned division are thereby requested to empty their own desk trash cans into the basement dumpsters.

From time to time, we as responsible individuals are called upon to help in the further advancement of a noble cause. For instance, at home, we could be called upon to lend our hand in the repair of a…...



Bowman, J.P. (2002, August 21). Writing Persuasive Messages. Retrieved January 22, 2013, from Western Michigan University website: 

Purdue Online Writing Lab -- OWL (2010, September 24). Parts of a Memo. Retrieved January 23, 2013, from Purdue Online Writing Lab website:

Persuasive Speech Critique
Pages: 3 Words: 984

Norman Podhoretz's "Is America Exceptional?" is a persuasive speech that hearkens to the emotional appeal of the American mythos. Podhoretz's audience is largely comprised of Americans, for whom the American mythos holds a great deal of sway. Therefore, Podhoretz's main strength is his emotional appeal and his ability to connect with the audience. He does so also by establishing credibility and ethos, referring a little to his personal background and beliefs but mainly by showing that he shares the same optimistic values that cause one to believe that America is indeed exceptional. It is no accident that Podhoretz starts the speech with a line that typically starts fairy tales: "Once upon a time…"

However, the speaker's emotional appeals (pathos) are only one of the reasons why Podhoretz's speech is technically an effective one. "Is America Exceptional?" also relies on credible and logical reasoning (logos). The reasoning methods are particularly effective because…...


Works Cited

Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 11th Edition. Chapter 16

Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 11th Edition. Chapter 17

Podhoretz, Norman. "Is America Exceptional?" Retrieved online:

Persuasive Advertising
Pages: 3 Words: 1436

Persuasion Theories in Advertisement
Persuasion theories

O'Malley gives four frameworks, which advertising appeal can be designed. They include persuasion oriented, sales oriented, salience oriented, and involvement oriented similar to Halls framework. The framework starts with brand awareness by customers, to make them recognize or recall a brand to keep them aware (Knowledge Marketing, 2012, p 100). Salience involves differentiation of the brand with others; then the product trial is promoted by encouraging consumers to start using the brand. To achieve a relative positioning against the competition within a category, competitive brands are compared to their brand. The consumer negative perceptions are then changed in brand re-evaluation. Informal content is then provided to eliminate perceived risk of purchase. At this point, the target audience is encouraged to participate and engage in the advertising activities (Blythe and Zimmerman, 2005, p 223). When the audience is encouraged, appealing, and transformational needs is communicated to reach…...



Anderson, S.P., Ciliberto, F & Liaukonyte, J. 2010. Information Content of Advertising: Theory and Empirical Evidence.

Bly, R.W. 1998. Business-to-Business Direct Marketing: Proven Direct Response Methods to Generate More Leads and Sales, Second Edition. New York: McGraw Hill Professional.

Blythe, J and Zimmerman, A.S. 2005. Business-to-Business Marketing Management: A Global Perspective. New York: Cengage Learning EMEA.

Dahlen, M.L. 2010. Marketing Communication: A Brand Narrative Approach. London: John Wiley and Sons.

Persuasive Argument in Favor of Gun Control
Pages: 7 Words: 2309

Gun Control in the United States:
A persuasive argument in favor of gun control

The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." This brief statement has proven to be one of the most controversial sentences ever codified into law, perhaps because the situation which inspired it has changed so much. "hen the Constitution was debated, many Americans were afraid that the new national government would be able to crush the 13 state militias, made up of citizen soldiers with their guns at home. That fear led directly to the Second Amendment," according to NYU Law Professor Michael aldman (Brody, "Decoding the gun debate"). The Second Amendment was passed to effectively protect state's rights. Today we live in a nation where the federal government has accepted dominance…...


Works Cited

"Background on gun control." On the Issues. 4 Dec 2014. Web

Brody, Rachel. "Decoding the gun debate." U.S. News and World Report. 24 Jul 2014.

4 Dec 2014. Web.

Peters, Justin. "California's strict new access prevention law." Slate 15 Oct 2014. 4 Dec 2014.

Messages Sample Persuasive Message An
Pages: 3 Words: 951

While the school itself would solely be 'click,' the site could also offer cookbooks that could be bought both online and at bookstores, for people who did not want to take every course, but liked the approach of the site. And the site could have joint 'brick-based' promotions with various types of cooking supply and food supply companies.
This website could capitalize upon the increased popularity of cooking at home, and the desire of people to learn how to cook, despite being pressed for time. The attractions of sharing with a community would mimic that of the types of communities created on blogs and through YouTube, but with more direction about how to cook. The persuasive message could underline, depending on the course, the health benefits of cooking your own food, the social and romantic benefits, and the personal enrichment aspects of learning how to cook. "Cooking is a great…...



Betty Crocker. (2010). Official Website. Retrieved March 14, 2010 at 

Cook's Illustrated. (2010). Official Website. Retrieved March 14, 2010 at

Real World Problem Persuasive vs Scientific Methods
Pages: 2 Words: 502

Real World Problem:
Persuasive vs. Scientific Methods

Many of us are faced with problems daily, and our means of resolving these conflicts vary substantially. Some of us deal with problems practically, and others make lists. Some cannot even deal with problems. owever, this paper will analyze the persuasive vs. The scientific methods of resolving a conflict, namely, how one can solve a problem with one's boss in the workplace in two ways.

First, one must define a problem. For example, a very simple problem could be arriving late for work. In this case, the boss would certainly be upset, for he is paying for that time, and this would pose a problem. The boss may choose to deal with this problem directly, in which case a persuasive method could be more suitable, or he could choose to deal with it through the uman Resources department or through other such department, in which case…...


However, this can vary, especially if one must solve the problem quickly, as above. In such an instance, one would need to think quickly about what kind of structure he or she could employ, and especially think about how to effectively think about and solve this problem efficiently.

The two methods presented above vary, of course, in efficiency as well. The scientific method is most often most suitable for larger problems, like solving climate change (or rather curbing it). However, in the right instance, both could be very useful and an individual, whether at work, in school, or in any other instance should be aware of both methods.

All points taken from "The Scientific method of Problem Solving." (2011). Retrieved from < >.

Adoption Letter Informational and Persuasive
Pages: 2 Words: 645

It seems so unfair that this loving couple would be denied their life's dream, simply because of an accident of biology. All of Bernard and Lisa's friends have followed them through this long journey of trying to conceive, then to simply have a child. No child could be more wanted or welcome -- moreover, as individuals who are experienced with children, they go into the process with open eyes as well as open arms. They know that babies are not perfect, and that being a parent is a 24-7 job from which you can never resign.

Of course, when parents make the choice to adopt a child they are taking a new human being into their home whom they must get to know, who may have different issues or challenges based upon his or her personal history. But these parents see the ability to harbor the child and all of his…...

Global Warming a Persuasive Stance to All
Pages: 3 Words: 730

Global Warming
A persuasive stance to all future generations

I have been an active viewer of the climate change issue for many years now. Although I have noticed that there has been increased coverage of global warming, also referred to as climate change, in the media in the last few years I do not believe that most Americans do not fully understand the consequences of this phenomenon. Global warming is not only a threat to the polar bears portrayed as teetering on the last remaining tract of ice in the Arctic Ocean, or other random species, it is actually a threat to the entire human race. When I am watching the news the effects of climate change are portrayed as effecting the population in some point in the future that is obscure and not alarming.

However, the effects of climate change are already being felt today as millions of people struggle to…...

Saving Money for Retirement Persuasive
Pages: 2 Words: 629

You can't have that opportunity if you don't save.
Not only is saving for retirement necessary, but it is also easy. There are many methods of investing that will put your money to work for you, instead of making you work for your money. You can choose a 401-K plan or invest in mutual funds, in addition to investing in property or other hard assets. The most important part of saving, however, is simply committing to do it. That means having the discipline to take money out of each paycheck and invest it faithfully. A 401-K plan allows you to do this most easily, with money being deducted from your accounting automatically. No matter how you decide to invest, being insure you save enough money to accrue significant interest. This is incredibly easy if you get used to saving and do not depend on the money you will be putting…...

Mike Davis' Argument How Persuasive
Pages: 2 Words: 675

It was this economical devastation that Mike Davis argued about the abused and manipulation of the ritish imperialists where let other countries suffered for their own benefit. They opened the "free trade" market and destroyed the China and India's sanctuary of foods. The ritish imperialist built different kinds of roads because of their goal to modernize so that they can become part of the developing country; they did not bother to listen to people's repulsion in modernizing. They destroyed some agricultural lands which is the source of their food. For this reason, when drought came, the ritish were saved but millions of people died because of starvation.
Which of the three holds he most blame?

Mike Davis knew that the holocaust had three causes but then he pointed out that the main reason why millions of people died was the fact the ritish Imperialism brought about. They imposed free-trade and took…...



Davis, Mike (2001) "Late Victorian Holocausts" Verso, New York.

Job Outsourcing T Persuasive Speech Outline --
Pages: 3 Words: 971

Job Outsourcing
T Persuasive Speech Outline -- Job Outsourcing

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, in March 2012, reported that the country's present unemployment rate is at 8.2% where 42.5% came from the long-term unemployed or those jobless for 27 weeks or more. This rate, although decreasing from March 2010's almost 10%, can still be seen as relatively high.

An issue being looked into in addressing unemployment is the outsourcing of jobs. The United States' 2005 monthly labor review defined it as the shifting of work formerly paid in-house by a company to another which could be located inside or outside the country. Offshoring, on the other hand, is the transfer of work from within to outside the U.S. Nevertheless, both describe the acquisition of service outside the country to decrease production costs.

President Barack Obama, as reported in the Economic Times, has repeatedly stressed for businesses to bring jobs back instead of sourcing them…...



US Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Employment Situation. March 2012.

US Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Mass layoff data indicate outsourcing and offshoring work. August 2005.

The Economic Times. Barack Obama reiterates outsourcing concerns, asks U.S. firms to bring jobs back home. 26 January 2012.

Roberts, Paul Craig. "Notes for Free Traders." 7 March 2003.

Identification The Author's Use of Five Persuasive
Pages: 2 Words: 491

Identification: The
Author's Use of Five Persuasive Devices or Methods of Proof or Rhetorical/Literary Devices (10 marks)

Categorize the Essay and Provide Reasons Why (4 Marks)

Content Question (6 marks)

List below at least fifteen persuasive devices or methods of proof or rhetorical devices used by essayists to establish and/or deepen their argument

Bandwagon: believe something or do something "because everyone else does it"

Testimonial: Someone respected, credible, or famous endorses a product or idea

Emotional Appeal/Pathos: Fear tactics, for example, or call to arms based on anger.

Plain folk claim: "people like you" do this, so you can relate

Snob appeal: elite people do it, and you want to be elite so you should do it too

Anecdote: A personal story designed to get reader's attention

Paradox: Something that seems contradictory but is strangely true

Nostalgia: Appeal to the past or romanticizing the past

Hyperbole: Exaggeration to make a point

10. Anaphora: The use of the same word or phrase to start…...

Tuition Reimbursement A Persuasive Memo
Pages: 4 Words: 1118

This also creates a more positive and upbeat attitude in the workplace. Even non-career educational efforts such as Google's fitness classes create a better mood in the workplace. After doing yoga, a Google employee returns to his or her desk better able to improve his or her creative output. Additionally, adult education classes that enhance mood and body can save money on employee sick days and healthcare expenses. Employees with better attitudes about themselves, enhanced by lifelong learning, are less likely to feel stressed and psychologically traumatized, even when the workflow is high.
Attracting top talent

etention is enhanced through tuition reimbursement. It is much cheaper to hire a new worker than it is to retrain and enhance the skills of an existing worker. Education means that employee's skill sets are less likely to grow obsolete, reducing the need to hire new workers. Enhanced skill sets mean that the same workers…...



Culture. (2011). Google Corporation: Corporate. Retrieved May 1, 2011 at 

Krumrie, Matt. (2008, March 11). Take advantage of tuition reimbursement. Star Tribune.

Retrieved May 1, 2011 at 

Smashing the Clock. (2006) Business Week. Retrieved May 1, 2011 at

Can you help me with an essay conclusion for an ocean pollution essay?
Words: 334

If we were writing an ocean pollution essay, after presenting facts about ocean pollution we would almost certainly want to discuss solutions. is one of our favorite organizations to look at for solutions about ocean pollution because it provides strong science-based information about ocean pollution, as well as easy action points that people can take to help address the problem.  We love the idea of providing solutions because an essay that just gives facts about ocean pollution is going to be overwhelmingly depressing because ocean pollution and the havoc that it has caused the environment are,....

Can I get help writing an essay on any violence topic?
Words: 369

The topic of violence is a broad one because violence is persuasive in our society, there are competing theories about the causes of violence, and violence begins to impact people at a very young age.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are eight types of violence children may be exposed to or experience: bullying, child maltreatment, community violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, school violence, sexual abuse and sexual violence, sex trafficking, and teen dating violence. These different types of violence not only impact children, but also adults in the community,....

Could you give me an example of essay background about \"My Future Plan\"? I want to know the composition of essay background. Thank you.
Words: 410

How to approach a future plans essay depends on the exact prompt used in the essay.  So, the first thing that you want to do is to make sure that you understand the question.  The first thing to do is to consider your audience? Are you writing a future plans essay for college admissions, for a scholarship, or as part of the interview process for an internship or job?  You want to make sure and write your essay with your audience in mind; your future plans need to align with the plans that the audience may have....

Can you help with writing a persuasive essay on psychology?
Words: 361

Writing a persuasive essay is different from other types of academic writing.  Rather than simply presenting facts, you are trying to convince the reader to agree with your opinion or position on a topic.  The topic of psychology is extremely broad.  There are several different types of psychological theories, and each of these theories have several subtypes.  They also have different degrees of support among psychologists, so you could pick one of those theories or sub-theories and use it as the basis for a persuasive essay. 

To help you with writing your persuasive....

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