Oxycontin Essays (Examples)

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Prescription Drug Abuse Oxycontin Drug
Pages: 5 Words: 1694

It is however important to note that the effectiveness of such a prevention plan is largely dependent on how well it is implemented. In my view, the successful implementation of the plan could see the country freed from the menace of prescription drug abuse. Apart from OxyContin, which is essentially a narcotic painkiller, the other prescription drugs which are commonly abused according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse are stimulants and sedatives (U.S. National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health, 2013).

The abuse of prescription drugs is a problem that must be addressed urgently. In addition to adversely affecting the health of users, prescription drugs could also lead to a significant increase in inappropriate behavior. As I have already pointed out in the text above, OxyContin is significantly more expensive than other drugs. Individuals who would want to continue abusing the drug may therefore have to go…...



Girard, J.G. (2011). Criminalistics: Forensic Science, Crime and Terrorism (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Hales, D. (2010). An Invitation to Health: Choosing to Change. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.

Hanson, G., Venturelli, P. & Fleckenstein, a. (2011). Drugs and Society (11th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Hyde, M.O. & Setaro, J.F. (2003). Drugs 101: An Overview for Teens. Minneapolis, MN: Twenty-First Century Books.

Prescription Drugs and the Health
Pages: 5 Words: 1724

The FDA also, amongst others, has recommended that clinical trials used to support advertising claims be approved by the FDA and to institute stiff fines against those found gaily of deceptive tactics. (Turning Medicine Into Snake Oil...) There is little doubt from the research that pharmaceutical companies have to be made more accountable for their products and advertising promises.

Borden Anne. Vioxx Stroke isk could last for Years. 2007. etrieved June 1, 2007 at http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/articles/00888/vioxx-stroke-risk.html

Deceptive Prescription Drug Marketing Tactics 'Common and Dangerous'. 2006.

etrieved June 1,2007, at http://www.uspirg.org/newsroom/health-care/health-care-news/deceptive-prescription-drug-marketing-tactics-common-and-dangerous

Introduction to the Health Care Industry: Health Expenditures and Services in the U.S. etrieved June 1, 2007, at http://www.plunkettresearch.com/HealthCare/HealthCareTrends/tabid/294/Default.aspx

O'Connor K. x for prescription drugs. etrieved June 1, 2007, at http://www.oconnorhealthanalyst.com/pgs/rx.html

Oxycontin Manufacturer Agrees to Plead Guilty and Pay Fine of $600,000,000.

etrieved June 1, 2007, at http://tyler.injuryboard.com/defective-products/oxycontin-manufacturer-agrees-to-plead-guilty-and-pay-fine-of-600000000.php?googleid=8636

Prescription Meds Changing Health Care. etrieved June 1, 2007, from Spending http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=60788

Silberner J. Common Diabetes Drug Found to Have Heart…...



Borden Anne. Vioxx Stroke Risk could last for Years. 2007. Retrieved June 1, 2007 at  http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/articles/00888/vioxx-stroke-risk.html 

Deceptive Prescription Drug Marketing Tactics 'Common and Dangerous'. 2006.

Retrieved June 1,2007, at  http://www.uspirg.org/newsroom/health-care/health-care-news/deceptive-prescription-drug-marketing-tactics-common-and-dangerous 

Introduction to the Health Care Industry: Health Expenditures and Services in the U.S. Retrieved June 1, 2007, at http://www.plunkettresearch.com/HealthCare/HealthCareTrends/tabid/294/Default.aspx

Cardiac Problems Gi Issues and
Pages: 3 Words: 874

This is vital because medical personnel could administer something that causes life threatening symptoms if taken with an anticoagulant.
The final educational area that needs to be covered are the changes that must take place in the daily life of the patient. The patient must be careful not to cut himself or herself, In addition the patient must be careful not to take part in activities that might cause injury as injury can cause the patient to hemorrhage.


Three common GI problems include heartburn, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. Each of these conditions can cause stomach upset. Heartburn can be treated with over the counter medications, including Zantac. Ulcers require a specific antibiotic and a stomach acid reducer and IBS is often treated with stomach acid reducers. In addition all three conditions respond favorably to changes in diet.

The medications for heartburn can be purchased over the counter, as can Zantac…...

United States Has Waged a War on
Pages: 11 Words: 3075

United States has waged a "War on Drugs." Within this endeavor the nation has passed and implanted some extremely tough laws regarding drugs, on a local, state and national level. The laws are meant to act as a deterrent for those who abuse drugs by way of sales, manufacturing and use. The laws send people to prisons for a long time as well as create probation and parole status for many who violate the laws.
The belief is that stricter laws will reduce the number of drug offenses and drug use in the United States. Those who draft and pass the legislation for tougher drug laws believe that the fear of jail and other punishments will deter people from drug use, manufacturing and sales. While this has been going on for the last few decades the nation has continued to wrestle with drug issues. It is unclear whether the tough…...


Martin Kasindorf, Elders: Study Drug Legalization., Newsday, 12-08-1993, pp 17.

Holland's Drug Policies: The Lesson for Canada


Painkiller Addiction
Pages: 3 Words: 956

Oxycodone: A brief history of a potentially addictive drug
Most of us think of opium and opiates in fairly dramatic terms. e think of Dorothy in the izard of Oz, lulled into a stupor after falling asleep in a field of poppies or, worse, the image of a junkie hopelessly captivated by heroin. However, the face of drug addiction is changing. Many people are addicted to supposedly healthy, doctor-prescribed painkillers by their physicians. Drugs like oxycodone have the same chemical composition as opiates like heroin, even though they were scientifically created in laboratories. This paper will provide a brief history of the drug oxycodone and its use and abuses. Although oxycodone has many legitimate applications in pain management, it is not a harmless drug and has the potential to become extremely addictive. This addictive property was not initially noted but after cases of abuse began to surface, concerns began to arise.…...


Works Cited

"Oxycodone." CESAR (Center for Substance Abuse Research). Web. 29 Dec 2014.

Pope. Tara. "The problem with pain pills." The New York Times. 26 Jun 2013. Web.

29 Dec 2014.

Examination of Health Care Laws
Pages: 5 Words: 1605

Purdue Pharma's Role in the Opioid Crisis Introduction
The court case of US v. Purdue Pharma is a case that focuses on the Anti-Kickback Statute, which holds it a felony for an entity to accept kickbacks for providing services or items that are reimbursable by a federal program (Baird, 2021). Part of the problem with this case and others like it is that not everyone agrees on what constitutes a kickback. For example, Illiparambil (2020) writes in the Brookly Law Review that pharmaceutical “donations” should not be viewed as kickbacks—even though prosecutors could and have made the case that they act as such. However, kickback laws have been in existence for decades, the first going all the way back to 1931 (Raspanti, Roberts & Bosick, 2017). Today, the Anti-Kickback Statute has led to prosecutions and settlements with pharmaceutical companies like Purdue Pharma for over half a billion dollars (Kraschel & Curfman, 2019).…...



Baird, J. (2021). Recent federal case—Medicare AntiKickback Statute. Retrieved from  

Gore, A. (2020). Exposing the Middlemen in Rising Drug Costs: Modifying Safe Harbor Protections for Pharmacy Benefit Manager Rebates Under Federal Anti-Kickback Statutes. Or. L. Rev., 98, 297.

Illiparambil, T. (2019). Pharmaceutical Philanthropy Or Resisting Regulations?: Why Pharmaceutical Donations Do Not Violate the Anti-Kickback Statute. Brook. L. Rev., 85, 571.

Kraschel, K., & Curfman, G. (2019). Patient Assistance Programs and Anti-Kickback Laws. Jama, 322(5), 405-406.

Raspanti, M. S., Roberts, D. E., & Bosick, P. G. A. (2017). A Practitioner’s Primer on the History and Use of the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute. Retrieved from  https://www.falseclaimsact.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/MSR-DER-A-Practitioners-Primer-on-History-and-Use-of-Federal-Anti-kickback-Statute.pdf 

Rios, K. S. (2019). Combatting the Opioid Epidemic in Texas by Holding Big Pharma Manufacturers Liable. . Mary's LJ, 50, 1353.


Acetaminophen Tylenol the Drug of
Pages: 4 Words: 1750

Also no pill will change everything. One must be willing to change their lifestyle as well.
hy do some people still need an antihyperlipidemic agent even though they have reduced their dietary intake of cholesterol and saturated fats?

hy is it better to sue selective beta2 agonists, rather than non-selective beta-adrenergic agonists, for a patient who has both asthma and heart disease?

hy is the combination of a glucocorticoid and a beta2 adrenergic agonist used sometimes in treating asthma? hat is the difference in their mechanisms of action?


http://lungusa.org/asthmato answer: (a) what is a peak flow meter and how is it used in asthma clients? (b) Is low or high humidity in the home better for asthma clients? - hat aspects of weather are triggers for asthma?

Based upon your knowledge of the mechanism of action of the following drug classes, explain the rationale for using the following to treat peptic ulcer disease: (a)…...

Direct to Consumer Advertising History of Drug
Pages: 59 Words: 16271

Direct to Consumer Advertising










In order to provide the most efficient method of evaluation, the study will utilize existing stores of qualitative and quantitative data from reliable sources, such as U.S. Government statistical references, University studies, and the studies and publications of non-profit and consumer oriented organizations. Every attempt will be made to avoid sources of information sponsored by or directly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry.

Existing data regarding the history, levels, content and growth of direct-to-consumer advertising will be examined. In addition, the industry's composition prior to and after the proliferation of direct-to-consumer advertising will be examined, with regard to market share, type of substances sold, benefits of substances sold, and consumer benefit (or lack thereof). Perceptions regarding direct-to-consumer advertising will be revealed,…...


On January 9, 2002, Dr. Darlene Jody, Vice President of Medical Marketing for Bristol-Myers Squibb, issued a manufacturer's "Important Drug Warning Including Black Box Information." The Important Drug Warning advises healthcare practitioners that "cases of life-threatening hepatic failure have been reported in patients treated with SERZONE." The manufacturer's Warning indicates that numerous persons have or will suffer liver failure, death or transplantation. The manufacturer's Warning also indicates that the current estimate of the rate of liver failure associated with Serzone use is "about 3-4 times the estimated background rate of liver failure." A new Warning is being added to the Serzone prescribing information, advising that "patients should be advised to be alert for signs and symptoms of liver dysfunction (jaundice, anorexia, gastrointestinal complaints, malaise, etc.) and to report them to their doctor immediately if they occur." According to Warnings, Serzone should be promptly discontinued if signs or symptoms suggest liver failure.

Vioxx belongs to a class of drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors. When the drugs were introduced a few years ago, COX-2 inhibitors were thought to be safer and more effective than other drugs such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen. However, several studies have questioned the cardiovascular safety of Vioxx. Studies indicate that people taking Vioxx have four times the risk of a heart attack.

In May 2002, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a Talk Paper about new label warnings for the popular arthritis and pain drug know as Vioxx (rofecoxib). The new label warnings are based on the results of the Vioxx Gastrointestinal Outcomes Research (VIGOR). According to the FDA, recent studies demonstrate that Vioxx is associated with a higher rate of serious cardiovascular thromboembolic adverse events (such as heart attacks, angina pectoris, and peripheral vascular events). Based on the recent study, the FDA agreed with the Arthritis Advisory Committee recommendations February 8, 2001 that the label for Vioxx include gastrointestinal and cardiovascular warning information. Serious side effects attributed to Vioxx are heart attacks, seizures, strokes, or liver/kidney problems.  http://www.recalleddrugs.com

New Leading Cause of Accidental Death
Pages: 10 Words: 3509

Prescription Drug Abuse
The overall point of conversation when speaking of prescription drugs in the public and political sphere has usually focused on cost and/or ease of access among all Americans. The overall points of conversation relating to drug has often centered on drugs like heroin, cocaine, crack and marijuana. However, as time and trends have shifted, the primary focus of both overall topics has centered on the use and abuse of prescription drugs, usually certain classes of drugs such as sedatives, opiates and anti-anxiety drugs. Common drugs focused on include Xanax, any narcotic-based painkiller such as Oxycontin and sedatives or muscle relaxers such as Valium and Soma. While prescription drugs are very important to have at the ready, the likelihood and propensity towards abuse of the drugs and other legal behavior is significant and this is even true among people who obtain the drugs legally at the onset.


As noted in…...



Doyon, S., Klein-Schwartz, W., Anderson, B.A., & Welsh, C. (2013). A Novel Approach

to Informing the Public about the Risks of Overdose and Nonmedical Use of Prescription Medications. American Journal on Addictions, 22(2), 108-112.


Garcia, A.M. (2013). State Laws Regulating Prescribing of Controlled Substances:

Health Literacy and Opioid Use among Urban Youths
Pages: 11 Words: 3215

Abstract Opioid abuse is a problem in the US, particularly among the youth population. This is a health risk behavior that has arisen in the US for quite some time, largely due to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry’s push of drugs like Oxycontin onto the market (Coplan et al., 2016). The US Department of Health and Human Services (2020) reports that 0.7 percent of young people aged 12 years and up have reported an opioid use disorder, such as heroin or prescription pain reliever, in the past 12 months. One of the objectives of Healthy People 2030 is to “reduce the proportion of people who had opioid use disorder in the past year” (Healthy People 2030, 2021). This paper discusses the program that can be initiated to address this issue. It identifies the target group, the key stakeholders, the plan of action, and the barriers to be overcome.

Health promotion is needed…...



Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.

Coplan, P. M., Chilcoat, H. D., Butler, S. F., Sellers, E. M., Kadakia, A., Harikrishnan, V., ... & Dart, R. C. (2016). The effect of an abuse?deterrent opioid formulation (OxyContin) on opioid abuse?related outcomes in the postmarketing setting. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 100(3), 275-286.

Doster, L. (2013). Millennial teens design and redesign themselves in online social networks. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 12(4), 267-279.

Governor.PA. (2017). Governor Wolf Voices Support for House Bill that Makes Opioid Education Mandatory in Schools. Retrieved from

Healthy People 2030. (2021). Opioid use. Retrieved from https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives/drug-and-alcohol-use/reduce-proportion-people-who-had-opioid-use-disorder-past-year-su-18

Keleher, H. (2002). Public and population health strategic responses. Health Canada.

McCoy, S. S., Dimler, L. M., Samuels, D. V., & Natsuaki, M. N. (2019). Adolescent susceptibility to deviant peer pressure: Does gender matter?. Adolescent research review, 4(1), 59-71.

Roberts, M., Callahan, L., & O’Leary, C. (2017). Social media: A path to health literacy. Information Services & Use, 37(2), 177-187.https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/governor-wolf-voices-support-for-house-bill-that-makes-opioid-education-mandatory-in-schools/

How Pharmaceutical Companies Control the Health Care Industry
Pages: 2 Words: 659

Interest Group in HealthcareIn the article by Boggs (2006) on the role that Big Pharmathe pharmaceutical industryplays in serving as an interest group in healthcare, the author reviews several books on the subject and concludes that this interest group is exploiting modern American medicine, law, and capitalist systems to its advantage. It highlights for instance how the trade association PhMA is one of the largestinterestgroupsin Washington, DC, and how it uses its influence and money to lobby for regulations that would help rather than harm Big Pharma. It is a relationship that does not speak well of either the drug industry or the healthcare industry, as Boggs (2006) exposes a quid pro quo type of relationship in which profits are put before patients.Boggs (2006) explains that in the United States, the health care industry is a for-profit business. One way that profits are put before patients is in the form…...


ReferencesBoggs, C. (2006). Review essay: Big Pharma and American medicine. New Political Science, 27(3), 407-421.Walters, J. (2018). Interview: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'I don’t know how they live with themselves\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' – artist Nan Goldin? takes on the billionaire family behind OxyContin. Retrieved from  https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2018/jan/22/nan-goldin-interview-us-opioid-epidemic-heroin-addict-oxycontin-sackler-family

Marijuana Be Legalized As a
Pages: 3 Words: 885

One very important aspect related to smoking marijuana concerns the number of deaths reported on an annual basis linked to using other legal and illegal substances. For example, according to the U.S. ureau of Mortality Statistics, 400,000 Americans die annually as a direct result of smoking cigarettes; 100,000 die prematurely from drinking alcohol; some 20,000 die from abusing legal prescription drugs like Oxycontin, Valium, Percodan, and other drugs prescribed by physicians; 2,000 die from the effects of consuming too much caffeine, mainly from heart failure, while the number of Americans who die from smoking marijuana currently stands at zero, an indication that smoking marijuana does not directly cause any known fatal and debilitating disease ("The Legalization of Marijuana," Internet).

Therefore, considering the number of Americans who die prematurely from consuming alcohol which has been legal since the end of Prohibition in the early 1930's, there is no logical reason not to…...



Franklin, Michael J. The Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization in the United

States. New York: Random House, 2006.

"The Legalization of Marijuana." 2009. Internet. Accessed November 24, 2009

from  http://www.legalizationofmarijuana.com .

Nurses Recount About Experiences With
Pages: 16 Words: 4322

Nurses expressed empathy when I complained of pain or discomfort and promptly advocated for me when the need arose.

While hospitalized in an acute care setting, I feel that because I am a nurse, I did not receive the same degree of scrutiny a non-clinician patients or physician may have been given.

While hospitalized in an acute care setting, I feel that because I am a nurse, I received more consideration than a non-clinician patient may have been given.

While hospitalized in an acute care setting, I feel that because I am a nurse, I received less consideration than a physician may have been given.

I feel that the type, quality, and consistency of care I received while acutely hospitalized did not differ from treatment any other person would have been given.

My experience as a patient contributed to shaping my perception as nurse of the health care environment.

I feel that being hospitalized in an…...



Bennett, Leeann RN. (2007). "When a Nurse Becomes a Patient." American Nurses Credentialing Center. Retrieved October 23, 2008, at  http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/564685 

Bowers, Len RMN PhD., McFarlane, Linda BSc, Kiyimba, Frank RMN, Clark, Nicola MA MSc, Alexander, Jane. "Factors underlying and maintaining nurses' attitudes to patients with severe personality disorder." Department of Mental Health Nursing, City University' August 2000, p. 6. Retrieved October 23, 2008, at  http://www.city.ac.uk/sonm/dps/research/research_reports/bowers_l/sdp.pdf 

Growing question in hospitals: Como esta?," Post and Courier (Charleston, SC). July 24, 2006. Retrieved October 23, 2008, at  http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1=148588515.html 

Hample, Henry. "When Doctors and Nurses Become Patients. Inside MS, June 22, 2000. Retrieved October 23, 2008, at  http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G163690617.html

Drug Usage the Use Drugs
Pages: 14 Words: 4084

Drug addiction is not merely a failure of will or weakness in character, however having this 'brain disease' does not absolve the addict of responsibility for his or her behavior, but it does explain why an addict feels compelled to continue using drugs (Leshner 2001). Environmental cues that surround an individual's initial drug use and development of the addiction, actually become "conditioned" to the drug use and thus are critical to the problem of addiction (Leshner 2001).
Therefore, when those cues are present at a later time, "they elicit anticipation of a drug experience and thus generate tremendous drug craving" (Leshner 2001). This type of cue-induces craving is one of the most frequent causes of drug use relapses, independently of whether drugs are available and even after years of abstinence (Leshner 2001).

In March 2006, it was reported that researchers from Liverpool, England discovered a gene that directly affects the risk…...


Works Cited

Changeux, Jean-Pierre. (1998 March 22). Drug use and abuse. Daedalus. Retrieved November 06, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Eaves, Lindon J. (2005 July 01). Familial influences on alcohol use in adolescent female twins: testing for genetic and environmental interactions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Retrieved November 06, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Goldman, Erik. (2005 July 01). Genetic tests could improve future drug abuse treatment. Family Practice News. Retrieved November 06, 2006 from HighBeam Research Library.

Heroin Addiction Cuts Across All Social Boundaries, Caron Foundation Study Reports.

Sixteen American States Currently Allow Doctors to
Pages: 2 Words: 679

Sixteen American states currently allow doctors to prescribe an herbal remedy to their patients: cannabis. Herbal remedies are not typically viewed with suspicion, but cannabis has been illegal in the United States for several decades. Still technically an illegal drug, cannabis is not being sold legally in select medical dispensaries in the states that allow for its controlled use. The organization Pain Management of America outlines some of the most common conditions for which doctors prescribe cannabis. Those conditions range from seizures to muscle spasms to cancer and chronic pain (Pain Management of America). Although medical cannabis is a step in the right direction, ultimately the herb should be removed from its Schedule I classification in the Controlled Substances Act. Cannabis should be completely legal, giving American citizens the freedom to use, grow, and sell the plant.
"Dozens of peer-reviewed studies, prominent medical organizations, major government reports, and the use…...


Works Cited

Havel, Vaclav. The Power of the Powerless. Palach, 1995.

Joy, Janet E., Watson, Stanley J. And Benson, John A. "Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base." Institute of Medicine. National Academy Press, 1999. Retrieved online:  

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