Pakistan Essays (Examples)

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Pakistan ISI
Pages: 4 Words: 1273

Pakistan's ISI: 'A Kingdom Within a Kingdom'?
Pakistan is one of the indispensable allies of the United States in the war on terror, especially in the current struggle against Taliban and other extremist movements in Central Asia. ut the American relationship with Pakistan has remained precarious, partly because of the shadowy activities of Pakistan's main intelligence service the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI). According to Sean Winchell, until the Pakistani general and the President Pervez Musharraf took the organization under control, "the ISI has been a 'kingdom within a kingdom,' answerable to neither the army nor Pakistan's President."

ut the ISI always remained closer to -- and more dependant -- on the Army than on the civilian government. Pakistani leaders with close military ties have greatly increased the ISI mandate, increasing its power and influence within and outside Pakistan. Taking control of the ISI activities therefore will remain a great challenge for the civilian…...



Bajoria, Jayshree. "The ISI and Terrorism: Behind the Accusations." Council on Foreign Relations May 4, 2010 (accessed December 15, 2011).

Moreau, Ron and Barry, John. 2010. "WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE.." Newsweek 156, no. 6: 24. MAS Ultra - School Edition, EBSCOhost (accessed December 15, 2011).

Rooney, John Jack. 2010. "An Inconvenient Truth: Pakistan's ISI and the Afghan Taliban." New Presence: The Prague Journal Of Central European Affairs 12, no. 2: 37-40. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed December 15, 2011).

WINCHELL, SEAN P. "Pakistan's ISI: The Invisible Government." International Journal Of Intelligence & Counterintelligence 16, no. 3 (Fall 2003): 374. Historical Abstracts with Full Text, EBSCOhost (accessed December 15, 2011).

Pakistan Economy Currently There Is
Pages: 16 Words: 4110

In addition the continued decline of the fiscal account will affect both debt sustainability and external balances ("Monetary Policy Decision").
As it pertains to medium term fiscal sustainability which must be present to achieve necessary overall macroeconomic stability, the tax-GDP ratio must be increased ("Monetary Policy Decision"). Additionally government expenditures must decrease ("Monetary Policy Decision"). The article also reports that the revenue deficit, which represents the difference between total revenues and current expenditure, has to be reduced to zero as established by the Fiscal esponsibility and Debt Limitation (FDL) Act signed into law in 2005 ("Monetary Policy Decision"). In fiscal year 2009 the revenue deficit was 1.5% of GDP and it is anticipated that the revenue deficit 2% of the expected GDP in FY10 ("Monetary Policy Decision"). The article explains that the reduction of development expenditures may be successful in providing immediate relief but at the same time such reductions…...



"Budget deficit to overshoot target." Retrieved from 

Chaudhry S. (2008) "WTO members identify barriers in trade with Pakistan" Retrieved from

"Finance Ministry re-evaluating capital gains tax mechanism." Retrieved from   -- evaluating-capital-gains-tax-mechanism.html 

Ganguly S . (2001) Conflict unending: India-Pakistan tensions since 1947. Columbia University Press,

Pakistan Is Currently Ruled by
Pages: 2 Words: 828

S. In Pakistan, especially in the border areas. Any attacks by the U.S. forces inside Pakistan, which would invariably entail "collateral damage," are likely to fuel further anti-Americanism. The current policy of Musharraf to seek co-operation of the local tribal chiefs in the border areas against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda should be supported by the U.S. A political, rather than a purely military solution to the problem, is the only viable option for the Americans.
Aum Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth) is a doomsday cult that released nerve gas in the Tokyo subway system in March 1995, killing 12 and injuring thousands. At its peak, the cult boasted of a membership of over 10,000 in Japan and about 40,000 in ussia. After a crackdown in the wake of the 1995 attacks which included a death sentence for its leader, Shoko Asahara, its membership has understandably declined to about 650 "live-in" members and 1,000…...



Marshall, Andrew. (July 15, 1999). "It gassed the Tokyo subway, microwaved its enemies and tortured its members. So why is the Aum cult thriving?" The Guardian. Retrieved on June 4, 2007 at,3604,278843,00.html 

Although there is an underlying anti-American popular sentiment in the country due to the consistent U.S. support for Israel and its occupation of Iraq

There is a suspicion in the U.S. that Musharraf is "running with the hare and hunting with the hounds;" this is probably untrue because the Pakistan armed forces have suffered considerable casualties in its operations in the border areas against the Taliban and there have been several suicide attacks inside the country by the Islamists

Pakistan ISI and GWOT
Pages: 2 Words: 753

Pakistan ISI and GWOT
Described variously as a U.S. ally in the war against terror, Pakistan's actual commitment to the U.S. As a reliable partner in the global campaign against terror has in the past come under scrutiny with some accusing the South Asian State of aiding militants in the region. Matters have been made worse by the latent support the U.S. has received from the ISI, the state's foremost national security organ. In this text, I explore whether Pakistan can be considered a reliable partner by the U.S. In the war against terror. Further, I discuss the possibility of a political or military rift emerging between Pakistan and the U.S. given the latter's and by extension ISI's alleged support for some militant groups in the region.

According to Bajoria (2011), the ISI has over time been accused by quite a number of U.S. officials of availing support to various terrorist groups…...



Bajoria, Jayshree. 2011. "The ISI and Terrorism: Behind the Accusations." Council on Foreign Relations.   (accessed December 2, 2011). 

Moreau, Ron. 2010. With Friends Like These….The Afghan Taliban say they have one thing in common with the Americans: they're both getting played by Pakistan. Daily Beast, July 31st.   (accessed December 2, 2011). 

Winchel, Sean P. 2003. Pakistan's ISI: The Invisible Government. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 16: 374- 388

Pakistan Is Pakistan the Most
Pages: 6 Words: 1740

Foreigners wishing to travel in large parts of the country are required to take along a government-appointed armed guard. Pakistan's numerous intelligence agencies are a brooding, malevolent presence in the nation's life. President usharraf has survived a couple of assassination attempts (the first in December of 2003, when usharraf's convoy was attacked twice within two weeks. The second one, on Christmas Day, left 14 people dead and dozens injured). Does this constitute a failed state? aybe not. But it does bespeak a nation whose integrity and unity are-challenged on a daily basis (p. 54)."
usharraf's rule over the military and over the country are in trouble today. Even in the face of usharraf's dictatorship, the people of Pakistan have been able to voice their ideas and to make their support or lack thereof of usharraf known (Alagappa, uthiah, 2004, p. 364).

Despite these periodic setbacks, civil society groups managed to articulate…...


Musharraf's rule over the military and over the country are in trouble today. Even in the face of Musharraf's dictatorship, the people of Pakistan have been able to voice their ideas and to make their support or lack thereof of Musharraf known (Alagappa, Muthiah, 2004, p. 364).

Despite these periodic setbacks, civil society groups managed to articulate public interests, mobilize public opinion, and organize for collective action around legal and political issues, including reforms in the legal system, greater public representation for women, accountability in public office, and respect for human rights. Many of these groups were able to forge links, however tenuous, with other social and political actors to resist the government's antidemocratic actions (p. 364)."

Musharraf has been cooperative with the United States in its efforts to eradicate Afghanistan and the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan of

Pakistan FDI and Portfolio Investment
Pages: 5 Words: 1239

McQueen's research in 1990 demonstrates just how little progress has been made.
McQueen noted in 1990 that, "Pakistan has had consistent growth averaging 6.7% over the last decade, placing it among the fast-growing third-world economies. Some apprehension exists regarding deterioration in the law and order situation in Sindh Province, where in recent months ethnic and politically motivated violence has claimed a number of lives and slowed industrial activity. Regionalism, ethnic violence, and political uncertainty cloud the economic outlook, but many analysts are sanguine.

Pakistan's economy continues to be dominated by agriculture and agro-based industries. Agriculture employs 50% of the labor force in Pakistan, earns (directly or indirectly) approximately 70% to GDP. Industry contributes apporximately 20% to GDP and has become increasingly important to the country's development and export potential. The public sector share in Pakistani industry has diminished over recent years, and in fiscal year 1986, accounted for less than 20%…...



McQueen, Cheryl. 1990. Pakistan; steady growth, increased aid set scene for U.S. Investment. Business America.

Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 2004. Joint statement between the United States of America and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan: September 22, 2004.

Pakistan Culture Organizational Culture or
Pages: 5 Words: 1632

Instead of doubting or suspecting employees of intentionally messing up, they tried to be considerate, understanding providing their best advices to solve problems.
The workflow and organizational structure

At InfoTech, the organization structure was hybrid, with departments divided according to product as well as region. (Discussed in detail in structure). The firm focused on decentralizing authority and empowering employees.

Organizational systems and procedures

At InfoTech, employees were given intensive and extensive training programs in customer service. At InfoTech, employees were rewarded every time they achieved their goals in terms of more sales or more clients (wide-space accounts) with commissions and bonuses. Promotion was strictly based on performance.

Organizational goals and the associated criteria used for recruitment, selection, development, promotion, layoffs and retirement of people

ecruitment is done by placing ads in the newspaper, selection was based on merit and regional managers had the authority to recruit people under his span of control.

Promotion was based on…...



1.All information comes from

Primary sources of the firm utilized through email contact.

Pakistan and China Case Studies
Pages: 3 Words: 1223

Pakistan and China
Infrastructural Development and Labor Availability in Pakistan

Pakistan is a third-world predominantly Muslim republic located in the Continent of Asia between longitudes 610 and 75.450E and latitudes 23.30 and 36.450 N. It borders China in the north, Afghanistan in the north-west, India in the east, Iran in the west, and the Arabian Sea in the south. It covers a total land area of 796, 096 sq. km, with a population of around 130 million, more than two-thirds of which lives in the rural areas.

Fig 1: the Geographical Location of Pakistan (source:

Its strategic location:

Makes it a center of the Muslim world -- to the east lies Bangladesh and a stream of other Muslim countries, to the north lies six Muslim countries that gained their independence from ussia in the 1990s, and to the west lies Iran, Afghanistan, and a chain of Muslim republics spreading through the Middle East…...



Essakalli, M.D. (2005). Rural Access and Mobility in Pakistan. The World Bank. Retrieved 20 March 2015 from (2000). Map: Pakistan. Retrieved 23 March 2015 from,Rural%20and%20Urban%20Development.pdf 

Salman, R. (2011). Pakistan and its Chronic Unemployment. Pakistan Today. Retrieved 23 March 2015 from 

Tao, Z. (2007). Carrefour China: Maintaining its Past Glory or Drowning in the Sea of Competition. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong

Pakistan Failed to Consolidate Its
Pages: 2 Words: 705

On 15 March 2000, for instance, public rallies, demonstration and strikes were banned precisely at the moment when the 18-party opposition Alliance for the estoration of Democracy (AD) demanded national non-rigged elections. Some opposition leaders were arrested, and time and again in preceding and consequent year activists who sought democracy and opposition personnel were arrested on trumped up charges (Talbot, 2002). The first goal of any military regime in Pakistan is to neutralize opposition, and Mussharaf's regime has been no different (Shah, 2007).
Moreover, continuance of sectarian and domestic violence with little concerted attempt to stop it, also prevent Pakistan from failing to consolidate its democracy. Musharraf's promised "liberal and progressive Islam" has failed to replace the "punitive Islam' which, as long as it continues, discourages any democracy from being established (Talbot, 2002). On the contrary: "since independence in 1947, the Pakistani state and political elites generally have sought to…...



Shah, A. (2003) Pakistan's 'armored' democracy. Journal of Democracy, 14, 26-39

Talbot, I. (2002). General Pervez Musharraf: savior or destroy of Pakistan's democracy? Cont. S. Asia, 11, 311-328.

India and Pakistan Relations
Pages: 11 Words: 4300

history of Pakistan and India and how they have progressed since winning independence.
India and Pakistan elations

History of India and Pakistan relations

There is no doubt about the fact that ever since the partition of the sub-continent that took place more than 50 years ago India and Pakistan have been arch rivals. Their animosity goes back to a long time ago and finds its main causes in religion and history, which has taken a turn towards a deadly arms race. There have been many attempts to resolve the issues, but in spite of these efforts relations remain tense. With the recent changes taking place, there is growing concern about the growing hostility between the two countries, which is predicted could change into a war.

Independence and partition

India gained its independence from Britain on 15 August 1947. This was formation of the Hindu-dominated India and the Muslim state of Pakistan, which gained its…...



The Saga of Subhas Bose," review of Leonard Gordon's Brothers Against the Raj, Economic and Political Weekly 27, no. 4 (25 January 1992):155-156.

The Incident of the Crawling Lane: Women in the Punjab Disturbances of 1919," Genders, no. 16 (Spring 1993):35-60.

Surat Under the Raj," review of Douglas Haynes, Rhetoric and Ritual in Colonial India,

Economic and Political Weekly 28, no. 18 (1 May 1993):863-865.

Train to Pakistan
Pages: 3 Words: 896

Train to Pakistan
Khushwant Singh wrote 'Train to Pakistan' in 1956 when the painful memories of 1947 Partition were still fresh and the wounds hadn't yet healed. For this reason, the book reflects the true emotions that people felt when they were forced to abandon their homes in both India and Pakistan to move north or south according to their religious beliefs. It is true that the main reason behind the partition was religion, which had, for many centuries, remained a contentious social issue. While it would be unfair to say that Muslims and Hindus had never been good friends but the fact remains that their friendship, their neighborly love was all marked by ethnic tension that had reached new heights when British came to India.

Prior to that, however, Muslims and Hindus were more or less content with their lives and co-inhabited the same land harmoniously. This was probably because of…...



Khushwant Singh, Train to Pakistan, 1956

India and Pakistan -- Poverty Posing Serious
Pages: 10 Words: 2674

India and Pakistan -- Poverty posing serious threats

The world renowned country, India, growing rapidly at more than 9%, member of BICS block (Brazil, ussia, India, China & South Africa), according to Gold Man Sachs, BICS will produce about 50% of the total world GDP in 2050. But the main threat to India is Poverty which may hurt the sustainable growth. The Indians living in rural part of the country drives their income from agriculture whereas the urban class mostly dependent on scarce jobs. The poverty is nothing new for India; it has been prevailing since independence. In 2010, 1.35 billion (more than 37%) Indians still lives beneath the poverty line. Data revealed that 22% and 15% of the entire rural and urban population of India facing serious financial and physical problems, respectively. There is a huge gap between different states of India owing to bumpy distribution of resources, as well…...



Bhatti, M. (2007). Gap Widens Between Rich and Poor in Pakistan, retrieved May 14, 2011 from 

Chauhan, C. (2011). 2,500 kids die every day: New Delhi May 10, 2011 Issue, retrieved May 14, 2011 from 

Economy Watch, (n.d.). Poverty in India, Economy Watch Website, retrieved May 14, 2011 from  

US Pakistan Relations Recommendations for Improvement
Pages: 4 Words: 1254

U.S.-Pakistan RelationsIntroductionThe U.S. and Pakistan have been strategic partners for a long time. While the U.S. has benefited from the active utilization of Pakistani infrastructure in its war against terrorism in the region, Pakistani has been a beneficiary of both economic and military aid from the U.S. However, in recent times, the U.S.-Pakistani relationship appears to have wavered. This is particularly the case since the current U.S. President won the elections and started advancing the America first agenda. In an article titled Problem Solving in National Security CENTCOM Elective (NSP820A), Group 1 points out that there are quite a number of factors that have contributed to the wavering relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan two former great allies since the late 40s. The authors are categorical that the soured relationship between the two countries affects the interests of both countries. Towards this end, the authors paint a vivid picture…...

India Pakistan Conflict
Pages: 1 Words: 341

dangerous conflicts threatening to undermine global peace and security is between India and Pakistan. The history of the conflict is described in the article, "On the Brink: Are India and Pakistan Headed for ar?" In 1947, after India gained independence from Great Britain, a substantial Muslim minority cried out for an independent Muslim state. Thus, Pakistan was carved out in the north-western part of the subcontinent and Muslim Indians fled there. However, the disputed region of Jammu-Kashmir was a bone of contention. A cease-fire line was drawn, but the two independent nations have engaged in skirmishes and battles over Kashmir for decades. Although Kashmir is officially considered to be a protectorate of India, Pakistan still claims it as Muslim territory. About sixty percent of Kashmir is Muslim; it is India's only Muslim-majority state. The problem worsened when in 1998, both India and Pakistan tested nuclear weapons. The two countries…...


Works Cited

On the Brink: Are India and Pakistan headed for war?" Current Events. 1 Feb 2002. Find Articles. 15 Apr 2003.

Realism Pakistan
Pages: 4 Words: 1480

Realism v. Institutionalism
Realism vs. Institutionalism and the Middle East Crisis

Until fairly recently, the dominant theoretic rubric most analysts of international relations operated under was the theory of realism. The international relations theory of realism holds that each nation-state in the global community operates as a unified, rational actor. Realism as a theory was born and evolved at the same time as the modern conception of the nation-state was coming into its greatest influence in the international community. In contrast, institutionalism, which stresses the need for institutions to broker the peace between warring actors, came into its 'own' as a theory during the second half of the 20th century, well after the end of World War II and the establishment of the United Nations.

According to realism, above all, the nation-state is unified in terms of international affairs and always acts towards its own self-interest. Self-interest, according to realism is defined, by…...

I am due to submit my long essay proposal for Fields of war and humanitarianism and wants some ideas for my proposal structure to submit?
Words: 358

One of the most interesting issues in international relations is the role that nuclear weapons play in the effort to obtain peace.  Many people suggest that nuclear weapons can preserve peace.  The United States was the first country to actively deploy nuclear weapons in an effort to shorten a war by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. The widespread destruction, which was unlike anything ever experienced in a war up to that point, is often credited with ushering in the end of World War II, at least in the Pacific....

Can you offer advice on outlining an essay discussing Describe historical instances of discrimination that prevented immigrants from coming to Canada?
Words: 349

Outline: The Historical Exclusion of Immigrants to Canada

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling anecdote or statistic highlighting the impact of discrimination on immigrant exclusion.
Thesis statement: State that historical instances of discrimination have prevented immigrants from coming to Canada.

II. The Chinese Exclusion Act (1885-1947)

Background: Chinese immigration to Canada in the late 19th century and the growing resentment towards them.
Key provisions of the Act: Head tax, ban on Chinese women, restrictions on immigration.
Impact: Sharp decline in Chinese immigration; creation of a "racial hierarchy" in Canadian society.

III. The Komagata Maru Incident (1914)

Background: The arrival of a ship....

Is there anything in the news related to how do you plan that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 590

Planning for the Future: Lessons from the Headlines

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, and environmental challenges, effective planning has become more essential than ever. The news headlines are replete with stories that highlight the importance of foresight and adaptability in navigating an increasingly complex world.

Climate Change Adaptation

The devastating effects of climate change are making it imperative for communities and governments to plan for extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and other climate-related risks. The recent floods in Pakistan, which displaced millions of people and caused widespread damage, serve as a sobering reminder of the urgent need....

Seeking guidance on formulating a strong nuclear weapons thesis statement. Share your expertise!?
Words: 568

Crafting a Compelling Nuclear Weapons Thesis Statement

In the realm of nuclear policy, formulating a strong thesis statement is paramount to crafting a persuasive academic argument. A well-constructed thesis statement provides a clear roadmap for your research, guiding the development of your ideas and evidence while captivating your audience. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you draft a powerful nuclear weapons thesis statement:

Understanding the Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a concise declaration of your stance or argument regarding a specific topic. In the context of nuclear weapons, a strong thesis statement should:

Make a clear and arguable claim: Your thesis should....

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