Personal Values Essays (Examples)

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Personal Values Analysis Write Personal Values Anlysis
Pages: 3 Words: 957

Personal Values Analysis: write personal values anlysis, centering values . list derived "values" document orld
Technique is one of the most essential values defined within the values document for the orld ar II cultural matrix, because it implies a dominance of technology over all of the conventional virtues that society was based upon. There are numerous examples of how technology's ascendance, particularly during the critical years following orld ar II, has rendered the value system for contemporary society much different than that of prior societies. There are certainly some advantages to technology's expedience that is found in virtually all aspects of life today. Yet its cultural ramifications are considerably more dubious in terms of beneficence, and in some instances appear to negatively impact people in the modern world.

Technique is defined within the aforementioned document as a crucial effect of reliance on technology and upon what Neil Postman calls "technopoly" -- which…...


Works Cited

No author. "A Value-System That Is Integrated by "TECHNOLOGY" VALUES of the World War II Cultural Matrix The Conflict of Objective and Subjective Values." No date. Web.

Twenge, Jean. Generation Me. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2007 Print.

Postman, Neil. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1992. Print.

Personal Values Analysis You Write Personal Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 1045

Personal Values Analysis: You write personal analysis, centering values . list derived "values" document World
There are a number of different attributes assigned to the term propaganda within the World War I Cultural Matrix. This document presents both informal and formal definitions of this term, as well as many different connotations that it has. In adhering to the cultural motif of World War I, virtually all of the examples about propaganda have to do with Hitler's use of this tool in mobilizing the masses of Germans for his global campaign. More compelling still is the fact that this document alludes to the enduring nature of propaganda as a vital tool for the 'machinery' of bureaucracy, or rather that of modern bureaucracy. As such, there are several examples of contemporary propaganda that one can cite and which have a certain degree of relevance in the life of the author of this paper…...



Starr, B., Labott, E. (2005). "Official: U.S. calls off search for Iraqi WMDs." CNN. Retrieved from

No author. (No date). "A value-system that is integrated by "BUREAUCRACY"

VALUES of the World War I cultural matrix: The conflict of mechanistic and organic values." Retrieved from

Personal Values Development Current Value
Pages: 5 Words: 1483

After I entered Kohlberg's Post-Conventional Moral stage, I began to realize that: (1) homosexuality probably is not a voluntary choice; (2) homosexuals can have meaningful, committed, and stable loving relationship or superficial, casual, and unstable relationships exactly the same way heterosexuals can (and often do) experience both types of relationships at different times of their lives; (3) homosexuality is not a moral issue at all; and (4) gay people have the same moral right to any of the benefits that our society and government makes available to heterosexual couples who choose to share their lives in a meaningful way.

Materialism and Conformity

During Kohlberg's Conventional Moral stage of my development I admired material possessions and wealth about as much as everybody else. I assumed that anybody who drove an expensive car or owned a big house must necessarily be very smart to be so successful and must be happy in life. At…...


Sources Consulted

Gerrig R. And Zimbardo P. (2007). Psychology and Life. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Pinker S. (2002). The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature. New York:


Trevino L. And Nelson K. (2004). Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk about how to Do it Right (3rd ed.). New York: Wiley.

Personal Values Intersecting With the
Pages: 4 Words: 1009

In terms of the products which are no longer fresh, but which can nevertheless be consumed, these are donated to food kitchens and local shelters for the homeless people.
3. Alignment of the Values and the Managerial Function in Light of the Common / Different Values

A major difference between my personal values and those forwarded by Kudler Fine Foods revolves around the approach of the established goals. While along my life I have often changed my goals and dreams into what I believed to be better expectations including also others, the gourmet company sets the goals and then works hard to achieve these goals. As a manager observing a need to readjust the goal in the process of achieving it, the necessary strategy for an objective realignment might be impeded by the rather rigid organizational stand.

A second means in which my values and the company's values differ refers to the…...

Personal Values and Commercial Enterprise Work Is
Pages: 3 Words: 935

Personal Values and Commercial Enterprise
Work is one of the most important parts of the lives of most people within modern societies. As much as almost anything else in our lives, work and our vocational identity define who we are and determine how we live. uccess, in and of itself (i.e. virtually without reference as to what realm success is achieved) is pursued and congratulated. Great financial success is one of the most common hopes of the average person, with the particular means of achieving it substantially just a road to that end. Albert Einstein (and many others) worried that this overemphasis on "acquisitive" success robbed the spiritual value or community-mindset that corresponds to genuine satisfaction in life. Twentieth Century psychologists like Nathaniel Brandon and Abraham Maslow and sociologists like C. Wright Mills have written extensively about the over emphasis of success instead of value to others or to society in…...


Sources Consulted

Branden, N. (2001). The Psychology of Romantic Love. New York: Bantam Books.

Gerrig, R. And Zimbardo, P. (2005) Psychology and Life 18th Ed. New Jersey:

Prentice Hall.

Mills, C Wright. (1953). White Collar: the American Middle Class. New York: Oxford University Press.

Beliefs and Personal Values
Pages: 4 Words: 1104

Personal Values and Beliefs
My personal values and beliefs are based on kindness and compassion. There is a salutary spiritual component of those values and beliefs as well. However, I truly value life in all of its myriad forms. This valuation is increased when it comes to sentient life. I believe that it is best to live in accordance with life and one's surroundings, as opposed to trying to dictate those surroundings and shape them to one's own benefit. This latter stance is that which is largely propagated via Western culture. However, I believe that the values of kindness and compassion are best actuated by living in accordance with one's surroundings, which is manifested daily in the interactions that one has with other forms of life.

The spiritual aspect of this fledgling belief system is predicated on the notion that there is a universal creator who has engendered existence in a state…...



Borland, T. Speidel, C. (2015). Understanding the Affordable Care Act and its impacts on low-income taxpayers. Journal of Tax Practice & Procedure. 17(3), 51-57.

CSUS. (2016). Kantian ethics.   / Retrieved from 

Nursing Values Personal Values and Nursing What
Pages: 3 Words: 930

Nursing Values
Personal Values and Nursing

hat personal, cultural, and spiritual values contribute to your worldview and philosophy of nursing? How do these values shape or influence your nursing practice?

Of all the personal values that are most critical to me, to my identity and to my profession, the importance of helping others is first and foremost. I was raised within a culture where family connections are extremely critical. And within this cultural context, I have shared a spiritual affiliation that says we are responsible for the well-being of our fellow man. These are principals which have fed naturally into the advancement of my nursing career and further which have helped me to retain a certain level of attentiveness, care and dedication within.

This is of critical importance because there is an unquestionable connection between the ethical responsibilities of the occupation and the characteristics identified above. In particular, I have been raised with a…...


Works Cited:

MacDonald, C. (2013). The Nursing Ethics Blog.

Presidents Council on Bioethics (PCBE). (2010). Chapter 3: To Heal Sometimes, To Comfort Always. Being Human: Readings from the President's Council on Bioethics

List of Top Three Personal Values
Pages: 3 Words: 998

It is important for an individual to have values. Personal values are the ideals that guide an individual in how they live their life (Barrett Values Center). They express an individual’s motivations and what is most important to them. Values influence an individual’s words, thoughts, beliefs, actions, and decisions in various aspects of their life, including personal, family, social, academic, and career aspects. Most importantly, values define one’s character, and can be a source of gratification. As a person, my three most important values are integrity, humanity, and firmness. Integrity means honesty, incorruptibility, and moral uprightness. It is one of the values I strive to portray in every aspect of my life. I strongly believe integrity is something everyone should have. Having integrity means your actions, deeds, and words are consistent with the relevant ethical, moral, and legal standards. It simply means doing the right thing all the time – a…...


Works Cited

Barrett Values Center. Personal Values Assessment (PVA). Barrett Values Center, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2017.

Thum, Myrko. Do you know your personal values., 22 Feb. 2013. Web. 30 Oct. 2017.


Personal Values Development
Pages: 6 Words: 1786

Integrity in Personal
and Professional Life

In the context of human psychological issues, integrity means congruence between one's expressed principles and internal values and one's external actions

(Branden, 1985). A person who professes to respect honesty, for example, must conduct himself honestly in his relationships and affairs to maintain his integrity. The challenge of living a life of integrity arises when circumstances and situations make it easier to violate one's own values for the sake of convenience or personal gain.

Therefore, a person who considers honesty a particularly important value may not choose to be dishonest where doing so might be advantageous without violating psychological integrity.

Similarly, psychological integrity requires situational objectivity, which simply means that one must uphold the exact same rules for one's self as one believes appropriate for others in similar circumstances. Therefore, a person who considers it inconsiderate for someone else to double-park next to his car may never double-park next…...



Branden, N. (1985) Honoring the Self: The Psychology of Confidence and Respect New York: Bantam

Branden N. (2001) The Psychology of Self-Esteem.

New York: Wiley & Sons

Dershowitz, Allan. (2002) Shouting Fire: Civil Liberties in A Turbulent Age.

Values Conflict Universities Provide an Amazing Opportunity
Pages: 3 Words: 832

Values Conflict
Universities provide an amazing opportunity for both growth and development in regards to academic development. Universities in particular provide a means of providing a stable and more robust income for individuals seeking a particular specialization. The University of Phoenix, in particular, has a unique method of teaching and providing a quality educational experience. Small class sizes, online specialization, and knowledgeable professors all make the university experience all the more manageable. However, I personally have experienced conflict of values that undermine the overall university experience. This conflict pertains mainly to the notion of academic honesty. I have encountered instances where many of the university values would be compromised by actions. Cheating is particularly important in a university setting. As such, having strong values and convictions regarding cheating is important within the overall university setting (Stuart, 2006).

The experience, looking back, was not unique to me. In fact, many students undergo similar…...



1) Stuart P. Green. (2006). Lying, Cheating, and Stealing: A Moral Theory of White Collar Crime. Oxford University Press.

Values Often a Company's Mission
Pages: 2 Words: 646

The "Safety First" scenario is even less cut-and-dry for me. If a company wants to increase its profit margin and include a high-end line of clothing, then it has the right to do so. I do not believe that a company can prevent or control crime through its pricing strategies. Shoplifting is not necessarily related to the presence of luxury goods. I feel that crime is a reflection of overarching social, economic, and political problems. As long as the company is acting ethically in other respects, then I don't see the problem with offering the high-end jacket. Offering a low-cost alternative to the high-end jacket in my opinion is not the best solution in this case either, because it undervalues the more expensive article of clothing and could prevent people from buying it. Instead, a win-win situation might be to firmly decide that the Daze line would become high-end and…...

Values and Ethics Values Morals
Pages: 8 Words: 2454

Therefore, our company's mission is to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality products, with similar services, while ensuring that our employees are satisfied and motivated on personal and financial levels. Our company is also determined to significantly engage in the life of the community of which we are part of.

Corporate Social esponsibility

In today's competitive market environment it does not suffice to provide high quality products and services. A company that intends to develop a sustainable position on the market must ensure that CS actions are being taken.

As a consequence, our company intends to make a difference in the eating style of people. Therefore, the company organizes seminars on this subject. People are invited to attend to these seminars held by authorities in the field that explain people the importance of a healthy eating style and the benefits of organic foods.

Also, the company is interested in the welfare of…...


Reference list:

1. Smith, J. (2003). The Shareholders vs. Stakeholders Debate. MIT Sloan Management Review. Business Ethics and Public Policy, Leadership and Organizational Studies. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from .

2. Phillips, R. (2004). Some key questions about stakeholder theory. IVEY Business Journal. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from .

3. Deal and Kennedy's Cultural Model (2010). MindTools. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from .

4. Cooke, R.A. & Szumal, J.L. (2000). Using the Organizational Culture Inventory to Understand the Operating Cultures of organizations. Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from .

Values Which of Your Regular
Pages: 2 Words: 664

Which of your regular activities outside the classroom (group or individual) best reflect your most important personal values? How?

Another activity that I enjoy, and which also reflects my basic values, is planning my spending activities during the month. The value that is involved here is to carefully plan my finances in a way that helps me to not only survive, but also to have money left over to save towards my longer-term goals.

If the recent recession taught me anything, it is that the value of money and the stability of income are by no means guaranteed. It is therefore important to create a strong basis of wealth in terms of savings and investments in order to secure a future for oneself and those who might rely on one's resources.

Learning to work carefully with my money now will also help me in my financial future, when I may have new responsibilities.…...

Values and Ethics in the Workplace Values
Pages: 3 Words: 1171

Values and Ethics
in the Workplace

Values and Ethics in the Workplace

Values and ethics in the workplace can be extremely different among various jobs, careers, companies and organizations, ages, races, and ethnic groups, cultures and parts of the world, office environments, and the individual employees themselves. For example, a secretary in the administrative office of a Catholic church, a poor and illiterate factory worker in India, and a stockbroker who works as a managing partner in a prestigious firm would all hold different and maybe even opposing morals. The secretary would probably be opposed to working on a Sunday so that she had the time to attend church, while the stockbroker would feel compelled to work even on Sunday so that he did not feel lazy and unmotivated, and the factory worker would not have the option of making such a decision as he would have to work every available hour that…...



Darwall, Stephen. (2002) Consequentialism. Oxford: Blackwell.

Loptson, Peter. (2006) Theories of Human Nature. Peterborough, ON: Broadview.

Orend, Brian. (2000) War and International Justice: A Kantian Perspective. West Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (October 15, 2004) Social Contract Theory. Retrieved on April 23, 2011 from

Values and Beliefs Transformation and Change Perhaps
Pages: 4 Words: 1038

Values and Beliefs:
Transformation and Change

Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of the human psyche is how one's personal values and beliefs can transform and change. Whereas, one previously might have imagined that one's value systems and beliefs were "set in stone," events, circumstances, relationships, and changing community membership can either slowly or suddenly work to change one's central beliefs quite unexpectedly. Although many individuals can experience a real sense of personal internal resistance or struggle to changing beliefs and values (perhaps akin to the stereotypical "midlife crisis"), some respond to value change quite readily and without emotional crisis. However, regardless of how one responds, belief and value change is a normal and typically inevitable for those who function in a wide variety of relationships, communities, and situations.

Relationships and Communities:

Their Central Function

Cultural anthropologists have long known the important role that community, and the relationships within community have in transmitting, and…...

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Meaning of Life?
Words: 304

1. Exploring the concept of life's purpose: Is there a predetermined meaning to life or do we create our own purpose?

2. The role of spirituality and religion in understanding the meaning of life.

3. Examining the connection between happiness and the meaning of life.

4. How do different cultures and societies define the meaning of life?

5. The impact of existentialism on our understanding of the purpose of life.

6. The importance of relationships and connections in finding meaning in life.

7. How do personal values and beliefs shape our perception of the meaning of life?

8. Is the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom essential in....

Need help generating essay topics related to Church Leadership. Can you help?
Words: 218

1. The role of charismatic leadership in the church.
2. The challenges and opportunities of leading a multicultural church community.
3. The importance of mentorship and accountability in church leadership.
4. Rethinking traditional models of hierarchical church leadership.
5. The impact of technology on church leadership practices.
6. Balancing personal and professional boundaries as a church leader.
7. The role of women in church leadership positions.
8. Addressing burnout and self-care for church leaders.
9. Strategies for conflict resolution within church leadership teams.
10. The role of spirituality and emotional intelligence in effective church leadership.
11. Exploring the concept of servant leadership in the church context.
12. Incorporating principles of inclusivity....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Identity?
Words: 197

1. The influence of society on individual identity
2. Personal identity and how it shapes our relationships with others
3. The role of race and ethnicity in shaping one's identity
4. Gender identity and its impact on societal expectations
5. The intersectionality of identities and how they interact with one another
6. Identity formation in adolescence and its long-term effects
7. The impact of social media on self-image and identity
8. Identity crisis and the struggle to find oneself
9. Cultural identity and the preservation of heritage
10. Identity politics and its influence on modern society.
11. The role of family in shaping individual identity
12. The influence of language and....

I\'m up for a challenge! Do you have any complex or thought-provoking essay topics on how do you plan teacher interview?
Words: 449

1. Discuss the importance of effective communication and interpersonal skills in a teacher interview process.

2. Analyze the role of creativity and innovation in determining a teacher candidate's suitability for a position.

3. Evaluate the significance of cultural awareness and diversity in a teacher interview process.

4. Explore the impact of technology and digital literacy in modern teacher interviews.

5. Discuss the ethical considerations and challenges involved in conducting teacher interviews.

6. Examine the role of emotional intelligence and empathy in assessing a teacher candidate's potential.

7. Analyze the effectiveness of various assessment tools, such as role-playing and case studies, in teacher interviews.

8. Discuss the importance....

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