A mutation of the gene causing colorectal cancer or epithelial ovarian cancer are major risk factors for ovarian cancer, and genetic testing within the laboratory can identify most of these. However, the women who possess these inherited genes are at less risk than those women who do not have any family history of ovarian cancer, and while the former group can be treated with advanced planning and genetic counseling, the latter group cannot be prepared in this manner. (What are the risk factors of ovarian cancer?)
Some women who have already suffered from breast cancer at an earlier stage in their lives may be at increased risk for ovarian cancer because the reproductive organs are somehow connected with each other, and the inherited breast cancer gene, that is the BCA1 or the BCA2, drastically increases the risk factor for ovarian cancer. Some studies have indicated that those women, who use…...
Define Cancer. Retrieved at on 27 January, 2005http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&lr=&oi=defmore&q=define:cancerAccessed
Dolson, Laura. The whisperings of ovarian cancer. Retrieved at Accessed on 27 January, 2005http://www.baymoon.com/~gyncancer/library/weekly/aa011001a.htm.
Oncology Channel, Ovarian Cancer. August 24, 2004. Retrieved at Accessed on 27 January, 2005http://www.oncologychannel.com/ovariancancer/.
Ovarian Cancer: National Cancer Institute. Retrieved at on 27 January, 2005http://www.nci.nih.gov/cancertopics/types/ovarianAccessed
These include bloating, abdominal or pelvic pain, frequent and/or urgent urination, and difficulty eating because one feels very full very quickly (MedicineNet, 2009). However, these were only agreed upon in 2007 and not all doctors feel that these are the best markers of ovarian cancer (MedicineNet, 2009). A lot of women experience at least the first two of these symptoms quite often during their menstrual cycle, and the others are not that uncommon, either. Women cannot be running to the doctor every time they have one small symptom, but a group of symptoms that appears and is persistent is certainly worth checking out, if only to provide peace of mind for a woman who may be worried about whether she has cancer or something much more benign (MedicineNet, 2009).
Like many other cancers, ovarian cancer does seem to have some genetic link. In other words, if a lot of people…...
MedicineNet (2009). Ovarian Cancer. Retrieved from: cancer/article.htmhttp://www.medicinenet.com/ovarian_
MedlinePlus (2009). Ovarian Cancer. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ovariancancer.html
National Cancer Institute (2009). Ovarian Cancer. U.S. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/ovarian/
usiness Research Terms and Concepts
Understanding Research Terms and Concepts
Quantitative Research Methods and Instruments
Quantitative research tests hypotheses from theories or approximates the magnitude of a particular phenomenon (Eau Claire, 2014). Participants or volunteers are assigned at random to different aspects or derive data from them to control their influence on a dependent variable. Probability sampling may be used if the intent is to generalize (Eau Claire).
Quantitative data collection methods utilize and depend on random sampling and structured data collection instruments (Euau Claire, 2014). These methods and their instruments are suited to different anticipated types of responses. Their findings are easy to determine, summarize, analyze, compare and generalize. The most typical methods are experiments or clinical trials, observation and recording of a specific event, securing data from an entity's management information systems, and surveys with closed-ended questions. Surveys are conducted through interviews or questionnaires as instruments (Eau Claire).
Interviews may be…...
Al-Benna, et al. (2010). Descriptive and inferential statistical methods used in Bruno research. Vol. 36 Issue 3, Burns: Elsevier. Retrieved on January 16. 2014 from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030541790001405
Brown, B.L. (2010). Descriptive statistics. Encyclopedia of Research Design: Sage
Journals. Retrieved on January 17, 2015 from http://www.srmo.sagepub.com/view/encyc-of-research-design/n111.xml
Eau Claire (2014). Quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Wisconsin University Eau Claire. Retrieved on January 17, 2015 from http://people.uwec.edu/piercech/ResearchMethods/Data%20collection%20methods/DATA%20COLLECTION%20METHODS.htm
Phenoxodiol, a Medication for Cancer
Clinical studies have predominantly focused on a couple of standard benzopyrans, namely flavopiridol and phenoxodiol (by Novogen, via MEI Pharma, the company's subsidiary at the time). Although a benzopyran, the former's method of action apparently differs from phenoxodiol's action neither of the two aforementioned benzopyrans has gained FDA (Food and Drug Administration) or EMA (European Medicines Agency) approval. The height of research on phenoxodiol was one 'Phase III' research on resistant cancer cells in the ovaries. Although slow recruitment led the trial at this phase to formally close down, results clearly displayed that oral consumption of phenoxodiol would most probably not have benefited patients, if the trial phase had been completed. Phenoxodiol results (in combination with others) led to the following hypothesis by Novogen: the problem with phenoxodiol pertained to bioavailability (in other words, the ingested drug wasn't reaching the site of cancer in adequate quantities);…...
Marc Sinatra. (2015). Novogen Limited. Lodge Partners Research.
Marshall Edwards Inc.2003Investigational New Drug Status Cleared By FDA for Phenoxodiol in Oral Formpr Newswire
Paul Howard. (2015, November 1). Why The FDA Rejected A Drug That Helps Cure Lung Cancer -- And What We Can Do To Fix It. Forbes.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services1998Guidance for Industryrockvillefood and Drug Administration
Care of Cancer
Cancer diagnosis
In many cases the sooner cancer is diagnosed and treatment begins the better the chances of a person recovering fully. If one develops cancer they can improve the chance of early detection if they have regular medical checkups and do some self-exams. Doctors often find early cancer during a physical exam or when carrying out routine tests even when there were no symptoms presented.
There are several methods that are used to diagnose cancer .with technological advancement these methods are now better as they help in a better understanding of cancer .there are now many diagnostic tools that can be used in cancer detection. Once cancer I suspected a diagnosis is made by pathologists and oncopathologists and imaging radiologists. The common diagnostic methods are;
This test involves a small tissue sample being taken from the area where cancer is suspected using a fine tipped needle, surgical excision or…...
Mandal, A.(2010). Cancer Diagnosis.Retrieved September 24,2013 from http://www.news-medical.net/health/Cancer-Diagnosis.aspx
American Society of Clinical Oncolog.(2013). Stages of Cancer. Retrieved September 24,2013 from http://www.cancer.net/all-about-cancer/treating-cancer/stages-cancer
Armstrong, B.(2012).What are the different stages of cancer and what do they mean? Retrieved September 24,2013 from http://www.cancerinstitute.org.au/patient-support/what-i-need-to-know/about-cancer/what-are-the-different-stages-of-cancer
Info.com.(2013).Cancer complications. Retrieved September 24,2013 from http://topics.info.com/Cancer-Complications_3416
Maturing From My Mom's Cancer
High School is a very difficult stage in any teenager's life. The experiences that one has to go through and the hurdles that need to be overcome can sometimes prove to be overwhelming. This is truly a challenging phase in any individual's life as they are growing up to face situations both on a social as well as a personal level.
My story of acquiring a more mature outlook on life is no different. My transition into High School was not an easy one. From the beginning I had to face the fact that academics was not one of my strong sides. The grades which I achieved were near to average, something one should not be proud of. However, at the same time while I suffered on the academic front, my social life was doing well. In fact flourishing would be a more appropriate word to describe…...
Coping With Cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Half of all men and one-third of all women in the U.S. will develop cancer during their lifetimes. oday, millions of people are living with cancer or have had cancer. he numbers are dismal; according to most statistical data American's possess almost a fifty percent chance of developing cancer. With these alarming statistics it is unfortunate and inevitable that almost everyone will have to in some way or another learn how face and cope with the depressing hardships and obstacles of cancer. Whether an individual is diagnosed personally with cancer or a friend or family member is, it seems as though all of us at some point in time may have to learn coping mechanisms for this illness.
his paper addresses the various coping techniques that individuals can employ when dealing…...
mlaTelch, C.F. & Telch, M.J. "Group skills instruction and supportive group therapy for cancer patients: A comparison of strategies." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1966, 54, 802-808.
Kyngas, H.; Mikkonen, R. et al. Coping with the onset of cancer: coping strategies and resources of young people with cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care, Mar2001, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p6.
Coping with Cancer
This then leads to the activation of a number of genes whose products trigger cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis, or DNA repair" (Lakin 1999, p. 7644).
In research led by Hussain, he investigated the targets of free radicals, which are DNA, proteins, NA, and lipids. He noted that, "mutations in cancer-related genes or post-translational modifications of proteins by nitration, nitrosation, phosphorylation, acetylation or polyADP-ribosylation-by free radiacals or lipid peroxidation byproducts…are some of the key events that can increase the cancer risk" (Hussain 2003, p. 276). Furthermore, changes in DNA occur when the person has been exposed to high levels of nitric oxide or NO. p53 plays a role in that it acts as a mediator to stress but NO "causes p53 accumulation and post-translational modifications that inhibit cellular growth" (Hussain 2003, p. 278). His research has revealed that when exposed to NO during chronic inflammation sans wild-type p53, there might be increased…...
American Cancer Society (n.d.) Cancer Facts & Figures 2010, [online] Available at: [Accessed: April 19, 2011].http://www.cancer.org/research/cancerfactsfigures/cancerfactsfigures/cancer-facts-and-figures-2010
American Cancer Society (n.d.) What Causes Cancer?, [online] Available at: [Accessed: April 19, 2011].http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/CancerCauses/index
Croce, C. (2008) Oncogenes and Cancer, N Engl J. Med, 358, p. 502-511.
Hasty, P. (2005) the impact of DNA damage, genetic mutation and cellular responses on cancer prevention, longevity and aging: observations in humans and mice, Mech Ageing Dev, 126(1), p.71-77.
Body, Mind, and Soul in the Cancer Ward Margaret Edson’s Wit dramatizes the death of a literature professor from cancer. The play is designed to show the limits of the intellect to fully understand human tragedy and existence. Although the central protagonist Professor Vivian Bearin was a rigorous academic fluent in the works of John Donne when she was healthy, ultimately the fact her old English professor is able to provide her comfort during her dying moments by reading a children’s book provides her the greatest solace more than her philosophy and more than intellectualism. Bearin embarked upon an academic career because she was primarily interested in the life of the mind, not the body. The central irony of the play is that she is being killed by her own body with ovarian cancer. Ultimately, human beings are unable to escape the body in the form of death. The play is…...
cancer genes that are associated with breast cancer. Scientists have known for years that the most common breast cancer genes are BRCA1 AND BRCA2, but there are many more than those two genes that scientists now much cope with. Another aspect of the focus is on whether or not to tell a woman that she has genes that might lead to breast cancer; the ethical questions are serious and this is complicated by the fact that ovarian cancer and breast cancer "share genetic risk factors."
The overall problem is breast cancer, but within the problem of breast cancer is determining which genes are likely to cause tumors and which are present but do not necessarily lead to breast cancer. The identification of BRCA1 and BRCA2 was thought to hold the keys to identifying those women who had those genes as possible breast cancer victims. But with the "rapid expansion of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Kean, S. (2014). The 'Other' Breast Cancer Genes. Science, Vol. 343. Retrieved April 7, 2014,
Breast Cancer Care PlanIn addressing the case study of a 31-year-old Ashkenazi woman concerned about her risk of developing breast cancer, it\\\'s important to integrate various aspects including genetic factors, patient-care technologies, and evidence-based practice.Main Elements and Concerns: Pathology IdentificationBreast cancer is a malignant tumor originating in the breast tissues and presents a significant concern for women with a family history of the disease. The risk is notably higher in individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, particularly those with a BCA gene mutation, like the patient\\\'s mother (oberts et al., 2023). BCA1 and BCA2 mutations significantly increase the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers (Lieberman et al., 2022). The patient\\\'s Ashkenazi heritage and family history place her at a higher risk, which means careful monitoring and preventive strategies need to be considered (Lieberman et al., 2022).Development of Plan of CareThe plan of care for this patient should include genetic counseling…...
mlaReferencesHaddad, C. F. (2020). Hereditary breast cancer: review and current approach. Mastology, 30, 1-11.Lieberman, S., Chen-Shtoyerman, R., Levi, Z., Shkedi-Rafid, S., Zuckerman, S., Bernstein-Molho, R., ... & Goldberg, Y. (2022). Common founder BRCA2 pathogenic variants and breast cancer characteristics in Ethiopian Jews. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 193(1), 217-224.Roberts, E., van Veen, E. M., Byers, H., Barnett-Griness, O., Gronich, N., Lejbkowicz, F., ... & Evans, D. G. (2023). Breast cancer polygenic risk scores derived in White European populations are not calibrated for women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Genetics in Medicine, 100846.
Screening for breast cancer before there are symptoms is very important. Screening helps doctors find and treat cancer in its early stages. Treatment is more likely to be successful when the cancer is detected early. A doctor may suggest any of the following screening tests for breast cancer: screening mammogram, clinical breast exam, beast self-exam (Stoppler, 2009).
Mammograms can often show a breast lump before it can even be felt. A mammogram is a picture of the breast that is made with an x-ray. It can also show a cluster of tiny deposits of calcium. These deposits are known as micro calcifications. Lumps can be from cancer, precancerous cells, or a host of other conditions. Further tests may be needed to find out if abnormal cells are present. Women in their 40s and older should have mammograms every 1 to 2 years (Stoppler, 2009).
During a clinical breast exam the health…...
Cancer Gap Between Whites, Blacks May Be Biological in Part. (2009). Retrieved August 11,
2009, from http://healthday.com/Article.asp?AID=628785
Carcinogen Found in KFC's New Grilled Chicken. (2009). Retrieved August 13, 2009, from News and Media Center Web site: http://www.pcrm.org/news/release090521.html
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. (2008). Retrieved August 11, 2009, from American
Still, getting the right kind of care, at the right time, is often a struggle for patients. My friend passed away from her illness, but her experience opened my eyes to the need to mesh the personal needs of the patient with more effective diagnostic and treatment solutions. I had always wanted to embark upon a financial career, but now I knew what type of entrepreneurship I wished to devote my life to -- biotechnology.
Early detection must become a vital component of the war on cancer. Improving screening as well as the quality of treatment, pharmaceuticals, and care are critical components of the emerging 21st century heath care paradigm. Finding a way to financially contain costs, dispense care in a comprehensive and ethical fashion, and creating an effective strategy of prevention will all become the focus of the business of medicine. By becoming part of this graduate program, I…...
PhysiologyQ1Case A: 45-year-old Female with a Broken ight Ulnaa.The most logical size difference when you look at the left and right arms is muscle atrophy in the right arm, due to being immobilized in a cast for five weeks. The muscles of the right arm would appear smaller compared to those in the left arm. This is a common enough phenomenon, as muscles that are not regularly used tend to lose mass (ogers, 2022).b.The tissue that changed in size is the skeletal muscle tissue. Muscle atrophy affects the muscle fibers. In turn there is a reduction in muscle mass, muscle strength, and muscle size. There can also be some alteration in the connective tissues surrounding the muscles, but the skeletal muscle tissue is the main tissue involved (ogers, 2022).c.The type of cellular adaptation that occurred is atrophy, which is a decrease in cell size, which leads to a reduction in…...
mlaReferencesHealthy People 2030. (2024). Retrieved from 1: Healthy People 2030 Studyguide and lecture notes. (2024). Blackboard.NIH. (2024). Retrieved from https://www.genome.gov/healthhttps:/www.genome.gov/For-Patients-and-Families/Genetic-Disordershttps:/ghr.nlm.nih.gov/conditionRogers, J. (2022). McCance & Huether’s Pathophysiology-E-Book: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. Elsevier Health Sciences.https://health.gov/healthypeople/objectives-and-data/browse-objectives Mini-Tutorial
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Morike Adekemi
Full and Complete Reference for the Article: Hagan, Teresa L, BSN, RN., B.A., & Donovan, Heidi M, Phd., R.N. (2013). Ovarian cancer survivor's experiences of self-advocacy: A focus group study. Oncology Nursing Forum, 40(2), 140-7. Retrieved from http://searchproquest.com/docview/1325739253?accountid-35812
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What is the problem the study was conducted to address? (1)
Response: The problem this study was conducted to address was self-advocacy in clinical research as well as practice. Despite self-advocacy being cited as a trait desirable among patients, not much explanation or description of this concept is…...
Thesis Statement: Breastfeeding offers substantial benefits for both mothers and infants, promoting optimal health outcomes and fostering a unique bond between them. Its advantages range from providing essential nutrients to reducing the risk of diseases and enhancing cognitive development in infants, while also providing health benefits and convenience for mothers.
The practice of breastfeeding has been recognized as a fundamental aspect of parenting, providing infants with the optimal nutrition they need to thrive. This thesis delves into the multitude of benefits breastfeeding offers to both mothers and their infants, highlighting the positive impact it can have on health, development, and emotional....
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