Patient Care and the Nursing Profession
From January of 2012 until the present day, I have worked as an LPN. During that time, I have been in pediatric homecare, where I monitored and cared for children on ventilators and with tracheotomies. My experience also includes hospice care for people of all ages, from children to the elderly. Doing this type of work has greatly influenced my career and the decision to continue my education, because I want to be able to do more and help a greater number of people. I enjoy the work I do, although it can be both physically and emotionally difficult, but I also realize that I could expand the work I am doing to cover a much wider scope of patient care. Nurses are in demand today, and they are always needed at hospitals and other medical facilities because of the current shortage. With so many…...
Patient Care Device
Upgrade of Patient Care Device
Advancements in medical care have always been in need since technological innovation can create wonders in improving health care facilities for the patients. Some of the advancements have helped the healthcare in expanding their reach out of the hospitals and integrating with user-friendly, handy devices. Technology is transforming the way humans live and behave. Better treatment with less suffering has been induced into the medical care and respective devices so that patients could have access to best possible medical facilities within the hospitals. Not only sophisticated practices in healthcare but also the advanced devices are proving valuable in providing more chances for the quick recovery of billions of patients all over the world. This paper focuses on the upgradation and replacement of an existing patient care device in our practice setting. In the following sections of the paper, the implementation and its effects on…...
Cacchlone, P.Z. (2011). When is institutional review board approval necessary for quality improvement projects? Clinical Nursing Research, 20. Retrieved from
Chapman, S. (2014, September 4). Solutions for useful patient-centric EMR. Healthcare IT News. Retrieved from centric-emr -
Hamilton, P.A., Marcos, L.S, & Secic, M. (2012). Performance of infrared ear and forehead thermometers: A comparative study in 205 febrile and afebrile children. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22, 17-18. DOI: 10.1111/JOCN.12060
Riverband City: Knowledge discovery mission. (n.d.). Retrieved from
AACN Synergy Model
for Patient Care
Case Study of a CHF Patient
Sonya Hardin, N, PhD, CCN, CS
Leslie Hussey, N, PhD
role as a clinical nurse specialist (CNS)/adult nurse practitioner (ANP). The advanced practice nurse with a CNS/ANP degree can have a significant impact on healthcare by preventing chronic illness and pro- moting healthy lifestyles and influ- ence the delivery, cost, and quality of healthcare to persons with chronic illness.2
Background of CHF
The AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care describes a framework for nursing practice. The key to this model is the linkage of patient char- acteristics with nurse competencies to achieve optimal patient out- comes.1 The Synergy Model is readily adaptable to the acute care or critical care setting when the patient is criti- cally ill and the intensive care nurse links his or her own competencies to the patient's characteristics. How- ever, not all acute care is conducted
Sonya Hardin is an assistant professor…...
1. Curley MAQ. Patient-nurse synergy: opti-mizing patients' outcomes. Am J. Crit Care.
2. UNC Charlotte Web site. Available at:
Healthcare Organizations
Health Organizations
Patient Care in Healthcare Organizations
Overview of the tracer methodology
When indulging in tracer methodology systems, the key word is flexibility. The surveyors involve staff members through many processes of service provision. The processes include how the staff makes decisions towards the patient's safety, provision of care to patients, communication to other staff and also patients, and many other aspects. In other cases, the surveyors indulge in patients and other care recipients so as to acquire extra insights on the feedback. When the discussions with both patients and the staff are recorded, together with patient records and other observations that may have been made by the surveyors, builds a strong survey process, which provides a clear indication of the general operations of the organization. The surveyors use different tracers; these could either be individuals, system tracers, environment of care tracers or even program specific tracers (Joint Commission esources, 2008).
In the…...
Joint Commission on Accreditation Health, (2011). 2012 Standards for Long-term Care. Illinois: Joint Commission Resources.
Joint Commission Reports, (2006). The Joint Commission's Unannounced Survey Process. Illinois: Joint Commission Resources.
Joint Commission Resources, (2007). 2008 Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Long-term Care (CAMLTC). Illinois: Joint Commission Resources.
Joint Commission Resources, (2008). Tracer Methodology: Tips and Strategies for Continuous Systems Improvement. Illinois: Joint Commission Resources.
This idea is supported by a Journal of the American Medical Association. The study found that 60% of the teens surveyed said that their parents knew they were using a clinic for sexual health services. These statistics act as a counterweight to the contention that parental notification laws would improve communication on the subject between teens and their parents. Additionally, 18% of teens said that if they were legally required to tell their parents about their use of the clinic, they would not seek contraceptive services at all and instead engage in unsafe sex (Jones 2005).
Defenders of consent laws point out teens need parental notification for other medical procedures. However, the relatively few states in the union that demand parental consent laws suggest that the perceived harms of controls outweigh the potential benefits of restrictions. Ethically, if a healthcare provider is offering family planning services to a teen, it…...
Jones, Rachel K., Alison Purcell, Susheela Singh & Lawrence B. Finer. (2005). Adolescents'
reports of parental knowledge of adolescents' use of sexual health services and their reactions to mandated parental notification for contraception.
The Alan Guttmacher Institute. Retrieved June 24, 2011 at
Katz, Laura L. & Marshall B. Paul. (2002). When a physician may refuse to treat a patient.
This performance data will be graphed to identify general trends and specific repeat offenders for corrective action, including contacting the individual(s) responsible for minute preparation to clarify requirements and reiterate their responsibilities. If specific problem areas are identified (i.e., failure to include an agenda, lack of attendee information, etc.), in-services that target these deficient areas could be developed.
The in-service would be repeated as deemed necessary but on an annual basis at a minimum in order to maintain compliance with the 30-day submission requirement for properly prepared minutes that contained all necessary information for use in the integrated quality assurance program.
Affeldt, J.E. (1980, February). The new quality assurance standard of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. Western Journal of Medicine, 132, 166-170.
Cummins, J.E. (2007, April 4). Letters in the editor's mailbag. The egister-Guard, 8.
Kuhn, .L. (1999). Generating creativity and innovation in large bureaucracies. Westport, CT:
Quorum Books.
Landrum, M.B., Normand, L.T.…...
Affeldt, J.E. (1980, February). The new quality assurance standard of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. Western Journal of Medicine, 132, 166-170.
Cummins, J.E. (2007, April 4). Letters in the editor's mailbag. The Register-Guard, 8.
Kuhn, R.L. (1999). Generating creativity and innovation in large bureaucracies. Westport, CT:
Quorum Books.
Nurse Leadership Literature
Cummings, et al. (2010) found that relational leadership led to greater productivity, effectiveness, and extra effort when compared to task-focused leadership styles. The importance of the study to the current research is that it found that the nursing workforce can achieve better outcomes for patients by promoting relational leadership styles (Cummings, et al., 2010). The research conducted by Cummings, et al. (2010) will be especially useful in the current research as it examined the contribution of nursing leadership styles in hospitals with the extremely important indicator of patient 30-day mortality. Cummings et al. (2010) controlled for patient demographics, co-morbidities and institutional and hospital nursing characteristics, their research is robust and can be confidently used to account for the association between patient outcomes and nurse leadership styles. Because the researchers teased out attributes of leadership that center on collegial interactions among professionals, Cummings, et al. (2010) added to…...
Aiken, L.H., Clarke, S.P., Sloane, D.M., Sochalski, J.A., Busse, R., Clarke, H., Giovannetti, P., Hunt, J., Rafferty, A.M., and Shamian, J. (2001, May). Nurses' reports on hospital care in five countries. Health Affairs, 20(3), 43-53.doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.20.3.43
Aiken, L.H., Clarke, S.P., Sloane, D.M., Lake, E.T., and Cheney, T. (2008, May). Effects of hospital care environment on patient mortality and nurse outcomes. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(5): 223 -- 229.doi: 10.1097/01.NNA.0000312773.42352.d7. PMCID: PMC2586978. NIHMSID: NIHMS74339
Aiken, L.H., Sloane, D.M., Bryneel, L., Van den Heede, K., Griffiths, Pl, Busse, R., Diomidous, M., Kinnunen, J., Kozka, M., Lesaffre, E., McHugh, M.D., Moreno-Casbas, M.T., Rafferty, A.M., Schwendimann, R., Scott, P.N., Tisehelman, C., van Achterberg, T., & Sermeus, W. (2014, May 24). Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. The Lancet, 383(9931). 1824 -- 1830. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62631-8
Brady Germain, P. & Cummings, G.G. (2010, May). The influence of nursing leadership on nurse performance: a systematic literature review. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(4), 425-39. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01100.x.
Both older children and adolescents should be
participating in Asthma-Action Plan goals and taught self-management techniques.
Older Adults
Older adults have difficulty in administering the inhalers well, either due to arthritis or poor hand to mouth / nose coordination. They may also have concurrent emphysema or chronic bronchitis, creating a permanent non-reversible lung function impairment. They also tend to develop aspirin sensitivity and medications should be adjusted for this factor.
3) Stay hydrated and breathe properly.
When the lungs are dehydrated, anything else that is wrong with the air, such as pollution, is going to make the lungs feel worse. The lungs function best at normal body temperature, and need the right amount of moisture.
It is important to emphasize with patients to breathe through their noses, not through their mouths. The major function of the nose is to filter the air and bring it to the right temperature and appropriate humidity. Thus, when a…...
Ben-Joseph, Elena Pearl. (2010, October). Recommendations and modification for behavior and environment on poor air quality days. American Lung Association, Nemours Center for Children's Health information pamphlet, p. 1-3.
Prosser, Theresa R. (2000, December). Asthma Treatment when Air Quality is Poor. National Asthma Education Program, NIH publication 91-3042.
Evolving Models of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery
Globally there is a need for health reforms owing to the rising costs of health care, rise in chronic illnesses affecting the masses, and aging populations. To meet the need for health reforms nursing practitioners should take the lead, fully using their skills and capabilities in helping draft and implement health policies. This might involve nurses assuming leadership roles or even entrepreneurship roles. Even though nursing practitioners form the largest group of health care professionals, their scope of practice within the overall healthcare sector is often restricted. This need not be the case. Nurses can play important roles in enhancing healthcare services in cost effective ways. However, for this to be achieved there is a need to see nurses as equal partners in the provision of health care services. The best way to grow and restructure the field of nursing within the entire…...
Institute of Medicine (U.S.) (2011). Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Initiative on the Future of Nursing. The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health.
Richard, R. (2011, June 1). Future of Nursing special: Practicing to potential. Retrieved January
8, 2016, from
Nurses and Abdominal Pain Patient Care
The people that make up a medical setting contribute immensely and provide the professional care they know to patients who visit the place, whether it's a clinic or a hospital. When the patient first walks in, he or she will meet the desk clerk and other people who will help her get settled in. However, none are the most important when it comes to first professional contact than nurses. The role of nurses is important when patients are in tremendous pain and agony. The purpose of this paper is to explore the different things, methods, and strategies nurses are expected to do in situations where patients are presented with abdominal pain. Overall, it is seem that nurses supplement and complement care on behalf of physicians and their patients.
Most of the people who come through the doors of a clinic, physician's office, emergency room, or going…...
Cole, E., Lynch, A., & Cugnoni, H. (2006). Assessment Patient Acute Abdominal Pain. Nursing Standard, 20(38), 56-64.
Chinese Medicine Impact on Patient Care
One may perceive traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), employed in Southeast Asian nations such as China, Japan, Korea etc., as a key CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) element. TCM in the field of therapy has been winning immense popularity worldwide, since decades. It can be regarded as one of human society's most priceless treasures; TCM practice is constantly improved through extensive hands-on experience in therapy and wellness maintenance. The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has, as a matter of fact, included moxibustion and acupuncture in the epresentative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010 (Zhang, Kong, Zhang & Li, 2012).
Introduction- easons for wide acceptability
The May 2009 World Health Assembly esolution on Traditional Medicine (WHA 62.13), owing to its extensive contribution and history in healthcare, encouraged all WHO member countries to formulate policies for integrating traditional therapies into their health systems.…...
Bodeker, G., Kronenberg, F. and Burford, G. (2007b). Policy and Public Health Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicine: An Overview in G. Bodeker and G. Burford eds., Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy and Public Health Perspectives, Imperial College Press, pp. 9-38.
Liu, S., Chuang, W., Lam, W., Jiang, Z., & Cheng, Y. (2015). Safety Surveillance of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Current and Future. Drug Safety, 38(2), 117-128. doi:10.1007/s40264-014-0250-z
Patwardhan, B. (2005). Traditional Medicine: A Novel Approach for Available, Accessible and Affordable Health Care, A paper submitted for Regional consultation on Development of Traditional Medicine in the South-East Asia Region, Korea, World Health Organization.
Payyappallimana, U. (2009).Role of Traditional Medicine in Primary Health Care: An Overview of Perspectives and Challenges. Yokohama Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 14 No. 6
Curricular instruction on what to expect both practically and emotionally from the patient and his or her surrounding support system will be instrumental in preparing to help these individuals navigate the difficult course of treatment.
Designed Nursing Case:
Instruction through the Electronically-mediated approach would ultimately segue into graduating involvement with real case management scenarios. The practical design of this aspect of the curriculum will revolve on breast cancer, which is useful for our purposes both because of its commonality and its high survival rate with early detection and properly stewarded treatment. Therefore, nurses undergoing the curriculum would follow up the GEM driven instruction period with engagement of several written case scenarios. Said scenarios would describe subjects undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer treatment with differentials including age, additional health considerations, family circumstances, socioeconomic context and a host of other circumstances which might impact treatment. Nurses will be asked to compose treatment strategies…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Bunce-Houston, M. (2010). Maintaining Chemotherapy Administration Competency in a Small Hospital. The Oncology Nurse-APN/PA.
Chambers, M. (2007). GEM-Nursing. Tennessee Center for Nursing.
Lakhan, S. (2006). The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Illness. Connexions.
Limburg, C.E. (2007). Screening, Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of Cancer Therapy-Induced Bone Loss in Patients with Breast Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(1), 55-63.
Building An Effective Team to Support and Improve Patient CareWhen forming a quality improvement team, the strategy to implement is to include the right people on the team (Al-Mansour et al., 2020). Before determining who the right people are, we should first determine the team's aim. For our case, the objective is to support and improve patient care. Therefore, our team should comprise nurses and nursing leadership with experience in patient care. The second aspect will be considering the system that relates to our aim of supporting and improving patient care. Lastly, we should ensure the team comprises members familiar with all aspects of patient care. The most critical part of a team is the members. The ideal team members should ideally be interacting directly with the patients, willing to learn from the other team members, ready to maintain open communication, willing to assume individual responsibility that contributes to the…...
Al-Mansour, L. A., Dudley-Brown, S., & Al-Shaikhi, A. (2020). Development of an Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team for Pressure Injury Management: A Quality Improvement Project. Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 47(4), 349-352.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d). Science of improvement: Forming the team.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration. (n.d). Improvement teams.
Introduction and background Healthcare centers all over the US have been looking for cost- cutting techniques whilst simultaneously retaining the superior quality of their patient care delivery. Considering the present economic scenario, cost- cutting is vital for healthcare organizations’ continued functioning. An estimated growth in the number of patients lacking the funds to pay for services and Medicare/ Medicaid reimbursement decline together contribute to a financially trying time for the health sector. Facilities’ inability to be proactive in responding to the aforementioned shifting trends may result in dramatic cuts, capable, successively, of greatly limiting small communities’ access to health care. Such a scenario compels healthcare organizations to come up with creative solutions to save, financially. Making adjustments to a facility’s nurse assistant, registered nurse (RN) and licensed nurse practitioner skills mix in a given nursing unit may facilitate the delivery of more effective patient care, thereby enhancing both provider and patient…...
Berlin, G., & Grote, K. (2013). Creating and sustaining change in nursing care delivery.Cioffi, J., & Ferguson, L. (2009). Team Nursing in Acute Care Settings: Nurses\\' Experiences. Contemporary Nurse, 33(1), 2-12.Fowler, J., Hardy, J., & Howarth, T. (2006). Trialing Collaborative Nursing Models of Care: the Impact of Change. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23(4), 40- 46.Gier, K. (2013). The Effects of a Care Delivery Model Change on Nursing Staff and Patient Satisfaction. Gardner-Webb University.Mattila, E., Pitkänen, A., Alanen, S., Leino, K., Luojus, K., Rantanen, A., & Aalto, P. (2014). The effects of the primary nursing care model: a systematic review.Potter, P., DeShields, T., & Kuhrik, M. (2010). Delegation Practices between Registered Nurses and Nursing Assistive Personnel. Journal of Nursing Management, 18, 157-165.Wagner, D., & Bear, M. (2008). Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care: A Concept Analysis within a Nursing Framework. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(3), 692- 701.
Inpatient falls constitute a major clinical, supervisory, and legal issue, though not much information exists on the subject of successful fall reductions (Rosenthal, 2007). CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has ceased to reimburse healthcare facilities for traumatic inpatient falls. With increased aging of the American population, preventing falls has become more important than ever before. Elderly, weak patients depict greater risk of falls, with more serious consequences. Fall prevention within the nation’s acute care facilities gives rise to distinctive challenges, considering the fact that it involves severely ailing patients with an average hospital stay of a mere 4.9 days. Such a compressed acuity increases healthcare practitioners’ burden to ensure patient safety; thus, fall prevention intervention results for long-term patient care organizations might not be applicable to facilities providing acute care. Likewise, international results might probably not be generalizable to the American context, as international hospitalization durations tend to…...
Aiken, L. (2005). Improving quality through nursing. In D. Mechanic, D. L. Rogut, D. Colby, & J. Knickman (Eds.), Policy challenges in modern health care (pp. 177). New Brunswick: Rutgers University PressAmerican Nurse Today. (2015). Focus on falls prevention. Retrieved from Hampel, S., Newberry, S., Wang, Z., Booth, M., Shanman, R., Johnsen, B., … Ganz, D. (2013). Hospital Fall Prevention: A Systematic Review of Implementation, Components, Adherence, and Effectiveness. J Am Geriatr Soc, 61(4), 483–494. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12169McCarter-Bayer, A., Bayer, F., & Hall, K. (2005). Preventing falls in acute care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 31(3), 25-33.McKinley, C., Fletcher, A., Biggins, A., McMurray, A., Birtwhistle, S., Gardiner, L., … Lockhart, J. (2007). Evidence-based Management Practice: Reducing Falls in Hospital. Collegian, 14(2). Retrieved from, M. B. (2007). Nonpayment for performance? Medicare\\\\'s new reimbursement rule. N Engl J Med, 357, 1573–1575Western Australia Department of Health. (2003). Falls Prevention Policy. Perth: WADOHWoloshynowych, M., Rogers, S., Taylor-Adams, S., & Vincent, C. (2005). The investigation and analysis of critical incidents and adverse events in healthcare. Health Technology Assessment, 9(19).
To evaluate the US healthcare system, there are two areas that have to be considered. One of these is patient care, and the other is finances. A healthcare system can only be effective if patients are getting the care they need, and if they\'re getting it in a timely manner. The system also has to be sustainable, and if it is not possible to afford the system, then changes need to be made to it. These changes should not compromise the care given to patients, though, and it can be difficult to provide proper, quality care at a price that....
Infection control specifically refers to stopping the spread of disease in healthcare settings and during health care procedures, such as surgeries. It is a catchall phrase that refers to a wide variety of behaviors or practices that can result in the elimination or reduction of disease transmission in these settings. We are happy to provide you with some suggested topics and titles for an essay about infection control.
Essay Topics
Best hygiene practices for pre-surgical prep of skin to prevent surgical-site infections
Does the routine use of masks in non-surgical medical examinations and routines reduce infectious disease transmission....
For the last decade, total quality management has been considered the gold standard in quality management in the healthcare setting. Therefore, the question is not really whether we can apply total quality management in hospitals, but what steps hospitals need to take to implement this type of management within their organizations.
The first thing to keep in mind is that modern hospitals are not simply hospitals; they are almost all part of larger healthcare networks. This has the potential of dramatically improving patient care, as the range of care that a patient can access through a....
For several years, healthcare has been an important topic, not just in the world at large, but also in academia. Healthcare has been one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy, has offered a boom in terms of employment, and is a hot button political issue since access to healthcare remains very class-based in the modern United States. The COVID-19 pandemic and what it has meant about access to health care and the quality of healthcare that is being provided has only made it that much more important to focus on
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