Pepsico Essays (Examples)

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Pepsico Annual Report Analysis Company Overview Pepsi
Pages: 6 Words: 1977

PepsiCo Annual eport Analysis
Company Overview

Pepsi Beverages Company (PBC) is a global beverage company popularly known as PepsiCo. The company operates in several countries in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle East. Founded in 1898, the company operates with diverse portfolios, which include some of the world's widely recognized brands such as Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, Aquafina, Lipton, Muscle Milk and OCKSTA.

Objective of this paper is to carry out the analysis of PepsiCo annual report. The paper uses 2012 and 2011 financial data for the analysis.

Analysis of PepsiCo Annual eport

Answer to Question 1.

The amount of PepsiCo property and equipment on the company balance sheet for the 2012 and 2011 are $19.1 Billion and $19.69 Billion respectively. The amount of the depreciation expenses are $2.48 Billion in 2012 and $2.47 Billion in 2011. Amount of cash flow relating to depreciation was $2.68 billion in 2012 and $2.73 Billion…...



Morningstar (2013). Pepsi Inc. Debts. Pepsi Inc.

PepsiCo, (2012). PepsiCo Annual Report 2012. Pepsi.Inc.

PepsiCo, (2012). Our Critical Accounting Policies. Pepsi Inc.

PepsiCo, (2012). Global Business Units. PepsiCo Inc.

Pepsico Auditors Subsequent Acts Trends Assets Liabilities
Pages: 5 Words: 1355


Subsequent Acts





Income Statement Presentation

Income Statement Items

Net Income Trend

Comprehensive Income

Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flow from Operations

Cash Flow from Investing Activities

The annual report of a company contains the information required for outsiders to assess the company's financial condition. In order that this is possible, a substantial amount of information must be gathered and presented in a format common to all companies. The official annual report document, the 10-K, must be filed by all public American companies, and many also include an informal annual report along with this document. This report will analyze the annual report of PepsiCo in order to better understand the company.


PepsiCo's auditor is KPMG. They provide their opinion on page 81 of the 2011 Annual Report. The opinion of KPMG with respect to the financial statements is as follows: "In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of PepsiCo,…...


Works Cited:

PepsiCo 2011 Annual Report. Retrieved February 16, 2013 from

MSN Moneycentral. (2013). PepsiCo. Retrieved February 16, 2013 from

Pepsico in This Text I Select Pepsico
Pages: 10 Words: 3139

In this text, I select PepsiCo as my company of choice for the analysis. Amongst other things, I will determine the impact PepsiCo's primary stakeholders, vision, and mission have on the company's overall success. I will also carry out an analysis of the five forces of competition and how they impact on PepsiCo. Further, in addition to conducting a SWOT analysis of the company, I will also discuss a wide range of other strategic management issues in relation to PepsiCo.

PepsiCo: Overview

PepsiCo describes itself as "a world leader in convenient snacks, foods and beverages" (PepsiCo, 2012). Some of the most popular brands on PepsiCo's stable include but they are not limited to Pepsi Cola, 7UP, Lay's potato chips, Tropicana Juices, etc. Headquartered in New York, the company's main competitor remains the Coca-Cola Company. PepsiCo's current chief executive officer is Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi.

Impact of PepsiCo's Primary Stakeholders, Vision, and Mission on its…...



Batty, D. (2012). PepsiCo Recalls Contaminated Tropicana Kids Orange Juice Cartons. Retrieved March 9, 2009, from the Guardian website: 

Bloomberg News. (2012). PepsiCo Opens China R&D Center as Competition Heats Up With Coke. Retrieved March 8, 2009, from the Bloomberg Business Week website: 

Brigham, E.F. & Houston, J.F. (2009). Fundamentals of Financial Management (12th ed). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Cole, G.A. (2003). Strategic Management (2nd ed.). Bedford Row, London: Thomson Learning.

Pepsico Training and Development Pepsico
Pages: 8 Words: 2423

Thus, stimulation provides the realistic environment by allowing trainee to make mistake in a safe environment. The learning cycle is shortening because it provides immediate feedback.
However, the training through stimulation may be time-consuming to implement for employee operating heavy machines.

Computer-based Learning

Despite the benefits that organizations could derive from traditional training method, the computer-based training method is growing. The computer-based training method involves delivery training content through internet, WAN/LAN technology, extranet, and satellite broadcast. The report recommends that PepsiCo should employ both traditional training method such as presentation methods and computer stimulation method or computer online-based training method. With recent development in information communication technology, computer-based training (CBT) has continued to serve as a basic training method for employee. The use of CBT is growing due to the benefits that organization is deriving from CBT system. Typically, the cost of implementing CBT compared to the traditional training method is lower…...



Curtin, L.B. Finn, L.A. Czosnowski, Q. A et al. (2011). Computer-based Simulation Training to Improve Learning Outcomes in Mannequin-based Simulation Exercises. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 75 (6):, 1-6.

Dubois, D. & Rothwell, W. (2004). Competency-Based or a Traditional Approach to Training? T+D. 58( 4): 46-57.

Srimannarayana, M. (2011). Measuring Training & Development. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 47 (1):117-125.

Pepsico (2011). Pepsico Inc. Annual Report 2011. USA.

Pepsico vs Coca Cola Pepsico vs Cocacola
Pages: 7 Words: 2058

Pepsico vs. Coca Cola
Pepsico vs. CocaCola

The purpose of this essay is to present the comparative analysis of two companies CocaCola and PepsiCo. The main objective of the essay is to compare and analyze financial performance of two companies in terms of ratios.

CocaCola is 126 years old company was created by Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886. It has 3500 growing products available in 200+ countries. CocaCola receives 1,322,000 tweets per quarter, which is an obvious indicator of popularity (Our Company, 2011).

Pepsico is also a global company created in the late1890s by Caleb radham, North Carolina pharmacist. Company is a global food and beverage leader with net revenue of more than $65billion (Company, 2012).

They are direct competitors of each other over a century in the soft drink industry. We know that both companies have high degree of brand awareness and loyalty globally.

Ratio Analysis

Ratio analysis is used to compare relationships among finacial…...



(2013, March). Retrieved March 8, 2013, from wikinvest: (PEP)/Data/Interest_Coverage_Ratio

(2013). Retrieved March 8, 2013, from Ycharts: 

(2013). Retrieved March 8, 2013, from wikinvest: (KO)/Data/Interest_Coverage_Ratio

(2013). Retrieved March 8, 2013, from Ycharts:

Pepsico's Leadership 10 Company Review More Than
Pages: 5 Words: 1749

PepsiCo's Leadership [10]
Company Review

More than Chips and Soda: PepsiCo's Leadership and Vision

More than Chips and Soda: PepsiCo's Leadership and Vision

hile the PepsiCo Company is known primarily for its flagship brand, Pepsi-Cola, the organization is a global leader in the snacks and beverages industry. Throughout the company's history, PepsiCo executives have demonstrated the ability to lead the company to new heights. From the pharmacist formulating a refreshing new soft drink over 100 years ago, to today's executive team overseeing strategic mergers and acquisitions, their actions set PepsiCo apart. The vision of PepsiCo executives is responsible for its success taking PepsiCo to a position of global leadership. Through examining the company's history, I highlight the ability of PepsiCo executives to discern opportunity and capitalize on it, to pursue their mission of becoming the foremost consumer products company in the world. This essay summarizes PepsiCo's leadership achievements.

PepsiCo's Leadership

This paper examines PepsiCo, reviewing the…...


Works Cited

The Official (2011). PepsiCo. Retrieved August 9, 2011 from: 

Pepsi Brattleboro. (2007). History of Pepsi. Retrieved August 9, 2011 from: 

PepsiCo 2010 Annual Report. (2011). Performance with Purpose. Retrieved August 9, 2011 from: 

PepsiCo Americas Beverages. (2011). The PepsiCo Family. Retrieved August 9, 2011 from:

Pepsico Case
Pages: 9 Words: 2405

Pepsi is vastly superior in terms of size and financial strength. Additionally, they would represent the vast majority of COC's sales volume. For COC, a strategic alliance with Pepsi may hold appeal as it would allow them to continue to build their company by giving them the financial strength to meet the needs of other customers. For Pepsi, a strategic alliance would have little benefit in terms of operations. There would be one potential benefits, however. One is that the Gallery brothers would still have a stake in the business. They are the main source of value in COC so there continued presence is essential. One caveat to that is with a large and stable customer like Pepsi they may lose their drive to create. Most of their major innovations have been responses to crises. In times of stability they have generally rested on their laurels, which would not…...

Pepsico Roger Enrico Is Facing
Pages: 2 Words: 517

Enrico knew that, and therefore could rest assured that even when faced with a complete reorganization, his employees would accept the circumstances under which they would have to toil, and would, in the long run, excel!

Pepsico had a reputation for making essential decisions quickly and Roger knew that in order to maintain, and enhance that reputation a consolidation would have to take place. Currently, some of the decisions that had to be made, were making their bureaucratic way through the many levels of management, and days or weeks later, a decision would be made. This was not a healthy situation for Pepsico since many of their customers demanding much quicker resolutions. Another problem was that each separate division inside Pepsico showed wasted efforts by redundant employees. Human resources, accounting, payroll etc. were all separate entities for each division. These separate entities were the direct cause of duplicative efforts, costing the…...

Pepsico Has Struggled With Many
Pages: 3 Words: 965

Pepsi is making strides towards addressing some of the major challenges presented by the industry's external environment. The company's dual strategy towards increasing innovation has provided it with more and better innovation opportunities than its main rival, albeit less than smaller, younger firms. Pepsi's culture is more conducive to innovation and the company takes greater risks with business acquisitions in order to improve its product portfolio. In addition, Pepsi also has focused energy on growth in international markets rather than on bolstering its core products in the domestic market. Over time, this will provide Pepsi with strong diversification of income streams. Pepsi's demonstrated ability to operate outside of its core beverage industry also implies that the company will be better able to manage the threats faced by that business. If a sugar tax on soft drinks does through in the U.S., Pepsi will lose a lower percentage of its revenue…...


Works Cited:

Khermouch, G. & Howard, T. (1999). Does beverage innovation mean Pepsi One, SoBe or RC Edge? Brandweek. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from 

Venkataraman, S. (2008). PepsiCo: The challenge of growth through innovation. University of Virginia. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from 

2009 PepsiCo Annual Report. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from 

MSN Moneycentral: PepsiCo. (2010). Retrieved June 24, 2010 from

Pepsico Case Analysis
Pages: 7 Words: 2396

PepsiCo Case Analysis

PepsiCo is the wold's lage snack and beveage company. PepsiCo enjoyed the envious position of maket leade of the convenience food industy with 21% maket shae and its next competito Kaft Foods had only 11% maket shae. PepsiCo manufactues, makets and sells sweet and salty snacks, cabonated and noncabonated beveages and poducts poduced fom oats and othe gains. PepsiCo had a ten-yea ecod of inceased net evenue and net income and paid thei shaeholde a gowing annual dividend. Recently, PepsiCo's stock pice declined most likely due to the U.S. financial cisis of late 2007 and all of 2008.

PepsiCo thought it might have to estuctue its snack and beveage business to impove oveall pofitability and evise the downtun in its stock pice, specifically it wanted to impove the pofitability of its intenational business though its ability to captue stategic fits between its vaious bands and poducts.

In 2008, PepsiCo eoganized…...


references and cultural mores to navigate. These challenges may not allow for a single strategy for all international markets but several strategies for aligning products and brands and manufacturing and distribution process to the local customs.

Each division needs to determine its market place strategies. For PepsiCo American Beverages, the management should take a defensive stance in the carbonated beverage categories. They need to defend and grow its market share against Coke-cola. At the same time, the non-carbonated beverage group should take a strong offense to expand PepsiCo's product offerings to grow market share. PepsiCo Americas Food division should maintain the status quo; it has strong market share in many categories and has perfected the design and launching of new products. PepsiCo International needs to focus their product offerings and cost control of its manufacturing processes. The international division needs to answer the flavors desires of many different cultures. Expansion into new markets must be implemented in a thought full manner: where does the manufacturing take place, what are the costs of transporting raw materials and finished goods and is augmenting the product lines to include new flavors profitable?


Phase 1: Senior management needs to force on the restructure of the company. It needs to ensure that the Latin American businesses successful assimilate into the Americas food and beverage business units. Additionally, the management should focus on the management process for tracking results in the three divisions and how the tracking segments reporting system will work and how decisions will be made base on the results.

Phase 2: Maintain the status quo in the food and beverage divisions. This includes continuation of cost containment and new product development. The assimilation of the Latin America business needs to assesses the potential synergies in purchasing ingredients, manufacturing of products and distribution processes and vendors. The international division should spend 2008 evaluating its performance by market. This analysis will identify areas of strengths and weakness, which need to be capitalized upon or improved.

Pepsico's Strategies for Global Business
Pages: 7 Words: 2185

International Business Strategy and the Strategic ole of International Human esource Management
Brief Overview of Pepsi Co. Middle East

Staffing Policies

Strategy for competing on the global market

Diversified Business Model

Three-channel distribution network

PepsiCo Leveraging its dominant position

How pressure for cost reduction and pressures for local responsiveness influence strategic choice

Brief Overview of Pepsi Co. Middle East

PepsiCo is one of the biggest and leading food and beverage corporations in the world. The company as of 2012 generated over 65 billion dollars in net revenues. PepsiCo has a diverse global portfolio of brands that consists of numerous flavorful brands of snacks. PepsiCo Middle East is one of the six segments from which the primary company generates its revenues. PepsiCo Middle East, which is included in PepsiCo Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA), encompasses all businesses that deal with beverage, food as well as snack in the Middle East. Whether individualistically or in tandem with third-party associates, PepsiCo…...



Bailey, S. (2014). PepsiCo: A company overview. Market Realist.Retrieved 23 June 2015 from: 

DuBiotech. (2014). PepsiCo opens food and beverage innovation center in DuBiotech to drive growth across the Middle East. Retrieved 23 June 2015 from: 

Kottolli, A. (2015). International Staffing Strategy.Retrieved 23 June 2015 from: 

Matthews, J. (2013). The Evolving Global Mindset and the Management of Organisations. Available at SSRN 2344640.

Pepsico Innovation Measurement
Pages: 11 Words: 3240

FMCG company
PepsiCo esearch on future consumer trends

Section 1 deals with pertinent models and concepts to technology-led innovation management. It includes models like, esearch and Development Model (DM) which is about relevant product knowledge with respect to customer demands; Market Actors Model (MAM), which is all about gathering market knowledge and consumer's expectations; Operations Management Model (OMM), which is about creating a valued food culture; Culture Technology Model (CTM), which is about marketing and product development teams work closely; Corporate Identity Model (CIM), which is about focusing on building a brand; and lastly, Strategic Foresight Model (SFM), which is about focusing on long-term plans.

Section 2 deals with debriefing the SFM model which is going to be used to measure PepsiCo's innovation management. Key reason for choosing this model to measure Pepsi's innovation management is because Pepsi itself uses this model to enhance its esearch and Development Efforts and puts this…...



Barker, J. (2011). The implications wheel. com / (accessed December 27, 2011).http://implicationswheel.

Curry, A., and Schultz, W. (2009). Roads less travelled: Different methods, different futures. Journal of Futures Studies 13(4): 35-60.

De Geus, A. (1997). The Living Company. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.

Ertel, C, and Randall, D. (2005). Moving beyond the official future. Special Report: Mastering Risk. Financial Times 16(6): 10-11.

Financial Ratios Pepsico Financial Ratios Are Great
Pages: 5 Words: 1507

Financial atios: PepsiCo
Financial ratios are great tools when it comes to the evaluation of the performance of a business entity. In that regard therefore, ratios are used by various stakeholder groups including but not limited to investors, suppliers, creditors, and even regulatory bodies. This text concerns itself with ratio analysis with my entity of choice being a publicly traded beverage company. For purposes of this discussion, I will concern myself with PepsiCo. PepsiCo regards itself "one of world's leading food and beverage companies…" (PepsiCo, 2013)

Key Financial atios

A financial ratio in the words of Moyer, McGuigan, ao, and Kretlow (2011, p. 70) "is a relationship that indicates something about a company's activities…" Various financial ratios have been developed over time. Some of the key financial ratio categorizations that could come in handy in this context include: profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, and financial leverage ratios. So as to enhance the relevance of…...



Baker, H.K. & Powell, G. (2009). Understanding Financial Management. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons.

Brigham, E.F. & Houston, J.F. (2009). Fundamentals of Financial Management (12th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Gallagher, J. & Andrew, J.D. (2007). Financial Management: Principles and Practice (4th ed.). New York, NY: Freeload Press

Moyer, R.C., McGuigan, J., Rao, R. & Kretlow, W. (2011). Contemporary Financial Management (12th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Edwards v Pepsico Company and Product Safety
Pages: 6 Words: 2029

Edwards v. Pepsico
Company and Product Safety Issue

In the case of Edwards v. Pepsico, 268 Fed. Appx. 756, 2008 U.S. App, Mr. Edwards had three fingers cut off of his dominant hand while working on a bulk bag unloading unit (BBU) at his place of employment, Whitlock Packaging Corporation, Inc. (Whitlock). His lawsuit claimed that, under Oklahoma state-law theories of manufacturers' product liability and gross negligence, defendants were responsible for design flaws in the BBU and a failure to warn of safety concerns.

At trial, the jury learned about the BBU and the roles played by the various defendants. The BBU was designed for Pepsi-Cola Company, a division of Pepsico, Inc. (Pepsi), as part of a system for the production of ready-to-drink beverages bottled under the Lipton Tea name. Pepsi pressed for a hastened manufacturing schedule because it had acknowledged bottled tea as a profitable product. The BBU holds a 1,600-pound sack…...



About OSHA. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

Edwards v. Pepsico, 268 Fed. Appx. 756, 2008 U.S. App.

OSHA Standards. (2011). Retrieved from 

Pearson, C., Wolfe, T.G., Whitmire, L. & Anderson, R.E. (2002). An Overview of Oklahoma

Pepsi Co What Is Pepsico
Pages: 5 Words: 1887

In September 1996, a mutual fund manager who had over 3 million shares in PepsiCo had told the CEO that no one understood why the restaurant group was not being sold off while the group was not being run efficiently. He had also mentioned that it did not fit in with other business of PepsiCo. Thus it is clear that the CEO of PepsiCo knows the reason, but is not able to take the action, or is unwilling to take the needed action.
Regarding the strategies to be applied now, the important aspects that they must cover are the situations of the organization's resources, circumstances and objectives. The first question here is of the difficulty with resources that the organization has now, and for this resources have to be collected, and at the same time, the process of collecting the resources must not interfere with the other aspects. So, the…...

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on company analysis?
Words: 219

1. An In-depth Analysis of Apple Inc: A Leading Technology Company

2. Examining the Success Factors of Amazon: A Retail and Technology Giant

3. Company Analysis: The Business Strategy of Coca-Cola

4. A Comprehensive Review of Tesla Motors: Innovation in the Electric Vehicle Industry

5. Analyzing the Growth Strategies of Google: A Dominant Player in the Tech Industry

6. Uncovering the Success Story of Walmart: A Retail Giant's Business Model

7. Company Analysis: Understanding the Marketing Strategies of Nike

8. Exploring the Financial Performance of Microsoft Corporation

9. Case Study on Starbucks Corporation: A Coffee Company's Global Expansion

10. The Evolution of McDonald's Corporation: A Fast Food Empire's Business....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on pepsico?
Words: 379

I. Introduction
A. Brief background information on PepsiCo
B. Thesis statement: This essay will explore the history, products, and corporate social responsibility initiatives of PepsiCo.

II. History of PepsiCo
A. Founding of PepsiCo by Caleb Bradham in 1898
B. Merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay in 1965
C. Expansion into other beverage and snack categories

III. PepsiCo's Products
A. Beverages
1. Pepsi-Cola
2. Mountain Dew
3. Gatorade
B. Snacks
1. Lay's
2. Doritos
3. Quaker Oats

IV. Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
A. Environmental Sustainability
1. Reduction of water usage
2. Recycling initiatives
B. Community Engagement
1. PepsiCo Foundation's grants and donations
2. Volunteering programs

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on pepsico?
Words: 318


Hook: Begin with a captivating statement or statistic about PepsiCo's significance in the food and beverage industry.
Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument or topic of the essay, emphasizing the focus on PepsiCo.

Body Paragraph 1: History and Overview

Discuss PepsiCo's origins, key milestones, and current position as a global food and beverage giant.
Highlight the company's diverse portfolio of brands, including Pepsi, Frito-Lay, Quaker Oats, and Gatorade.

Body Paragraph 2: Competitive Landscape

Analyze PepsiCo's position within the competitive food and beverage industry.
Discuss major competitors, market share, and competitive strategies.
Examine how PepsiCo differentiates itself in the marketplace.

Body Paragraph....

How has the merger between Keurig Green Mountain and Dr Pepper impacted the beverage industry?
Words: 331

The merger between Keurig Green Mountain and Dr Pepper has had a significant impact on the beverage industry. The combined company, known as Keurig Dr Pepper, now has a more diverse product portfolio that spans various beverage categories, including coffee, soda, tea, and juice.

This merger has allowed Keurig Dr Pepper to leverage its combined strengths in innovation, distribution, and marketing to better compete with larger beverage companies like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. The merger has also enabled Keurig Dr Pepper to reach a broader consumer base and expand its presence in both the at-home and away-from-home beverage markets.

Additionally, the merger has....

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