Furthermore, the customer is most likely not to be biased hence the credibility of the feedback. The sources of information will be integrated by analyzing the data and comparing the feedbacks to determine if they show consistency; before drafting the final report.
The performance appraisal method of evaluating the behavior for rating has a critical technique of analyzing information incorporated. Therefore, in developing the tool, the first approach is to establish the information that is required (Flynn, 2010). Once determined, the questioned are phrased and documented into questionnaires and interviews, which will then be administered to the supervisors, the co-workers and customers for feedback purposes. Additionally, the previous reports on the company's trends will be incorporated to show how the behavioral changes in the department affect the returns of the company. The information gathered is then consolidated into a report for the final scaling which is the report of the…...
Josiane Fahed-Sreih, (2009) "The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy and Performance,"
Management Research News, Vol. 32 Iss: 3, pp.297-299
Maurer, S.D. (2002). A practitioner-based analysis of interviewer job expertise and scale format as contextual factors in situational interviews. Personnel Psychology, 55(2), 307-327.
Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/220142693?accountid=35812
Measures should be developed at every level of the organisation as this will help in the measurement of performance at those levels. Again all services and teams will have action plans that they will have to meet which will make sure that the organisation reaches its goal. There has also got to be indicators for individuals as this will determine their performance for their teams and the organisation. (Measures of performance) the total service plan has to focus on the corporate and service objectives, highlight the important matters to the customers and staff, and the decision about the ultimate user of the information and their purpose for getting the information. (Key steps to effective performance measurement)
The measurement of the task done is against the information and there details that one has indicators for the objectives and also decides whether the task done will be meaningful and robust. The total…...
Foundations of performance management. Retrieved at http://www.idea-knowledge.gov.uk/idk/core/page.do?pageId=76249
Glick, Bryan. 2005. Trudy Norris-Grey, Sun Microsystems UK managing director. 13 April. Retrieved at http://www.computing.co.uk/analysis/1162459
Hats Off to Communicators a Great Success in Denver. 2001. Spring, Volume: 9; No: 3.
Retrieved at http://www.nagc.com/newnewsletter.pdf
Nankervis, .A., & Compton, .L. (2006) 'Performance management: theory practice?' Asia Pacific Journal Human esources, 44 (1), pp. 83 -- 101. Evaluate findings authors design, implementation, effectiveness performance management systems earlier studies conducted.
Performance management systems
Performance management systems have been defended as being advantageous to both employees and businesses alike by providing workers with feedback about how to improve their output. They have been criticized, however, because the use of performance reviews is said to be implicated in a focus on "short-term performance, annihilating long-term planning, building fear, demolishing teamwork and nourishing rivalry and politics" (Nankervis & Compton 2006: 84). However, flatter organizations and increased self-management have caused many managers to defend such reviews as necessities, given the lack of everyday direction many workers experience in their day-to-day existence (Nankervis & Compton 2006: 84-85).
According to Nankervis & Compton in their study of 992 Australian companies, performance reviews are used largely to…...
Performance Management System in the Organization
The objective of this study is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the performance management system in the organization in which the writer of this work is employed and to make recommendations to improve this system.
The writer of this study is employed in a government organization that is aligned with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) hiring standards and selections. Each separate government organization is required to develop their own hiring and onboarding procedures therefore, these are unique to each individual agency. A 45-day model is used to recruiting and hiring of new employees.
Assessment of Organization Processes
Day One and Two
Noted as a weakness in attracting the best talent is the many steps involved in the process since the first ten steps in the hiring process are redundant and seemingly ambiguous and little excitement is present until the candidate reaches step eighteen which…...
Onboarding and Engaging New Employees (nd) Dartmouth. Retrieved from: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~hrs/manager/toolkit/hiringonboarding/onboarding_engaging.pdf
Pimentel, R. (nd) Peer Mentoring for the New Employee: Making a Difference One Employee At A Time. Retrieved from: http://www.miltwright.com/articles/PeerMentoring-NewEmployee.pdf
Schooley, Claire (2010) Drive Employee Talent Development Through Business Mentoring Programs. 6 Aug 2010. Forrester. Retrieved from: http://www.3creek.com/research/Forrester_Business_Mentoring_Aug10.pdf
Performance Management and Performance Appraisal eport:
As a member of the U.S. military, my organization's current performance management and performance appraisal system is driven by very unique needs. It is in many ways highly bureaucratic and standardized. This is so that the requirements of the organization vs. The personal and subjective responses of supervisors define the ratings process. It also has specific mechanisms for the mentorship of soldiers advancing through the system. Although there are certain aspects to the Army's performance management approach which are quite specialized and specific, I believe that any organization, including private for-profit enterprises, could learn from its philosophy. Its strong emphasis on mentorship and performance feedback minimize frustration with criticism and the candidate's sense of being unfairly judged. The process is on one hand uniform in terms of the benchmarks to which candidates are held but on the other hand, the coaching and individualized nature of…...
Aguinis, H. (2013). Performance management (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Aguinis, H., Joo, H., Gottfredson, R. (2011). Why we hate performance management -- and why we should love it. Business Horizons, 54, 503 -- 507
redesign Hershey' ? s performance management system appeal diverse groups employs. 2. If a Hershey's employee, analyze interpret values Hershey embraces relation role.
First of all, Hershey's performance management system should track the evolution of each of the diverse groups it employs by allowing each of these groups to set its own objectives, in concordance with the four general company objectives and should track the performance related to these group objectives. At the same time, some of the performance management could also be tracked according to the social responsibility objectives that the different groups of employees set for themselves. As seen in the case study, some of these objectives aim to make the world better by supporting communities and improving life, so this could also be something to be monitored and evaluated.
One of the interesting aspects of Hershey's human resource management is the capacity of combining different age and cultural…...
However, when an employee sees that his or her employer is stepping up and trying to do something that the employee wants or needs, instead of just what is good for the company and not the employees, motivation can result. People need to feel that they matter to their employer. Few people are content with only receiving monetary compensation for the work that they do for their boss. They are all individuals and they have a desire to be recognized. They have goals that do not match up with the goals of the organization for which they work, but they may also have goals which are similar in nature to those of the company by which they are employed. Has anyone asked them what they really want to do with their lives and how the company can help facilitate those dreams? Companies that are concerned about the health and well-being…...
Austin, J. & Carr, J.E. (2000). Handbook of applied behavior analysis, New York: Context Press. 2000. Understanding the behavior of individuals in the workplace and in other areas of daily life can be very difficult. However, it is vital that an employer or anyone who is in charge of people focus on learning about the behavior of the individuals of which he or she is in charge. It is not possible to properly motivate people for employment or any other reason without being clearly aware of what motivates those people and what they are focused on in their careers and in the rest of their lives. Gaining information on how to analyze the behavior of those individuals is a way in which leaders can see more success.
Bedeian, A.G. (1993). Business owners (3rd ed.). New York: Dryden Press. Owning a business may sound enjoyable because there is no "boss" to which to answer. However, having a business of one's own is more complicated than most people think. This is especially true in the hiring of employees because there are so many different areas to consider. Reading up on how a business operates and the kind of information which is needed to successfully run a business is something that all leaders should do, even if they are not the head of the business in which they are working. Those who are high up in management are particularly susceptible to not realizing the needs of other people, and that can start them down a slippery slope of not doing what is right by their employees -- and those employees will leave, causing the business to struggle if it cannot quickly find good help.
Bowen, B.E., & Radhakrishna, R.B. (1991). Job satisfaction of agricultural education faculty: A constant phenomena. Journal of Agricultural Education, 32 (2). 16-22. No matter what kind of business a person operates or what kind of career that person has, job satisfaction is a big issue. Some people assume that they are capable of handing any job as long as they are well-paid, but this is often not really the case. People who are paid well but not treated respectfully quickly tire of their jobs. By focusing on one type of job it is possible to see just how diverse a group of workers might be and just how significant it is that these workers all get what they need in order to feel satisfied at their job. There is much more than money involved where the satisfaction with one's career is concerned. Strong businesses are aware of this, and work to make sure their employees are satisfied with what they are doing for the company.
Brethower, D. & Smalley, K. (1998). Performance-based instruction: Linking training to business results. Pfeiffer; Har/Dis edition. 1998. How a person is trained when he or she begins a job can have a large influence on whether that person continues to perform well. Getting a job is not always difficult, but enjoying that job and performing well in it are other areas where employees may not succeed. If an employee is properly trained, he or she will statistically perform better at the job to which he or she has been assigned. One of the best ways to train an employee properly is to make sure that employee learns on the job.
Performance Management: Implementing an Effective Performance Management System
Why Performance Management?
Performance management is the organized method that companies use to monitor the results of work activities, to measure and evaluate the performance of the employees, and to ensure that goals are met in an effective and efficient manner. According to Pulakos (2009), performance management is a key process that ensures that work gets done; and it is used by different organizations to communicate expectations and drive behavior towards achievement of important goals. For instance, ABC Company has offices in more than 50 countries across the globe and it employs over 40,000 employees from various cultural backgrounds, and it also deals with a diverse range of customers. It therefore needs to develop a performance management system that fosters an inclusive environment and channels different employees' talents and capabilities towards achievement of the organization's goals.
It is important to implement an effective performance system…...
Pulakos, E.D. (2009). Performance management: A new approach for driving business results. West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.-Blackwell Publishing.
Stone, R, D. (2009). Achieving Results with a Performance-Centered Design Framework. Performance Improvement Vol. 48(5) 37-44. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy-campuslibrary.rockies.edu/docview/237234715/AD71C5FFAAEA427APQ/1?accountid=39364
Performance Management Theories and Practices
Performance management is a continuous process by which an organization identifies, measures, and develops the performance of individuals. It aligns their performance, the resources and systems with the strategic goals of the organization. According to Leeuw and Berg (2011), companies that apply performance management practices generally perform better than those that do not.
The course has covered important performance management theories and practices. One key lesson learnt, for instance, is that for performance management practices to be effective, there must be constant communication between the management team and the employees; and it is imperative for the goals of the individual to be aligned with those of the organization (Pulakos, 2009). The performance management cycle also provided insight on how performance management systems should be implemented in the organization. The elements of this cycle include: setting the objectives; measuring the performance of individuals; providing feedback on the performance;…...
Leeuw, S. & Berg, P (2011). Improving Operational Performance by Influencing Shopfloor Behavior via Performance Management Practices. Journal of Operations Management, Vol. (29) 3, 224-233. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy-campuslibrary.rockies.edu/docview/866083571/50E9B56B076C4E25PQ/1?accountid=39364
Pulakos, E.D. (2009). Performance Management: A New Approach for Driving Business Results. (1st Ed.). West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.
In a good performance management system the manager plays a vital role. He is responsible to not only identify the employee strengths and weaknesses but also to acknowledge good performance and to provide developmental suggestions. The later part is very important, as it does no good to just spot the deficiency of an employee without providing positive suggestions for improvement. The employees for their part must be encouraged to provide their valuable input during every stage of the process. For example, some organizations even collect feedback from employees to evaluate the performance of their superiors. Thus, an appraisal denotes not just the supervisors assessing their subordinates but also rating from team members, rating by employees of their superiors, review by the HR department etc. Once such active and collaborative participation is achieved then the performance appraisal process attains its chosen objective, that of increasing the overall employee performance.
Performance appraisal…...
This brings us to the costs that both employees and JVA Corp. will face if this strategy is implemented. The employees will lose because, after the economic crisis, they will find themselves at the same professional levels as before the crisis. As no performance management has been undertaken, there have been no training programs etc. And the employees will simply find themselves not adapted to the challenges of the environment. They will find it difficult to move to another organization or be promoted in the near future.
The costs for the organization are even more significant and the previous paragraphs had hinted towards this. The main cost for the organization translates into the decrease in performance, over time, of its human resource and, indeed, of the overall quality of the personnel. At the same time, an additional cost will be the company's inability to make accurate strategic decisions, since the human…...
1. Richards, Brian. 2010. How to Create an Effective Employee Performance Management System. Accelerated Outcomes. On the Internet at / Last retrieved on August 2, 2011http://acceleratedoutcomes.net/how-to-create-an-effective-employee-performance-management-system
2. Heathfield, Susan. 2011. Performance Management is NOT an Annual Appraisal. On the Internet at Last retrieved on August 2, 2011http://humanresources.about.com/od/performanceevals/a/performancemgmt_2.htm .
What issues might arise as they attempt to merge their respective performance management systems?
Performance management systems play a significant part in the everyday operational success of an organization. When a firm acquires another firm, there are fundamental issues that might emanate as they try to merge their corresponding performance management systems. One of the key issues is that some of the metrics being employed by one company may not be suitable or efficacious for the other company. Majority of the organizations have a performance management practice and procedure that they utilize to measure and assess personnel on objectives delineated by human resources and ascertain bonus payments and compensation. Therefore, the lack of compatibility of the performance management systems of the companies whilst merging implies that the companies may fail to properly assess and manage the performance of the new set of employees and therefore give them the wrong set of…...
The Extent to Which Motivation Theory Underpins Performance Management Systems
Performance Management Systems attempt to answer questions about employee work objectives and their overall role within an organization. The performance manager system is designed to assist the manager in developing, assessing and monitoring a plan by which an employee’s contributions to the organizational strategy and strategic objective are identified, measured and reviewed. The questions that the Performance Management System will are: What is the role of the employee? What is the objective of the employee? How well is the employee meeting the objective? What could be done to help the employee meet the objective more effectively? In encouraging employees to reach their goals, motivation theory can be seen as underpinning performance management systems to a high extent.
Motivation theory is based on the concept developed by Abraham Maslow (1943) in “A Theory of Human Motivation.” Maslow (1943) constructed a Hierarchy of Needs…...
performance management? Performance management is the company's goals equal the employee's activities and outputs. Defining performance, it specifies which aspects of employee's performance remain relevant to the business through job examination. Job examination or analysis means getting detailed data concerning jobs. Measuring performance involves measuring said aspects through performance evaluation. Performance evaluation is a method for managing performance. After evaluations, employees gain feedback and learn whether their performance has been effective or not.
Typically, businesses perform the process of performance management annually. Most of the reviews are for individual performance management while others are for pay decisions or establishing training priorities. In recent times, numerous business are moving toward ore streamline, frequent performance reviews. When examining the model of performance management, one may look at organizational strategies, individual attributes, and situation constraints, which all go to individual behaviors. From there it moves on to objective results. The three main purposes…...
Sullivan, J. (2015). How Google Is Using People Analytics to Completely Reinvent HR. TLNT. Retrieved 19 February 2015, from http://www.tlnt.com/2013/02/26/how-google-is-using-people-analytics-to-completely-reinvent-hr/
Whatmakesagoodleader.com,. (2015). Job performance appraisal. Retrieved 20 February 2015, from http://www.whatmakesagoodleader.com/Job-Performance-Appraisal.html#Contrast
Innovation at Google
The significance of innovation in creating and maintaining a competitive advantage in today's increasingly aggressive business environment cannot be overemphasized. Businesses that survive in such an environment are those that constantly deliver innovative offerings and/or reengineer their structures and processes amidst ever more changing market and industry conditions (Andriopoulos & Dawson, 2009). Google is one such organization that embodies innovation. With an innovation-oriented culture, the organization has, in a little more than a decade grown to be one of the most innovative organizations in the internet realm. From its adword online advertising service and search engine, to its cloud computing service, browser, productivity software, social networking service, desktop applications, operating system, mobile applications, as well as a host of other internet products, the organization provides a perfect example of how innovation can be an engine for rapid growth.
Based on responses obtained from an interview with one of the…...
Andriopoulos, C., & Dawson, P. (2009). Managing change, creativity and innovation. London: Sage.
Chen, Y. (2015). The role of reward systems in product innovations: an examination of new product development projects. Project Management Journal, 46(3), 36-48.
Mayle, D. (2006). Managing innovation and change. London: Sage.
Nilsson, S., & Ritzen, S. (2014). Exploring the use of innovation performance measurement to build innovation capability in a medical device company. Creativity & Innovation Management, 23(2), 183-198.
Exploring the relationship between performance management plans and terminating employees. How can performance management help employers demonstrate that a termination was not wrongful? How can performance management help wrongfully terminated employees demonstrate that their employment was wrongful?
The importance of goal setting in performance management. How can a manager and an employee work together to set attainable and quantifiable goals for the employee between review periods? Emphasize how attainable goals are important, because setting goals that an employee cannot realistically achieve can demotivate otherwise high-performing employees.
Measuring employee performance under employee management plans? How can human resource professionals help managers develop quantifiable....
I. Introduction
A. Introduce the case study of Summit Financial
B. Explain the role of a Human Resource Specialist at Summit Financial
II. Background
A. Provide an overview of Summit Financial
B. Describe the current challenges faced by the company
III. Human Resource Specialist's Responsibilities
A. Recruitment and selection process
B. Training and development programs
C. Performance management
D. Employee relations
IV. Analysis of the Case Study
A. Identify the key issues faced by Summit Financial
B. Evaluate the effectiveness of the current HR practices in addressing these issues
V. Recommendations
A. Suggest strategies for improving recruitment and selection process
B. Propose methods for....
I. Introduction
A. Overview of Summit Financial and its HR challenges
B. Thesis statement: Outline of key HR recommendations for Summit Financial
II. HR Issue 1: Low Employee Engagement
A. Factors contributing to low engagement (e.g., lack of recognition, limited career growth)
B. Proposed solution: Implementing an employee recognition program and revised career development plan
III. HR Issue 2: High Employee Turnover
A. Causes of high turnover (e.g., poor onboarding, lack of training)
B. Proposed solution: Enhancing onboarding process and expanding employee training programs
IV. HR Issue 3: Poor Communication
A. Obstacles to effective communication (e.g., unclear communication channels, lack of transparency)
How Psychological Safety Influences Employee Response to Change in the Liberian Banking Sector
Psychological safety, a crucial organizational climate factor, significantly impacts employee attitudes and behaviors, including their response to organizational change. In the Liberian banking sector, where rapid technological advancements and regulatory transformations continue to reshape the industry, understanding the role of psychological safety in employee adaptation to change becomes imperative.
Definition of Psychological Safety
Psychological safety refers to a shared belief among team members that they can express themselves freely and take risks without fear of negative repercussions. According to Amy Edmondson (2019), psychological safety consists of three elements:
Speaking up....
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