Parents Essays (Examples)

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parenting'styles and authoritative permissive
Pages: 2 Words: 655

Parenting styles vary, and include authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and harmonious styles. All of these styles are relatively common, varying depending on culture and individual differences. Television shows reveal different parenting styles. For example, on the sitcom Modern Family, different parenting styles are evident. Gloria is occasionally authoritarian in her approach, but otherwise the parenting style evident in all the three different family units is harmonious. Harmonious parenting styles are superior to authoritarian, authoritative, permissive styles in that they prepare the child for healthy social relationships with others.
Moreover, harmonious parenting styles help achieve a harmonious household. Harmonious parenting styles create win-win scenarios as shown in the video explaining the different styles of parenting. When the child wants something, and the parents also want to enforce some rules of conduct, a conflict may ensue. An authoritarian parent will lay down the law, refusing to give into any of the child's requests. The…...

Parent-Child Relationship Inventory the Need
Pages: 5 Words: 1572

Finally, Boothroyd (2010) suggests that because the authors of PCI do not provide guidance on how parents are defined, the assessment may not be appropriate for families with a parenting structure other than two biological parents. It seems that while the PCI is considered a valid and reliable assessment for some populations, further study should be conducted with a more diverse norming sample.

Coffman, J.K., Guerin, D.W., & Gottfried, A.W. (2006). eliability and validity of the parent-child relationship inventory (PCI): Evidence from a longitudinal cross-informant investigation. Psychological Assessment, 18(2), 209-214. doi:10.1037/1040-3590.18.2.209

Gerard, A.B.Parent-child relationship inventory Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; ephone [HIDDEN]; FAX [HIDDEN]; Web: etrieved from

Heinze, M.C., & Grisso, T. (1996). eview of instruments assessing parenting competencies used in child custody evaluations. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 14(3), 293-313. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0798(199622)14:33.0.CO;2-0

Schroeder, V., & Kelley, M. (2009). Associations between family environment, parenting practices, and executive…...



Coffman, J.K., Guerin, D.W., & Gottfried, A.W. (2006). Reliability and validity of the parent-child relationship inventory (PCRI): Evidence from a longitudinal cross-informant investigation. Psychological Assessment, 18(2), 209-214. doi:10.1037/1040-3590.18.2.209

Gerard, A.B.Parent-child relationship inventory Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; ephone [HIDDEN]; FAX [HIDDEN]; Web: Retrieved from 

Heinze, M.C., & Grisso, T. (1996). Review of instruments assessing parenting competencies used in child custody evaluations. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 14(3), 293-313. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0798(199622)14:33.0.CO;2-0

Schroeder, V., & Kelley, M. (2009). Associations between family environment, parenting practices, and executive functioning of children with and without ADHD. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 18(2), 227-235. doi:10.1007/s10826-008-9223-0

Parent-Child Relationship Codi Has a Very Complicated
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Parent-Child Relationship
Codi has a very complicated relationship with her father. It is not a conventional relationship. Their relationship to each other is renewed after her father falls ill. Her father (Doc Homer) has a different relationship with his daughters. His daughters, hallie and Codi moved out of their father's house when they grew up to adolescents. They both want to lead independent lives of their own. There has always been distance between the father and daughter ever since they were young. Something was lacking in their relationship and that was the only way of making the relationship work.

Their father had always separated them from the rest of the community and not let his offspring discover the true roots of their identity. He does not want to remember his ties to the Gracela valley and tries to forget them. He has never let his daughters reach out to him, which created…...

Parenting Program for Women and
Pages: 150 Words: 41621

There are many of these individuals, and it is time that this is changed.
Parents often look away from these kinds of problems, or they spend their time in denial of the issue because they feel that their child will not be harmed by parental involvement with drugs or alcohol. Some parents have parents that were/are addicts themselves, and some are so busy with their lives that they do not actually realize that their child has any kind of problem with the lifestyle of the parent until it becomes so severe that it cannot be overlooked, or until it is brought to their attention by police, the school, or someone else that has seen it first hand. Parents are not the only ones that overlook this issue, though.

Sometimes siblings and friends also see problems that they ignore, do not understand, or do not talk to anyone about, and the school…...



Aleman-Padilla, L. 2002. Babies First gets last word on infant care Hundreds recognize groups contribution at fourth annual event. The Fresno Bee.

Anderson, D. 2004. Funding cuts impact health services. Precinct Reporter.

Anderson, S.A. (2000). How parental involvement makes a difference in reading achievement. Reading Improvement.

Baker, P.L. (2000). I didn't know: discoveries and identity transformation of women addicts in treatment. Journal of Drug Issues, 30, 863-881.

Parenting Sally Bounces Her Six-Month-Old Boy on
Pages: 3 Words: 1011

Sally bounces her six-month-old boy on her knee while she responds enthusiastically to my questions. At twenty-six she is a relatively young mother; however, Sally had her first child when she was only eighteen.

A wasn't using any birth control at the time," she tells me. "I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to support my kid without dropping out of college, but I made it! Joey here wasn't an accident," she tells me frankly. "I thought the relationship was going to last, but you know how these things go."

Many of the single mothers I interviewed for this study shared similar sentiments: most of expected their relationships with men would last and that they could form a "big, happy family." Their disillusionment has made some of them stronger, others bitter and mistrusting of members of the opposite sex. Sally is of the former camp; her lively attitude is refreshing,…...

Parent and Teacher Communication
Pages: 4 Words: 1307

Parent Communication Plan Introduction
Parent-teacher communication is one of the bedrocks of education. The reason for this is that education is not something that solely transpires in the classroom. It extends outside its walls and continues on into the real world. The student’s home is one area where education also occurs, and that is not the realm of the teacher but rather of the parent. Thus, to ensure that both parent and teacher are on the same page and are communicating the same vital messages and lessons to the child, it is wise that they themselves communicate with one another, share ideas, and discuss important issues that are likely to be faced by the child (Graham-Clay, 2005). As Merkley, Schmidt, Dirksen and Fuhler (2006) point out, there are many ways in which parent-teacher communication can be conducted today: the face-to-face meeting is always an option, but technological advancements have also made it…...

Parenting Programs Child Abuse Child Abuse
Pages: 4 Words: 1277

For example, Leventhal (2001) analyzed different intervention methodology and implementation of home-based services aimed at preventing abuse and neglect as well as promoting the health and development of the infant and mother, by specifically looking at the Healthy Families Olds' models.
Kass and colleagues (2003) from Fight Crime: Invest in Kids argue that the cycle of violence can be prevented with intervention methods including parenting education. oberts, Wolman and Harris-Looby (2004, p. 101) state that "teaching students parenting skills may be the most cost-effective way to reduce violent and abusive behaviors and prevent the transfer of violent behaviors from generation to generation." They found that for less than $1,000, Project Baby Care, a parental training program developed for adolescents proved successful in improving parental knowledge and skills and attitudes toward caring for an infant.

Another study (Hughs & Gottlieb, 2004), regarding the effects of the Webster-Stratton parenting program on parenting skills…...



Belsky, J. & Vondra, J. (1989), 'Lessons from child abuse: The determinants of parenting', in D. Cicchetti & V. Carlson (Eds), Child Maltreatment: Theory and Research on the Causes and Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect, New York: Cambridge University Press, 153-202.

Chalk, R. & King, P.A. (Eds) (1998), Violence in Families: Assessing Prevention and Treatment Programs, Washington DC: National Academy Press,

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (U.S.), Administration on Children, Youth, and Families (ACF). Child maltreatment 2003. Washington (DC): Government Printing Office; 2005. Website retrieved May 10, 2007

Fine, M.J. (1980), Handbook on Parent Education, Academic Press, New York.

Parenting Co-Sleeping Has More Advantage
Pages: 4 Words: 1257

More Care Giving to Babies:

One of the biggest advantages of co sleeping is increase in breast feeding (McKenna, 1994; Richard et al., 1996). This is admitted even by the most conventional American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that co-sleeping has the most advantage of breast feeding. According to the research, mothers who co-sleep breast feed an average of twice as long as non-co-sleeping mothers. Moreover, the act of sucking in breast feeding increases oxygen flow, which is useful for both baby's growth and immune functions (McKenna, 1994).

In addition, co-sleeping infants also get more notice and protective care. The studies have shown that mothers who co-sleep provides five times the number of care like as adjusting the baby's blanket, stroking or cuddling as compared to those mothers who were non-co sleepers (Mosko, 1997).

Long-Term Benefits of Co- Sleeping in Children as adults

Higher self-esteem:

Those boys who co-slept with their parents during the time of…...


Works Cited

La Leche League International, Inc. (1997). The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. (6th rev. ed.)

Schaumberg, IL: Author

Davies, L. (1995). Babies Co-sleeping with Parents. Midwives: Official Journal of the Royal

Heinig, M.J. (2000). Bed sharing and infant mortality: Guilt by association? Journal of Human

Parenting in Elizabethan Times Family
Pages: 3 Words: 756

At the end of the play, she dies of a broken heart following the death of her son. Romeo, by contrast, is a typical teenager. He probably loves his parents but does not give the relationship much thought or consider their feelings. As a typical teenager, he is self-involved.

Juliet's parents care about her, but in the way that would have been typical ob

Elizabethan nobility. That is, Juliet loves her parents and respects them as a dutiful daughter should, but her relationship with her nurse is much closer. Since the nurse raised

Juliet, this is not surprising.

V. Relationships outside the immediate family are also important in Romeo and Juliet.


Because of relatively short life expectancy in Elizabethan times as well as high infant mortality rates and mortality rates in general, extended families were not large. The play features several minor characters, men and women who are related in various ways to the…...

Parent With a Young Child and a
Pages: 3 Words: 994

parent with a young child and a demanding job -- whether it is a mother or a father -- has challenges that a family with both parents on board does not experience, in most cases. And when you add to the equation the fact that the single parent in this case is a male in the U.S. Army, there are complications and serious work-life balance issues to be addressed. After all, the health and care of the child in question must be at the top of the list of priorities, along with the employment of the father and the balance of the conflicting challenges and issues.
As a single dad with a young child, I already face challenges when it comes to raising my child, providing a good home and good health for the child; but in addition I am in the U.S. Army and my duties and responsibilities necessarily…...


Works Cited

Britt, T.W., Adler, A.B., and Castro, C.A. (2006). Military Life: The military family. Chicago,

IL: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Lieke, L, Brummelhuis, T., and Van Der Lippe, T. (2010). Effective Work-Life Balance

Support for Various Household Structures. Human Resource Management, 49(2), 173-193.

Parenting in the 21st Century
Pages: 10 Words: 3233

For example, Walker and Hennig add that, "It has frequently been found that children (particularly boys) in divorced, mother-custody families exhibit lower levels of well-being than children in intact families, with more externalizing and internalizing behavior problems and lower levels of cognitive and social competence" (p. 64). My son is also currently at a formative period that has special significance for single-parents families. For instance, Walker and Hennig also point out that, "Single-mother families are often affectively charged, with high instrumental affection combined with high negativity and conflict, particularly in the transition to adolescence" (1997, p. 64).
The "transition to adolescence" can be a rocky period in anyone's life, of course, and it is reasonable to expect my son to experience some problems in general and with me in particular during this transitional period. Fortunately, this challenging developmental period is eased somewhat as children grow into mid-adolescence. As Walker and…...



Burns, A. & Scott, C. (1999). Mother-headed families and why they have increased. Hillsdale,

NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Crossman, S.M. & Adams, G.R. (1990). Divorce, single parenting and child development.

Journal of Psychology, 106(2), 205-207.

Parenting Because Parenting Is'so Very Personal
Pages: 2 Words: 840

Because parenting is so very personal, I approached this essay with a lot of curiosity, and even some amount of concern over what the literature on the subject might reveal. I expected to find a number of high-minded platitudes and very little practical advice that would be useful in the day-to-day trenches of the parenting wars. I'm pleased to say how wrong I was.

The first thing I noticed was that in article after I article, they were filled with heartwarming supportive advice, almost all dos and almost no don'ts. The next thing I noticed was that all the articles acknowledged that these are very trying times in which to be a parent. The message was uniformly the same: expect to make some mistakes but be encouraged that it's well within one's reach to be a good parent.

Seth Mullins (2008) makes the point that in today's world, we are bombarded…...


Works Cited

Better Parenting. (2010). Dealing with modern parenting challenges. Retrieved July 21, 2011 from 

Gaikwad, M. (2011). Challenges in modern parenting styles. website. Retrieved July 21, 2011 from 

Mullins, S. (2008). The challenge of modern parenting. Website. Retrieved July 21, 2011 from

Parenting Skills and Early Placement of Children
Pages: 4 Words: 1136

Parenting Skills and Early Placement of Children in Daycare Settings
This paper presents a detailed discussion about daycare and the possible correlation between parenting skills and early placement of children in daycare settings. The writer explores the effects of daycare on children as well as the parenting skill possibilities that lead a parent to place their child into an early day care setting. There were ten sources used to complete this paper.

Since the women's movement took hold about four decades ago millions of children have been placed into daycare systems across the nation. This movement has sparked huge debates on the impact of daycare on children including children who have been placed in their daycare settings at a very early age. Some focus has been on the parenting skills of those who place their children into daycare at an early age and whether or not the parenting skills or lack…...



Abril, David (2000). Stanford undergrad parents look for assistance., University Wire,.

Author not available (1995). After-school childcare difficult., The Evening Post (Wellington, New Zealand), pp 6.

Dhooma, Rashida (!999). THE NEW PARENT TRAP., The Toronto Sun, pp 91.

Author not available (2000). Gun found in three-year-old's bag at daycare., Agence France Presse English,.

Parent Program Components
Pages: 7 Words: 2168

Grant Proposal for Strengthening the Family Unit
Program Design and Implementation

The overall design and structure of the program will orbit around multiple activities and methodologies which are designed to fortify the overall family unit, most notably the parental unit. Parenting is an extremely challenging endeavor and one which can put a considerable strain on a marriage -- even the strongest marriage. Thus, one of the foremost aspects of the program in general will consist of a parenting skills training program to minimize behavior problems in young children (particularly when these children are at the most difficult age) by bolstering the level of parent self-efficacy through beneficial parenting behaviors and overall child discipline strategies (NEPP, 2012).

Many of the strategies used in this case will be modeled after the Chicago Parent Program (CPP), which is an extremely well organized program that is founded in the notion that parents play the most fundamental part…...



Flay, B., & Allred, C. (2010). The Positive Action Program. International Research Handbook on Values Education, 471-481.

GGC. (2012, July). Guiding Good Choices. Retrieved from NREPP: [HIDDEN]

Lia, K., Washburn, I., & DuBois, D. (2011). Effects of the Positive Action programme on problem behaviours in elementary school students. Psychology and Health, 187-204.

NREPP. (2012, August). Chicago Parent Program. Retrieved from NREPP

Parenting Styles Can Be Generally
Pages: 2 Words: 512

At the same time, authoritative parents use discipline judiciously.
Unlike authoritative parents, permissive parents shy away from discipline. They are overly indulgent to their child's whims. Permissive parents tolerate a wide range of behaviors that would not be tolerated by either authoritarian or authoritative parents. Although permissive parents can be emotionally nurturing, they often erect barriers to parent-child communication because of not paying closer attention to the developmental and maturation needs of the child.

Authoritative parents do not show much warmth toward their children. They can be unresponsive and emotionally detached, demanding a "be seen, not heard" environment. Discipline is heavy-handed but unlike authoritative parents, authoritarian parents do not explain their punishments or communicate with their children. However, they do not coddle their children like permissive parents do and do not tolerate emotional outbursts.

The effect of parenting style on self-esteem has been widely studied. Children who grow up in an authoritarian…...



Warash, B. & Markstrom, C. (2001). Parental perceptions of parenting styles in relation to academic self-esteem of preschoolers. Education. 121(3).

Does divorce cause juvenile delinquency?
Words: 157

According to some authors, divorce is a problem when it comes to delinquency. Others do not see a strong correlation. For example, "The variables that predict male delinquency were found to be different from those that predict female delinquency. Characteristics of the parents' marriage play an important role for boys, while misbehavior of girls is more strongly predicted by variables measuring parent-child interaction and parental control." comes from and appears to say that only boys are affected by factors in their parents' marriage when it comes to delinquency. However, this article: states that divorce is a cause of....

What are some reasons that cyberbullying is could be considered more harmful than traditional bullying?
Words: 395

Cyberbullying, which is defined as bullying that takes place over digital devices, is both similar to and different from traditional bullying.  In addition, it can take place in isolation or in combination with traditional forms of bullying.  It can involve a wide range of behaviors, including posing or sharing negative, harmful, mean, false, embarrassing, or humiliating information about the target.  It can also involve harassing behaviors.  Sometimes cyberbullying behaviors are criminal, and sometimes they are not.  Cyberbullying can occur on social media, in emails, by text or DM, in SMS, in games, in forums, and in a....

Can you explain and discuss how the theme of resistance in relation to politics, religion, parents, etc.) in Heart of Darkness by Conrad, Things Fall Apart by Achebe, and Purple Hibiscus by Adichie?
Words: 393

In order to really understand resistance in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, it is important to look at all of the characters and not just the highlighted European males, such as the protagonist Marlowe, that sit at the center of the story.  That is because resistance is the undercurrent behind all of the action in the story.  The main characters are always acting against the threat of resistance by the African people who are often portrayed as victims, but are consistently offering resistance to the colonizers, as evidenced by the arrow attack by the natives on the ship. ....

Discuss the ideas developed by the playwright, William Shakespeare, in the play, Romeo and Juliet about the significance of truth in an individual’s life?
Words: 367

Full confession.  We find Romeo and Juliet to be one of Shakespeare’s least appealing plays, and one of the reasons is because, while the theme of truth (and the related theme of lies) plays a significant role in the play, there is also the questions of whether the characters are even old enough to possess the self-awareness that is required for lying about feelings. 

When Romeo professes his love for Juliet, she wonders if his words are true.  Her worries are based in the fact that, even at her young age, Juliet seems to know that sometimes boys....

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