Personification Essays (Examples)

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Personification of Dorian Gray in
Pages: 2 Words: 662

Indeed, Dorian Gray does end up doing much wrong to Miss Vane which induces her to commit suicide. However, her brother, a worldly seaman, does not get the opportunity to fulfill his promise, for he too ends up dead through the machinations of the evil Dorian Gray.
Dorian's third mistake occurs at the conclusion of the story when he decides to destroy the painting which after many years has become decayed and horrible to see as a result of Dorian's hedonistic lifestyle and the murder of asil Hallward. While in the attic where the painting has been stored and kept from prying eyes, Dorian takes the same knife he used to kill asil Hallward and stabs the painting, thinking that "as (the knife) had killed the painter, so it would kill the painter's would kill the past... It would kill his monstrous soul-life and... he would be at peace"…...



Wilde, Oscar. "The Picture of Dorian Gray." Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. Intro. Vyvyan Holland. New York: HarperCollins, 2002.

Iago as a Personification of
Pages: 4 Words: 1433

He tricks him into believing his lies. Obviously, he hates Othello and wants to destroy him. This is one reason why critics suggest that he is the personification of evil. But just because a character wishes evil and does evil to other characters does not mean that he is any less of a human being. Human beings, Shakespeare shows, are capable of doing evil things. That is one lesson we can learn from Othello.
Another lesson we can learn from Othello is that, as Crouch states, it is impossible to label characters or persons. In other words, one should not try to dismiss Iago as pure Evil just to get around having to deal with him on a human level. By not labeling Iago as a personification of evil and instead looking at him like a human being, one is forced to face an unpleasant fact. That fact is that…...


Works Cited

Crouch, J.H. "The Colorado Shakespeare Festival -- 1970." Shakespeare Quarterly vol.

21, no. 4 (1970), 465-467. Print.

Rosenberg, Marvin. "In Defense of Iago." Shakespeare Quarterly vol. 6, no. 2 (1955),

145-158. Print.

Carpe Diem by Robert Frost Personification of
Pages: 6 Words: 2533

Carpe Diem" by Robert Frost
Personification of Age

Chiming church bells symbolize time

Children passing symbolize time passing

"Drinking Song" by John Fletcher

Merry, boisterous tone

Caution to the wind

Quick, punchy rhyme scheme

Entertaining but less sincere than Frost

The term "carpe diem," meaning "seize the day" in Italian, encourages a person to make the most of his time while he has it. A carpe diem poem typically emphasizes the elusive or fleeting nature of time, with a particular focus on the passing of youth. In Robert Frost's "Carpe Diem," he personifies Age and places him on a road watching two children pass. Age knows not where the children are headed, but wishes them happiness regardless as those "With happiness should have it. / And yet not know that they have it" (lines 17-18). The passing of time and the innocence of youth is further emphasized by the chiming of the church bells and the "twilight" setting…...

Robert Frost Personification in Out
Pages: 2 Words: 670

I. Frost's main intention in using the buzz saw as a being

Frost wants to display the buzz saw as a person and in order to do so he further emphasizes the fact that it is capable to put across feelings that are characteristic to human beings. Similar to a human being, the buzz saw can sometimes run light and sometimes it appears that it is more difficult for him to go through a load. This makes it possible for readers to comprehend that a person needs to be well-acquainted with the saw and with its nature in order for him or her to operate it correctly. It is virtually as if an individual would need to have a special relationship with the buzz saw in order for it to be able to complete its missions and so as for the respective person to avoid coming across significant problems while operating…...


V. Conclusion

Frost's use of personification throughout the poem is impressive and it is most probably meant to amplify the feelings the boy experienced. Thinking about a machine that took on human-like attributes and is responsible for taking a young boy's life is truly breath-taking and makes it possible for readers to understand the gravity of the respective event.

Hindman, Hugh D. "Child Labor: An American History," (M.E. Sharpe, 2002)

Lilies of Landsford Canal Susan Ludvigson Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1383

Lilies of Landsford Canal
Susan Ludvigson is an American literature professor and poet whose professional and personal background feature prominently in her work. In the narrative poem "The Lilies of Landsford Canal," Ludvigson describes her first impressions upon visiting the renowned lily fields at the Landsford Canal in her home state of South Carolina. Through her narrative, a series of literary devices are utilized to demonstrate her first reactions upon visiting the lily fields. The literary devices used by Ludvigson include imagery, allusion, personification, and simile.

Ludvigson opens her narrative by establishing where the lilies at Lansford Canal are located and the location's proximity to her residence. Ludvigson uses imagery to describe the narrator's initial journey to the canal. By stating, "Twenty years I've lived/so near a miracle/it's possible to bicycle there," the reader is made to understand that the narrator should have a good grasp of the geography and her…...


Works Cited

Ludvigson, Susan. "The Lilies of Landsford Canal." Sweet Confluence: New and Selected

Poems. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2000.

Beowulf as a Hero Lesson
Pages: 19 Words: 8817

Your answer should be at least five sentences long.
The Legend of Arthur

Lesson 1 Journal Entry # 9 of 16

Journal Exercise 1.7A: Honor and Loyalty

1. Consider how Arthur's actions and personality agree with or challenge your definition of honor. Write a few sentences comparing your definition (from Journal 1.6A) with Arthur's actions and personality.

2. Write a brief paragraph explaining the importance or unimportance of loyalty in being honorable.

Lesson 1 Journal Entry # 10 of 16

Journal Exercise 1.7B: Combining Sentences

Complete the Practice Activity on page 202 of your text. After completing this activity, read over your Essay Assessment or another journal activity you've completed.

* Identify three passages that could be improved by combining two or more sentences with coordinating or subordinating conjunctions. Below the practice activity in your journal, write the original passages and the revised sentences you've created.

* Be sure to indicate which journal or writing assignment they came from.


Shakespeare Wordsworth Shakespeare and Wordsworth
Pages: 5 Words: 1532

Here, though ordsworth has once again assumed his place apart from the natural world, he denotes that it is of value to return to this beautiful space in his memory when he is in need of emotional or psychological respite. And ultimately, this reinforces the romantic imperative of distilling the human experience within its context. For ordsworth, the context of modernity invokes a greater appreciation for man's inextricable bond to the natural world.

For Shakespeare, a pre-romantic prerogative toward leaving one's own stamp on the world seems to drive the perspective of Sonnet 116. So is this evidenced by his closing remarks, which states rather definitively, "If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved." Both with regard to the way that Shakespeare characterizes the everlasting nature of true love and the way that he references his own role in the world as a…...


Works Cited:

Shakespeare, W. (1609). Sonnet 116.

Wordsworth, W. (1807). I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. Poem Hunter.

Wild -- Vocabulary Exercise Context
Pages: 2 Words: 609

Basically, Charles had accidentally rolled backwards at the edge of a parking area outside a fraternity at another college. His open-topped Jeep slid a few feet backwards down a steep wooded hill in the black of night and came to rest on loose rocks and soil at a very steep upward angle. The hill was so steep that it would have been impossible to release the brake to engage the clutch without sliding backwards down a rocky mountainous hill. n fact, the hill was too steep for the emergency brake to hold the vehicle in place alone. t took a few second for Charles to get the attention of three friends in the backseat, but he managed to tell them they had to get out of the Jeep calmly and only from the sides and not the back. Then he told the girl in the passenger seat that he needed…...


Illustrated Meaning -- Lacerated

One look at the results of Clint Malarchuk's lacerated jugular vein by a skate blade was enough to convince him that he no longer wanted to play that position at all. Luckily, Malarchuk was saved by excellent emergency care.

Evangeline Is Longfellow's Epic Historical
Pages: 1 Words: 376

When Longfellow uses the word tremulous to describe the tides of the ocean and the gleam of the moonlight, he personifies those natural elements to connect Evangeline's experiences with the natural world.
The phrase "like the tremulous tides of the ocean" is a simile: Longfellow here compares Evangeline's body with the undulating tides using the word "like" to denote the comparison. The phrase "the infinite meadows of heaven" is a metaphor for a starry night (Part One, Canto 3). Also in Part One Stanza 3, Longfellow alludes to fairy tales about goblins but also to Christian scripture and legend: "how on Christmas eve the oxen talked in the stable." When Longfellow describes the statue of Justice in Part One, Stanza 3 the poet uses personification: "a brazen statue of Justice / Stood in the public square, upholding the scales in its left hand." The statue is depicted as being human.


Keats' to Autumn an Analysis of Keats'
Pages: 2 Words: 625

Keats' to Autumn
An Analysis of Keats' "To Autumn"

John Keats' "To Autumn" is a kind of "companion piece" to another English poem, "Ode to Evening," by illiam Collins -- a poem very much in the mind of Keats when he seat to work on "Autumn." Inspired by the English countryside, Keats, like illiams, evokes nature's reflection of the poet's own emergence from youthfulness to adulthood. Composed only two years before his death, there is already in this work a sense of the imminent end awaiting the young poet -- who is even still at his most fruitful. "To Autumn" carries with it the dichotomous theme of life in its fullness, haunted by "mists" and mellowness and a creeping kind of melancholy that portends the harvest. This paper will analyze Keats' "To Autumn" and show how the poet uses imagery, personification, and structure to illuminate and convey the fullness of summer's "ripeness…...


Works Cited

Keats, John. "To Autumn." The Poems of John Keats. New Delhi: Rupa Classics,

2010. Print.

Role and Importance of the
Pages: 20 Words: 5946

Most individuals fail to appreciate life to the fullest because they concentrate on being remembered as some of the greatest humans who ever lives. This makes it difficult for them to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, considering that they waste most of their time trying to put across ideas that are appealing to the masses. While many did not manage to produce ideas that survived more than them, others succeeded and actually produced thinking that remained in society for a long period of time consequent to their death.

Creativity is generally regarded as one of the most important concepts in society, considering that it generally induces intense feelings in individuals. It is responsible for progress and for the fact that humanity managed to produce a series of ideas that dominated society's thinking through time. In order for someone to create a concept that will live longer than him or her,…...

Disastrous Historical Military Engagement That Occurred During
Pages: 2 Words: 767

disastrous historical military engagement that occurred during the initial phase of Crimean war that was fought between Turkey and ussia. The situation in the poem is a war whereby there are 600 horsemen of the light brigade that are ordered to charge into the valley holding guns on their sides. They obey the order but they are met with heavy gunfire upon their encounter with their ussian enemies. They attack and kill some of them and end up retreating down the valley. On their way back they encounter bad gunfire and many of the soldiers end up loosing their lives. The speaker is someone when was there at the time of the war. He vividly remembers the charge and wants to pass on the story of those heroes who charged and lost their lives on that day. There is a lot of power in his memories and patriotism that…...



Tilton JE (1870). The Charge of the Light Brigade .Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Copied from Poems of Alfred Tennyson, Retrieved October 26,2013 from

Mixed Company by C Rucker
Pages: 8 Words: 2204

He wants to honor his dead wife, so he takes the dog along with him just as she did. This is perhaps the only gesture the father makes toward the dog. Throughout the poem, it appears as if the father is indifferent to the dog, if anything at all.
The paradox we encounter in the poem is if a dog can actually suffer from grief with the ultimate question resting on the notion of animals missing human beings. The most ironic aspect of this poem is how the dog appears to be suffering more than the father is. The poet does not go into the father's suffering at all, except to say that he refuses counseling. The meaning and primary idea behind the poem is that all creatures suffer loss whether or not they can express it in ways that humans might be able to understand. It took death for…...


Works Cited

Rucker, C. "Mixed Company"

Love We Hear Footsteps by
Pages: 4 Words: 1422

Somehow this is an explanation of what love is, paradoxical. This paradox between the sublime relationship of sex to love and to procreation is all one in this small poem and is the true meaning the poet is conveying.
Fergus is at once the symbol and personification of this in the poem, "this blessing love gives again into our arms." (Meyers __) Referring to the love they have shared for each other and the love that is now their child. The meaning here is at once figurative and literal, here is a sense of spiritual love between them all, and the physical presence of their bodies, both at first as a couple making love and then experiencing their child between them as the symbolic and literal result of that love.

There is also a counter play between the innocence of a child and the experience of an adult. In the first…...


Works Cited

Meyer, Michael. Thinking and Writing About Literature: A Text and Anthology, Second Edition.

Publisher; Location, (Date)

Streng, Frederick J. "Three Approaches to Authentic Existence: Christian, Confucian, and Buddhist." Philosophy East & West 32.4 (1982): 371-392.

Courage That My Mother Had
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

This is an interesting device because it indicates the author was looking at every aspect of the poem and thought long and hard about how to use words to convey meaning, emotion, and loss.
In contrast, Parks does not worry about rhyme; he simply uses meter and the rhythm of the words to convey meaning and emotion. Millay speaks about her mother throughout the poem, but Parks only uses three lines to show his father has passed away. Millay openly admires her mother, while it seems there was tension underneath the surface between Parks and his father. He seems to be watching events from the outside looking in, giving the illusion of emotional detachment, while Millay is clearly distraught and overcome by the loss of her mother. By using personification indirectly, Parks likens his father to a giant, while Millay prefers to instead concentrate on her mother's mental qualities and…...



Millay, Edna St. Vincent. "The Courage That my Mother Had."

Parks, Gordon. "The Funeral."

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on exposition essay?
Words: 667

Topic 1: The Role of Personal Narrative in Expositional Writing

Discuss how personal narratives can enhance expositional essays by providing vivid examples, establishing credibility, and fostering emotional connections.
Examine the ethical considerations of using personal experiences in argumentative or informative writing.
Analyze specific examples of expositional essays that effectively utilize personal narratives.

Topic 2: The Art of Analogies: Using Comparisons to Illuminate Complex Ideas

Explain the role of analogies in expositional writing, particularly their ability to simplify complex concepts and make them accessible.
Discuss the criteria for effective analogies, including relevance, accuracy, and memorability.
Provide examples of well-crafted analogies from published....

How can a single paragraph convey a complex idea?
Words: 577

The canvas of communication is vast, and its colors myriad. Among the array of expressive forms, the paragraph stands out as a versatile and potent tool, capable of conveying intricate ideas with remarkable depth and nuance. Within its confines, a skilled writer can weave a tapestry of words that illuminate complex concepts, challenge perspectives, and evoke profound emotions.

The secret to crafting a paragraph that effectively conveys a complex idea lies not merely in the choice of words but in the architecture of thought. Just as a building's foundation determines its stability, the structure of a paragraph provides the framework upon....

How can we create a powerful and impactful title that raises awareness about pollution?
Words: 468

Crafting a Captivating Title for Pollution Awareness

1. Identify the Target Audience:

Determine who the message is intended to reach, whether it's the general public, policymakers, or specific industries. Understanding the audience's knowledge and interests helps tailor the title.

2. Choose Emotionally Resonant Words:

Use language that evokes strong emotions, such as "choking," "toxic," or "destroying." Words that convey a sense of urgency or danger can grab attention.

3. Leverage Action Verbs:

Active verbs convey a sense of immediacy and responsibility. Titles that begin with action verbs, such as "Reduce," "Combat," or "Eliminate," incite a desire for change.

4. Emphasize the Consequences:

Highlight the negative impacts of pollution....

How can the experience of working in an emergency room be effectively conveyed in a written essay?
Words: 483

Conveying the Intensity and Emotions of an Emergency Room

Working in an emergency room (ER) is an intense and emotionally charged experience that requires a unique blend of technical proficiency, empathy, and resilience. Capturing the essence of this experience in a written essay requires careful consideration of language, imagery, and narrative structure.

Sensory Overload and Chronological Flow:

Begin by immersing the reader in the sensory overload of the ER: the cacophony of sirens, the pungent smell of antiseptic, and the constant movement of medical staff. Use chronological flow to guide the reader through a typical shift, highlighting the frenetic pace and unpredictable nature....

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