Perseverance Essays (Examples)

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Perseverance Occurs Where an Emotional
Pages: 2 Words: 730

Then, the teacher slowly gives more difficult problems, building upon the students' initial sense of accomplishment.
Theory 6: "When people feel that their freedom to choose an action is threatened, they get an unpleasant feeling called 'reactance'" (Straker 2008).

Unfortunately, it is built into the learning process that teachers must make some demands of their students, and thus curtail the student's freedom which can produce reactance. However, by introducing some flexibility and choice in the assignments (such as allowing students to choose a topic for a research paper) this reactance may be curtailed.

Theory 7: Opponent process theory suggests that most individuals feel mixed emotions about things: "We have pairs of emotions that act in opposing pairs, such as happiness and sadness, fear and relief, pleasure and pain. When one of these is experienced, the other is temporarily suppressed. This opposite emotion, however, is likely to re-emerge strongly and may curtail or…...



Straker, David. (2008). Motivation theories. Changing minds. Retrieved October 2, 2010 at

Perseverance in Criminal Justice Walsh and Matthews
Pages: 6 Words: 2201

Bringing Adam Home by Standiford and Matthews (2011) is a book about the case of Adam Walsh, murdered by Otis Toole, and how the crime went unsolved for a quarter of a century. The book tells how John Walsh, father of Adam, became an activist and took to television to help others solve their own cold cases. Meanwhile it tells how Matthews persevered with the case and ultimately located the evidence to implicate Toole and close the case. The book offers several lessons on the how perseverance and technology are two essential elements in the pursuit of criminal justice in today's world. From a Christian standpoint, the book bears out the truth of Scripture, which exhorts all Christians to let perseverance do its work and bring all things to maturity, leaving nothing lacking. This book is an excellent example of how perseverance is a much needed characteristic for any investigator.



Carpenter, C. (2016). Review: Bringing Adam Home. Journal of Criminal Justice

Education, 27(3): 449-453.

Findley, K. (2002). Learning from Our Mistakes: A criminal justice commission to study wrongful convictions. California Western Law Review, 38(2): 333-352.

Miles, T. (2005). Estimating the effect of America's Most Wanted: A duration analysis of wanted fugitives. The Journal of Law and Economics, 48(1): 281-306.

Ethics Value Perseverance Is a
Pages: 3 Words: 1336

However, the memo states that there is evidence 1/1,000 people "may react poorly to the drug and fall into a coma." There is no certainty this will happen, there is no way to isolate the mechanism in time. You know that the company has spent millions on this, and any delay in the launch will be fiscally catastrophic. What do you do: ignore the memo, write a note to your supervisor and then forget it, or take it public? The courageous thing would be to first try to stop the launch internally; knowing the situation, though, it might be best to have a backup plan to get the information out onto the Internet should something "strange" happen to you.
Value: Compassion is a human emotion, like empathy, that allows us to feel what others are feeling and have a desire to help them.

eview: In the 21st century, we know the…...



Costello, M., (2002). "Preparing Students for the Empowered Workplace."

Active Learning in Higher Education. 3 (2): 117-127.

Mujtaba, B. (2004). "Emerging Ethical Issues in Technology." The Journal of Applied

Management and Entrepreneurship. 9 (3): 34.

Important Components of Happiness
Pages: 6 Words: 2049

Perseverance Is the Key to Happiness and Success
People in today's culture are experiencing tremendous challenges because we live in a fast-paced world. Throughout all endeavors, everyone desires to be successful and happy in spite of challenges. Due to the desire to be successful, individuals have become preoccupied with family, school and work as they struggle to maintain balance. hile some remain focused and achieve success and happiness across their pursuits, others give up because of discouragements and never achieve their goals. This begs the question, "what is the key to success and happiness in life?" As evident in the lives of those who achieve their goals, perseverance not only breeds success but also generates happiness. ithout perseverance, an individual cannot become successful or happy because he/she will lack the necessary values and courage required to thrive in the midst of challenges.

Garbriele Muccino illustrates the significance of perseverance in achieving happiness…...


Works Cited

Duckworth, Angela L., Christopher Peterson, Michael D. Matthews, and Dennis R. Kelly. "Grit:

Perseverance and Passion for Long-Term Goals." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 92.6 (2007): 1087-101. University of Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. .

Holland, Judy. "Grit: The Key Ingredient to Your Kids' Success?" The Washington Post. The Washington Post, 9 Mar. 2015. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. .

Niemiec, Ryan M., and Danny Wedding. Positive Psychology at the Movies: Using Films to Build Virtues and Character Strengths. Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe & Huber, 2008. Print.

Lifespan IT's Very Interesting to Discuss an
Pages: 8 Words: 3695

It's very interesting to discuss an individual's life in detail, especially when done so in a thoughtful manner. Through these conversations, one garners a distinct appreciation for life and the obstacles it presents. It also provides a great sense of the importance of perseverance in regards to success. Allen exemplifies the term "perseverance," in his behaviors throughout life. I personally had to the opportunity to meet Allen during a job fair. He was representing Macy's and immediately seemed approachable. He is warm hearted and very engaging. Little did I know that his background was one that was anything but warm.

Family background

Not much is known about Allen's father, who was appropriate named Allen himself. As the third, the younger Allen never made physical contact with his father. From the information garnered from his mother, Allen Sr. was an expert guitarist. His hobbies included playing instruments and teaching music. His profession was…...

Horatio Alger by Harlon L Dalton The
Pages: 3 Words: 950

Horatio Alger" by Harlon L. Dalton.
The Horatio Alger myth is the 'rags to riches' story that America likes to represent itself as. Hard work and perseverance can pull the poor out of poverty and make him rich. The problem is that this myth is only partially true. Analysis of the myth shows that accompanying conditions necessitate integrity and honesty. It is only the privileged few who can possess wealth within the framework of integrity and honesty. Dalton insists that the myth is false when applied to people of Black extraction. It seems to me that the myth is false when applied to individuals of any extraction for conditions of the corporate world, particularly of the world of today and particularly for the disgruntled poor, necessitate conniving, Self-centeredness, selfishness, and other omission of values to succeed. Black people -- as any -- can become wealthy; they may need to renounce…...

Personal Quality Talent Accomplishment Contribution
Pages: 1 Words: 391

I was in the back of the pack the first mile. I hear a dull roar, at first I think it is my ears popping. I realize it's the sound of the crowds.
My coach's voice, roaring out the mile splits. My first mile at 5:20, second at 11:20, and later I learn I finished at 16:54. My teammates from the other races, I think I can pick out their voices, cheering. All I can think of is the pain. During moments like these I know love cross-country more than anything else in the world. You only go through such intense pain for something you love. The last hill is the longest one of all, they call it the "Reservoir," I think because you need every reservoir of your energy to survive.

I know I have no hope of winning. The team has no hope of winning, but my legs charge…...

Entrepreneurial Leadership of the Many Theories and
Pages: 3 Words: 864

Entrepreneurial Leadership
Of the many theories and frameworks of entrepreneurial leadership, those from Jim Kouzes and Peter Drucker have over time proven most applicable to a broad range of situations and leadership challenges. Noted entrepreneurs including Steve Case, co-founder and CEO of America Online has often said that the key to succeeding as an entrepreneur is combining the best possible people, being passionate about a vision, and having a strong sense of perseverance (Gendron, 2004). Clearly, Dr. Kouzes and Peter Drucker have influenced Steve Cases' mindset about what it takes to succeed when launching a new business. The common elements of Steve Case, Jim Kouzes and Peter Drucker are analyzed in this paper, as is a discussion of the leadership style aspired to. An assessment of how best to use the Small Business Administration and SCOE services is also discussed in this analysis. Finally, my personal principles of leadership are defined…...



Darling, J., & Leffel, A. (2010). Developing the Leadership Team in an Entrepreneurial Venture: A Case Focusing on the Importance of Styles. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 23(3), 355-371,481.

Drucker, Peter F. (1985). Entrepreneurial Strategies. California Management Review (pre-1986), 27(000002), 9.

George Gendron. (2004). Practitioners' Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Education: An Interview With Steve Case, Matt Goldman, Tom Golisano, Geraldine Laybourne, Jeff Taylor, and Alan Webber. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 3(3), 302-314.

James M. Kouzes. (1999). Getting to the heart of leadership. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 22(5), 64.

Psyched Out After Being Told
Pages: 2 Words: 561

If Heike tends to trust her parents and her family for their closeness and similarities, then the confirmation bias could also come into play in this situation. This psychological bias tends to make people believe what they already believe, only stronger; any inkling that Heike has that she might be feeling depressed is now more likely to convince her that she truly is depressed, perhaps even chronically so. Because the information is coming to her from her parents, whom she is likely to trust, the information regarding her likelihood of developing chronic depression (false though it may be) will probably be believed and taken to heart. Even if she then comes across more accurate information that suggests a far lower familial incidence of chronic depression, lowering her actual chances of developing the condition, Heike will be likely to discount this information in favor of the preconceived notions she has already…...

Great War for Civilisation The
Pages: 4 Words: 1969

Both Palestine and Israel experienced serious losses as a result of the divergences between the two countries.
Chapter 13 focuses on a series of matters and particularly on media's influence on the world in regard to the Palestine-Israel conflict. The estern world stood indifferent as the two countries starting fighting for the territory and caused significant damage. In spite of the fact that society came to perceive Palestinians as terrorists as a result of their determination to recover their lost lands, their power grew in the recent years, most probably as a result of the fact that they developed a feeling of respect for their cause.

3. The Choirs of Kandahar is essentially a continuation of Chapter 2.

4. The Carpet-eavers begins with the United States' and Great Britain's successful overthrow of the democratically elected prime minister of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddeq. From there, it moves on to the events leading up to…...


Works Cited

Fisk, Robert, the Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East

Reason for Choosing Nursing as a Career
Pages: 2 Words: 838

Personal Statement

Choosing Nursing

My life has centered upon answering a central question. This question has been a in my mind since I was 10 years old. At that age, my first image of medicine was largely influenced by the doctors and nurses who were always helping my grandfather battle a rare form of brain cancer. His illness was a life changing experience for me, as, at that age, I watched his condition gradually deteriorate over a period of three months, and I detested I could do nothing to help. This thought, however painful then, has motivated my entire life, and has led to my choosing of nursing as a profession,

Though some did not approve of this particular career path, I never gave up my dreams. For this reason, I began studying and volunteering so as to combine education in theory with education in practice. Giving back to my community has always…...

Parents Have Been the Most
Pages: 1 Words: 403

My parents also instilled in me a love for science and reading, and have proven to be the best examples in the world. Our favorite family activity is to watch the game show "Jeopardy" together. We challenge each other to see who can answer the most correct questions, and whoever wins gets to choose the restaurant the family will eat at that weekend. And if I win, I am even allowed to invite friends to join us.
My parents are also very wise. I have come to understand from my high school psychology class why my parents never argued in from of me no matter how upset they may have been. My mother would always say to my father, "Can we go to the other room, there is something that I must talk to you about." feel very proud of my parents, especially when my friends make comments such as,…...

Exile Literary Characters in Exile Can Be
Pages: 4 Words: 1266

Literary Characters in Exile

Exile can be the self-imposed banishment from one's home or given as a form of punishment. The end result of exile is solitude. Exile affords those in it for infinite reflection of themselves, their choices, and their lives in general. Three prominent literary characters experience exile as part of the overall narrative and in that, reveal a great deal about themselves to themselves as well as to the readers. The three narratives in questions are "The Epic of Gilgamesh," "The Tempest," and "Things Fall Apart." All of the main characters of these narratives experience exile as a result of actions taken by the protagonists at earlier points in the story. The protagonist in each respective story are exiled because of their choices and the exile forces each character to face consequences that ultimately bring their inner character to the surface in a more direct manner than prior…...



Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: First Anchor Books Edition, 1994.

Mason, Herbert. Gilgamesh A Verse Narrative. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003.

Shakespeare, William. "The Tempest." Ed. Barbara A. Mowat & Paul Werstine. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 1994.

Sutton, Brian. "Virtue Rather Than Vengeance": Genesis and Shakespeare's The Tempest." Explicator, Vol. 66, No. 4, 224-229.

Hillary Rodmen Clinton
Pages: 6 Words: 2373

Hillary odham Clinton: Senator, First Lady, & Secretary of State

"One thing we know for sure is that change is certain. Progress is not. Progress depends on the choices we make today for tomorrow and on whether we meet our challenges and protect our values."

~Hillary odham Clinton, from Living History

Hillary Diane odham Clinton is an international leader, a powerful fixture in American government, a significant figure in American history, and a mentor for people around the world, especially women. Before becoming Secretary of State, she campaigned for United States President. Hillary odham Clinton continues to lead an intriguing and inspiring life. She makes decisions that impact millions of people. She represents the American government, American foreign policy, and she represents hope for women in a patriarchal society. Hillary Clinton has withstood several political scandals with grace and perseverance. The paper will explore her life as an example of a politician that…...



Barlow, Tani. "International Feminism of the Future." Signs, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1099 -- 1105, 2000.

Burden, Barry C., & Mughan, Anthony. "Public Opinion and Hillary Rodham Clinton." The Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 63, No. 2, 237 -- 250, 1999.

Carlin, Diana B., & Winfrey, Kelly L. "Have You Come a Long Way, Baby? Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Sexism in 2008 Campaign Coverage." Communication Studies, Vol. 60, No. 4, 326 -- 343, 2009.

Clinton, Hillary Rodham. It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1996.

Entrepreneurial Leadership
Pages: 4 Words: 1344

Create a hybrid theory/philosophy which combines the common elements found in the thinking of Case, Kouzes, and Drucker. In your philosophy, be sure to include the new definition of entrepreneurial leadership presented in Understanding Entrepreneurial Leadership in today's Dynamic Markets.

The new definition of entrepreneurial leadership as defined by the article Understanding entrepreneurial leadership in today's dynamic markets is a leader who is enterprising, transformational and who "operates in a dynamic market that offers lucrative opportunities" (Tarabishy, Fernald Jr., Solomon, p. 5). These words are rather ludicrous on their face, due to the fact that this is not a new definition whatsoever; it is a definition that has been around for decades, if not centuries. Therefore to base a 'new theory' on such an old theory makes no sense at all. Instead, the author will focus on using the words of Case, Drucker and Kouzas as a foundation for a theory…...



Drucker, P.F. (1983) Concept of the Corporation, 1983 edition, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers

Fu, P.P.; Tsui, A.S.; Liu, J.; Li, L.; (2010) Pursuit of whose happiness? Executive leaders' transformational behaviors and personal values, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 55, Issue 2, pp. 222 -- 254

George, B.; Sims, P.; McLean, A.N.; Mayer, D.; (2007) Discovering your authentic leadership, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 85, issue 2, pp. 129-138

Kouzes, J. & Posner, B.; (2007) The Leadership Challenge (4th ed.) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers

I\'m in need of some essay topics on perseverance. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 252

1. The Power of Perseverance: Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

2. Never Give Up: The Importance of Perseverance in Reaching Goals

3. Perseverance: A Key Trait for Personal Growth and Development

4. The Role of Perseverance in Resilience and Mental Toughness

5. Perseverance: The Secret to Overcoming Obstacles and Adversity

6. Perseverance in the Face of Failure: Learning from Setbacks and Moving Forward

7. The Connection Between Perseverance and Achieving Long-Term Success

8. Cultivating Perseverance: Strategies for Building Resilience and Persistence

9. Perseverance as a Driving Force for Motivation and Determination

10. The Benefits of Perseverance: How Persistence Leads to Accomplishment and Fulfillment
11. The Role of Perseverance in Overcoming....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on perseverance. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 632

1. The Power of Perseverance: Achieving Success against All Odds

Discuss the remarkable resilience of individuals who have overcome immense obstacles and achieved remarkable feats, emphasizing how perseverance played a pivotal role in their journeys. Explore real-life examples and analyze the strategies they employed to stay resolute in the face of setbacks.

2. Perseverance as a Key Ingredient for a Fulfilling Career

Delve into the importance of perseverance in the context of career success. Examine how persistence can help individuals overcome challenges, adapt to changing circumstances, and remain focused on their long-term goals. Share stories of individuals who have demonstrated unwavering....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on Compare Jerry and his brother Armand in “President Cleveland, Where Are You?”
Words: 462

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the characters of Jerry and Armand in the short story "President Cleveland, Where Are You?"
B. Provide a brief summary of the story and its theme

II. Jerry
A. Description of Jerry's character traits
1. Kind-hearted and caring towards his brother
2. Resourceful and clever in finding solutions to their problems
3. Determined to reunite with their father

III. Armand
A. Description of Armand's character traits
1. Self-centered and rebellious
2. Impulsive and quick-tempered
3. Not as focused on reuniting with their father as Jerry

IV. Comparison between Jerry and Armand
A. Their approaches to finding President Cleveland

Can you aid me in forming a thesis statement about the alice in wonderland and treasure seekers?
Words: 203

Thesis: Although both "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll and "Treasure Seekers" by Edith Nesbit are imaginative and adventurous children's books, they differ in terms of narrative structure, character development, and themes. In "Alice in Wonderland," the narrative structure is whimsical and dreamlike, following Alice as she encounters various fantastical characters and situations in a nonsensical world. On the other hand, "Treasure Seekers" follows the adventures of a group of siblings who embark on a quest for hidden treasure, with a more traditional narrative structure focused on their journey and interactions with each other.

Character development in "Alice in Wonderland" is centered....

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