Outsourcing has made great controversy within a number of industries lately. Essentially, outsourcing is "the act of one company contracting with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees" (Conjecture Corporation, 2012). Yet, this movement is not as easy or pain free as it sounds. Yes, outsourcing can help keep costs down and allow a company to remain globally competitive; however, outsourcing can also cost domestic jobs here in the United States among other problems -- making it a questionable business strategy.
There are numerous advantages to the practice of outsourcing. One of the first and most obvious is the cost savings. Outsourcing helps keep costs way down because workers in other countries do not make as much as their American counterparts. Thus, "the labor savings from global outsourcing can still be substantial" (Engradio & Arndt, 2006). This helps American companies make more profit and contribute…...
Baker, S., Kripalani, Hof, R.D. Kerstetter, J. (2004). Software: Will outsourcing hurt America's economy? Business Week. Web. http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2004-02-29/software
Cassidy, Mike. (2012). Apple, White Leaf show the pros and cons of outsourcing. Mercury News. Web. http://www.mercurynews.com/mike-cassidy/ci_21966379/cassidy-apple-foxconn-white-leaf-factory-outsourcing-pros-cons
Conjecture Corporation. (2012). What is outsourcing? Wise Geek. Web. http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-outsourcing.htm
Engradio, Pete & Arndt, Micheal. (2006). The future of outsourcing. Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Web. http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2006-01-29/the-future-of-outsourcing
Outsourcing is a business strategy that firms employ to reduce costs and sharpen their competitive advantages. ith intention to increase revenues, reduce costs, and achieve performance improvement, large number firms are continuing outsourcing part of their business processes to focus on their core business activities. ith pressing demand from the stakeholders, corporate executives area constantly looking for strategies to deliver better short-term and long-term results that could enhance corporate market advantages. (IBM). hile some firms believe that it is better to in-house all their business activities, some firms believe that it is better to outsource part of their business process in order to concentrate on the core competence of their business in which they could derive competitive advantages. Thus, some businesses believe that in-house all their business processes is inefficient and excessively expensive. (Roy and Benoit 1).
A notable organization is pondering whether to in-house all its advertising department or outsource…...
mlaWorks Cited
IBM. Business impact of outsourcing- a fact-based analysis. IBM Research Paper. 2005.
Lankford, William M. And Faramarz Parsa, "Outsourcing: a primer." Management Decision. 37.4: (1999): 310-316.
McIvor, Ronan. The outsourcing process: strategies for evaluation and management. UK, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Rishi, Meenakshi and Saxena Sweta C. Is Outsourcing Really Bad as it made to Sound? A Reassessment and some Perspective. Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc. 2004.
Outsourcing is generally conducted for the benefit of the individual firm, but often creates negative outcomes for the economy at large. The best way to understand the economic issues surrounding outsourcing is to understand the economic tradeoffs at play. Two case studies will help in fostering this understanding. Fishman discusses the experiences of al-Mart suppliers, struggling to compete in a global marketplace. Friedman discusses some of the non-economic factors involved in outsourcing, looking at the issue from the other side of the ocean.
al-Mart is often criticized for outsourcing American jobs, Fishman notes, and he presents evidence that it does facilitate this practice. al-Mart's mission is to offer low prices to customers as a matter of competitive policy, and do to this is must find goods from the lowest-cost producers. Given the factor input costs in the United States, this usually means outsourcing production to low-cost countries, where the prices of…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Fishman, C. (n.d.). The Wal-Mart you don't know. In possession of the author.
Friedman, T. (n.d.) 30 little turtles. In possession of the author.
Outsourcing Shipping Management
Outsourcing is a process by which an organization takes the services of an external party to perform some of its operations or functions. Outsourcing is also done by shipping firms all over the Globe (Outsource Freight, 2012). Ship owners generally outsource their operations and management functions to the external parties against for a particular period of time and against a specific sum of money (Lorange, 2009). Outsourcing of the shipping management enables the ship owners to focus on their core competencies and hand over the strategic decision making and policies to the outsourcing parties (AB Crewing, 2012).
Ship owners select the outsourcing parties by analyzing the different aspects of their operations and business environment (Outsource Freight, 2012). There is a full fledge selection criteria which helps the ship owners throughout the outsourcing party selection process (National Freight Management, 2012). The process starts with analyzing the business environment of the…...
AB Crewing, (2012). Technical outsourcing. Retrieved on February 28th, 2012 from
Cariou, P. & Wolff, F. (2011). Outsourcing ship management: Implications for the logistics chain. Retrieved on February 28th, 2012 from
Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., & Hoskisson, R.E. (2009). Strategic management: competitiveness and globalization: concepts, 8th Edition. Mason: South-Western, cop.
Knickerbocker Maritime, (2003). Technical Ship Management's Effect on Owner's Profitability. Retrieved on February 28th, 2012 from
Outsourcing: "The Effects on Pratt & Whitney vs. Other Global Airline Vendors"
Aviation maintenance is the basic issue. Therefore the process of aviation maintenance and its issues have to be seen in the light of outsourcing. There are many systems in the regular maintenance of aircrafts other than mere issue of parts and replacements. It is in this light that the problems and position of the airline vendors ought to be considered. The many components on the ground include a proper workforce with perfect training and the maintenance issues of civil craft are part of key factors in aviation safety. The actors in the system not only include airlines, airports, manufacturing organizations, air traffic control, and corporate entities not directly involved with flights. The field under study is very broad, and hence there are many smaller specializations. For example even accident investigation comes under this broad span. The major failures can…...
Billings, Charles E. (1997) "Aviation Automation: The Search for a Human-Centered
Approach." Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, NJ.
Czepiel, Edward. (2003) "Practices and Perspectives in Outsourcing Aircraft" U.S.
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration, Final Report Office of Aviation Research.
Outsourcing is an appropriation of particular business operations to a professional foreign service provider. (Haugen, Musser, & Lovelace, 2009, p. 34) Most often then not, businesses and organizations have trouble handling all aspects of a business process privately or in this case, domestically, and need to seek professional assistance elsewhere. Additionally, some processes do not need permanent in-house professionals, allowing for outsourcing to be the cheaper alternative. Once a job or assignment is outsourced to a service provider, (often foreign) the service provider will then assume responsibility for carrying out the tasks and maintenance of the business/organization's assets.
Before undertaking outsourcing and incorporating it into a business, it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages involved in outsourcing. Outsourcing offers a number of benefits to a business/organization. It could also pose complications if not outsourced to a suitable service provider. The most commonly outsourced streams of business include: IT outsourcing,…...
Haugen, D.M., Musser, S., & Lovelace, K. (2009). Outsourcing. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.
Johnson, M., & Institute of Management (Great Britain) (1997). Outsourcing. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Firms outsourcing clinical research for a number of different reasons. The theory of comparative advantage underlies CO, as firms in other countries might be able to do the research more effectively, or more efficiently. Often, CO done in order to save money, as is particularly the case with India. In other instances, the outsourcing is done to firms that have developed particular specialties in research (Piachaud, 2002).
In India, firms are competing for jobs doing clinical research, and that competition has driven down costs. This is important for the industry, because the cost of new drug approval has reached over $1 billion, in part because of the high costs associated with clinical research. So greater competition in research, and using lower-cost labor, has helped companies contain that cost (Jayaraman, 2004). Different payers also make it easier to recruit people for trials in some countries, thus lowering the time spent on the…...
Jayaraman, K. (2004). Outsourcing clinical trials to India rash and risky, critics warn. Nature Vol. 10 (2004) 440
Piachaud, B. (2002). Outsourcing in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process: An examination of the CRO experience. Technovation Vol. 22 (2) 81-90.
Singh, M. (2008). Should clinical trials be outsourced? Time Magazine. Retrieved December 11, 2014 from http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1830334,00.html
ZeusCorp is known for its effective and efficient outsourcing practices. The cost of labor is examined to elevate at a very high pace ever since the global inflation has taken roots in the contemporary market place. By comparing the currency rates and the cost of labor the fact become vivid that outsourcing from third world and other developing countries is a cost effective solution to successfully penetrate the market of United Kingdom.
ZeusCorps is an outsourcing intermediate organization that is supported by the equity based investors in Australia as well as United Kingdom. The organization irrespective of being entirely equity-based enjoys a sound financial standing and worth. The concept and studies pertaining to outsourcing and off shoring is taking deep roots in the developed parts of the world and owing to the increasing importance of this phenomenon the young entrepreneurs joined hands to form the ZeusCorps.
Currently all the organizations across the…...
A Bem, D.J. (1967). Self-Perception: The dependent variable of human performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 2, 105-121
Battin-Pearson, S., Newcomb, M., Abbot, R., Hill, K., Catalano, R., & Hawkins, J. (2000) Predictors of early high school dropout: A test of five theories. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(3), 568-582.
Billman, N., Geddes, C., & Hedges, H. (2005). Teacher-parent partnership: Sharing under-standings and making changes. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 30, 44-49.
Bogdan, R., & Biklen, S.K. (2007). Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theories and methods. (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Ltd., 2007). Furthermore, by 2008, real GDP is expected to be $124.2 billion higher than it would be in an environment without it software and services offshore outsourcing (Flatworld Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 2007). Finally, over the last 10 years, the economy has created an average of 3.5 million new jobs a year, and the vast majority of displaced workers are re-employed within six months.
According to Flatworld Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (2007), between 1983 and 2003, two million manufacturing jobs were lost in the U.S., with the creation of 36 million new jobs in services. Forrester estimates that despite the headlines on offshore outsourcing, it jobs in the U.S. grew in 2003 and will continue to grow at three per cent from 2004 to 2008. Critics of outsourcing argue that it is dangerous to assume that the U.S. has better trained, harder working or more innovative workers capable of higher value…...
Baily, M. & Farrell, D. (2004). Exploding the Myths of Offshoring. McKinsey Quarterly, June.
Belenkiy, M. (2004). The Determinants of Outsourcing from the U.S.: Evidence from Domestic
Manufacturing Industries 1972-2002. White Paper from the Department of Economics at UC of Davis.
CNNMoney.com. (2004). Outsourcing Creates Jobs, Study Says. Retrieved August 7, 2007 at http://money.cnn.com/2004/03/30/news/economy/outsourcing/ .
Corporate Outsourcing:
Initially an output of the 1990's outsourcing has now become a significant part of doing business by corporate America. With businesses throughout the country looking for augmenting their competitive rank in an more and more worldwide marketplace, they are observing that they have the potential to reduce costs and keep up the quality through the greater dependence on foreign service contributor seen as subsidiary to their mainline functioning. Currently, outsourcing relationships have advanced from unsophisticated agreements based on lowering of expenses to multidimensional partnerships which sustain the mainline activity of client companies. The new pattern is towards outsourcing relationships to operate increasingly as partnerships. The service providers of outsourcing are assuming increased jobs in domains which were conventionally performed by the employees within the organization like corporate strategy, information management, business investment and internal quality proposals.
Of late outsourcing work has received interest due to the hastened amount of relocation…...
Barrera, Albino. "Fair Exchange: Who Benefits from Outsourcing?" Christian Century. 21
September, 2004, 27-31
'Beyond the Border: Do What One Do Best, Outsource the Rest?" Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Issue 6, November/December 2003. Available from Accessed 30 April, 2005http://www.dallasfed.org/research/swe/2003/swe0306c.html
Buckner, Catherine. "Ordering Out" Operations and Fulfillment. 1 June, 2004. 23-26
In addition research has found that estimate that nearly 252,000 computer programming and computer software engineering jobs could be outsourced 2015(Zarocostas). However, 1.15 million new IT jobs could be produced by 2012 (Zarocostas).
In addition to the increased number of jobs that are being outsourced. Such outsourcing impacts the economy in many ways. Although many argue that outsourcing has a positive effect in the long run, for many workers outsourcing means the end of well paying jobs that are often being replaced with lower paying jobs (Taylor). However those that are proponents of IT jobs assert that the U.S. economy has experienced growth in productivity as a result of outsourcing (Taylor). The article explains that in recent years the American economy has experienced a great deal of productivity growth (Taylor). The article asserts that when determined by output per hour in the business sector, productivity growth was 4.4% in the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Anderson, Stuart. "Outsourcing Saves Money: Sending Jobs Overseas Can Increase the Productivity, Profitability and Competitiveness of U.S. Companies." State Legislatures June 2005: 30.
Bernstein, Jared. "The Young and the Jobless: Why Those New to the Workforce Stand to Lose the Most." The American Prospect Oct. 2003: 17+.
Borthick, Sandy. "Outsourcing Trends: Customers and Market Mature." Business Communications Review July 2001: 28.
Dulebohn, James H. "Outsourcing America: What's Behind Our National Crisis and How We Can Reclaim American Jobs." Human Resource Planning 28.3 (2005): 46.
It is to be understood that outsourcing would result in an improvement in market performance and not its reduction. The advantages of outsourcing come with experience. So with each outsourcing activity adds experience which enables to improve upon the advantages and to work upon the disadvantages which opponents argue that outsourcing would offer.
Public sector institutions and firms have reconsidered the issue as to where the limit of their institution/firm needs to be placed, and moved over the responsibility of third parties for several activities relating to business. Several firms consider outsourcing to gain the advatages which outsourcing offers such as to minimize the costs as well as to benefit from the non-financial advantages so as to enhance the efficiencies. Offshore outsourcing is an excellent option for businesses and the U.S. economy as a whole as long as the firm which plans to outsource understands and makes an objective analysis…...
Gilley, Matthew. K; Rasheed, Abdul. Making more by doing less: An Analysis of Outsourcing and its effects on firm performance. Journal of Management, vol. 26, no. 4, 2000, pp: 763-790.
This particular example makes it quite clear that outsourcing is incredibly useful to corporations, and its availability means that it must be utilized if a company wishes to remain competitive in the fast-paced world of technology and innovation (Intertek 2011). In this example, the workforce remains largely unharmed, as well, demonstrating the possibility that jobs really will come back around in the developed world, only shifted up the socioeconomic ladder (BOO 2009).
Ultimately, only time will tell whether or not outsourcing will prove as beneficial to the workforces in developed nations as corporate heads and many politicians claim. It is clear that outsourcing is of enormous benefit to corporations, however, and because of this it is clear that business will not be able to compete on an international level without some degree of outsourcing. Balancing cost savings with overall benefits needs to be the work of all three interested parties.
BOO. (2009). Outsourcing effects. Accessed 5 April 2011. http://www.benefitsofoutsourcing.net/outsourcing-effects.html
Handfield, R. (2006). A brief history of outsourcing. Accessed 5 April 2011. http://scm.ncsu.edu/public/facts/facs060531.html
Heffner, T. (2010). History of outsourcing in America. Accessed 5 April 2011. http://www.economyincrisis.org/content/history-outsourcing-america
Intertek. (2011). Laboratory outsourcing examples. Accessed 5 April 2011. http://www.intertek.com/outsourcing/laboratory/examples/
0 as well as 2.0, is the loss of managerial control over the performed operations. Managers find it more difficult to control virtual teams than the employees that work in the direct sub-hierarchy. In order to regain some of the lost control, managers could delegate internal workers to the vendor and charge them with the supervision of the foreign team. However, this solution increases the costs, as the delegated managers have to be paid extra for having been sent away from home; also, the company has to insure accommodations for them. Nevertheless, the economies made through outsourcing should more than cover the expenses registered with the delegated managers.
Other issues brought about by outsourcing are business confidentiality, diminished and slow communications or hidden costs. In order to solve these problems, the outsourcer has to implement highly selective criteria, he has to know his partner extremely well and he has to hire…...
Tech Web, the Business Technology Network, Outsourcing, 2007
last accessed on September 9, 2007http://www.techweb.com/encyclopedia/defineterm.jhtml?term=outsourcing ,
Johann Kunz, Five Steps to Outsourcing Success, it Web, the Technology News Site, March 22, 2002 last accessed on September 10, 2007http://www.itweb.co.za/sections/columnists/in2outsourcing/kunz020322.asp?a=COL&S=Columnists&T=Columnist&O=a ,
Sitex Design, Outsourcing - Advantages, last accessed on September 10, 2007http://www.sitexdesign.ro/en/outsourcing_advantages.php ,
Relational Advantage: Small FirmsQ1. What problems does the article point out that small organizations absolutely must avoid?Two critical problems of small organizations are their limited power and their constrained resources (Jones et al., 2014). Smaller firms have less ability to engage in trust-based strategies because they cannot incentivize supplier collaboration due to limited capacity, which can hamper access to resources, the ability to function on economies of scale, and may struggle to engage in constant improvement. Thus, first and foremost small firms must take proactive measures to ensure they can fulfill promises in a timely fashion to foster such trust, and take strategic risks that will pay off for them as well as make demonstrations that they are trustworthy (Jones et al., 2014). Ideally there must be positive self-fulfilling prophesies for small firms Jones et al., 2014, p.5454).Unfortunately, firms often burn themselves out with trust-building exercises that exhaust resources but…...
The 7 core purchasing strategies. (n.d.) Purchasing Procurement. https://www.purchasing-procurement-center.com/purchasing-strategies.html
Jones, S.L., Fawcett, S.E., Walin, C., Fawcett, A.M., & Brewer, B.L. (2014). Can small firms gain relational advantage? Exploring strategic choice and trustworthiness signals in supply chain relationships. Journal of Production Research, 52 (18) 5451–5466, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2014.915068
I. Introduction
A. Definition of advancing technology and its impact on employment
B. Introduction of the topic and its relevance in today's society
II. The timeline of advancing technology and unemployment
A. Historical examples of technological advancements leading to job displacement
B. Predictions for future advancements and their potential impact on employment
III. Factors contributing to potential unemployability
A. Automation and artificial intelligence replacing human work
B. Globalization and outsourcing of jobs to cheaper labor markets
C. Skills gap and the need for retraining in a rapidly changing workforce
IV. Implications of widespread unemployability
A. Economic consequences of mass unemployment
B. Social and....
1. The importance of ethics in business decision making
2. The impact of technology on modern business practices
3. The role of corporate social responsibility in business operations
4. The benefits and challenges of globalization in the business world
5. The influence of culture on international business practices
6. The significance of leadership and management in successful business operations
7. The effects of digital marketing on consumer behavior and business success
8. The role of innovation in driving business growth and competitiveness
9. The importance of sustainability in business practices
10. The impact of financial management on business success
11. The role of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth and innovation
I. Introduction
Define New Public Management (NPM) and its key principles
Thesis statement: The influence of NPM has significantly altered Canadian governments in various aspects.
II. NPM's Impact on Government Structures
Decentralization and devolution of authority
Creation of quasi-market mechanisms within government
Introduction of performance-based budgeting and management systems
III. NPM's Influence on Government Services
Shift towards contracting out and outsourcing of services
Focus on customer satisfaction and service quality improvement
Emphasis on cost-effectiveness and efficiency
IV. NPM and the Role of Citizens
Reduced emphasis on public participation and civic engagement
Increased use of citizen surveys and performance indicators as measures of accountability
1. The impact of blockchain technology on supply chain ethics and transparency
2. The role of artificial intelligence in ethical decision-making in supply chain management
3. Ethical considerations in sustainable supply chain management practices
4. The ethical implications of outsourcing and offshoring in supply chain management
5. The importance of cultural sensitivity in ethical supply chain management practices
6. The ethical challenges of managing supplier relationships in a global supply chain
7. The role of whistleblowers in promoting ethics and accountability in supply chain management
8. Ethical considerations in the use of data analytics and technology in supply chain decision-making
9. The ethical implications of environmentally sustainable supply....
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