Oral Health Essays (Examples)

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Precede Proceed Model in Business
Pages: 7 Words: 1985

Applying the Precede-Proceed Model Precede-Proceed ModelPrecede-proceed model, like any other model, is used in public health. However, its primary principles connect to other community issues altogether. During the 20th century, when medical advances eliminated most infectious diseases, the leading causes of death and disability became chronic conditions such as stroke, diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases. Health maintenance then changed to prevent such conditions from disease treatment (Morgan et al. 2012). Moreover, most recently, due to active promotion of attitudes and behaviors, exercise, stress minimization, and exercise, span and quality of life have been improved.Subsequently, Precede-proceed is one of the most detailed and widely used perspectives guiding population health intervention developments. Larry Green and Marshall Kreuter established this framework. Precede-proceed model is primarily used within the Western World, where it has been applied to multiple health issues. The precede-proceed model is also one of the oldest health education and planning initiatives…...



Binkley, C. J., & Johnson, K. W. (2013). Application of the PRECEDE-PROCEED planning model in designing an oral health strategy. Journal of theory and practice of dental public health, 1(3).

Fickert, N. A., & Ross, D. (2012). Effectiveness of a caregiver education program on providing oral care to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Intellectual and developmental disabilities, 50(3), 219-232.

Grant, E., Carlson, G., & Cullen?Erickson, M. (2004). Oral health for people with intellectual disability and high support needs: positive outcomes. Special Care in Dentistry, 24(2), 70-79.

Oral Health
Pages: 8 Words: 2715

Oral Health
Seniors have specific oral health needs. Meeting those needs requires an increase in personal hygiene, an improvement in lifestyle habits, and an increase in oral health service use. When these core needs are met, the specific oral health issues that affect seniors can be minimized, leading to improved health outcomes. Increasing personal hygiene requires shifts in attitudes toward oral health care, access to information, and access to affordable oral health care tools that are designed specifically for seniors. Lifestyle habits have a tremendous impact on oral health. Diet, smoking status, and drug and alcohol use are all factors that impact oral health. Accessing oral health services is difficult for many seniors. Some may live in rural areas where accessing oral health is physically difficult. Others may not be covered. In fact, most seniors do not have insurance coverage for oral health care. Not being able to afford oral health…...



"7 Oral Health Concerns Most Common in Seniors," (2014). Retrieved online:  http://www.123dentist.com/7-oral-health-concerns-most-common-in-seniors/ 

Lamster, I.B. (2004). Oral health care services for older adults: A looming crisis. American Journal of Public Health 94(5), 699-702. Retrieved online:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448319/ 

"Oral Care," (n.d.). WebMD. Retrieved online:  http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/dental-care-seniors 

"Toothbrush Adaptations," (2011). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved online:  http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/docs/dph/com-health/tooth-brush-adaptations.pdf

Oral Health A Community Health
Pages: 7 Words: 2033

Moreover, nurses are in a position to identify cases of poor oral health among patients visiting the primary care unit of a healthcare center. For this reason, Kaylor et al. (2011) recommend nurses as an intervention measure in improving oral health in the community, since they can identify women at risk of poor oral health. They identify that nurses can work with low-income women in the community and educate the population on oral health. The review of literature advocates that oral health can be improved in the community by mobilizing community resources like local government, healthcare providers, and primary care providers like nurses in educating the population on the importance of oral health. This is through making contact with at risk populations in the healthcare set up and providing education on oral health. Nurses also can reach out to at risk populations through community-based programs that promote public health.…...



Formicola, a.J., Ro, M., Marshall, S., Derksen, D., Powell, W., Hartsock, L., & Treadwell, H.M. (2004). Strengthening the Oral Health Safety Net: Delivery Models That Improve Access to Oral Health Care for Uninsured and Underserved Populations. American Journal of Public Health, 94(5), 702-704.

Kaylor, M., Polivka, B.J., Chaudry, R., Salsberry, P., & Wee, a.G. (2011). Dental Insurance and Dental Service Use by U.S. Women of Childbearing Age. Public Health Nursing, 28(3), 213-222.

Krisberg, K. (2004). Prevention key to rural oral health outreach programs. Nation's Health, 34(4), 11-12.

Zabos, G.P., Northridge, M.E., Ro, M.J., Trinh, C., Vaughan, R., Howard, J., & ... Cohall, a.T. (2008). Lack of Oral Health Care for Adults in Harlem: A Hidden Crisis. American Journal of Public Health, 98, S102-S105.

Oral Health the Black Infant
Pages: 2 Words: 564

After the program, a perfect score of 10/10 questions demonstrated that all participants had gained knowledge and awareness. Active learning skills developed during the course of the BIH can be applied to other areas of public health. This research shows what tools and techniques worked: such as the visual presentations and the question-and-answer sessions that allowed participants to clarify issues.
Follow-up research with the participants would help the mothers put into practice what they learned during the BIH program. For example, the participants can count on receiving direct knowledge about the best way to brush and floss. The program helps participants to limit their children's exposure to sugars other preventative measures can create lifelong oral health habits for the next generation. Participants also learn about the role the dentist plays in their lives, and thereby develops trust.

Ideally, the BIH will transform community awareness regarding oral hygiene. The program offers oral…...

Oral Health Promotion
Pages: 2 Words: 866

Dental Health Program for Low-Income Children
Oral Health Promotion

A child's socioeconomic status and gender are significant predictors of susceptibility to life-long dental disease (Broadbent, Thomson, Boyens, and Poulton, 2011). Male children and children from low-income households are less likely to brush daily, floss, or visit the dentist as adults, despite suffering from more prevalent and severe dental disease (p < 0.001 for all associations). When the bulk of the 81.5 billion-plus yearly oral health care burden in the United States consists of restorative dental services provided by dentist (Baelum, Van Palenstein Helderman, Hugoson, Yee, and Fejerskov, 2007, p. 878), any program that encourages daily plaque removal in young children would therefore tend to lower oral health care costs over the long-term.

Dental disease during childhood also has an impact on the child's immediate overall health. The pain and discomfort associated with tooth decay can lead to malnutrition, low body weight, poor diet…...



Baelum, V., Van Palenstein Helderman, W., Hugoson, A., Yee, R., and Fejerskov, O. (2007). A global perspective on changes in the burden of caries and periodontitis: Implications for dentistry. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 34, 872-906.

Broadbent, Jonathan M., Thomson, W. Murray, Boyens, John, V., and Poulton, Richie. (2011). Dental plaque and oral health during the first 32 years of life. Journal of the American Dental Association, 142, 415-426.

Committee on Clinical and Scientific Affairs. (2010). Report on early childhood caries. Canadian Dental Association. Retrieved from  http://www.jcda.ca/uploads/pdf/ccsa/ECC-Report-FINAL-April-2010_for-jcda-website.pdf 

Gussy, Mark G., Waters, Elizabeth G., Walsh, Oria, and Kilpatrick, Nicola M. (2006). Early childhood caries: Current evidence for aetiology and prevention. Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, 42, 37-43.

Oral Health During Pregnancy
Pages: 8 Words: 2400

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Impact of regnancy on Women's Oral Health: A Closer Look at Hormonal Changes and Dental Care Needs:
     This essay would explore the various hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and their specific impacts on oral health. It would delve into issues such as increased risk of gingivitis, the effect of morning sickness on tooth enamel, and pregnancy-related tooth mobility, while also discussing appropriate preventive measures and dental treatments.

2. Interactions Between Oral Health and regnancy Outcomes: Understanding the Links:
     This topic would examine the research surrounding the association between poor oral health and pregnancy complications like preterm birth and preeclampsia. The essay would evaluate studies on periodontal disease and its influence on the health outcomes for both mother and child, and stress the importance of maintaining oral health as part of prenatal care.

3. Oral Hygiene ractices for Expectant Mothers: A Guide to Safe Dental Care…...


Primary Sources

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). \"Oral Health Care During Pregnancy and Through the Lifespan.\" Obstetrics & Gynecology 120.2 (2012): 416-422.

American Dental Association (ADA). \"Oral Health During Pregnancy.\" Journal of the American Dental Association 147.5 (2016): 382-386.

Boggess, Kim A. \"Maternal Oral Health in Pregnancy.\" Obstetrics and Gynecology 111.4 (2008): 976-986.

Xiong, Xu; Buekens, Pierre; Fraser, William D.; Beck, John; Offenbacher, Steven. \"Periodontal Disease and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: A Systematic Review.\" BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 113.2 (2006): 135-143.

Silk, Hugh; Douglass, Alan B.; Douglass, Joanna M.; Silk, Linda. \"Oral Health During Pregnancy.\" American Family Physician 77.8 (2008): 1139-1144.

Oral Health During Pregnancy
Pages: 5 Words: 1245

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Impact of Hormonal Changes on Oral Health During regnancy:
     This topic explores how hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can affect oral health, leading to conditions like gingivitis and periodontitis, and discusses preventive measures.

2. Nutritional Requirements for Optimal Oral Health in regnant Women:
     Focuses on the dietary needs that support oral health during pregnancy, including vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

3. Dental Care ractices and regnancy:
     Discusses safe dental treatments, the importance of regular check-ups, and how to manage dental emergencies during pregnancy.

4. The Link Between Oral Health and regnancy Outcomes:
     Examines research linking poor oral health to adverse pregnancy outcomes like preterm birth and low birth weight, advocating for better dental care during pregnancy.

5. Oral Health Education for Expectant Mothers:
     roposes strategies for educating pregnant women about oral…...


Primary Sources

Primary Sources

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

MLA Citation: \"National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.\" National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, www.nidcr.nih.gov.

American Dental Association

MLA Citation: \"American Dental Association.\" ADA, www.ada.org.

Journal of Periodontology

MLA Citation: \"Journal of Periodontology.\" American Academy of Periodontology, www.joponline.org.

Health Care Bill Formulation Oral
Pages: 10 Words: 3227

The research thus concludes the essence of having quality and effective legislation addressing the aspects of overall oral health of the people.
Additionally, the Canadian Dental Association also relates several issues of the overall body health to the oral health of the individual. In view of the article on the relation "oral health -- good life," the article gives information on the essence of good oral health, indicating some of the illnesses of ill oral health (Chattopadhyay, 2011). In this article, the relation between the ill oral health and the overall health of the body is that the mouth is the ingress to the body. Therefore, an individual with ill oral health is at the highest risk of having infection that affects the whole body system severely. According to this article, it emphasizes the need for dentists-patient relation as the dentists is the only person with the skill, expertise and…...



Chattopadhyay, a. (2011). Oral health epidemiology: Principles and practice. Sudbury, Mass:

Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Ramseier, C.A., & Suvan, J.E. (2010). Health behavior change in the dental practice. Ames,

Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell.

Health Care Disparity in Maryland
Pages: 67 Words: 18449

Figure 1 portrays the state of Maryland, the location for the focus of this DR.

Figure 1: Map of Maryland, the State (Google Maps, 2009)

1.3 Study Structure

Organization of the Study

The following five chapters constitute the body of Chapter I: Introduction

Chapter II: Review of the Literature

Chapter III: Methods and Results

Chapter IV: Chapter V: Conclusions, Recommendations, and Implications

Chapter I: Introduction

During Chapter I, the researcher presents this study's focus, as it relates to the background of the study's focus, the area of study, the four research questions, the significance of the study, and the research methodology the researcher utilized to complete this study.

Chapter II: Review of the Literature in Chapter II, the researcher explores information accessed from researched Web sites; articles; books; newspaper excerpts; etc., relevant to considerations of the disparity in access to health care services between rural and urban residence in Maryland and the impact of the lack of financial resources. The…...


Potter, S. (2002) Doing Postgraduate Research. London: Sage.

Qualitative research: Approaches, methods, and rigour, (2008, Nov. 7). Microsoft PowerPoint Qualitative Research AdvC08 RS.PPT. Retrieved March 10, 2009 from www.unimaas.nl/bestand.asp?id=11629

Wolvovsky, Jay. (2008). Health disparities: Impact on Business and Economics Summit. Maryland's healthcare at a glance. The Heart of Community Health Baltimore Medical Syste. Retrieved March 10, 2009 at  http://dhmh.maryland.gov/hd/pdf/2008/oct08/Jay_Wolvovsky.pdf

Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Is
Pages: 6 Words: 1811

With our progressing knowledge in molecular biology and the increasing understanding of the various signaling pathways there is no question of doubt that in the near future the prognosis for OSCC would be considerably improved. As with any other disease, prevention is better than cure. Avoiding the well-known risk factors, a well-balanced nutritional plan and regular dental health checkups are the most effective means of preventing Oral cancers.

1) Michael King, Kourt Chatelain & Dustin Farris et.al, 'Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma proliferative Phenotype is modulated by Proanthocyanidins: a potential prevention and treatment alternative for Oral Cancer', MC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2007, 7:22, 19 June 2007 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6882/7/22

2) M. Chidzonga, L. Mahomva, 'Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, maxillary antrum and lip in a Zimbabwean population: A descriptive epidemiological study, Oral Oncology, 2006, Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 184-189

3) National Cancer Institute, 'Oral Cavity', Accessed Jan 15th 2010, available online…...



1) Michael King, Kourt Chatelain & Dustin Farris et.al, 'Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma proliferative Phenotype is modulated by Proanthocyanidins: a potential prevention and treatment alternative for Oral Cancer', BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2007, 7:22, 19 June 2007  http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6882/7/22 

2) M. Chidzonga, L. Mahomva, 'Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, maxillary antrum and lip in a Zimbabwean population: A descriptive epidemiological study, Oral Oncology, 2006, Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 184-189

3) National Cancer Institute, 'Oral Cavity', Accessed Jan 15th 2010, available online at,  http://oralcancerfoundation.org/dental/pdf/oral_cavity.pdf 

4) Keyvan Nouri, 'Skin Cancer: Oral Cancer', McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007

Oral Hygiene Needs of the
Pages: 4 Words: 1221

Another caution that exists for people suffering from lupus is to exercise caution before and after receiving dental treatment. Lupus patients could develop serious heart infections from the streptococci that might be released into their bloodstream during routine dental procedures, even bi-annual teeth cleanings (Blau and Schultz, 174). The infection can travel to the heart when the patient has certain other manifestations of lupus, and, if the patient has developed a condition called verrucous endocarditis, then it can be deadly if the streptococci infect the heart (Blau and Schultz, 174). Therefore it is strongly recommended that prior to and following dental procedures and cleanings that lupus patients receive antiobiotics that can help them to be prepared to defend their body against the streptococci (Blau and Schultz, 174-175).

The antibiotic -- usually amoxicillin, or another member of the penicillin family, or erythromycin in cases of penicillin allergy -- is taken an hour…...


Works Cited


Blau, Sheldon Paul, and Dodi Schultz. Living with Lupus: All the Knowledge You Need to Help Yourself. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books, 1993. Questia. 21 Nov. 2008  

Oral Candidosis in Patients With
Pages: 8 Words: 2564

e. incurable cancer; (2) referral to the Department of Palliative Medicine. The exclusion criteria for the study were: (1) estimated prognosis of less than 1 week; (2) significant cognitive impairment, i.e. unable to provide consent; (3) significant physical impairment, i.e. unable to complete protocol; (4) clinical evidence of dehydration; (5) current/recent (less than 2 weeks) use of antifungal medication. (Davies, railsford and eighton, 2005)
Davies, railsford and eighton (2005) report that the clinical component of the study involved "...completion of a study questionnaire (demographic data and clinical data), completion of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale, clinical examination of the oral cavity, measurement of the unstimulated whole salivary flow rate (UWSFR), measurement of the stimulated whole salivary flow rate (SWSFR), and performance of an oral rinse." ( p.698) The study results states that all patients/participants "...had either locally advanced, or metastatic cancer. The prevalence of different cancer diagnoses were: carcinoma breast --…...



Davies, Andrew N., et al. (2008) Oral Candidosis in Community-Based Patients with Advanced Cancer. Oral Candidosis in Advanced Cancer. Vol. 35, No. 5, May 2008. U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee.

Chang, AM, Molassiotis, A, Chan, CWH, and Lee, IYM (2007) Nursing Management of Oral Mucositis in Cancer Patients. Hong Kong Med J. Vol 13 No 1 Supplement 1 February 2007.

Alred, Michael J. (1991) Oral Health in the Terminally Ill: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Survey. Special Care in Dentistry, Vol 11 No 2, 1991.

Davies, Andrew N., Brailsford, Susan R. And Beighton, David (1991) Oral Candidosis in Patients with Advanced Cancer. Oral Oncology. 15 Sept 2005.

Use of Advanced Nurses to Improve Healthcare Access
Pages: 10 Words: 3619

Healthcare Innovation
Healthcare is one of those industries and fields of work where the promotion of innovation and change management is key. It is also one of those fields where managing that change through tried-and-true practices such as evidence-based practice and so forth is a must. One change that is changing nursing a lot, especially when it comes to the advanced levels of nurses, is the flattening of the hierarchy that typically exists when it comes to what nurses are allowed to do, what they are expected to do and what they must do. Whether it be the aging of the population, the shortage of some types of doctors (or doctors in general) or general access to quality care for patients in general, there is often a distinct reason for the need and thus the prior mentioned need for innovation and proper change management in the nursing field is necessary and…...



Bassett, E. (2010). Doctors face cash flow problems with Medicare. Fort Worth Business

Press, 22(47), 29.

Delgado, C., & Mitchell, M. M. (2016). A Survey of Current Valued Academic Leadership

Qualities in Nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(1), 10-15. doi:10.5480/14-1496

Health Care 1875-1900 the History
Pages: 5 Words: 1413

The American Public Health Association (APHA) is founded. This organization is concerned with the social and economic aspects of health problems.

The National Quarantine Act is signed into law. This legislation is designed to prevent entry into the country of persons with communicable diseases.

1899 the National Hospital Superintendent's Association is created. It later becomes the American Hospital Association.

Patel & ushefsky, 1995, p. xvii)

The seeds of health care legislation and centralization began before 1875 but began to take hold as the most accepted manner in which to ensure safe and scientifically founded health care for many and to begin to ensure that diseases that commonly plagued a newly urbanized and highly stressful environment of mass immigration could be dealt with, in a more centralized and practical manner. Founded earlier in 1847, the American Medical Association began to have a concrete and centralized role in the health care decisions of the nation. Without…...




Health Maintenance Organization Impact on
Pages: 50 Words: 13949

" (AAF, nd)
The Health Maintenance Organization further should "…negotiate with both public and private payers for adequate reimbursement or direct payment to cover the expenses of interpreter services so that they can establish services without burdening physicians…" and the private industry should be "…engaged by medical organizations, including the AAF, and patient advocacy groups to consider innovative ways to provide interpreter services to both employees and the medically underserved." (AAF, nd)

One example of the community healthcare organization is the CCO model is reported as a community cancer screening center model and is stated to be an effective mechanism for facilitating the linkage of investigators and their institutions with the clinical trials network. It is reported that the minority-based CCO was approved initially by the NCI, Division of Cancer revention Board of Scientific Counselors in January 1989. The implementation began in the fall of 1990 and the program was experiencing success…...


Principles for Improving Cultural Proficiency and Care to Minority and Medically-Underserved Communities (Position Paper) (2008) AAFP -- American Academy of Family Physicians  http://www.aafp.org/online/en/home/policy/policies/p/princcultuproficcare.html 

Volpp, Kevin G.M. (2004) The Effect of Increases in HMO Penetration and Changes in Payer Mix on In-Hospital Mortality and Treatment Patterns for Acute Myocardial Infarction" The American Journal of Managed Care. 30 June 2004. Issue 10 Number 7 Part 2. Onlineavaialble at:  http://www.ajmc.com/issue/managed-care/2004/2004-07-vol10-n7Pt2/Jul04-1816p505-512 

Darby, Roland B. (2008) Managed Care: Sacruificing Your Health Care for Insurance Industry Profits: Questions You must ask before joning an HMO. Online available at: http://www.rolanddarby.com/br_managedhealth.html

what methods of analysis should a behavioral health entrepreneur use to determine which strategies are the best for his her business why?
Words: 318

As a behavioral health entrepreneur, it is crucial to utilize various methods of analysis to determine which strategies are the best for your business. These analysis methods can help you make informed decisions, understand your target audience, and drive effective outcomes. Here are some key methods to consider:

1. SWOT Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis will provide insights into your competitive advantage, internal challenges, market potential, and potential risks.

2. Market Research: Gather data and insights about your target audience, competitors, market trends, and customer preferences. This analysis will enable you to....

I need some suggestions for impact of telehealth essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 289

1. The benefits of telehealth in increasing access to healthcare services in rural and underserved areas.
2. The impact of telehealth on improving patient satisfaction and outcomes.
3. The role of telehealth in reducing healthcare costs and increasing efficiency.
4. The challenges and opportunities of integrating telehealth into existing healthcare systems.
5. The ethical considerations of telehealth, such as privacy and data security.
6. The potential impact of telehealth on the traditional doctor-patient relationship.
7. The implications of telehealth for healthcare disparities and access to care for marginalized populations.
8. The role of telehealth in addressing mental health and behavioral health needs.
9. The impact of telehealth on....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on toothpaste dispenser?
Words: 301

1. The evolution of toothpaste dispensers: From tubes to automatic touchless dispensers.
2. The importance of proper toothpaste dispensing techniques for optimal oral hygiene.
3. The environmental impact of traditional toothpaste tubes and the rise of eco-friendly dispenser alternatives.
4. The role of toothpaste dispenser design in promoting better oral health habits.
5. A comparative analysis of different types of toothpaste dispensers and their effectiveness.
6. The psychology behind using a toothpaste dispenser and its impact on behavior change.
7. The innovation and technology driving advancements in toothpaste dispenser design.
8. The market trends and consumer preferences in toothpaste dispenser choices.
9. The benefits of using a toothpaste....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to evaluation of pregnancy patients at dentistry?
Words: 280

1. The importance of evaluating pregnancy patients in dental practice: A comprehensive overview
2. The impact of hormonal changes during pregnancy on oral health and dental treatment
3. Strategies for safe and effective dental evaluation of pregnant patients
4. The role of preventive care and education in managing oral health during pregnancy
5. Evaluating the risks and benefits of dental procedures for pregnant patients
6. Addressing common concerns and misconceptions about dental care during pregnancy
7. The influence of maternal oral health on pregnancy outcomes: Implications for dental evaluation
8. Evaluating the impact of pregnancy on periodontal health and treatment outcomes
9. Integrating prenatal care and dental evaluation....

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