Performance Review Essays (Examples)

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performance reviews human resources issues
Pages: 2 Words: 642

Performance reviews have become a mainstream practice, dictated by rote routine and ritual rather than on an earnest desire to improve performance, motivate employees, or make meaningful changes to the organizational culture (Culbert, ). Because of the spurious nature of performance reviews, there is a strong movement to change how reviews are conducted or even eliminate them altogether. There are several problems with performance reviews from a methodological standpoint. Some are criteria deficient: they fail to measure what really matters on the job. For example, a performance review can accurately tell the manager or supervisoror the employeethat they are a great team player when in fact their job really depends more on working solo. Some performance reviews are invalidated because they are the inappropriate tool altogether, designed for a totally different population or situation. In many cases, performance reviews themselves are not the problem, which is more related to how…...



Culbert, S.A. (2008). Get rid of the performance review! The Wall Street Journal. Oct 20, 2008. 

Haun, L. (2011). Get rid of performance reviews? Talent Management and HR. 

“Yes, Everyone Really Does Hate Performance Reviews,” (2010). Manager Tools.

Business Management-5 Performance Review Session Nick Was
Pages: 3 Words: 983

Business Management-5.
Performance review session: Nick was relieved after his performance review from Warren because Nick did not seem to be penalized to any great degree for the servers going down while he was on duty. However, the performance review was extremely vague and undefined. It is unclear what a 'three' means in terms of a rating. Nick was told he was doing a 'fine' (i.e., acceptable) job but was not given any specific information about how to improve his performance. Warren was also extremely casual and informal (making comments about Nick's appearance and jokes) which destroyed the necessary subordinate-manager distance required for an effective review process. It made the review seem more personal and subjective. If the review had been negative, Nick may have been offended and complained about Warren's objectivity.

Q1b. When a performance review is given to a subordinate with whom you have a good personal relationship it is…...

Perodic Performance Review Periodic Performance Review Discuss
Pages: 4 Words: 1285

Perodic Performance eview
Periodic Performance eview

Discuss the current compliance status of the healthcare facility

The Hospital works towards ensuring safety of the patients through the development of values and principles guiding professional operations. The priority of the health facility rests on the patients thus accomplishing safety and service compliance. The organization also scores highly in relation to partnerships and alliances. These community partnerships enable the facility to extend its services to a wider coverage of the modern society. This value improves the health condition of the nation hence development towards higher living standards. Nightingale Community Hospital accomplishes the needs to foster effective and efficient workforce in relation to the goals and objectives of the facility (Hayes, 2012).

Professional doctors and nurses operate towards the set goals and objectives to provide effective and efficient services to the entire community. The other current compliant in relation to the health facility is in the principle of…...



Hayes, N., & Ball, J. (2012). Achieving safe staffing for older people in hospital. Nursing Older People, 24(4), 20-24.

Amerioun et al.,. (2011). Assessment of International Joint Commission (IJC) accreditation standard in a military hospital laboratory. (English). Journal Of Military Medicine, 13(2), 75-80.

McLaughlin, S. (2011). Ready for inspection? Joint Commission survey changes for 2011. Health Facilities Management, 24(2), 41-42.

Business Study Nucor Steel Historical Performance Review
Pages: 4 Words: 1331

usiness Study Nucor Steel
Historical Performance Review vs. Goals

The performance of Nucor Steel has been one of volatility in their earnings and demand for their products. Part of the reason of for this, is because of the sharp contraction in demand for steel (due to the server implosion in economic activity). At the same time, the traditional volatility of industry would cause the company's earnings to become even more unpredictable. A good example of this can be seen by looking no further, than comparing revenues with the net income between 2006 and 2008. Where, revenues would climb from $14.7 billion in 2006 to $22.6 billion in 2008. While the net income, would become more unpredictable during the same period of time going from: $1.7 billion in 2006 to $1.4 billion 2007. At which point, they would begin to climb again, with 2008 net income coming in at $1.8 billion. ("Nucor Corporation,"…...



Nucor Corporation. (2009). Scribd. Retrieved from: 

Nucor Reports Quarterly Results for the First Nine Months of 2010. (2010). Nucor. Retrieved from: 

Nucor Steel. (2010). Yahoo Finance. Retrieved from: 

Packard, John. (2010). Nucor Lowers Galvanized Coating Extras. Steel Market Update. Retrieved from:

Improving Annual Performance Reviews
Pages: 6 Words: 2376

Employment Law
Federal labor laws covered by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission contain fundamental information of which managers must be cognizant and wholeheartedly employ. The labor laws address intuitive issues, but they are by no means intuitively understood as there are many conditions and situations that determine how the laws are applied, and to whom they may be applied. Management must ensure that employees with supervisory capacity receive thorough training in the laws enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

What's more, management must be sure to create a company culture that embraces the federal labor laws and that ensures managers will work in good faith to achieve benefits for the company and for the employees. From the Walmart case study, managers can clearly observe extremely inappropriate intimidation and retaliation of employees attempting to organize. There are many lessons to be learned from the callous, irredeemable behavior of many managers working at…...



Bloom, L. (2010). Learn fromWal-Mart's employee-review lawsuit: The innovators. The Street. Retrieved from 

Greenhouse, S. (2014, December 10). Walmart illegally punished workers, judge rules. The New York Times. Retrieved from 

Hartman, L. & Bennett-Alexander, D. (2012, July 1). Employment Law for Business. New York, NY: Business And Economics (7th ed.).

Sachs, B. (2010). Revitalizing Labor Law, 31. Berkeley J. Employment. & Labor Law, 333. Retreived from

Cash Flow and Marketing
Pages: 5 Words: 1545

Airline Performance eview and Analysis
TKL Air Lines will be an American Airline that will be operating in the multiple routes across North America in the United States, Canada and Mexico. TKL will provide the cargo and passenger services serving more than 30 destinations. The company will also be serving up to 10 million customers yearly, and more than 1,500 customers for the daily flight. TKL's major activities will include inbound logics, operations, outbound logistics, services, marketing and sales. Our company will focus on the underserved and unserved routes to the meet the needs of the unmet market demands. We will be serving the niche market where the market demand is generally unmet to meet the key traffic demand on some key seasonal, regional and variable routes. Moreover, we will integrate the latest information and electronic technologies to enhance maximum efficiency as well as cutting the marketing and operating costs.

Mission Statement




Zucchi, K. (2015). How to Value Airline Stocks. Investopedia.

Performance Reviews How Is Performance
Pages: 1 Words: 448

Do not penalize strong performers for being members of strong teams. Lackluster employees would be penalized because no one would want them on their 'team.' Now, there is an incentive to work with weak employees, to boost one's own relative performance rating. This idea seems strong, and although it world reduce competition on work teams, as there would be less jockeying for power and the chance to win the highest team ranking, on the other hand, such a system would seem to be more in keeping with Microsoft's emphasis on company cohesiveness, a company committed to driving its mission of innovation forward and boasts that its greatest reward is allowing its employees to work together "with great people," and have an impact" as a member of a team not merely as an individual ("Employee Profile: David -- HR General Manager," 2006, Careers -- United States Microsoft ebsite).
orks Cited

Employee Profile:…...


Works Cited

Employee Profile: David -- HR General Manager." (2006). Careers -- United States

Microsoft Website. Retrieved 28 Jan 2006 at

Microsoft's 3.0 (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Curve." (2005)

Mini-Microsoft Blog. Retrieved 28 Jan 2006 at

Performance Given the Need to Improve Organizational
Pages: 4 Words: 1522

Given the need to improve organizational productivity through increasing employee performance, develop a performance management program that focuses on linking the organizations strategic objective with the individual effort outlining the benefits of improved performance, the consequences for lack of performance as well as the employee and managerial training that will be needed for implementation.

Purpose of the performance management program (PMP)

The purpose of the PMP is to align the motives of the employee with that of the organization so that the employee is encouraged to work for the good of the organization. Objectives are formulated that are in line with those of the employee, a system of rewards and consequences are established that attract the employee, and a system of monitoring and work appraisal, formalized together with employee, is established.

a. Strategic

The PMP is strategic so that the organization's goals are clearly aligned with that of the individual and both are moving…...

Performance Appraisals Human Resource Performance
Pages: 1 Words: 301

Performance reviews, even from the organization's point-of-view, allow the organization to engage in some soul-searching as to what areas of employee performance are valued. They may even help the organization identify star performers that may not shine and glitter, but have made a measurable contribution to the organization by helping it meet its benchmarks. It can be an education and a valuable form of self-scrutiny for the organization as well as for the employee. Sadly, in today's litigious climate, performance reviews may also be a necessity simply from the point-of-view of demonstrating to a court of law, if the employer lets go a particular individual, that the employee was performing below 'par' on a consistent basis, review after review. It also helps the organization, if the appraisals are oral, gain feedback from both good and bad employees about what makes them perform at an optimal or sub-optimal level....

Performance Management Employees Will Receive
Pages: 2 Words: 654

This brings us to the costs that both employees and JVA Corp. will face if this strategy is implemented. The employees will lose because, after the economic crisis, they will find themselves at the same professional levels as before the crisis. As no performance management has been undertaken, there have been no training programs etc. And the employees will simply find themselves not adapted to the challenges of the environment. They will find it difficult to move to another organization or be promoted in the near future.

The costs for the organization are even more significant and the previous paragraphs had hinted towards this. The main cost for the organization translates into the decrease in performance, over time, of its human resource and, indeed, of the overall quality of the personnel. At the same time, an additional cost will be the company's inability to make accurate strategic decisions, since the human…...



1. Richards, Brian. 2010. How to Create an Effective Employee Performance Management System. Accelerated Outcomes. On the Internet at / Last retrieved on August 2, 2011

2. Heathfield, Susan. 2011. Performance Management is NOT an Annual Appraisal. On the Internet at   Last retrieved on August 2, 2011 .

Performance Appraisal to the Average
Pages: 5 Words: 2392



The supervisor and employee meet at the beginning of the review period and together identify and prioritize three to five primary job responsibilities from the employee's job description. Goals, objectives, and special projects may be identified at any time throughout the review period.

At the end of the review period, the employee self-evaluates his or her performance (job responsibilities, performance factors, and goals/objectives) using the rating scale, completes Part I of the Career Development section, and returns the form to the supervisor.

The supervisor evaluates the employee's performance of job responsibilities, performance factors, and goals/objectives using the rating scale. Supervisor comments are EQUIED for any evaluation of "Exceeds Expectations," "Improvement Needed," "Fails to Meet Expectations," and for the OVEALL rating.

The supervisor then meets with the employee and together they discuss the ratings, complete Part II of the Career Development section, and sign and date the form. The review form is…...



Edmondson Bell, E.(2003) Your job-performance review: make your boss your partner in getting ahead. Advance preparation can help. Essence 34(2), 120-121.

Nowack, K.M., Hartley, J., & Bradley, W. (1999) How to evaluate your 360 feedback efforts Training & Development 53(4), 48-54.

Nowack, K. (2005). "Longitudinal evaluation of a 360 degree feedback program:

Implications for best practices." Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Los Angeles.

Performance Management Review
Pages: 3 Words: 976

What issues might arise as they attempt to merge their respective performance management systems?
Performance management systems play a significant part in the everyday operational success of an organization. When a firm acquires another firm, there are fundamental issues that might emanate as they try to merge their corresponding performance management systems. One of the key issues is that some of the metrics being employed by one company may not be suitable or efficacious for the other company. Majority of the organizations have a performance management practice and procedure that they utilize to measure and assess personnel on objectives delineated by human resources and ascertain bonus payments and compensation. Therefore, the lack of compatibility of the performance management systems of the companies whilst merging implies that the companies may fail to properly assess and manage the performance of the new set of employees and therefore give them the wrong set of…...

Performance Management
Pages: 2 Words: 563

What questions does Performance Management see to answer?
Performance Management sees to answer questions relating to employee work objectives and overall role within an organization. The performance manager will develop, assess and monitor a plan by which an employee's contributions to the organizational strategy and strategic objective are identified, measured and reviewed. The questions that the Performance Management will attempt to answer, therefore, are: What is the role of the employee? What is the objective of the employee? How well is the employee meeting the objective? What could be done to help the employee meet the objective more effectively?

What assumptions are necessary to implement performance-based management?

The assumptions necessary to implement performance-based management are those that the employee has no control over but that might affect the outcome of his or her work. For instance, if an employee must travel to achieve a work-related objective, it would be assumed that there are…...

Performance Appraisals for Business Effective
Pages: 31 Words: 8831

However, as Murphy (2008) notes, these original scores, and the weightings, are given by biased humans who may have another agenda than simply giving the most accurate appraisal possible. In addition, there is also the question about whether a truly accurate (when negative) appraisal is the best course of action due to the possible negative consequences.
Management by Objectives (MBO)

Sudarsan (2009) surmises that, in the past, researchers have concluded that there are primarily three approaches to performance appraisals. The first approach -- the results focused approach -- is centered on determining whether a specific job has been performed or not. If these performance targets are met or exceeded, the employee is rewarded. The second approach -- the behavioral approach -- focuses on employee behavior. The actual output of the employee is ignored, but instead the methods the employee is using is evaluated. This approach has the benefit of being able…...



Addison, J. & Belfield, C. (Sept 2008). The determinants of performance appraisal systems. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46(3). Retrieved November 15, 2009, from Business Source Complete.

Addison and Belfield compare the findings of Brown and Heywood's analysis of the Australia Workplace Industrial Relations Survey with their findings in Britain, using the Workplace Employment Relations Survey. Of particular interest for this paper was the conclusion from both studies that tenured employees are not strongly motivated by performance appraisals. This shows the ineffectiveness of appraisals, no matter what system is used, for those employees with tenure.

Banu, C. & Umamaheswari, P. (Jul 2009). A study on 360 degree performance appraisal systems in Reliance Life Insurance, Udumalpet. ICFAI Journal of Management Research, 8(7). Retrieved November 15, 2009, from Business Source Complete.

Banu and Umamaheswari research the use of the 360-degree performance appraisal system on a life insurance company. It was found that this appraisal system was helpful in identifying training needs, in addition to evaluating the performance of employees. It was also found to be useful in determining rewards and incentives, as well as promotions. However, the authors failed to acknowledge the challenges inherent in this system, as found be other researchers.

Performance Management
Pages: 3 Words: 949

performance management? Performance management is the company's goals equal the employee's activities and outputs. Defining performance, it specifies which aspects of employee's performance remain relevant to the business through job examination. Job examination or analysis means getting detailed data concerning jobs. Measuring performance involves measuring said aspects through performance evaluation. Performance evaluation is a method for managing performance. After evaluations, employees gain feedback and learn whether their performance has been effective or not.
Typically, businesses perform the process of performance management annually. Most of the reviews are for individual performance management while others are for pay decisions or establishing training priorities. In recent times, numerous business are moving toward ore streamline, frequent performance reviews. When examining the model of performance management, one may look at organizational strategies, individual attributes, and situation constraints, which all go to individual behaviors. From there it moves on to objective results. The three main purposes…...



Sullivan, J. (2015). How Google Is Using People Analytics to Completely Reinvent HR. TLNT. Retrieved 19 February 2015, from,. (2015). Job performance appraisal. Retrieved 20 February 2015, from

How can literature review inform methods to boost employee morale in organizations effectively?
Words: 432

Employee morale is an essential factor in creating a positive work environment and increasing productivity within an organization. Several studies have explored the methods and strategies that can be utilized to enhance employee morale and overall job satisfaction.

One method that has been commonly cited in the literature is effective communication between management and employees. Research by Allen, Bryant, and Vardaman (2010) found that regular communication and feedback from supervisors can help employees feel valued and appreciated, leading to higher morale levels. This can be achieved through regular team meetings, performance reviews, and open-door policies that allow employees to voice their....

How can a leader\'s effectiveness be measured and improved through applying leadership theories in real-world scenarios?
Words: 566

Measuring Leadership Effectiveness

Quantitative Metrics:

Performance Reviews: Objective assessments of team performance, productivity, and goal achievement, often based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Feedback from employees on leadership style, communication, and support, providing insights into employee morale and engagement.
Financial Data: Measurable financial outcomes, such as revenue growth, profitability, and cost reductions, can indicate the impact of leadership on organizational success.

Qualitative Metrics:

360-Degree Feedback: Comprehensive assessments from superiors, peers, and subordinates, providing a holistic view of leadership strengths and areas for improvement.
Observational Studies: Direct observation of leaders in action, focusing on communication, decision-making, and interactions with others.

How does implementing Management by Objectives contribute to organizational success in thesis?
Words: 557

Management by Objectives and Organizational Success
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management approach that links individual and organizational goals to improve performance and productivity. By clearly defining objectives, setting performance targets, and providing feedback, MBO empowers employees and enhances organizational success. This paper examines how implementing MBO contributes to organizational success in Thesis.
Goal Alignment
MBO aligns individual objectives with the overall strategic goals of the organization. By cascading goals from the top down, employees understand how their roles contribute to the overarching mission. This alignment ensures that everyone is working towards a common purpose, reducing silos and promoting collaboration.
Improved Performance
MBO encourages....

How can companies improve employee satisfaction to increase recruiting and retention rates?
Words: 641

Enhancing Employee Satisfaction: Strategies to Boost Recruitment and Retention

Employee satisfaction is a crucial determinant of a company's success, as it directly impacts recruitment and retention rates. By fostering a positive work environment, organizations can attract and retain top talent, driving higher productivity and business performance. Here's a comprehensive guide on how companies can enhance employee satisfaction:

1. Establish a Positive Work Culture:

A positive work culture is the cornerstone of employee satisfaction. It encompasses values such as collaboration, respect, open communication, and support. Ensure that these values are ingrained in all company policies and interactions to create a harmonious and engaging workplace.


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