Personal Experiences Essays (Examples)

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Personal Experience
Pages: 3 Words: 890

Change is a concept that is sometimes welcomed, though generally, is feared by most people. It marks the beginning of a new experience, but it also means the abolition of a routine. It is a concept perceived positively and negatively. However, in my experience, change is a common occurrence, a constant that never ceases to disturb me, yet this disturbance is also the reason why I believe I have developed healthily as an individual.
Coming from a country that has a culture radically different from the United States' culture, I used to think that I would experience difficulty fitting in the new society I was suddenly immersed in. As an Indonesian immigrant to the U.S., I faced a lot of hurdles that initially hindered me from taking advantage of the opportunities presented to me as I began living my 'new American life.' To start with, I am handicapped, my left hand…...

Nursing and Personal Experience
Pages: 8 Words: 2440

Family centered care is a noble belief deeming family members and health care staff as equal partners and working collectively to address the needs of the kid. Competency rises when a system synergizes as nurses and patient / family member's honors each other's commitment to heath care. Patient family centered care is a continuous process in order to address the needs and duties of families (St. Jude Children's Hospital, 2014).
Words and concepts that describe this phenomenon

Dignity, respect, information sharing, participation and teamwork

Identifying terms (concepts) that can summarize, label or name this phenomenon

Each family and child is different: Families have diverse backgrounds, life experiences, customs and traditions, education, cultural values and notions. Care should be facilitated equally to all patients whilst catering the choices and needs of each family (St. Jude Children's Hospital, 2014).

Open communication between family, patients and healthcare staff: It's productive to openly voice the positives and the…...



Ahmann, E. And Dokken, D. (2012). Implementing Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Part II - Strategies and Resources for Success. Pediatric Nursing. Volume 38, Number 2.

Mastro, K.A., Flynn, L. And Preuster, C. (2014). Patient- and Family-Centered Care: A Call to Action for New Knowledge and Innovation. The Journal of Nursing Administration. Volume 44, Number 9, pp 446-451.

St. Jude Children's Hospital. (2014). What is Patient Family Centered Care? Retrieved from:

Participation and Personal Experience With Regulatory Visit
Pages: 1 Words: 368

participation and personal experience with regulatory visit preparation and about the Quality Improvement process in your healthcare organization. Include a reflection about an observation you made about how a nurse leader used her power to implement change to improve a process, or how you were empowered to lead the planning and implementation of a change to improve a process.
In my experience, quality improvement is becoming integrated with all aspects of health care management. My organization has a dedicated Quality Improvement specialist, and that person has several assistants who perform regular assessments related to quality and safety in the organization. My experience reflects a prevailing trend in health care. As Nieva & Sorra (2003) found, "increasingly, healthcare organizations are becoming aware of the importance of transforming organizational culture in order to improve patient safety." Improving patient safety is a goal that all practitioners share, which is why health care practitioners…...



Nieva, V.F. & Sorra, J. (2003). Safety culture assessment. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2003(12): 17-23.

Change Personal Experience With Organizational
Pages: 2 Words: 530

There are many things that could have been done better in order to avoid the problems that the store (and the new manager) ran into and implement the necessary change more effectively and efficiently. The need for "critical mass" to make change successful is a key feature described by Osland et al. (pp. 637) that was ignored by the manager; discussions with employees, perhaps at an open meeting, might have made it more apparent where change was needed, in order to make the organization run more smoothly and easier for everybody. The lack of shared vision from the earliest stages of the change process onward was hugely detrimental to the attempt at organizational change, and was received by the employees as an unnecessary imposition rather than a true and valid attempt to improve organization performance. Simply speaking with employees to better understand where change was needed and how it could…...

Proverb Personal Experience Long Time
Pages: 2 Words: 783

It was no mystery to me that I was different from the others, as I was usually occupied with my homework about three or four hours per night and had to work ardently to cover my subjects, but I kept the secret to myself. When finally presented with the diagnose, I realized that it was only through my determination and great efforts that I surmounted my condition and managed to step in line along with my colleagues, all through high school. Moreover, I then realized that my grand quality was the ambition with which I proved that I was worthy as any other student.
The same fierce ambition granted my next success in college. My great wish was to enter the lacrosse team of my university in my sophomore year. I was aware that the other students possessed a remarkable talent for the sport and also had an advantage in…...

Nursing Educator and the AED Personal Experience
Pages: 3 Words: 844

Nursing Educator and the AED
Personal Experience of Teaching and Helping Other Nurses to be More Ready in the Use of a Phillips Heart Start Defibrillator (AED)

Children and young adults as well as other adults can and do have cardiac arrest. Estimations state that undiagnosed heart conditions cause the deaths of one individual every three days in organized youth sports in the United States. (AED Universe, 2012, paraphrased) The Survivor's Foundation states that 460,000 deaths occur each year in the U.S. from sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is reported to occur "when the lower chambers of the heart (the ventricles) suddenly stop beating normally and develop what is called ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF is a chaotic heart rhythm that is similar where the heart muscle begins quivering which prevents the heart from effectively pumping blood. If this condition is not corrected immediately, death will follow within ten minutes.





Automated External Defibrillators Reviewed (2003) Survivor's Foundation. Retrieved from: 

Deakin C. et al. (2010) European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2010. Section 3. Electrical therapies: Automated external defibrillators, defibrillation, cardioversion and pacing. Resuscitation; 81: 1293-1304.

Jevon, Phil (2011) Defibrillation 1: Using an AED Outside Hospital. Nursing Times. 23 Sept 2011. Retrieved from: 

Philips Announces 8-year warranty on Heartstart Onsite and FRx AED's (2012) AED Universe. Retrieved from:

Personal Experience with Lying
Pages: 5 Words: 1256

Lying is perhaps one of the most common wrongs we (virtually all of us) commit in the course of our life. It could even be true to say that it is human nature to tell lies. Consciously or unconsciously, we often lie to evade embarrassing or awkward situations, get out of trouble, and/or make other people feel better or intimidate them. Unfortunately, even though lying may be good or bad depending on the situation at hand, or depending on who you ask, we usually disregard the impact our lies can have on not only those lied to, but also us. Even the most trivial of lies can have severe unexpected consequences.
As an individual, I regard myself as a straightforward and honest person. This is a value that I have emulated from my father since childhood. My father has always taught me the importance of candidness and truthfulness. I have used…...

Personal Thought and Authenticity There Is a
Pages: 5 Words: 2071

Personal Thought and Authenticity
There is a question I always want to ask: Where should we start learning something? For some people, it is not easy to decide where something starts. It is like questioning, "Egg or chicken, which one comes first?"

It is believed that exploring the original meaning from a subject may take years for people to understand. It is a hard learning process that one should take where one wants to bring oneself to the higher level of knowledge exploration. One may start from any point, but it is the process and acknowledgement to the original material that will let one know how well he or she has learnt it.

Sometimes, the problem starts just when someone wants to know that the point he or she knows is where he or she should begin the process and starts exploring. I once thought that "the beginning" might already be there, lies…...

Personal Observations Class Size vs Quality Instruction
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Personal Observations: Class Size vs. Quality Instruction
I am not able to neatly separate my preparation and reading in the area of educational quality from my personal experience. The two sources of knowledge dovetail and flow back and forth in a highly influential manner. I certainly agree that class size is a factor in student success, and a variable that can enable or hinder the ease with which a teacher provides quality educational opportunities for her students. My teacher preparation coursework and my reading on education policy lead me to believe that them most important variables -- next to the influences of home and community -- are those under the aegis of teachers.

Teacher qualifications are a critical variable for student success. Naturally, the amount of resources available to a school, district, region, or state impact the level of quality that is provided to students through educational systems. One has only to…...

Personal Statement This Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 903

The feeling that I was cut out for this role of a pharmacist came when I was fascinated in the chemistry classes about the medications, and the origin of bio-medicals. My fascination and the interaction with the patients where I work have made me known and liked in the current place of work. That would take this argument to the work experience and qualifications.
3. I am now a student for the masters in biomedical science at Midwestern University. Earlier qualifications include a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Iraq in 2004. I also have completed the pre-pharmacy courses. Thus I have had a strong academic background. Further along with my academic background, I have had working experience as a pharmacy technician. I have found pleasure in working for the Walgreen's Pharmacy for three years as a pharmacy technician. Working with the employer namely Walgreen's allowed me to develop skills…...

Personal Statement to Succeed in
Pages: 2 Words: 585

Born in Hong Kong, I have attended school in Canada and the United States. I have travelled through China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and India and, most recently, Australia. My work experience has been grounded in political and economic research and practice. My most recent research project for Arjan Interfax involved researching Australia-Chinese relations and how to approach human rights concerns while still maintaining a profitable relationship with China. I have also researched Indian foreign policy and its impact upon the current market environment. Contextualizing market research and logistics analysis in light of the Pacific Rim's unique cultural environment is essential when doing business with the region.
I have also worked for the international logistic consultant SCF Containers International Pty Ltd. (Australia), liaising with international freight forwarders to relocate containers in Australia as well as with factories in China. Through my work, I have become experienced in the intersection of political…...

Personal Model of Helping Therapists Do Whatever
Pages: 8 Words: 2318

Personal Model of Helping
Therapists do whatever they can to help their clients overcome a wide range of problems ranging fromdeath of a pet to major life changing crisis, such as sudden loss of vision. However genuine a therapists' desire to help is, they will be limited by the tools he or she uses. It makes sense, then, as a therapist to design and integrate webs of models that have shown to yield efficacy. This new, personally designed model should work to assist and meet the requirement of every client. To embark upon this task of designing a personal model of helping, it is important to be aware of existing theories and models.

The first is the humanistic approach based on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Maslow's triangle consists of basics needs at the base followed by needs of safety, love and belonging, achievements and lastly self-actualization at the top. Second, is…...



Brew. (2007, Nov 27). Models of Helping. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from .

Eysenck 1965; Thomas et al. 1968; Heatherington and Parke 1986; Sheldon 1994a

Brian Sheldon, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy: Research, Practice, and Philosophy (London: Routledge, 1995) iii, Questia, Web, 3 Apr. 2011.

Personal Experience Rural Poverty
Pages: 9 Words: 3469

From a very young age, I came to understand what it means to be poor and underprivileged. I recognize so much more regarding the manner in which paucity touches numerous Canadians as well as the tussles they endure. As I am from a tiny out port municipality that earns their livelihood from fishing, I have seen numerous people with tiniest pay occupations, getting communal help, or Employment Insurance (EI) benefits. It was clear to me that my blood relations are engaged within the Fishing industry as well as claiming EI benefits throughout the winter season, I was aware just how difficult it often was to not have sufficient money on hand. Although we have always remained above the scarcity line and me along with my brothers and sisters have got used to receiving all that we ever needed, to some degree, we are aware about what happens when a person…...



Bowles, S., Durlauf, S.N. & Hoff, K.R. (2006). Poverty Traps. Russell Sage Foundation and Princeton University Press, New York.

Levitas, R. (2005). The Inclusive Society? Social Exclusion and New Labor, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

MacKinnon, S. (2011). The Effectiveness of Neo-Liberal Labor Market Policy as a Response to the Poverty and Social Exclusion of Aboriginal Second-Chance Learners, PhD Dissertation, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.

Osberg, L. (2008) A Quarter Century of Economic Inequality in Canada: 1981-2006, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ottawa.

Personal Experience of Covid 19 Pandemic
Pages: 9 Words: 2613

unning Head: Covid- PandemicCovid-19 Pandemic 2Table of ContentsCovid-19 pandemic 2Definition of Covid-19 Pandemic 3Causes and transmission of covid-19 3Patients Conditions with a high risk of severe Covid-19 Illness. 4Signs and symptoms of Covid-19 5Diagnosis of Covid-19. 7Management of Covid-19 8Conclusion 10eferences 11Covid-19 PandemicCovid-19 is one of the ravaging pandemics that has come during our time. In most cases, I have been told and read a history of various pandemics across the world and how they affected livelihoods; otherwise, I have never got real experience as in the case with covid-19. (Cennimo et al. 2020) Therefore, it would be satisfying to talk about covid-19 even though it has caused many wounds to other close family members and me. (Muniyappa & Gubbi, 2020) When the pandemic struck, I did not expect it to change much in our lifestyles; however, after a few months, I was amazed at the level of deaths experienced…...


ReferencesCennimo, D. J., & Bergman, S. J. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) treatment & management. Medscape Updated.Muniyappa, R., & Gubbi, S. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic, coronaviruses, and diabetes mellitus. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 318(5), E736-E741.Omer, S. B., Malani, P., & Del Rio, C. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic in the US: a clinical update. Jama, 323(18), 1767-1768.Rome, B. N., & Avorn, J. (2020). Drug evaluation during the Covid-19 pandemic. New England Journal of Medicine, 382(24), 2282-2284.Watkins, J. (2020). Preventing a covid-19 pandemic.

Personal Statement I've Had a
Pages: 3 Words: 996

Jamil, who had supported me financially and emotionally during these tough times, persuaded me to continue my studies when I felt ready.
For nearly a decade I struggled to redefine myself in a completely foreign culture. It has been difficult but after we had our first son a year ago, my perspective shifted and life situation has become more stable. Now that I have also become more proficient in English and rooted in my community, I am well-prepared to meet the challenges of university-level courses here in the United States. I am therefore applying for admission to the Doctor of Pharmacy program, to complete the education I started years ago in my home country.

My academic background will illustrate that I am nothing but focused and dedicated and that I will make an ideal candidate for the program. Because I have already taken many of the prerequisite courses here and in…...

Can you compare and contrast caring theories?
Words: 450

First, we want to reassure you that being confused about nursing worldviews puts you in some good company.  Many nurse practitioners find that the approach that place worldviews at the beginning of nursing inquiry may actually be hampering the development of nursing scholarship and keeping the profession from evolving as quickly and as efficiently as it should.  In addition, the material can become very confusing because different authors use the words paradigm and worldview interchangeably, though they distinguish them from metaparadigms. 

Broadly stated, an individual’s worldview consists of the beliefs and assumptions that the person uses to interpret....

I need help writing an experience-based sociology paper about social class, gender and race?
Words: 403

When you are asked to write an experience paper, they are almost always going to be more impactful if you are describing your own personal experiences.  Therefore, to really help you write the best paper about how social class, gender, and race interact, it would good to start out with that basic demographic information about you.  Helping you craft an excellent essay about a young, affluent, African American male’s experience with police pulling him over for “driving while black” is not going to be helpful if you are a middle-age, lower-income, white....

Need help with a case study on family relationships?
Words: 529

Your assignment requires you to pick two case studies about family relationships.  You can select the case studies from your own experience or from articles.  At least one of the case studies needs to focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural considerations.  If you are going to use your personal experiences, you want to write out the case study to make it easier for you to reference.

Once you have selected the families you want to highlight in your case studies, you need to write the case studies.  Even if you are....

Need Help with Essay Topics on Selflessness?
Words: 287

1. The importance of selflessness in building strong and harmonious relationships.
2. Exploring the concept of selflessness in different cultures and religions.
3. The impact of selfless acts on personal fulfillment and happiness.
4. Examining the role of selflessness in personal growth and development.
5. The psychological and social benefits of selflessness.
6. The challenges and rewards of practicing selflessness in modern society.
7. Analyzing real-life examples of selflessness and its impact on individuals and communities.
8. The role of selflessness in leadership and its impact on team dynamics and performance.
9. Exploring the connection between selflessness and empathy.
10. Critically evaluating the limitations and potential negative consequences of....

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