Person Centered Essays (Examples)

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Person-Centered Theory & Cognitive-Behavioral Theory
Pages: 5 Words: 1357

A commitment to open-mindedness and humility in respect to theory and practice." (rodley, 1986)


The work entitled: "An introduction to Cognitive Therapy & Cognitive ehavioral Approaches" states that: "The central insight of cognitive therapy as originally formulated over three decades ago is that thoughts mediate between stimuli, such as external events, and emotions." (Counselling Resource, nd) it is suggested within this theory that "psychological distress is caused by distorted thoughts about stimuli giving rise to distressed emotions." (Counselling Resource, nd) in part, the task of cognitive therapy is "to understand how the three main components of emotions, behaviors and thoughts interrelate, and how they may be influence by external stimuli - including events which may have occurred in the client's life." (Counselling Resource, nd) Cognitive behavioral therapy is characterized by the therapist being highly aware of the role that the behavior of the client plays in the client's…...



Person-Centered Therapy (nd) Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. Online available at

An Introduction to Cognitive Therapy & Cognitive Behavioral Approaches (nd) Underlying Theory of Cognitive Therapy. Counselling Resource Online available at 

Bodley, Barbara Temaner (1986) Client-Centered Therapy - What Is it? What Is it Not?. Presented at the First Annual Meeting of the Association for the Development of the Person-Centered Approach 3-7 Sept. 1986. University of Chicago: Chicago, Ill. Online available at 

Person-Centered Theory & Cognitive Behavioral Theory

Person-Centered Counseling Case Study This
Pages: 8 Words: 2507

Those discussions eventually allowed the client to realize that, for her part, she would not necessarily have worried very much about marital status had the same situation occurred after she had lost her parents, or in the alternative, if her parents had never expressed such acute concern about it.
During that discussion, the therapist was careful to steer the client away from the conclusion that she caused Carlos to start taking drugs and to deal with the problem in the relationship by withdrawing entirely. On the other hand, the therapist assisted the client to understand that marriage "by ultimatum" is never conducive to happiness and that continual arguments in that regard often result in the breakup of a relationship or in the progression of a relationship to marriage despite the fact that at least one partner does not genuinely desire to be married or to be married yet. The outcome…...



Cepeda, L.M. And Davenport, D.S. "Person-centered therapy and solution-focused brief therapy: An integration of present and future awareness. Psychotherapy: Theory,

Research, Practice, Training, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2006): 1-12.

Friedlr, K., King, M.B., Lloyd, M., and Horder, J. "Randomised controlled assessment of non-directive psychotherapy vs. routine general-practitioner care."

The Lancet, Vol. 350, No. 9092 (1997): 1662 -- 1665.

Person-Centered Counseling
Pages: 3 Words: 834

The authors maintain that the core theoretical constructs of person-centered counseling (e.g., unconditional positive regard, congruence, and empathy) provide a valuable framework in which counselors can connect with clients in ways that facilitate more productive and healthy functioning. Moreover, person-centered counseling is congruent with the relational needs of women that suffered from sexual abuse as children and may represent the optimal intervention for many.
Lemoire, S.J. & Chen, C.P. (2005, Spring). Applying person-centered counseling to sexual minority adolescents. Journal of Counseling and Development, 83(2), 146-151.

The authors are educators and counselors at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto who report that Carl ogers's (1987) person-centered counseling can be used to good effect in addressing the psychological distresses of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender/sexual (LGBT) adolescents, particularly during their disclosure of their sexual orientation. Authors argue that person-centered counseling approach can help counteract the stigmatization associated…...



Edwards, N.N. & Lambie, G.W. (2009, Spring). A person-centered counseling approach as a primary therapeutic support for women with a history of childhood sexual abuse.

Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, 48(1), 23-29.

Fall, K.A. & Holder, J.M. (2004). Theoretical models of counseling and psychotherapy.


Therapeutic Models Psychodynamic & Person-Centered Therapies Psychodynamic
Pages: 7 Words: 2284

Therapeutic Models
Psychodynamic & Person-Centered Therapies

Psychodynamic theory and client-centered theory provide significant basis for recent therapeutic methods. Where both the therapeutic methods emphasize on improving the condition of the subject, they follow different schools of thoughts which is well-reflected in their applications as well. Since psychodynamic and client-centered therapy focuses on eliminating various aspects of past life and improving the subject's perception of self-worth in relation with present and future life respectively; they also have various similarities as well.

One of the most commonly used therapeutic methods is Psychodynamic theory. It is also known as insight-oriented theory since it emphasizes on identifying unconscious thought patterns which are manifested into an individual's current behavior. The basic objective of this therapy is to ensure that the patient is aware of his/her personal problems and understands the impacts of past events on the present behavior. To be more precise, it allows the subject to…...



Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Brief Interventions and Brief Therapies for Substance Abuse. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (U.S.); 1999. Chapter 7 -- Brief Psychodynamic Therapy. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP), 34. Retrieved 21 August, 2012,

Haggerty, J. 2012. Psychodynamic Therapy. Psych Central. Retrieved August 21, 2012,

Shedler, J. 2010. The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy. American Psychologist Association, 65(2), 98 -- 109 DOI: 10.1037/a0018378

Kahn, E. 1985. Heinz Kohut and Carl Rogers: A Timely Comparision, American Psychologist, August 42, (8), 893-904.

Humanistic Theory The Effectiveness of the Person-Centered
Pages: 4 Words: 1301

Humanistic Theory: The Effectiveness of the Person-Centered Approach
The person-centered theory was conceptualized by Carl ogers, out of the experience he had gained from years of working with clients as a counselor (Casemore, 2011). Contrary to the traditional behavioral theories which portrayed a counselor (therapist) as an expert, the person-centered approach rides on the concept of self-actualization, and holds that human beings have the potential to realize the full extents of their abilities. They only need to be provided with facilitative climates, under which they can develop the right psychological attitudes (Barlow & Durand, 2011). Such climates provide environments in which individuals feel free from both psychological and physical threat, and are achieved through relationships with people who were genuine (congruent), accepting, and deeply understanding (emphatic) (Barlow and Durand, 2011). The person-centered theory, therefore, rides on the elements of competence, love, and safety, which explains why it has been adopted and…...



Barlow, D. And Durand, V., 2011. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach. 6th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

Casemore, R., 2011. Person-Centered Counseling in a Nutshell. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Noel, S., 2013. Person-Centered Therapy (Rogerian Therapy). Good Therapy, [online] Available at   [Accessed 14 January 2009]. 

Rodgers, C.R., 2014. On Becoming a Person. London: Constable and Robinson.

Vocational Profile Person-Centered Planning Meets
Pages: 7 Words: 2275

For Ken, this means he will be competing against a larger number of candidates than he normally would. hile he is protected somewhat by the anti-discrimination statutes, Ken will find that his lack of recent work experience and lack of higher education will limit his job prospects. There remain, however, some careers that can help Ken. EmployRI has a networking center and Ken will need to become accustomed to working with that in order to find opportunities for himself.
Ken will be responsible for the bulk of the work in his job search. He will receive guidance from this department with regards to supervision and guidance. ithin two weeks, a case worker will be assigned to monitor Ken's progress. ithin four weeks, we would like Ken to have a short list of potential employers and have completed the different assessments of his skills. ithin two months, we would like Ken…...


Works Cited:

Mast, M. & Callahan, M. (no date). The vocational profile and the profile meeting: A process not a form. Rural Institute. Retrieved February 17, 2011 from

Existential Gestalt and Person-Centered Theories
Pages: 3 Words: 965

theory make it the most appropriate for the client in the case study?
Among Ana's presenting problems include a general sense of hopelessness, with difficulty sleeping, and overall signs of depression. Gestalt therapy, however, would refrain from labeling Ana in the way that some clinical and psychiatric diagnoses can do (Elliott, 2014). The benefit in Ana's case of using Gestalt therapy would be to address her issues without the need for pathologizing the problems. Gestalt therapy is idea for Ana because her issues must be understood as part of a complex whole: her family situation is tenuous and an obvious cause for her personal pain and suffering. Gestalt theory is a "systems" theory that is particularly ideal for family issues (Zinker, 2013). Ana is understandably concerned about losing her husband, who is currently serving overseas in a combat position. She is faced with serious existential angst related to the potential…...



Elliott, R. (2014). Gestalt Therapy in Clinical Practice [Review]. Psychotherapy 51(3): 462-463.

Li, Junxin & Porock, D. (2013). Resident outcomes of person-centered care in long-term care. International Journal of Nursing Studies 51(2014): 1395-1415.

Nevis, E.C. (2013). Gestalt Therapy. CRC Press.

Vos, J., Cooper, M. & Craig, M. (2015). Existential therapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(1): 115-128.

Person Centered Care and the Social Determinants of Health
Pages: 5 Words: 1425

Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes: A Comprehensive Approach to Nursing EducationNursing education benefits from framework that grounds students in theoretical knowledge while preparing them for the practical challenges in healthcare. Central to this framework are the metaparadigm concepts of nursing: person, nursing, health, and environment. These concepts combined give the nurse a holistic understanding necessary of care. This paper gives an organizing framework for nursing education, discusses the relationship between its concepts, and proposes program outcomes that align with the Joint Commission Hospital National Patient Safety Goals.Framework ConceptsThe framework consists of four concepts: person, nursing, health, and environment. These concepts are like the principles of nursing theory and practice. With them one can begin to develop a holistic approach to understanding the needs of patients.PersonThe concept of person in nursing refers to the patient as one who has physical, psychological, social, economic, and spiritual needs. Because people are not robots…...


ReferencesBo?ek, A., Nowak, P. F., & Blukacz, M. (2020). The relationship between spirituality, health-related behavior, and psychological well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1997.Heck, L. O., Carrara, B. S., Mendes, I. A. C., & Arena Ventura, C. A. (2022). Nursing and advocacy in health: an integrative review. Nursing ethics, 29(4), 1014-1034.Johnson, C. B., Luther, B., Wallace, A. S., & Kulesa, M. G. (2022). Social determinants of health: what are they and how do we screen. Orthopaedic Nursing, 41(2), 88-100.Oner, B., Zengul, F. D., Oner, N., Ivankova, N. V., Karadag, A., & Patrician, P. A. (2021). Nursing?sensitive indicators for nursing care: A systematic review (1997–2017). Nursing open, 8(3), 1005-1022.

Active Support Person-Centred Care Is Underpinned by
Pages: 2 Words: 556

Active Support
"Person-centred care is underpinned by values of respect for persons, individual right to self-determination, mutual respect, and understanding (McCormack, Dewing, & McCance, 2011). Sometimes providing person-centered care demands facilitating the independence of patients. At other times it may require the nurse or another caregiver to step in provide additional assistance. egardless, the ultimate intention of person-centered support is to maximize the autonomy of the individual. In contrast to the 'hotel model' of care in which everything is done for the patient (even actions he or he could conceivably perform) the person-centered model requires individualized knowledge of the capabilities of each person whom the nurse is trying to serve and invests a sense of competence and choice in the heart of patient.

The level of autonomy may differ from patient to patient, depending on psychological and physical limitations, but the emotional and social goals are always the same. In nursing…...



McCormack, B., Dewing. J., McCance, T. (2011). Developing person-centred care: Addressing contextual challenges through practice development. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues

in Nursing, 16, 2: 3. Retrieved:

Humanism and Person Centered Therapy for Drug Addiction
Pages: 5 Words: 1479

Comparing Behaviorism and Humanism Learning Theories in Understanding Mike\\\'s SituationIntroductionThe Case of Mike is one that deals with addiction and how to overcome it. Mike was introduced to drugs at an early age, as a treatment for ADHD. Eventually, he took to harder drugs and ended up prison. Now he is out and wants to stay clean. Two contrasting learning theories can be applied to the case study of Mike are Skinner\\\'s Behaviorism, which emphasizes the role of environmental reinforcement and punishment in shaping behavior, and ogers\\\' Humanism, which focuses on the individual\\\'s subjective experience and intrinsic motivation. This paper will look at Mikes case from the perspective of these two theories, compare and contrast them, and show how they can be applied to Mikes situation.Skinner\\\'s BehaviorismB.F. Skinner\\\'s behaviorism theory, or the theory of operant conditioning, rests on the assumption that all behavior is a product of conditioning, with reinforcement…...


ReferencesKafes, A. Y. (2021). Behavioral intervention techniques used in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder: Systematic review. Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar, 13(4), 726-738.Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2012). Motivational interviewing: Helping people change. Guilford press.Povinelli, D. J. (2020). Can comparative psychology crack its toughest nut. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 7(4), 589-652.Rusu, M. (2019). The process of self-realization—From the humanist psychology perspective. Psychology, 10(8), 1095-1115.Schlinger, H. D. (2021). The impact of BF Skinner’s science of operant learning on early childhood research, theory, treatment, and care. Early Child Development and Care, 191(7-8), 1089-1106.

Rogers Case Study Using Person
Pages: 4 Words: 1282

As human beings we have an "idea" or concept of who we are and what we really should be, hence we create an Ideal Self that we constantly strive for, often in vain. If the perceived self, our own self-image, is not aligned with the actual self, how we really are, there will always be personality problems and dysfunction as one relates to one's self and the rest of the world. (Kail & Wicks 1993) In Carl's case this is certainly exacerbated by his TBI.
In some sense if a human being grows in a very healthy and psychological and socially secure and protected environment, congruence should naturally be achieved. If he or she has felt the unconditional positive reinforcement that ogers advocates, than congruence should be an outcome of certainty. (Vander Zanden 2003) However, even with the best of growth comes change and the self you are today may…...



Demorest, Amy. 2005. Psychology's Grand Theorists: How Personal Experiences Shaped Professional Ideas. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Kail, RV, & Wicks-Nelson, R. 1993. Developmental Psychology. 5th ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Vander Zanden, James W. 2003. Human Development. Crandell, L.T. & C.H. Crandell & Thomas L., Eds.. New York: McGraw Hill.

Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center Cattcounty Rehab Is
Pages: 3 Words: 908

Cattaraugus County eHabilitation Center (CattCounty eHab) is a Not-For-Profit enterprise. The purpose for its creation is to provide services to several diverse districts and voters, particularly people with injuries, developmental and physical disabilities, people with autism, and pertinent services to the disabled of all ages. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC), credited to obert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton of the Harvard Business School, is a process framework used to assess the effectiveness of an organization as it pertains to the pursuit of its mission or specific practice/objective. There are four equitably critical aspects in the BSC example that base measurement of multiple aspects of an enterprise's achievement.
Just like their name suggests, non-profits do not seek to make profit as their main objective. Although they need revenue in order to carry out their end goals, they must also consider additional aspects such as: providing proper and consistent service to customers and…...



Knell, A. (2006). Corporate governance: How to add value to your company: a practical implementation guide. Amsterdam: Elsevier/CIMA.

Martello, M., Watson, J.G., & Fischer, M.J. (2008). Implementing A Balanced Scorecard In A Not-For-Profit Organization. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 6(9), 67-80.

Plas, J.M., & Lewis, S.E. (2001). Person-centered leadership for non-profit organizations: Management that works in high pressure systems. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.

patient centered care in healthcare nursing
Pages: 16 Words: 4617

Patient-centered care is the goal of many healthcare organizations, but the ability of an organization to deliver patient-centered care is influenced by a number of factors both internal and external. Business practices, regulatory requirements, and reimbursement all can impact patient-centered care in any healthcare organization. Promoting patient-centered care requires an organizational culture committed to this paradigm, which also needs to be embedded in the mission and values of the organization.

Executives and administrators create the organizational culture that promotes patient-centered care. All leaders in the organization are responsible for using patient-centered practices and communications styles in their interactions with patients and their families. Furthermore, administrators oversee the policies and procedures that directly impact the culture of care. Analyzing areas of weakness within the organizational structure and culture via established assessments like the Patient-and Family-Centered Care Organizational Self-Assessment Tool, it is possible to create multidisciplinary teams that promote the organization’s vision of…...

Holistic Compassionate Patient Centered Care
Pages: 3 Words: 838

Nursing Philosophy StatementMy nursing philosophy is based on the values instilled in me growing up and then working as a professional. I have been involved in healthcare for more than a decade. Everything I have learned as a nurse and everything taught to me from the time since I was a child has informed my philosophy. At its center is the belief that all people deserve respect and deserve to be treated as they see themselves (Franco et al., ). That is why I feel strongly about person-centered care: I think it is the nurses duty to get to know the patient really well so that the nurse can care for the patient in the way the patient wants to be cared for. On top of this, I believe the nurse, as a professional, should strive to give holistic carecare for the whole personand thus should study the science as…...


ReferencesBüssing, A. (Ed.). (2021). Spiritual needs in research and practice: the spiritual needs questionnaire as a global resource for health and social care. Springer Nature.Cho, H. K., & Kim, B. (2022, February). Effect of nurses’ grit on nursing job performance and the double mediating effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In Healthcare (Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 396). MDPI.Franco, H., Caldeira, S., & Nunes, L. (2021). Dignity in nursing: A synthesis review of concept analysis studies. Nursing ethics, 28(5), 734-749.Morton, P. G., & Thurman, P. (2023). Critical care nursing: a holistic approach. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Thornber, K. L. (2020). Person-Focused Care–Advocacy, Respect, Compassion, Empathy, Healing. In Global Healing (pp. 199-229). Brill.

Person in My Life Who
Pages: 6 Words: 1870

When he was a child he also had to be careful about bathing in special soaps and applying special creams to his skin. I recall there being times when his skin was tremendously dry and it would scale so badly that my brother didn't want to leave the house. My grandmother would apply apple cider vinegar to his skin, as it was believed to be a fungus, and it was thought that the apple cider vinegar would help cure the fungus. She also used to give him large quantities of raw garlic, which was believed to be able to fight mold. Sometimes she'd chop up the garlic into a paste and apply it to his scalp. Eventually, he saw a dermatologist who specialized in the condition who prescribed him a high level of hydrocortisone, a topical steroid that my mother had to apply to my brother's skin twice daily.…...


References (November, 5 2012). Environmental Causes of Depression. Retrieved from 


Kreger, R. (2008). The Essential Family Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder: New Tools. Center City: Hazelden Press.

Kreger, R. (2010, March 25). Three Easy Ways to Differentiate Bipolar and Borderline Disorders. Retrieved from

Discuss a completed holistic nursing assessment and relate it to the evidence based on person centered care?
Words: 375

Person centered care focuses on the patient as an entire human being, not just as a person experiencing an illness, injury, or other health emergency. The approach is gaining traction in healthcare and mental healthcare. There are five essential elements in person-centered care. They include understanding what motivates people to act how they do; controlling how you respond to behavior you find challenging; honoring the patient’s preferences when you can do so without compromising patient care; changing to a strength-based mindset instead of focusing on deficits; and changing the culture of staff and....

How does person-centered therapy prioritize the client\'s autonomy and self-discovery in the therapeutic process?
Words: 312

Person-centered therapy prioritizes the client's autonomy and self-discovery by placing the client at the center of the therapeutic process. The therapist takes a non-directive approach, allowing the client to lead the sessions and explore their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences at their own pace.

The therapist creates a safe and empathetic environment where the client feels heard, understood, and accepted without judgment. This unconditional positive regard helps the client to feel empowered to express themselves openly and honestly.

The therapist also shows empathy and genuine understanding towards the client, helping them to develop self-awareness and self-acceptance. Through active listening and reflection, the....

How does person-centered therapy prioritize the client\'s autonomy and self-discovery in the therapeutic process?
Words: 541

Person-Centered Therapy: Prioritizing Client Autonomy and Self-Discovery

Person-centered therapy, pioneered by Carl Rogers, is a humanistic approach that places paramount importance on the client's autonomy and self-discovery throughout the therapeutic process. This approach is rooted in the belief that individuals possess an inherent capacity for growth and self-actualization, and that the therapist's role is to facilitate this process by creating a safe and supportive environment.

Key Principles of Person-Centered Therapy:

Empathy: The therapist strives to understand the client's world from their subjective perspective, entering their emotional framework and acknowledging their thoughts and feelings.

Unconditional Positive Regard: The therapist accepts and values the....

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