Periodic Table Essays (Examples)

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Periodic Table Provides a Revolutionary System of
Pages: 3 Words: 1058

Periodic table provides a revolutionary system of classification of universally occurring elements. The existence of a few elements was documented since ancient Greece: gold, silver, copper, lead, and mercury were the most straightforward to understand and classify (Western Oregon University, 1997). During the Enlightenment, a renewed quest for scientific inquiry into the composition of matter was underway and aided by instruments that helped to discern the properties of discovered elements. A major breakthrough in elemental discovery was made in 1649, when German alchemist Hennig Brand discovered phosphorous after conducting experiments on urine: "He heated residues from boiled urine, and a liquid dropped out and burst into flames. This was the first discovery of phosphorus," (Lenntech, 2011). Over the next several hundred years, new elements were continually discovered. esearchers were then able to recognize similarities and differences between the elements that led to the development of a classification system. The classification…...



"Atomic Structure: Development of Elements and the Periodic Table." Retrieved online: 

Cooper, S.K. (2007). The Periodic Table. Minneapolis: Compass Point.

Denker, J. (2009). Periodic table of elements: Cylinder with bulges. Retrieved online: 

Giunta, C. (1997). Elements and atoms. Chapter 12 in Classic Chemistry. Retrieved online:

Integrated Science Periodic Table
Pages: 3 Words: 1002

Integrated Science & Periodic Table
Atoms are the smallest particles used in order to identify an element. These elements are made up of only one specific kind of atom (Chang 2010). The difference between a mixture and a compound lies in the fundamentals of what makes up both substances. A compound is a substance that contains more than one element, but in fixed proportions, making it a molecule. No matter how large or small the amount of compound, the proportions will always have to be the same in order for the substance to qualify as a specific compound made up of the molecules (Chang 2010). For example, water is a molecule containing, one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The combination of these specific atoms in specific proportions is what makes it a compound. If the elements forming this compound were to be broken up, the compound itself would change therefore…...



Chang, R. (2010). Chemistry. (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math.

Evolution of Chemistry to the Periodic Table
Pages: 17 Words: 5491

Evolution of Chemistry to the Periodic Table of the Elements
One of the differences between scientists of the 17th and 18th centuries vs. scientists today is that the chemists of times past were often theologians. They studied chemistry and other forms of science because they were incredibly devout and sought to understand how the world worked; they desired to better understand the hand of the creator (Ihde, 1990).

Notable 17th Century Chemists

Jean Beguin

Jean Beguin was a paracelsan iatrochemist who was able to further the techniques necessary which developed into the modern science of chemistry (Weisstein, 2007). In that sense, Beguin was in many ways one of the fathers of modern chemistry and was responsible for chemistry being seen as a separate science and the way that it is viewed today. "In the preparations of medicines, the iatrochemists experimented extensively in their quest to prepare substances in the simplest way possible. In addition,…...


References (2013). Joseph Priestley, Discoverer of Oxygen National Historic Chemical Landmark. Retrieved from (2013). Robert Boyle (1627-1691). Retrieved from 

Brignell, V. (2010, November 28). How autism leads to genius. Retrieved from (n.d.). Atoms, elements, and the nucleus. Retrieved from

Aluminum Element Origin and Use
Pages: 2 Words: 768

Element Origin and Use Everything we know about life comprises of basic chemical elements – from the chairs we seat on and the beads we sleep on, to the clothes we wear and the medicines we take, and more. While some chemical elements are rare, others occur in abundance. For this discussion, I will concern myself with Aluminum, one of the elements listed in the Periodic Table of Elements. Assigned atomic number 13, aluminum is denoted using symbol Al and is identified as a poor metal in According to Krebs (2006), it is not possible to naturally find aluminum in its pure form. This is more so the case given that in its pure metallic form, it is very reactive – most particularly with oxygen.
Aluminum, as the Royal Society of Chemistry - RSC (2017) points out, was discovered in 1825 by a chemist of Danish extract known as Hans Oersted.…...



Geoscience Australia. (2017). Aluminum: Fact Sheet. Retrieved from (2017). The Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures and Words. Retrieved from 

Krebs, R.E. (2006). The History and Use of Our Earth\\'s Chemical Elements: A Reference Guide. New York, NY: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Royal Society of Chemistry – RSC. (2017). Periodic Table: Aluminum. Retrieved from 

Underground Directed by Emir Kusturica
Pages: 7 Words: 2241

All of the chapters in the book relate to various events in Levi's life, as well as to his passion for chemistry. Surprisingly (when considering the suffering he went through in Auschwitz) Levi only associates a small chapter in the book with his experiences in the death camp. The story is nonetheless sad, and can be regarded as being the most impressive account in the book. All in all, "The Periodic Table" is more of an autobiography than a nonfiction account involving the Holocaust.

In "Vanadium," Levi shortly depicts a series of occurrences speaking about Auschwitz. The author apparently wants to go over the topic as fast as possible, only to return to the beautiful world of chemistry. He does not succeed in doing that however, since the subject slowly but surely grabs hold of him and forces him to go deeper and depict one of the most influential chapters in…...


Works cited:

1. Levi, Primo. The Periodic Table. Michael Joseph Ltd., 1985.

How Gamification Can Facilitate Learning the Elements
Pages: 2 Words: 502

"The Periodic Table of Element," Jefferson Lab at The following online activities are available at this Web site: Element Flash Cards, Element Hangman, Element Matching, Element Math, Element Crossword Puzzles, Element Concentration, Element Balancing and Element Word Scramble. In addition, paper-based (downloadable PDFs) are also available for Element Bingo and Element Word Search. Links to relevant resources concerning the periodic table are also provided.

Description of three activities or demonstrations

Activity No. 1: Element Hangman ( html).

The clue for this activity was: "This element is used to give glasses and enamels a ruby-red color." The "hangman" was comprised of 10 yellow "atoms" (complete with plus and negative signs) that disappeared when an incorrect guess was made. The correct answer to the above question, "selenium," was guessed correctly with just one "atom" remaining.

Activity No. 2: Crossword Puzzles (

Nine crossword puzzles are offered: (Puzzle 1 -- It's a gas, Puzzle 2 -…...

Mixture a Compound Mixture and a Compound
Pages: 4 Words: 1399

Mixture a Compound
Mixture and a Compound

Three main terms are usually used in the field of chemistry. These are element, compound and a mixture. These three will be the element of key discussion in the paper.

There is a great difference between a mixture and a compound. A compound is formed from two elements that combine together chemically by sharing electrons. The physical and chemical properties of the constituent elements are different in the beginning in their individual states from the physical and chemical properties of the final compound. Thereby the final chemical as well as physical properties of the compound are determined by the elements. On the other hand, a mixture may have many constituent compounds, or elements that are mixed (Bettelheim, Brown, Campbell, and Farrell, 2008, p. 45). The constituent elements of the compound cannot be separated physically but in the case of mixture, the constituents can be easily…...



Bettelheim, A.F., Brown, H.W., Campbell, M.K., Farrell, O.S., and Torres, O. (2012). Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry. Edition 8. Cengage Learning.

Bettelheim, F.A., Brown, W.H., Campbell, K.M., and Farrell, O.S. (2008). Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry, Available Titles OWL Series. Edition 9. Cengage Learning.

Joesten, M.D., Hogg, J.L., and Castellion, M.E. (2006). The World of Chemistry: Essentials: Available Titles OWL Series. Edition 4. Cengage Learning.

Kotz, J.C., Treichel, P., and Townsend, J.R. (2009). Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, Volume 2. Edition 7. Cengage Learning.

O Describe Difference a Mixture a Compound
Pages: 2 Words: 776

o Describe difference a mixture a compound o Suppose a pure substance. How a compound element? o What difference ionic a covalent bond? o Explain ionic compounds formed a metal left side periodic table reacts a nonmetal side.
An overview of mixtures, compounds, and the processes of identifying them

Describe the difference between a mixture and a compound

The standard definition of a mixture is a substance in which two or more separate components are mixed together, but no chemical reaction occurs. Also, there is no fixed ratio of substances necessary for the mixture to take place. In the case of a compound, the atoms of the different, separate component substances are bonded together, thus creating an entirely new substance. A fixed ratio is usually required for the chemical transformation to take place and the compound to result. A mixture can be easily separated into two component parts, a compound cannot.

One example…...



Activity of metals. (2011). Purdue University.

Retrieved February 3, 2011 at 

The covalent bond (2011). Purdue University.

Retrieved February 3, 2011 at

Mixture Compounds Covalent and Ionic Bonds Describe
Pages: 4 Words: 1112

Mixture, Compounds, Covalent and Ionic Bonds
Describe difference a mixture a compound Suppose a pure substance. How a compound element? What difference ionic a covalent bond? Explain ionic compounds formed a metal left side periodic table reacts a nonmetal side.

Mixtures are composition of two or more substances which are not chemically combined and do not exist in fixed proportions to each other. For instance when you take two components, an iron and Sulphur powder, the two when mixed together can be separated by physical means since they are not chemically combined i.e. with the use, of a magnet. Mixtures have the following characteristics which differentiates it from compounds. They include; mixtures can be disintegrated by the use of a physical method, the substance which form the mixture normally retain their properties, mixtures do not have a sharp melting point, they also have no fixed composition, and lastly a mixture is an…...



Myers, R.L. (2007). The 100 Most Important Chemical Compounds: A Reference Guide: Greenwood Press.

Pauling, L. (1988). General Chemistry: Dover Publications.

Zumdahl, S.S. (2007). Introductory Chemistry: Houghton Mifflin.

Zumdahl, S.S., & DeCoste, D.J. (2010). Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation: Brooks/Cole, CENGAGE Learning.

Mercury Is Element Number 80
Pages: 1 Words: 371

There are many compounds that can be made out of mercury that are both useful and dangerous. Currently, mercury poisoning of waterways and thereby fish -- and thereby creatures like humans that eat the fish -- is a very big issue in ecology and the human impact on the environment. It is also a highly volatile element, and vapors can accumulate rapidly from any sizeable amount of mercury, so it is best to work with it in a very well ventilated area and only after proper training.
In nature, mercury is usually found in cinnabar ore, which is made up of sulfur and mercury. Demonstrations of mercury forming used to be done by heating this ore, but due to the release of vapors this is no longer recommended. It was named mercury after the quick Roman messenger god, and is also called quicksilver because of the way it flows as…...




Mercury." Chemical

Metallic Element Erbium Erbium The
Pages: 4 Words: 1105

Modern technology however has enabled ion-exchange techniques allowing manufacturers to prepare erbium for commercial purposes (Wiki 1).
There are many commercial and non-commercial purposes for erbium today. Its uses include use as a photographic filter and "as a dopant in fiber optic laser amplifiers" (Wiki 1; Mears et al. 1026). A compound of erbium, "erbium oxide" is often pink in color and has various uses commercially including coloring glass or porcelain products (Wiki 1). Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, technological instruments used to help magnify an optic signal, often incorporate erbium to enhance communication; these fibers may also be used in fiber lasers (Mears et al. 1026).

Electron configuration and different charge states (valence of element with 1 example of existing compound that illustrates each valence state)

As stated previous in its naturally occurring state erbium contains 6 stable isotopes as follows: Er-162, 164, 166, 167, 168 and Er-170 (Wiki 1). In its "trivalent…...



Abragam, a and Bleaney, B, Electron paramagnetic resonance of transition ions.

Clarendon: Oxford University Press 1970.

Alibaba. "Gold and rare metal suppliers." Corporation. Accessed 2, May 2007.

Columbia University Press. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. New York:

Distanced-Based Education
Pages: 32 Words: 8866

Pre-Course Program for Entry-Level Online Adult Students
Distance education is one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing segments of college and graduate level education. Many educational institutions with long histories of traditional classroom-based learning opportunities are expanding their programs to include distance-based learning via the Internet. In fact, many colleges and universities have invested heavily in their distance education programs. Courses for distance learners are offered in an array of formats that are designed to make learning opportunities accessible to students at anytime, anywhere in the world.

Limited information is available concerning the ability of traditional adult learners to adapt to the online learning environment to successfully complete an online learning degree program. (Baker, et al., 1994)

Today, educational elitism is a serious problem for many distance and non-traditional students. Most traditional learners look down on the non-traditional learner and distance-based educational programs as a whole. Many times these degrees are perceived…...



Altbach, Philip G. (1999). Private Prometheus: Private Higher Education and Development in the 21st Century. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Astleitner, Hermann (2002). Teaching critical thinking online. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 29.

Baker, Eva L., et al. (1994). Technology Assessment in Education and Training.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Beard, Lawrence A., et al. (2002). Student perceptions of online vs. On campus instruction. Education, 122.

Art Futurism Brashly and Boldly Embraced New
Pages: 2 Words: 610

Futurism brashly and boldly embraced new technology, celebrating even the bellicose. In Marinetti's "Manifesto of Futurism," he states, "We will glorify war -- the world's only hygiene -- militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for women," (p. 148). This peculiar statement reveals the nature of futurism as it was manifest at early twentieth century. Futurism was all embracing, rejecting nothing based on immorality because futurism shunned morality. For this reason, Futurism emerged as a staunchly progressive and open-minded genre in the visual arts. The movement not just embraced new technology but celebrated it. Even the uglier side of technology, such as heavy industries and the pollution they create, was something futurists admired and incorporated into their visual art schema. Within the futurist framework, it is certainly possible to imagine works of art that represent something genuinely new.

One reason it is possible to…...



Boccioni, Umberto. "Futurist Painting: Technical Manifesto."

Marinette, Filippo Tommaso. "The Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism."

Spring Awakening Examining Melodrama as
Pages: 3 Words: 784

This suggests that it is an intellectual understanding of her friend's beatings and not a true emotional empathy that she is after. Though the scene is most definitely tragic, if it is approached with the same intellectual curiosity that the two adolescents bring to it can only be seen as an episode of horribly dark humor. The fact that endla can be so foolish as to desire an intellectual understanding of child abuse shows her complete lack of a true appreciation for the situation, and is thus a comic -- not necessarily humorous, but comical nonetheless -- situation.
The end of a play is also one way to determine if a particular work is a comedy or a tragedy. The fact that Moritz and endla are both unnecessarily dead at the end of the play at first seems to suggest a tragedy, as does Melchior's expulsion. hen the characters end…...


Work Cited

Wedekind, Frank. Spring Awakening, Edward Bond, trans. London: Methuen Drama, 1980.

People Test Hypotheses A Hypothesis
Pages: 3 Words: 929

Ultra violet light affects many people, and several experiments may be done to either support or disapprove the hypothesis. Approval of the hypothesis forms a theory that people who are highly exposed to ultra violet light have higher chances of getting skin cancer. Theories on some scientific approach may serve as sources for theories. Observation of people's behavior may lead to development of hypothesis. This includes looking at how people dress during certain times or what they do at certain times of the year. esults obtained over a research or experiment may lead to development of a theory. Experience of the scientists in their work may be a source of hypothesis and theory. Many things happen around that nobody can explain them scientifically. The scientists come with a hypothesis about something and do numerous tests and observations to know how some things happen Eberhardt, 2003()
ole of hypothesis and theory




Dembo, a., & Peres, Y. (1994). A Topological Criterion for Hypothesis Testing. The Annals of Statistics, 22(1), 106-117.

Eberhardt, L.L. (2003). What Should We Do about Hypothesis Testing? The Journal of Wildlife Management, 67(2), 241-247.

Loosen, F. (1997). A Concrete Strategy for Teaching Hypothesis Testing. The American Statistician, 51(2), 158-163.

Moschopoulos, P.G., & Davidson, M.L. (1985). Hypothesis Testing in Anova under Multinomial Sampling. Sankhy?: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B (1960-2002), 47(3), 301-309.

I\'m not very familiar with science. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 510

Introductory Science Essay Topics for Beginners


The Role of Photosynthesis in the Food Chain: Explore the fundamental process by which plants convert sunlight into energy and its critical importance for all life on Earth.
Evolution and Natural Selection: Examine the theory of evolution, including the mechanisms of genetic variation and how it drives the diversification of species.
The Human Body and Homeostasis: Investigate the complex systems and processes that maintain stability and balance within the human body.


The Structure and Properties of Matter: Describe the basic components of matter (atoms, elements, molecules) and their arrangements in solids, liquids, and gases.

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