Person centered therapy was founded by psychologist Carl ogers in the 1940s (ogers, 1957). It was developed during that decade and continued to be further adjusted and developed throughout the 1950s, as well (ogers, 1959). According to the theory, the goal is to help the person find his or her own solutions for problems by providing a rich, nurturing, and non-judgmental environment in which that person can explore his or her issues and difficulties (ogers, 1959). Clients can develop a stronger sense of self this way, allowing them to realize how their feelings, behaviors, and attitudes are being affected. According to ogers, there are several conditions that are part of the patient-client dynamic and that are required in order to see change (ogers, 1959). Everyone has the innate capacity for change and growth, but it is often overlooked in people who are struggling with their own issues from a mental…...
Rogers, C. (1957) The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21(2): 95-103
Rogers, Carl. (1959). A Theory of Therapy, Personality and Interpersonal Relationships as Developed in the Client-centered Framework. In (ed.) S. Koch, Psychology: A Study of a Science. Vol. 3: Formulations of the Person and the Social Context. NY: McGraw Hill.
(2005). Medical News Today.
etrieved October 28, 2010 at
Defense mechanisms, or repression, according to Sigmund Freud, were at the root of human anxiety. To deal with cognitive dissonance, or challenges to one's ego, contradictory information was repressed and anxiety was temporarily reduced. Although during the 1960s many laboratory studies on learning and memory and studies of perceptual defense treated the existence of defense mechanisms as empirical fact, in more recent times the concept has begun to fall out of fashion. "epression was explained by attentional processes and response suppression, while projection was explained by attribution. At least as studied in the laboratory, these processes were not seen to involve unconscious functioning and thus, by definition, did not involve defense mechanisms" (Cramer & Coll 2000).
However, defense mechanisms have now been renamed and reformulated under what is currently understood of human psychology. For example, a primitive defense mechanism such as an…...
Heine, Steven J., Lehman, Darrin R. Markus, Hazel Rose, & Shinobu Kitayama. (1999).
Is there a universal need for positive self-regard? Psychological Review, 106(4): 766-
Rana, Hana. (1997). Sigmund Freud. Psychology History. Retrieved October 28, 2010 at
Rather, Rogers argued that the therapist was there fundamentally in a support role, with the client in his or her own journey toward self-actualization. How then, does the client experience this kind of therapy? For many clients who are experiencing anxiety or self doubt, person-to-person therapy can lead them to discover their own ability to heal themselves. Assuming responsibility for one's own mental health by recognizing the range of life choices that are available is one positive outcome for clients who experience Roger's approach.
Traditional therapy often places the therapist in a professional, diagnostic, medical role. The patient, in this scenario, becomes increasingly convinced that s/he is not able to "get better" without the intervention of an expert. As a result, s/he may become even more despondent and feel less empowered to take control of his life. y contrast, Rogers approach re-situates the therapist and simultaneously empowers the client. This…...
Corey, Gerald (2009). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 8th Edition.
California State University: Fullerton, CA.
Ellis, Albert. (1998). The Albert Ellis Reader: A Guide to Well-Being Using Rational
Emotive Behavior Therapy. Carol Publishing Group: Secaucus, NJ.
This, however, will remain the choice of the patient, but the hope is that we can bring about a change in her level of consciousness such that she might recognize for herself a benefit in that involvement with the children's fathers.
Imperative to helping the patient realize her value in her abilities, skills, and other qualities associated with motherhood and her career that will help her to see her role and herself differently. This will help her with some of the confidence issues that she experiences in meeting new people and going to new places. There is perhaps some minimal issue of panic attack syndrome, but that, too, requires more in depth work and additional sessions to arrive at that conclusion. If the patient's panic about new places and people subsides as we address some of the self-esteem and family issues, then that will not be a problem. if, however,…...
Carl ogers Video eview
The author of this report is asked to find and view any video about Carl ogers. Specifically, the video should center on the man's contributions to psychotherapy in general or it should pertain to person-centered therapy in particular. The video in question was found on YouTube and specifically relates to person-centered therapy. The video was apparently produced or supported by the website The title of the video is "Carl ogers on Person-Centered Therapy." While there are general therapeutic techniques and practices that can and should be employed, there needs to be a focus on the patient as a person if therapy is going to work as well as it could or should.
The video starts off with ogers himself saying that he finds it very "fortunate" if he can be in a therapy session and that he can accept a patient just as they are and with…...
YouTube. (2015). Carl Rogers meets with Steve. YouTube. Retrieved 30 June 2015, from
YouTube. (2015). Carl Rogers on Person-Centered Therapy Video. YouTube. Retrieved 30 June 2015, from
Person-Centered Therapy (PCT) is a form of counseling based on discussions with the person/patient that allows him to express his subjective view of himself and the world in order to arrive at a more objective/clarified vision. The patient arrives in a state of incongruity and through a series of sessions of PCT is relieved of various levels of incongruity as they are exposed by himself through his own dialoguing with the therapist. The dialogue is primarily centered on the patient, which is why it is called person-centered therapy. This therapeutic approach is evident in the session between John (patient) and Dr. David J. Cain (therapist) (American Psychological Association, 2012a). This paper will discuss the approach of PCT by addressing a series of questions regarding the nature of the therapy
How does change occur?
Change occurs in the patient over a series of interviews with the therapist, as the patient and therapist explore…...
American Psychological Association (Producer). (2012a). Collaborative person-centered
psychotherapy for stress (session 1 of 5) [streaming video]. Retrieved from PsycTHERAPY database.
American Psychological Association (Producer). (2012b). Collaborative person-centered
psychotherapy for stress (session 2 of 5) [streaming video]. Retrieved from PsycTHERAPY database.
Comparing Behaviorism and Humanism Learning Theories in Understanding Mike\\\'s SituationIntroductionThe Case of Mike is one that deals with addiction and how to overcome it. Mike was introduced to drugs at an early age, as a treatment for ADHD. Eventually, he took to harder drugs and ended up prison. Now he is out and wants to stay clean. Two contrasting learning theories can be applied to the case study of Mike are Skinner\\\'s Behaviorism, which emphasizes the role of environmental reinforcement and punishment in shaping behavior, and ogers\\\' Humanism, which focuses on the individual\\\'s subjective experience and intrinsic motivation. This paper will look at Mikes case from the perspective of these two theories, compare and contrast them, and show how they can be applied to Mikes situation.Skinner\\\'s BehaviorismB.F. Skinner\\\'s behaviorism theory, or the theory of operant conditioning, rests on the assumption that all behavior is a product of conditioning, with reinforcement…...
mlaReferencesKafes, A. Y. (2021). Behavioral intervention techniques used in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder: Systematic review. Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar, 13(4), 726-738.Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2012). Motivational interviewing: Helping people change. Guilford press.Povinelli, D. J. (2020). Can comparative psychology crack its toughest nut. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 7(4), 589-652.Rusu, M. (2019). The process of self-realization—From the humanist psychology perspective. Psychology, 10(8), 1095-1115.Schlinger, H. D. (2021). The impact of BF Skinner’s science of operant learning on early childhood research, theory, treatment, and care. Early Child Development and Care, 191(7-8), 1089-1106.
Person-Centered Therapy
I would imagine that being a co-therapist for W.M. using person-centered or ogerian technique would present some interesting difficulties. The first thought that occurs to me is instinctual: W.M. is a young man who has experienced some traumatic life events, but also uses (in Karen's words) "dark humor and attention-getting language" to express himself. My instinctive response is to wonder how to respond to W.M.'s humor within the context of ogers's famous "unconditional positive regard" shown by therapist to client (Corey 2013).
In some sense, W.M.'s dark humor is a bit of a trap for the ogerian therapist. Outside of a therapy session, humor is an important social mode for a 21-year-old male. Women his age will frequently say they are searching for a great sense of humor in selecting a boyfriend, and group dynamics among late adolescents frequently center around shared jokes. In some sense, not to laugh at…...
Corey, G. (2013). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. (Ninth Edition). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
This recognition that injury and pain, common accompaniments to illness and medical treatment effect the whole family, not just the person suffering the illness or injury was profound. (Tallian, 2001, p. 119) Going through such an exercise as role playing is invaluable to the care provider as it offers the concepts in such a way that the individual can internalize point-of-view and begin to understand the steps needed to be aware of others needs an feelings.
It is clear that caring for the child, is not simply caring for the child. In a nursing situation or any health care delivery situation the standards that are set by the early impression of the health care situation as FCC supporting can make or break other experiences for the family and profoundly effect the outcomes for children. aofian, even though she and her husband and Omid had had very positive medical experiences in…...
2001) Learning to Nurse the Family, Editorial. Journal of Family Nursing, 7(2) 117-127.
Bruce, B. Letourneau, N. Ritchie, J. Larocque, S. Dennis, S. Elliot, M.R. (2002) a Multisite Study of Health Professionals' Perceptions and Practices of Family-Centered Care. Journal of Family Nursing, 8(4) 408-429.
Bruder, M.B. (2000). Family-Centered Early Intervention: Clarifying Our Values for the New Millennium. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 20(2), 105.
Raofian, D. (2003) Omid's Story: The Power of Family-Centered Care, Journal of Family Nursing, 9(3) 227-231.
As human beings we have an "idea" or concept of who we are and what we really should be, hence we create an Ideal Self that we constantly strive for, often in vain. If the perceived self, our own self-image, is not aligned with the actual self, how we really are, there will always be personality problems and dysfunction as one relates to one's self and the rest of the world. (Kail & Wicks 1993) In Carl's case this is certainly exacerbated by his TBI.
In some sense if a human being grows in a very healthy and psychological and socially secure and protected environment, congruence should naturally be achieved. If he or she has felt the unconditional positive reinforcement that ogers advocates, than congruence should be an outcome of certainty. (Vander Zanden 2003) However, even with the best of growth comes change and the self you are today may…...
Demorest, Amy. 2005. Psychology's Grand Theorists: How Personal Experiences Shaped Professional Ideas. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kail, RV, & Wicks-Nelson, R. 1993. Developmental Psychology. 5th ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Vander Zanden, James W. 2003. Human Development. Crandell, L.T. & C.H. Crandell & Thomas L., Eds.. New York: McGraw Hill.
Client Centered Therapy
Person-centered therapists have successfully worked with numerous clients, having problems of biogenic, socio-genic and psychogenic origins. The link common to these is the necessity for understanding clients' correlation with the self-destructive attitude, ailment, or issue; working in collaboration with clients in growth and self-healing; and trusting that clients possess resources for confronting the challenges faced. Despite client-centered treatment being stereotyped as only applicable to "moderate" cases, many client-centered specialists and researchers have attested to this approach's effectiveness and extent in helping clients afflicted with severe mental ailments (Wedding & Corsini, 2013).
Though person-centered therapy assumes a non-diagnostic stance, therapists work to aid persons diagnosed as psychotic, bulimic, panic-disordered, developmentally-disabled, etc. By others, in addition to individuals who merely look to experience personal growth. The assumption that client-centered therapy applies to everybody, irrespective of their psychological ailment, is grounded on the idea that there is more to an individual, i.e.…...
Wedding, D., Corsini, R. (2013). Chapter 4 Client Centered Therapy. In Current Psychotherapies (10th ed., p. 656). Cengage Learning.
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy on Mothers with a Disabled Child
This research paper will focus on the ability of the author to effectively provide therapy services to individuals and adopt an enabling role, coaching the client in exploring his/her own way of solving the problems experienced, thereby using his own competence to the greatest extent possible. By using the Solution Focused Therapy approach and the author's own views on letting the client become the expert, promoting self-esteem, and most importantly creating change through various techniques and interventions, it will allow client to see through a new 'lens' of self.
This researcher selects Janet as a case study. She is 25 years old and lives in with her boyfriend with whom she has two son. The older son, James, has a disability in his clef foot. This incurable disability, her husband's abusive attitude and the natural inner struggles of a growing woman that…...
Bryman, A. (n.d.) Triangulation. Reference World. Retrieved on November 29, 2015 from
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Darlaston-Jones, D. (2007). Making connections: the relationship between epistemology and research methods. Vol 19 # 1, The Australian Community Psychology: University of Notre
NUSING Nursing: Therapy for Patients with Bipolar DisordersBipolar disorder is one chronic illness that has gained emphasis over the past few decades. Depressive symptoms are included in this condition, which could be observed during adolescence or young adulthood and carried on in the late years of the patients lives (McCormick et al., 2015). ecurrent episodes of mood pathology could be witnessed for bipolar patients as there is a relative minimum to a high level of manic period, indicating high depressive episodes. This paper explores the symptoms and condition of a patient with bipolar disorder, the suggested therapy and medication represented by three decisions, the reason for selecting those decisions, and the ethical implications for carrying out each one.Introduction to the CaseA Korean descent woman aging 26 years showed signs of acute mania after staying hospitalized for three weeks. Her diagnosis was found to be that of bipolar disorder. When she…...
mlaReferencesGaudiano, B. A., Weinstock, L. M., & Miller, I. W. (2008). Improving treatment adherence in bipolar disorder: a review of current psychosocial treatment efficacy and recommendations for future treatment development. Behavior Modification, 32(3), 267–301. T., Wozniak, D., Spada, J., Sander, C., Ulke, C., Wittekind, D.A., Thiery, J., Loffler, M., Jawinski, P. & Hegerl, U. (2019). Vulnerability to bipolar disorder is linked to sleep and sleepiness. Translational Psychiatry, 9. Hoop, J.G., DiPasquale, T., Hernandez, J.M. & Roberts, L.W. (2008). Ethics and culture in mental health care. Ethics and Behavior, 18(4), 353-372., U., Murray, B., & McNew, B. (2015). Diagnosis and treatment of patients with bipolar disorder: A review for advanced practice nurses. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 27(9), 530–542. Muneer A. (2015). Pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder with quetiapine: A recent literature review and an update. Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience: The Official Scientific Journal of the Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 13(1), 25–35. Nafaradi, L., Nakamoto, K. & Schulz, P.J. (2017). Is patient empowerment the key to promote adherence? A systematic review of the relationship between self-efficacy, health locus of control, and medication adherence. Plos One, 12(10). Reach, G. (2016). Patient education, nudge, and manipulation: Defining the ethical conditions of the person-centered model of care. Dove Press, 10. Silveira, E.A., Santos, A.S.C., Ribeiro, J.N., Noll, M., Rodriques, A.P.S. & de Oliveira, C. (2021). Prevelance of constipation in adults with obesity class II and III and associated factors. BMC Gastroenterology, 21. Seripa, D., Lozupone, M., Miscio, G., Stella, E., La Montagna, M., Gravina, C., Urbano, M., di Mauro, L., Daniele, A., Greco, A., Logroscino, G., Panza, F., & Bellomo, A. (2018). CYP2D6 genotypes in revolving door patients with bipolar disorders: A case series. Medicine, 97(37), e11998. Taibanguay, N., Chaiamnuay, S., Asavatanabodee, P., & Narongroeknawin, P. (2019). Effect of patient education on medication adherence of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized controlled trial. Patient Preference and Adherence, 13, 119–129. Tan, C.S. (2020). The need of patient education to improve medication adherence among hypertensive patients. Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy (MJP), 6(1). Volkmann, C., Bschor, T., & Köhler, S. (2020). Lithium treatment over the lifespan in bipolar disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 377. Younas, A., Khan, R.A. & Yasmin, R. (2021). Entrustment in physician-patient communication: A modified Delphi study using the EPA approach. BMC Medical Education, 21.,
But did she mean well sometimes? Or is she always so rude towards you?
Analysis: This example illustrates a long process in a short amount of space, but it helps to point out some aspects of oger's theory. According to ogers, such dialogue can be observed with nearly every client as generalizations are broken down to acute experiences (ogers, 1951). Such breakthroughs in the origins of the problem rely on a patient's freedom to fully express the self while the therapist provides guidance and acceptance (ogers, 1951). The therapist guides the client as the client comes to understand the reasons for his or her thoughts.
Example 3:
Client: I feel like I can't talk to you, that you have judged me guilty. This feeling sticks with me, I don't know what to do, but I don't like you.
Therapist: So you think I have put you up for trial and judged guilty?
Client: Yes,…...
Bozarth, Jared D., & Brodley, Barbara Temaner. (1991). Actualization: A Functional Concept in Client-Centered Therapy. Handbook of Self-Actualization, Vol. 6, 45-60.
Bugental, J.F.T. (1964). The Third Force in Psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 19-25.
Pollack, N. (1993). Client Centered Assessment. Pub Med, 47, 298-301.
Rogers, Carl R. (1951). Client-Centered Therapy: Its Current Practice, Implications, and Theory. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
He realizes and wants the reader to realize that those roots have merit and modern day approaches simply that the field of mental health to the next step or next level of the industry, but he stresses the importance of action therapy not reflection therapy. Each step is a building block toward the eventual goal of having answers more quickly and more accurate than the past answers, however without Freud and those who came after him the new theories would not be possible.
he book is a refreshing approach and puts Glasser's reality therapy into play by acknowledging the others who have developed theories and giving them their dues before moving on to examine the next step which he believes is his approach.
Glasser's book is based on an individual's power to choose. hey can choose how they react to life, they can choose how they react to people and they can…...
mlaThis book is written in a style that a mental health professional can read it and pick up the underlying meanings and ideas but a layman can also read it and gain valuable insight about how to change the way they have been approaching their life. It is an exciting how to for those who are ready to use their power to choose and get their lives on track toward success and happiness.
Glasser, William (1989) Reality Therapy: A New Approach to Psychiatry Harper Paperbacks
Person-centered therapy prioritizes the client's autonomy and self-discovery by placing the client at the center of the therapeutic process. The therapist takes a non-directive approach, allowing the client to lead the sessions and explore their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences at their own pace.
The therapist creates a safe and empathetic environment where the client feels heard, understood, and accepted without judgment. This unconditional positive regard helps the client to feel empowered to express themselves openly and honestly.
The therapist also shows empathy and genuine understanding towards the client, helping them to develop self-awareness and self-acceptance. Through active listening and reflection, the....
Person-Centered Therapy: Prioritizing Client Autonomy and Self-Discovery
Person-centered therapy, pioneered by Carl Rogers, is a humanistic approach that places paramount importance on the client's autonomy and self-discovery throughout the therapeutic process. This approach is rooted in the belief that individuals possess an inherent capacity for growth and self-actualization, and that the therapist's role is to facilitate this process by creating a safe and supportive environment.
Key Principles of Person-Centered Therapy:
Empathy: The therapist strives to understand the client's world from their subjective perspective, entering their emotional framework and acknowledging their thoughts and feelings.
Unconditional Positive Regard: The therapist accepts and values the....
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