Peace Like A River Essays (Examples)

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Peace Like a River Chapter
Pages: 4 Words: 1277

Davy, notably more active in his pursuit of that which he believes is right, is instead driven
by the desire not to be abused by the world. As Mr. Land characterizes it
though when he remarks upon 'plunging' his hands, it is to be understood
that he is willing to accept the worst of what God has to offer with the
faith that all will be resolved in the hereafter.
Another emergent conflict in the story, Swede's wavering conception of
good and
bad is challenged further by the conception that her brother is now to be
seen as the villain, pursued by the lawman. Therefore, to kill the
character of Valdez would be to apply a one-sided ending to a plight in
which she now saw herself as being emotionally involved.

Chapter Ten - The Substance of Things Hoped For
The purpose of the sequence shown here is to suggest the complex state
of right and wrong. In the scenes where we witness…...


Works Cited

Enger, L. (2002). Peace Like a River. Atlantic Monthly Press.

Peace Like a River Belief
Pages: 4 Words: 1391

However, his actions still tear the Land family apart. Reuben is continually question himself if the law is right that is following Reuben or if his brother was right to attack the men. He must look to his father to provide him with moral guidance, given that his mother abandoned the family when he was just a child. Eventually, Jeremiah finds another mother figure, a woman named Roxanna, as a surrogate, but the family is always clearly dominated by the father. The rightness of patriarchal authority is once again confirmed by the fact that Jeremiah is such a good single parent, although not by choice. Only occasionally does the utterly devoted, adorable youngest sibling, Swede perform 'wifely' duties, like cooking an elaborate Thanksgiving meal. There seems to be no real need for an equal, motherly presence.
Other than Davy's violent outburst, Jeremiah's children follow him with seemingly unflinching loyalty --…...


Works Cited

Enger, Leif. Peace Like a River. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2002.

Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
Pages: 3 Words: 877

Peace Like a iver
Enger Leif's 'Peace like a river'

Enger Leif's 'Peace like a river' essentially revolves around the famous 60s theme of loss of innocence. How Americans lost a part of their innocence with hippie culture and western hooliganism is the issue addressed in this book, however with less darker undertones than some other novels in the same genre.

For those of us who can like and appreciate a good story without dwelling on its flaws, 'Peace like a river' is a great novel that might help restore your faith in the healing power of storytelling. But for the rest of us, Leif's book has its fair share of flaws that leave a few loopholes here and there and you might end up wishing that the author had paid closer attention to some details and problems. Critically speaking, the book is worth treading a few times for some amazing lines and…...



Rob Thomas, 'PEACE LIKE A RIVER' JUST TOO UNREAL MEANDERS FROM OMEN TO OMEN. (EDITORIAL)(Review); Publication: The Capital Times (Madison, WI); Date: 09/14/2001

Leif Enger, PEACE LIKE A RIVER, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2001

River Between by Ngugi Tells the Tale
Pages: 5 Words: 1307

RIVER BETWEEN by Ngugi tells the tale of two rival communities, Kameno and Makuyu, which face each other and are separated only by the Honia River. These two villages are in a constant battle over conflicting myths of leadership, which have been the bais of their arguments for many generations.
There is a strong religious undertone in the book, as the author talks about practices like circumcision and clitoridectomy (p. 12).

These ancient hills and ridges were the heart and soul of the land," writes Ngugi. "They kept the tribes' magic and rituals, pure and intact. Their people rejoiced together, giving one another the blood and warmth of their laughter... To the stranger, they kept dumb, breathing none of the secrets of which they were the guardians" (p. 3).

This cultural seclusion with its religious stability would not last forever, though, and Mugo wa Kibiro, "that great Gikuyu seer of old" predicted…...

Peace Keepers of the Northeast
Pages: 7 Words: 2241

This dance was very powerful as it did scare the European people. They did not fully understand the reason behind the dance and the religion, but they were very clear as to what the apocalypse was and they wondered if the Indians were somehow summoning the end of the world. Not soon after this Ghost dance caused such a commotion, an Indian by the name of Handsome Lake who was a leader for the Seneca tribe brought a new message to the Iroquois people. His message was to end the drinking. The Iroquois people had began to drink a lot of alcohol that was often offered to them from the European people during the fur trade. Handsome Lake believed that many of the problems that the Iroquois people faced was related to the alcohol. Many of the Indian people were drunk when they were trying to handle problems of…...



Kehoe, Alice Beck. North American Indian Tribes, Chapter 5. 1992 Prentice Hall.

Biolsi, Thomas and Zimmerman, Larry. Indians and Anthropologists, Chapter 9. 1997 Prentice Hall.

Iroquois Website. Retrieved December 19, 2009 from

Concrete River by Luis J Rodriguez
Pages: 4 Words: 1119

Concrete River
Expressing the despair and despondency of living in an urban center has been the goal of artists since the arlem Renaissance in the early 20th century. Life is different in the city. Life is changed, and as unforgiving as the hardened asphalt on a cool, smelly fall evening. The dreams of youth, and the hopes for a satisfying life are threatened to the brink of extinction in the city, and poets, like Luis Rodriguez, strain to find new metaphors to communicate the mixture of feelings and experiences which the city brings to a life.

In the 19th century, this phenomenon was not as pronounced, because the surrealistic images of television life which was created in the sound studios on the west coast did not exist. In the 19th century, urban life was not as consuming, because most of society was focused on the same task, surviving, and building a better…...


His first response is to ask for the bag again. He wants to go back to the place of hallucinogenic peace. His desire is no longer for the trying to make meaning out of the meaningless of the concrete river. His desire is to return to the place where his life was "licked by the flame"

Luis's description of the meaningless of urban life for a poor Latino could not be more vivid. He says he should be digging his toes in the dirt of a river bank; instead he sucks paint fumes and longs for death.

Espada, M. (ed) 1994. Poetry like Bread. Connecticut:Curbstone press

Siddhartha Asceticism Played a Major
Pages: 4 Words: 1285

hat Siddhartha gained from his encounter with the ascetics was, ironically, a lesson about how asceticism is insufficient on its own to aid the quest for enlightenment. Asceticism was for Siddhartha like a drug: a means to escape the world or a promise of inner peace. The author describes Siddhartha's asceticism like an addiction in Chapter Two, describing the intense lifestyle as a predictable, perpetual cycle that leads the practitioner nowhere (Chapter 2). Siddhartha then describes asceticism explicitly like a drug, comparing meditation and fasting to drinking and gambling. Asceticism is "a short escape of the agony of being a self, it is a short numbing of the senses against the pain and the pointlessness of life," (Chapter 2). Siddhartha notes that the "same escape, the same short numbing is what the driver of an ox-cart finds in the inn, drinking a few bowls of rice-wine or fermented coconut-milk,"…...


Works Cited

Cort, J.E. "Singing the glory of asceticism: devotion of asceticism in Jainism." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 2002 70(4):719-742; doi:10.1093/jaar/70.4.719. Retrieved July 28, 2008 at 

Hesse, Herman. Siddhartha. Online edition retrieved July 28, 2008 at 

Miles, M. "Toward a New Asceticism." The Christian Century Foundation. Retrieved July 28, 2008 at

Counter-Terrorism Terrorism Takes Up a
Pages: 8 Words: 2264

esearch and development was encouraged for future developments as well to continue to make security a priority (Airport Security, 1989, p. 2).
Also in response to the bombing of Flight 103, the Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990 was passed. Senator Wendell H. Ford opened the proceedings with the statement: "The terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in December 1988 tragically demonstrated that something more is needed to be done to protect Americans traveling by air" (Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990, 1990, p. 1).

In later hearings on implementation, it was noted by Thomas C. Kelly, Vice President of Security for the Air Transport Association, that U.S. airports were much safer than foreign airports and that this fact should be noted when dealing with this legislation: "Our primary focus in the development of this legislation was to ensure that it would contain provisions imposing the same extraordinary procedures on…...



Airport security (1989). Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives.

February 9, 1989.

Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990 (1990). Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate. October 4, 1990.

Dorey, F.C. (1983). Aviation security. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.

I Ching Is a Form
Pages: 8 Words: 2521

Fire (the hottest element) and metal (the hardest) both are associated with yang. Nevertheless, the Blue Dragon that symbolizes wood is a principal symbol of yang, while the hite Tiger that symbolizes metal is a principal symbol of yin. This kind of reversal turns up frequently in the I Ching..[Newborn, 1986]
The I Ching is based on the principle of a broken line, representing yin, and an unbroken line, representing yang. There are eight trigrams: The I Ching [Y" Jing1] uses the trigrams by combining pairs of them into 64 hexagrams. The hexagrams reuse the trigrams by combining pairs of them into 64 hexagrams. The hexagrams represent states of affairs, and the I Ching is consulted through the construction of a hexagram to answer one's question. The construction is carried out either through a complicated process of throwing and counting yarrow stalks, or by throwing three coins. The obverse (head)…...


Works Cited

Hooker, Richard. Chinese Philosophy. Confucianism. Undated 6-6-1999. Accessed February, 2002.

Newborn, Sasha ICHING: The Book of Changes. Bandanna Books.1986

Ross, Kelley L. Ph. D. Confucius. 2000.

Accessed February, 2002.

Pantone -- Pantone Is Actually a U S
Pages: 5 Words: 2321

Pantone -- Pantone is actually a U.S. corporation headquartered in New Jersey. They are best known for PMS, or a Pantone Matching System, which is a proprietary color space used in printing, paint, fabric and plastics. Pantone is all about the use of shading, tone, and timbre of color -- hundreds of versions of each primary color so that the end user can accomplish just what it is they need. However, Pantone is more than just a color database; it is a driver of style and color for numerous industries. For instance, in 2008, Pantone picked #18-3943, or Blue Iris as the color of the year. Almost instantly, designers in furniture, fabric, carpeting, and home decor picked up that this shade of blue and its compatible colors would be "the" color to use (Horyn).
One example of the use of a one-color Pantone job would be the exact look of a…...


Works Cited Page

"Bathers by the River." June 2004. All About Matisse. October 2010 .

"Color Temperature, Daylight, and Light Bulbs." March 2009. October 2010 .

"Color Theory - Color Temperatures." 19 April 2009. October 2010 .

"Elizabeth Murray Exhibitions." 23 October 2005. October 2010 .

Social Democracy Pamphleteering Has a
Pages: 7 Words: 1968

Northrop Frye recognized this fact but believed that the satire missed its mark:
It completely misses the point as satire on the ussian development of Marxism, and as expressing the disillusionment which many men of good-will feel about ussia. The reason for that disillusionment would be much better expressed as the corruption of expediency by principle (Frye 1987, p. 10).

What links 1984 and Animal Farm most directly is that both are anti-utopian in nature, for Orwell had developed a certainty that government in a utopian society would always be corrupted and would lose sight of its principles because of expediency.

Animal Farm was written during World War II. There is evidence that he was planning a novel that would become 1984 even before he wrote Animal Farm, and there is a relationship between the two books that is not often noted:

The form each book took was very different, but there was…...



Brander, L. (1954). George Orwell. New York: Longmans, Green and Co.

Crick, B. (1986). The making of Animal Farm. In Critical Essays on George Orwell, B. Oldsey and J. Browne (eds.). Boston: G.K. Hall.

Frye, N. (1987). In George Orwell, H. Bloom (ed.). New York: Chelsea House.

Green, T.H. (1995). Liberal legislation and freedom of contract. In Sources of the Western Tradition, M. Perry, J.R. Peden, and T.H. Von Laue (eds.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Piaf Pam Gems provides a view into
Pages: 125 Words: 46193

in "Piaf," Pam Gems provides a view into the life of the great French singer and arguably the greatest singer of her generation -- Edith Piaf. (Fildier and Primack, 1981), the slices that the playwright provides, more than adequately trace her life. Edith was born a waif on the streets of Paris (literally under a lamp-post). Abandoned by her parents -- a drunken street singer for a mother and a circus acrobat father -- Edith learns to fend for herself from the very beginning. As a natural consequence of her surroundings, she makes the acquaintance of several ne'er do wells. She rises above the lifestyles of the girls she grows up with who prostitute themselves for a living in the hope that they will eventually meet a benefactor with whom they can settle. Edith has a talent for singing and she indulges this interest by singing loudly in the streets.…...



Beauvoir, Simone de, and Parshley, H.M. The Second Sex. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993.pp. lv, 786

Eisenstein, Zillah R. The Radical Future of Liberal Feminism. The Northeastern Series in Feminist Theory. Northeastern University Press ed. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1986.pp. xi, 260

Engels, Fredrick. "The Development of Utopian Socialism." Trans. Lafargue, Paul. Marx/Engels Selected Works. Revue Socialiste. Ed. Basgen, Brian. Vol. 3. New York: Progress Publishers, 1880. 95-151.

Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State. 1894. Retrieved April 10, 2003 from.

Strategies and Model of Managing a Sexually Assaulted Individual
Pages: 8 Words: 2521

Ethical Issues in Counselor Education and Supervision During Documentation
One of the current issues in counselor education and supervision relates to the rising cases of sexual assault on college and campuses. This issue has attracted the 'Take Back the Night' events, and the 'No means No' educative campaigns. Today, many students fall victim of college sexual assault. Sexual violence and aggravate sexual assaults have affected the performance of many innocent students in schools. Cases related to such incidences often go unmentioned because the majority of the victims fear victimization or embarrassment (Finley & Lenz, 2005). This has made the issue appear like a norm or a culture because almost all the colleges and campuses around the globe experience sexual violence and sexual assaults frequently.

Often, at least every person who went to a college or campus will tell a story about sexual assault involving a friend or an acquaintance while in school.…...



Aasheim, L. (2012). Practical Clinical Supervision for Counselors: An Experiential Guide. New York, NY: Springer Pub.

Corey, G., Corey, M. S., & Callanan, P. (2007). Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions. Australia: Brooks/Cole/Thomson Learning.

Cottone, R. R., & Tarvydas, V. M. (2003). Ethical and Professional Issues In Counseling. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Finley, J. R., & Lenz, B. S. (2005). The Addiction Counselor's Documentation Sourcebook: The Complete Paperwork Resource for Treating Clients with Addictions. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

River - By Shusaku Endo
Pages: 3 Words: 1086

For example, readers know Isobe's wife believed in reincarnation and that Isobe is looking for her reincarnated soul; and there he is in a gift shop, believing that he was pushed there by some "invisible power" (his dead wife?) and he sees Out on a Limb by Shirley MacLaine, and Children Who Remember Previous Lives by Professor Stevenson, both reincarnation books of course, and he buys them without thinking twice.
In this novel, the strivers are confronted not only with their own weaknesses and their own burdensome flaws and foibles, they are confronted with the Ganges River realities - loveliness and ugliness; hope and despair; death and life; bloated bodies floating along in darkness and living persons bobbing along happily. The contrasts are metaphors, it would seem, for the price one has to pay to gain that coveted redemption and reconciliation with the past.

For the Kiguchi character, his striving pays…...

A Case Study on Philosophy and Humanities
Pages: 13 Words: 4136

goddesses Venus and Juno conspire and interfere in the lives of Aeneas and Dido to carry out their own plans
The struggle between the Gods is main theme of the narrative. There are many times that a reader might even fail to notice the actions of the human characters of the story due to over-interference from the gods. The conflict is between two gods, Juno and Venus. Juno is Saturn's daughter, Jupiter's wife and the patron god of Carthage. In the narrative he doesn't like Trojans because of a decision made by Paris (a Trojan) in a divine beauty competition. Juno is also aware of the prophesy that Carthage will be destroyed by the descendants of Aeneas (the Romans). On the other hand, Venus is the goddess of love, the patron god of Trojans and the mother of Aeneas. The conflict arises when Juno tries to destroy Aeneas (a mortal)…...


Works cited

Matthews, Roy. Experience Humanities. Place of publication not identified: Mcgraw-Hill, 2013. Print.

Chang Edward et al. The Journey of a Restless Heart: A College Student's Guide to Augustine's Confessions. 2014. Web.

Gardner Patrick and Santos Matilda. The Aeneid: Virgil. Web.

"THE AENEID Virgil. "SparkNotes." SparkNotes. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

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