I also added, honestly, that the family members who had changed their ways actually felt better on a daily basis, as well as had a better prognosis in terms of their health. This was the true essence, I stated, of "loving life" in my opinion. I tried to make him see what he was going to have to do after his operation as a gain, rather than a loss. He would be regaining control over his health, and would feel younger and better.
I tried to help this patient feel empowered, by going into detail what would happen to him during the operation in layperson's terms. I could see that feeling in control was very important to him, and I tried to facilitate that sense of control. After the operation, I saw the patient again, when he was going to see his grandson who had had some minor surgery on…...
Developing an Overall Operations Plan
According to Organizations (2005), developing an overall development plan requires one to take into consideration the overall vision and objectives of the organization. The process takes into consideration the internal and external environment demands that influence the realization of the operational efficiency. Therefore, it entails taking into consideration aspects like determining the resources required for the success of the process, developing the most effective strategies, assessing the risk associated with the developed strategies, and coming up with methods of evaluating the success of the adopted strategies. The process also considers the resources required to facilitate the growth of the clinic.
Typical Patient Experience
Providing exemplary medical care does not engage or meet the needs of the clients. Patients consider exemplary medical care as a mandatory requirement for all hospitals. This necessitates the adoption of the patient experience to ensure satisfaction of the needs…...
Buchbinder, S.B., & Shanks, N.H. (2012). Introduction to health care management. Burlington, Mass: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Hall, R.W. (2006). Patient flow: Reducing delay in healthcare delivery. New York: Springer.
Foreman, M.D., Milisen, K., & Fulmer, T.T. (2010). Critical care nursing of older adults: Best practices. New York, NY: Springer Pub. Co.
Organizations. (2005). Environment of care: Essentials for health care. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission Resources.
Patient Centered Medical Homes
In the 1960s, the medical home concept referred to as patient centered medical home was developed.In order to reform the healthcare in the U.S.; the patient centered medical homes are evolving as a centerpiece of efforts (Bates, 2010). Basically, PCMH can be defines as a primary care model that offers coordinated and comprehensive care to the patients in order to improve health outcomes. PCMH is also recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Patient centered medical homes can be portrayed as a team of people working together in form of a community. The purpose is to improve the health as well as healing of the people in that community. In comparison with the primary care, PCMH is more responsive towards the needs of local patients.
PCMH offers a number of benefits including complementary nutrition as well as wellness counseling along with providing prevention education so as…...
Aysola, J., E.J. Orav, and J.Z. Ayanian. 2011. "Neighborhood Characteristics Associated With Access To Patient-Centered Medical Homes For Children." Health Affairs no. 30 (11):2080-2089.
Bates, D.W., and A. Bitton. 2010. "The Future Of Health Information Technology In The Patient-Centered Medical Home." Health Affairs no. 29 (4):614-621.
Nutting, Paul A., William L. Miller, Benjamin F. Crabtree, Carlos Roberto Jaen, Elizabeth E. Stewart, and Kurt C. Stange. 2009. "Initial Lessons From the First National Demonstration Project on Practice Transformation to a Patient-Centered Medical Home." Ann Fam Med no. 7 (3):254-260.
Patient-Centered Medical Home
Medical Home
How the Patient-Centered Medical-Home reducing cost and improving quality and safety for patients.
The patient centered medical home is a platform that fills a need in the current healthcare system. The U.S. healthcare system has been plagued for quite some time with a trend of substantially rising healthcare costs as well as another trend of slipping quality standards. These two trends are argued to be a phenomenon that has emerged at least partly from poor planning and ineffective use of resources. One solution to some of these issues can be found in the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model of primary care. This model has been developed with the coordination of long-term physician-patient relationships in mind. Developing these relationships further can not only reduce costs in unnecessary procedures that are the result of the missed opportunity for preventive care, but also have been shown to improve patient satisfaction. This…...
Christensen, E., Dorrance, K., Ramchandiani, S., Lynch, S., Whitmeore, C., Borsky, A., . . . Bickett, T. (2013). Impact of a Patient-Centered Medical Home on Access, Quality, and Cost. Military Medicine, 135-141.
Ewing, M. (2013). The Patient-Centered Medical Home Solution to the Cost-Quality Conundrum. Journal of Healthcare Management, 258-266.
Kern, L., Dhopeshwarker, R., Edwards, A., & Kaushal, R. (2013). Patient Experience Over Time in Patient-Centered Medical Homes. American Journal of Managed Care, 403-410.
Nielsen, M., Olayiwola, J., Grundy, P., & Grumbach, K. (2014). The Patient-Centered Medical Home's Impact on Cost & Quality. Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative, 1-38.
patients undergoing mechanical ventilation contract Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP). This acute medical condition always results in increased death rates and associated medical costs among patients. This article reviews several literatures that try to enlighten masses on the diagnosis, medical treatments and VAP prevention methods. In addition, this article outlines recommendations medical practitioners can implement in their daily practices to curb VAP and offers an insight on controversies that usually arise during VAP diagnoses, treatment plans and prevention methodologies. This article defines VAP to be the causative agent of approximately 25 to 54% mortality rates among patients undergoing mechanical ventilation in ICUs. Factors responsible for VAP among patients include patients' population in ICUs, hospital stay durations and antimicrobial treatments. Even though antimicrobial medications are confirmed to reduce VAP casualties, further studies should be undertaken such as the ones outlined in the literatures below to help in early identification and treatment…...
Arroliga, A.C., Pollard, C.L., Wilde, C.D., Pellizzari, S.J., Chebbo, A., Song, J., et al. (2012).
Reduction in the Incidence of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia: A Multidisciplinary
Approach. Respiratory Care, 688-696.
Camargo, L.F., De Marco, F.V., Barbas, C.S., Hoelz, C., Bueno, M.A., Rodrigues Jr., M., et al.
patient's general health been? - The Patient, Mr. Jones has generally been good but with frequent cases of heart complications. The situation has been deteriorating over time.
Any colds in past years that required absences from work?-None
Most important things you do to keep healthy? -- regular jogging exercise and being a vegetarian
Accidents (home, work, driving)?-Twice when the patient experienced a heart attack
In past, has it been easy to find ways to follow suggestions from physicians or the nurses? Yes
F. If appropriate: what do you think caused the illness? I believe the illness was caused by the kind of lifestyle that I had (smoking and eating high cholesterol meals while also leading a sedentary life)
g. If necessary: outline the things important to you in your health care? How can we be most helpful? I require hypertensives and advice on how to live a healthy life
Examination -- the general health appearance is…...
Gordon, M. (2000). Manual of nursing diagnosis: 1995- 1996. St. Louis: Mosby.
Gordon, M. (1994). Nursing diagnosis: Process and application (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby;
Patient Perceptions of Participation in Treatment
Several studies have revealed that patients generally prefer to learn everything they can about their illness and the proposed treatment plan, and even have some control during the planning stage (reviewed in Lund, Tamm, and Branholm, 2001). On the other hand, studies have found that occupational therapists typically underestimate this desire and tend to perceive patients as passive and uncooperative. The gap between the patient's wishes to actively participate and the therapists' perceptions of that willingness can result in a number of problems, including patient compliance with treatment plans and goals. Strategies to minimize the size of this gap could therefore lead to more effective rehabilitation of the patient's disability.
A study was conducted in Sweden that examined patients' experiences as a rehabilitation patient and the professional's view of the interaction (Lund, Tamm, and Branholm, 2001). Patients were enrolled from acute care in surgery, othropaedics,…...
Lund, Maria Larsson, Tamm, Maare, and Branholm, Inga-Britt. (2001). Patients' perception of their participation in the rehabilitation planning and professionals' view of their strategies to encourage it. Occupational Therapy International, 8(3), 151-167.
Skidmore, Elizabeth R., Whyte, Ellen M., Holm, Margo B., Becker, James T., Butters, Meryl A., Dew, Mary Amanda et al. (2010). Cognitive and affective predictors of rehabilitation participation after stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(2), 203-207. Retrieved May 3, 2011 from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu/pmc/articles/PMC2824912/pdf/nihms153354.pdf
1. Subjective
Patient’s chief complaint, reason for visit
Ms. Richards arrived complaining that she was experiencing severe anal pain, so much so that using a tissue was also proving impossible. She claimed the pain began a couple of days earlier and has aggravated considerably since.
History of Present Illness
Ms. Richards arrived complaining of anal pain which commenced a couple of days earlier and has aggravated since. With regard to her intimate relationships, Ms. Richards states that though she has a boyfriend, their relationship isn’t serious as the two are also seeing other people. According to internal assessment reports, patient has normal hair distribution, an intact perineum, and intact urethral meatus without any discharge or inflammation. However, patient experiences unbearable pain on vaginal opening palpation, redness, and edema. Further, a mass has been identified on the right, with spontaneous, dark-yellow, smelly secretion with palpation over the Bartholin's glands.
Physical examination reports reveal normal vital signs,…...
In addition, epinephrine injection should not be used when women are in the second stages of labor. Furthermore, because the effects of this drug on pregnant women remain unclear, pregnant women should only use epinephrine injection when the risks to the mother outweigh the potential risks to the fetus (product insert).
hat not to do when taking this medication:
Although there are no specific recommendations provided by the manufacturer, patients who use this drug should be aware of the possible side effects and avoid strenuous activities that will cause additional increases in blood pressure or heart rates. Take it easy after using this drug!
In addition, patients should avoid using the same injection site repeatedly since it can adversely affect skin integrity (product insert).
You may experience the following side effects following an injection:
Headaches, fear, and hearts palpitations (these side effects are more common in patients who suffer from hyperthyroidism).
You may also experience…...
mlaWorks Cited
Albertine, Kurt H. Anatomica. Willoughby,
NSW: Global Book Publishing Ptd
Barlow, David H. Anxiety and Its Disorders:
setting, definition Sample/Setting
Conclusions (Appraisal)
Level of Evidence
(Flagg, 2015)
Implementing patient-focused healthcare within settings burdened by the combined challenges of scarce support systems, huge patient loads and constantly-growing patient care responsibilities, especially chronically ill patients
A healthcare organization with nursing staff on twelve-hour schedules
Characteristics: Number of patients individual nursing professionals have to cater to, which ranges between 3 and 5.
Catheter care, blood extractions, surgical schedules planned, antibiotic drugs' presence in the hospital inventory, patients' medicine/treatment plans
Necessity of bedside reporting, patient satisfaction and all-inclusive care framework
A case study technique implies researchers cannot undertake a broad-scale research using the sample. Outcomes might be case-specific and non-generalizable.
This article contributes to clarifying nursing role by employing numerous kinds of patient-focused care elements for improving care quality safely and manageably.
Level 4.d -- Descriptive Observational Studies -- Case Study
(Fawaz, Williams, Myers, Jones, & Logsdon, 2015)
Assessing the efficacy of a combined intervention entailing script-based interaction, hourly rounding and whiteboard use…...
Ann Rodney, P. (2015). The Design and Implementation of a Relationship-Based Care Delivery Model on a Medical- Surgical Unit. WALDEN DISSERTATIONS AND DOCTORAL STUDIES.
Ciaramella, J., Longworth, N., Larraz, L., & Murphy, S. (2014). Improving Efficiency, Consistency and Satisfaction on a Mother-Baby Unit With the Discharge Nurse Position. Wiley Online Library.
Dempsey, C., Wojciechowski, S., McConville, E., & Drain, M. (2014). Reducing Patient Suffering Through Compassionate Connected Care. Journal of Nursing Administration, 517 - 524.
Elena, A. (2015). Understanding the Culture of the Single Room Maternity Care Unit: Ethnographic Study. University of Calgary - Electronic Thesis.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Evolution of atient-Centered Care in Healthcare Settings:
Explore the historical development of patient-centered care from a traditional, provider-focused approach to the current emphases on patient engagement, shared decision-making, and personalized care. Analyze the milestones and pivotal studies that have driven this change and the implications for both patients and healthcare professionals.
2. atient-Centered Care and Health Outcomes:
Discuss the impact of patient-centered care on health outcomes. Consider how involving patients in their own healthcare decisions can lead to better adherence to treatment plans, improved patient satisfaction, reduced hospital readmission rates, and overall enhancement of health outcomes.
3. The Role of Technology in Facilitating atient-Centered Care:
Assess the contribution of technological advancements, such as electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, mobile health applications, and wearable devices to patient-centered care. Examine how these tools increase patient engagement, streamline communication between patients and…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. National Academies Press; 2001.
Berry, Leonard L., et al. \"Patients’ commitment to their primary physician and why it matters.\" Annals of Family Medicine 7.1 (2009): 6-13.Stewart, Moira, et al. \"The impact of patient-centered care on outcomes.\" Journal of Family Practice 49.9 (2000): 796-804.Epstein, Ronald M., and Richard L. Street. \"The values and value of patient-centered care.\" Annals of Family Medicine 9.2 (2011): 100-103.Meade, Cathy M., et al. \"Conceptualizing a model to enhance culturally competent health care: the cultural competence model.\" The Inner City Asthma Study. Vol. 22. No. 7. 105-110. 2003.
eflectionIntroductioneflecting on my experiences as a nursing student has been an important aspect of my growth and development. It has allowed me to learn from my mistakes, build on my strengths, and become a better healthcare provider. In this reflection paper, I will discuss a critical incident that took place during my clinical rotation, and how it influenced my learning and professional development. I will also present a plan for the upcoming semester, taking into account the lessons I learned from this experience.Beginning the TransitionAs I reflect on my first semester as a novice Advanced Practice Nurse, I realize how much of a significant change it has been from being a registered nurse. The transition has been nerve-wracking, and it has taken some time to adjust to the change. In my first journal entry, I documented my first day of clinical, which was quite a challenge. Despite the difficulties, my…...
mlaReferencesFowler, M. D. (2021). The nightingale still sings: ten ethical themes in early nursing in the United Kingdom, 1888-1989. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 26(2), 1-12.Sarode, R. D., & Tendolkar, V. D. (2021). Intelligence as a Predictor of Impulse Control among New Entrants Studying in B. Sc. Nursing Disciplines. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 10(18), 1286-1291.Werbart, A., Bergstedt, A., & Levander, S. (2020). Love, work, and striving for the self in balance: anaclitic and introjective patients’ experiences of change in psychoanalysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 144.
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Role of Technology in Enhancing atient Healthcare Delivery:
Explore the impact of advancements in technology on patient healthcare delivery. Discuss how electronic health records, telemedicine, mobile health apps, and artificial intelligence contribute to more accurate diagnoses, improved patient outcomes, and enhanced access to care.
2. atient-Centered Care: rinciples and ractice:
Examine the principles of patient-centered care and its significance in healthcare delivery. Analyze how this approach can improve patient satisfaction, engagement, and overall health outcomes by considering case studies or current practices that illustrate its implementation and challenges.
3. The Effectiveness of Cross-Disciplinary Teamwork in Healthcare Settings:
Discuss the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals and how it's beneficial for patient care. Consider how various health professionals working together can address complex health issues effectively and create a comprehensive care plan for patients.
4. The Influence of Healthcare olicies on atient Care Delivery:
Investigate how different healthcare policies at the local, national,…...
mlaPrimary Sources
World Health Organization. Delivering quality health services: a global imperative for universal health coverage. World Health Organization, 2018.
Berwick, Donald M., Thomas W. Nolan, and John Whittington. \"The triple aim: care, health, and cost.\" Health Affairs 27.3 (2008): 759-769.Porter, Michael E. \"What is value in health care?\" The New England Journal of Medicine 363.26 (2010): 2477-2481.Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine. \"Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.\" National Academies Press, 2001.Blumenthal, David, and Melinda K. Abrams. \"Tailoring complex care management for high-need, high-cost patients.\" JAMA 316.16 (2016): 1657-1658.
Psychiatric eadmission
Implementation of Strategies to educe Psychiatric eadmission
To this end, it is clear that hospital readmission remains a prevalent phenomenon in adult psychiatric patients, placing a huge morbidity and economic burden on individuals, families, and healthcare organizations (Burton, 2012; Machado et al., 2012). Addressing psychiatric readmission, therefore, is an important priority for healthcare providers. Evidence demonstrates that psychiatric readmission is mainly caused by ineffective transition of care from the inpatient to the outpatient setting (Kalseth et al., 2016). In essence, reducing psychiatric readmission requires effective care transition interventions. The purpose of this EBP project is to reduce readmissions in an adult psychiatric hospital by 10% over a three-month period.
Implementation Model
There are several models that provide guidelines for the implementation of practice change. In this case, however, given the nature of the clinical setting and resource availability, osswurm & Larrabee's (1999) is deemed an appropriate model. The model suggests six steps…...
Burton, R. (2012). Improving care transitions. Health Policy Brief. Health Affairs.
Chugh, A., Williams, M., Grigsby, J., & Coleman, E. (2009). Better transitions: improving comprehension of discharge instructions. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 25(3), 11-32.
Coleman, E., Roman, S., Hall, K., & Min, S. (2015). Enhancing the care transitions intervention protocol to better address the needs of family caregivers. Journal of Healthcare Quality, 37(1), 2-11.
Eassom, E., Giacco, D., Dirik, A., & Priebe, S. (2014). Implementing family involvement in the treatment of patients with psychosis: a systematic review of facilitating and hindering factors. BMJ Open, 4, e006108.
Psychiatric Disabilities
Description of Facility
The inpatient psychiatry program at the University of Michigan Hospital is on the ninth floor of the hospital building. It has 25 newly renovated bed units and offers both private and semi private room facilities. There is a reading library, fitness facilities, internet access terminals, and dining room access facilities. A number of community rooms are also supplied with television sets and comfortable seating places.
There is a special intensive care unit for those with psychiatric needs. It caters for patients that need more support from and is separated from the general ward area. The patients attended in this unit still have access to a number of amenities provided in the other sections.
Clinic location:
1500 East Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
This clinic provides diagnosis and comprehensive treatment for patients with severe psychiatric problems. Patients often visit the unit for treatment under complicated circumstances. The hospital staff is dedicated…...
Shepley, M. M., Watson, A., Pitts, F., Garrity, A., Spelman, E., Kelkar, J., & Fronsman, A. (2016). Mental and behavioral health environments: critical considerations for facility design. General Hospital Psychiatry, 42, 15-21.
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) like AdventHealth aim to improve healthcare quality by enhancing care coordination, reducing unnecessary spending, and focusing on preventative care. Metrics often used to evaluate their impact include patient satisfaction scores, hospital readmission rates, and the management of chronic conditions. ACOs are compared through benchmarks in these areas, cost savings, and quality of care improvements.
Determining the impact of AdventHealth ACO on healthcare quality and metrics requires a deep dive into several factors. Here's a breakdown of key aspects to consider:
Metrics used for evaluation:
Impact of Electronic Medical Records on Patient Care
The benefits and challenges of using electronic medical records (EMRs) in healthcare delivery
How EMRs have improved the accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of patient information
The role of EMRs in reducing medical errors and improving patient safety
The potential risks to patient privacy and security associated with EMRs
The impact of EMRs on the patient-physician relationship and trust
Technological Considerations for EMR Implementation
The key technological requirements and challenges for successful EMR implementation
The different types of EMR systems available and their respective strengths and weaknesses
The importance of data interoperability and standards....
Topic Idea 1: The Role of Health Informatics in Patient-Centered Care
Introduction: Discuss the concept of patient-centered care and its importance in healthcare.
Body Paragraph 1: Explore how health informatics technologies, such as electronic health records (EHRs) and patient portals, enable patient access to their own health information, empowering them to participate in decision-making.
Body Paragraph 2: Examine the role of health informatics in fostering communication between patients and healthcare providers, promoting continuity of care and improved patient experiences.
Body Paragraph 3: Evaluate the ethical implications of using health informatics in patient-centered care, including privacy concerns and the potential for....
A thesis statement for a cause and effect essay on ways to improve patient satisfaction in nurse quality care could be:
"Implementing effective communication strategies, increasing staffing levels, and providing continuous training and education for nurses are crucial steps towards improving patient satisfaction with the quality of care provided."
This thesis statement effectively lays out the main points that will be explored in the essay. It highlights the importance of communication, staffing, and training in improving the quality of care provided by nurses. By focusing on these key areas, healthcare organizations can work towards enhancing patient satisfaction and overall outcomes. Through research....
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