Patient Protection Essays (Examples)

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Key Initiatives of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Pages: 3 Words: 877

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
The health of a nation's population is the most important sector in the building of the nation's economy (Kovne, Knickman & Jonas, 2011). A sick nation cannot effectively produce anything substantial to keep it running. Thus, it is in this view that each government seeks to provide better quality and affordable health services. In so doing, the governments set up rules and laws that act to regulate the health sector.

The acts that the government has drafted and implemented have various initiatives that drive them. These initiatives include reducing costs and so as to make access to health affordable and protecting the consumers (Parks, 2012). In the previous times, the very industrious Americans had to live with having to pay the price for policies that let the insurance service companies exploit them. The act holds insurers accountable by allowing new tools for cracking down the…...



Kovner, A.R., Knickman, J., & Jonas, S. (2011). Jonas & Kovner's health care delivery in the United States. New York: Springer Pub.

Parks, D. (2012). Health care reform simplified: What professionals in medicine, government, insurance, and. S.l.: Apress.

Wolper, L.F. (2004). Health care administration: Planning, implementing, and managing organized delivery systems. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

PPACA the Patient Protection and
Pages: 11 Words: 3427

The Act authorizes the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to contract out with private health insurers to offer at a minimum of two multi-state qualified health plans (to include at least one non-profit) to provide individual or small group coverage through state-based exchanges. In the area of long-term care, this creates a voluntary and national long-term care insurance program to help purchase services. In addition, this provides support for people who have functional limitations. This is done in order to help them maintain their personal and financial independence (CLASS program). PPACA requires that this be financed through voluntary payroll deductions (ibid 3-4).

In the area of Medicaid and CHIP, PPACA expands Medicaid to all individuals under the age of 65 years of age to include incomes up to 133% of the federal poverty level. e will examine how this affects individual providers below. This will provides 100% federal funding to the…...


Works Cited

"Constitutionality of obamacare may be headed to supreme court." (2010) Retrieved from

Healthcare Patient Protection and Affordable
Pages: 2 Words: 970

Workers can opt out and as an alternative obtain coverage from their state's insurance exchange. The PPACA standards will considerably affect industries that employ part-time, provisional, seasonal and float-pool workers at length (Clarke, Keckley & Kraus, 2012). A hospital will have to look at whether hiring part time employees and float pool workers will still be beneficial for them or if they will need to go to only having full time employees.
The PPACA includes a grandfather clause for employer plans that are already in place as of the date the act goes into effect. With the exemption of some insurance reforms employer plans that already exist on the date of enactment will not have to be altered to meet the terms with other parts of the PPACA. This will be a vital issue for businesses as they consider the effects and costs of other requirements, because loss of grandfather…...



Clarke, R.W., Keckley, P.H. & Kraus, S. (2012). Retrieved from 

Employer Health Care Reform: Moving Beyond Compliance. (2011). Retrieved from -


Employers planning cutbacks in retiree coverage in response to health care reform. Shifting retirees to Medicare Part D and to the insurance exchanges are part of the strategy.

PPACA Nurse the Patient Protection and Affordable
Pages: 8 Words: 2312

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's Impact on Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: The National Quality Strategy

The recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), a landmark and controversial piece of legislation still years away from coming into full effect and currently being challenged (at least in part) in the nation's courts, is primarily seen by the public as impacting upon healthcare payment systems and insurance practices. These are certainly the areas of the legislation that have received the most significant amount of media attention, and they do represent the widest departure from current practices and institutions in the healthcare system, according to many perspectives. The PPACA is not solely concerned with improving access to healthcare and the affordability of care, however; the legislation contains directives and policy measures aimed at directly improving the overall quality of healthcare throughout the country through explicitly empirical means.

One of the most…...



Berkman, B. (2011). Seizing Interdisciplinary Opportunities in the Changing Landscape of Health and Aging: A Social Work Perspective. Gerontologist 51(4): 433-40.

Dailey, M. (2011). Understanding the Measure Applications Partnership. Nursing Management 42(6): 16-8.

Groszkruger, D. (2011). Perspectives on healthcare reform: A year later, what more do we know? Journal of Healthcare Risk Management 31(1): 24-30.

HHS. (2011). National Quality Strategy will promote better health, quality care for Americans. Department of Health and Human Services. Accessed 5 October 2011.

Students Complete a Policy Analysis Patient Protection
Pages: 5 Words: 1640

students complete a policy analysis Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (ACA) . The paper include unbiased discussion sides issues, impact existing programs/agencies, costs implement, relevant statistics, role government (federal/state) influence special interest groups.ID

Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (ACA)

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one of the most controversial bills passed by the U.S. Congress in recent memory. Its provisions include an individual mandate that all Americans purchase some form of healthcare coverage, if financially able to do so. While it continues to be a source of political controversy, the systemic structural problems of U.S. healthcare, such as its spiraling costs, remain unaddressed. Universal coverage through publically-supported insurance is politically unpalatable and even moderate reforms like the ACA generate rage in many segments of the electorate, despite the popularity of many of the ACA's actual provisions.


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was the result of many years of controversy regarding how…...



Access to healthcare and the uninsured. (2012). NCSL. Retrieved: 

Affordable Care Act (ACA). (2012). Times Topics. The New York Times. Retrieved:

Individual Mandate Policy Patient Protection and Affordable
Pages: 4 Words: 1307

Individual Mandate

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010:

Individual mandate

Supreme Court's recent upholding of the individual mandate of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 was deemed to be an essential component of the enforcement of the Act. The individual mandate, and the ACA overall was designed to address the systemic problems within the American healthcare system related to the high costs of care and the lack of coverage for many Americans. 50 million Americans currently lack health insurance. "Before the legislation is fully phased in, Americans can be charged higher premiums when they are sick, and adults can be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition... Illness or medical bills cause 62% of all personal bankruptcies (Tandem & Spiro 2012: 1). Without the individual mandate, the other provisions of the Act would have been unenforceable, even if provisions such as the prohibition of discriminating against patients with…...



Klein, Ezra. (2010). How does the individual mandate work? The Washington Post. Retrieved: 

Tanden, Neera & Topher Spiro. (2012). The case for the individual mandate in health care reform. American Progress. Retrieved:

Congressperson the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Pages: 2 Words: 636

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 has become a contentious political issue, which I am sure your office is well aware of. As a future health care administrator and as an American citizen in your constituency, I would like to express my views on the Act. In particular, I am concerned about the impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on service delivery in the community and public health care setting. Based on my extensive research using scholarly literature and reports issued by state and federal government agencies, I strongly urge you to continue to support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In fact, I suggest you to consider strengthening the act.

"Although the United States continues to overspend on health care compared to its peer countries, international studies of health care quality suggest that the United States health care system is underperforming," (Whitehouse,…...



"The Health Care Delivery System: A Blueprint for Reform." Center for American Progress. 31 Oct, 2008. Retrieved online: 

Whitehouse, S. (2012). Health Care Delivery System Reform and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Retrieved online:

PPACA on Nursing Practice The Patient Protection
Pages: 2 Words: 763

PPACA on Nursing Practice:
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a legislation that was enacted in March 2010 as part of meaningful and comprehensive reform for America's healthcare system. Upon enactment, the legislation has had significant on the country's healthcare infrastructure. In order to accomplish its goals, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act focuses on registered nurses because of their role in the current healthcare system. egistered nurses are the largest single group of clinical healthcare practitioners in America's health system. They work in a holistic mechanism and interconnected system to provide care services to patients, families, and the community. The legislation seeks to transform the current sick care system into an actual healthcare system through various major provisions.

One of the major provisions with significant effects on current nursing practice is the changes in nursing workforce. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has made considerable changes…...



Brody, A. & Sullivan-Marx, E.M. (2012, November). The Patient Protection and Affordable

Care Act: Implications for Geriatric Nurses and Patients. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 38(11), 3-5. Retrieved from 

Joynt, J. & Kimball, B. (2008, January). Innovative Care Delivery Models: Identifying New

Models that Effectively Leverage Nurses. Retrieved October 30, 2013, from

New Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Pages: 2 Words: 826

new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), as amended by the Health Care and Education econciliation Act (econciliation Act) will create a huge future demand for health care as millions of people who have been without health insurance will now have it, either through reduced rate plans and programs or public options. As the law reads there will be a sort of sliding scale system based on the poverty level and those who qualify based on income will be offered reduced premiums for coverage and those who do not but still choose not to get health insurance will be penalized with a fee. Currently there are an estimated 32 million people in the U.S. who have no health insurance coverage. Under the new law (PPACA) many of those individuals will have insurance coverage and therefore seek care more frequently. According to one source hospitals will be seeking to…...



Carlson, J. (2010). Nurses in demand. Modern Healthcare, 40(20), 12

MBJ Staff. (May 30, 2011). River Oaks Hospital in Mississippi launches service to check ER wait times. Mississippi Business Journal.

Zolkos, R. (2011). More doctors, risks in the house under health care reform. Business Insurance, 45(25), 13.

Patient Care and Nursing
Pages: 4 Words: 1458

Growth in the Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models
The practice of nursing is expected to continue growing and changing given the reform initiatives that are taking place in the healthcare system. Some of the factors that are contributing to these changes and growth in nursing practice include the restructuring of healthcare delivery system, increased healthcare costs, increase in demand for nurses, nursing shortage, and increase in the patient population. Given these factors, nurses are expected to continue assuming a wide range of healthcare responsibilities because of the complexities in patient care delivery or caring for the sick (Tiffin, 2012). It is expected that as nursing practice continues to change and grow, new models of patient care delivery will emerge. As nurses, we need to understand these changes/growth and the emerging patient delivery models in order to enhance our practice.

One of the patient care delivery models that will emerge…...



Gulliford, M., Naithani, S. & Morgan, M. (2006, October). What is "Continuity of Care"? Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 11(4), 248-250.

Haney, C. (2010, June 9). New Care Delivery Models in Health System Reform: Opportunities for Nurses & their Patients. Retrieved December 3, 2016, from 

Nurse Oncourse Learning (2013, December 9). Nursing: A New Paradigm. Retrieved December 3, 2016, from

Tiffin, C. (2012, March 28). Beyond the Bedside: The Changing Role of Today's Nurses. The Huffington Post. Retrieved December 3, 2016, from

Impact of ACA From Organizational and Patients
Pages: 3 Words: 1470

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act/Impact of ACA from the Organizational and the Patients view
Impact of the Affordable Care act (ACA) on the population that it affected

Impact of the economics of providing care to patients from the organization's point-of-view

How will patients be affected in relationship to cost of treatment, quality of treatment, and access to treatment?

Ethical implications of this act for both the organization and the patients

Impact of the Affordable Care act (ACA) on the population that it affected

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), as initially passed, mandated Medicaid expansion, for covering a majority of low-income, as-yet-uninsured American citizens and immigrants (with legal residency in the U.S. for a minimum duration of 5 years). The United States Supreme Court, however, in the historic National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 132 S. Ct. 2566 (2012), maintained that the obligatory Medicaid expansion proved to be unconstitutionally forced upon states. The decision rendered…...



ACA. (2015). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Retrieved on 13th September, 2015 from 

Howard, P. (2015). The Impact of the Affordable Care Act On the Economy, Employers, and the Workforce. Retrieved on 13 th September, 2015 from 

Kengmana, R.T. (2015). An Ethical Perspective on the Affordable Care Act. MA: Psych Central. Retrieved on 13th September, 2015 from 

NCIOM. (2015a). Examining the Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in North Carolina. Chapter 7: Quality. Retrieved on 13th September, 2015 from

Protection of Digital Health Information With Increase
Pages: 4 Words: 1333

Protection of Digital Health Information
With increase health information technology store access patient information, likelihood security breaches risen. In fact, Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ): In United States, a whopping 97% increase number health records breached 2010-2011

Ensuring that patient information is protected at all times is vital for any health care institution. Patient information records contain sensitive information that can be used for malicious purposes like identity theft, credit card fraud, and leaking of information for malicious intent. The advancement and use of technology has made it easier for patient information to be accessed within the health care facility Shoniregun, Dube, & Mtenzi, 2010.

This increases the speed of service delivery to the patient and improves the care given to the patient. Technology has allowed for the use of portable electronic devices by the healthcare practitioners in entering and accessing patient records and information. Portable electronic devices are small electronic gadgets that…...



Green, M.A., & Bowie, M.J. (2005). ESSENTIALS OF HEALTH INFORMATION Management: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES: Principles and Practices. Independence, KY: Thomson/Delmar Learning.

Harman, L.B., & Association, A.H.I.M. (2006). Ethical Challenges in the Management of Health Information. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Laurinda B. Harman, C.A.F., and Kesa Bond. (2012). Electronic Health Records: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, 14(9), 712-719.

Shoniregun, C.A., Dube, K., & Mtenzi, F. (2010). Electronic Healthcare Information Security. New York / Heidelberg: Springer.

Patient Nurse Compliance With Scd
Pages: 6 Words: 1618

" (Morris & Woodcock, 2004)
V. Murakami et al. (2003)

In the work entitled: "Deep Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis in Trauma: Improved Compliance With a Novel Miniaturized Pneumatic Compression Device" the authors state that: "Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) devices prevent lower-extremity deep venous thrombosis (LEDVT) when used properly, but compliance remains an issue." (Murakami et al., 2003) the study conducted by Murakami et al. (2003) is stated to be a."..prospective trial in which trauma patients (mean age, 46 years; revised trauma score, 11.7) were randomized to DVT prophylaxis with a standard calf-length sequential IPC device (SCD group) or a miniaturized sequential device (continuous enhanced-circulation therapy [CECT] group). Compliance rates for all subjects were averaged in each location: emergency department, operating room, intensive care unit, and nursing ward." (Murakami et al., 2004) the study results state that: "Total compliance rate in the CECT group was significantly higher than in the SCD group (77.7% vs.…...



Kehl-Preutt, Wendy (2006) Deep Vein Thrombosis in Hospitalized Patients: A Review of Evidence-based Guidelines for Prevention. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing March/April 2006. Vol. 25 No.2. Online available at .

Chang, David et al. (2002) Compliance with sequential compression device prophylaxis in at-risk trauma patients: a prospective analysis. Am Surg. 2002 May;68:470-3 Online available at

Practice Alert: Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention" (2006 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Journal " Vol. 23 No. 1 January 2006.

Morris, Rhys J. & Woodcock, John P. (2004) Evidence-Based Compression: Prevention of Stasis and Deep Vein Thrombosis. Ann. Surg. 2004 February 239(2): 162-171.

Reducing Health Disparities for Dementia Patients
Pages: 7 Words: 1880

Among the most important aspects to the health promotion plan will be the benefits associated with a care manager, who can ensure that all six core elements of CCM are implemented fully. If this is accomplished, there should be a significant reduction in health disparities for patient and caregiver outcomes across generations.

AHQ. (2012). National Healthcare Disparities eport, 2011. No. 12-0006. ockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare esearch and Quality. etrieved 16 Apr. 2014 from

Braveman, P.A., Kumanyika, S., Fielding, J., Laveist, T., Borrell, L.N., Manderscheid, . et al. (2011). Health disparities and health equity: The issue is justice. American Journal of Public Health, 101(Suppl. 1), S149-55.

Brodaty, H. & Donkin, M. (2009). Family caregivers of people with dementia. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 11, 217-28.

Castro, A. & uiz, E. (2009). The effects of nurse practitioner cultural competence on Latina patient satisfaction. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 21(5), 278-86.

CMS. (2014).…...



AHRQ. (2012). National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2011. No. 12-0006. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved 16 Apr. 2014 from .

Braveman, P.A., Kumanyika, S., Fielding, J., Laveist, T., Borrell, L.N., Manderscheid, R. et al. (2011). Health disparities and health equity: The issue is justice. American Journal of Public Health, 101(Suppl. 1), S149-55.

Brodaty, H. & Donkin, M. (2009). Family caregivers of people with dementia. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 11, 217-28.

Castro, A. & Ruiz, E. (2009). The effects of nurse practitioner cultural competence on Latina patient satisfaction. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 21(5), 278-86.

PPACA on March 23 2010 the Patient
Pages: 3 Words: 1009

On March 23, 2010 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama. Along with the Health Care Reconciliation Act of 2010, the PPACA became part of the overall Health Care Reform concept of 2010. The health care reform process was promoted as a way to completely transform the health care industry and ensure that all Americans received affordable health care. hile supporters praise the legislation as a revolutionary law which will benefit ordinary Americans, critics claim that the Obama Administration used the health care reform process as a means of gaining control over the entire health care system. In an attempt to compare and contrast the provisions of this new law, this essay will discuss several provisions of the new health care legislation and compare the benefits as well as the criticisms of them.

Section 5501 of the PPACA provides for Medicare…...


Works Cited

Appleby, Julie. (2011, Jan. 10). Effort To Reward Medicare Advantage Plans Draws Criticism. Kaiser Health News. Retrieved from 

"Side Effects: Obamacare Could Punish Docs for Better Quality Care." (2010, July 16). The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved from

Gold, Jenny. (2011, Jam. 18). "Accountable Care Organizations, Explained." NPR. Retrieved from 

"Health Care Reform: Annual Fee on Prescription Drug Manufacturers and Excise Tax on Medical Devise Manufacturers." (2010, Apr.). Covington & Burling LLP Retrieved from

How does HIPAA ensure the confidentiality of patients\' medical information?
Words: 446

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) ensures the confidentiality of patients' medical information by setting standards for the protection of personal health information (PHI). These standards include:

1. Limiting the use and disclosure of PHI: Covered entities, such as healthcare providers and health plans, are required to only use and disclose PHI for purposes related to treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. Any other uses or disclosures of PHI must be authorized by the patient.

2. Safeguarding PHI: Covered entities are required to implement physical, technical, and administrative safeguards to protect the security and confidentiality of PHI. This includes measures such as....

How does HIPAA ensure the confidentiality of patients\' medical information?
Words: 522

HIPAA's Comprehensive Approach to Patient Confidentiality

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), enacted in 1996, serves as the cornerstone for protecting the confidentiality of patients' protected health information (PHI). HIPAA establishes a comprehensive framework that encompasses robust administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to ensure the privacy and security of PHI.

Administrative Safeguards

Privacy Officer: HIPAA mandates the appointment of a dedicated Privacy Officer responsible for implementing and monitoring the organization's privacy policies and procedures.
Risk Assessment: Organizations must conduct periodic risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential threats to PHI confidentiality.
Written Privacy Policies: Clear and comprehensive privacy policies must....

How do HIPAA and PPACA impact healthcare systems in the United States?
Words: 870

1. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) have had significant impacts on healthcare systems in the United States. HIPAA, enacted in 1996, aimed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system by standardizing electronic health transactions and ensuring the privacy and security of patient information. On the other hand, PPACA, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was signed into law in 2010 with the goal of increasing access to healthcare, reducing healthcare costs, and improving the quality of care for all Americans. These two pieces....

How do HIPAA and PPACA impact healthcare systems in the United States?
Words: 648

1. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) have significantly impacted the healthcare systems in the United States by establishing regulations and expanding access to healthcare services, respectively. This essay will examine the background, implementation, and effects of HIPAA and PPACA on the healthcare industry. By providing a comprehensive analysis of these two influential legislations, we aim to shed light on their contributions to shaping the American healthcare landscape.

2. HIPAA: Background and Implementation

Enacted in 1996, HIPAA was primarily designed to protect the privacy and security of patients' health information. It....

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