Personality Test Essays (Examples)

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Personality Tests Revised in Taking the Myers-Briggs
Pages: 2 Words: 840

Personality Tests EVISED
In taking the Myers-Briggs personality test, my results indicated ENFJ, or Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. One interpretation calls this type "The Teacher" for shorthand (presumably because Extraversion is required for a teacher or professor to willingly stand in front of a classroom and "perform," while the Judging component helps with grading papers). Another weblink offered to show me a list of famous people with the ENFJ type: after scanning the various names (some of whom I identified with, some of whom I didn't) I began to consider what these tests were actually measuring, if anything. I was reading a list of "famous ENFJ personalities" but I wondered if they had lists of famous Introverts. With the possible exception of certain creative artists or eccentrics -- e.g., Marcel Proust, Greta Garbo, Nikola Tesla -- there are not many professions which offer wide fame to those who lack Extraversion altogether.…...



Guastello, S.J., Guastello, D.D., and Craft, L.L. (1989). Assessment of the Barnum effect in computer-based test interpretations. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 123, 477-484.

Huffman, Karen. (2008). Psychology in Action. Ninth Edition. Hoboken: Wiley.

"Idealist ™ Portrait of the Teacher (ENFJ)." Web. Accessed 1 March 2011 at: 

"Personality Test Based on Jung -- Meyers-Briggs Terminology." Web. Accessed 1 March at:

Personality Test Analysis My Scores on the
Pages: 5 Words: 1428

Personality Test Analysis
My scores on the "Big Five" model personality test are Openness: 96%; Conscientiousness: 86%; Extraversion: 27%; Agreeableness: 69% and Neuroticism: 37%. (John, 2009) On the Jung Typology test, my type is INFJ: Introverted: 89%; Intuitive: 75%; Feeling: 25%; Judging: 44%. (Humanmetrics) This was very similar to the Keirsey Temperament Test, which also classifies me as an INFJ, also known as the "Counselor." (Butt, 2010)

According to the analyses that accompany the Keirsey and Jung tests online, I am highly introverted, preferring the company of a few close friends to a group of people; I am a champion of the downtrodden with a humanitarian streak, and also possess a knack for languages. I have very clear perception and, for better or worse, readily grasp other people's underlying motives. My thinking is directed inward, which can be perceived by others as being cold and distant; at times I may be so…...



BSM Consulting. (2010). INFJ Personal Growth. Retrieved 12 16, 2010, from 

Butt, J. a. (2010, Aug 8). INFJ Profile. Retrieved 12 16, 2010, from 

Humanmetrics. (2008). Jung Career Indicator. Retrieved 12 16, 2010, from 

Humanmetrics. (n.d.). Personality test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs typology. (Humanmetrics, Producer) Retrieved 12 16, 2010, from

Personality Test Results The Administrator the World
Pages: 4 Words: 1232

Personality Test esults: The Administrator
The world is filled with millions of very different people. In fact, no two people are ever truly alike. This means that in the contemporary work environment, there are people who may share your views and work habits, but also those who may be staunchly against them, presenting their own very different philosophies on work and on life. After taking a personality test, I found that I am an ESTJ, an aggressive and detail-oriented personality type that is the exact opposite of the INFP, who are more laid back and flexible. Still, I will undoubtedly encounter those personalities that are opposing to mine, and it is important to understand how I can bridge the gaps between us in order to effectively and efficiently get projects completed within the contemporary engineering industry.

After taking the personality type test, I found that I was an ESTJ personality type. This…...



BSM Consulting. (2012). Portrait of an ESTJ: The guardian. Personality Page. Web.

Personality Tests Are Assessment Tools That Require
Pages: 2 Words: 432

personality tests are assessment tools that require the individual to choose answers from a restricted set of response options as well as validity scales that are intended to determine the truthfulness of the answers of participants. In other words the tests offer options for answering that are intended to be unpredictable to the individual answering the questions, i.e. there are no right or wrong answers and the answer options do not usually offer indications to the participant that indicate the purpose of the question (Arendasy, Sommer, Herle, Schutzhofer, & Inwanschitz, 2011, pgs. 210-218). OPTs tests are utilized frequently in mapping personality, an objective set of traits that can help determine the manner in which the individual might respond to a given scenario in a real life setting. One example of an objective personality test would be the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), which is often also used in psychological…...



Arendasy, M., Sommer, M., Herle, M., Schutzhofer, B., & Inwanschitz, D. (2011). Modeling effects of faking on an objective personality test. Journal Of Individual Differences, 32(4), 210-218. doi:10.1027/1614-0001/a000053

Khorramdel, L., & Frebort, M. (2011). Context effects on test performance: What about test order?. European Journal Of Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 103-110. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000050

Myers-Briggs Personality Test the Myers-Briggs
Pages: 2 Words: 528

e. those analogues that are not selected).
The inability of the MBTI to measure either the positive or negative associations beyond the mere selection of one trait over the other are its most serious limitations in the context of making them inappropriate for certain types of applications. To illustrate by example, a forced-choice test that requires the subject to select from the choice between "extravert" and "introvert" cannot distinguish between an individual who is more extraverted than introverted but only by a small margin and an individual who is tremendously extraverted.

Misuse for Employee Selection and Narrow Categorization of Coworkers

The most typical misuse of the MBTI is in connection with the initial employee candidate selection process. Typical example of undesirable consequences attributable to misuse of the MBTI include excluding qualified prospective employees and the establishment of rigid negative perceptions about coworkers, such as in the context of information revealed during MBTI-based education…...



Coe, C.K. "The MBTI: potential uses and misuses in personnel administration. (Myers-

Briggs Type Indicator)." Public Personnel Management. International Personnel

Management Association. 1992. Retrieved October 22, 2009 from HighBeam


Personality Testing Has Been Used by a
Pages: 2 Words: 589

Personality testing has been used by a number of organizations for varying purposes, and most notably for the recruitment or promotion of personnel. It has also been used to determine, in part, which type of job would be most suitable for a person who must make career choices. The assumption behind such testing is that these provide an accurate portrait of the person being tested, and that the results demonstrate the greatest likelihood of a match between the personality and the purpose of the test. However, recent criticism has suggested that this assumed accuracy is in fact incorrect for a variety of reasons, but generally based upon the fact that tests are administered under artificial conditions. Instead, these critics suggest that a much better test for varying personality is the types of things and tastes people surround themselves with; even passwords are said to be more revealing about a personality…...



Allen, C. (2003). The Sound of Personality.

Andrews, L. (2002). Passwords reveal your personality.

Gardner, E. & Dixit, J. (2008). What your stuff reveals about you.

Harris, M. (2004). The cult of personality: Rethinking the use of personality tests for hiring.

Personality Testing Pros & Cons
Pages: 1 Words: 430

Tests provide numeric information, which means that individuals can be more easily compared on the same criteria. In interviews, different questions are asked of different candidates, and the answers often forgotten. Tests provide comparable profiles. Data-based records allow ones development to be traced over time. Tests give specific results regarding temperament and ability. They are comprehensive and cover all basic dimensions of personality ability. Disadvantages include ability of the test taker to fake it on the test i.e. painting themselves in a favorable light. Tests are often unreliable when dealing with situations i.e. boredom, anxiety etc. In addition, tests are invalid, they do not measure what they say they are measuring, and these scores do not predict behavior over time. For many tests, this is indeed the Achilles heel and they are lamentably short of robust proof of their validity. It is supremely important that tests have predictive and…...



Furnham, a. (1999). Personality at Work: The Role of Individual Differences in the Workplace. London: Routledge.

Personality Tests and What They Tell Us
Pages: 2 Words: 624

SF-36 demo gave mostly mid-range scores in the 40-60%ile. This was most likely because most of my answers to the questions consisted of "some of the time" or "not sure," as I felt that my subjective experience of my overall health and mental state is possibly not as accurate as a true objective view of what my activity and overall life is like. Thus, the test did not provide me with as much useful information as I would have liked, as I felt it was too subjective in spite of the variables used by Dr. Ware to ensure a quality algorithmic reading of my responses to the 36 question test (Ware, n.d.). My perception of those variables is really what determines the scoring and I doubt my own perception is always the most accurate one; for example, regarding bodily pain or physicality or functioning and general health, I do…...



Duck, J. (2006). Making the connection: Improving virtual team performance through behavioral assessment profiling and behavioral cues. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, 33, 358-9

Ware, J. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Personality Testing and Its Main Aspects
Pages: 2 Words: 861

Psychodynamic Theories

Main tenets of theory

Unique contributions


Conscious, pre-conscious,


Id, Ego, Superego; sexual energy as the basis or motive of human action

Applicable in child psychology, less so in adult psychology


Archetypes: anima/animus, shadow, self

Psychic energy, not sexual energy, is the basis of human action; the collective unconscious

Psychology descends into pseudo-philosophy


Survival and security are guiding forces of life

Individual psychology; the organism acts as a whole, there is no division

Time and amount of data needed about patient's background family in order to treat


Psychoanalytic social theory -- people battle anxiety by moving toward, against or away from others

Neurotics rely typically on one of these methods primarily; provided extensive analysis of neurotic behavior

Applications do not typically apply to the normal personality

Defense Mechanisms

Match the example with the appropriate defense mechanism.

ABC/123 Version X


Week 4 Review Worksheet

PSY/203 Version 3



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2. __G___A woman is involved…...

Barnum Effect Personality Testing II
Pages: 3 Words: 1082

However, there are several questions posed by the specific description generated by the online personality test. Are the results cross-cultural? For example, would someone who was not from an individualistic, change-focused, and esteem-oriented culture like America agree with the results? Is the Barnum effect more pronounced amongst certain types of people and are some individuals more apt to disagree with the results?
In contrast to the theory of the Barnum test, the Jung Typology posits that there are real differences between persons who are introverted and extroverted, for example, that can be measured on a personality test. Even Jung allows, however, that most individuals are not pure introverts or extroverts, but rather manifest one tendency to a slightly greater or lesser degree. The Barnum inventory, acknowledging this, specifically states that the test-taker is both extroverted and introverted at different times in his or her life. One of the sources of…...



The Barnum effect. Retrieved September 29, 2011 at .

Barnum effect feedback: Personality inventory. Retrieved September 29, 2011 at .

Whitbourne, Susan. (2010). When it comes to personality tests, a dose of skepticism is a good thing. Psychology Today. Retrieved September 29, 2011 at

Reflective Techniques in Personality Testing
Pages: 3 Words: 1023

instrument available when it comes to personality testing. The second question is why that methodology is the best. Third and finally is the question of if and how personality tests can be skewed by the person taking the test. egarding the first question, the author of this report reviewed the literature over the last three calendar years (with 2015 being the most recent of those three) and it would seem that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) would be a good indicator of personality when it comes to dysfunctional and abnormal psychologies. ecent work by Maples et al. noted that the third section of the DSM manual is related to a "pathological trait model." There are more than two hundred (two-hundred twenty to be precise) items in the DSM personality inventory. There are a bevy of both internal and external outcomes. A reduced version of the…...



Collier, J., & Dunn, S.W. (2014). Candidates as Brands: Examining College Students'

Perceptions of Political Candidate's Brand Identities Using Traditional and Projective Qualitative Techniques. Florida Communication Journal, 42(1), 33-43.

Maples, J.L., Carter, N.T., Few, L.R., Crego, C., Gore, W.L., Samuel, D.B., & ...

Miller, J.D. (2015). Testing Whether the DSM-5 Personality Disorder Trait Model

Personality Tests Can Pose Problematic
Pages: 1 Words: 349

The Jungian personality inventories are to some degree 'Westernized' one could argue, in the sense that they were originally developed by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, around Western archetypes of personality. The MMPI also makes use of such tests in its more extensive survey, but more flexible use of the Jung system has yielded less dogmatic career recommendation and personality type instruments. After answering a series of questions, the tester receives a certain personality 'typing,' based upon whether he or she is primarily extroverted or introverted, sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving. The tester can use this typology as a guide, not a diagnosis set in stone, on his or her path to achieve clearer self-understanding.


Jungian psychological typology. (2009). Personality tests. etrieved October 20, 2009 at



Jungian psychological typology. (2009). Personality tests. Retrieved October 20, 2009 at

Personality Test and Personality
Pages: 4 Words: 1536

Psychological Testing
Psychological tests are commonly used to establish individual capabilities and characteristics. Such inference is derived as a result of collecting, integrating and interpreting information about a person (Marnat, 2009). It constitutes measuring variables through the use of procedures and devices crafted to demonstrate a person's behavior (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2009). Assessment of personality is, ideally, the measuring and evaluating of psychological aspects such as one's values, states, world view, personal identity, acculturation, behavior styles, sense of humor and the related characteristics of an individual (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2009). Personality tests are designed to determine the character of a human being or their disposition. The initial personality tests were designed to examine and predict disorders of clinical nature. The tests are still useful today and are applied to determine cases in need of counseling. The latest personality tests are used to measure normal characteristics (Miller, Mclntire, & Lovler, 2011).

Here Is…...



Cattell, H. E., & Mead, A. D. (2008). The sixteen-personality factor questionnaire (16PF). The SAGE handbook of personality theory and assessment, 2, 135-178.

Cohen, R. & Swerdlik, M. (2009). Psychological testing and assessment (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Friedman, M. (1996). Type A Behavior: Its Diagnosis and Treatment. New York: Plenum Press (Kluwer Academic Press)

Groth-Marnat, G. (2009). Handbook of psychological assessment. John Wiley & Sons.

Personality Tests as a Tool for Hiring
Pages: 2 Words: 594

Personality TestsOver the years, psychologists have developed a number of different personality tests. While each test has its own strengths and weaknesses, they all share one common goal: to give insight into an individual\\\'s personality. The three most popular personality tests are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Big Five Personality Test, and the Enneagram Test. The MBTI is one of the most widely used personality tests in the world. It is based on the theories of Carl Jung and divides people into 16 different personality types. The Big Five Personality Test is another popular option. It measures five key traits: neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience. Finally, the Enneagram Test is a nine-pointed system that is often used for personal development and growth. No matter which test you choose, remember that personality tests are only one tool for understanding yourself and your relationships with others. They should…...


ReferencesFurnham, A. (2022). MBTI and Aberrant Personality Traits: Dark-Side Trait Correlates of the Myers Briggs Type Inventory. Psychology, 13(5), 805-815.

Personality Theories and Assessments Though
Pages: 2 Words: 596

Personal interviews -- especially what the respondent actually says in them -- can be extremely useful to humanist practitioners. They also share a reliance on objective tests -- where the respondent attempts, in a guided way, to assess their own behavior and/or personality, with the two remaining branches of personality assessment.
Trait-based and social-learning psychology have vastly different approaches to assessing personality, but there are also some commonalities insofar as how they assess personality. Trait-based theorists believe that people exhibit specific behavioral traits, and that these can be analyzed to determine personality. Tests like the Big Five indicator are trait-based assessors. Social-learning theorists, on the other hand, believe that certain cognitive patterns are set early on, and that behavior (and personality) is determined by these unique cognitive processes working with the sum experience as well as the current environment and interactions. For this reason, social-learning theorists do not see behavior…...

Trying to figure out a title for my essay it’s about why dating apps are not ok I’m doing an argument essay?
Words: 331

Given the popularity of online dating and dating apps, writing an argumentative essay against online dating is a good choice.  It is always more interesting to write a position paper that may be unusual, because it is unlikely to recycle the same arguments that your professor will see in other papers.  There is actually a myriad of reasons that online dating may not be as successful (or as safe) as traditional in-person dating, and any of these reasons could serve as the basis for an argumentative essay.  They include but are not limited to potential....

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Career Exploration?
Words: 374

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Begin with an attention-grabbing statement or anecdote related to career exploration.
B. Background: Provide a brief overview of the importance of career exploration and its benefits.
C. Thesis statement: State the main point or argument of the essay, which should focus on the structure and process of career exploration.

II. Body Paragraph 1: The Importance of Self-Assessment
A. Topic sentence: Introduce the significance of self-assessment in career exploration.
B. Discuss various self-assessment tools and methods, such as personality tests, skills inventories, and values assessments.
C. Explain how self-assessment helps individuals identify their interests, strengths, and weaknesses.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Industry and Occupation Research

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