Personal Choice Essays (Examples)

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Personal Choices it Is Understandable
Pages: 2 Words: 560

Certainly, Callie, Emilio, and Raul could all have made different choices in their lives, but that perspective denies the influence of environmental influence and the strength of internalized patterns of behavior and superficial "choices."
By the time they were in high school, probably neither Raul nor Emilio could have done much to resist the influence of their environment in terms of how it shaped their ability to make beneficial choices such as not getting sucked into confrontations over perceived slights or insults to learned concepts of masculinity.

The relative ability of the average individual to make choices is substantially a function of many different elements, including intelligence, reasoning skills, natural abilities and tendencies, support network in the home, and as often as not, the randomness of opportunities and adversities. Two individuals faced with similar circumstances might make diametrically opposite choices based on the ability of one of them to perceive or…...

Personal Choice and Power
Pages: 2 Words: 508

Case Study

The nurses have not done enough in this particular case.

Going to the Physician's peer review group would be a good idea, especially since this doctor is dealing with precious newborns and their very attentive parents. Handling the problem through the peer group makes good sense as it is still an internal response, and can be handled quietly and efficiently, unless, of course, the doctor does not change his behavior.

The next step in this process would be to approach outside groups, but only if the problem is not rectified on an internal basis. In any event, the media is the last resort in a problem such as this, preferably a group such as the State Nurses Association or the Department of Health would be able to take corrective measures in these circumstances.

Asking the parents of newborns to file official complaints is a disaster waiting to happen. Parents are already in…...

Personal Socialization Project the Objective
Pages: 4 Words: 1258

Kozol states that these high school students: "...seem far less circumspect than their elders and far more open in their willingness to confront these issues." (2006) in fact, it is stated by a fifteen-year-old-girl named Isabel that Kozol reports having et in Harlem who attempted to give an explanation to the manner in which social segregation was understood by Isabel and her classmates: "It's as if you have been put in a garage where, if they don't have room for something but aren't sure if they should throw it out, they put it there where they don't need to think of it again." (2006) When Isabel was asked "if she thought America truly did not 'have room' for her or other children of her race..." (Kozol, 2006) Isabel's friend also being interviewed stated: "Think of it this way...If people in New York woke up one day and learned that…...



Winker, Margaret a. (2004) Measuring Race and Ethnicity: Why and How? Journal of American Medical Association Vol. 292. No. 13 Oct 6, 2004. Online available at 

National Institutes of Health. Social and Demographic Studies of Race and Ethnicity in the United States January 16, 2003. Available at   Accessed August 18, 2004 as cited in Winker, Margaret a. (2004) Measuring Race and Ethnicity: Why and How? Journal of American Medical Association Vol. 292. No. 13 Oct 6, 2004. Online available at .

Personal Statement -- Sorority Application
Pages: 1 Words: 316

I am confident that my fellow sorority sisters will be able to depend on me fully in every level in both the realm of personal and organizational issues and concerns. I that regard, I have always been extremely loyal to my friends and I have previously demonstrated the willingness to make personal sacrifices for people in my life as well as with respect to doing what I know is right, even in challenging or difficult circumstances.
Therefore, I am extremely confident that as a member of the Chi Eta Phi Sorority, I will be able to enhance the reputation of the organization and do my share in the joint pursuit of organizational projects and long-term objectives. Ultimately, I believe that live has much greater value when one is part of a meaningful association and I look forward to dedicating myself fully to the Chi Eta Phi…...

Personal Safety Pros and Cons
Pages: 2 Words: 635

Motorcycle riders believe they should be responsible for their own safety and well-being, and should not be forced to wear a helmet if they do not want to. This argument seems self-centered and unrealistic. Helmets save lives, it is proven, and anyone who does not want to save their own life seems to be living in a dream world where accidents do not occur. However, they do, and people die as a result of making poor choices. On bicycles, children have even more chances of injury, because children tend to take more chances, not understanding the risks, and they are still growing, so they can be even more severely injured in accidents, especially with head injuries. Helmets should be required for all children riding bicycles, because children have not developed the facilities to understand all the dangers that face them.
Helmets do restrict side and rear vision, and many people…...

Personal Statement Social Work Has Been and
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Personal Statement
Social work has been and will always remain the most viable career choice for me because of my genuine concern for both social justice and human dignity. Further, I also possess a deep desire to impact positively on the lives of others. Social work provides me with a viable platform to accomplish this. In my case, I regard playing an active role in the restoration of the social functioning capacity of groups or individual persons a personal calling. That is what gives me the greatest feeling of self-fulfillment. It can be noted that some individuals are called to serve their countries as doctors, police officers, teachers etc. In their own special way, they impact positively on the lives of others be it in the enhancement of security, knowledge or even the health and well being of others. I believe my calling is to serve the community and by extension…...

Personal Philo One of the
Pages: 8 Words: 2584

" (7)
Chomsky warns of ideological motivations of some scientific paradigms, just as with the aforementioned racial emphasis of early anthropology. Here, Russell espouses a Platonic episteme by enunciating the expectations of behavior between different classes. While Plato philosophized that persons are born with the characteristics fitting of their caste, Russell envisages a society in which "ordinary" men and women are expected to be collectivized and, therefore, devoid of individual expression.

Jean Jacques Rousseau paid his respects to the philosophy of Plato, although he thought it impractical, citing the decayed state of society. This sort of romanticism has been downplayed by the modern scientific establishment, who denounce the noble savage theory of human nature. Humans are not born purely good, modern science maintains. Instead, evolutionary traits are promoted at the biological level, thereby giving rise to how people are. It is not society that corrupts, but rather an interrelationship between human tendencies…...


9. Woolhouse, R.S. (1995) Locke: A Biography. Cambridge University.

10. Pinker, Steven. (2007) the Blank Slate, New York: Penguin Books.

11. Grasha, Anthony. (1989) Teaching Styles. Cambridge University.

Personal Definition of Nursing Theory Like Most
Pages: 2 Words: 710

Personal Definition of Nursing
Nursing Theory

Like most facilities, my institution stresses that it cares for its patients. Its belief in the value of caring and the place of caring at the center of nursing practice has caused it to make Jean Watson's Human Caring Theory the core of its philosophy. Watson's theory states that caring is an interpersonal science and a "caring environment is one that offers the development of potential while allowing the person to choose the best action for himself or herself at a given point in time" (Jean Watson's theory of nursing, 2012, Current Nursing). One critical assumption that I see implemented in my practice is the idea that "caring is more 'healthogenic' than is curing. A science of caring is complementary to the science of curing" (Jean Watson's theory of nursing, 2012, Current Nursing). Nursing may be a science, but nurses must always remember that the science…...



Jean Watson's theory of nursing. (2012). Current Nursing. Retrieved: 

Nursing models of care. (2013). Highland Hospital. Retrieved:

Personal Statement From an Early
Pages: 2 Words: 503

In the past, I have volunteered for Tree City USA in Orland Hills in a number of projects and events. I also have a soft spot for communal well-being and development and in that regard; I occasionally coach the little league basketball just as a way of making a small contribution towards the development of others.
I may not be the brightest student in my class at Western Illinois University, the college from which am transferring, but I have made deliberate moves in the recent past to double my efforts so as to enhance my grades. As you will find out, I have had three grades in the past which may be an issue of concern i.e. An F (got a C+ on re-taking the same) and two Ds. I am fully convinced that poor time management contributed largely towards the three dismal grades and my relatively low GPA. With…...

Personal Statement What Is Your
Pages: 4 Words: 1173

The process was also significant for me because it showed that it was possible to spread wealth from a highly centralized location (the corporation) to a more widespread and evenly distributed location (my financially struggling high school).
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you are?

I believe that my greatest quality is perseverance. History is often told to us as the chronicle of great people doing great things, and while these stories are important, the majority of us experience life through smaller moments. It is the small choices and the small decisions that add up over time to create our life as a patchwork of these choices. Our choices and decisions define who we become, and ultimately it is the sum of all of…...

Personal Model of Ethical Leadership Has Been
Pages: 6 Words: 1971

Personal Model of Ethical Leadership
Leadership has been defined as the "procedure of social influence where a person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the achievement of a common task" (Jam, 2012). Leadership is something that remains as one of the most appropriate features of the organizational context. A leader is an individual who influences a group of people in the direction of a specific result. It is not really dependent on title or official authority. Leaders are normally recognized by their volume for caring for others, clear communication, and a commitment to persevere. Some experts believe that good leaders are made not born and others say the opposite. Some leaders have the belief that when people have the willpower and desire, then they can become an effective leader. Some managers even mention that a good leader develops through a never ending procedure of self-study, experience…...



Jam, J.I. (2012). IMPACT OF CORPORATE ETHICAL VAULUES ON ETHICAL LEADERSHIP AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE. International Journal of Business and Social Science,, 23(9), 23-56.

Kacmar, K.M. (2013). Ethical leadership and subordinate outcomes: The mediating role of organizational politics and the moderating role of political skill. Journal of Business Ethics,, 23(11), 33-44.

Mayer, D.M. (2012). Examining the link between ethical leadership and employee misconduct: The mediating role of ethical climate. Journal of Business Ethics, 12(6), 7-16.

Miao, Q.N. (2013). The relationship between ethical leadership and unethical pro-organizational behavior: Linear or curvilinear effects? Journal of Business Ethics, 22(5), 67-70.

Personal Portrait First This Is
Pages: 6 Words: 1852

Death anxiety was given a broad definition and seemed to point to how one dealt with the death of others also. I found that I did not deal with death very well. Mainly because I was not able to know my real father, and I felt betrayed by the man who was my actual father when I had to experience the abuse that my family went through. It was an ordeal because my father died, but it was a bigger ordeal because of the revelations that came afterwards. I found that one can regress from a level of maturity when a major negative event occurs.
I look back at my life through the prism of these two theories and there is not much that I regret, even though there were some significant bumps along the way. I agree with the precepts because I can see a lot of what both…...



Boeree, G.C. (2005). Erik Erikson. Retrieved from

Bruess, B.J., & Pearson, F.C. (2002). Are there gender differences in moral

reasoning as defined by Kohlberg? College Student Affairs Journal, 21(2),


Personal Code of Ethics
Pages: 5 Words: 2323

They are a great source of strength and I will honor them while remaining true to myself.
I am committed to lifelong learning and I will constantly strive to advance my knowledge and skills in the field by attending conferences and clinics, and reading the current literature.

I will strive to be a contributing member of society, both professionally and personally. I value education and lifelong learning and will continue to expand my knowledge by attending classes. I also understand the value of work and feel that it is a necessary and constructive part of my life. I will continue to make myself more valuable to my employer by attending seminars and training and by doing my best for the company.

Continually improve my skills as a person and as an employee through educational enhancement programs to perform my job in a timely way at a high level of excellence.

Personal Code of…...



Beasley, M.S. & Jenkins, J.G. (2003). A primer for brainstorming fraud risks: There are good and bad ways to conduct brainstorming sessions. Journal of Accountancy, 196(6), 32.

Beker, M. (2004). Screenwriting with a conscience: Ethics for screenwriters. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Hancock, J. (2003, May 10). Personal code of ethics. Jill Hancock. [Online]. Available:

Nash, R.J. (2002). Spirituality, ethics, religion, and teaching: A professor's journey. New York: Peter Lang.

Personal Statement for as Long
Pages: 4 Words: 1381

My first interest is to work at a battering intervention and prevention program through a battered women's shelter. This position would allow me to educate the public, by discussing battering in various situations and helping reach target populations where battering is not discussed or is considered normative. However, I understand that working with batterers is not simply about education; the vast majority of them have been abused, themselves, and need assistance resolving issues from their own past in order to move on and create better futures. Furthermore, childhood abuse is positively correlated to later substance and mental health issues, and I would like the skills to recognize, assess, and treat those tangential issues. Another interest that I have is working with pregnant teenagers and young mothers in a family education system. I believe that it is unfortunate that our society fails to provide its members with adequate education concerning…...

Personal Statement Statement 1 At
Pages: 3 Words: 1075

" And especially for young people, being "normal" and "cool" seems to be what self-esteem is all about. How can we risk giving that up by standing up for ourselves? How can we maintain a sense of self-worth in the eyes of the world, as well as in the eyes of God? And how do we know for sure what He wants for us?
I guess it's a matter of intuition; I guess you know based on how happy you truly are. If you're excited to face every day, without any help from any sort of addiction, then I would argue you're officially happy. And if you're genuinely happy, you must be honoring your authentic self and God's dreams for you.

This is an exhilarating prospect for me because I'm just beginning to learn who I really am. But I need to be prepared for the risks and the difficulties. If I…...

What is the best essay question to research under the topic of ageism?
Words: 363

Ageism is the practicing of discrimination against people based on their age.  While the term does not specify the age of the people experiencing discrimination, ageism has most often been used to describe discrimination against older people, particularly seniors. There are multiple components to ageism, as age is used in a discriminatory manner for a variety of types of decision-making, from personal choices to policy choices.

There are many topics you could focus on when writing about ageism.  Much of the research in the area has been done in the context of the job market, where....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about What is the impact of health inequalities in UK and how can this be addressed?
Words: 444

Essay Outline: The Impact and Mitigation of Health Inequalities in the UK

I. Introduction
A. Define health inequalities and their significance in the UK
B. Thesis statement: Outline the pervasive impact of health inequalities and propose necessary actions to address them

II. Impact of Health Inequalities in the UK
A. Physical health disparities: Discuss the health gaps in life expectancy, morbidity, and mortality rates between different socioeconomic groups
B. Mental health disparities: Examine the higher prevalence of mental health issues among disadvantaged populations, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse
C. Socioeconomic consequences: Analyze the economic burden associated with health inequalities, such as....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Addiction is a disease transcends personal choice emphasizing the need for compassionate treatment?
Words: 516

I. Introduction
A. Definition of addiction
B. Statement of thesis: Addiction is a disease that transcends personal choice, and individuals suffering from addiction require compassionate treatment.

II. The Nature of Addiction as a Disease
A. Explanation of addiction as a chronic brain disorder
B. Discussion of how addiction alters brain structure and function
C. Comparison of addiction to other chronic diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease

III. The Role of Genetics and Environment in Addiction
A. Exploration of genetic predisposition to addiction
B. Examination of how environmental factors can contribute to the development of addiction
C. Discussion of the interaction between....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Addiction is a disease transcends personal choice emphasizing the need for compassionate treatment?
Words: 453

Outline for an Essay on Addiction as a Disease


Hook: Start with a compelling statistic or anecdote that highlights the prevalence and devastating impact of addiction.
Thesis statement: Assert that addiction is a complex disease that transcends personal choice and requires compassionate treatment.

Body Paragraph 1: Biological Factors

Explain that addiction is a chronic brain disease that impairs brain function and leads to compulsive substance use.
Describe the role of genetics, neurochemistry, and environmental factors in the development of addiction.
Discuss the impact of addiction on brain pathways and the reward system.

Body Paragraph 2: Psychological Factors

Explore how psychological factors contribute....

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