A jumped from one work to another which did not last for a week. A week was the most that I could stay in a workplace. I had work in the laundry mat, and various restaurants. ut I was either fired, or I went AWOL. I would either fight with my bosses, could not get along with people in the workplace, or if I did not feel like it, I would not go work, just stay home and drink alcohol. People with orderline Personality Disorder often have trouble having or finding a stable work. My behavior is a clear manifestation of a reason why.
This was also the time that I got involved in a relationship. I met my partner in the shop in one of my "normal" days, and we suddenly hit it off. He told me he was smitten by my the "devil may care" and carefree attitude. He…...
Halgen, Richard. Abnormal Psychology. Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Perspectives. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2005.
Perotto, Richard. Exploring Abnormal Psychology. NY: Harper Collins College Publishing, 1993.
Sadock, Benjamin and Virginia Alcot Sadock. Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences / Clinical Psychiatry 9th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincot William and Wilkins, 2003.
Journey motif is pervasive in global literature, attributed to the existence of collective symbols common to all human societies as archetypes (Zhang, 2008). Both Homer's Iliad and Shakespeare's Henry V incorporate the journey motif as a literary technique. This serves to elevate the status of the protagonist to the heroic level, as the character struggles to meet challenges and overcome obstacles without the familiar trappings of home, family, and social status. War is one of the reasons that heroes undertake journeys, and war indeed figures prominently in both the Iliad and Henry V, driving the plot and transforming their respective protagonists. Journeying occurs on actual and symbolic levels in both these texts. In Homer's Iliad, Achilles undergoes several changes of heart during the war. His journey is introspective, taking him from a point of habitual action through a stage of vengefulness, and finally, onward to spiritual, social, psychological, and political…...
Alston, A. (2008). Henry V: The hero king? Retrieved online: http://www.shakespeare-revue.com/PDFs/Alston-HenryV.pdf
Homer. (800 BCE). The Iliad.
Shakespeare, W. Henry V. Retrieved online: http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/views/plays/play_view.php?WorkID=henry5&Scope=entire&pleasewait=1&msg=pl#a1,s1
Zhang, K. (2008). Archetype and allegory in Journey to the West. Retrieved online: http://dspace.library.uvic.ca:8080/bitstream/handle/1828/1823/Archetype_and_Allegory_in_Journey6.pdf?sequence=1
Personal Thought and Authenticity
There is a question I always want to ask: Where should we start learning something? For some people, it is not easy to decide where something starts. It is like questioning, "Egg or chicken, which one comes first?"
It is believed that exploring the original meaning from a subject may take years for people to understand. It is a hard learning process that one should take where one wants to bring oneself to the higher level of knowledge exploration. One may start from any point, but it is the process and acknowledgement to the original material that will let one know how well he or she has learnt it.
Sometimes, the problem starts just when someone wants to know that the point he or she knows is where he or she should begin the process and starts exploring. I once thought that "the beginning" might already be there, lies…...
ut getting back to my supporter, because there is no chance that we will ever become close friends (she lives quite a distance from me), I feel I can open up to her and never fear her being critical of me. She recommends that I read the first-person stories from others who are recovering from various emotional and mental health problems. So, I have followed her suggestion.
An article in the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal tells the story of Yin Fan, who fell into a "deep depression" and "did not understand what was happening to me" (Fan, 2007). She eventually found out she had a bipolar condition, but meantime she gave thoughts to suicide. She thought about "…jumping of tall buildings or walking out into the ocean and letting the water carry me away" (Fan, 313). I have not had such thoughts but I do understand how a person suffering such…...
Brookes, Nancy, Murata, Lisa, and Tansey, Margaret. 2008. 'Tidal Waves: Implementing a New Model of Mental Health Recovery and Reclamation.' Canadian Nurse. Retrieved May 12, 2013, from http://www.canadiannurse.com.
Buckland, Steve. 2005. 'Sharing Responsibility for Recovery: creating and sustaining recovery oriented systems of care for mental health.' Queensland Government / Queensland Health. Retrieved May 12, 2013, from http://www.health.qld.gov.au .
C Chu 2008. 'My Personal Journey: Schizophrenia.' Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry. Vol.18, 39-40.
Cleary, Anne. 2009. 'The road to recovery.' Mental Health Practice, vol. 12, 28-31.
Personal and Professional Accountability
Personal Growth and Development
The concept of professional nurse accountability has been defined by professional nursing bodies and nurse education credentialing bodies as an essential factor underpinning professional practice. As a nurse, I realize this fact and take accountability and responsibility for whatever behavior and actions exhibited, on my part, at the workplace. Moreover, I have understood the need to appraise myself, strive to improve my practice, and continuously fulfill learning outcomes I determine. Lastly, I attempt to sustain my physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing for being able to practice effectively (CRNC, 2017).
Ethical Conduct and Practice
In this profession, I have acquired skills to operate within the boundaries of my personal competence levels, the legally accepted practice scope, and every applicable law. Acting to support safe, ethical and proper patient care comes under my personal and professional nursing accountability as well (CRNC, 2017).
Involvement in a Professional Association
My profession has…...
Bell, L. (2015). Reflection In Personal And Professional Development. 30.
Campbell, C. C. (2011). Advance Practice Nursing Roles. Retrieved from http://corneliacampbellportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/0/8/14089963/nu602reflectionpaper_advanced_practice_nursing_roles.pdf
CRNBC. (2017). Standard 1: Professional Responsibility and Accountability. Retrieved from College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia: https://crnbc.ca/Standards/ProfessionalStandards/Pages/ProfessionalAccountability.aspx
Savrin, C. (2009). Growth and development of the nurse practitioner role around the globe. J Pediatr Health Care., 310-14.
" And especially for young people, being "normal" and "cool" seems to be what self-esteem is all about. How can we risk giving that up by standing up for ourselves? How can we maintain a sense of self-worth in the eyes of the world, as well as in the eyes of God? And how do we know for sure what He wants for us?
I guess it's a matter of intuition; I guess you know based on how happy you truly are. If you're excited to face every day, without any help from any sort of addiction, then I would argue you're officially happy. And if you're genuinely happy, you must be honoring your authentic self and God's dreams for you.
This is an exhilarating prospect for me because I'm just beginning to learn who I really am. But I need to be prepared for the risks and the difficulties. If I…...
They are a great source of strength and I will honor them while remaining true to myself.
I am committed to lifelong learning and I will constantly strive to advance my knowledge and skills in the field by attending conferences and clinics, and reading the current literature.
I will strive to be a contributing member of society, both professionally and personally. I value education and lifelong learning and will continue to expand my knowledge by attending classes. I also understand the value of work and feel that it is a necessary and constructive part of my life. I will continue to make myself more valuable to my employer by attending seminars and training and by doing my best for the company.
Continually improve my skills as a person and as an employee through educational enhancement programs to perform my job in a timely way at a high level of excellence.
Personal Code of…...
Beasley, M.S. & Jenkins, J.G. (2003). A primer for brainstorming fraud risks: There are good and bad ways to conduct brainstorming sessions. Journal of Accountancy, 196(6), 32.
Beker, M. (2004). Screenwriting with a conscience: Ethics for screenwriters. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Hancock, J. (2003, May 10). Personal code of ethics. Jill Hancock. [Online]. Available: http://www-distance.syr.edu/jillh.html.
Nash, R.J. (2002). Spirituality, ethics, religion, and teaching: A professor's journey. New York: Peter Lang.
The process was also significant for me because it showed that it was possible to spread wealth from a highly centralized location (the corporation) to a more widespread and evenly distributed location (my financially struggling high school).
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you are?
I believe that my greatest quality is perseverance. History is often told to us as the chronicle of great people doing great things, and while these stories are important, the majority of us experience life through smaller moments. It is the small choices and the small decisions that add up over time to create our life as a patchwork of these choices. Our choices and decisions define who we become, and ultimately it is the sum of all of…...
Pathologists are often called 'the doctor's doctor ' -- when other doctors are experiencing an impasse, they go to a pathologist for advice, to provide clarity. As someone who has always enjoyed working as a teacher and preparing teaching materials, I look forward to this role in relation to my fellow physicians.
pon arriving in the nited States to practice medicine, I gained experience in the field of pathology-related research, collecting data about survival rates of patients with colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. I came to learn how pathology touches all fields of medicine. Even in my work with patients suffering substance abuse and psychiatric problems, I saw how the progression of the addiction created a pathology in terms of the way that the body responded to the patient's negative behaviors. I hope that this residency program will expose me to the laboratory and clinical aspects of the field,…...
mlaUpon arriving in the United States to practice medicine, I gained experience in the field of pathology-related research, collecting data about survival rates of patients with colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. I came to learn how pathology touches all fields of medicine. Even in my work with patients suffering substance abuse and psychiatric problems, I saw how the progression of the addiction created a pathology in terms of the way that the body responded to the patient's negative behaviors. I hope that this residency program will expose me to the laboratory and clinical aspects of the field, and give me the ability to learn from -- and perhaps to teach -- others who are grappling with issues spanning from cancer to nephrology to infertility to lifestyle-related illnesses.
From birth to death, I have seen the many varied states the human body can take in health and illness. My desire to engage in a pathology rotation is based upon these past, formative experiences and my desire to place this diversity within the uniquely helpful paradigms particular the discipline. By the end of the residency I know I shall not have realized my goal of becoming a 'doctor's doctor' but I am eager to enter upon the path and begin this lifelong journey.
J. Carlos Manivel, "Choosing pathology as a specialty," the University of Minnesota, May 2, 2010, [August 21, 2010] http://residency.pathology.umn.edu/
My parents determined that I should go to the United States, because they felt that the U.S. provided a more sophisticated and forward-looking business administrative education. My father was quite successful in China as a businessman, but he believed that the world was changing, and that it was essential that his child have some grounding in the new economic reality of the global marketplace to become equally successful. He also felt that China's view of the international marketplace was not as sophisticated as America's, and that an aspiring entrepreneur could gain much from learning about the American perspective and system of management.
During my father's lifetime, he saw capitalism take root in his home country, altering China for the better. China, through fits and starts, became freer, more open to new ideas and ways of life, more prosperous, and more tolerant of different ways of looking at the world. Through…...
Personal Fitness
Grade Course
This was the fifth time I was examining myself in the mirror today. I guess people were right when they teased me and continuously passed comments. A closer look helped me notice my protruding stomach, the double chin and the heavy thighs. I was lonely in fact the reason of this feeling was my body. Devastated, I stood besides the window for some cool breeze to freshen me up but alas! All I saw were restaurants and luxuries. Munching cookies, chips, sodas, burgers and sitting all day were amongst my top priorities. I switched on the television and the show was all about obesity and the damage it does to the health. For a moment it looked like an old story which people hear from the day they are born. It never mattered to me until a day when everything affected me. This was probably because of the…...
Death anxiety was given a broad definition and seemed to point to how one dealt with the death of others also. I found that I did not deal with death very well. Mainly because I was not able to know my real father, and I felt betrayed by the man who was my actual father when I had to experience the abuse that my family went through. It was an ordeal because my father died, but it was a bigger ordeal because of the revelations that came afterwards. I found that one can regress from a level of maturity when a major negative event occurs.
I look back at my life through the prism of these two theories and there is not much that I regret, even though there were some significant bumps along the way. I agree with the precepts because I can see a lot of what both…...
Boeree, G.C. (2005). Erik Erikson. Retrieved from http://www.psychology.sunysb.edu/ewaters/345/2007_erikson/erikson.pdf
Bruess, B.J., & Pearson, F.C. (2002). Are there gender differences in moral
reasoning as defined by Kohlberg? College Student Affairs Journal, 21(2),
Personal Statement Application for the Nurse Practitioner Program at UCSF
I first experienced the duties of a nurse practitioner in WHATEVER, a small mountain village in Nepal.
From 1996-1998, I worked as a Community Health Volunteer with the American Peace Corps. During those two years, I worked with Nepalese women and children, teaching classes on first aid, family planning and nutrition. I also organized immunization clinics, ran a health library, and conducted community needs assessments.
I have always found great fulfillment in healthcare and in being part of people's recoveries. For this reason, I majored in Kinesiology and Biology at the University of Minnesota, even working towards an application to the Physician Assistant program during my last two years. After graduation, I worked as a nursing assistant.
Since then, I have also gained greater familiarity with pharmaceuticals and the managed healthcare system in my present work with the Daiichi Corporation.
Working as a Peace Corps…...
Other essential traits include a commitment to work cooperatively with others and the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing."
We were also told that speech-language pathologists ought to exhibit:
sensitivity and concern for the problems of other people; warmth, caring and empathy for people; the need to help others realize their potential; the ability to accept new ideas; and the willingness to do research and to contribute new information.
Did this sound like me? I certainly think so, otherwise the aforementioned "deeper forces of nature" probably wouldn't have assured me that I was pursuing not only a fulfilling journey, but also the correct one, too.
Looking back, I realize that I reached a turning point in my education when I was able to participate in clinical observations. I observed patients with voice disorders. I observed patients who stammered and stuttered. I observed patients with foreign accents so thick that you…...
My biggest challenge was recognizing that I had to stand out from other students. To accomplish this I worked outside of school to enhance my directing skills. I also worked with my band instructor to improve my abilities. I never gave up in the face of challenge. I committed myself to extra hours practicing, despite a busy course load and family obligations. I never once wavered from my path and my vision.
When I became field commander, I realized I was more than the average student. The marching band has more than 200 members, and there were thirty people that tried out for the filed commander position. I knew that my efforts had been worthwhile, and that I had been true to myself along the way. During my journey toward field commander, I studied directing patterns and used band music on CD's at home in order to practice learning the…...
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1998, MICRA Inc.
Essay: Understanding the Multifaceted Nature of Love Love, an emotion as ancient as humanity itself, has been a perennial topic of fascination, inspiration, and perplexity. Often considered the most profound and powerful of human emotions, love transcends mere feelings, influencing our actions, thoughts, and life choices. This essay explores the complexity and diversity of love, delving into its various forms and impacts on human life. At its core, love is an intense feeling of deep affection, a force that can forge unbreakable bonds and connections. It manifests in numerous forms - the unconditional love of a parent, the passionate love....
1. The Underground Railroad: Harriet Tubman's Journey to Freedom and the Network of Allies She Created:
Explore Harriet Tubman's personal journey to freedom from slavery and the obstacles she faced along the way.
Investigate the Underground Railroad, its routes, and the network of individuals who supported it.
Analyze Tubman's leadership and organizational skills in coordinating the Underground Railroad and facilitating the escape of enslaved people.
2. Harriet Tubman's Influence on the Abolitionist Movement and the Civil War:
Examine Tubman's involvement in the abolitionist movement, including her speeches, writings, and political activism.
Explore her role as a spy and scout for the....
I. Introduction
A. Hook: Start with a compelling story highlighting the transformation of a career criminal to a legal advocate for reform.
B. Thesis statement: State the main argument that the transition from career criminal to advocate reveals the transformative power of second chances and the need for systemic change.
II. Background: Life as a Career Criminal
A. Early influences and circumstances that led to a life of crime
B. Personal experiences and struggles within the criminal justice system
C. The consequences and toll of incarceration
III. Turning Point: The Spark for Change
A. Describe the pivotal moment or series of events....
Taichi: A Journey of Mind, Body, and Spirit
Taichi, an ancient Chinese mind-body practice, holds a profound significance in my life, embodying a harmonious blend of physical movement, mental focus, and spiritual cultivation.
Physical Harmony
Taichi's gentle yet intricate movements provide a unique form of physical exercise. With each flowing sequence, the body stretches, strengthens, and balances. It improves flexibility, coordination, and posture, leaving me feeling energized and revitalized.
Mental Serenity
Beyond its physical benefits, taichi plays a pivotal role in cultivating mental well-being. The choreographed movements require unwavering concentration, drawing attention to the present moment and calming the mind's chatter. It fosters a state....
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