People Essays (Examples)

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People Management the Mantra for Success The
Pages: 5 Words: 1628

People Management, The Mantra for Success: The Case of Singhania and Partner
ecruitment and Selection

People form an essential part of the organization. The efficiency and quality of its people determines the outcome of the organization. Therefore choice of right people and placing them at right place becomes necessary. Hiring comes at this point of time in the picture. Hiring is a strategic function for H department. ecruitment and selection shape the process of hiring the employees. ecruitment is the methodical process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for jobs within an organization (A Project Study on ecruitment and Selection, n.d.).

The recruitment and selection process that is currently used at Singhania and Partners is one that they take very seriously. They had adopted the notion of matching the needs of the organization to the needs of the applicants in order to enhance the effectiveness of their recruitment process. The result has…...



A Project Study on Recruitment and Selection. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

Cultural Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Jensen, J. (1997). Employee Evaluation: It's a Dirty Job, but somebody's got to do it.

Retrieved from

People Management Is Basically Making Sure That
Pages: 6 Words: 1622

People management is basically making sure that all the employees of an organization are able to effectively coordinate themselves and carry out their duties to the highest possible standards. People management forms the highest part of any firm by ensuring that functions and duties are performed accurately and consistently at the highest standards (Purcell, 2008). The approaches and leadership stances employed by managers in people management field has been noted to differ from one manager to another i.e. A manager/supervisor may choose to be either an autocratic, paternal or democratic manager. Autocratic management approach may be applied in situations requiring quick culture change within a large organization while paternal approach is recommended for small businesses requiring the workforce to be trained in order to provide the same quality services and products as the older managers. Democratic leadership approach on the other hand is advocated for in large organizations employing many…...



Wellington, P. (2011). Effective People Management: Improve Performance, Delegate More Effectively, Handle Poor Performance and Manage Conflict. London: Kogan Page Publishers.

Griffin, R.W., & Moorhead, G. (2011). Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations. Stamford: Cengage Learning.

Purcell, J. (2008). People management and performance. london: Taylor & Francis.Torres-Coronas, T., & Oliva, A.M. (2005). e-Human resources management:managing knowledge people. Hershey: Idea Group Inc. (IGI).

People's Revolution in Egypt on
Pages: 3 Words: 1084

At which point, they were seen as a neutral between the two different sides. ("Egypt Revolution," 2011)
The protestors played a role in the conflict, by pushing for various changes to take place. This is despite the fact that they were: attacked, some of their key leaders were sent to jail and access the Internet was shut down. Yet, despite these different obstacles the underlying message would spread through the social networking site Facebook. This is when many of the protestors would become united and galvanized under a common cause. Where, this would push them to continue with their demonstrations; until their issues surrounding: the frustrations with the government and lack of opportunity were addressed (starting with the resignation of President Mubarak). This is important, because it shows how the Facebook page would help to: unite the protestors under one common cause and it kept the momentum of the movement…...



Egypt Revolution. (2011). Huffington Post. Retrieved from: 

Freed Google Executive. (2011). Jerusalem Post. Retrieved from: 

Newman, D. (2008).The Architecture of Stratification. Sociology. (pp. 292 -- 316). Los Angeles, CA: Pine Forge.

MLA Format.

People Chip I Would Not
Pages: 2 Words: 723

The first is that emotion recognition occurs when dealing with humans, and this is not considered unethical. That a machine is attempting to replicate this function is an accurate assessment. The machine might remember your previous emotional states, but that is true of a human being as well. As with any machine-based information gathering, it is less the gathering of the information than the subsequent storage and usage of that information that provides the greatest ethical threat. The second is that one's emotions -- or perceived emotions -- are fleeting and therefore not an integral part of one's existence. Outside knowledge of one's emotions is common and there is no precedent for attempting to gather this knowledge being unethical.
This is neither an invasion of privacy nor a worthy technology. It is unlikely that this technology would replicate human ability to read emotion in others, because of individual variations and…...


Works Cited:

Goertzel, B. (2004). A general theory of emotion in humans and other intelligences. Retrieved February 3, 2011 from 

Tuckness, a. (2010). Locke's political philosophy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved February 2, 2011 from

People's Moujahedin Organization of Iran
Pages: 2 Words: 559

That same statute requires the Secretary of State to notify certain members of her Senate before making the designation, but she need not notify the groups in question. If complaint were to ensue, the designated groups can file a petition within 30 days, but the court can review only the administrative record that the Secretary has assembled, although the Government may also submit classified information that was used to make the judgment.

This particular case was based on the precedent of a previous one (Anti-Fascist refuge Committee v. McGrath (1951)), where the Attorney General designated certain organizations as Communist, and the appellants appealed on the grounds that the Fifth Amendment required the government to warn the organizations in question before publicly condemning them. Differences between that case and this included the fact that they were a domestic institution and not foreign. More so, examining the first two clauses, "foreign" and 'terrorist…...



People's Moujahedin Organization of Iran v. United States Department of State

(182 F.3d 17) (D.C. Cir. 1999). Retrieved on 11/20/2011 from:

Peoples' Bank
Pages: 3 Words: 901

People's Banks
Critically analyze the strategies adopted by Dinesh to retain the leading position.

The hard work and determination of Dinesh, who joined the branch as branch head in June 1998 helped to create a successful business. He went in with one focus, which was to grow the banks probability margin and make it successful as he could. Taking note of new technological advances and innovations at an early start helped to establish ideas of services that would help to establish their place at the top of the sector. The Multi-programmed strategy set into place by Dinesh helped to save the bank from an otherwise different outcome, into a profitable success.

A very important strategy that every business must have on point is their customer service. Without the presences and happiness of customers your business will slowly fail and soon a business will not exist. Dinesh saw this important aspect and made it…...

People Management to Strategic Human
Pages: 10 Words: 3191

In addition, transaction costs may be too high to implement H practice that is different from the H policies being practice at the headquarter. Thus, to lower costs, it is critical for MNC to adopt H standardization. (Dickmann,2008).
Despite the argument in support of standardization of H, there are challenges that a global company may face while implementing standardized H practice on a global basis.

The challenge in practicing standardization is that MNC needs to develop a H resources strategy to attract, retain, and motivate talented employee that is well suited to a particular setting. With cultural difference among different countries, integration of H practice from the headquarter may not be suitable to the company subsidiaries. Typically, it is critical for a global company to assess the strategy that could be employed as well as identifying main mechanisms that the company could use to facilitate integration and knowledge transfer. Cultural norm…...



Caligiuri, P.L and Stroh, L.K. (1995). International Human Resources Practices and Multinational corporation management strategies: bringing 1 HRM to the bottom line. The International Journal of Human Resource Management: 6: 3.

Chen, W. & Wilson, M. (2003). Localization of Human Resource Management and Standardization in Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 20: 397 -- 408.

DeJong, J.A. Leenders, F.J. And Thijssen, J.G.L. (1999): HRD Tasks of First Level Managers, Journal of Workplace Learning, 11( 5):176-183.

Dessler, G. Cole, N.D. Sutherland, V.L (2011). Human Resources Management in Canada. Pearson. USA.

People Skills Annotated Bibliography Koda
Pages: 5 Words: 1440

That is management. Leadership also involves addressing unknown problems. It involves understanding what the rest of the organization does not, and then shoring up these organizational blind spots without alienating the organization's core values.
The ability to identify problems and address them in such a manner is known as organizational intelligence. The leader of the firm can demonstrate this trait and lead the firm to success, but in a large conglomerate one leader cannot do it all. The leader must develop organizational intelligence in order to help the entire company to take leadership roles, to identify issues and to solve them. Organizations are, after all, a series of connected feedback loops. The leader's role involves understanding these loops, and the people within them. This is where emotional intelligence comes into play. It has been determined in the education field that the higher the level of emotional intelligence in pupils, the…...


Works Cited:

Koda, S. (2001) Schooling your emotions. The Hindu. Retrieved March 12, 2010 from

EQI (2005). Defining emotional intelligence. Retrieved March 12, 2010 from 

Goleman, D. (2010). Emotional intelligence. Daniel Retrieved March 12, 2010 from 

Longatan, N. (2009). How to increase your emotional intelligence. Retrieved March 12, 2009 from

People Often Base Their Actions
Pages: 6 Words: 2145

This was because, for some stories, they were forced to use less professional correspondents to cover stories that were on a more national scale.
13. Among this list, newspapers and magazines are the most credible because they strive for objectivity and accuracy, at the same time as they possess the most amount of content. Television news programs are second only because they lack the same level of depth. The other sources should be highly questioned before using as a legitimate source. The internet possesses the best information among all of the rest, but must be evaluated on a site-by-site basis.

14. I have found two sources that indicate that controversial television ads negatively influence the behavior of children. However, there are also a handful of other resources arguing that the influence of ads upon individuals is relatively minute.

15. hetoric tends to vastly influence people's opinions and attitudes. However, statements of rhetoric…...



Anderson, Craig L. et al. (2003). "The Influence of Media Violence on Youth." Psychological Science in the Public Influence, Vol. 4, No. 3, Dec. Page 81.

Ayeni, Dr. Olugbenga Christopher. (2004). "ABC, CNN, CBS, FOX, and NBC on the Frontlines." Global Media Journal.

Bushman, Brad J. And Craig A. Anderson. (2001). "Media Violence and the American Public." American Psychologist, June/July.

Damer, T. Edward. (2001). Attacking Faulty Reasoning. Belmont: Wadsworth.

People Management and Human Resource
Pages: 10 Words: 2984

These include the following:
Standardized human resource practices prevent the company from adapting to the local features

Standardized human resource practices do not take into consideration the institutional differences of the various agencies of the multinational corporation

Standardized human resource practices do not take into consideration different labor market regulations, which would have to be followed and which could also impact organizational outcomes

Last, standardized human resource practices "may lead to a lack of fit between the characteristics of the focal subsidiary's operations and its HM system. Hence, it may be more difficult to achieve a high degree of strategic HM fit in the subsidiary" (Budhwar, 2004, p.254).

The Nike Inc. international organizations are primarily faced with the tasks of manufacturing, whereas the marketing, managerial and design operations are completed within the United States of America. In light of the similar functions they have to complete, it would be argued that several human resource…...



Armstrong, M., 2008, Strategic human resource management: a guide to action, 4th edition, Kogan Page Publishers, ISBN 0749453753

Armstrong, M., Baron, A., 2002, Strategic HRM: the key to improved business performance, CIPD Publishing, ISBN 0852929234

Beach, E., Facts about Nike sweatshops, eHow, last accessed on November 1, 2011

Budhawar, P.S., 2004, Managing human resources in Asia-Pacific, Routledge, ISBN 0415300053

People of the State of California v Conrad Robert Murray
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

People of the State of California v. Conrad obert Murray
The involuntary manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's personal doctor, Conrad Murray, was in the news seemingly every day for months. Even though the trial has concluded and the world knows that Dr. Murray was found guilty, it is important to look at the court proceedings and how the evidence led the jury to that verdict. Dr. Murray administered a powerful drug called propofol - an anesthesia drug that is only supposed to be used in closely monitored hospital settings - to Michael Jackson to help him sleep.

The argument by the prosecution was that Dr. Murray did this even though he knew the dangers, and that he administered too much of the drug to Jackson, resulting in a fatal overdose. At that point, Murray did not act quickly enough in calling the paramedics and did not do enough to save Jackson's life.…...



Kepner v. United States, 195 U.S. 100 (1904).

Neubauer, D.W. & Fradella, H.F. (2010). America's courts and the criminal justice system, 10th ed. New York: Wadsworth.

People v. Broussard, 76 Cal.App.3d 193, 197 (1977).

People's Car Tata Nano Financial Political and
Pages: 4 Words: 1552

People's Car Tata Nano
Financial, political and marketing/business commentators alike seem to agree that the Tata Nano, the planet's cheapest car, was a perfect match between an idea and a need when it was introduced -- or at least as a manufacturing idea. Making the smallest of small cars could happen because the timing was right for pairing just such an idea with the quickly emerging appreciation of frugal engineering innovations, or using sophisticated technologies and motivations to make a product that is affordable and helpful to the global economy and ecology. [1: "Stuck in low gear." The Economist. Aug. 20, 2011. accessed January 15, 2012. ] [2: Sadanad Dhume. "Unloved at any speed." Foreign Policy. October 7, 2011. accessed January 15, 2012. ]

It was for this reason that the project came to life as quickly as it did. It seemed to be the perfect mix of "homegrown engineering"…...

People's Mojahedin v U S People's
Pages: 2 Words: 709

" ("People's Mojahedin Homepage") But the U.S. countered that from 1972-1975, the MEK, engaged in a campaign of bombing which damaged targets such as Shell Oil Company, Pan Am Airlines, and other organizations. The MEK also formed the National Liberation Army of Iran in 1987, and fought alongside the Iraqis. In 1994, several news organizations reported that the MEK was responsible for a number of attacks against oil pipelines inside of Iran, and they were thought to have been responsible for another 25 attacks against other targets.
The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 empowers the Secretary of State to designate an organization as a foreign terrorist organization if it fulfills three requirements: being foreign, engaging in terrorist activities, and that activity threatens either the United States or its security. Although the court admitted that the designation of the MEK as a terrorist organization was a political decision, and…...



"People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran Homepage" Retrieved from

"People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran v. U.S. Dept. Of State." (1999). FindLaw for legal Professionals | Law and Legal Information Retrieved from

People Employed in the Nursing Profession As
Pages: 2 Words: 693

People Employed in the Nursing Profession:
As compared to nursing practices in the previous years, the profession is much different today with the expectation of ongoing change for the better of both patients and nurses. The nursing characteristics and values are considered to have begun at home because of the similarity with the traditional responsibilities of daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers. The traditional nursing role has usually incorporated humanistic support, nurture, comfort and caring (Limon, 2007). This role of traditional nursing care was mainly associated and related to physical maintenance and comfort. While women were the majority in the early development of the nursing profession, they were not the only people providing nursing services. Though they were the minority, men were also providers of nursing services especially through caring for their injured and sick comrades.

The development of the nursing profession to include the employment of various people has mainly been influenced…...



Durham Region Local Training Board (2005), Nursing -- Many Faces, Many Places, Durham

Region Local Training Board, viewed 31 July 2011,

Limon, C (2007), The Nursing Profession: A Historical Perspective, The

Online Self-Improvement Community, viewed 31 July 2011,

People's United Bank the Market Value of
Pages: 2 Words: 632

People's United Bank
The market value of People's United Financial (NASDAQ: PBCT) is $11.94 (current stock price) * 358.06 million shares outstanding = $4.275 billion. The book value of the debt is $19.802 billion. This gives People's United a total worth of $24.077 billion, weighted as 17.75% equity and 82.25% debt. The beta for the equity is 0.27. The risk free rate is 0.352% (Yahoo! Finance, 2011) and the traditional 7% market risk premium can be used. Using CAPM this gives a cost of equity of The cost of debt must also be calculated in order to determine the weighted average cost of capital of People's United. Being a retail financial institution, the vast majority of People's United's liabilities (90.5%) come in the form of deposits. Some of these pay no interest, and others pay out in savings, interest-bearing checking and money market accounts. Total interest expense for 2010 was $129.8…...


Works Cited:

MSN Moneycentral. (2011). PBCT. Retrieved August 5, 2011 from 

Yahoo! Finance: Advanced bond screener. Retrieved August 5, 2011 from

Investopedia. (2011). Weighted average cost of capital -- WACC. Investopedia. Retrieved August 5, 2011 from 

People's United Financial 2010 Annual Report. Retrieved August 5, 2011 from

" How to be a successful church in a small city"?
Words: 123

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

Writing my essay on animal abuse?
Words: 201

To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....

Journal on Wampanoag?
Words: 102

To write a journal about Wampanoag, you need to know about the people and the area. You can find information on that here: If you're supposed to write personal experience and immerse yourself in the culture, as if you were one of them, you'll want to think carefully about what it would feel like to be a part of that community and the time period. Consider what types of activities you would do, and the kinds of things that might matter to you. That will help make your journal well thought out, realistic, and believable.....

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